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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. MAItOEI 14, 1914. 14 1 1 Drawn for The Bee bv Tad J HARRY' i Bill (oJTApac7 wmm (th a M mr , "f" yskiyT nffllll I ) ::f ( I dIt -cu0e lilf I rXM m twee wou J HfM U l-.y& J?Z uU M M'MS?y fx CAor . WANT ADS Want da received nt any time, but to Insure proior classification must bo presented before 12 o'clock noon for tho evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for tho morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such hours will bnvo their first Insertion tinder tho heading, "Too Late to Clauifjr." CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION t Ono insertion, 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive inser tions, 0 cents per line. Ono Uno per month, 91.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge Advertisements charged to pntronr having Accounts arc measured bj tuo Use, not by the word. chaixobTiates. Biz words to tho line. Ono lcscAlun, IS c.nts per line Two or more consecutive laser tioas, 9 cents per line. Owe Use per month, 91.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge NOTE The Boo will sot bo re sponsible tor more thaa one wrong lnserUos due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot' bo allowed after the tenth of tho following month. A advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must be stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellation cannot bo ac cepted. DEATHS AND FUWEUAD NOTICES O'CONNOR-Klla I. at 6 p. m. Weans, aay at the homo of hor slstor, Mrs. P. S- 0ynn. Ca...tret.f churcb, Twenty-fifth and ColUornlo. Left to mourn ner loss py ncr . Grady, BL Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. to. Glynn, cmahi: Mrs. N. McCade, North PtaU Ncc-.; Mrs. a. A. Hc-fmnn, Omaha, anu Misses Evelyn and Teresa. MIKTliS AND D13ATH9. , i. i r ...( Tallinn. 1003 SoutTlwc.Shth "J57ff CharM and Kay Ooft. s4 South Twenty-tuurth, boy: Antonio 'and JienefletU Oraou. WI Norm Seventeenth, girl; A. if. end Crss le Thomson, 37l North Thirty-ninth, Deaths-John Bacu. VI, 6314 NorUi Thirty-ninth; Norman C. KBp. 7. 8li Douglas: Ella O'Connor, 43, 2632 Cass; juilrT EGardncr. 77, Ki I'owUr avenue; J. H. Hooper, 30. Forty-eighth ana Dodge, Oeorgo P. Cook, y9, 111 south Seventeenth; Martha Brabham, W. CIS bouth Sixteenth: JSrret Lcuther, 11 months, hospital; Lucy Foral, 23, hos pital. HU1LDINU PERMITS. The following building permits havo been Issued: Henry Buode, Jr.. framo dwelling. S082 Poppleton avenue, J1.700; John Mich alowskl, S606 Grovcr, frajnj. W, C. A. Josephson, 2UJ Bancroft, frame, $-,500; Anderson b Carlson, SUM California, frame, 2.G0O; Oscar Hug, 2110 Bancroft, frame, tXOOO. HKL1 WAJJXEI1 ICIDIAJjB Agents and Saleswomen. EXPERIENCED girl for candy depart ment. Apply timekeeper, balcony first floor. Experienced saleslady for ribbon coun ter and lace department Apply, ttm Keeper, balcony first floor, Burgess-Nosh Co. SALESWOMEN, over 30, dignified, high class proposition, for city or travel. Call C. Gardner Dunn, Hotel Sanford, 8:30 to t a. m.: 4 to 6. o. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, with ex perience In drug house; salary 340; state experience and give references first let ter. Address M 217, Bee. Jluuselteepers anu Domestics, THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Too , Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dtnlred results. This smilles to residents of Omaha. Bouth Omaha and Council bluffs. Bring ad to The Bes office or telephone Tylsr 1000. WANTED German git I for general houseworx; references required, sui rop pleton Ave. WANTED competent tctrl for seneral bsuMWork; 3 In family; good wages. Ap- ply zm spauiaing at. mono wepstcraow, GOOD girl for general housework; no yasmng. ana wepsitr at. iinrney ssu. WANTED good slrl tf ssueral house work; must bo competent; no washing or ironing; ( per weex. m m. asm Ave. GOOD girl for general housework. 1312 l'ark Ave. rnornj iiurney aux. GOOD girl for general housework. Airs. A. s. Aiuiien. fi .m. win. it. taiu.- WANTED Good girt for general house work; Herman or uoiiemian preierrvd. Harney 703. GOOD bright girl that can go home nights, for general housework and help care xor pauy. uau at juh juason be WANTED Girl for keneral housework: to sleep at home; apply before noon; 206 o. IlSt AV. WANTED Girl for general housework. call uamey 4a. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply Mis. Nsgl, 3617 Farnam St jisroey sow. GOOD girt for general housework; small ismuy; gooo wages. a a. tout .st WANTED Good maid for general housework. .Mrs. J. L. Baker, ISIS S. SSd Ave." WANTED A nrtrl for eeneral hon. work; small family; no cooking. 612 South 27 th Miscellaneous, 1 GOVERNMENT Jobs for women. Big vuuuia cxarauiAuons April 1 Sample questions free. Franklin Instl 'vn'fiMn 'wm.n sw.Min. - t rangers ar lnTlted to vlnit th Youtiff ft St .Marys Ave. , and 17th St. where Kvf will ha Atre.A nilt.KI. X&tut or otbrw!t aaxUted. Look for aT juwi aw uw union suiuoa. MEU WANTED MALK. Asests, Salessaea o Solicitors. WANTED Experienced silks and dress goods salesmen. Permanent position and ceoa auu7 w men wno can qualify, lull. .uuWnl..4..t T,--Jll.. I 1IEL1 WANTED MALE. A Benin, Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Traveling man each state; machine sold four months' time, guaran teed to earn price monthly; commission. Its; commissions advanced; state expe rience to sot attention. Damon Mfg. Co., lndlanspolls, Ind. MANAOKO-A LA ltd E NATIONAL INSTALLMENT HOUBI3 WANTS AN KXPEIUKNCKD 8TOKI5 MANAQUR; MUST SHOW SUCCESSFUL IlECOllD IN GETTING BUSINESS, CIIEDITS AND COLLECTIONS: A LIFE T08I- TiON AND EXCEPTIONAL OPPOlt- TUNITX KOIl THE ItlQIIT MAN. STATE AOE, EXPEHIENCE AND SAL ARY WILLING TO ACCEPT UNTIL ABILITY IS SHOWN. ADDRESS E-158 DEE. SALESMEN Kemper, mn itrutid. Dirts. LIVE WIRES can earn IHO MONEY selling ACCIDENT and SICKNESS INSURANCE. Call at HOME CASUALTY CO., Suite 800 Brandels Btdg. Phone Douglas cut Factory and Trades. cf today, the automobllo business, and j . H'MiiJ'wmMi. wur IftTKC. well equipped shops offer the opportunities of learning tho business by actual experi ence on different makna of cars. Our terms are modorate. Write or oall. Na tional Auto Training association, 2814 N. ttth St, Omaha, Neb. TeL Webster 693. CAN Kive work during your slack t mo to tho following: Plaeterer, plumber, tinner. Odd lob man. tmtntnr ami mm hanger. It you will apply the pay or account of good building lot or a new rcauyw-HiDve-in-nome. Aaaress U 218, "VVI calVa MENT bureau Is prepared to supply nuicu ur uii.niiicu taoor 01 au Kinds. Office, Jacobs Hall, 1718 Dodge atreet. Telephone Tyler 1071; after 4 p. m., Web ster iW. WANTED-Experlenced shade man .nJ linoleum layer: state experience and reference. Contnental Furniture Co., Council Bluffs. Drug atoru snaps; jobg. Knclst. Boo Bldg. WANTED Premer tnr Ilnrfmnn mn, chlno; no booser; send referonce. Hum- pnroy uye worKs. sioux city. J a. "WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. By our method you nro prepared for position In few wooks. Many Jobs waiting. Tools given. Wages while learning. Call or write. Motor Barber College, 110 S. mi. St. MlacellnaeOBt. YOUNG MEN, you should learn the automobile business and learn It RIGHT. Earn more money than you ever did be fore. We have both a day and a night class, so you have no rcuson for delay. Como in NOW. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, UJ0 JJOUCO SI. WANTED Omaha sales manager capa bio of handling men for the sale of a standard article: references required. Detroit ink Co., Detroit, Mich. MEN with patentable Ideas writs Ran dolph A Co., Washington, D. C MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at ones for electrlo railway motormen and con ductors) S$0 to flOO a month t no expert enos necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately tor application blank. Address Y 439. Bee. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs vet 325 Week I and over. Many spring openings. Sample instructions free. Franklin Institute. Dept 808 L, Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG men becoma government rail- wnv mull elnrlcs. S7& month. "Pull" un necessary. Sample examination questions ireot Aauress x tus. uee. HEU WANTED. MALE AND fUMALE. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women. ' Thousanas oi appointments coming. List of iosltlons free. Franklin institute, Dept. aiu, itocnester, x. WANTED SITUATIONS, vnnvi: iri Attvnutnif linvia collufa wsnvs work for board. D. UOUD pianist witncs to secure position: good dance orchestra. Address B 407. umsha Bee. BUNDLE washing. Ironing, liar. (MS. ANY kind ot day work. Webster I4. REGISTERED drucKlst. 4 years' ex perience. Industrious, reliable, steady. sober and witn good rererences, wan-.s position anywhere In Nebraska, For particulars address Y 463, Bee. EXPERIENCED Chauffeur. Janitor or porter in city or out ot town. m o. Iiurney 1313. POSITION tendlne furnaca or washing dishes by middle aged man. Address P lit. lite. BTENOQ RAP1UO position, young lady. 3 years' experience; reasonable wages to start; references. Aaaress " nt, uee, YOUNG lady with several years' office experience, desires position, clerical or general omce worK cteairea. Douglas v&. WANT A JOB FOR A RELIABLE YOUNG COLORED MAN. This young man has worked for mo over one year and during this time has never come to worn late, nas none an his work well and hoa been very faith ful. During this time he has learned to care for and drive my auto he la a care- iui driver, not a mecnanic, put can tauo cood cara of a machine. Educated, court eous and reliable. I will have no further work for him after 6th of this month and want to help.hlm get a place. Tel. D. 804. EXl'iSRIENCEl) colored oirl warns place as chambermaid. Call Webster 6603. Ask Tor Ella. AUTOMUDILES. Murphy ReDSlrln Trimming, i-amung I1W tortelt for any inacneto wn can't r pair- Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N. IS. WE mske a specialty of auto f oredonr voar uunaing ana painting, lllghett quality tvork. Wm. Pfclffer Carriage was. 11. wa. am Ave. ana RADIATORS repaired. 2020 Farnam St Bulck roadster. 32. 2010 Farnam. D. 3167, Motorcycles. BARGAINS In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor 11. lloos, "The Motorcycle MAN J7IM Ij,ki.i.I, C WRITE FOR LIST OP SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICIUSL'H MKUHAHIvA CYCLE CO., 16TII AND HARNEY ANNOUNCEMENTS 13.000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. ttibute (0 cents towards a fund of $3,000 for The Invalid's Pension Assn. Must have 21 subscriptions In March. Phone uiduii. yiiwars aaaress. PAMPHLET explaining how the Hindus m,ih(i uuu jiwrvciuui psgrcnio powers, mall && Dr. Thomas. 1611 Ht ?i,ni, A. B. C. of Omaha BELL DRUG CO. New location, 13H Farnam. Everything new. Old phono Douglas 2623. Come, call cr write. Rubber goods. K ERR Abstract C.. 305 8. 17th St Better be safe than sorry, Uavs Kerr do your title work. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming Doug. 2487. Renovates feathers and m,frr.... nf nil IrlnHa. mjike- Itather mattresses. Call or wrtto for prlcej. w r ieui, repair, aeii ukuko mu v v" w r .wi an dewing maciuuco. Cycle Co., "Mlckcls." 14th and Harney SU. Douglas 1051 WHEN you know gas lighting you prefer It. OMAHA GAR CO., Douglas C03, W) Howard St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy, 1X11 W. O. W. Bldg. LUCKY wedding rings. Brodcgaard's. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr.. 12 Frenier Illk. BASKET Store No. 21, at 816 N. 16th, Is now open and will soon be ready for real business. Basket Store No. 22 will be opened soon at 2400-OS N. 24th. ATTRACTIONS Omaha film oxen., itth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. UUSINEHS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on OANQEBTAP, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. JO. 2177. FOR SALE Grocery and dry goods stock, store building; good location; business first-class: will sell separately If preferred, or wilt trade for good Min nesota land. Address Y 461, Bee. MERCHANDISE stocks wanted. Fried man, 860 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg., Omaha. WILL lease to reliable party on favor able terms our cafe with com pie u equip ment Hotnl Sanfoid. WANTED-An Idea. Who can think ot some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph As Co., Patent Attorneys, -Washinston. It. C. FOR SALE Picture show; located In Wyoming town, 2,000 people; show pays well; for sale cheup. For further par ticulars nddress Y 462. Bee. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate write Kr -.nebeck Co.. Omaha. GARAGE, repair, supply, Uvery and delivery, business; sell or trade. Business 343.000 a' year. Kennebeck Co., Bee Bldg, Omaha. HnominsT Houses for Sale, 11 rooms, occupy three. 350.00 over ex penses. 1918 Farnam. RUS1NESS PERSONALS. Architects, HORNBY CO.. BLUE PRINTING. D. 3157 Ilrnaa Foundries. raxton-Mltchell Co. 27th and Martha SU. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D.S461. W. E. Purvlance. D.C., 409 Pax. Blk. D.4942. Chlua Palntlnff. Grace Morris, Instructor china, water color iminunit, wo iiranucia xnc. Firing Hone. F. C. llaynes. decorating, firing. D. 4930. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies, DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Costumers. Full dress suits. II M nor nlrh nn-v dressos for salo or rent Open evenings. John Feldman. 206 N. nth Doug. 3128. Dancing Aeadomles. Children's class. 3 to IO vrnrx. Knt at 4 P. m. Machle's. 1816 Harney St D. 6446. Special rates for Mrnvh M.niii.'. ism COLE & PJtAlRIE Park school. W. 6630. Dressmaking. Terry Dressmak'g tollego. 20th Farnam. . Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 7311. S36 8. S4th. BAUGHMAN'S school. Florence 623. Experienced; prices reasonable. Red 60S, J. WiriUi lR.ll. ulln tr..... - taken now. 2013 Callfocnls, Tyler 1220. Detectives. JAIKS AT. I.AM 419 V...III. nil. , - -' , , .., o IVI' uoinjp kuuito in an casoa. lyicr 1136. Omaha Raptwi K.rvtnA bonded. D. 1319. 427-28 Paxton block. Everything tor Women. i-iumcs maae over, cieanea, dyed, curled. Mrruia, lyruger, a 1'OXton HIK. D. S3H. THUZAR nlrtHtlnir tlllttnn nll ING CO.. 230 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1K6. Florists. A. DONAQHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. mi. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. J619 Farnam. D. 1253. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Furniture Repairing. UPHOLSTERING, piano, furniture re. pair worK. aut Tel. Har. 41SC. Hair Dressing. MMIX STEVENSON. 210 Balrd Bldg. HARPER method of shampooing and Benin treatment, it. a. iiairu mug, u. 3611. May. FOR good hay write F, M. Key, Bur- Laundries. CURTAINS laundetcd. guar. Doug. S1S2. Milliners. liX. iTTm: EckV 30COJMa?Ty. USSSSTS& I H im hata mail av.. m.. w,i - . . 1 TJ7.. .J "TT.- -'.r.- il- .anas "I'yfi . mvutt xi a. 13 tt Far. T. 1829, Nurses, PRACTICAL nurse; competent D. 6204. Homo for slok. 2804 Ames Ave. W. toog. Nurseries and Seeds, OUR shade and fruit trees grow because they are fresh dug Also our hardy shrubs sa assrunss A CI, X-XTIlsKJl. Ul, BENSON-OMAHA NURSEIUES. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Ostrich Plume Manufacturers. Cnlifomiu Ostrich Plume Co. Everything In feathers rebuilt and dyed 206 Nevlllo Hlk. D. 5010. Pnlntlnir mill Dccoratlns;. Hummell. Ptg & paperhang. II. 4451. AVOID spring rush; paper hanging, painting, decorating, rpr. work St general riouso cleaning. Prices reasonable. R. SStO. Patents. H. A. Sturges, 630 Brandels The. Bldg. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red. 7117 Printing-. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. 'WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., nual lty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 621 S. 13th. Sanitarium. MODERN sanitarium. Special attention to Invalids and old people. Capitol Ave. Stores and Office Fixtures. Desks, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wo buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 a 12th. D. 2724. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 S. 10th. Trnnlcn and Suitcases. FRELINQ & STEINLE, 1S03 Farnam St Sinn I'alntlngr. W. II. Rosenbaum. 202 Boston Store Bldg. "Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jotcs, 201-3 S. 13th St EDUCATIONAL. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypy and typewriting. Students admitted. at any time. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places provided for young pco pe to work for board. For a new freo catalogue address Mosher-Lampman Col lego, ISIS Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN in both the day and night schools In Omaha and Council Bluffs, yet It Is not too late to enter. Begin now and receive that mental train ing that will double your earning ca pacity. "I will absolutely guarantee a good position for every graduate of tho Business und Shorthand or Telegraphy departments of either of mj big schools, More than that, I will secure a place for any young man or woman to work for his or her board wnue attending if such posi tion Is desired. "II. It. BOYLES. Comnlete roursrn In Ttualn..nM. Tlnnlr. Keeping, sienograpny, stenotypy, Teleg raphy. Civil Service nnd Saleamanshln Tho catalogue is ready. Call, write nr pnono tor u. uoyics college, 18th anu tiarnev ats.. umuna, lieu. FOR SALE at a discount, n full. nn. limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at the oiucq 01 umuna xice. sjTVE stock for sale. Jtoraes and Vehicles. pair of bay marcs, 3175, weighing 1,300 euun; pair oi dibck mares, i years om, 1.250 pounds; pair of bay geldings, 2.SO0 mares, in fool, 3175; these teams have been working In tho city; ten days' trial nuuwpu. ivj xxsavenwortn HAY, 37.60 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. Notice to Formers nnd Breeders I have sold my Canada land and havo my nine good mares ranging In age and wcigni irom to years old and 1,200 to 1.500 lbs., and 7-Vear.old stallion that I Intend to uso for farming and breeding purposes. Would trade stallion for good Ford car. No reasonable offer refused. Mr. Harry Bruner, at coal office, 2612 HKVEN.VEinjM.n strong, good traveler; city broke; has been amity nurse; unves single, uouuic or with saddle. Also have practically new single surrey and double-seated carriage. Prices reasonable. W. H. BORCHERDINO, 25CJ Ohio St. Telephone Web. 2574 or Doug. 4791." LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the ofllce ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day am turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug, laa 43, LOST Black leather wallet, between Union station and City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Wednesday morning. Contained cheok, currency nnd Western Union collect card with my name. Liberal toward for Its return. C. D. 8HARY, 1202 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. REWARD for return of mink collar, six tails in front, lost at Hipp Theater Saturday evening, March 7, Address 2711 S. 19th St Douglas 6761. GENTLEMAN'S fur mittens, between 10lh Kt nnt n.l.ntlnn r .... City Emergency Hospital, 912 Douglas St MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. It Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no wowy paid until cured. Write for book cn rectal Jlse&sts with testimonials. DIt E. R. TARRY. 340 Bea Bldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN. J. WHITE, licensed, bonded pawnbroker; money on personal valuables, Elt N. 16th. MflVV'V IfMIIVtRIIPn KIT iTHn i mw w..,. uwu ,uor uwn names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor te n & Co., 333 Board ot Trads IiuUdlng. nrnui v -r. .ik... i. . i OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments nud Flats. Gordon VanCo. IS 219 N. 11th St Phone Douglas 294. lttu WARN AM 5 rooms, completely mod ern; Btrttablo location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co., 433 llamgo. Douglas twn. 26th Ave., has sun parlor or sleeping porch, which can be usea as a oeoroom, on ot the best close-In apartmenU in the city. See this today, Janitor will shov you through. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1014 Harney St 01 ritV'llV APT'B Ktitnin Imnt. clOAO 111. U. 1'. Hieooins, lbiu unnaiKo. heated apartment In Omaha; mahogany and birch finish, beautiful fixtures, gas stove. Icebox, laundry, locker, maid's room; large yard, janitor service. Imme diate possession. March rent free. Apt z, uie urowno, mtn. o- wwnv Mknln. r.rnAtn atAAITl h&ted apartment on West Farnam St JUrlZN v. uunuiHo, lsoa Farnam hi. MODERN DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS One &-room moaern aparwuein. iu n" business. See Itclchenberg Bros. Doug. 1916. . SUMMER RATES. CARPATHIA AND LEONE. At 832-34 8. 24th St, 2, 3, 4 and S-room apartments. Each has private bath and kitchen. All tenants have advantage ot large yard and tennis court Apartments will be furnished If deslrea. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St. Phone Douglas CSS. 04$ 8. 20TH AVE.--room, all modern brick flat; good location, renting rooms; 330. 009 N. 17th St., 6-room, modern apart ment, heated, 333. RASP BROS. Douglas 1653. the Chula Vista, 30th and Poppleton, 346. Conrad Young, 322 Brandels Theater Douglas 1C71. 4-ROOM modern, except heat Web. 323 1 8-r. brick, corner Sth and Williams sta Board and Booms. THE KINGSLEY. Large, well heated . rooms. Excellent board, prices reas. S No. 17th. Tyler 143it 703 GEORGIA AVENUE Beautiful fur nished rooms: private: excellent meals. Fumubed smuuisw OALLFORNIAHOTEL Steam heat hot & cold water, baths, free. U A rPlT.S By day, Mo and up. D. 7083. lA-tX0.J-O By Week. 32.00 and up. FRONT room, modern, steam heat; ref erence. Apt E, Davldge Bldg., ISth and Farnam. TWO semi-basement rooms, well heated and lighted; no children; gentlemen pre ferred. 203 a 26th St TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent 13U6 II. 23rd St, Houti- Omaha. South 103L Uatola sad Apartments, DODGE 1IOTEI Modirn ! reasonable, Uouaea ana Cottascs. Jp "Ronr! Exp. Co., furniture moving. . Kj. XVCtiU Two meDi (l noUr . bus. 1719 Leavenworth St 4 rm. apart Steam heat 332.50 1721 Leavenworth St. 6 rm. apart Steam heat 25.00 807 So. leth St C rm. apart steam heat 27.30 635 So. 24th Ave. 5 rms. all modern 30.00 S47Mi So. 20th St 7 rms. all modern 25.00 1S02 No. 32d St ( rms. modern oaic floors 22.60 2861 Bristol St. 6 rms. md. ex heat 22.50 804 So. 29th St. 6 rms. md. ex, heat 15.00 3221 Corby St 5 rms., city water and gas 12.60 4202 Hamilton St. 6 rms, md. ex. . heat 12.50 2016-1S Charles St. 4 rms. City water and gas 12.50 CAN RENT TO RESPONSIBLE COLORED FAMILY. 2415-17 Ersklne St. 4 rmB, md. ex. heat, now is.oo 2i2S BIondo-5 rms. gas and water 16.00 2924 Grant St. 4 rms. city water.... 10.00 2016 Charles St-4 rms. city water. gas 12.20 McGAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY.. 1606 Dodge St. D.415. c ALL kinds, including a 6-room, dowr town, for colored, at 314, and a 3-room bungalow on outskirts at 37.60. with ex:r.i ground for chickens, gardening, etc.; also a 4-room, with a couple of acres or morn, wliero pigs can bo raised; stable, chicken nouse ana gooa well, cnanes is. William son Co., Paxton block. o blX-ROOM house; all modern; newly papered. 3932 North 23d St Call and sco It, or phono Webster 6372 o 215 No. 14th, 6 rooms, $25. 2712 Parker, 6 rooms, $15. 1324 Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, 2d floor, $25, 2S0S lAke, 6 rooms, each $35. 1619 No. 23d, 6 rooms, $13. 1524 So. 26th, 6 rooms, all modern. $32.50. 82$ No. 20th, 6 rooms, $25. 432 So. 21th. 6 rooms, all modem, 330. 2718 Capitol Ave., -7 rooms, $35. 2318 No. 22d, S rooms, all modern, $40. 1126 S. 32d, 9 rooms, all modern, $10. 3416 Dewey Ave.. 9 rooms, $00. 2316-18-20 I-eavenworth. 10 rooms, mod ern, each 326. THE BYRON REED CO.. 312 So. 17th. Phone Doug. 237. $15.00-6-r., 3717 N. 20th St.. partly modern. $18.00-7r., 3421 Franklin St., modern. $20.00-5-r., 201 N. 41th St, modern. $t0.O0-6-r., 1616 Howard S.t, mod. ex. heat $23.50 4-r., 4813 Underwod Ave., modern. $36.00--r., 2024 Farnam St. mod. ex. heat. $05.O0-7-r., 3122 Cass St., mod., tine repair. $35.00 8-r., 6107 Davenport St., modern. $35.O07-r., 3511 Lafayette Ave., modern. $12 60-4-r. apartment In the Harold, 27th ana Jackson Sts. $17.50 7-r. apartment. 616 S. 16th St., mod ern, Janitor service. $5O.0O-S-r., 3324 Harney St, modern, fine location. $50.00-7-r., 3870 Dodge St.. modorn. $J5.00-7-r. bungalow, 5103 Capitol Ave., Dundee. $62.tO-S-r.. 4108 FarnSm St., new. nicely decorated, sleeping porch and garage. GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone D. .56. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. 114 S. 23th St. 8-room. all modern... $25.00 2S17 Castellar. 6-room, nearly modern. 15.00 3126 Parker, 4-room. partly' modern.. 12.50 RASP BROS. Doug. 1653. 286S Maple St, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, $2t 108 South 22(1. 5-r., all mod.. $26. 619 North lSth St, 9-r., all mod., $40. 2020 Maple St. 7-r., all mod., $27. 1424 North 19th St.. 10-r.. all mod., $30. 26SI Evans St. 7-r., all mod., $30. 1123 No. 17th St. 3-r., part mod.. $10. 4123 No. Kth Ave., (-r., mod ex. ht, $20. 70S South 36th St., S-r. all mod., $45. BIRKETT COMPANY. 423. Bea Bldg. Doug. 4754. mil AND CHICAGO. KIght-room new briok. Roomers, $50. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 1715. S3U California fit, 4 zbul, mod., heat Houses nnd Cottages. 116 8. 42d St. HlEht rooms: largo re ception hall, parlor, dining room finished in oak; four bedrooms and bath upstairs; full basement; paved street; near car and good spliqol. 342.60. iswo in. St. Seven-room House in north part; downstairs finished in oak; four bedrooms upstairs; full tjascment; near car, 330. 30th nnd Saratoga Sts. Flvo-room cot tage finished In oak; never beon oc cupied; south front; modern except hcut. 320. S11S Taylor St Five-room cottage; J'ttth. gas, furnace; near car and school. 320. Key at store on corner 31st St. and Ames Ave. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, lth nnd Douglas Sts. Phone Douglas 3013. 6-ROOM cottage, on car line, modern except furnace. Phono Harney 600. FOR RENT Wo have a completo list of all house, apartments and flnta that nr fn nn. This list can be seen freo of charge at "" vmi os otorage IP., SOU S. 16th St. 1560 N. 20th, 6 rooms, modern. 320. iuiiurnia, o rooms, ilv. Others. Rlng'walt Brundels Thea. Bldg. R.nnnxT tmn.. i.nt . . T .. . : location, on car line. 810 N. 23d, 330. Douglas 1606. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat 1217 S. 6th Bt 1515 HALL AVE. 7 rooms, modern. 325. THOS. F. HALL, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7106. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods ana pianos. Douglas 1490. TTmiHPtj ln aU parts of ti.- ity. ....... wyum u. .v. f u J IU. on Cass, near 26th: modern. Crelghton university, uougias sou. 8-R. modern. 216 S. 25th Ave. Tyler U22. WEST FARNAM, new stucco, 7 rooms. 319 N. 38th Ave. S45. DOUBLE house, suitable for two fami lies; five rooms each, $17.00, Phone Har ney 404 L. SIX-ROOM house, all modern, within walking distance: vacant April 1. In- quire 323 N. 37th St 101 N. 41ST. 8-room modern. lar'L. light rooms; hardwood floors; nice yari: $36. A. L. Patrick, 401 Bee. TeL H. SuM. T?TTT7T TTX7' Storage and Van riUbLll I Ho. Goods stored. shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516.' Globe Van&Storage Storage, $2 per mo.; 3-horse van w,in 2 men, $1.25 per hour, Tel. D. 37S3. Stores tia Ufflces. ISU FARNAM ST., 3,000 square feet; 1S09V4 Farnam St, 1,800 square feet; 1807-1S09-18U Farnam St (basement), 8.001 square feet, both Farnam street and alley entrances; abundant light; steam heat THOS, F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 740S. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Bee .building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam St. and occupying about 1,500 square feet with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault Fine offlco fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee office. TWO stores near poBtofflce; low rent G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 616 South 13th St., storeroom 22x40, $15. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. OFFERED FOR SALE. Typarrxvlter. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S '17th St RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Remington Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1824. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machines sent out Rates, three months tor $5 for understroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J. J. Dcrlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest llntng tor poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable thun tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office ot Omaha Bee. $5 0flBuJr8 Ce8t Coal for tho money: try ? j.uult Web m Harmon g. Weeth. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswtck-Bolke-Collender Co., 407-409 a 10th-St POTATOES for sale. We have on hand some very choice Burbank potatoes. Please write us for prices at once. The Sanborn Company, Manhattan, Mont. PERSONAL. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Home for sick, 2504 Ames Ave. W. 290$. "MAR&AfTPi Swedish movement 413 M.iQO.xUU i-. nlri nmiiriB. rare ii I hV'IMtK: MABSAUE bATH. ill 1uLj1ujX1j Balrd ullJst Aiiss Burns. Rlttenhouse Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17 & D. Cash for Diamonds. 8. F., 350 Om. Nat'l. Mrs. Snyder. D.C.. apt 3. Dunsany. D.4330 MASSAGE. 109 a 17th. Mrs. Steele. Bexton Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Turkish bath, mass. Davldge Blk. D. 6895. MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 221. Ne ville Blk., 16th and Harney. Tel. D. 4247. Practical nurse. 18 yrs, ex p.: ref. D. tuw. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon 'will call. Call and Inspect the new home, U10-1U2-1111 Dodge St Miss Jean Shonter, 301 WlthneU Bldg, Har. and lain. Mans., magnetic treatment. MISS FISHER, mass., elec treat D. 43S0. PRIOR'S MUD BATH; salt and mus tard, steamed; positive cure for rheu matism; 20 years' experience in Hot Springs. Ark. Lady attendant for ladles. 110 a 22d St Phone Tyler 1307. Turkish bath, mass. Davldge Blk. P. 6895. MAGNETIC Trt, 1829 Vinton. D. 602 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES F1SHEL White Rock eggs shipped by Insured parcel post Retta Johnson, Mon roe, la. BARRED Rock hatching eggs, 1701. Web. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. Ti t it o n.nihirtnTi, TnHInn Tliinnftr duck eggs, 10 cents each. Ray Keating, Council mini)!, la., itouto a. TiinnnirniinRED Barred Rock cock erels, cheap. Telephone Benson 677 W, evenings. S. C. W. Leghorn eggs. Phone Flor. 218. REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 20G Brandels Theater. ACREAGE FOR SALE. oneTcre In garden acres; location and lay of ground fine, close to car. Price cut to $550; $50 CASH. $10 PER MONTH. RASP BROS. Doug. 1653. CITY mOPEUTY FOR SALE. 6-Room Kountze Place Home $4,250 Owner of 2005 Spencer St. has instructed us to sell this desirable home, located in the best part of tho addition, that has first-class surroundings. This house is' built of the very best material through out Has quarter sawed oak finish ln the entry hall, living room and dining room. Has first-class plumbing and heat ing throughout; Is well arranged; has garage largo enough, for two cars. Will be sold on reasonable payment down, bal ance about tho same as rent. Will be pleased to show It to you any time. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. TODAY'S THE TBIETO ENJOY YOUR OWN HOME NOT TEN YEARS HENCE $50 CASH, $12 PER MONTH 4-room cottage, built 3 years; full, level lot near boulevard, 37th -and Ohio, $1,150. Now 7-room, all mod. house, nice lot, shade trees, paved street, ntc wnlkfntr 3 1 stance, near Graco and Blvd., $3,650. ur uwn terms. Fin lot, near 27th and Fort, $600. Will build you a neat house on exceptionally easy terms. INSIDE BARGAIN, f-room, all mod., hot water heat, elec It, best condition; close to car, shade. Paved atrwAt. i ir ... . small but valuable lot, and well situated'. ..vs.. u I13W 110.Il AVU. 11 1 1 LI nilLIlie. A n, . erty of merit at $2,600. You name th terms. A number of others similar to above. Bee us today for a home at the rignt prico and terms. M'KITRICK REAL ESTATE CO.. 316 Ramge Bldg. D. 857. 16th and Har. Sheriff's Sale 24th and Farnam " ON MARCH 24TH THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 24TH AND FARNAM WLLL BE SOLD AT SHERIFF'S SALE. FEW OPPORTUNITIES LIKE THIS PRESENT THEMSELVES. BIDS INVITED. For full particulars see Payne & Slater Co. Solo Agents, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FINE BUILDING LOTS We have three fine south front lots, paved street, paving and all specials paid; walking distance; good neighborhood; handy to car; on which we will bull! flrst-cjass dwelling to suit buyers, on reasonable terms. If you want a well built home on a good lot, see us about this offor at once. SCOTT & HILL COMPANY. Douglas lOno. 307 McCague Bldg. NEARLY NEW SEVEN-ROOM HOME, 40 NORTH 33D ST. Den, living room, dining room, kitchen, right up to the minute in every detail; oak finish; three large bedrooms and bath; full cement basement with fruit cellar, coal bins, laundry, etc.; Hi blocks to Harney car; paving paid. Price re duced to $3.6). Call OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-2 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1474. HA.N.sAl I'Altil ilusih!' Only two blocks frum tna park a 9-room iiuuki, muuern vni'tia lurrmrA lot 60x150 all kinds of fruit. Onlv I2.35(C ' PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. way- m-k!' rvMtw ni ft i