Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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fidelity Storage fe Van Co. Dour. 1516.
Xave Seat Print It Now Deacon Pre.
Xlfe tns.T Tel. rna Mutual. Qould,
Xleetrto Supplies -Burgess-Granden Co
Xooinls does, to Hew Tork General
solicitor toomls of the Union I'aclflc hua
leen called to Now Tork, whero hlo ad
vice Is sought by the executive commit
ten ot the railroad company, lto will
probably bo absent ten days' or two
library Surpasses All Records One
of tho biggest circulations ot books ever
recorded In the history of the public li
brary occurred Suturday. A total of tSOd
books were Issued, and In tho reading
afid reference rooms tho attendance was
alto unusually large.
Bar. It. Cohan Preside Rev. U Cohen
ot, Milwaukee, Wis., conducted special
services at Temple Beth Hamcdrosh
Hagodol Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
lie camo to Omaha upon the request of
tho congregation to preside during the
three days' celebration.
Three Are X"ined Rasmus Anderson,
who was arrested by Detectives Rich and
McDonald as a suspect In tho theft of a
wagon belonging to Charles Stephens, Cut
Center street, was given a fine ot 125 and
costs from Judge Foster in police court.
Andrew Nelson, on a petit larceny chnrge,
drew $25 and costs, while Billy Vaves drew
thirty days In jail.
Or.' ltewton SC. Mann to Speak Here
Dr. Newton M. Mann ot Chlcugo, who Is
to speak Wednesday evening bctoro the
Unity .club at tho Library building, has
arrived in Omaha, lie Is a guest of if. S.
Mann, 52$ South Twenty-sixth avenue, lie
Is to speak on "Equality" before tho
Unity club. Dr. Mann Is a lecturer of
considerable note on publlo questions.
Merchants' National shows Oats The
IMerchants National bank showed u gain
iuf almost Jl,00o,000 In deposits on the date
of the bank call of tho comptroller on
March 4. This was the largest propor
tionate gain of the Omaha banks. The
gain was about tho samo over the cnll
the year ago and the last call on Jan
uary 13.
Will Close Up Shop- Tom Sing and
"Wong Sing, who own a chop suey parlor
at' HOI Douglas street, wcro given sus
pended sentences of thirty days for sell
ing liquor after hours by Judgo Foster In
jjollce court. Tom and Wong Informed
the judgo that tho reform wavo was too
much for them und that they Intended to
cjbse their doors tonight tor the last
time. Tho Judge, upon hearing their
promise -to suspend business, suspended
their sentences.
.Wattles''Letter is
Statement of Facts
and Not Threats
'"The socialists are unfair when they
bay that Mr. Wattles' letter to the pub
llo contains veiled threats to discontinue
extensions and to reduco wages ot the
men," said R, A. Leussler, assistant gen
eral manager of. the street; .railway com
pany, after the report ot tho' meeting
"This is not .true. Mr. "Wattles Is
nlmply stating facts, pointing out what,
we can do and What- we cannot do. They
bay they would resort to tho Initiative
and referendum to compel extensions and
to force a ralso In- wages,- That- Is
Jllbglcal. Any one can see' Its absurdity.
bn6 might as well try to conipel a busted
bank to pay Itodepojtlors imf!ull. It la the
name with us. ht our credit is des'troyed
it will be absolutely Impoaslblo to build'
'.'The polloy1 '6f 'Hie ' company 'Has been
to do tho beet it could and this will con
tinue to bo tfio policy, no matter what
happens. It goes without saying that we
can do certain things if fares aro left
alone that we won't be ablo to do It tho
fares aro reduced."
Die box ot cigars stolen from the cigar
counter In the billiard room of the Com
mercial club a week ago by the burglar
that lootod the placo was found Saturday
right by one. of the women who, do the
(scrubbing In the Woodmen ot the World
building, 'it was found on a short stalr
rvay leading from the Commercial club
lobby opi the seventeenth floor to tto
sixteenth This Is a stairway that is
seldom used.
An Ideal Woman's LnntlTe.
No better laxative than .Dr. King's New
J-ifo pills. They help the liver and bow
els to healthy action, 25c. All druggists.
Advertisement, ... ....
Tollco Commissioner A. C. Kugel by
resolution will notify the people that the
regular spring dos-catchlng will begin
April 1. Ho has Instructed the pound
master to catch and kill all unlicensed
dogs after that date.
Big Eaters Get
Kidney Trouble
Take Salts at first sign of Blad.
der irritation or
Tha American men and women most
guard constantly against Kidney trouble.
I eeause we eat too much and all our food
la .rich. Our blood Is filled with urte add
which the kidneys attire to filter out.
they weaken from orerwork, become
sluggish; the ellmlnetlve tissues clog aad
the result Is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a goneral decline tn health.
When your kldays feel tike lurapa of
lead; yeur back harts or the urine Is
cloUdy, full of sediment, or you are
obliged to seek relief two or thces times
during the night; If yeu suffer wh sick
headache or dlssy, nervous spell, acid
stomach, or you have rbeutnUUnn when
the weather is bad, get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a taMevpoonful la a glass ot water
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
alts Is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon Juioe, combined with lltbi.
and has Wen need for generations to
flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to
neutralise the adds In the urine so it no
longer I - source of Irritation, thus end
Inf Madder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot Injure,
makes a delightful effervescent lithla
water beverage, and belongs la even
loroe, becauses nobody can make a mis?
take by having a good kidney Quahlnl
-rcr time. Advertisement.
Official Synopsis of
for the Government of the City of
Omaha' as Framed by the Charter
Convention, now Submitted to the Vot
ers for Their Approval or Rejedtion.
The charter convention herewith sub
mits the home rule charter which It has
dratted for Omaha. In framing this char
ter we have endeavored to Insure to the
people at Omaha the. management of thtlr
own city affairs through an efficient gov
ernment fully accountable, and directly re
sponsive to every well founded popular
demand. We have sought to do this by
retaining the commission plan of govern
ment, with more centered responsibility,
and by providing an effective control by
Initiative, referendum, recall and im
peachment, at the same time reducing the
play ot polities by means of nonpartisan
nominations and merit appointments and
prAmotlona under civil service.
White steadfastly guided by the prin
ciple of home rule, we have also kept In
view the Greater Omaha of the near
future, sure to Include the adjoining city
of South Omaha and other suburban ter
ritory, and the mergr so far as feasible
of corresponding 'city and county offices.
Looking toward the dreater Omaha, ah
elastlo scheme ot revenues baa been
adopted, permitting ot increases neces
eary from time to time to meet enlarged
demands. The present combined ma
chinery of the city and county for assess
ing property for taxation and for a Joint
office of treasurer has been continued,
and the foundation laid for a similar
merger of city and county auditing of
fices, and city and county election
bureaus whenever proper enabling legls
latlon Is had safeguarding home rule by
making these offices elective by our own
people. In the same way, regarding the
city and county as one household for
local self-government, provision has been
made for them to unite in the erection
and maintenance ot workhouses, reforma
tories and similar Institutions that will
prevent duplication and needless expanse
to the taxpayers.
The ohapter relating to the granting ot
franchises, and regulation ot public
Utility service conforms, we believe, to the
experience lessons of this and other
cities and the best thought on that sub
Jtct. It provides fdr short term fran
chises, optional purchase without pay
ment for franchise value, full regulation
of rates and conditions of service and.
above ail, a prerequisite vote of approval
by the people for every franchise granted
It makes the preaent, .occupation tax a
minimum, materially reduces existing
rates for water and light and places on
(tho street railway the full burden of
paving and maintaining the entire street
space it occupies. '
For the first time in the history of
Omaha a definite limit la fixed upon the
saloons, prohibiting the issue of new
licenses in the residence districts and pro
viding against a transfer Into Omaha of
saloon licenses .held Jn South Omaha ia
the event of consolidation,
Further synopsis of the more salient
provisions Is contained la the following
Chapter I. Corporate Powers.
The city acting through Itm official
authorities Is given tho widest and most
plenary powers in all matters of local
publlo character.
Chapter IX. Elections.
The elective officers are enumerated,
Corrected List of Participants is
Now Arranged.
Various Concerns Holding On Splen
did Inducement for the. "Work
er 1o anther In the
The standing of the organizations listed
In Tho Bee Merchants and Manufact
urers' Voting contest, as published In
The nee Sunday, was incorrect. Hero
Is the list properly arranged In the order
ot the standing:
Mazda society. 2S75 Dorcas alreet.
Jennie Kdmundsun hospital, Oak and
Plerco, Council Bluffs. Ia.
Tim Mogul fraternity, omana.
Routh Omaha hosoltaL Twenty-fifth and
O streets. South Omaha. . . ...
woman's Jtciief corps, uiair, eto.
Ancient Order of United Workmen (Cen
tral committee;, Omaha.
Burt County Agricultural society, Oak
land. Neb.
Omaha Rcbekahs, Fourteenth und
Iiodga etrets, Omaha.
ladles' am society, Fremont. rco.
Klon Bantist church. 2821 Charles street,
Lyons women chid, joyous, jmou.
itoyat Neighbors, Holly camp No. 1121,
Catholic Ladles' guild. Wahoo, Neb.
Ladlea Aid society, First Presbyterian
church, South Omaha.
The Methodist hospital, Omaha.
Knights and Ladies of Security, Loyal
council, Omaha.
St. Joseph's hospital. Omaha.
Wrtmfln'fl nlub. Wahoo.
Camp Lee Forby, United Spanish War
veterans, umanu.
Ancient Order United Workmen No. 300,
Wahoo, Neb.
Many ot the organizations would have
made a much better showing It their
votes had been received In time to be
counted for Sunday's announcement. The
votes received after last Thursday even
ing were not Included In the count Just
published. They will count in the final
wind-up. however. ,
The last three weeks ot the contest will
be the time to' get the best results. The
fact thst labels are a very Important
factor should not be overlooked. When
labels are collected and properly classi
fied In sets, the bonus votes have an
Immense voting value. Coupons" help, but
they can't win for you unaided by the
New List of Donas Offers.
Head this list of bonus otters on manu
factured products and then realize what
you are missing when you fall to take
advantage ot this big vote-getting plan
Calumet Baking Powder Bring in at
one time ten slips found in top fit cans
anil receive 6,000 bonus votes. These votes
are given in addition to the regular vot-
intr vnlllA nf 4tffc vntM rti Afll alln. Thl.
means 9.000 votes on ten slips brought til
at one time.
Lawrence Barrett Cigars Double voting
continuing the present commission plan
of government and providing for non
partisan nomination, short ballot and
four-year Instead of threo-year terms.
To secure stability of government, how
ever, the terms are made to overlap so
that half ot the membership ot the
council is renewed every two years.
Chapter III, atnnlclpal Depart
ments. Affairs ot the city under control of the
ccunctl are divided for administrative
purposes, as now. into seven departments,
with power to arrange and rearrange un
asstgned activities. The council selects
Its president, who Is to be mayor ani
svperlntendent ot the Department ot
Publlo Affairs, and a vice president,
who is to be superintendent ot the
department of accounts and finances
and to serve as mayor In the event ot
tho tatter's absence or disability. The
procedure proscribed for the council
in the enactment ot ordinances insures
full publicity and ample opportunity and
time for remonstrance. The commis
sioner In charge, of each department is
to appoint, and to be responsible for, all
tits subordinates tn his department, sub
ject to civil service requirements, with
the exception of certain specified posi
tions to be filled by the whole council,
suoh as city attorney, corporation coun
sel, city clerk and city engineer.
Chapter IV. Local Improvement.
The system of making local improve
ments, whose cost Is to be assessed to
the property benefited, is greatly simpli
fied for the purpose of expediting such
work when desired by the resident prop
erty owners affected. Improvement dis
tricts may be created and work ordered
by the council within a certain radius
of the city hall. Outside ot that area,
the council may create the districts and
order the work, subject to a protest
right ot the owners of 40 per cent of the
abutting frontage, and the materials
may be designated after according a
hearing to the property owners. The
most important change Js tho require
ment of open specifications for paving ma
terials, and prohibition of the specifica
tion ot materials from any particular mine
or factory, and the sole application ot
the standard quality and endurance tests,
the design being to secure lowest bids by
free competition, and to minimise the
so-called paving promotion and its large
train ot evils.
Chapter V. Department of Parka
and Pnbllo Propertr.
The administration of parks and boule
vards Is subjected to several changes am
plifying the powers. Wires and poles
along boulevards are to come down
within threo years, Improvements where
boulevards and parks Intersect tho streets
are to be paid for out of the Intersection
bond fund, t'ree musical concurts In the
parks are provided for.
Chapter VI, Department of Pnbllo
The police force and all the Jails, sta
tions and equipment ace placed under the
control of the superintendent, who," with
the approval ot the council, Is to prescribe
the rules of discipline.
vuluo on each band when brought In
twenty at a time.
Kellogg's Products Bring In at ono
time ten of tho triangular tops from
Toasted Corn Flakes and recclvo 6,000
bonus votes. Bring In at onn time ten
cartons ot Kellogg's Toasted Biscuit and
receive In addition to tho regular voting
value, 10,000 bonus votes.
Kol-I-Cln ChQjvlns Gum For cacti
empty box of 2G-cent packages C,000 votes;
15,000 bonus for votes for Inducing your
dealer to purclmso a carton (flvo boxes).
I tens Products Bring in at ono time
cartons ob follows! Two Fairy Sodas, two
Graham Biscuit, two Society FJakcs, two
Echo Sugar Wafers, two Alplno Creams
ten cartons In all and rocelve. In addition
to the regular voting value, 12,000 votes.
O Brlcn's Candles 12,000 votes for ten
special coupons or for ten empty boxes
brought In at ono time retail price to bo
not less than SO cents for each box.
Parmer s Products 15,000 votes for two
Gold Bond coffee, two Diamond P cof-
rce, two Bluo Favprlto cbfrce. two pep
per, two Itosebud tea labels, brought In
at ono time.
Llbby, McNeil & Llliby's Products-10.-
000 bonus votes on ten labels brought In
at ono time, the price of each label not
to Jjo less than 10 centB.
Skinner's Products (Marcaronl, spha
gettl, -noodles, etc.), 10,000 bonus votes on
each lot of ten cartons brought In at ono
time; 6n each lot of twenty cartons
brought In at one time, 30,000 bonus votes.
Defiance Starch-COO vptcs on edch car
ton; 15,000 votra on lot of ten cartons
brought tn at ono time.
Swift Company Products 15,000 bonus
votes on each sale Induced to retailers who
do not handle White Laundry soap; iO.OOO
oonus votes tor each lot of 100 wranDors
White Laundry Soap brought In at ono
time; 600 votes on each carton Swift's
Queen Kegent soap; 15,000 bonus votes for
Inducing tho sale to tho rotaller of one
case of Queen Regent soap; 40,000 bonus
votes for 100 cartons ot this soap brought
in at one time.
Hughes' Wholesale Grocery Products
10.000 bonus votes on ten labels brought In
at one tlma as follows; Two labels Coun
try Gentleman corn, two labels 3-pound
cans tomatoes, two labels 114-pound cans
tomatoes, two labels Early Juno peas,
two labels Early Juno Sifted peas.
Study these voting values. Realize what
they mean to you. Tho nominees who
take advantage of these big offers are
the ones who are going to head tho list
on March 2$.
The pretty young sister of Alex Samuel-
sou appeared at police oourt yesterday
to plead the case of her brother, who vr i
charged with violating the rules of tha
road at Sixteenth and Howard streets
when riding his motorcycle. She did so
well that Judge Foster found himself
compelled to suspend the 110 fine.
Chapter 1I. Department ot Kir
Protection and Water Supply.
The fir. department with alt It. engine
houses and apparatus Is placed under the
control ot the superintendent in a similar
manner as the police department.
Chapter VIH. Health Commissioner.
The health commissioner, made elective,
must be a physician of five years' active
practice, and Is to have charge ot the
city's hospitals, food Inspection and snni-
tatlon. Ilia assistants as police surgeons
must hereafter be graduate physicians ot
not less than one year's practice.
Chapter IX. Auditor, Claims, Jade
ments. An Independent elective auditor to
check accounts of all departments with-
out being subordinate to any of them Is
provided. AH claims must be first passed
by the auditor and alt warrants drawn
by him. Salaried officers, however, are
hereafter to be paid In cash twice a
month, and dar laborers weekly. ir
oftener, subject to precautionary certlfl-
cation and receipts. Appeal may be take n
on rejected claims.
Chapter X. Cltr Treineorer.
This ohapter continues tho present ar-
rangement by which the county treasurer governed by personal, political or party
Is made ex-offlclo city treasurer, and the considerations. Officers removed by re
collection and disbursement of city and cji 0P impeachment within three years
county revenue handled In one office at are barred from appointive ploeos, as are
Joint expense. likewise persons within the first degree
Chapter XI. Finance. of consanguinity to any officer charged
An approach to the budget system Is with making or recommending tho op
herein provided, which may be made a potntment. The present relief and retire
true budget system as soon as the county ment pension systems are retained for po
board Is empowored to make the annual lice and fire departments and publlo II
levy for the city tn January Instead of brary employes. The civil service corn
July. The limits ot the various funds mission Is also to make the eligible Ust
which may be raised by taxation are In- from which all election offloers aro to be
creased to correspond with the increasing appointed, and to make rules governing
requirements of the city In the nature hours of work, vacations, sick leave and
ot things these Increases cannot be avail- rest days for city employes.
able prior to the fiscal year ot 1913. The
statutory limits tor the year ISIS were
11,350,000 and for the year 19H are tl.elCV
004. For the year 1915 they will be 1.0,
000, ot which Increase 175,000 goes to In
terest and sinking funds and 1165,000 to
tha variaiM fund dntwn UDon for the.'
m,i.i rt.nrimm. Th wii2 manu ulttt Ule8 Powers be made "work
several municipal departments, la give -m- . ., .
elasUCty to the budget the nmlU are to gTttiUSif'S
increase automat cally thereafter at the B,lncd by ,B cent qualv
rate of S per cent per year. cr. ..l.. a.rMt . ' ' "
Chapter XII. Municipal Bonds.
The limitations on the issue of rounlolpal
bonds sre twofold, relating to the amount
of the bonds, and to the manner of au-
thorlxlng them. In restricted amounts the
council may Issue bonds, tor certain pur
poses, such as paving intersections, per
manent park Improvements, building sew
ers, etc, without a vote of the people, and
may Issue additional bonds for these-pur-poses,
and tor other authorized purposes,
upon vote of the people, .,
Chapter XIII, Slnklnsr Fund.
A new fund, known as the' sinking fund,
Is created for redemption ot the bonded
debt, into which, in addition to the an
nual tax levy for that purpose. Is to be
covered the revenues from miscellaneous
sources In excess ot requirements to make
up the deficiency of current tax collec
Ryder Reiterates that Incinerators
Can Be Bought in Any Size.
Street Commissioner Declares that
to Dlsposo ot Garbairo That
"Wny ia Arcbniu and Ills-na-reealile
to Many.
"Thero seems to bo a misunderstanding
about tho council's attitude toward those
incinerator bonds," said Street Commis
sioner j j. jtyoor to tno city commis
sion In committee of the whole. "Let me
say that It Is not necessary to prepare
plans and specifications for thesa In
cinerators may bo purchased as a boiler
or water meter, or even an offlco chair,
for thero aro twenty standard makes on
the market."
It has been charged by It. Bechcr
Howell and others, who aro opposing tho
Incinerator bonds, which will bo voted
on Tjicsday, that the council has been
hasty and that the city engineering de
partment has not prepared plans.
Commissioner Ityder, who investigated
Incinerators In several cities before rec
ommending theso bonds to the council,
"It Is not possible to find a location In
tho city whero garbago can bo fed to
hogs without creating a nuisance In that
part of tho city. That Is an atclialc
method of disposing ot garbage, anywuy.
Also, it Is expensive. An Inelr.erator will
soon be a self-supporting, or at least an
Inexpensive proposition, and it will be
clean and effective."
At a meeting of the city commission
In committee ot tho wholo fhe communl
catlorl of J. Whelan, dead animal nil-
lector, who said he would remove gar
bage lor less than the city Is paying,
was laid over, pending tho icsult of tho
Limit Fixed Where
Junk Yards May Be
Kept in the City
After five votes had been taken the
city commission finally recommended the
Junk yard ordinance, for passage. This
ordinance fixes limits beyond which Junk
yards may not bo maintained, A scoro
ot Junk dealers protested. ,
One voto was taken on amendment.
and then other amendments were offerud
and voted down, and finally Police Coin-
mlssloner Kugel, changing his vote, voted
for the ordlnauco, under the provision
that he would have the privilege of fight
lng for the amendment when the measure
came up for passage.
Kugfl'e amendment would exclude old
Home Rule Charter
Chapter XIV. Off leers' Malnrles and
!!?n,,". .
Th 1r" 5 th" J"? 1 Tt?'
n re,ma,,n u"?"anf at (W'
The city trurer Is to have
a combined salary of M.WOfor his service.
as city treasurer and county treasurer.
The health commissioner Is to be paid
JJ.W0 , year, and to turn Into the treasury
his registration fees, now amounting to
$1,704 a year. The auditor's salary Is fixed
at 13,000. Salaries and bonds of other offi
cials are to be fixed by ordinance, and
all employes are to render undivided
service unless private employment is ex
pressly permitted, tn which ensa such
private employments must be reported
promptly to the council.
Chapter XV. Civil Mrr-rlrrv.
A civil service commission or three mem-
bra is created with authority to classify
Y employes In tho various departments,
and make them eligible for a permanent
i'st after a probationary period of one
rr, after which they are to be remov-
on' r cause. The commissioners
are to hold open competitive estnmtnatlons
for places upon the eligible lists, from
which appointees are to bo selected or
promotions made, and In the performance
of these duties are undar oath not to be
Chapter XVI. Initiative, neferen.
dnm and Itecnll.
Control by the people of legislation and
official action Is to be had by the initia
tive, referendum, recall and lmreach-
, ment. The aim Is to respond to the de-
. .. . ..
----- - - J 1 1 , U .11 vt
removing corrupt officials by impeach-
j, maj, ttaiy available
clmptcp xvlIt Pnbllo vtimr 8frPrleo
. .
This chapter prescribes conditions for
submitting franchises a short term of
not to exceed twenty-one years, stipula
tion ot rata schedules tor not to exceed
ten years, royalties based on a percent
age ot gross receipts or equal division ot
profits, optional purchase without pay
ment for franchise value, supplementary
with power to condemn; forfeiture for
falluro to llve.jip to conditions or pay
taxes, or other obligations to the city,
and, finally, prerequisite reference' and
approval by the people. The- power
to regulate is likewise broad and affirma
tive, embracing construction, operation,
rervlce and ratesfor the latter not to
exceed a maximum ot 11 per 1,000 cdblo
feat for gas, 26 cents per 1,000 gallons for
paper collectors from tho penalities of
tho ordinance Those voting ngutnAt tha
ordinance wcro Commissioners J. J,
Ityder, Dan B. Butler and Mayor James
C. Daklmnn.
Mr Tr,1 fNllnm. "(111 Vrvrl I, Tirmlv.
fourth street, was fiorlously Injured when
sho was struck by a' southbound street
Lazy Liver, Constipation, Headachy,
If Dizzy or btomach
Turn the rascals out tho headache,
biliousness. Indigestion, constipation, the
sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn
tnem out tonight with Cascarets.
Don't put In snother day of dUtrees.
Let Cascarets cleanse and sweeten your
stomach; remova the sour, undigested
and fermenting food and that misery
making gas.; take the excess bile from
a a t M'v
ALSO 33 fit SO
Chronic Kuffci-crs Kind Relief After
Vew Doses Are Taken,
If you are bothered with backache or
rheumatism, have disagreeable, annoying
bladder or urinary disorders to contend
with or suffer with nny other of the
many miseries that como from weak kid
neys, hero is a guaranteed remedy you
can depend upon, no matter what else
may havo failed to ouro you.
It Is a positive faot that the new dis
covery, Croxone, promptly ovsroorpea
suoh diseases, It Is tho most wonderful
remedy ever made for ridding the ystm
ot uric ucJd, removing the cause nnd
cutlng the troubles.
It soaks right Iji and Weans out the
stopped up kidneys and makes lliem (liter
and sift out all the poisonous waste mat
ter from tho blood. It neutralises nnd
dissolves the uric acid that lodgex In the
Victor Rosowater, President.
E. Holovtcjiiner, Vico Presidont.
Daniel Horrigan, Secretary.
J. H, Bennett, Carl Herring,
W. I. Itierstcad, A. 0. Kennedy,
V. F. Xuncl, F. 0. McCaffrey,
George E. Yager, E. M. Fairfield.
Harry Hackott,
water, 11 cents per kilowatt hour for
electrlo tight, and the present rates for
unlimited telephones. On vote or the
people the city may -construct, purchase
or operate, by Itself, or through lease,
any public utility service.
Chapter XVIII. Kxelee Deiard,
Restrictions are placed upon Issuing
licenses to sell liquor for consumption on
the premises, limiting the total (o 1(0
until the population may Justify addi
tions at the rate of one to 1.000,
and drawing the line at Twenty-fourth
street, so no more saloons may be li
censed in the residence districts; nor may
any more saloons be located tn alleys or
on boulevards. Anticipating consolida
tion with South Omaha, provision Is rnads
to prevent saloon licenses Issued in 8outh
Omaha from being transplanted Into
Chapter XIX. Police Cowrt.
The status of the police court, and the
duties ot Its officers are defined" with a
view to securing the proper keeping of
the records and speedy and fair trials
for all prisoners arrested and particularly
to stop the alleged abuse ot "buryln
prisoners" In Jail without trial.
Chnpter XX. Penalties.
This chapter sets forth wnat acts are
unlawful for city officers and employes,
for city contractors, iranchlsed corpora
tions end railroad companies, their of
ficers, employes and agents, and other
persons having relations with the city
government It covers corrupt prao
tlcea In elections and corruption and mal
feasance in general and prescribes ade
quate penalties for offenders. Insludlng
removal from office for such aa are
publlo officers or employes.
Chapter XXI City Planning, Unllel-
lnff Itrstrlctlons, Consolidation.
Under this heading la Included sections
providing for a city planning commis
sion, for the manner of establishing
building restrictions upon the use of
properly for purpose oojecuonaoie m
the neighborhood, and for conditions ot
consolidation with adjoining tncorporaiea
clUes and villages.
Finally, it should, perhaps, b added
that the constitution ot the state pre
scribes the manner of adopting and
amending a home rule charter. It should
be further explained that the desire to
make a short charter was met with the
fact that provisions ot the charter to be
superceded, particularly those relating
to cprporate powers, local improvements
and special assessments, had Undergone
the test of tho courts and that It setmed
preferable to sacrifice brevity rather than
to take needless nsns o; omission in
viting litigation.'
neallclng that no charter un "be per
fect, we yet submit this draft as a dis
tinct improvement upon our preceding
charters, as a, charter making the people
ot the city directly responsible for the
character ot their government and gov
erning officials, freeing the management
ot city affair from partisan politics aa
far as possible, and giving the people ot
Omaha -what'vlhey, so long have de
mandedreal home rul.
car near Twenty-rourtn ana isvans
streets "nnd dragged a distance of ten
feet In front of tho fender. Her left
hand Is so badly hurt that It 'wilt be am
putated. She was attended by Dr. IL W,
Bliss and was taken to tho Swedish
Memorial hospital.
The attending physicians fear that she
was also Internally Injured.
Tim 1r.l,t.flt ttrA .TilrilMntla TT nf
"w ' '
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Treatment for
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