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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1914)
TTI1T! nrv. Wt V TT A u ATt'nn U At nmi 11 imi New Books Fiction. THE "VV1TNB8S FOR THK DKF8X8K. A ,LAV .Mason. l l'p. $1.30, Charles Scrlbner's Son. The story of what comes when a man sacrifices a woman In order to get what he wants, or what ho thinks he wants, and of his payment for Betting: It. The scene Is first laid In England, and In It Harry Thrcsk and Stella Derrick meet, to part for years. The story then shifts to a camp In the Indian JUnKle where they meet among circumstances that strike him cold with horror. The Inci dents of that meeting i.iark the. turning point In their lives, of which tjie aiithor makes tho most. Mr. Mason Is partlcu larly good with his character drawing, and his .conclusions aro carefully and logically worked out. THE MASKS OF LOVE. Hy Margarita Spalding Gerry. 271 Pp. $1.J0. Harper Brothers. A young girl, from aheer love of adven ture, determined to see what life on tho stage was like,' Intending at the end of the year to marry the professor to whom she was engaged. Her dramatic talents proved slight and her retention In the company by the director gave rlso to gossip. His passionate lo've, that seemed at times even cruel, was so different from the mild affection of hor fiance that she at ffrst resented It. Then her horlron widened and she gained u now Insight Into the real things of life. THE U3VE AFFAIlt OF A HOMELY OIKU By Jean t.oiilro Do Forest. 215 Pp. Jl. Sully & Klclnteich. A love story filled with optimism and Idealism. Tho tale Is 'a simple one, of how one woman helped another to find love, but beneath the story Is a messago that must go straight to tho hearts of all who read It. THE KOCKS OF VALPKB. Hy Kthel M. Dell. 510 Pp. $1.36. O. P. Putnam's Sons. The story opens and ends on r ton coast, at the little fishing vlllago of Valpre, but tho greater part of tho ac tion takes place In England. One of tho chief characters Is an ambitious young artillery officer at work on a new in strument of death which is to mako the army of his France Invincible, and to keep his secret perfectly sccuro he TvotKs in a cave( whose entranee Is closed by the waves at high tide. But an enomy somehow spies upon him ami secretly tolls his secret to another na tion Just beforo he offers It to his own government. While he worked, an Kng- list maiden, pretty and gay, had been , his comrade. In the opening chapters ; th girl seems absurdly young for hr jl7 years. Hut that may be overlooked. since the author makes her one of thosfl women who never really grow up. The story abounds In strong and telling con trasts of character and temperament The two men who love tho Rlrl and her three brothers all bear tho stamp of In dividuality. THE FOREST EB' 9 DAUOHTEH. By Humtln Garland. 287 Pp. 41.33. Harper & Brothers. Th$ usual positions of hero and heroine are, in fact, roversod in this novel of .Mr. Oarjand's. It Is tho girl who, when they are overtaken by a sudden squall, gives her "slicker"' to Wayland; it ts sho who leads the way albng the troll. Only child of the- fqreat supervisor, her father's constant companion In his Jour ncylnga through tho wilderness, she has all the woodcraft, as well as all the self-reliance, we assoclato with her type. FINE FEATHERS. Novellxed by Wal ter Denlson from tho drama by kugene Walter. 312 Pp. $1.25. A. C. McClurg A Company. The novellzer sets his beginning some what carHer In tho course of the story than did Atlto 'dramatist and narrates with considerable detail tho life of the ambitious and discontented young wife and her plodding husband in their Bts ten Island bungalow beforo tho coming of tho tempter. In consequence, his story moves very slowly for the first third or Its course. Afterward tho dramatic situations of the play and the rapid de velopment of tho conflict It presents sus tain tho interest. THE' RED EMEKALD. By John Reed Scott. 362 Pp. 11.25. J. B. Lilpplncott & Company. - , Tho hero and heroine and some of their frlenda go searching for sonw stolen French crown Jewels In a cavo In Virginia, and they find tho red emer ald, an empty copper box and som skeletons. The herolno also finds out, during tho exciting adventures they have, who it Is that she really and truly loves. Tho author gets a good deal of action and Incident into his story, although ho manages It In such an unusual way that .New Blue Serges for Men 10, $12.50, $15 and H7 "Brandels for Blue Serges" hoa bien a rnotto for years among moi who know tho best in wearing uppatf.l. You mrft''bo guided by tho Judgment c.f thousand of men with perfect assur ance -of satisfaction. Because of our vast outlet fr th's class of suits we aro able to offer the very best tho market afford tu serge Every thread wool, true blue, fine tex ture, 'beautiful finish, In stylo tiny ura not excelled. Their tailoring mil fin ish are the best money can buy. Spring stocks now .complete. "ew, patch pocket, two-hutton sack with soft roll revert) for young men; three-button models for more conservative fellows. Stunts, longs, shorts a fit for every man 910, 913.60, 915 and 917. Three Bargain Lots of Pants V aluos up to $3.50 Values up to $4.50 Values up to $7.50 $1.69 $2.69 $3.69 Brandeis HATS for Men, $2 $1 Caps, 50c Sample lines of men's new spring caps worth up to $1, Satur day in one big lot, SOo. "Brandels Special" soft and stiff bats are ready; in all the clever now blocks. They are rec ognized among careful dressers as tho best In Omaha at 92. English Derbys Joseph Wilson & Sons' Denton, England, stiff hats sold exclusively at the Brandels. The best English hat made, at $2.50. Stetson Hats, $3.50 Men who want the best in style and quality select Stetson hats, and most men of Omaha come here for, them because we have tho finest variety of the now styles at the moderato price of $3.50. Boys' Hats, 25c Odd lots of boys and children's SOo hats In one big lot, for Satur day at SC5. 50c Caps, 25c 100 dozen poys' sam ple rapn In the new spring' styles, worth up to 50c, at 95c Sample Shirts Worth to $2 at 98c About . 1,200 shirts in tho lot the samples of ono of the best makers In Philadelphia. The patterns aro all now neat effects and the materials are ex cellent. Plain 'and pleated bosoms, AnmA with unfi pnllnr nHflctinri Thau are actually the best wo'vo ever offered C and you will save naif your shirt money by purchasing a supply. Regular $1 50 and $2 shirts, for 9Sc. "Manhattan" Shirts No shirt made hu the style, fit and workmanship found in the Manhattan, and no store lias no fine an assortment as Brandels at 91.50, 93, 93.60 and np to 94.50. Just received, many new and exclusive patterns In spring neckwear for men. Many exceptionally neat effects silk and crepe four-ln-hands, at SOc. 50c Silk Hose, 25c About 300 dozen plain and fancy checked silk hose for men. Run of the mill surplus stocks Regular 00c values, for S5c. 25c Ties at 15c A special lot of silk four-in-hand, ties of excellent quality in hundreds of desirable patterns, worth 25c and 35c, Saturday;. 15c. Sample Shirts, Worth to $1, in the Basement A special lot of sample shirts, including several m hundred in all, regularly worth up to $1. on salo in LLf Basement Saturday, at w the book seems to be moilh made tin nf conversation. Miscellaneous. TIIK 1MMIUUATION PBOBLKM. By Prof. J. w. Jenks and Prof. V. Jett I.auck M pp. $t.jK. runk a AVagnalls company. Dr. Jenks was an active number and Prof. Ijtuck was officially connected with tho United States Immigration commit slon, appointed In 1907, which eavo four years of searching wwk to the problem "How does Immigration affect Ameri can clvlllratlon now, and what Is Its in fluence likely to be In tlm future'" ti.i. book was based upon the report of that commission, and conforms to the changes mado In that renort. and na nnvr re sults of tho t'nlled States census of 110. end of tho most recent reports, of tho Fnlted States bureau of Immigration and naturalization. iAt:J?T,,9.X.DKVKKNTS.' By Mil- iittiL " ! fi.iv. Jioilgnion Mifflin compuny. The author devotes sneelnt nt ton tint, the needs of tho beginner. It contains a clear explanation of rudimentary prin ciples and a complete glossary of auction terms. In tho nart devniivi in () niav a number of hands aro given, illustrating methods employed by experts to win tricks. A chanter entltimi "vi,r rw. tors DUagreo" explains the differences of opinion of tlte most eminent authorities, and show the lessons for the respective positions taken regarding nuilos ami other doubtful question. OUlt NEIGHBOUR THE ClllNliSK. By Joseph King Goodrich. 3W Pp. $1.8. Erowne & Howell compuny. This Is a new ratios dealing with th history, development, manners, custom, education. Industries, religions, etc, of various countries. Tho aim Is to present only essentials. HoV TO MAKE THINC5H. Bv Avehl bald Wllllitnis. 4M Pp. !.. Stilly & Klein-tc-lch. This book describe for the most part things easy to make, and tho most dif ficult do not demand a very high degree of skill or too great an outlay on tools. A WlNTHIt JJ INDIA. By Archibald B. Spcns. KO Pp. Stanley Paul & Co. The entertaining story the author tells of his winter's tour and tho admirable pictures with which ho Illustrates It sub stantially support his urdent apprecia tion of tho attractiveness of tho Kant Indian country. Tho story gives us a narrative of tho author's experiences and a description of persons nnd things ho was Interested In, unpretentiously show ing Us what tho country looks llko to tho man who views it superficially, making no effort to solve lis Innumerable riddles. In many of tho eltles ho lslled Mr. Snens saw things that strongly appealed to his sonse of humor and of thVs things j he preeents amusing tejrtl. j AUCTION Hirm-MUUTS. llir Mor enre lrwln. 177 Pp. H.St. Putnam s Sons. The book presupposes upon th part of the reader an acxiunlntanoe with the ele ments of auction. It treats, therefore, only of the finer point of play. Tho ! chapter that will nrotiso the most In- i terest la the one on "Nuilos." the netw ! count. 1 l'OOT HAM. Wll PUBLIC A NO PliAYltn. Uy Herbert Meed, ilt Pp. Jl.uO. V. A. Stokes company. This tok Is written principally to- let the spectator and tho beginner Into the Inside. AVo all enjoy foot ball, but even n cursory reading of tho bno chapter on how to wntch a gamo wilt show how ltttlo of It most of vis understand. A YEAR WITH A WHAIJCU. By Walter Noblo Burns. S30 Vi. it. Outing Publishing compuny, Out of sheer desire to see what It was llko Mr, Bilrns shipped na "greenhorn" on a whaler making the voyngo from Pan Fmnclsco Into tlm Arctic. They wallowed through hurricanes, traded with tho native, bumped the Arctic lee floes and t-iught the'r share of bowheads. It Is a story of personal adventure and oliMrvatlnn, perhaps a last first-hand glimpse of a dying Industry and of the life It entailed on th men who fol lowed It. 01.1) KQUY. Kdlted by James Hunektr, J Pp. Theodoro Prcsser company. i A great number and variety of musical subjects aro dtued with fine Irony, superb denunciation, vitriolic bitterness and magnificent sarcasm by Mr. Huneker beg pardon, Old fogy and thoro are mingled some tino descriptions of moving events, as of the writing of a symphonic poem, an examination in a college for critics and a piano performance by a wonder child, who turns out to be an artist aged 05. who had never played In publlo before, exploited by his great grandchildren tor gain. Man Tralla the Animal. Tho men who fought the Indians In the early days of tho reptibllo end later fought the Indians and British combined have several tlmea recortcd their grati tude for that great engineer whose scien tific name is Castor Canadensis,' and whose everyday name Is bavcr. Ho was a builder of dams to such excellent pur pose, this Castor, that tlm water of ireha was held tack, flow of slimmer streams was checked, and lakes wn mado of brooks. By mearts of thesi works, meager and fluctuating waterway n wera rendered navigable and troops and supplies were traitsported quickly anj easily. But the beaver's fine coat caused br gratitude toward him to be reduced to an Impracticable sentiment ..Trappers soon made him a creature rare and furtive l'i this patt of the country. His skin be came tho curcnoy of traWo. ' He wa 1. equivalent of flour and sugar., and callcu nnd powder and lead. In ten years, th to big fur companies of the tnlt"U States and Canada received. 1,670.000 beaver skins, and. the "kill" evon at this time averagea "5.000 per annum. Nevei -thelesi, Castor Is regaining some of :iis lost ground. Because of strict trapping laws, he Is multiplying In numbers in Mt forest and swamp districts to the north of Lake Superior, and In parts of north ern Michigan there arc thriving families If hunters will let tho beaver alone, cr be a little temperute in thejr shootlnu, and farmers will not break down his dams, he might come back even to Ohio Considering the big part the nnltnal has played In winning nnd settling and bring ing material blessings to the middle wes" It would be lv fr nnd decent to give him a ahow If he did decide to return to his own home country Toledo Blade. Wo are agents for Kayser's Gloves, Hose and Underwear. We arc Omaha Head quarters for Nemo Corsets. Women's $3.50 and $4 Shoes $1.98 400 pairs women's high grade dress shoes In patent leather, nun can ana ian cair wmi ciom or uia lopa. unoen that were formerly priced 13.80, J and even 15. New lasts, perfect In every way. Not all slxea In every style, but all aires in the lot Saturday at .. Boudoir Slippers Boudoir cllppors for wo men. Our Btock Includes all sizes and colors. Priced nt. pair, 08c. Tango Slippers Now tango laco slippers, in patent leather, with Span ish heels. All sizes In this salo at $3.48. Great Linoleum Sale Begins Monday Two carloads of fine linoleums and floor oil cloth at tho lowest prices over known in tho city. Don't Miss This Great Opportunity. The New Neckwear Flno Swiss and crepe collars, daintily omhroiderod In pastel Hhados. Priced at 25c nnd OOc. CoUar and cuff sets In cmbroldorcd not, flchUB, laco effects. Very much in vogue. Flno solectlon nt 2V, 50c, 7Ac nnd f)8r. Laco fichus in flno selection of dainty styles to add n finished touch to tho now spring suit or dross. Priced at HOc. Sale of 300 Spring fT Hats Worth $8.50 for J 300 beautiful spring hats at a reduction of one-hnlf their regu lar worth, for Saturday, because we took nil tho maker hud at a big concession in price. There are 75 shapes In 80 new and ef fective color combinations. They nrd mado of fine sown hemp and trimmed with single ply ostrich plumes, opd artistic stick-ups. All are regularly wortn to 8.5. your choice Saturday at $3,00. , Xcw hemp shapes in continental sail ors and turban effecta In .black, brown, navy, new blues, tango, purple and gold. Triced In basement Haturday, SOo. The New Trimmings For trimming spring millinery. Im mense assortment of novelty stick-ups. flowers, fruit effects, ponpoms. Priced at SOo to 81,50. Spring Ribbons Kvery new Idea In ribbon for spring will be found in an excellent selec tion ready here. Kvery need for mil linery nnd trimmings Is amply pro vided for. Many new and attractive garni turts, such as now ribbon tunics, also opora caps can bo copied at very moderate prices. Candy Specials Assorted nut brittle, with almond, wnjnut Filbert, pecan and brazil nuts, special lb. 35o, Home- mado cream peanut squares, vanilla, strawberry and , chocolata flavor at lb. I Bo. Our; old fashioned black walnut taffy wholesome and very delicious, lb. 39e. Opera creams In chocolate and vanilla flavors, filled with peacau nuts, lb. 100. Delicious maple com fret Ions. Fresh every Saturday, lb. SOo. Our creamy fruit and nut center Pompetan bitter awecta and swlsa milk chocolates, lb. 39c. Novelties and table place favor for St Patrick's day. Clever and unlquo Ideas are here In profusion. American Beauty Roses, 10c Long stem American beauty roses, fresh cut, worth 2Bc, Saturday, each, 10c. Fresh carnations In all colors, per dozen. 83c. Out Tlower Department HUn Floor. 3,500 Pairs Women's Gloves "ADLER" and other famous makes Worth $1, $1.25, $1.5Q $2 and $2.50 for 69c TIIIS immense purchnso of gloves was secured through tho S. Stoinfolclt firm in NpW York at nu amazingly low prico Thoy aro tho best products of Jacob Atllcr & Co., together with several other high grade lines. Gloves for every purpose in black, white and colors, and all sizes. Practically, all are, perfect, fresh, desirable now stock. Only a few havo cvor been mussed or handled. ' Worth $1, $1.25, $1.50,. $1.75, $2, $2.25 and $2.50. Long kid gloves, short kid gloves, capo gloves, doeskin gloves, chamois gloves, long and short silk gloves tho greatest bargains over brought to Omaha. " v Knit Underwear Women's fine cotton union 'suits with crochet beading tops, flnjshcd with satin ribbon. They have tho new kulckcrbockor, formerly made only In allk. They are very popular garments, at, suit, 91,00. 75c Union Suits at 50o Women' union suits. All ewlss ribbed and plain Hale In cuff or um brella knee ntylcji. Sleeveless or with wing slcoves. French band or crochet beading tops. Values to 7bi., at, u garment, Mo. 50c Garments at 25c Women's fine lisle vests with crp chet beading top, mercerized tapes, with cuff knee pants to mutch, lies ulur fiOo garmenta wpeclal nt 39c, Hosiery Specials $1.00 811k Tlosb 00c WompnV pure dye hoslevy with wldo lisle garter tops, doublo soles, high npllcod heels and toes. Full tKHhloned, regular made, Bla,ck. tan. white and light evening auades. Reg ular l qualltlos, Saturday at 03c. Bilk Hoot Hoso Wonien'tt pure allk boot hee with wide garter tops; also Beamiest fibre hose. Black, tan, white and color. F-xceptlonally good valuet. Special for Saturday pair 30o. IlOHlery nt 12zc "Women' nten's. misses and chil dren's flno cotton, mercerized Ilnlo and le finished seamless hosiery In back, tan nnd colors. Very superli):' quality and one that canrtot be equalled nt tho price, 134 Big Dollar Sale on the Third Floor A big monthly clearance of odds and ends on tho Third Floor. Tho lots aro small, bo come early. No goodB laid aBido. None reserved. No phono or mall orders filled. It's Bimply our moans of getting rid of small stocks, and you will profit thereby, if you codio Cflrly All these on Bargain Squares in front of elevators on Third Floor Saturday. Only II liana emuroiaereu oaoy pil lows: regularly worth J3.D0. Only 15 hand embroldorcd baby pil lows: worth $2.E0. Only 20 hand embroidered towels; worth 2.60. Only 23 hand embroidered ofa pil lows; worth 3.60. Only 12 hand embroidered shirt walatn! worth up to Only 1R fancy old Ivory finished bas kets! worth $1.7i. Only1 23 fancy cretonne novelties; worth to $2. . ' Only ! genuine mahogany candlesticks. Only 12 fancy baskets. Only IS' fancy pin cushions and n?v eltleH; worth to $2.(0. Only a tapestry piano covers; wortm;.o. 126 pairs lace and etaitilno cur tains, on salo Saturday, Q I pair VI Only 8 original pastels In gold frames, sires about 16x20: not one worth less than H.00. up to $7, ati Only H large assorted etrusclan gold frames In portrait sizes; values $5, at.. Only 16 assorted pictures of which we only have one of a kind left; values 2.00 to $6.00, at Only 19 hand colored photogravures (unframed): values from $1.B0 to $6.. Only H Campbell proofs, nil popular pictures; never sold for lees than $1,50.. Only 30 small choice mahogany, rose wood and walnut frames; values $2.50 to $4.00, at Only i oil paintings with large gold frames and shadow boxes; values, $6.. Only 8 beautiful French mirrors In Ivory and tinted effects; values, $4.60.. $6 couch cov ers. 60 Inches wide; $1.75 val ues, Sntur- Q I day, each . . . 9 I 160 pair mus lin curtains; worth $1.60, on sale Hatur- tj 1 day, pair... I IS nieces 60 inch cretonne and sunfast madras; $1.50 value, Q I yard vl 4 velour and India print sofa rlllows; worth 2, Hatur- O day, at.... Demonstration and Sale of Hall-Borchert Dress Forms Do not fail to attend this great sale and demon stration Saturday. This opportunity has never be foro been offered in the city of Omaha. "La Correct" This fine adjustable dress form, the Hall-Borchert make, is inde pendently adjusted at bust, waist and hips. High grade workman ship. Regular $10 value. $7.08. "Empress" This is one of the latest and best adjustable dress forms ever produced, Can bo adjusted to any desired shape with ease. Every Known means or science una ueou ased to make this a poriect ad justable form, $lff. Adjustable Bust Form There is no other adjustable waist form that compares with this In quality and price. It opens In four part. Adjust able at neck, bust, waist and flips. Spe cial demonstration price. S2.98. Hall-Borchert Bust Form Covered with 3er sey, wood bottom. All sizes 32 to 41. inch bust measure. A very practical model with medium bust, waist aqd hips. Sold everywhere at $1.60 and $2. Demon strutlon sale, 8 Be. nil' Drug Specials Wfclu Ivory maul- cure buffer, remov able chamois, QA. ft worth PBo, at OoU II Fabeo6 Tooth Zate, ?oP 28o Canthrox Bhara. 9 Dr. poo, SOo sis . . CQu 8eldllts powders, 10 at 120 Palm Olive soap, en IOC Mica ...... uu P Feroxlda of hydro gan, I-lb, bottU (lft for , U Caldwall's syrup of pepsin, 60o 29C LaBlaoue face pow der, all shades 2Q(J Ziambtrt's Xdsterlns OOo sis bottla OQn Outlonra soap KtutrlU ZTsll rollsh, ss :l" 1 5c Sal Hsnatlca, a 38o size at... Outfitting the Children for Spring Season Boys' Suits With Two Pair Pants Four Special Lots Saturday S3.75 Boys' Norfolk suits in strictly all wool Tweods, cashmeres airi worsteds In trruy, bluo and brown, Arcs C to' 17 years. Uch suit with two pairs of pants, IteRU- lar JG.60 and $7 &0 suits, (C Saturday VO A kusiiy ColxaU's para gly lSmm cerlne, H-fb. O. bottle ..... I O U I2c 0 btWWisl jr. Hoys' Norfolk suits In Bulgarian or box pleat mod els, In now jrroy. brown nnd blue mixtures and long wearlnir tweeds and cashmeres. ISach with two pairs fnllv llnarl nnntfL Tlfffrillnr IK tflltltl. Mnf.Hn! Kntllrfffiv. . Boys' $6 & $7.50 Suits, $5 Boys' Blue Serge. Suits noys' Norfolk suits In Bulgar ian or box pleat models with ex tra, pair full lln)d pants. All wool bluo serKA of excellent quallt . such as usually soil at $6 50, E Special for Baturday wO rimir nt ufv.ii rti.iltirt itAttcrnH tn bovs' Norfolk suits of im ported tweeds and homespuns, the best fabrics known for wear All strlotly hand tailored. Aces 6 to 17 years. Beyular $8.50 0C Clt values. Saturday WUiWU Extra Special for Saturday. Boys' BOo new spring blouses, In light and dark madras and percales, at 09o. Girls' Spring Coats Special lot of new sprlnji coats for Saturday. Various lilsrli grade nnd becoming styles for irtrl ages u o H years. 1'rlced at $3.50, aa.tfB, 98 and $6.90, Child's Wash Dresses Pretty little wash dresses In the new straight lino or French models. Cheeks, plaids and fancy material for small girls and mlsFes. An ex ceptionally attractive display .for Saturday. 91.B0, ai.BO,, np to 5. Special lot of new wash drsa, 91. Nqw while drosses for graduation and confirmation at 92.98, $3.98, 15, 90.00, 910 np to 919, School Shoes for Boys Sliod-ltlio" school shoes for boys. Made from best selected leather, oak tanned soles, with tip guaranteed not to wear out, which always keeps the shoe looklpj? neat after long service. New 'Tool-Form'' button and Uluchor m I 7 WJ ntvles. Sizes 1 to 6 at 93.99, Pliteg less than 1 at 93.7S. Beautiful Dress Hats for Girls Our display of individual styles In dress hat for older' girls Is worthy of particular attention, hu OK ca'ise of tho excellent values offered nt Boys' and Girls' Gloves Special lot of boys' and girls' med. lum weight kid gloves. In tan only. Outseam sewn. Sizes for children 1 to 16 years. Begular $1.Sj values, special, pair, 91.00. Girls' Union Suits "M " knit union suits for misses' and hoys' ages t to IS years. Bleach ed cotton In spring weight High Uf-k. long sleeves, ankle length, drop scat. Specially priced at suit SOc. Boys' and glrla' ISc "M" knit waists, ages i to 11 Special at Oo. Children's Hosiery MIskc' und children's black fiber silk hose with doublo heels und'toes; ulso Infanta' hose In sky, pink unu white special pair 33c. Misses' and Child's Hats Mlse.s and children's 'hats of mllun brulds, trimmed In velvet and .ilk Itah Bah Halo for girls 3 to 4 yrs. I Big bailor atyles in ages IS tp M i at sac. KlstlstO Orsazu. 36o six Johnson's rioor Wsx In l.plnt OQn can a. m M sing Bags and Suit Cases Worth to $8.50 Immense purchas of high grade suit c"cs and tra,vcl lug bags from a New York maker. Real cowhide leather suit oases, with solid brms lock and noil, innuura niruyn, iiiicu unw, with shirt folds. Also traveling bags of real cowhide Uather and Inner wal rus. In bark, brown and russet. Sizes 16. 17 and 18 tnehes. Suit cases and bags worth up to $tl.$Q Saturday In one lot, at $095 3 .i