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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1914)
TJTJr. L.1JE- OAIAHA, FRIDAY, MARCI' 13, 1911. THE NEW DRESS LINENS Are Worth a Visit to See-50c to $1.25 a Yd. Particularly, lovely are the new Crepe Linens that Paris is talking so much a b o u t also the standard weaves that are always used and always liked, including crashes and the ramie varieties. COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS, DRESSES Made to Your Special Measure "Hnlf an hour too early iB bottor than half a minuto too lato" is applicable to 'buying, your spring garments. We will not accept anyjnoro orders than tto can complete in accordance with our high standards within the time agreed upon. Order now. Special Sale of KIM0N0S...98c t Basement 8 Crepe and, Challio Kimonos, values to $3.75, Fri- AO day only 'Pr BRYAN SPEAKSFOR I. AND R. Delivers Address Before the Mary, land legislature. IN FAVOR OF A POSTAL BALLOT lecretnrr of State Asserts Ho Ke" llev.e" More Vlrtoo tn People Than JSxpressed. in Their Representatives. ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Msrch It-Secretary bt State William J. Bryan today said ha hoped that lot only would VhU country borrow tho Initiative ana referendum as It had borrowed tho Australian ballot, but that In time It would adopt the postal vote. ' ' Tho postal vote,of .New Zealand allowa a cltlsen, though away from home, to cut his voto on aa election and havo It counted. The occasion of Mr. Bryan' statement Vas an Address' he made on the initiative and referendum before the 'Marylanel leg islature, A 1111 proTWInir ;for the rneas tire is pending. . ' Secretary Bryan said he believed there la more "virtue in the people-' than ever finds expression In thslr representatives. A representative should riot violate hU conscience cither on public or private questions, and when He eels that he can not do what his constituents 'conserva HY)y want hom to do ho should return his commission. "I believe the crime ot misrepresenta tion is greater than private emoezsie meat," Mr. Bryan said. "And when you get misrepresentation your officeholder can laugh at you whJ)o he Is drawing a salary from the treasurer and, doing a he pleases." "You noed hot bo afraid to change your opinion on. the question ot the Initiative and referendum," the secretary concluded. President Wilson changed his opinion and was riot ashamed lie said lie had been teaching tho students at Princeton that tho Initiative and referendum was wrong, but when he found he was wrong he wu not ashamed to say so." . DEATH RECORD Captain Joseph Hall. TBKAMAIT. Neb.. March t!.-(Bneclal.) Tho funeral ot Captain Joseph Hall, for man years a pioneer cltlien ot Burt county, took place yesterday at tho Metho dist church In Tekamah. Captain Hall was'born In England In 1837, coming to America when he was IT years old, Its first settled In Wisconsin, from whence he enlisted Jn Company K, Wisconsin volunteer Infantry, In 1F6I. He was later transferred to a Wisconsin cavalry- regl mer.U from which In 1SW he was dls charged, haying gained a' captain's com mission in the service. Ho wan married In AMrut, after he carno from tho army, to Miss Helen I). Vaughn, and they im mediately came to Burt county, settling on the homestead In Riverside precinct. where he died Monday morning after a brief Illness of but fow'Ttours. 'Ho leaves a wife and four children. Sherman and Ellsworth of Lyons and Tekamah and"Irs. Hurlocker and .Mrs. Tarrant of Tia'mah. Ho was a, member of tho house In tho legislature of 1901 and tho scnato during tho. following session. He waa one of tho strong characters ot Burt county, having been noted for his in tegrlty and his advocacy of alt things that eo to the betterment ot a com munity. . . ' r: : . Twelvesfootfllnoleume,- worth $5 cents. Monday at 49 cents square yard. Brandels.1 Fruit Laxative for The Baby, "California Syrup of Figs." Better than calomel, oil or pills to clean and regulate liver; foowela and stomach, Mother, daddy and tho children can al ways keep feeling fine by taking this do. llelous fruit laxative as occasion demands. Nothing eUo cleanses tho stomach, liver and bowels so thoroughly without gripp ing. Yo(i take a little at night and In tho morning, all the foul, cooctlpated waste, sour bile and fermenting-food,-delayed In the .towels gently moves out of tho syrf-tenj-Wjien ypu awaken all headache, (n dlccnfcftr Sourpw, ftwl teste, bad breath, A REMNANTS 5c a Yard One largo lot of remnants of Swiss, Scrim, Net, ff Silkolines and Ore tonnes, a yard Killed While Trying to Save Sweetheart WILLIAMSON. W. Va,, March 12. While attempting to save the llfo of Miss Dixie Blackburn, his sweetheart, whoso foot was caught In a railway trestle near here today, William McCoy was struck by a train and tossed Into a ravine xiny feet away. Miss Blackburn waa wsionuy killed and McCoy was dying when picked up by tho train crow. 9nlcld at Port Madison. FOIVT MADISON, la.. March 12,-Lack of money and a position -was givon iy Archie Hayes, formerly of Downing, Mo., to a reason for ending his llfo In his home here, ills wire ana cnua wore m an adjacent room while ho penned the note and pulled tho trigger of a small rlflo. Hayes died early today in a local hospital, -Nomination Sent to donate. WASHINGTON,. March W.-The presi dent oday sent tho following nomina tions tn the senate: Aoclato, lustlcs. supreme court of Hawaii. Ralph P. Quarles. Honolulu. Marshal', district of canal sone, Wil liam Howard May. Culobra, conai sone. Secretary, territory of Hawaii, Wade Warren Thayer, Honolulu. Remnants of linoleums, worth to Tie, Monday at 29c square yard. Brandels.' lovrn Tfevfs Notes. tt-ia rmnvre n Is rumored hare that tho Swift Packing company Is planning h .mriinn her nf a larc-e areamory with an egg and poultry department In connection. IDA anoVE-The revival meetings at tho Methodist church closed with an en thusiasts meeting lasting till near mid- night, it was stated mat. w convert had been secured. IDA DROVE At tho city school elec tion hnld hare Mrs. Thomas Anderson and Julius Rohwer were elected dlreotors for terms of three years. Mrs, Anqerson Is tho first woman to ever servo on the board here. A proposition to levy a J-mllt tax carried. IDA ortOVE At a meeting of tho Ida Grove Hoso company It wu. determined to ask thn Mania Valley Firemen's asso ciation to hold their annual tournament hero In June. The meeting or me asso. elation to determine, tho matter will bo held, at Wall Lake this month, IDA tmoVR Mrs. Qeorge lUioert. ono of tho pioneer women of Ida county, died or pneumonia aner an uiness ot tour weeks. Mrs. Rupert was born In Cumber land county l'cnnsyivanta. m aw, mar Had them In 171. and she and her hus band camo to Ida county in WSO, Her hus band d ed ln'JWt. MASON CITY-Jacob Miller Is not cullty of forgery aa charged. After a hearing consuming several days the Jury deliberated over mo ovmenoo lor Hire a houro and finally said mat no was not guilty. It was alleged that ho forged a chock fof MOO on the People's State bank. John Hahn, Who was also held in con nection with the crime, was Immediately discharged. MISSOURI VALLTST-Asslsted by the different church choirs of Missouri Val ley, also by members of the different churches, Robert Emmet's last speech will bo given by Harrison Auiger, "weau tlfut Ireland" by Rev. Mr. Miller, sketch of Ireland and folklore by Miss Bessie Graham, special reading by Mario Fanger anu otnera. me entertainment win oo given at the Christian church ot Missouri valley Monday evening. March 16. LOGAN Checking? ud the realty trans tors ef Hit and comparing tho number and price with the sam ot last year, 8. E. Cox and George P. Berry, recorder and deputy recorder ot Harrison county, report the number ot realty transfers ot last year to bo ISO and this year 1U. be tween February tS and March 10. This year the amount Is 1&3.9S for the ttmo mentioned. Though it Is truo that the number of transfers am fewer than tho number of last year for tho same time, yet the prices are In advance ot last year. This Information Is verified by abstract firms and real estate dealers or Logan. Mamma, Daddy and fever and dltxlnesa Is gone; your stomach Is sweet, liver and bowels clean, and you feel grand. "California Syrup ot Figs" is a family laxative. Everyone from grandpa to baby can safely take It and no one is ever disappointed In Its pleasant action. Mil lions ot mothers know that It is the ideal laxative to give cross, sick, feverish Children. But get tho genuine. Aak your druggist for a (0-cent bottle of "Califor nia Syrup ot Figs, which has directions for babies, children ot all ages and tor grown-upa on each bottle. Refuse with contempt the cheaper Fig Syrups and counterfeits- See that it bear the name "California Fig Syrup Company. Advertisement WOMAN GLORIES IN CRIME, Nisi Richardson Proud of Mutila tion of Art Work. GIVEN SIX MONTHS IN JAIL She Says Her Act Was to Call Alien. (Ion to Slow nnil Premeditated Mnrtler of 3tra. rank Iinrnt. LONDON. March li.-MIs May Rich- anlson, the militant suffragette, who on Tuctday hacked Valasquea's "RokcJiy ,'cnus" In tho National gallery, was to day sentenced to six months' Imprison ment. The case against Miss Richardson was disposed of In record time. She was ar rested on March 10, taken to Bow street police court and committed for trial by thn magistrate on tho same day, tho grand Jury returned a true bill ngalnit her and today she was tried and con victed by a Jury at the London sessions. Tho public prosecutor, tn addressing the Jury on behalf of the government, said that one might well, doubt whether tho prisoner was In .her right senses. There was, however, no medical evidence to how lhat she was a person not respon sible for her actions. Miss Richardson has been on a "hunger strike" slnco her arrest. In replying to the chargo today, she said that her act was premeditated and she pleaded guilty. Statement tir Defendant. Addressing Judge Robert Wallace, who presided over the court, Miss Richardson said: 'I am an art student, but I care jnora for Justice than for art I firmly believe that when the nation has shut its eyes to Justice and haa allowed women, who are fighting for Justice, to be maltreated and tortured, such an action as mine hould bo understandable. "Tho slow and premeditated murder of Mrs. Emmcllne Pankhurst Is tho ulti matum which has made necessary tho recent acts of her followers. Tho nation seems to be dead or asleep, for we women have knocked vainly at tho doors of ministers, bishops and archbishops and even of the king himself. "I know that you will sentence me. I can stand only a few months torture, but my fate makes llttlo difference. I am really a grateful and happy woman. because I havo been ablo to live In a century In which Mrs. Pankhurst lived And because In a slight degree tho tor'turo havo received can help carry out what bellcvo In." Questions bjr Jadfro. As Judge Wallaco was about to pass sentence, tho following colloquy occurred: Tho Judge: "If the picture had been destroyed, no money could havo replaced It." Miss Richardson: "Do you realize that no money -can replaca Mrs. Pankhurst? 8ho Is bolng slowly killed." The Judge: "You have pleaded guilty and havo gloried In your crime." Miss Rlohardson: "I don't say that. 1 think It a shamo I had to consider it my duty to do It." The Judge: "It Is my duty to pass sentence ot six months' Imprisonment I recognize that this sentence la totally in adequate, but It )s tho maximum sentence for damaging works ot art If tho of fense had been window breaking, I could havo given tho prisoner eighteen months' Imprisonment." Miss Richardson looked 111, and It was suggested In some quarters that the pro carious state ot her health had been tho reason for taking tho unusual courso ot hurrying tho trial. Tho Charge against the nrlsnner wns "malicious damage to a picture," Another Mansion linrrieU. GLASGOW, Scotland, March U. Mili tant suffragettes today burned to the ground the large unoccupied mansion at Bewarton, belonging to the Free Church of Scotland. A message waa loft In tho vicinity stating, "This Is In revenge for tho brutal arrest of Mrs. Pankhurst." Harts Cnnso In America. NEW YORK, March IJ.-MUItant meth ods, and especially tho latest act ot tho English suffragettes In slashing tho val uable "Rokeby Venus," wore declared today by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw to bo working a great Injury to the oauso ot votes for women In this country. PRESIDENT SIGNS THE ALASKARAIL MEASURE (Continued from Page One.) with tho government's undertaking- In th eft's to push tha Taclflo railways across tho unbroken prairies and moun tains of tho west and thus link together the west and the east. Moreover, the new project Is to bo the first test In this coun try of government ownership ot a public utility; It Is expected to open to tho com merce ot the world' great and rich re sources that until now have been (or tho most psrt lying Idle; It will afford em ployment to a large army of men both In Its construction and In Its mainte nance It will develop Alaska agricultur ally' as well tn other ways by attracting- homesteaders; and It will cheapen greatly various commodities ot commerce, nota bly coal. At least theso are some of tho things which the friends ot the measure claim tor It. Opposed by Nome. The bill places great power In the hands ot the president and was opposed by some on this ground, not that they ex pressed any fear In regard to President Wilson's Judgment and Integrity, but that they thought It waa too much power to put In the hands ot any one man. By the bill the president Is authorised and directed to locate all J acquire by pur chase or construction, or by both means. a line or lines of railroads from tidewater Into the Interior of Alaska and to naviga tion on the Yukon, Tanana or lCugkok wlm rivers. In choosing: the route he la to use his Judgment as to what will best promote the settlement ot Alaska, de velop Its resources, and provide adequate transportation for coal for the army and navy, for troops and munitions ot war, and for the malls. The limitation as to price tn case ot purchase, there being a few miles of railroad already con structed, Is that It mint not exceed the physical value ot the railroad property. Thousand Miles of Une. The total of all railroads bought or con structed Is not to exceed 1.000 miles, and the appropriation for the purpose Is tto, 000,000, so that he Is limited to an expense ot ltO.000 a mile. The president Is authorized, It he sees fit, to permit the government railroad to be operated by contract or lease, or it may be operated by the Panama Railroad comoanv. This latter company has been referred to In the debates on the Alaska railroad bill as an example of successful government ownership, but It has been pointed out In reply that It Is not an ex ample of government ownership i the sense the phrase is generally ued. be cause It Is not a commercial railroad, its YOUR LUCKY DAY Kansas City Stock of GROCERIES and LIQUORS Will Go On Sale at 8:13 O'clock, Friday, the 13th, at 1309 Farnam We can conservatively state that never before has any sale betm marked with such slaughtered prices as you will find in this sale. Most articles are quoted at LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE KANSAS OITY REGULAR PRICES. We are sorry that tho high cost of thls advertising space limits our quoting more than a very few articles in each department, but a personal call will convince you that this is a sale "worth while." In order that ALL our customers may beneft by these exceptional bargains, we must limit each customer to not more than three articles of one kind . LIQUOR DEPARTMENT UEMKMIIKR ONE THING you will not find In this stock much of tho ordinary cheap brands ot common liquors, but mostly exceptional, very fine, high class brands of whiskies and raro old wines, etc., such as are used by tho exclusive, aristocratic clubs in the largo cities of tho U, S. And theso exceptional brands aro offered to you now in this sale AT LESS THAN PK1CK less than the regular prices of cheap ordinary kinds. Hero aro a few examples splected at random: 92.50 per qunrt 1800 Old Decanter Whiskey fl -I .15 snlo price P X 81.50 bottles flno Imported Spa n i sli Port and rTQ Shcry wLncs f C Jjfl.OO bottle French Apricot Iilqcucr 85c $1.30 and tl.60 bot tles Xmportsd Ger man Shin Wlna at, per bottle . . . Scotch Whiskies well known Club An assortment of very fl&s brands of America' best whis kies, 11.50 and brands, SI. 50- and $2 bottles sale price 95c i nil quarts at OOOD CAtrrORCTIA WXITE8 50c bottles for . , , , 29c 65c bottles for , , . , 32c J1.00 bottles Book and By .... 05o 05o bottles Special Vintage White Tokay Win 45o Take this opportunity to stock up with a variety of exceptionally flno liquors. Huch an opportunity may never como to you ngaln. If It Comes From Two Doors East of W. I Th same class of new and smart headgear for that have "class," made of the best materials, W lOKSHTtln MEMTER ACCOlsTS All bills due them payable at this store. Tob can bay Spring Clothes here for the family and have them put on the same account. purposo being- to transport men and sup plies being used up and down the route of the Panama canal, In constructing and operating the Alaskan railroad the president Is auth orised to employ In Its construction and operation any number ot men he may think necessary, choosing them as he pleases, only that thoso chosen from civil life shall be under the supervision, In the work of construction, ot the engineers taken front the army. The appointment ot any engineer from civil life whose sal ary exceeds $3,000 a year must be con firmed by the senate. Can Use I'nnuma Maierlnls. The president Is authorized, and tho Alaskan Railroad commission recom mends that It be done, to utilize In Alaska all the machinery and equipment used In the construction of tho Panama canal as rapidly as It Is not needed .in Panama and can be used tn Alaska, tho president to tlx the price to be paid for It to tho Isthmian Canal commission. The Interstate Commerce commission, subject to the approval of the president, Is empowered to regulate passenger and freight rites on the new railroad, and the rates are to be uniform, with no dis crimination In favor of agents of the gov ernment, except the usual provision for employes and their families. It the railroad line connects with a steamship line for the Joint transporta tion ot freight and passengers, or with any other railroad now or hereafter con structed In Alaska, the lines so con nected must be operated as a through route with through rates on a fair and reasonable apportionment ot revenue and expense. Bond Issue on Popular Basis. The bonds from the sale ot which the US,000,000 Is to be obtained are to be so old that any citizen may have oppor tunity to subscribe. The bill creates the "Alaska Railways Redemption Fund." Into which Is to be paid 75 per cent ot all money received from the sale or lease of public lands In Alaska; from the sale of coal or min eral or timber on publlo lands; and from the net earnings ot the railroad above maintenance charges and operating ex penses. The redemption fund Is to be drawn on by order ot the president to pay Interest on the bonds or to retire them. The hope ot the friends ot the bill is that the bonds will be success fully retired so that tne govejtimcnt, so to speak, will simply have made a loan to Alaska, HYMENEAL Ulekett-Vlrleb. TABLE ROCK. Neb., March, IX (8pe clsl )-Mr. Albert R. Blckett ot Liberty, Neb., and Miss Kmma Ulrlah ot Stein auer. Neb., were married here today at the office of Justice M H. Marble, the u'fflrlatlng magijtrale. FRIDAY, as 13th $2.00 bottles French Cognac 95c Ban g a r t an niaok berry, the finest tn the world $1.50 atu.,ef..::::. 78o 79c rinest Oa 1 1 f o r nla Wines, Port, flhorry, Angelica, a t o., 75o and 85o 4Qq alnes for .. 3(5o DELICIOUS PKTJXT B BAWDY Apricot, Orange, Banana and Haspberrr flavors lt00 bottles, rn. for 91.00 bottles extra heavy Malaga Win 650 75o bottles American Blackbeeny 39o JL ii mm i m. 0. W. Skyscraper. 1309 FARNAM ST. Terms as Low as 60 Cents a Week SENATE ASKS ABOUT AN ADDRESS MADE BY AMBASSADOR PAGE (Continued from Pago One.) the recent lowering ot the American tariff. It was not lowered In order to please the British people, but because H was considered economically sound. Nev ertheless It added to the pleasure of do ing it, when he reflected that America would thereby receive more trade from this country. "Mr. Page hero made a lengthy refer ence to the trading between Kngland and America, especially In cotton, about whlci ho said: 'I hope In the future It will be sent here In better grading and better shape.' "The ambassador proceeded that he wished to correct an Impression about the attitude of tho United States government concerning British Investments In states In Central America with volcanic tend encies, lie sometimes read that the United States was entering- on a policy to dis courage foreign Investments." Edward Beardsley Given Nine Years MAYVIL.L.E, JT. V., March U-Edward Beardsley, the Summerdale outlaw farmer, charged with assault on J. W. Putnam, county overseer of the poor, of Chautauqua county, was found "guilty aa charged" today. The Jury was out six minutes. I Beardsley shot the officer when the lat J tcr entered his home to remove his chll I dren from their squalid surroundings, lie then barricaded hlmsolt In his cottage and defied the authorities for eight days. Beardsley was sentenced to serve not more than nlno years and six months In Auburn prison. Thara is Only Onm "Bromo Quinine" To Qat 70 GENUINE, OaU For Tha FuU Hamm Laxative Brome Quinine (feed Thm Wo fid Ovmr to Oura at Oofd In Omo Day Whenever you feel a cold coming on think of the name Laxative Brorno Quinine. Look for this signature on the box. 25c GROCERY DEPARTMENT Wo sell every article in this sale with the distinct understanding and guarantee thai it you are not more than pleased your money back. COFFEE Kansas City regu lar 35c J. & ,T. air tight, o n o pound cans, sale price ST 19c OLVES 15c and 20c bottle Olives 35a, 40o and COo bot xtra larr I Qn Olvss Iwu 3Co. 40o and SOo bot tls fanoy IQ. Olives Iu CANNED VEGETABLES X. O. l5o and 30o Brands. Extra String Beans . rine, larjre sis, To matoes Early June small Peas Fmev Cora 8c Extra Harare Sis Pork V PER nun Benns, wiin Tomato Bauo CAN SARDINES K. C. 20c Norwegian Sordines, in oil K. C. 15c Sardines in Boullon, at 9 K. C. 15c Fancy Sardines 8J K. C. 10c Mustard Sardines 5g $1.00 quart tins Pampellan Olive Oil 6S Mail Orders ON CREDIT Spring that is shown In finest workmanship, and BEDDEO Trial of E. 8. Harlan, Hailroad Receiver, BeginsinGlenwood ATLANTIC, la., March 12.-(Speclal.)-The trial of K. S. Harlan, ex-recetver ot tho Atlantic, Northern & Southern Rail way company, recently Indicted by the grand Jury on the charge of embezzle ment, began today at Qlenwood. Embez zlement was charged In seven Instances, but only one Indictment returned. Mr, Harlan resigned, the receivership of the road some months ago after an action had been brought to oust him from that position. It la thought by the state that the de fendant wilt demur to the Indictment at the beginning of the rial and will Insist that there Is no such thing known to the law aa embezzlement by a receiver of property of any kind, the Iowa law fall ing to Include receivers In the list ot those against whom Indictments for em bezzlement may lie. If Judge Applegate sustains the demurrer the case will end at once. Some time ago, after the expert ac countant, Hess, had filed his report on tho, accounts kept by Harlan, and during the Investigation which followed Mr. Harlan returned 17,300, according to a stipulated settlement made. The attorneys for tho state are Messrs. Whltmore and Wlllard & Wlllard of this city. County Attorney Logan of Mills county, and John T. Stone ot that county. The defendant's attorneys are T. B. Swan and C. B. Clovis of this city. J. J, Hess of Council Bluffs and Qenung tc Qenung ot Glenwood. Brat Treatment for Constipation. "My daughter used Chamberlain's Tablets for constipation with good re sults and I can recommend them highly," writes Paul B. Babln. Bruehly. La. All dealers. Advertisement. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. SWA YOUR LUCKY DAY CANNED FJIU1TS K. C. U5c and 85c Apricots, Hawaiian Pineapples, Peaches all largo sizo cans -4 O for IOC 2 cans for. . 35 8c K. O. S5o Small Asparagus. . .13o K. C. 40o cans Extra Panoy Xarga Asparagus 33o 3 for 45o. S. O. 30o cans Green Asparagus Tips 190 IC O. aoo large cans Baby Beets, at (3 for 35o), each l3o X. O. 35o cans Imported Mush rooms 130 X, a. 15o cans Imported Flmen toes So K. O. 15o bottle Ketchup .... Go SPECIAL BARGAIN A nickel plated $1.50, 8-cup capacity, rapid percolating drip Coffee Pot 59 C 4-cup size, $1.25 value. . 40si 15c bottles Sweet Pickles t , 8 Yl. ftff L f 1 list Be 1 ood I More. I i SSsEaWsBssBssaW 11 must, De Good Filled for $3.00 or More. the cash stores. Hats sold from $4.50 up. 1417 DOUGLAS Triangle Waist Fire , Suits Settled for Seventy-Five Dollars NEW YORK, March 12. Twcnty-threo suits, begun by persons whose relatives were among the US killed In the Triangle Shirt Waist factory fire and by persons who were injured, were settled yester day, so far as the owner of the building was concerned, by the payment of 175 In each cose by the company that carried the accident insurance for the owner. Suits against the firm that rented the building may yet bo Instituted. It was said the settlement was made because It did not appear that the suits against the owner of the building would be successful. AMUSEMENTS. BRANDEIS Today and Eat. Matinee Both Says. EVA TANGDAY And Her Volcanic Vaudeville Co. Xat. Today, aBc-tl ; Tonight, 25c-1.50. Coming- Entire Week, 12 arch 18-31 THE TK ATTIC An Ominous Cloud by Day A ViUar of Tire by Xigbt. Prices I Mat., 25o-Il; mg-nt. flSO-9lo. -OUASJL'B TVA CBBTXa." Daily Mat., lS-SS-BOs Knff l6.95-BO.7Se rZBST EXOAOIalVI BSXB O rxSnSQ aia GERTRUDE HAYES With her 4 Dancing BrlcUtops, Hilar ious burlesque on "Within the Law" en. titled '-Without the Law." Big Beauty Chorus Miss Hayes Stage Reception Every Matinee to Lady Patrons. R. freshmenu unr w .venir. UDH31 HUCH mat, warr bats. raon ' POTTO. 4H Mat. Zvery Say, OilB; Sverr Sight, 8 115. ASVAKOED TAUSSVZXO.SI This week: Mr. Clayton White and Company. John F. Conroy. Lilian Herleln. S. Miller Kent & Co.. Harry U. Leattr, Boudlnl Brothers, Charles Weber and The Sellg Weekly, a Pictorial New. Re view of the World's Events. Prices Matinee, gallery, 10c; best stats (except Saturday and Sunday;, 2(c; nights. 10c. 25c COc and 75c AMERICAN Theater March 16 Tbe V, 8. Government Tl stares THE BATTLE Or vrouirssD nrsB Vatlnee Every Day Seats Today