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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATt RDAV, MARCH 14, 1914. An Important Fashion Movement HTHIS occasion will show our prodigious efforts to make our Ready-to-1 wear Section the most powerful Fashion Institution in Omaha. To accomplish this we have had to perfect a system whereby we can present styles that are hand in hand with those of Paris not at the Paris dress makers' prices plus the duty, but at quotations that are reasonable in America. WOMEN'S SUITS Wo show only suits which are fashionable, which have the correct lines for the well-dressed women. Every suit is a model of style and fashion in all the new materials, such as Gabardine, Crepe, Moire, Poplin; also the latest colors, Maxixe blue, Labrador, Tango, and Oie!. Prom $19.50 up to $110.00. All Alterations are Made Free of Charge. SPRING DRESSES Omaha women have never seen such fine and fash, ionablo dresses as wo are now showing, SATURDAY. Dresses of Ohiffon, Taffeta, French Orepe and French Voiles, Tango Dresses and Dansant Dresses, at most reasonable prices. The New Separate Skirts In all the new modes are now being shown: Moire Silk, Taffeta Silk, Crepe Cloth, Rampo Chuddah Cloth, tho now plaids, dainty creations. We have the latest fash ions. Skirts from $6.50 up to $39.50. BLOUSES FOR WOMEN Some of (he prettiest styles of tho season wo now being shown. Wo Invito your atten tion to our display of new styles Saturday. Chiefly in Crcpo do Clilnfj nnd French Voile. A SEASON OF RIBBONS And the Loveliest Styles pre Here Wonderful colors and color combinations, prin; cipally in gay stripes, plnids and floral designs, usher in tho season. There are so many hand some novelties that look well when made up into tho fashionable girdles. And, by tho way, won't you .conie in tomorrow and sec somo of the newest styles of girdles. They're decidedly new, and differ ent, nnd charming. Our department of made up ribbon novelties is fill ed with flowers, and caps, and bags, and ornaments, deftly fashioned from spring ribbons. Tho rib bon butterfly in different colors is a very popular novelty. These novelties oro made hero in tho store by Airs. David, and being original In design are "exclusive In tho truo sense of th3 word. TUB RIBBONS IIAVE MOVED to tho right of tho main en trance and now mnko n much more beautiful department. MILLINERY Style and Quality are Blended In the Creation of Thompson-Belden Hats Into each and every model is im planted that deft ness of line that ap peals to the artistic taste, coupled with a quality which gives the wearer complete satisfaction. Our direct impor tations in connec tion with our work room enables us to produce up-to-date millinery at the low est possible prices. gggM Showing of Street Hats at $8.75, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 PAGE WILL ANSWER SENATE Ambassador Asked for Explanation by Secretary Bryan. SPEECH TOO MUCH CONDENSED Diplomnt Says Iteporta of HU Ail- drcH Misinterpret it Became ot Omission of Essential Sentences. i ' Harrison's Reindeer Gloves $1.00 a Pair For early spring wear Harrison's Reindeer Fabric is the right weight. They are shown in the light spring shades and imitate and fit like leather. Don't be satisfied with your fabric glove pur chase until you have seen Harrison's. We are ,. Omaha selling agents for these. BUck, White and Colors, $1.00 a Pair. HOKfiUeD AND SIXTEENTH 4TRCETS How Can I Dress My Hair High? This is What Many a Woman is Saying Because of tho new high-crowned hats, with extreme turns on side and back. Fashion has decreed HIGH HAIR DRESSING showing most of the hair. This STYLE HAS COME TO STAY FOR IT ADDS CHARM AND YOUTH. Switches of Soft Naturally Wavy Hair. Splen did quality: " SO Inches, special nt $1.70 St inches, special nt $2,70 28 inches, special nt , .-.$5.70 2-J. Inch Gray Switches, ot splendid quality naturally wavy hair, special $5.00 Transformations of splendid quality naturally wavy hair, special $4.50 Psycho Puffs of splendid quality wavy hair, spoclnl HOc Pin Curls for tho new dip effects, special, 80c If A1K GOODS JKPT.-Thlrd Floor Children's Rompers Children's Rompers, white and colors, long or short sleeves, high, or low nock; cropc, ginghnm, chambrny and madras; sizes 1 to 0 years. Prices, 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 to $2.50. Children's Black Sateen Bloom ers, sizes 2 to 14 years, 50c. Black Sateen Office and Store Aprons; prices, 25c, 50c, 05c, 75c. Saturday Tdilet Goods Specials A largo bottlo of Bay Bum. .25c Very largo Wool Powder Puffs for - 15c Williams Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush Holder, nil for ..10c LONDON, March 13. Ambassador Wal ter Illncs Page today received from Sec retary Bryan notification of tho United States senate action In regard to his speech on the Panama canal and tho Monroo doctrine, delivered before; tho Association ot Chambers of Commtrie on Yodnesday. Tho secretary of state requested the ambassador to cablo an explanation of tho speech and Mr. Page immediately be gan the preparation of hla reply. After reading fuller accounts of the proceedings In tho senate Ambassador Pago catno to tho conclusion that tho senators had been misled by tho excec slvo condensation of his remarks In re gard to his interpretation ot tho Monroe doctrine. Mr. Pago declared that lie distinctly had said that the United States Would object to or prohibit any European power from taking more territory In iho new world and then In concluding had said amid the laughter of the audience: 'So you see that the United States would prefer that no European powers should gain moro territory In ..ho new world." The ambassador's remarks, he de clared, had been too greatly condensed. When referring to the Panama canal, he had satd that Great Britain would profit most from the canal because It owned the great bulk of tho world's ship ping. Continent 'by Chamberlain. WASHINGTON, March 13. Senator Chamborlaln. author of tho resolution calling for an explanation of Ambassador Page's speech, said today ho was grati fied to learn that Secretary Bryan had acted on tho senate's request. "I see tho ambassador says he was jok ing. Well, it strikes mo that ambassa dors ot this government should not joke about matters which President Wilson said In his message might provoke war," said ho. Specials $1.50 Silk Hose, $1.10 a pair. Flbro SUk Hose, block or white, excellent for wear, doublo tops nnd soles, 50c a pair. Silk Hose, black, whlto and aU tho now shades, $1.00 a pair. YOUTH BREAKS NECK BY FALL FROM WINDOW SIDNEY, la., March J3.-(SpccIal Tele gram.) Chester Davidson, a youth about 16 years ot age, was killed In Perclval last night. Whllo at a dance In Bailey's hall he sat down on a bill of an open window on tho second floor nnd fell out backwards and broko his neck. HOWARD iii AND SIXTEENTH STREETS U.S. EXPRESS YOTES TO- PISSOijYEj PARCEL; POST HELPED " t (Continued from Page One.) Ins ot tho stockholders having been held ! In moro than fifty years. -There aro tmtitandtng 100,000 shares ot United States Kxprca stock and thesa are In comparatively few hands. The Harrlman estate Is bellevud to hold over one-fifth of tho whole, which tho late K. H. Harrlman Required from tho American and Adanui Impress companies before his death, at-,nn oulja nt about $2,550,(100. Tho Inlqrests. of tho, Piatt fam ily, two ot whom, continued to bo qulto active In the managomcijt , o tho com pany, are snio, tp do reuup-ciy uraau, , Sarpy ,'Cfmn()j l'onlet, , -PAPILl-ION. ,Neb March JsJwBpeclal.) The second; .annual declamatory pun test for arpy county jWos; held,- at- ho. Papllllon opera house, last evening. . ftu- dents from. ,Hflfeyue, ,SprInstJeld and. Papllllon High, schools competed for tho medals. Mlf s Marlon Brown ot Papllllon won lira i jn dramatic, ivari urown oi Papllllon ftrpt'- ln oratorical iana 'Owynn Fowler of Bellevuo first In tho humorous ijlassi IN the Papllllon High school contest Miss Anna McCormlck also competed In tho dramatic class.' Miss McCormlck was selected 'to represent Papllllon lit tho district Contest, . to ' eb held 'at Fremont 'March 26. Miss McCormlck won a modul In tho county contest held hero a year ago. the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for tho various city offices, 'it li'generally understood that only one set of candidates will bipllaced Irrnom inatlon and ,that the" Question ot license or no license will bo ypted on and settled" at tho election. Candidates rfor sohool officers' will bo placed In nomination at tho samo time. NEWS NOTES OF DAVID CITY AND OF BUTLER COUNTY DAVID CITT, Neb.. March lJ.-(Spo- ctal.) Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Nelster, Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Melster and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stempcr, old settlers and well kn wn citizens of north Butler county, (departed this week for Becker, Minn., Where, wey go to csinmisn tncir nomcs. Thn fnllnwlnir (enchers have been em- ,'tiloyed as Instructors In tho David City schools for the coming year: ' Prof. F. It. r.Bccrs , superintendent; Misses Maudo Bean and Aletha Fletcher, soventh and eighth grades: South word, Misses Nellie Hlmpklns, Bachael Withers and Elsie Smith i North ward, Miss Irene Byam and Mr. Thomas Slice. Tho people's primary convention of Da vid City has been called to be held In the court houso on Tuesday, March 24, for TRAVELER IS KILLED UNDER WHEELS ASHE ALIGHTS FOftT DODOIC. Ia.. March U ( Telegram.) John Fitzgerald, traveling aalesman with headquarters and residence at Des Moines, wos ground under the wheels of an Illinois Central passenger train, when he tried to alight before tho train stopped today. A friend on tho platform tried to dissuade htm from the attempt, but ho stepped off, wavered un steadily for a moment and fell under the wltools. INDEPENDENT PHONE MEN FINISH SESSION COLUMBUS, Neb., March 13.-(8pcclal Telegram.) The 13H convention of thn Nebraska Telephone association closed its sessions hero today with a program In both the forenoon and afternoon. Tho following officers woro elected: C. J. Qarlow. Columbus, nresldent: Warren JPra'tt, Kearney, vice president: I IS, Hurfx, Unjoin, secretary and treasurer. The, placo "for tho 1916 convention lias not' bccn selected, but It Is generally understood that It will bo held In Omaha. FINDS STICK OF DYNAMITE IN COAL WHILE FIRING FAIUBUB.Y, March 13.-(Spcclal.)-C, F. Vinson, Junltor at tho First National benk, whllo firing the furnaco yesterday, Just as ho had his shovel poised ready to empty It In tho furnace, found a stick of dynamite In the coal as ho was about to heave It Into the fire. Mr. Vinson does not think tho dyna nilto was placed there Intentionally, but that the explostvo accldently got In the coal In tho mine. v 6f James Miller, neuf Leola, by shooting himself through tho head after a lovers' quarrel with a young woman nlo work ing on ' the iplaco. The verdict of the Jury .was sulcldo whllo temporarily in sane. ' FARM HAND KILLS SELF AFTER QUARREL WITH GIRL ABEHDEKN, 8. D., March 13.-(Speclal Telegram. HIenry Oardlnlcr, aged 23, whoso homo la In Rlpon, Wis., where h is said to havo helped support a widowed mother, committed sulcldo on the farm TT THe Foremost Topic of This "n st" of,he Town" JVIqnth Is What to Wear Other subjects may engage your mind,, but ncvor to the exclusion of this universal item. ' IVe have solved tho problem o knowing our customers' wants and of fill ing them. , ' Ours is a big storo full of tho best qualities in nil tho things that Men, Young Men and Boys wear." Everything wo sell is hero as nn exnmplo of our best judgment ns experts in merchandise. Every prico has been. made to givo us both a fair deal. Beautiful High Grade Suits Young Men's Suits - Such suits as these, such fabrics, nre not common in ready-to-wear clothes they are extreme examples of tho best that can ber achieved in fine clothes making. Dis tinctive, individual, exclusive styles and patterns, made in our own factory, Super ior in fit, style and tailoring to any pther clothes made S15 S18 S20 825 S30 S35 3 10 Correct Hats for Correct Dressers A'.compfeto display ot all that is best. Every hat offered for your inspection is the result ot careful sturdy of experienced buyers. You will find tho maximum of quality add the very latest styles. i3.-Ki Co. Special, Stiff and Soft Hats at S3.00 Stetson Hajs 83.50 to S12 The particular attention of young mon is directed to our second floor. Tho spring styles are an Innovation in Young Men's Clothes. Blues, grays, black and white, 1n stripes, plaids and mixtures, in lively youthful styles. English effects with high peak lapels, tapered watsts and patch pockets 813.50 815 SIS S20 822 825 Spring Haberdashery A distinctive and oriental collection tor men who choose critically and carefully. Selected with great caro as to fabrics and values, and representing tho newest metro politan notlong In fashionable wear. Manhattan Shirts, Lewis and Vassar Underwear. Holeproof, Phoenix and Interwoven Hose. Faultless Pajamas and Gowns. . Fownea Gloves. Everything for the Boy on Our Second Floor Everything .the thoughtful mother franta for her boy in Imported and domestic fabrics can be found here. There is nothing lacking - wo cau pleaso everybody In stylo and price. Wo urge you, in your own interest as well as in Justice to us, to see tor yourselves the tasteful and styl ish apparel for boys and children that has made ours the greatest Boys' Department In the west. Justice Halts for Mercy When Court Delays Requisition CHICAGO, March 13. Tho process of tho law invoked to compel Miss Helene Young, to Journey from Chicago to Los Angeles, will bo delayed whllo tho young woman continues Imposed duties on her self to nurse and comfort her sister, af flicted with a fatal disease. Justice bowed to mercy today when Judgo O'Connor and Judge Gibbons, attsr listening to arguments on a petition for habeas corpus Involving tho freedom ot Miss Young, decided that whllo she should eventually bo returned to Los Angeles, the order for her return would bo withdrawn until her vigils at tho bed side ot her sister Is ended. Tho young woman Is wanted In Joa Angeles to answer charges ot having passed worthless checks for $75 and $80. Mrs. Mngglo It. Anderson of tho, Los Angeles police department, sent hero to escort Miss Young back to California, was present at the 'court hearing. Jacobsen, Von Lackum, Fields, Ncvlns and Qrlssell. The eecondard "U A, U." Insignia was given to Carmlchael and Snyder. A' meeUng of the squad will bo called within the next few days to choose a captain for 1916. HYMENEAL Osienlcop-Gralinin. Miss Anna Graham and Edward II. Ossenltop were married by Rov. Charles VT. Savldgo Thursday, March 12. at 2 p. m., at the Schlltz hotel. The attend ants were Robert Juneau and Mrs. Will iam Ossenkop. All the parties were from Louisville, Neb. Only Ono "IIROMO UUIPUNE." To get tho genulno call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of B. W. GROVE. Cures Cold in Ono Day. 25c. DEATH RECORD. G corse Nnacent. CAMBRIDGE, Neb.. March 13. (Spe cial.) Mr. Georgo Nugent, who died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Nolan, waa burled yesterday In tho Cambridge, cemetery. Mr. Nugent was formerly a minor, but han been liv ing with his daughter the last eight years. being very fceblo. 9Ira... O. H. Strode. FAIRBURY, Neb., March 13.-(Spcclal.) Mrs. O. H. Strock died ut the homo Jn Falrbury after an extended Illness. .Death -was attributed to old agCi . t Marqnla II. Turner PAIRBURY, Neb., March 13.-(Speclal.) Marqula B. Turner died at tho home of his son Charles m Falrbury this wcok. Death was duo to old age, as ho wasiTt years of age. Explosion Victim Taken to Oinnhn. KEARNEY, Neb.. March 1?. (Special.) Arthur Asher, ono of tho victims of tho dynamite explosion on Tuesday, when ho was blasting a hill to get clay jvlth which to surfaco a roadbed at Plcasanton, was taken to Omaha yesterday, whero one eyo will bo removed In an effort to save tho eight ot tho uninjured member,. Tho one eyo is badly shattered and It was Im perative that it bo removed at once. Ashcr is not out of danger. 1Y . f ' Browning, King & Co. deo. t. wris oar. kit. ' ' Special Showing of Children's Wash Suits K. & E. Loop Blouses Rah-Rah Hats STATE COLLEGE CONFERENCE BRINGS EDUCATORS TO YORK YORK, Neb., March 13. (Special Tela gram.) Tho State collego conference opened In York today with about 100 del egates present. The conference wll con tinue until Sunday evening. A largo num ber of well knlow educators are on tho program for addresses. Tho first session today was held in the Young Mens Christian association build ing. Dean Charles Fordyce presided. Pres ident McLaughlin ot xorK couego aouv- ered an address of welcome and also spoko on "Tho Place of a Christian Pro gram In tho Collego Mans Life." Special muslo was rendered by tne Wesleyan quartet. H. L. Ewlng. secretary ot the Univer sity of Nebraska Young Men's Christian association, spoke on the subject of The New Plant for Students' Association Organization." At 6 6'clock luncheon was served, with J. P. Balloy as toastmaster. W. J. Hill of Lincoln and Prof, P. V. Perisho of Central City responded to toasts. In tho evening II. L. Helmsman spoke on the subject, "Why Such Gatherings,'' and Vt", A. Selleok of Lincoln gave an address on "My Ideas ot a Collego Man's Job." Saturday's sessions will be held In York college Book Bargains About 200 used volumes of the very latest Fiction from our 2-cent-a day library, inoluding "Laddie," "The After House." "The Way of Ambition," "Gold," "Inside of The Cup," etc., 50c One big lot of old books from a private library line, 10c 1 Set 15 vols. Stevenson, $4.00 1 Set Scott, 22 vols., $4.50 Webster's International Dictionary, $4.75 Encyclopedia Brittanica, $4.75; 25 vol., 3-4 lea., S15 Join Keiser's 2-cent-a day Library and read all the new books. Kieser's Book Store Y. M. 0. A. Building. Just night tor nacknene and Xlhen matlsm, Foley Kidney 'Pills are so thoroughly effective for backache, rheumatism, swollen, aching joints, kidney and bladder ailments that they are recommendej everywhere. A. A. Jeffords. McGrew, Neb., saye: "For the last few months I was troubled with pains In my back and tho druggist recommended Foley Kidney Pills for my ailment I have not yt taken all ot one bottle and my old trouble has entirely disappeared." For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement. naalcet Letter Distributed. IOWA CITYf la.. March IX -(Special. )- The official "!' for participation In inter collegiate basket ball games during the last season were awarded last night by the Iowa athlctK board to Parsons. r FOR QUALITY, SERVICE and PRICE GO TO BEATON'S Cut down the cost of living by buying your drugs and toilet articles at Beaton's. You'll find tho quality the highest and the prices exceptionally low. SATURDAY SPECIALS. 50c Charles' Flesh Food....2lc 26c Manicure Outfit 10c 7Bo 4711 Favorlta Toilet Water for 30c 76c Manicure Scissors 45c Houblgant Ideal Extract, per ounce $1.40 60c Flower Girl Perfume, per ounce ...sic 60c Vantlnes extract, all odors, per ounce .Sic 76c Lole French perfume, all odors, per oz 80c 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, lBc 50c Canthrox "Oo "Follow the 100 H Inkles' Cascara pills, lie 60c Lambert's Listerino. . . .20c 25c Peroxide of Hydrogen. . .Cc, 25c De Mar's Glycerine. Violet and Almond Soap 10c EOc De Mar's Benzoin and Almond Lotion for rough skin and chapped hands 35a T5o Plnaud's Tlvoll Powder.. 43o 2Eo Colgate's Tooth Powder.. 18o S5c Packer's Tar Soap ,.14o So Mayer's Peroxide Soap, 2 cakes for iBo 85c Ideal Hair Brushes ........ 33o 30,000 Terridor Clear Havana Ci gars, ISc size, : for IBo J7 50 per hundred. EOc Beaton's Cold Cream ...... 33 o 25c DeMar's Cascara Tonic and IJver Pills iso 26c Mennen'B Talcum Powder. 12o Beaton Path" 15th and Farnam.