THE BEE: OMAHA, TTESDAY, MARCH 10, 1914. 1, w Society By MELLIFIOIA. Monday, March 9, 1914. WINTER travelers are returning from some very Interesting trips. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, who have been spending a few weeks in Jamaica, and also visited Colon and Panama, r- turned homo yesterday. While in Jamaica they took a m6st interesting motor trln of 350 miles and wore fortunate enough to have an American chauffeur, nearly all of the drivers bolng natives and not as careful drivers. The roads of the Island are dangerously narrow and tho turns so short and abrupt that an automobilo cannot roako tho turns without stopping and backing ono or more times. The verduro and beauty of the tropical plants makes the trip worth while to sightseers and lovers of nature. Not a few Omaha people object to paying from 20 to 30 cents a gallon for gasoline; in Jamaica it is 66 cents a gallon. Mr. Martin took forty dozen pictures whilo in the tropics and will havo stercopticon slides mado of most of these, and their friends nro anticipating seeing these. Whilo in Panama Mr. and Mrs. Martin met tho Omaha party who havo been visiting tho canal -zone. Among these wore Mr. Frank Burk ley. Mfss Burkley, Miss Mary Burkley, Mr. and Mrs. John A. McBhano Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Redlck, Mrs. Ben GallaghorrMn Paul Gallagher and Mr. Ben Gallagher. Sonio of 'the porty stopped In Now York and others nre expected homo tomorrow morning. Nearly all of tho travelers in tho southern climates complain of tho intense heat, both in the canal zone, Jamaica and also from tho othor sido of tho continent, for It has been unusually warm this winter in Honolulu also. Pnrrimt Tnnirs which meets Tuesday at 3:15. Mrs. Mary iS LK? Alien will Blv. a talk on . will talk cn the recent vol- the Lincoln Highway before the current canto ""on In Japan. Then topics department' of the Woman's clue, "view of the achievements In wlrclu. telegraphy of John Hayes Hammond Preceding the program parliamentary practice on "Officers and Their Duties" will be conducted by Mrs. Edward John on and a business session will be held. It will bo decided when to have tho mothers' and daughters' kenslngton. Studio Tea. Mrs. John M. Macfarland and Mrs. Latham Davis, who are having a series ot muslcalcs Sunday afternoons at tho garage studio at the Davis home, had a delightful program this week. A string quartet gave several numbers, the quar tet Including Miss Helen Millard and Mr. Wallace Lyman, violinists; Mini Blolse West, viola, and Mr. Herbert Rogers 'cellist. Little Miss Gertrude Thclm, ac companied hy Mrs. Thleni, gave violin numbers and Miss Hazel Evans, ac companied by Miss Cora Evans, gave vocal numbers. About forty guests at tended. Consul Visits Here. An Interesting guest from Denver Frl day and Saturday was Dr. Schwegel, con sul of Austria-Hungary to tho Rocky mountain states. While enroute to Wash ington and New York, Dr. Schwegel stopped to visit Omaha, friends and was entertained by Colonel and Mrs. S. S. Curtis nnd Miss Lynn Curtis. The Aus trian consul when serving at his first consular post at Chicago had Nebraska In his district. Since then he has been consul for Austria-Hungary at Pitts burgh, Montreal. Winnipeg, Switzerland, South Africa, Turkey and other places before taking charge of the Rocky moun tain consulate nt Denver. At the Brandeis. Among those who will entertain small parties at the Brandeis during the en gagement ot Otis Skinner in "Kismet" nro J. F. Bernstein, W. J. Connell, L. C. Flyn. C. F, Junod, Cliarlea Klrschbraun, R. Olson, Jennie M. Phelps, Forrest Richardson, George Redlck, D. Rosen- stock. W. P. Stlilman. C. B. Thummel, H. A. Wlggenhom ot Ashland, Otto Polil of Fremont, Paul Colson of Fremont, and F. Walters. Farewell Party. About forty of tho young people of Itansccm Park church gave a pleasant surprise at tho home ot Mr. and Mrs. O M. Barnes Thursday evening In honor of Mr. George Barnum, who leaves this week for tho west Spring flowers deco rated the rooms and the evening was do tlehlfnllv niwnt In nlnvlne nroerfissivc same. Mr. Chnrles Lnntra sane two se- ! lections and Mr. Cecil Bcrryman gave two piano numbers. At tho close ot the evening refreshments were served. Entertains Club. Mrs. J. W. Skoglund entertained the 500 club Saturday evening. Mrs. Van Housen and Mrs. Williams won the prizes. Thosa present were; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Storm. Mr. and Mrs. TL. L. Manning. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eben Marks. Mr. and Mrs. J.MJaker. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fulton. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Plunkett. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Van Housen. Mrs. Ida Dresson. Mr. E. Bowman. For Milwaukee Quest. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Wclnsteln enter tained nt dinner Sunday evening In honor of Rev. Canton L. Cohen of Milwaukee Wis., from tho Beth Israel congregation. Ho has been spending the week end In Omaha. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Wclnsteln. Mr. and Mrs. A. Welnsteln. Mr. and Mrs. J. Welnsteln. Mr. and Mrs. 8 Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. J. urcenoerg. Mr. and Mrs. J. Romenek. Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Chedek. , Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Welnsteln. Misses Misses Sophie Wclnsteln, Esther Greenberg, These Are the Stores THESE ARE THE STORES selected to handle Mme. Isabella' world's famous toilet preparations in this city. These stores are qualified by their convenient locations, modern equipment and facilities to serve satisfactorily and -Well the ladies of Omaha who are interested in the preservation of per sonal' beauty. These stores are operated under progressive mer chandising policies. Their stocks are well assorted in every line and you can purchase anything you desire in toilet goods at any one of them. They hanjdle not only Mme. Ise'bell's toilet prepara tions, but anything else you may require in the line of toilet goods. At these stores you can purchase just what you desire without quibbling ana witnout any enueavor 10 sen some suusuiuie. ...wn Townvi.t mvomstiTE FACE POW- DER-Softens and improves the skin while beau tifying It. BlendB perfectly with the natural tone of the complexion. Comes la three shades, Naturelle, Brunette and White. Prlco 50c, MADAME ISB'BELIVS NATURAL BLUSH ROOUB r-Glveg a natural tint to pale cheeks and lips. Price, 60c. MADAME ISE'BELVS ROSE BLUSH STICK ROGUE A splendid roguo In a convenient form. Is healthful nnd soothing. Price, 26a . MADAME ISE'DELL'S LILAC HAND WHITENER A. few drops npplled after washing makes hands soft and white and prevents chapping. Price, 25 c. . MIHAMR IRR'IlMI.Ti'H RIfTN POOn AND WRIN KLE PASTE Ideal lor massage, feeding and nourishing tho skin, filling out the obliterating wrinkles. Two sizes, 60c and $100. MADAME ISE'BBLL'8 FLESH WORM ERADICA TOR Cleanses tho poros of blackheads, plm plOB and other blemishes. Has a bleaching and healing effect Prlco, $1. MADAME ISE'DELL'S TURKI8H BATH OIL Keeps tho skin smooth, clear and healthy. Tho right thing to uso attor automobillng, golfing and othor outdoor sport. Two sizes, 60c and f 1. MADAME- ISE'DELL'S D. C. DEPILATORY POW DER Romovcs superfluous hair without pain or injury. Prlco, $1.00. Every Woman Can Have a Good Complexion A LL of tho above preparations aro mado after Madamo Iso'boll's celebrated formulas and aro iruaranteed to contain only tho hiffheat grade ingredients and to be chein- icallv Dure. For nearly half a century tho popular staro favorites have depended upon those famous preparations to romovo and proven t ill effects of stage "make up" and to withstand, constant traveling's wear and tear on beauty. Madame Iso'boll has thousands of unsolicited testimonials signed with suoh noted names as Lillian Nordic Marcellft Jkmbrich Bknohe latt Jane Oaker Maude Lillian Berri Zelie deVLuaaan Maxine Elliott Isabel Bush Anna Hold Oissio Loftus Trixio Friganza Effio Shannon Thcso famous womon havo mado a Btudy o beauty and health. None knows bettor how to presorvo and cmphasizo the advantages of a clear skin and a good complexion. You can buy Mme. Iso 'bolls preparations at any of tho following stores: DEPARTMENT STORES The Brandeis Stores Burgess-Nash Oo, Hayden Bros. Thos. Kilpatrick Oo. Thompson, Beldon & Oo. ' WEST SIDE DRUG STORES Harvard Pharmacy, 21th and Farnnw Sts. H. S. Kink, lllth and Farnam Sts. CENTRAL DRUG STORES o. E. Lathrop, t,. . t, riJ - iOUi and Farnam Sts. .DciVbuU JJlUg UU., 15th and Farnam Sts. Bell Drug Oo., 1310 Farnam St. E. W. Bexton, 12th and Dodge Sts. Haines Drug Co., lOtli and Douglas Sts. Merritt's- Pharmacy, 13th and Douglas Sts. Myers-Dillon, 10th and Farnam Sts. The Owl Drug Oo., lOtlt and Homey Sts. Paxton Hotel Pharmacy, 14th and Harney Sts. Pope Drug Co., 13th and Farnam Sts. SOUTH SIDE Emil Oarmak, ' j 13th and Williams Sts. Ehlor's Pharmacy, S02 Leavenworth Sts. Goldman's Pharmacy, SIth and Leavenworth Sts. J. H. Green, Pork Avo. and Pacific. Greenough & Oo., Tenth nnd Pacific Greenough & Go., Tenth and Hickory. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Woolworth. Sherman & McDonnell Drug A. L. Huff, Company, 10th and Dodge Sts. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Company, 207 North 16th 8. Unltt-Docakal Drug Co., 17th and Faraara Sts. Park Ave. and Leavenworth, SOUTH OMAHA D. D. Clark, Melcher Drug Co. 0. P. Talbin NORTH SIDE Adams-Haight Drug Co., 21th and Lako Bus. Adams-Haight Drug Co., 24th and Fort Sts. Danielson Bros., 17th and Cuming Sts. Wm. 0. Hayden, 24th and Blnney Sts. Patrick Pharmacy, 24 th km' Seward Sts. Saratoga Drug Co,, 24th and Ames Ave. Schaeff er Drug Co., 10th and Chicago Sts. J. H. Schmidt, 21th and Cuming Sts. Seller Drug Co., 2 15, North 20th St. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. Clark Drug Co., Broadway and Main. Geo, S. Davis, 200 West Broadway. Pricke Drug Co,, Broadway aud Sixth. Dell G. Morgan, 142 West Broadway. Wesner & Cowles, Willow Ave, and Main. White Pharmacy, Seventh aud Broadway, Made by Mme. Ise'bell Th World's Famous Beauty Export 352 No. Mtdugiui Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. Anrta Cohen, Messrs. Abe Makovsky, Abe Welnsteln, llev, I coheir oi Milwaukee. 'or the Future. Miss Anna Johnson will entertain at Lher homo Tuesday evening. TwelVo guests will bo present In and Out of the Ben Hive. Miss Holland, who has been spending few weeks In Now York, will return Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Cooper ot White- wood, 8. D.. nro guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Pray. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, who have' been spending the winter in California, are expected homo the first ot April Dr. and Mrs. Harold Glfford and daughter, Ann, havo returned from a. va cation spent on tho California coast and In Honolulu. Mr. Wilson B. Heller, senior at Colum bla, University of Missouri, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Hcllor. Mrs. Ed Lang has returned home from Savannah, Ga., where she has been apondlng two months with her mother, Mrs. II. A. Weil. Mrs. Joseph Manning Stctner of Denver, who was formerly Miss Lillian Shears of thts city, Is expected to arrive this morn ing to visit her mother, Mrs. Stuart P, Shears. She will be accompanied by her' little daughter, Alice. Mrs. George A. Hoagland, Mrs. J. B, Summers and Master Stuart Summers, who havo been visiting Captain and Mrs. David A. Stone in Honolulu, havo arrived In California to spend a few weeks be fore returning home. II08O Burnstcln. Messrs. 1 nuebon, Austin. Tex. A. Monsky, MISPRINT ON POSTAL CARD CAUSES MERRIMENT Postcards sent out by the Commercial club to members contain a typographical error which has caused much merriment In downtown offices. Over the sig nature of John L. McCague, chairman of the executive committee, It Is stated that tho Auditorium may bo bought for 1200,0V) and finished for $50.00. Fashion Hint By LA RAOQXTEUSE. This season the tunics and drapery seem simple. They are what they seem. but an Inch more or less ot fullness, or fullness wrongly placed, will ruin the moat charming model. Take tor example this simple evening frock of "BoUe-de-Kose" muslin -velvet The bodice In the new shape called "pep- lum" makes In front two points, finishing over the shoulders and showing a piece of "blonde" silk musln around the decol The small sleeves and the under-arms are of the same material. A draped s&Jh of velvet la trimmed with three beaded bands at the middle front, and holds an excessively full and regular flounce, laid over a band of embroidered silk musUn and falling over another cut away flounce. The skirt U simply drawn no at the center front Toil may order by mail from this advertisement. We prepay Par ed Post charges. Waists "Women's white and colored sprint waists In various styles. Worth up to $1. at , Women's Spring Apparel at Moderate Cost Our basement ready-to-wear department epeclalizes In stylish looking, thoroughly dependable garments for women at extremely moderato prices. Our groat outlet for this class of-apparcl enables us to offer bettor values than you can secure elsewhere. Smart Spring Suits for $8.98 We now havo ready about 200 suits, Just ar rived, for spring wear. Ton different styles, both plain and fancy. Made of fine serges, crepes, worsteds ana mixtures in the best spring col ors. Now short Jackets with set-in-sleeves fAnp.v alftrtd Rlllta ailpVi na ifouollv call ... In $10, 1 12.50 and $15. Tuesday in basement at $8.08 Women's Spring Coats at $4.98 Dozens of different styles, long and short coats, for women and misses. Moire, silk, plaid and check ma terials, serges arid novelty cloths in all sizes and lengths. Garments Worth $7.50 to $10,00, Tuesday in basement, at $4.98. Sale of Tub Dresses Worth $2.50, $3, (I QQ $3.50 and $4 for.. V .03 Extra special lot of women's wash able dresses. Itatlne, cotton foulards, figured percales, eta, in very dainty styles and choice colors. Dresses made to sell at $2.60, $3, $3.50 and $4 Included In this lot Priced In basement at 81.35. Dresses Worth to $5 for 1 69 Tuesday your choice of about 100 women's and misses' cloth dresses from various lots, including odds and ends of styles prev iously worth up to $5. Good, practical up-to-date styles. In basement Tuesday at. . 1 $3 Petticoats at $1.89 Silk messollne petticoats. Latest styles in black and new spring col ors. Worth $3, In basement, $1.89. 50c Petticoats 25c Plain color wash petticoats in blues and tans, with scalloped bot toms. Worth 60c Tuesday In base ment, at a 5c. Dress Goods Specials for Tuesday Main rioor, Bargain Square. 36-Inch Pacific Mills 60c batiste, 99o. 36-lnch Pacific Mills SOo serges. 39c 42-lnch -French gabardines, worth $1. at 790. 50-lnch whipcords, worth $1.19. at 79o. 40-lnch French wool taffeta, worth $1, at 79c. 40-lhch silk stripe crepes, wdrUi $1, at 69o. 40-Inch all wool French crepes, worth $1, at 79e. Silks Worth to $1,25, at Yard.79 , 36-inch fancy striped dress silks; also 36-lncU dress poplins. Beautiful 2 and 3-tono printed spot- proof foulards In the latest designs. Great lot including many worth to $1.25. On main floor bargain square, yard 79c 20c, Hosiery for IQc Women's mercerised llslo. finished hosiery with, wide hem tops, double soles, high spliced heels nnd toes, 20c quality, but some slightly Im perfect on sale at 10c 50c Whipcords for 35c 36-lnch whipcords In the newest spring shades. Including tango, new blues, leather shades and staple col ors, also cream and black. Regular 60c grade, In basement at 35c. 50c Union Suits at 29c Women's cotton union suits. Trim med with torehon lace, neatly fin ish 1 with crochet beading tops. Um brella knee styles. Regular and ex tra sizes. 60c quality, 39o. Irish Laces Worth to $1, at 29c Real band 'made Dublin Irish lace edges and in sertions. Widths up to 2 inches. Many to match. Worth up to $1, special at 20c yd. 25c Fancy Pleating at 2c Shadow lace, fahcy net and chiffon pleatings in widths up to 4 inches. White, cream, ecru and black. 25c quality at, yd., 12Hic. 1 Oc Handkerchiefs at 5c Women's fancy handkerchiefs with embroidered corners, scalloped or val lace edges. Many aro im porters' samples. Regularly worth to 10c, Tuesday at Oc. If yon do not ret "Art Craft Solid" picture mold ing, yon do.aot get the bsst. We are exclusive agents for it la Omaha. We ask no more for It than' ordinary fraaers do for ordinary frames. Women's $2.50 and $3 Shoos Pair $1.65 Women's shoes In various but ton styles. Mado of good grade dull calf and patent leathers, all of which formerly sold at $2.50 and $8.00, Specially priced for Tuesday in the basement 91.65. Odds and ends of women's shoes and slippers. Many are slightly scuffed from handling. Big table full to be disposed of in basement, at pair. . . Children's Shoes Boys' and girls' dull calf and kidskin leather shoes. Worth $2.50 reg ularly. On sale in base ment at 91.00. 25c J? House Slippers Women's strap style houso slippers of soft kidskin, with turned soles. Worth $1.50 and $1.75, at, pair $1.00. Women's storm rubbers. Good quality. in basement Shoe seectton. at Wo. All sizes The Great Wash Goods Sale Continues Wonderful salo of spring wash goods which started in our basement Monday will continue the. entire week. Thousands and thousands of yards of the choicest spring tub fabrics are offered at prices which allow substantial savings to women who take advantage of these Values. ZKr nml Kftr Watl, LJe of I Serpentine Crepes aaaavs if UUll UUUUU UJibUHl Ai. Tussah silks, Corded crepes. Silk stripe voiles. Mercerized poplin, White silk ratine, Printed grenadine. Fancy colored crepes. 40-lnch Imported ratine, 40-lnch wide marquisettes. Woven tissues and madras. Mercerized mummy suiting, Kancjf printed pongee silks. T.lnen suitings In various colors, 6O0 quality embroidered batistes, 10c Known as the best cotton crepe material that can be had for long or short kimonos. AH new patterns are here. Regular price is 18c Special for Tuesday's sale, basement, yard 10c Scrim and Etamine Twenty-five attractive style weaves, In heavy and medium weight, with printed border or hemstitched ef fects. Lengths 3 to 20 yards. Ac tually worth 26c. 35c and 60c, In the usual way. on sale Tuesday at lOe, lBo and 19o. Beatiful Wash Silks Worth 35c, at Included are 27 and 36-lnch plain and Jacquard silks In all the leading1 shades the kind that makes up Into beautiful, yet Inexpensive . gowns. It has soft texture, giving the graceful flowing lines to C the new spring gowns. They are actual 36c quality. Several Iflll thousand yards on big bargain square In basement, at tUU 36-in. Muslin and Cambric, Yard 3c Desirable lengths of bleached mus lin and cambric; also twilled muslin. Specially priced In basement at,7d. . 45c Linen, 25c Tard wide pure flax Irish dress linen in white and the new spring shades, llegular 46o quality, In basement, at Mo. 'Flaxons 15c New printed flajtons In pretty rosebud, stripe, check and floral effects on white or tinted grounds, 28 Inches wide, yard I Sc. Long Kid Gloves 12 and 16-butt6n lengths in black and various colors. Odd lots and broken size and color range to bo closed out. About 450 pairs all previously worth four or five times this Tuesday price, pair 39c Every Woman in Omaha and Vicinity Will Want to See Our Great Semi-Annual Display and Sale of Laces Embroideries, Dress Trimmings and Silks Mnut2 Tuesday, Friday, M?f Inclusive VM On account of delay in delivery, one of the largest shipments was riot received in time for display Monday, but will bo shown Tuesday. No effort or expense has been spared to make this the crowning effort more far reaching in point of varieties shown moro interesting to all more beautiful than any display of tho kind ever attempted in this or any other western city. We Extend to All a Most Cordial Invitation to View This Lisp lay of the World's Choicest Productions In no store in tho land will you find moro varied assortments, more, beautiful fab rics or moro pleasing pricings. Wo havo gathered them from the uttermost parts of the earth for your approval and selection. Don't fail to see them Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, March 10 to 13, meet your modiste here. Bring your friends with you. May We Have the Pleasure of Your Presence No Cards Issued HAYDEN BROS. No Cards Issued BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES These ads will start you on the road to wealth r