yif'fblt U03KWATKK, UUlTOn.
Untorcd at Omaha postoftlco tecund-
Iaa matter.
unday Be, one year...
Saturday Beo, ono year. vi.i" I'm
ajly Uce, without Sunday, one ear.. -w
Daily Ueo and H.mrtav. one year tw
" UV.nnrr II rATlTtlKll.
Evening and Sunday Bee, lcr month.. c
Kvenlng. without Sunday, por month. .o
Dally Bee, Including Sunday. P' ,nt0."5?
Daily Be7 without tfu.iday. P, ' n":?
AddrcssaU complaints ?f lfrculariue
In deliveries to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by draft, express or postal oruer,
piylbbl to TnoTlee X'ubUahlnt : company.
Only 2-ccnt stamps received n Wmej
o small accounts, jr0"?' c'i?Jes
cept on Omaha and eastern exchanges,
not accepted.
When tho direct primary law wa3 opktnjftflackwar
plo woro warned that It would ena-
bio tho nowspapor to dictate candl
dates through Its lnflucnco uponr 1.
public sentiment. Tho plcturo wan
drawn of tho people
tholr rights or self-government in
'Piisjay in Qmah
roH7iu rsoM arc nui
Omaha Tho Bee Building.
South Omaha 2218 N Street. ,
Council Bluf fs-14 North Main Street.
Uncoln-SS Little Building.
Chicago Ml Hearst Buildlnc.
New York-lloom 1K. 33 Fifth Avenue.
WaihlnKton-TO Fourteenth BU N. W.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should bo addresseo.
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
abdicating T,,,r,lr Years Ago
iim rimo nvcnoKrapiiers associauun
held nn tmivtrlnnt nllnir. with Tt. CI.
favor of tho purveyor of newspaper hvakcley presiding, others present wcros
publicity Inspired by personal likealH- o. stipe, H. C. Potter, a, Rhcpard,
and dlslikos or aiming at private I JttmeB wllson, H. II. Windsor, Leonard
v unman, x. a. Aicgcatn. J, u. jucnaraa
and T. V. Wilson.
Will C. Bryan has opened a tempcranco
billiard halt In ncdlck's block. 1SU Far
nam street.
St. B. Curtis entertained a large audi-
ence at the opera houso In tho old
stand-by, "Samuel of rosen."
Arnold Thocncman, cousin of the late
In Other Lands
Btato of Nebraska, County of
bright Williams, circulation manager
ef The Dm publishing company. hcliiB
duly awoYu. says that the average daily
circulation for tho mouth of February,
19H. was U18.DWJ(mT WfrjWAMa
limitation UanaKer.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before mo tm. tT liuNTElL
(Seal.) Notary I'ubflc
Subscribers learlntf tho city
temporarily slionld fcjiV" The Beo
mailed to them. Addre irlll bo
changed as often as requested.
Hig real nanio la VHUau; they evi
dently call aim. Villa for short.
President Wilson cannot afford to
let tho literacy test for immigrants
slip by him.
So far as "us lawyers stick to
gather." tho presumption Is that it Is
for tho usual reason..
Apparently, tho next Whlto House
roarrlago is going to bo a distinctly
official family affair.
It Is tho grimmest Irony of f&to
for a man to commit aulcldo, leaving
a note wishing his wifo "good luck."
The rest of tho country owes Cal
Ifornia a big debt for dispersing tho
army of hoboes and hoadlng off the
eastern Invasion. .
If Socrotary Bryan "Is still in tho
dark on Mexico" ho has tho consola
tlon of knowing ho is no worse off
than tho rest of us.
Tho Mexicans seem to havo
stopped fighting each other entirely
and gone to training their guns on
Americans and British.
Tho doctors who constitute tho
Stato Board of Health disagree on
vaccination. That la not the only
place whero doctors disagree, .
sufficient experlcnco has now I
been had to provo all thoso prophe
cies false excopt as tho spread cf
popular intelligence increases tho
importanco or mo nowspapor ns n
source of common Information. The
Berlin, returning from Australia.
General C. C. Augur, formerly com
mander of tho Df portmcnt of tho Flatte,
was In Omaha to attend tho Clarkson
Besoluilons of the Emmet Monument
aspirant tor public favor, it goes! Dr. 8tellln8 Is visiting the Stelllng fam-
without saying, must now more thanflb- Ho Is nn extcnslvo Jobber of silks in
over submit to mo glare of tho
searchlight upon his record, but tho
peoplo reserve tho right of decision,
and there is no inennco of dictator
Where tho newspaper is powerful, ""ocUUon " V" ,
and will always bo powerful, Is in nloh(ird 1cc, ratrck o'Toola and Moses
exposing rottenness, corruption anu a. O'Brien, committee.
Incompetency disqualifying for pub- The governor hns offered a 2M reward
lie trust. When tho knowledge that r th0 c'Prlt ln tho ,ate fntal hootlnK
i. . i u. iini tno t;ominue.
U. Vlt,UUUI. CUIIHOV VO uvuiuuu . mm(B n,,tnir f Jonooh Ros-
or evaded is thoroughly understood, ,..,. mim' Kcnhn and Oeorire Schmidt
tho vulnerablo candidates for offlco has drawn up resolutions for tho Knights
will become fewer, and tho stnnd- of Pythian lodge in respect of Past Chan-
nr1n nf nnhllfl xnrrlrn rnland. CCllor JOltn sillier.
General Kclloy still has an army
of from COO to 700 men, which iu
probably mora than most of thoso
Mexican generals could count.
Now that John Bassctt Moore has re
signed, who will discharge tho duties of
(secretary of tate?-Chlcago Examiner.
Tho president, who has been doing
it all along-.
About tho biggest bit of Informa
tion our decorous Stato department
has thus far filched 'from tho secre
tive Villa is that his victim, Benton,
is still dead.
What can tho man of Indoor, sed
entary pursuit say when a profes
sional ball player quits tho game bo
causo he ran no longer stand tho
nervo strain?
There Is this to be said in extenua
tion of the avorago holocaust, tho
original death list generally dwln
dies at least one-half when tho final
count is made.
That Georgia man who had him
self burled in a walnut coffin, if.nta
own making, la order to kaock the
"coffin trust," is, let us hope, enjoy
ing his consolation.
Destiny baa done well by Woodrow
iifn ....
vviison in permitting mm to bo at
tho head of the nation when the Pan
am a canal Is completed and tho Alas
kan railroad is begun.
. . H, ... i .mill n . b.
JJO States liO traZVl Ben II. Barrows, advertising manager
Colo Blcaso not only presonta his for tho Union raclflo, was transacting
meBsagoB to tho legislature in per- business for his company In Ban Fran
son, but waits to whip any member triage licenses Were Issued' to the
who ma not approve all ho says, fo),owlnB. Ix)n . Dennis nnd Daisy c.
which prompts tho Atlanta Cdnstltu- Maus: W. n. Chambers and Mabel U,
tlon In nHk if ntntAR llkn individuals Tlockhold: T. II. Thompson and Anna
in hinir Daniels.
.t- r,...t. u Tho household of Mr. and Mrs. Kd
mm ooum uruiina, which, uimr . no ,.rt,,.nM,wl hv the
two icrmB or una man as governor advent 0f a beautiful llttlo daughter,
Contemplates advancing him to tho President Fried of Fremont called to
United States senate, is on tho vorgo order the Stato Lumbermen's association
of insanity. Of course, If South Car- n."n con"ntlo5tt?"du.p.r.c?ia!!? m
olina wishes to humlliato itaclf by Lector, clo;tcd j. c. Cleland of Fremont
electing tins Dtiiiy ns lis governor, aecrctary and Louis Bradford or omana,
that is its affair, but when it comes treasurer,
ii fntuHnir Kim nn thn rntintrv nn ft Councilman Wheeler said ho would In
member of tho upper branch of con- rJSS'Z
gross it scowb about tlmo for tho alon(. pUblo ,trcets compulsory, subject
country to protest. to tho orders of the city council.
Of ronrnn. In Tillman, South Car- O. M. Bratinflos, 2405 Leavenwortn
olina gave us a good many shocks, street, reported to the w,lco at vo
but Tillman is not to bo compared J hJ and 8t0, a B0,d
witn tins man uieaeo, ruvvn vuruiv
man or MIsalKslnnl. or tho Into Jeff 'JVn Veam Affo
n.,l- e l- miiil.n,.t,i.i.l.1 Miss Mario wainwngni. u" ' -"'"
w.- ... o ,-. , h0UM ot th D0yd.
ernor of South Carolina, who wants Jllda w H, Munger of .the federal
to shut negroes out of tho schools, court handed down a decision overruling
to say nothing of tho voting booths, the motion for a rehearing In tho caso
and has a rough-and-tumblo fight la of the Bloux City Bridge company
tho Ptato house every now and then. "TJ ZflZ.
"Is tho country going to bo forced . f h t to from th)) brldst0
to provido straltJackeU and pad- company, which was held exempt fron?
ded colls for states temporarily do- the payment of such taxes.
rantrod?" asks the Constitution. W. M. Bobertson of Norfolk, who but
iTnvMn. rnllmnn let a row days Deioro aenieu m no b. a
"l w" nm. ..M.l. V, mbrtia.
US KOPO not. Lot US hopo that tho L ' : Llftn. formulated his
hill-billies of South Carolina will fail Pittt,8 sjnce, rlublldy ahnouncod his can-
in tholr attempt to foist tills fellow dldacy. That made threo men In the
the country at largo. f'W for the hanoi-hlmseif, Governor
Mickey and State senator w. ii. itarrison
as. 10 nign Donooi wroncs. on lhfl . of tho ,uto en.t0 , 1W3
"Chlot among tno nccompiiBn- CIty Eicctriclan Mlchaelsen had a tilt
menta for equality in Amorlca has wth P. A. Nash, president, and General
boon the establishment of the froo Manager Holdrege of the Omaha Electrlo
public schools, and the utility ot Uht and Tower company In tho clt
.,, . . . . . ., . cpuncll chamber over tho proposed sub-
thoso schools has boon greatly in- jliuVm ot lron Kht p08U Bt corners ,n.
croasou oy compulsory auenaanco, ,Utt(1 of tha oW 00ien D0Sts. Michael
said Rev. Now ton Mann in an Omaha sen was for Iron, the others for tho wood
address. Undoubtedly true, for It But thoy got nowhere, tho wrong! end
would bo, indeed, difficult to raeas- 'n In "no fall."
uro the exact infiuonco ot the froo
public schools In this country.
But it Mr, Mann Is correctly
quoted in saying that so many poor
t st .1.1.. . tf x
viiiiui un two iiHBUnnii umiMj .w KrnirMIt BI1U- Rundav "httlnif
proceed past tho eighth grado ns to j tho devlP' out of New Yorkers Just now.
fill the high schools with drones, orland-tlie grandstand and bleachers aro
children of tho rich, this part of hlB crowded
statoment may be challenged. Far foya Madaock, cashier of the Booth-
too largo a percentage of children ba ?n w,'" ,,olh. J,,nd18 vr,t
. " . . separote bills or foot up two column of
urop om, tur uuo .cuouu mm - riur pt the same time.
omen on compioung tno granes, um ..trnclo" Oeortro Kessler. aged 81.
ovon thon we bellevo It extremely "spelled down" all competitors In a apell
doubtful If either tho rich or the Ing bee in tho First Baptist church at
dronna nrfidominata in an.v hlch Bellefontalne, O. A copy of Tennyson's
chnnl. Tf to mnm nrobablo that tho was ,vm mm m a pnw,
nr.n.t. Missouri serves notice on all concerned
overwhelming proportion ot high th. nrnnnm. ,,. n, fKmm . ,hn
uchool pupils aro children from tho Uewcapltol building will be restricted to
avorago homes. Wo know this Is native mugs with whiskers. Some such
truo in Omaha, and WO assumo action was necessary to prevent General
Omaha la about on nn average with -rrania and J- "am LawU butUnff ,n-
nUt. linn. Anlo trulnv urn " "Rianoma i-ny, a socuon 01
MUUI V V ww v,w" w W I 4.-. Am. V-l W- H.u ...1. Ii
BS.r.viuB txa Hor uo.u.o , ,abe,( bo,0))1 Qf bttr radlttled more
their children, and tno records un- or ifl,g happiness at a banquet given the
questionably show success in the cattlemen by the buelness men ot the
Home nnln Compromises.
It waa a thankless task which Premier
Asquitli performed when, on Monday
evening, he Introduced tho government's
proposals for a compromise on tho Irish
i homo rule bill. Not a word of welcome
was uttered. Tho most ardent ot the gov
ernment's supporters all along havo re
garded a compromise with disfavor, and
maintained silence when tho scheme was
laid beforo tho House of Common. The
compromise amounts to this that any '
county ln tho province of Ulster may by j
a majority vote, when home rule becomes
operative, taka Itself out ot the union for
a period ot six years. At tho end of that
period tho county excluding itself auto
matically returns to the fold. Bonar Law,
leader of the unionist Party, denounced
tho compromise as Impossible and de
manded the dissolution of Parliament and
an appeal to the country on the homo
rulo Issue. Sir Edwnrd Carson, for tho
Ulstcrltes, branded tho scheme as "a
sentenco of death with a stay of execu
tion," Tho sentiment of the Irish na
tionalists, ns expressed by John E. Red
mond, was that of men whose forbear
ance was being stretched to the limit. Ap
parently tho proposed compromise Is with
out an enthusiastic friend ln tho com
mons. Discussion of tho subject. It Is
announced, has been deferred for two
weeks, during which tlmo there may bo
developments moro favorable to a com
promise than at present appears. It
should bo remembered, however, that no
amendment to tho Homo rule bill Is pos
sible under the law unless accepted by
both houses of Parliament. The approval
of tho Houso of Lords Is nccesitarv in
effect any change ln tho text of tho bl)l
ns It passed tho commons on two previous
r n
A southern paper says it cannot
help thinking that Champ Clark s
favorite vehicle is tho sulky. Per-
iiaps, but it was the bandwagon until
the upset at Baltimore.
Tho custodians or the tornado re
... I 1 . m . .
ut:i mnu win ao wen to close up
shop, for folks will continue to dis
cover they need more help as long as
any of the money is In sight.
-An American diplomat has to be
mighty careful what he saya of the
Monroe doctrine, no matter how
often, it may bo knocked into
cocked bat by his superiors at. home.
By all means, let tho people ot
Omaha with the interests of Omaha
at heart get together on somo sort of
a solid footing for the common good
of the city, and the sooner the better.
Conan Doyle Bays feathers In
woman's bat is a sign of savagery.
Perhaps that is what the Chicago
chap thought when bo tore tho
plumes from the hat of a, fair
passer-by on the street.
People'and Events
city. There wasn't a dry belt In the
bunch at the finish.
Holders ot the Hannibal B. Opodwtn
patents on photographto films havo
scored two victories In litigation covering
a period of twenty-five years. Which
goes to prove that a poor Inventor ot a
good thing travels a rocky road In fight-
When Mr. Bryan pronounces his
anathemas on the deviltry ot "mis
representation," of course, be means
merely elected office-holders, not
dolegates sent to a great national
convention to represent their con-Mn syndicated grab,
stttuonta at homo. Whon. for in- CaIeb Brlnton ot Pennsbury township.
stance, the democrats ot Nobraska ReIWR? 4cunt)r' Pnnylvnla, is in his
Z . I. hale and hearty. Beccntly. to attend :
vuBiap varK, wr. uryaa saw notn- Friends' meeting, at London drove, hav
ing whatever reprehensible In burl- Ing missed connections, he walked In all
ing his constituents' will and wish to about ten miles through the snow.
tho winds and securing tho nomina-l Jhn Carmody was a maker of wills,
tlon ot Wilson. It is all a question , 1 m lonK' ,hort p,ey' Jry
r , i- . and all sorts of waya to suit his fancy.
" u. a 6UIUU, I . ,. ... v..
died ln Saeramentn. Oat.. rnft!v ti 1r
It scorns that Prosldent Wilson I no will which could be construed as a
experiences such peculiar delight legal document ot legacy. Ift other words,
every time he signs a bill that he Carmol5r aUid ,nttat
cannot help patting' hlmsolf on thel H"1 McAdaras. of either Scotch or
back with a public expression of .1 ?l
. ., .. ! .iu.w... aw u ui"iui VI IHS
lmuvuuu. IK OttYU HUH). URta fniiM.TMtul.K w.r tk V.I.
iuo Duia come inicK
Cabinet Chmiar In iir.
The forced resignation of thw nioiitti
cabinet In Itnly Is ottrlbuted primarily
io mo ncavy cost and disappointing re
sults of tho war which gave tho nation
possession of Tripoli, renamed Libya.
Tho general election last January, under
uie enlarged franchise, resulted In what
was regarded as a distinct vote of con
fldenco In the ministry. This was re
flected when tho popular chamber was
organised with a strong majority sup.
porting tho government In Italy, as In
other European nations, ministries baaed
on party coalitions have n vrv nnur.
tain tenure of life. Counter currents of
popular feeling arise In unexpected ways
and lawmakers quickly respond to the
change. A few weeks ago tho Glollttl
ministry appeared securely confident ot
writing Its policies Into the legislation of
tho session. Suddenly a party division
switched from tho ministry to tho oppo
sition, forcing the ministry out of office.
To tho disappointment over the results
of tho War Is the added discontent over
the rising cost of living, decreased em
ployment and labor strikes. Unrest ln
Italy Is widespread, and privation, com
mon enough In normal times, Is now In
tensified by tho burden of war cost oh
top of soaring prices for food and shelter.
Rule of the Sabre.
The Gorman nelchstag bows to tho will
of tho government, nnd all the bother
about checking- the arrogance of militar
ism goes Into tho limbo of the chamber.
Tho committee appointed to consider
ways and means of vindicating civil over
military law, and prevent a recurrence
of such events as scandalized the army
at Zabern, finding that It could not pro
duce results without amending the con
stitution, to which the government would
not consent, was forced to dissolve and
the Reichstag acquiesced. Tha Indigna
tion of the members, as expressed in a
voto of cenBure and ln resolutions,
petered out when challenged by a minis
try which Is not responsible to the cham
ber. Moreover, thero nre five parties
whjch count In the chamber and six which
try to, each with different axes to grind.
Knowing the wants ot each, a diplomatic
ministry readily grants favors In non
essentials, and thus obtains the needful
majority vote for essentials. Until there
is greater political unity In Germany and
petty questions are subordinated to the
vital problem of civic supremacy, the
ascendancy of militarism cannot be chal
lenged successfully.
Mortality Auiouir Cardinals.
The recent death ot Cardinal Kopf ot
Germany makes a total ot four doaths
of members ot the college ot cardinals
within as many months, and leaves that
body sixteen short of tho maximum
number of seventy. Tho death rate
among cardinals Is necessarily heavy
because few ecclesiastics under three
score years attain that dignity. Eight
cardinals are octogenarians, seventeen
septuagenarians, twenty-one sexagena
rians and only eight under W years, the
youngest member being Cardinal Merry
del Val, secretary of elate, 48. Out of
the forty-five cardinals who died In the
last ten years only five had been created
by the present pope, thirty-nine by Pius
XIII and one by Plus IX. Pius X has
created thirty-seven cardinals during his
pontificate and all but five aro living.
As regards nationality the saored col
'lege now consists of twenty-eight
Italians and twenty-atx foreigners, whloh
affords material for speculation on the
probability of a foreigner reaching the
papal throne. The likelihood of a con
slstory about Easter la talked ot by
correspondents at Borne, but no one out
side ot the Vatican knows when tho
next distribution ot red hats will take
place or whose heads they will reach.
Helping; the Helpless.
OMAHA, March 15.-TO the Kdltor of
The Beo: 'The poor ye have with ye al
wa)s" waa said ln the long ago, and there
are evidences today that tho author ot
such words was not guessing. It re
mains for tho people of tho present time
to solve tho great question to ameliorate
a condition that has existed from man
kind s earliest recollection. There Is a
movement on foot called socialism that
has a remedy before tho peoplo offering
a solution, but up to tho present time
has failed to find adoption by the general
Politics and disagreements on funda
mental principles may cut somo figure
here. To accomplish a desired end mo
tives should first bo considered and what
we accomplish by such help. To be
thoughtful and helpful human sympathy
Is first attracted. A "hand out" or a
coin of tho realm presented to those seek
Ing aid is commendable, but not always
tho wisest courao to pursue. Often tho
career ot tho mandlcant Is started and
such old might bo likened unto "bread
cast upon tho waters" with a permissible
distinction and difference, as well. To use
street language, this might bo compared
to getting tho cart bofore tho horse," and
every school boy knows he can pull better
than push.
Arriving at a proper conclusion, wo can
uso both terms tho "pull" and the
"push," We really want to assist. Inves
tigate tho subject find out what ho la
good for pull him in position and push
him on to a desired end with the Informa
tlon that It Is meet, proper and right to
earn bread by the sweat ot the brow and
honest, toll, and bread lines ln the cities
will pale nto Insignificance with labor
dignified communities edified and the In
finite eoul of creation glorified with miti
gating circumstances for the aged and
afflicted. TEE J. AITCII,
Editorial Pen Points
Light on n Onoron Hnlijet.
OMAHA, March 13.-To tho Editor ot
Tho Bee; Last night when I read your
paper I was surprised about what was
standing ln same.
It shows ln the paper that Mr. Beadles
djd all ho could to keep Mr. Walters
ollvo when the only thing he did was
(after Mr. Walters was all right again) to
give him two Injections. Wo asked the
police to mention no names ln the papers,
but that's no reason to tell such lies
(I suppose you get your Information from
the police station). In short tho case hap
pened as follows:
Tho landlady came upstairs to light a
lamp In tho hall.
Sho smelted gas.
She called Mr. S., "Thero Is something
wrong with the gas, and I can't open tho
Mr. S. ran upstairs arid kicked the door
open and found Mr. Walters with the
hose connected with the gas Jet In his
mouth on tho bed unconscious. Know
ing by experience what to do ln such a
caso ho shut oft the gas, opened tho win
dow and brought right away the patient
with his head on the outside of tho win
dow and started the artificial breathing
method on him, and it Is alonb to tho
quick action of Mr. 8.; assisted by Mr.
Miller that Mr. Walters Is alive, because
when tho police surgeon came ho was
all right again.
The police force and surgeon came
about forty minutes after thoy
were called. This Is the truth and noth
ing else. Excuse me when I make som
mistakes In my writing, because I am a
Hollander and only four years In the
United States. I am shipping clerk for
tho Alamo Engine ana Supply Co. 1123
I'arnam street. arytmr
Xo Joke ThU Time.
OMAHA, March 13. To tho Editor nf
The Bee: Will you kindly explain to one
of your readers why you do not wjthln
roriy-eight hours or so after Indictments
havo been returned against Lawyers Bax
ter, Olmsted and Brady, Indicted for
alleged blackmail, turn looso your Joke
smiths on them? Perhaps to you, It "mat
ters not tget me7). When Mr. Brandels,
a generous employer of labor, and his
able counsellor, were in deepest trouhi.
what happened then? The very air rang
wun jidcs, gags ana dubious Jokes. Now
tne sun appears to bo shining on Mr.
Brandels' sldo of the hedge, and these
other gentry aro "duo for a cleaninV
This "come back" in your fnvnr
Editor, is so obvious, that I am unable
to understand why you fall to take ad
vantage of the opportunity they present
for the production of delightful humor.
All hall to your able illustrator. Mr.
Powell. W. T. KELLOGG. Jr..
SI7 South Twenty-fourth street.
Boston Transcript: How appropriate
at this particular time to havo at tho
head of tho once potent foreign relations
committee that slcuthful statesman,
Gumshoe Bill'' Stono.
Brooklyn Bagte: The visible supply of
gold is visibly lessened by giving so many
medals to Goothals, but. any Bryan hope
ot driving Us to a stiver standard In this
way Is strictly a Utopian aspiration.
Philadelphia Ledger: When a man can
cam moro at base ball than he can make
as a college professor In flvo years. It Is
not rcasonablo t6 suppose that college
students will devoto as much tlmo to
their studies as to tho national gome.
It Is a good lawyer who makes as mucn
In his first year as tho shortstop's chauf
Indianapolis News: It scorns, according
to tho savants, that It Is cosmic dust
that gives us the grip and otherwise put
us In bad. But what are wo going to do
about It? To the unscientific eyo all
dust looks alike except that' which we
find In our pay envelope and thus It Is
practically Impossible for most of us to
Brooklyn Eagle: A defender of "ambit
lance chasing " says that many ot our
most distinguished Jurists solicited acci
dent business on a contingent fco when
thoy were young lawyers. Truo enough.
Somo men have made headway as law
yers by leaving tho dirty work to under
lings nfter they had practiced as sucn
apprentices themselves. Tho client who
selects his own lawyer, and ho Is usually
tho man who litis business to attend to,
docs not knowingly choose? for his affairs
a lawyer who frames a case to securo
a contingent fee. It Is the contingent
feo which makes a lawsuit a gamble for
high stakes. In such cases the Jury
ought to be shown tho contract between
the plaintiff and his lawyer, usually a
document which makes a "goat" out if
,tho poor litigant and the court ot tho
Willie Paw, Is the truth stranger thart
Paw Well, It Is more ot a stranger than
fiction, my son. Clnelnnatl Enquirer.
"Pa, what Is scientific salesmanship!
"Selling a dress suit to a man who goes
Into a store to buy a celluloid collar."
Detroit Free Press.
"What sort of a man do you favor for
that offlco?" asked Farmer Corntossel.
"Wo want one whose motives are never
questioned: one whose name Is nover men
tioned except In praise."
"Your proposition Isn't practical. No
man over reaches the state you dcscrlbo
except when he Is due for a funeral."
Washington Star.
Minneapolis Journal.
Are you longing for the country
Whore high living is a dream,
Whoro tho hogs aro growing bacon
And tho cows aro giving cream;
Whero tho steers aro growing sirloin,
And the chickens want to lay,
Whero the clarion of the rooster
Wakes you up at break of day? j
Are you longing for tho country )
Whero the fleecy clouds In Jun I
Float across tho bluo horizon.
And all nature seems In tuna:
Whero tho downy fledglings chirrup,
As they poop between tho leaves,
And the swallow twitters blithely
From Its nest beneath the caves?
Am' you longing for the country
Where the pleasant woods nro green?
Aro you longing for tho beauty '
Of some quiet sylvan scene,
Whoro the alternating shadows
Play between the dropping boughs.
And tho rustling leaves make music
As the gentle zephyrs blow?
To mako tho change, oh, city dweller.
Stay homo nights and save your pelf.
Long not for the grosser pleasures,
Emancipate the soul of self,
Shun tho glowing of the white lights
That turn the city's night to day,
Cut out drinking champagne cocktails,
Throw your cigarettes away.
For heavy feeds make torpid livers.
Too much boozo gives ono the gout.
In tlieso days of changing waist lines
Every man, too, must look out.
If you re fat and soft and wheezy.
And your hair too soon is gray,
Man alive! get to tho country,
Reach It quick, cio you decay.
and fast, he to France and led them against the Gar-
might "can" the speech and grind HI mans, has for many years lived quietly
out ot tho phonograph.
Senator John Sharp Williams com
plains of government extravagance
in buying automobiles for cabinet
Officers and department heads for
Joy-rldlng purposes. The senator
should be Invited to come out to
Omaha and look over the auto layout
that reports at our city hall.
in a at wannes, trance. He was
gtven the rank of general on the battle
field. Ar'le Z, Buck, familiarly and re
spectfully known as "Old Buck," dear to
the hearts ot Minnesota university
students. Is dead at ids home in Minne
apolis, aged Tt. Mr. Buck had been th
armorer of the university for twenty
years, a veteran ot the civil war and
noted as a scout and hunter. For nearly
four years he was a trapper In Nebraska.
'The Muhttuore llepuUHc."
Very llttlo news comes out of Portugal
the days. Beports ot a revolution havo
subsided. Every avenue ot news Is so
well guarded that not a line bearing even
a suspicion ot discord escapes. In fact
mighty few persons suspected ot carrying
revolutionary microbes escapes the
clutches of Presldsnt Alfonso Costa's
emissaries. Francis McCullagh, a noted
foreign correspondent, in the current
Issue ot the Nineteenth Century, classes
th government ot the "nightmare re
public" as utterly unfitted for the Job.
Mr. McCullagh does not pose as an ad
vocate of monarcblsm, but as between two
eylls ho considers the rule ot tha king
vastly to bo preferred to that which has
dragged Portugal In the dust, and mado
It a byword among the nations. Although
In name a "republic," the people accord
Ing to Mr. McCullagh today enjoy far less
freedom than they did before. Every
Privilege; has been taken away from th
municipalities, their officials are appointed
by the government at Lisbon, and tha
peasantry of the country is going In
stream to Brazil with their wives and
Over the Seas
There has been an Immense Increase
In the imports of sewing, knitting and
embroidering machines in China In tho
past three years.
Among the Alps there are several post-
offices at a nelght ot 6,000 feet. Ono let
ter box. from which tho postman makes
four collections daily, Is nearly 10,000 feet
above sea level.
Toklo government will In April next
start the work ot laying a railway be
tween Supingkal and Taonanlu and an
other line from Kalyuan to Kallung. Vhe
expenditure Is estimated at 10.000,000 gold.
Because London's fogs at times seriously
reduce tho supply of gasoline in that city
by preventing the arrival of vessels car
rying- it. tt is probable that a pipe will
be built from the mouth ot tho Thomas
Into the city.
Among the silver masters of Sheffield.
England, It Is rather an established prac
tlce to encourage tho employment ot fam
llles. It Is more tho rulo than otherwtso
that a father working In tho silver trade
will apprentice his children to that trade
as tney arrive at working age.
Experiments) tests giving satisfactory
results have been made In Franco with
a now roaa-surracing material, whloh h
been davlsed specially for automobile traf.
ic consists or a mixture ot what is
cauea "iron straw." which consists
fine filaments of Iron In a wiry or fibrous
mass mixed with cement and sand.
Apostle of Slna-le Tax.
New York World.
Like Tom I Johnson of Ohio, Joseph
Fels, now dead In Philadelphia, fought
loom and noli as a atngle-taxer th fcjsl
neji. political and social conditions jhat
uau uibuq mm ncn. .air. Johnson round
that, no matter how acquired, fortune
was fleeting, but In spite of princely bens.
factions extending over many years Mr,
Feu died the possessor of great wealth,
Mr. Fels did more than give money to
the causo of uoorgelsm. He gave him
self. An Ides, that gains such advocates
may not triumph In Its original form.
but It can hardly perish utterly.
Quality! Quality! Quality!
The Ford is tie quality car
the world over. He who
demands a car of highest
merit at lowest cost buys
the sturdy Ford. He knows
it's the one car with a world
wide record for dependable
Five hundred dollars la the price of ttio
Ford rtmaboat; tha tqarias car La five
fifty; tho town our seven fifty C. o. b.
Detroit, complete wlUj equipment. Get
catalog and particulars from Ford Motor
Company, 1916 Harney Street.
rrtllSKEY MMsfflMBstt?3M
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SUNNY BROOK is now bottltd with our own nstentcd
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PL Whnleiala Distributors For Omaha, Neb. Bsfj
less of a stave to your busi
ness. You can peel off
Care now and then, secure in
the knowledge that Prestige and
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