Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Bringing Up
Bulk' of lelndotff Property Goes to
. . .Mrs. Minnie Burnett.
Ipstrament State that lie Una Al
ready Received Ills tlhnre ot
Estat1 Grandchildren '
r Are Remembered,
Bequeathing only Jt to his son. Otto U
GiilndArff, and providing that any Icgateo
Trhoitonesta tho wilt shall lose all right
to share In It. the will ot tho late Charles
fislndorff, who died Friday, makes his
Hfaughter, Mrs. Mlnnlo Burnett, the chief
tielr and sole executrix, without bond. The
wil wu filed In the office of the county
eourt yesterday, and It is expected
that a 'ijctltlon for Its probate will bo
tiled Boon.
Special bequests are made as follows;
To Emily Belhdorff, -widow ot a de-.
ctaaect son, Charles P., $00; to tho
Krandehtldrcn, Robert and Arthur Beln
sterff, sons f 0harlea $500 each; to
th'j grandchildren. Gcoraea'nd Mildred?
children ot Otto I. $500 cachi to tho
grandchildren. Cnrl William nnd OUlo
Carols. Burnett, children ot . Mrs, Bur-
td AOA Attnli Ni
UT-t, ,WW
The Beindorff estate consists chiefly oT
ine properly ,ai.iio noruiwunv wiuet v
Thirteenth and Farnam streets, whero
Mr. Beindorff conflicted a bakary and
restaurant In tho pioneer dnya pt OmahV
avM, now bccUfte'd y 'Mrs; Burnett, . a widow.- The will gIVcs all the
properly to her, subject only- to the spe-
clal WtquesU. i
In designating the nominal legacy ot
$1 for tho on. OttoJ tho will explains
that he ha, already received advances
from tie estato' In, excess ot his disUlbu
live share. He Is a muslcl&n.
TJie -will is dated October , 1W, and
was witnessed by Bobert A. Bants and
T W. Blackburn. Mr. Belnddjff .was in
tils clihtyftlfth year when hdled, dhd
XlVod in Omaha "slnco 107. Tho, body was
iRternMJn. Pi.KJC.t-ll,,USSStrr H.ul
day afternoon, after funeral services .at
th old homestead. ' -
- V
Jowa Gymnastic
Union is Organized
IOWA CITY, !.. March .-(SpecIal.)-W
permanent association to take charge
'(of stato gymnasUo tournaments was
formed by the representatives ot Io,wa,
SAmes, Luther and the State Teachers'
colleges' here Saturday 14 connection with
the state tournament hd at that time.
The organisation will bo known as the
Iowa State bymhastlo assoclatlpn, and
.will hold a tournament each yar. E.
O. Bchroeder of Iowa Is president of the
new organization, n. P. Hackett ot the
Btate Teaclrs, secretary, and these two,
with E. 'O. Tborp ot Luther and II. If.
Hackett of Amos,, compose t)e' executive
tommUtee. Next year's tournament was
awarded to Ames and the date set for
Ifarch .
IOWA3 C1T1'. la., March ?.(Bpecla.)
Elections to I'M Beta Kappa, the na
tional honorary fraternity membership In
wrilcli. Jsjbasod upon, scholarship, wero
terday Twa men and eight women wcro
rhosen. They are: Anna JIohiuiBhelt.
Wlnterseti Lenore llhyno, Wlntorsct;
John V. Brooks, Itcdrlck: Undo. Ilamren,
Kantas City. Mo.; Ju,ne Handle, .Tipton;
Bulla Keller. What Cheer; Xathryn 2.
llontgomerr. Washington; Esther Paulus.
Iowa City; Allan U. Shcpard. Harlan, and
Jisa Whlteford, Wllllahisburg.
-r1 '""j
Special. IIoytIIuk Match,
M. B. 8M1TH ftCO,
1st. id. 3d. Total
Prall l"
Nlckelt 143
Glasgow 159
BCStwlck 130
Wsley lis
Totals 700 783 743
lit. 3d. Id. Total
Mtirphy .11 137 ,U JS3
McShano , 133 14S 1M H)
Hkankey m 161 iss 411
Latham 157 126 133 4ls
Potter 17 ll 123 4..J
.725 764 645 2,138
Disordered Kidney Cacao XInch
With pain and misery by day, sleep
disturbing bladder weakness at bight,
tired, nervous run-down men and women
everywhere are glad to know that Foley
Kidney Pills restore health and strength,
and the regular action ot kidneys and
Madder Mrs, Sula Barnes, Bowdon, Oa.,
R. 1, mts f'l suffered with terrible
feeadache, backache and bearing' down
0as. sa bad I, was hardly able to get
h'retiB. X teck three bottles of Foley
Pills and ateee 4fc4Jiaye been entirely
welt." Fpr sale by all deiUers'tjYerywtitre.
JE6T with riding: J
tin, ' ' ' " '
With the Bowlers
Iowa City and Bering
High Are StiU Tied
for Eir&t Place
WABIIINQTOK; March &-Ueerlne High
school ot Portland, Me., and ilowa City
High school, leaders In tho high school
rlflo shooting matches for the champion
ship of the United States, remain tied tor
first place as a result of tho eight weeks'
contest Deorlng High made the top scoro
with 070, defeating their opponent, Bait
Lake City High, which made the second
highest score, by four points.
In class B, Jamaica, !.' I., high and tho
Stoneham, Mass., high are tied for first
place. The high scoro of MS for this
division was mado by Manual Training
ot Brooklyn.
In class C, tho high school of Auburn,
Cat., has jumped Into tho lead, closely
followed by- Cedar Rapids, la., high,
which Is only ono point behind. A sum
mary of the matches follow:
Class A Deerlng, Portland, Me., KG,
aftalnst Salt Lake City, S71; Muivtnlcy.
IDIstfl'ct of Columbia, 902, against Morris,
Now York, 030; Iowa. City, la., 9&3, against
StuyVcsant, Now York, defaulted; Bprlng
field, Mass., "Tech," 931, against Dawltl,
Clinton, New York 876; Baltimore Poly,
031, against Portland, Me., 819.
Class B Manlual, Brooklyn; M3, against
Brodkllne, Mass., SS7: Stoneham; Mass.,
0, against Eastern, District of Columbia,
Erasmus Hall, Brooklyn Hall,
Brooklyn, 900, against Commerce, N. Y
dropped; Business, D'lstHcf ot Columbia;
915, against Commercial, dropped;
Jamaica, Li UHS55, against Westcty. Uls
trlct ot Columbia, 850. . .
Class C Cedar Baplds, la., 817, against
Manual, St. Louis, 785; Tlacor county.
Auburn, Call., W, against Crane, Chi
cago, 882; , Broken, Bow, ,Neb.,; 883,
against Warren, Par," 811: Tucson, 'Arts.,
SO, agalnat Houston defaulted; .Utlca
Free, ffil, agajnst Central, Grand Rapids,
Mich., defaulted.
Cubs and Browns
Play FivetbTive Tie
TAMPA, FJa.. March t?.-The Chicago
Nationals and tho St. Louis Americans
played a E-to-S tlo today, the game being
called after tho seventh Inning to permit
tho Cubs to catch a boat. The game was
tho last of the exhibition series . her.
Score; R.H.E.
Chicago ...,, B 2 r
au louis : ......o j
Batteries - Smith. Pierce. Koettner and.
Archer. BresnahanMIamliton. James and
Agnow. .
MASON CITY, la., March 9.-(SpeclalO
Forty-eight, fair managers from Iowa
and Minnesota points havo concluded
their meeting here, and most of them
listed vo their attractions. Racing Is to
be featured by a number ot the fair, man
agers. In this Immediate locality a now
face-circuit Is bfng established consist
ing of Mason City, Hampton, Austin,
Waverly and Marsholltown. J. M. Hem
ingway of Hampton was made president
ot the circuit and J I. B. (Mose) 8tanbery
secretary. Hampton dates were set Jfor
tho week' of August'ITf Clarion SS;-AUs
tin, -Minn-, September lMyaYtft 8P-.-tember
7. and'Britt, September l.t It
was agreed that' tho slakes tor tho races
would be uniform, a purse ot 1000 being
offered for the 2:31 and 2:17 pace, 2:90 and
2:18 trot.
SIOUX CITY, Is., March 9.-Plans for
the new grandstand at Mluou park for.
the - Bloux City Western league team
wcro presented to the city council to.
day. The seating capacity will be about
Manager Clarke announced.1 that h had
signed a young "scml-prp." catcher
named chulti of Chicago.
' The signed contract, of Connie Callahan.
Ikst season's ' third baaemsn, was m
ceJVJ today.
SAN JOSE, Cel.. March 9,-Arthur
Sharer, third baseman of 'the New York
Nationals, announced here today that
he had quit professional baae ba) and
would not report this year to .the'alant
or any other club. Ho s&IahVwas tired
of the constanttfrtratn of afonff nennant
race and'Vffs JSoln Into business with"
his father at Los Angelea
. ,
Oub Record Clear,
ONO. Neb.. 'March m t.-(Speclal.-Th8
Ong lilsh school closed a successful sea
son by defeating the Swanton High school
by a score ot 24 to 27. Ong has not lost a
game this season. The lineup:
Uatton .. f-l JWSV-..W.. Ollaland
12. Jtoeenaulil..U RUiSw. ... Tldwtl
? Rosenqutst . tfuv ... BeymoLr
Bwanson ..R. U I It 11 vi.iiuir
Oasse L. V ' L. F Turney
Copyright. U14. International
New &UYlc.
Comiskey and White
Sox Squad Return
to thejffindy City
CHICAGO, March 0,-Charlea A. Com
iskey, owner ot tho Chicago American
league base ball club, White Sox players,
who went around the world, and nearly 100
Chlcagoans, who mado tho trip to New
York to welcome home tho tourists, ar
rived hero early today from New York
.on a special train.
After a banquet to be given In their
honor tonight, tho players will join their
team mates at Paso Robles, Cal., the
Sox training quarters. Sam Crawford,
Tom Daly and Jack Bliss did not return
on the special. Crawford went to his
home In Detroit and Daly went to his
homo In Boston. Jim Scott, the pitcher,
planned to leave Immediately for Lan
ders, Wyo., whore his brother la dead.
Manager Callahan, Weaver, Slight,
Paber, Daly and Bens will leave Chicago
Wednesday for the training camp. Lov
erons, Schaofor and Kgan will go to West
Baden before Joining their camps. Trls
Speaker planned to go to his home in
Texas for a short visit before joining his
squad at Hot Springs. Steve Evans, who
jumped to the Federal league last Sat
urday, returned to Chicago on the spe
cial train and will join the Brooklyn Fed
erals at Columbia, S, C, after a few
days' Visit at his home here.
ST. LOUIS, MoT Mai ch .-The inter
collegiate track meet, which was to have,
been held here next Saturday night tin-'
der the auspices of the Mlssourf Athletic
club, was called off by officials of1 the
club this (afternoon. The swlnitnlnc- meat
between the Chicago Athlctlo association
and the Missouri Athletib club, scheduled
ror unicago Marcjt. io, also woa called
Ames llltrh Bents Boone. .
AMES, In., March 9.-(Speolnl Tele
gramsAfter tha beating at the hinds
of Sioux City the Ames High school
basket ball team came back on high gear
hero this afternoon, deefatlng the Boono
High, 27 to SO. Two weeks oo,.tho Boone
quintet gave Council Bluffs a walloping.
Less Material is
Needed for Suits
of Spring Styles
In the erftflt dnvllcrht elite dfnnrlmnt nf
Tlayden Bros., whero silks nro displayed
In their real shades and where they may
be matched With 1 certain npotirnpv. Mr
D. Molvcr Is showing the most popular
colors, designs and materials ot the day
at ine seventh annual display. Silk suits
are tho most popular apparel ot the mo
ment. Never before has there been such
a richness of quality and wealth ot color
and design from which to choose the
spring SUlt. Moire nnttnu. hrnrarfxt
crepe rulsellet, moire arabesque, armure.
Hainan nna uanion crepes, and the very
newest camelon French gros deLondere,
which Is heavier than taffeta and better
adapted to slllt suits. All are shown in
the latest shades, the new sulphur, Rus
sian blue and, above all. the tango.
Mr. Mclver, as well aa Mr. Johnson,
manager ot tho lace department, agreed
tutu women were ouying better materials
than ever before, It is partially ex
plained, he thought, by the fact that they
needed much less material tor a costume
and therefore could afford tn htiv mn.i.
- - - ...
Omaha Jewelers who qualified as expert
witnesses, gave District Judge Sutton In
formation as to tho value ot a jewelry
stock In today's session of Albert Ed
holmn's divorce suit against Mrs.
Katherlne R. J. Kdholm. One of the
principal Issues in, the suit Is the degree
nf wealth nossessed bv Mr. FMhnlm .
basis for an allowance of alimony to Mrs.
iniholrn. it was agreed that loose dla
monda have Increased In value rooro than
$100 per carat In ten years.
C. B. Brown declined to give tho whole
saler's or ImpoHer'a price on a first-class
one-carat diamond, and Judge Sutton re
fused to compel him to do so. but Mr.
Brown said such a stone was worth at
reUll tIM ten years ago and was now
worth from liM to $271.
A city playground, graded and paved
streets and several other things were de
manded for the north end of the city by
A. N. Yost, who appeared before the
city commission to protest against the
manner In which Smith Bros., brick
makers, wero removing the dirt from
Lake street north of Thirtieth street.
Yost said the brlckraakers were too slow.
Persistent Advertising la the Road to
Big Returns.
I COULN - 11.1. p7
CAN TO CIT ' f f
Collides with Taxicab at Des Moines
While on Duty.
Harry Fnnnestonlc Dragged Thirty
Fret In Collision and Internal
Injuries Probably In
flicted. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, la., March 9.-Spectal
Telegram.) After colliding with a taxi
cab this afternoon, Harry Fannestoclc,
a special motorcycle carrier of tho post
office department, was dragged thirty
feet and sustained a broken leg. Ho was
unconscious when taken to a hospital and
Internal Injuries are feared. A kneecap
was torn off and a large piece of hi
flesh was found" with the wrecked mo
torcycle. No Illeoal Insurance Basluess.
State Auditor Bleakly, who has been
accused of licensing Insurance companies
illegally, declines to enter Into a news'
paper controvresy over that subject He
simply makes general denial and de
nounces all who intimate that at any
time any insurance company has been
admitted to do business unless It Is fully
authorised and has compiled with the
law. Ho has shown tho record tn the
case ot tho formatlbn of the Automobile
Owners Mutual, which was organised by
prominent men of thejitato a few years,
ago ana is .now in a nourishing condition.
Jt war organised-tn accord "with a plan
that was decided upon by the' attorney.
ReOeral 'as legal. Tho Common Brother
hood of America.- lsa fraternal that was
organized and licensed some years ago
and has since reinsured Its business. But
It fully; complied with the law as to the
number ot certificate holders and appli
cations before smarting. So with all other
intances that . have been cited. Mr.
Bleakly says the record is open for all.
Tax Collections in. Iowa.
Reports to the stato auditor from tho
'counties of the. state as to actual taxes
levied and to bo collected In the various
counties of the state, qhow that the ag
gregate wilt be about l?(4.COO,0O. , Of this
sum less thfin C per cetjt'ls .on the stato
tax .levy, tho remainder being on levies
'over which local 'boards have excluslvo
control, xne increase in assessment vawo
ot all property was from $713,000,000 to
3918,000,000, due almost entirely to the or
der of court that henceforth the laws ot
the stato must be obeyed In fixing as
sessments at actual values, but the In-
crcaao ot taxes was from $3S,000.000 to
the sum named above. The taxes col
lected aggregate about 3500.000 f.or each
county ot the state. Only two counties
have as yet failed to make their re porta
on the taxes levied and to be collected.
Applying I'crktns Latr tn Ions, ,
Reports to the State Board of Parol s
Indicate that at throe of the state Insti
tutions they have; carried out the orders
of the board with reference to the ster
llzatton of Inmates found to be likely to
reproduce defectives. The reports are from
Mount Pleasant, Clarlnda and Independ
ence. No report has as yet been received
from Cherokee, but the system was in
use there even prior to the passing of the
Perkins law. The board has not yet vis
ited Olenwood, and Is In some doubt as
to what to do with that Institution owing
to the great opposition to the law. The
board will resist the effort on the part
of the Inmates of the penitentiary at
Fort Madison to have the whole law de
clared Invalid because ot violation ot the
personal rights ot Individuals, . whether
(hey are criminals or mentally deficient.
Taken Back for Prison Term.
Requisition papers were Issued today to
have taken back to Ohio one Frank
Trncht or George Smith, who has just
completed a short term tn prison at Fort
Madtkon. He violated a parole In Ohio
and wilt have to serve the rest of the
Superintendent Donohue of the inebriate
hovpltal consulted with the board of con
trol today with reference to resistance to
an effort on the part of a patient to se
cure release by habeas corpus. Tho man
went to Keokuk ostensibly to sign 00ms
psprs and started suit .there.
Connelly Becomes a Candidate.
Maurice Connelly of Dubuque applied
for nomination blanks from the secretary
Of state today to again become a candi
date, but did not sllte whether he had
decided on running for congress again In
the Third district or for United States
Located the Epileptic Colony.
The Board ot Control has located tho
state eptleptlo colony on land In Boona
county not far from Porry and Wood-
wara and close to the Des Moines-Perry
Interurban line. The land purchased Is
a OCO-acre farm of exctotlonallv fina
land. The location was selected becausd
it Is nearer than any other to good coJ
land and transportation will be a smaller
Item there than any place else. The first
selection was a farm near Des Moines,
but the owners could not comply with tit
requirements as to transportation.
Rrutovat at m. Jastlc of the Peace.
The attorney general's department Is
10, 1914.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
rejoicing over the success at Iowa City
In the removal by Jury of a Justice of tho
Iieace on the ground of intoxication. Tho
department employed an attorney to han
dle the case and 'prosecuted under the
old law which permitted a Jury trial.
The court ruled against the slate on Im
portant points relative to tho failure of
the Justice to properly account for fees
received, but tho jury decided he should
bo removed for genorai unfitness.
J'.M.Welch Gets Crate
of English Chicks
J. M. Welch, proprietor of the Quick
Serve and tho Boston lunches, has re
ceived two crates ot White Leghorn
chickens of the1 English breed from Tom
Barron' df datforth, near Preston, , Eng
land. There are twenty chickens, seven
teen hens and three roosters, in tho flock,
and Mr, Welch, will place them on his
farm on Military road for laying pur
poses. The chickens aro of tho prize winning
breed of Mr. . Barron. Mr, Barron hap
been raising these leghorns for twenty
years, and during tho Iast'thre years he
has won tho International prlzo for lay
ing. These hens havo averaged from
twenty to twenty-six eggs a month, which
Is considerably higher than any other
Tho chickens left Liverpool, England,
on February 20 and arrived In Omana
March 9. They arrived without mishap
and seemed to be glad they wero on
American , soil . it tho loud acclaims -jf
welcome they accorded to everybody who
entered .Ma WelchVi. offices in. ..the CUy
National bank . building can ba accepted
as a criterion.
For tho first year Mr. Welch will keep
his English chlckena in . seclusion and
uso the eggs for setting. After that ho
will permit them to breed with his own
American Leghorns, so that ho expects In
time to havo a chicken farm which will
stand comparison with any in this coun
try. Stomach Troubles Disappear
by using Electric Bitters. Best remedy
for liver and kidney, Indigestion, dys
pepsia and all stomach troubles. EOc
and $1. Alt drugglsts.-Advertl.iement.
To decide the championship ot the
Church league the "First Christian and
First Methodist fives, now tied for first
place, havo agreed to play Thursday
night at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation gymnasium. The First Meth
odist tied the Christian team two weeks
ago with the aid ot Obey Meyers, a 240
pound heavyweight and the biggest player
in Omaha. The by-laws of tho league
were technically- violated and Meyers will
asssBSBBBKsBsssssTIiv ssssssssraSliEasssBasBgaasssHstaaH
4fsssssssssF2 M I
r J
A 'Mb
43ince l&Z
A. Guckcnheiraer CB Bros. Co., Frceport, Pa,
not bo allowed in play In the champion
ship game. ,
Tho greatest rivalry possible exists be
tween the two teams, each having suf
fered but one defeat during the season.
no admission wm 00 cnargea to witness
tho game, which will be called at S o'clock.
Accused, Mn'n Ends -Life.
PORTLAND. Ore., March 9Altert
Howard, fpr thirty ysars an employe ot
Flelschner, Mayor & Co.. 'who with nnvpn
other-men was accused of whblesalo thefts
01 nnens irom tno nrna, .committed sui
I feel as though I'd been their guest"
SAID a man at tho end of his trip over the Baltimore
& Ohio. A splendid roadbed, a comfortable, up-to-date
train equipment, the beat cooking or the best
food, and the best service in the diner -and tho grandest
scenery anywhere, had combined to. give htm that
'hero's-Where-I-bolong" feeling. Ho had realized , tho
Baltimore & Ohio policy, which Is service.
Specify the Baltimore
& Ohio to Washitgton
and New York
scenes along the way.
Choose one of these splendid trffins
2To. 8-The Interstate Special Leaves Chicago U a. m,
Drawing room and -compartment sleeping cars and ob
. aervatlon sleeping can '
.,"Wq.;e--Ifsw Tork filinlted Leaves Chicago B;tr. p. m.
Drawing room bleeping cars and tobbefvntltptfrlor car.
.These perfectly appointed steel trains are electrically
equipped, complete In appointments, of strictly modern
construction. With exceptlonnl3-xg(?o(Vflrn)iie w serjHseVr
Other high-class through trains 'leave .Chicago at 8 am.
and, 9:30. p. m. . . . . . . .
' AH trains Ieave Baltimore! & Ohio Station, FlftnT
Avenue, and Harrison Streeet. ,
1 V.
Ticket Offlcei
913 Woodman
.. H..C. PICU&EKC,
Baltimore & Ohio
'Our paseenger
te Summit of Whiskev
matured to perfection
" m . -mm mm
cide today In a cell at tho codnty Jail by
cutting his thror.t with a penknife.
EKATERINOSLAV, Russia, 'March 9t
Twenty-four men wcro killed In nn' cxpl
slori of gas In a coal mine Yesterday. T.hji'
explosion was caused by a miner opening,
his safety lamp tn a gas-tilled chamber,
to light a cigarette.
Seethat your ticket reo'ds via
Baltimore & Ohio from Chi
cago east Liberal stopover
permit you to make It a vaca
tion trip or to look after busi
ness at tho Important points.
Write us for Interesting book
lets telling the hlxtorlcal
Sravallntr ' Passenger Agent,
of ths World Bldjr?, Omaha, Hob.'
Pacific Coast Agent:
are our guests"
o o
o .