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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1914)
12 B HIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: iLVRPH 15, 1914. Musical Notes (Continued from Taeo Eleven.) and dramatic fevor the opera la monot- i oaous and lacks action and Inspiration. Mr. Borowskl of the Chicago Record. Herald dismisses Its failure In .an ad' mlrable article In which ho brings out k few of the rcqulstto constituents which make up a successful opera. If history can teach nothing else to composers, It can teach them that, given certain con utltuenta a strong, probable story with human Interest In it, and music that is not hopelessly uninteresting an opera lias more than a fair chance to win triumphs for the creator who set It down. Conversely, an opera that lacks a story, that lacks probable situations, human Interest and coherence will not succeed, even If Its music Is fine. His tory haa also shown " that operas that have depended upon symbolistic situa tions never have held the permanent ad miration of the world, and In most cases they have been cast Into outer larkness without any loss of time. Erio Delamarter In the Chicago Inter Ocean last week makes some very caustic remarks about encores, especially in Began! to Chicago symphony concerts. Ho maintains that only once In tho pres ent season has an encore been wholo Started tribute to tho content of an or chestral work. For one or two recalls tho applause for virtuosi is hearty and Blncero, after that It may be nothing but greed. Ho opines that applause after the separate movements of a symphony argues that psychological beatitude too email In scope to comprehend more than a part of tho whole at one time. The thought is presented that generally en cores are no recognition of merit In tho soloist's performance. "Often tho encore is played better than the programmed number and is barely appaluded. Again, the impudence of exacting the playing of some relatively insignificant piece after, say, the Beethoven concerto or the Brahm piano concerto, is a sorry Joke. An encore after a soloist's number with orchestra adds nothing to the artlstlo entity of tho pregram. They add no jot or tittle to the ollst's stature and lengthen a program long enough as it is planned." In the New Muslo Review appears an editorial which in speaking of Jonny XJnd's remark that In America sho was nothing1 "but a show in a showman's Jhande," brings out much evtdcnco to prove that Mme, Llnd was a "show" before eho was under the management of P. T. Barnum in this country. Chorley, the singularly cool and acute London critic, wrote of her in 1817: "Nothing In any tlmo has equaled tho mount of influence brought from tho outside to bear on the" reception of u singer, who, lacking such outward influ ences, would havo been received as only one among many (ono after a few) great singers, whereas, owing to such acccwiory excitements, she was held in this country for a while to be the one, and tho one alone." Then Chorley tells of the ad vance puffery, tho "authentications of private virtue, Just as eagerly inlnuto, us If they wero hot, of necessity, assumed," tho tales of charitable deeds. "Woe to those during that season who ventured to say or to write that any other great singer hod ever sung In the Haymarket opera house! To my cost, I know that they were consigned to such Ignominy as belongs to the ldllola slanderer. Old ind seemingly solid friendships were broken and forever In that year." The fortnightly series of "four o'clockB" given by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly for their students has contained no one number more interesting than that which was on tho card for last Saturday after noon. In order to accommodate tho .stu dents and their guests the program wus Bisen at the assembly hall of tho Young Women's Christian association building. File smaller events are held at the, real-dence-atudlo, 909 South Thirty-fifth ave nue, and tho larger ones down town at the aforementioned place., when each stu dent can have one guest and those partic ipating In the program can have four guests each. The ovent last Saturday was a lecture by Mr. Kelly entitled "The Mysteries of Music," and was Illustrated by Interest ing keyboard examples. This was divided into three or four parts and at the end of each section, groups of songs were sung by threo of the advanced pupils of Mr. Kelly, two of whom fill prominent church positions. Miss Laura Qoetz, Miss Mabel Ualdwin and Mr. Louis Loring were the sjollsts. American composora were well represented. The series will be discon tinued until after Mr. and Mrs. Kelly's recitals for the Tuesday Morning Musical club at Mrs. Joselyn's residence. Those in charxcTofTho tickets for the musicals to be given by the "Amateurs" and Mr. George Mclntyre for the Social Settlement report a steady demand. It is gratifying to see so much Interest In helping a work of such civic uplift us the Settlement stands for. "The Ama teurs" are endeavoring to offer the publlo a pleasing program and Mrs. Nash Is of ! Jerlng the use of her beautiful homo. All these lectures should assure a delightful I afternoon and the financial success of the Undertaking. Muslcaf'lvotes. Tho second lecture recital by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, under the auspices of the Tuesday Musical club, will take place at tho residence of Mrs, George Joslyn Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tuesday evening, March 17. Miss June Abrams, Misses iiattte and Nora l'red mtsky. Miss Charlotto Abrams, Miss Eva Alplrn and Miss Host Urodky, advanced pupils of Mr. Landabergs piano class, will appear in recital at the First Christian church. Invitations are free. The i musicojo for the" benefit of the So clal Settlement at the residence of Mrs. V A. Nash, will take place Tuesday after noon, March Zl. at 4 o'clock. Pupils of the Boyd School of Kpres elon. luslsted by tho pupils of Miss Luella Allen and Mrs. Frances Baetenu, will give two recitals, one Friday evening. March IX at 3 o clock, and the other Saturday afternoon. March 11, at 3 o'clock. Both recitals were held in tho studio rooms, W Boyd Theater building. Those taking part Friday evening were Miss Helen fcavls . Mr It E. Winter. Mrs. J O Yel f?.r' JUM Snarpless, Mr. W. T. Roberts. Miss Sara Schneider, Miss Irma Huffi man. Miss Minnie Friedman. Mr. J. K. Tyson. Mlaa Mat... I n.i. 1 1 - - rn,M M1."' Mr. Fadden and Mr. Wind! Helm. The program contained recitations olo duets and a playlet Saturday after" noon many of the numbers were repeated. Including th nlnvl.i n .-it, J r" wcr, JlrV. WlUm Shaw.' Ml MaM ter Joo Harding. tho residence of Miss Bella Robinson at 8 Meeting of thu Clef club March 18 at jb ode The Junior club, whose membership con tains many young muslelsns ranging from to tf In age. will hold a meeting March St at the residence of Josepltlua Plainer The program will be wade up of selec tions from Mozart la White Goods Sale All new weaves In dnlnty white. cottoDn aro lioro, Including many that aro not found elsewhere. New Ratines, new Kice Cloths, new Cropos, now Voiles, etc., and all tho plain and staple goods on sale. HXTKA SI'KCIATj All $1.00 and $1.25 Fancies 756 All 75c and 85c Fancies at 50tf All C9e nnd CBc Fancied at 386 All 39c and 60c Fancies at S'J6 All 30c and 35c Fancies at 2ilC All 18c and 25c Fancies at 15 All 15c nnd 17 o Fancies 12J3 Great Special Sale of Fine Silks Monday A New York importer's stock of sample pieces of finest quality silk, &0 to 40 yards in a piece; immense assortment of most beautiful weaves and colorings bought at a big discount will bo placed on sale Monday in two big lots; the most delightful silk bargains ever offered in Omaha. Silka Worth $L75 to $3.50 Yard. Heavy silk suitings, 40-Inch wide, In tho new Poplin and Crepo weaves. Yard wldo Moires In brown and black. Ottoman Corded Bilk Suitings. 36-Inch flno Chiffon Dress Taffetas. 98c $1 28 Yard Silks Worth $1.75 to $3.50 Yard. 40-Inch All 811k Crepo do Chines. 40-Inch All 811k Satin Charmeuse. 38-lnch French Failo Suitings. Novelty Bongallne Silk Suit ings. Many other popular weaves. Not a singlo yard worth less than $1.75 and many pieces regular $3.50 a yard values; Several other Rousing Specials in our Big Daylight Silk Department Mondny. March Clearing Sale of Fancy China and Earthenware $1.25 Brass Jardinieres 95c Brown English Tea Pots, 4 cup, each 35 C Dig assortment of fancy Sugar and Creamers, worth from $1.00 to $1.50 a set; special, sot. . . .GQ6 Plain and Etched Water Glasses, six for 25 6 $2.25 Mounted Casseroles S1.40 Our Special Spring Opening Display of Correct Apparel for Women, revealing the most beautiful, the most desirable production of the world's a re at est designers and makers, Monday, March 16th; Tuesday, March 17th and Wednesday, March 18th. An exhibit and sale in one -a display to which we have devoted months b of ceaseless endeavor in order to surpass in beauty, variety and value all previous efforts. You are cordially invited. Exquisitely beautiful costumes, gowns, dresses, two and three piece tailored suits, handsome new coats, beautiful waists, all at exceptionally moderate prices A Wonderfully Broad Assortment of Handsome New Tailored Suits Pine Three-Piece Suits Imported models in silks and most beautiful wool fabrics, exclusive designs; no two alike; nil tho season's best colorings $75.00 95.00 $125 $150 up to $250 Beautiful Spring Tailored Suits In the most olevor two-piece designs; assortments and values unequalled at our very pleasing pricings $2.00 $35.00 $39.75 $45.00 up to $95.00 All Classiest New Coat Styles Big variety of designs for street, afternoon or evening wear. Values you 11 seldom find equalled, never sur passed $15 $19.50 $25 $35 up to $95 See- this most pleasing ttpcclnl l 1 n p 1 a y on Bd floor Clonk Dept. Monday, Tuesday mill Wcrinnsdnv. V ' A Bevy of the Most Beautiful Gowns and Dresses Shown in Omaha in many years; broad assortment of de signs, suitable for street, afternoon or evening wear; many imported models and hundreds of direct copies $19.50 $25.00 $29.75 $35.00 up to $69.00 The Daintiest Party and Dancing Dresses that it has been our pleasure to show in many seasons. You'll be sur prised at the very moderate pricings, quality considered $19.50 $25.00 $30.00 $32.50 and $35.00 Beautiful Dress Waists and Blouses A showing of tho now styles in silks, laces, etc., that surpasses all previous records; values uover surpassed $4.75 $7.50 $10 $12.50 and $15 500 Brand New, First Qual ity Fountain Syringes and Hot Water Dottles on Special Sale Monday nt Just H nnd Less Than Itcgulnr Price. Ono lot of Hod Ilubbor Hot Water Bottles, In 2 and 3-quurt, actually worth $1.25 and $1.50, go at, och 50 $1.50 and $2.00 Rod Itubbor Rapid Flow Fountain Syrlngos, all guaranteed perfoct, whllo they last, each 40d $4.00 Wellington Syrlngo and Bottle, guaranteed for flvo years, for ;. . .82.00 75c Pure Gum Housecloanlng Rubber Glovcs.'per pnlr 5oa Full Length Rapid Flow Fountain SyringoTublng, nt. , or, and raa I3.R0 Marvelous Whirling Spray, at 93.00 10a Palm Ollvo soap, nt 2 barn for , loo Mermen's or William's Talcums, at lOo lOo Diamond Dyes, all colors, at Bo 35o Bar of rura Castll? soap for ....... ,..10o 11.00 and 11.00 Bath Brushes ro at, ea 76o 60o and 76o toilet waters, all odors, at 30o and C9o Largo package of Hasna fraf bark for lOo lOo Talcum powders, all odors, nt, 3 cans for lOo 2Go Kanltol Too Ui Paste or powder for....iaio COo Java Illce or Pox sons face powder, .. ,9Bo Boraclo, Pure powdered, M pound package.. lBo 2Bo slzo Sal llepatlca, lBo RUGS Seamless Wilton Rugs 9x12 size; special, $21.98 Same 8-3x10-6 size, $17.98 Samo 7-6x9 size. . . .$13.50 Same 6x9 size $11.50 7-f t. Water Color Shades 29c 7-ft. Linolcno Shades... 35c 7-ft. Oil Opaquo Shades 42c Tapestry Brussels Rugs Seamless, 9x12 size $14.98 Same 8-3x10-6 size $12.98 Same 7-6x9 size $9.98 Same 6x9 size $7.98 Over $100,000 'Stock Here for Your Selection, the Most Varied As- n 17 q sortments, the Most Pleasing Values Shown In the Countrv tUKl& "Try Hayden's First" then look elsewhere all you wish, compare qualities and prices; wo know what the result will be and are pleased to have you make the very closest and most critical comparison of values. j Fine Axminster Rugs 9x12 size, special, $22.98 Same 8-3x10-6 size $19.98 Same 7-6x9 size. . . ..$16.50 Samo 6x9 size $13.50 36x72 Axminster Rugs To match above $3.98 Same 17x60 size $2.25 Samo 18x36 size 98c Bigelow's Body Brussels, Electra and Wilton Velvet Rugs Shown in a big assortment of new spring patterns, 9x12 size; at, Irom $28.50 to $60.00 Cook's Surfaced Linoleums, Nairn's Domestic Inlaid and Greenwich Imported Inlaid Linoleums; shown in" big assortment at lowest prices. Basswood Curtain Stretchers 6x12 size, will not warp, non ruBtablo pins 98c ssffi f. You're welcome whether jou wish to fcny or not. The display will m most pleasl&r and instructive. V J High Grade Wash Goods Cotton Dress Goods for Spring 1014 will bo on display tomorrow. The variety Is greater than. ever before and moro distinctive new weaves and colorings and lovely contrasts, boUi Imported and American, aro shown than any other former season. OREl'ES, plain and fancy, aro in highest favor wiUi RATINES a clos second both resembling wool fabrics. COLORED LINENS will bo worn moro than In other years. SUks and cottons aro very much in demand. Drese Ginghams, yard . .1555, to 256 Imported Madras, yard.., 256 to 59 Printed Crepes, yard ; ig to 50t Silk Stripe Crepes, yard 18d to 50 Ratines, yard 25 to Si 00 Colored Dress Linens, yard 256 to X 00 EXTRA SPECIALS. Windsor Pllsses. full pieces, perfect poods, 260 deslicna, no limit, at yard laHo French Ginghams, silk warp, regular 25o qual ity, on sale at, per yard 13Ho 100 other lines In thla de partment equally as low. Genuine Lorraine, Egyp tian and Tollo tissues, your cholco, on one table, yard lBo TVra, Anderson's Genuine Scotch zephyrs; the Im ported article, 2Go grade at i l5o Burton Brothers' plain Dupolne Bilk, all new Bhades, regular price 26c, at lab Every Now Woavo nnd Coloring for Spring Now Awaits Your Inspection and Selection In Our Dig Daylight Dress Goods Section Crepo woavos are strongly in the load, being best adapted to tho soft draped effects so much in vogue for this season. Scores of other popular weaves Bhown. 51 -Inch Imported Crepe Suitings in a splondid lino of now color ings, tango shades, tho sulphur green, Russian blue, otc, on Balo Monday. .81.08 S2.50 52-inch French Sorgo Suitings and Gabordlno, In plain and two-tonod Noveltlos; spring weights and colorings; on sale t S1.25 and 81.75 50 Pieces of Lupin's All Wool French OrepesTho most desirablo fabric for spring wear; spooial Monday, 88c New Chocks nnd l'loids arc- In great domand this season for Bklrtfl; wo show an Immense as sortment: at, per ward- S1.08 $1.48 ""1 81.68 54 -inch Tailor Suitings; 40-lnch all wool serges, diagonals, Pan amas, vlgorant suitings, eto.; up to $1.26 a yard valuosr at. yard...28S 486 and QS6 40-inch AH Wool Novelty Crepes and Jacquard Trench Herges in tho new spring shades; $1 a yard values, 68c Lace and Embroidery Bargains you'll appreciate. Monday wo begin a sale of Laces and Embroideries now goods at prices that should crowd the department. No moro com plete stock in any storo in tho land. A 29c Counter I A 98c Counter Containing fine Containing 27-inch camisole and wide flouncinirs and 45- inch allovor laces; worth $1.50 a yard. flounoing laces; up to 60c values. Beautiful Tan Embr o i d e r y Flouncings 42-inch wide regular values up to $3.00 a yard; on salo at, yd., $1.19 Loom End Embroideries 5 and 6-yd. strips, regular val ues from 10c to 35c; at, yard, 3y2c 5c 7y2c 12V2c 19c A $1.49 Counter Containing flounc ings and bands, made to sell up to $3.00 a yard. Very Fine Batiste Embroid eries A big special lot, 50c up to $3.00 values; per yard, at 35c to S1.50 A Bpecial lot of fino Val and Zion City Laces; regular lOo values; will go on salo at, per yard 5c Our Big Special Clearance Sale of Wall Paper continues all this week, If you own property now is tho time to got stocky for your spring papering. . Furniture Department V bars Just rsoelvsd a solid car load of do-Carts and Baby Hories from ths OElf. CBON WKSXrjj OOOSS OOm Toledo, Ohio. We bonsrht ttutn at a prloe whloh enablss us to offer yon a very superior article at eaeh price. Be them Monday. tSTXi CIAX.8 YOU WniL XSBKbY APPRECIATE. One motion collapsible co-cart Willi hood and adjustable back, spring: seat, steel sear; frame fin ished In black enamel. Upholstered with leather cloth. Interlocking hood brace. This Is a real bargain, at u.i Ono motion collapsible go-cort, ad justable back, spring seat with hood, one-half Inch rubber tires, nickel trimmed; good quality of leather cloth. Ono day only. .$8.50 English Btylo carriage, seat, back and sldeu upholstered in KnglUh carriage cloth. Solid steel pusher handles. Nickel plated trimmings. A few of theae at 920.00 Kngllsh Heed Sleepers, baby car rlee tiajso About 16 different other patterns at greatly reduced prices. The famous aiasseoek baby walk, sr. On sale at S1.33. Always sold at tBOO. 1 A daiidy olld High chair with table $10 n mm f -i 'sfcM 1 ' P (ST Nursery chair with table, one day only 8i.oo Baby Bed. adjustable sides, springs, white or Verols Martin. 15 Solid Oak Dining Tables, 45-ln. round top, polished golden or fumed oak. extension, regular $13.00 value MSJOO Leather Seat Dining Chairs. S3.00 each. 6 for f IOjOO Wood Seat Dining Chairs, speclaLi, at 01,00 and 81.40 In Our Famous Domestic Room When it comes to tho best Values for the least money, wo undoubt edly take the trade. Compare the prices with other houses. You remem ber what wo did last week with them. Hero Is another winner. Made Sheets, 60x90, 39o value SSo Lonsdale or Hope Muslin, 36 in. wide, regular lOo quality .....Bo Senora SC-lnch Bleached -Muslin, reg ular 8 He value , Bo 18-lnch Brown Linen Toweling, regu lar lOo value ...74o Norton Cotton Toweling, regular 6o value 3Uo Made Sheets, 72x90, good muslin, reg ular COo value 300 81x90 Seamless Sheets, regular 69o value 65o Pillow Cases. 43x36, good muslin, reg ular 12 Ho value xoo Aurora 0-4 Half Bleached Sheettnit. regular 37o valuo 330 Pepperell 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, reg ular 31o value 35o Roachdale 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, regular 23 Ho value 19o Bed Spreads, full slse, hemmed, regu lar $1. CO value ......98o 3-4 Size Hemmed Bed Spread, regular 86c quality 69o unoieacnea aiuslin. 36 Jncnes wide. I ular 7Hc value 6 regular 7Hc value Bo Cotton Suitings, regular lOo val., a?o Fancy Striped Voiles, Poplins. Tissues, Shantung Silks, Sateens, Satin Foulards worth up to 18c choice 106 Linen Finished Suitings, Whtte Pllaso Crepe Pongees, 36-lnch Cotton Challlea, Amoakeag Outing Flannels, worth to 15c 7U6 Our High Grade Linen Dept. We always did and always will lead all other houses in this department. Qualities are the best and our prices far lower than can be found in other houses. All the pro ducts of the greatest German, Austrian, Scotch and Irish manufacturers are included in our two large Linen Depts. Heavy weight German Silver Bleached Satin Damask, pure linen, regular $1.25 values, yard 97j Grass bleached Belfast Satin Damask, 72 Inches wide, pure flax, new and exclusive designs, regular $1.00 values, yd. 79 Hemmed Pattern Tablo Cloths, dew .bleached, full 2 yards long, German make, pure linen regular $ 2.7 5 values at, each S2.00 v , All our high grade pure linen Devonshire Huck Toweling 15, 18 and 20 inches wide plain and figured, values up to 7 Be, yard ,59 Imported Marsallles Bed Spreads extra large size, scalloped or fringed, values up to JG.50; salo price, each S4.00 Assorted lot Bed Spreads, cro chet and Marseilles figured, hemmed or scalloped, values up to $2.75, each S2.00 Wash Cloths, assorted lot, regular Co value. 2 for Bo Turkish Towels, large size, regular 13Ho value 8U0 WASH OOOSS. Amoskeog Olnghams off the bolt, reg ular 7 Ho valuo ,.60 Percales, light and dork colors, 36 Inches wide, regular lOo val So Lanons and Batiste, stripes, dots and checks, 12c value So Ratine Cloth, plain and striped, good colors, regular 25c value lBo Aerial Voiles, neat black and whtte stripes, regular 12Ho value 60 Genuine Serpentine Crepe, long rem nants, regular 18a value So Olnghams. Anderson's, 31 Inches wldo. regular 18o value lOo Bunting, assorted colors, regular 6c value lo Prints, Simpson's, blue, black and gray, regular 6Hc value Bo Dress Ginghams, long remnants, reg ular 10c value , So uuung flannels ana Flannelettes, reg Wagner Cast Aluminum Ware Special Sale and Free Demonstration Monday and All Week VTE SELI, Garland Oas Ranges. "Garland" Black nickel piniah Kin,'ii "Jewel" and Howard steel and cast ranges. Steel or cast ranges, up from 838.00 Cook stoves, up from 810.50 Garland Oas Banges, 135.00, as low ., 313.50 Kerosene cook stoves, up from. 87.50 Kerosene heaters, special Monday only, at 33.9a HOUSE CXEANXHO ITEMS A1 BAROAXXT FRIGES. 4-ft. step laddern 490 Full size cotton mop ...1D0 Mop sticks g0 10c "Domestic" scrub brushes.... Co liadlatot brushes 390 Feather dusters, up from 100 Wool wall dusters, complete with long handle 490 Full size either brass or zinc wash boards, at 190 lOo size Burnshlno metal polish.. Bo 2Bo size silver polish 190 Window brushes ,.19o Window rubbers .19o Knamel water palls 390 Chemically treated largo size dust less floor mops, fit any mop stick, for , 390 No. 8 size tea kettle, like picture, 83.19 All sizes ami styles of kettles; 20 per cent discount. Any Blze bread pan, worth to II. SO; any size shallow pan, worth to Si. 23; any size pudding pan, worth to 31.25, choice 69o ff's Hayden's Thai Force Down ffte High Cost of Living rnvs TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST P& BUQAJt DOWW, BUTTEB BOWtT, EOGS DOWN. 83 lbs. best granulated su gar 81.0Q Qrhe best country butter, carton or bulk. lb. 30o The best strictly fresh, guaranteed eggs. dos....3So 48-lb. sack best high grade Diamond 11 flour; nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, sack 81.10 10 bars Boat-'Hm-AU. Dia mond C or Laundry Queen White laundry Boap,...35o 8 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast oatmeal 3So 6 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans 350 10 lbn. White or Yellow Cornmeal I80 1-lb. pkg. 20 Mule Team Borax BV4o 6 lbs. best bulk laundry starch , .aso Large Bottles Worcester Sauce, puro tomato catsup, assorted pickles or mus tard, bottle 8H0 16-ounce cans condensed milk Biio Advo Jell, the jell of qual ity for dessert, pkg... 70 6 cans Oil or Mustard Sar dines 850 E. C Corn Flakes, pkg. .60 Lu Lu Scouring Soup, per can ,..8o lbs. choice Japan Illce for 85o The Best Tea Sittings, per pound ...lOo McLaren's Peanut Butter, per pound laito The Best Comb Honey, per rack 13Ho Golden Santos Coffee, per pound 3 00 BUTTES OOWH AGAXX xont pay more than our prices Quoted below. The Beat Creamery But ter, carton or bulk, per pound 23o The best country creamery butter, per pound ..,..880 The Best Dairy table but ter, per lb. ...33o Omaha's Greatest Tresh Vegetable Market. 15 lbs. ICarly Ohio potatoes to the neck. .... -830 'Fresh Beets. Car- pi rots. Turnips, Bhal- biui lots or ltadlahe. rnlS targe bunches . . . ,4o Fanoy new cabbage, lb.3Ho Fancy large head lettuce, head 7 Mo 3 heads fresh leaf lettuce for 100 Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips, lb 3H0 Rutabagas, per lb lHo 3 largo Soup Bunches, 10o Fanoy Texas Spinach, per peck 200 12Hc pkg. of fancy Hal loween dates for.,.. 3 l-3o fancy Highland Havel Oranges, per dozen 15c, 300, 35c, 300. The Very Best in Curtains, Draperies All the' newest patterns In Pine Dutchess Curtains Plain cen ters with dainty borders; at, a Pair S7.50 to S10.00 Cluny Curtains S1.75 to S6.50 Nottingham Curtains Q86 to 5 Couch Covers, pair, S4 to S10 Sunfast Draperies, yd.. 85o and 93o 60c Drapers Madras, special., .. .39C -ln. Bungalow Nets....35o and 65o Curtain Nets, Nottingham weaves, etc., big assortment, at. per 8rJ 350 to 8L00 TltU IIS TIM A BSJ STAB mi nATutn s FIRST PjJs 1 6