Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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First-Series Debates in High School
league Near an End.
! " 1 1
Mat of TVlmtPm In ThoM Contests
"Which Ilnre Dtrn IIHtt to nte
In Jlltnh School Competition.
Neb., March 8.-Bpoele1.)-ln
the seventh annual contests of tho
Nebraska lUgh School Debating leamie.
cc-njpo.eed o pbout seventy of tho prin
cipal school of tho state,' tho ilrat ae.
rlcs of debate nro nearlng completion.
Tho winners In this aeries will proceed
with tho second series, and. In districts
with she or moro members tho two Bfcc
ond scries winners will then compete for
the district championship and the honor
dt "sendlniT a representative of the dis
trict to tho state debate at tho st&to
university on high schooi fpte day In May.
Seven debates were held Friday nlsht
at Wllbcr and Bprlngtlcld (east-central
district). Bhttle Creek (north-central),
Ponca (northeastern), Guide Hock, (south
ern), Sargent (west-central). Two con
tests were held last evening; at Austey
fwcst-ccn'trqil) ' and Wyhioro (southeast
Beatrice runs a special train wlth 200
"rooters" to Wymote for tho contest be
twoen these lonc-tlmo rivals.
Mare Inter-district practice debates
than usual are bclnc held this year. This
week fkriith Omaha, which had won from
Schuyler February 20, Yost' to IJncoln at
Lincoln and to JIavolock At Ilavelock
March 4. Wyinore debated with Odell at
Odell March 4.
First Series Hnnnnary.
Summary of tho results to dato of first
series debates follows:
Dr. K. V. BaUBhart. York, director.
York (affirmatlve)-OsceolaAt York,
February 26; won by York; unanimous.
Falrraont-Kxeter At Fairmont, March
; won by Fnlrm6nt; unanimous.
titromsburg-Central jOlty.
Superintendent Georgo K. Martirf Ne
braska City, director.
eouui umana-sonuyicr r- At - outn
Omaha, Fqbru
iiary 20; won by
Omaha, unanimous.
Franont-Uellovuc Academy and
flchool At Bcllevue, February X; won by
I Ml I (.7 It m itnnnimnliti '
Nebraska City-Ilattsmouth-At Ne
braska City, February 28; won by Ne
braska City; unanimous.
tclla-Wcejlpfi.WaUiVt Stella, Feb
ruary SS; "won' by Weeping Water two to
l'rtnrlDdi C.
Taylor, Teachers' Col-
lego High .school, director,
Military academy,
March 12.
WUber-HaVslockT-At Wllber, March fi;
won by Ilavelock; unanimous.
Sprlngfleld-Unlverelty Place At Spring
tcjld, March tir won by Unlftrolty i'lace;
Superintendent W. K. Orecn, Valentino,
, Atkinson-O'Neill At Atkinson, Febru
ary 27; won "by Atkinson; twp to one.
Alnsworth-Valentlno At Alnsworth,
February 8; won by Alnsworth; two to
Superintendent M. "E. Crosier, director.
Rattle Creek-Norfolto-At Rattle Creek,
March u. . .
Albion-North Bend.
Superlateadent Y. W. Thtasea, Mercc,
director. .
I! loom field-Randolph At BooBfjld,
f. South, Sioux City iI'OBca At FccJ
r Tierce. ' ...,.-.
Principal' C. S5. Anderson, Alliance, di
rector. ,, v , i , .
Alliance-winner of MlnoUro-Bldney Ue
Principal A.M. Hare. Falrbury, director.
Guide Rock-Suppripr At qudo,Rock
March t,
Edsar-Clay Center At Edgar. Febru
ary : won by Edgar:, two to one.
Superintendent B, A. 13 ur dick, Hum-
ooiai, Director.
Aubnrnvrecumseh At Auburn, FebrU'
nrv 27.
Wymore-Rctttrlce At Wyinore. March 7.
Tabjo RooK-Pawneo CIUV-At Table.
hock. Moron . ,
Humboldt-Falls City Won ""by Jlum
boldt by default. ' '
Superintendent C. A. Anderson, Oxford,
director. j '
Trenton-MoCook At McCooW, February
27; won by McCook; two to one.
Cembrds-Qxford At Oxford, Februt
Ary 27; won by Oxford: two to one.
"Franklln-Beavcr City Won by Beaver
Vliy oy ueiauu.
SunerlntepO,ent Soy 13. Coc,hran, Kar.
Harvard-Hastings At Harvard, March 9.
iicarney-aiinden At Kearney.
writ np.NniiAT, niHTniw
Superintendent5 CP. J?nf 4l
St. Paul-Sargent At Sargent, March 6.
AnsleytBroken Baw-At Analey, March
, BROKEN BpW, Neb,, March .-(Spe.
cUl.l-Maggle. Mall and Francos Bells,
threo little sisters, restdlne in. school' dls-(
fcrlct No. 223, several tulles west of hero,
have been neither nbsant nor' tardy dur
ing tli six: months' term which has Just
closed- These children have- each walked
ojo miles In accomplishing the task, their
hpmc being three miles distant front the
school house and they covering tho dis
tance, twice every school day. Their ages
are 10, 8 and 7 years, respectively,. County
Superintendent Grimes thinks the tots aro
entitled to highest commendation and. In
tends bestowing upon them a, rpward of
Indigestion Ended,
Stomach Feels Fine
Tim rf Biapepalal' la fl?s)
minutes mi sonrnew, uaa, jiexrt
burs bb1 Dyspcpia is goae.
Sour, trassy, upset stomach, livSLt ca
tion, heartburn, dynpepata; when the
food you cat ferments Into gases aa4
stubborn lumps; your head itches and
you feel sfcfc and miserable, that's when
you reollxe the msgto In Pope's Dlapep-
sjn. t makes all stomach misery vanish.
Is ftv mlnatee.
It your stomach Is In a. continuous
tevolMf yoq can't get it ruhrtL
Rlee, for your sake, try Pane's DUt
pepsin. It's so. ntd!M to have a, bad
stomoomake yotir next meI
favorite (ooA meal, then take a little
Dlapepsln, There will not be any Us
frees eat without fear. It's because.
pape-a Diapaptla "really does" rtgnlsXt
weav, oat-oc-order stotnochs thai fives
It its millions of ulm, annoalry.
Get a large ftfty-cet cose of Pap'
DlaDBMUl from anv Amr t.nM i f.
the quick et, surest stomaon. relief ana
jours known. It acts almost like magto
il js a scienunc, harmless and ;lu
ant stomach preparation which truly
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County'
BEATRICE, Neb March 8.-(Bpeclal.)-Frlday
was the last day for city commis
sion candidates to file their applications
to have their names placed on the pri
mary ballots, and three made their fil
ings, H. II. Norcross. Wallace Welgel and
H. W. Ahlqulst Few knew that Mr. Nor
cross was a Candidate Until his petition
was filed. Ho will represent the "dry"
faction In the municipal campaign for
city commissioner. The list as filed com
prises the following candidates! J. W.
Mayer, J. R. Splcer, J. it. C. Field, H. It.
Norcross, Wallace Welgel, II. W. Ahlqulst,
J. S. Rutherford, C. J. McColt, Peter Stew
art, Lh Pethoud.
Earl Burnhatn of Wyinore was appointed
deputy county clerk Friday by County
Clerk J, C. Penrod tt succeed Murray
Barnard, ; who was. forced to retire be
cause of HI health, Mr. Burnhatn has
been editor-of the' Wytnorean for years
and will -assume his. new duties next Mon
day. Watter Johnson of Adams was severely
Injured In an eWvatp accident tt few days
"ftWi aim no' tw, luiiuiu&iu in cva,UK
with his life. His clothing caught on a
screw on a revolving shaft and he was
rapidly being drawn 'toward what seemed
certain death when 3. U. Zuver and Lester
Plttman rushed to his assistance and
stopped the machinery. Johnson's arm
was broken and his back badly bruised.
Tne Odeu Farmers' Shipping association
has" engaged Frank Palmer as manager
'and will have charge of tho association's"
plant at Odell the coming year.
Because of his Intended removal to
Plckrell, Fred Paper lias resigned as
mayor of Cortland. The village board
has appointed Frank Buying, to serve nq
mayor durlnsr the unexpired term of Mr,
Fire Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock dam-
nrM tho restaurant and building of C. F.
Kbo on South Sixth street to the extent
of t?00. Tho flro started In the second
story of the building from a defective
flue, The loss Is partially covered by In
I . ,j
Xtms from Decntnr.
DECATUR, Neb., March S.-f8pecla.)
Mrs. F. Byram returned Thursday from
Boston, whero she was called several
weeks ago by tho serious Illness and
death of her grandmother,
Mr. W, Pago Is visiting her daughter.
Mrs. George Parker, sjt Hastings.
Mesdamcfl John Ashley. J. W. Hast
ings, James Colnon anil flertrudo Calnon
attended ''Ben Hur" at Omaha Tuesday
evening. '
Miss Gell Darling attended the teach
ers' meeting Jn Oakland Saturday.
EI G. Gannon, a briber of Mr, C, J,
Aldrlch, arrived Tuesday for & fw days
Visit at tho tatter's home.
Maggie Do Leshmutt returned home. Ft!.
day after vlslllnir In Omaha and Glen.
wood, la
Mrs. Shannon Gatewood and children
returned to their homo In South Omaha
fnok HsHMIhk M Aarorn,
AURORA, Neb., March J.-(Soeclal.)-
ijuifulne haa-been going on- continually
this winter. Dr. D, S. and Dr. J. M.
HVoodard and Dr. Fired Thomas have
built a brick hultdlns: on the west siii
of the square and are occupying It. now.
tjibm com brothers have- put up a two
story fcrick boslfle it, to bo ocoupled as
astors. '' f
a..H. Grosvenor has put un a brieit
bu4ldliur on the east side or the sou are.
,ThJ' lower floor Is to bs occupied by his
law ornce and the offices of the Ancient
Prder United Workmen Accident Jnsur
nncq company, ot; which Mr. Grosvenor
is president.
ine teiepnone and electric comnanle
havo built new brick buildings, which are
almost xeady for use, and the Farmers1
Elevator company have their mill ready
jur installing me machinery.
nnttle Creek Wins Debn(r.
ilATTUK CREEK, Neb.. March It
(Special) Norfolk's chanco of represent.
mji tne norm central district In (he IJIgh
School Debating leaguo was lost last Fri
day evening, whet) tla team met their
smaller but moro able, opponents Jn the
urss series aeoate or tl)o district Rattle
Creek upheld the affirmative and Norfolk
me negative siae or the trust, question.
This was Battle Crcoko first attempt to
enter the debating field And the team
showed up much stronger than expected,
The speakers for the affirmative wero
Margaret Richardson, wade Preeco and
Carl Dlttrick, with Oscar Qutkosky as
alternate, while those representing the
negative were Ira Heppertey, Elmer
Beeler and David Dletfenderfer, with
Florence MoWhorter as alternate.
Allel HnnUepftcrft Bewail Over.
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. March' 8.-SDe.
clal.)-Enls Crist of this Tjlty and William
Ksnnody ot Mernn, charged with the tile
gal rale of liquor, have been bound over
to district court Both men waived pre
liminary hearing and furnished bonds in
the sum Pt $soo each,
Gnninlt rs Taken In Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 8.-(SneelBJ
Telegram.)-Th( police today rounded up
ten Ramblers In the Rock Isjand yards.
Six were arrested, but four of them
eaped. Those held by the officers will be
jriven their hearing tomorrow.
(Continued from Page One.)
which now Is divided into two rival fac
tions of almost equal strength, one obey
Ing the orders of 'aenerar Kelley and
the other composed of seoeders. Nearly
Lew men are listed In the two camps.
Governor Offers Them Work.
Leaders of the men called at the execu
tive offices today and demanded ot Gov
ernor Johnson that they be supplied with
food and transportation to the state lint.
The governor offered thtm work Instead
and they refused, frankly declaring they
wouia accept no employment until they
had complfttd the march to Washington.
No decision could be reached by city
and county officials as to what disposl
tlon to make of the army. One of the
questions debated throughout tha day
was whether or not to ship It bock to
San Francisco, whence It had started.
There were no disturbances at the rival
camps, although emissaries of the seced
erg added to the bitter feeling by Induc
ing number ot "General" Kelley'a tot
lowers to desert.
Hucklen'a Arnica Salve
prevented blood, poison on Mr. G. W,
Cloyd of Plunk, Mo. This soothing salve
healed dangerous wound. SBo, All
Lincoln Police Commissioner Stands
By Chief James Malone.
Declares Proper Cure Taken In I!n-
KftKlnir Polleenien and Also In
llnndllnir the Department
by Officio!,
(From ft Staff Correspondent)
niNCOLN, March S.-(Spcolal.)-Havlns;
completo confldcnco In Chief of Pollco
James Malono and branding tho charges
made by Superintendent H. F. Carson of
tho State Anti-Saloon league as false,
City Commissioner O. J. King of Lincoln,
confined to the house for n couple of
months by a stroke of paralysis and fac
ing a recall election because of alleged
Incompetence of Chief Malono and tho
police department over which ho has
Jurisdiction, has filed with tho city clerk
n reply to the charges mado against the
Ho says ho Is "surprised" that Mr.
Carson should inako the charges ho does
and brands as false the accusation mado
In an affidavit by a, woman who says that
tho pollen held up $27 of her money and
refused to return It Ho admits that ho
totd tho chief that he should not pay
much attention to the law prohibiting the
sale of cigarettes becauso ho had been
Informed by traveling men that they were
sold in nearly every town In the state.
Ho excuses tho pollco department In the
social evil problem by saying If peoplo
would only tell the police where to find
violations they would make the attempt
to punish them.
Mr. King also brands as false the
charge that proper care Is not taken In
the appointment of members of the pollco
force as to their qualifications ana fit
ness for the places. Charges have been
mado that somo of tho men wore so now
to tho city that they did not know the
street numbers or location of somo of
the principal streets, It being shown that
at one time there camo a call for the
patrol wagon at a saloon at Ninth and O
and the pollco mnde a raid on one Of the
leading hotels of tho city nt Tenth and
6, and by tho time they had, been di
rected to the right location, which was
only two blocks from tho potico station,
the offenders had got away.
Point for Ilrcnllrrn.
The recalters In the potltion for the re
call of Commissioner O. J.' King of Lin
coln won another victory In tho district
court yea'tcrday, when Judgo Stewart
overruled tho motion .of City Attorney
Foster for a new trial In tho cobo of a
recount of tho names upon' the petitions
for the recall. Tho rccallers wont Into
court to compel tho city clerk to count
names on iho potltlonn thrown out by
him and for somo other acts of the clerk
which they deemed out of his Jurisdic
tion, and the court held for the rccallers.
More Warrants Cnlloil.
The state debt got another slash yes
terday, when State Treasurer George Is
sued a call for warrants nmountlnc to
$18,000. This will takQ Iri all numbers
running up Jto , 6,220 and Is mado for
March 12. The offlco Is still redeeming
outstanding warrants In the hands of
the original owner from tho university
extension fund and has' taken up $S2;72S
worth. The jie,w call WJU reduce the out
standing warrants to about $4J0,0P0.
, Hester Out for Sinrtrtml.
B. Hester, chairman p't; thp In
casUr county democratlq committee, has
announced' hi candidacy for the appoint
ment of United States marchaj for N.
Health Conference.
Tho second annual conference ot stale
and local health officers will be held In
Lincoln this week, beginning on Wednes
day and continuing through tho next day,
(Continued, from ?,ge-On.)
ovfdently suspected our Identity before
hand, turned on his heel, whipping a re
volver from his right hand overcoat
pocket and pressed tho muxxle against my
waistband. I grabbed hla wrist with my
left hand, raised his arm In the air, and
with my right hand obtained a grip on his
hip with the Intention ot throwing him.
As his right hand camo opposite his tem
ple tho weapon was discharged and like
a stone from a sling Tie seemed to shoot
from my hands and fall In a crumpled
heap on the pavement Scarcely had he
struck until Murphy had' his gun hand
pinioned to the ground, Tho bullet had
passed through thq head directly above
the right ear and came out several inches
higher on tho left side, passing through
the crown ot his derby hat. To man was
still breathing' when wo phoned the sta
tion of the affair. Neither Murphy or I
fired a shot."
Exnuiluo Detectives Revolvers.
Cllef of Detectives Moloney, Captain
Henry Ifoltfeldt and William Devereeso
responded to the call, with Dr. Hanlvy,
Jm tho emergency car. Moloney Immedt-
ately examined the weapons of his men
and found, so. he says, that no shots
hud been fired from them, as the barrtl
AChilcTs Laxative
Is "Syrup of Figs"
They lovo to take it and it
doesn't harm tho tender lit
tie stomach, liver and bowels.
It your little oWs topftu la oooteA it
Is a. sure sign ths stomach, liver aae
bowels B4 x. treptls, thorough cleaastn
at once. Whn your child Is cross,
jvisb, listless, pale, 0on't sleep, eat
or act naturally ; If breath is WL. stom
ach sour, srta full of oold, throat
stre, or If fsvrih, gtv a teassMonful
f "CaUfenOa Bynu of rtga." and U a
few l9ura all the clocfd-up, eonstlfaied
waste, sour bile and uadl; sated food
Will gently txvevo vt o tha t sarels, an
you nor a vraU. pUyfu chiM aasttsk
snex cJttVdran net&a't M oeaxasl to take
tab harmleM "fruit laxaUva." Mmtons
tt( metheni keep It handy keaauM ther
xaow Its sxtVsn ea tha storaaoo, itvsr
pjsi bewaU U prompt and sura. Thar;
tsJto know a UUU givta today savas a
stak ahUd tosnerrow.
Ask your otucglst for W-oeot bottle
Wt "CaMfemta (to t V1s" vklca co-
italna AtrvcUsns far catbtea, oh&Arap at
jail ages asta for aTawo-ups plainly on.
Has battle. Baware eounUrfalta sold
Mr. CUt tha sjeauisa. mats by "Call
forni VUt Bysvp Company." Doa't
was oiled and still had pieces of lint ad
hering to the sides. The chambers of
the guns wero full. Hooper was placed
In the patrol, which started for St Jo
scph hospital. On the way he oxplrAl
and tho body was taken to the morgue.
"Cub" Potter, who witnessed the strug
gle, 'asserts that Flemlnr told him that
Murphy had fired the shot that killed"
Hooper. Fleming accounts for this by
saying that at first he was unaware as
to Just whore the shot had really come
from and believed that his partner hail
discharged his revolver. Potter could not
stato positively who had fired.
Mrs. Erastus Benson, In front df whose
home the shooting occurred, asserts she
heard one shot fired, and that when Flem
ing entered the house to telephone police
headquarters he told her that his partner
shot the fellow. In the afternoon the de
tectives again visited tho neighborhood In
search of witnesses to the affair and said
thfat they had found that Hooper killed
Hooper was wanted by the pollco of
Los Angeles for forging a cheok for
K.C00 on tho Panama Rubber company ot
that city and was. also sought by the
Muskogee, Okl authorities for obtain
ing $375 under false pretenses from a
business man of that city. A circular
bearintr his name, detailed description
and offering a reward of $50 was Issued
from Muskogee to the departments
throughout the country. Otlwr Charges
ot a like nature aro said by Omaha po
lice to be held against him. Surviving
him is a sister, Mrs. Deerlng, of Sioux
City, whose husband Is tho general man
ager of the Metropolitan Life Insurance
company. Hooper professed to be a son
Of ex-Mayor ITnnnor nf tin.tnn m..-..
alter facta! were vouchsafed by Mr. Par-
Companion for Mm. 1'arnell.
The story how Hooper happened to be
at the Pamell residence was related by
Mr. Pamell at police headquarters about
an hour following tho shooting.
"Hooper's wife, who was formerly Elsls
Llnlnger, had been employed by tho
Omaha News company as stenographer
ror aoout six previous to her marriage.
We had known tho girl Intimately for a
numbor of years and when six months
ago I bought my homo in Dundee I per
suaded her to come and live with us, as
I am on the road the greater part of tho
time and my wife la left at homo alone.
Elsie made a good companion for her.
Early last fall tho girl Jpurneyed to Kan
sas City to visit relatives, where she met
Hooper at a dinner party. When sho
returned to Omaha ho followed and early
In N6vcmber she announced her engage
ment. "The ceremony took place at Kansas
City, Thanksgiving day, and the couple
left for Los Angeles for their honeymoon.
Learns of ForRcrlri,
"They stopped off, however, at Musko
gco on the return, where Elsie first
learned that things wero not as they
should be with her husband. At Kansaa
City she Jef. him and camo back to
Omaha. Sho got John G, ICuhn, attorney
Viet ocmicz m
Brown Bottles
That Made Milwaukee Famous
for the Omaha News company, to look up . Chicago and two Identification cards Is
her husband's record. I sued by the Brotherhood ot Railroad
"Part of the facts werea uncovered and ' Trainmen, each card bearing the name
she wrote and pleaded with her husband! ot John T. Parks, and were dated No
to securo employment and make good the I vember, 1697 end 100?, respectively. Tho
wrongs he had done. Through legal ad- j descriptions on each did not correspond,
vleo sho found that this could be done ; but In certain respects tattled with that
for a reasonable sum of money. Hooper j of Hooper. The cards were Issued at
replied that he would attempt to borrow! Indlanola, Ind., and Hiawnee, Okl.
the money and thnt If he failed they) Mrs. Hooper, whos Is 33 years old, In
would go to Central America. Mrs.
Hooper In tho meantime had also learned
through legal advice that they would bo
safe in the south as long as they kept
out of tho canal zone.
"Hooper came to Omaha, Friday. I
learned of his visit Sunday morning when
I came in off the road and was met In
Council Bluffs by my wife. He had
spent both Friday and Saturday night at
my house. After breakfatt Sunday morn
ing he left my homo for Chicago, from
which place he was going to Louisville.
"He had, so I learned from my wife,
threatened to kill himself If ho was taken
by the police, and before leaving told her
that ho was armed."
I card Man Wm Desperate.
When Chief of Pollco Dunn received the
outsldo tip that Hooper was on his way
to Omaha he was told that the man won
desperate and would not be taken without
a fight This fact was also wired Omaha
by Chief of Pollco Sebastian of Los An
geles. It was lor this reason, so Chief
Malonoy asserts, tho arrest was not made
In tho Darnell homo, but was delayed
until tho man could be taken outside.
On tho body of the man were found
numerous letters from his wife declaring
lovo and her belief that he would do
what was right She declared that Bh
would go to Central America or any
where with him, where he could find em
ployment npd pay back the money he had
taken. The envelopes In which the mes
sages wert contained had been removed
and were missing. Also In his pocket was
found a ticket over tho Burlington to
Beer is
health! illness
The malt is a nourishing
digested food the hops
ap'petlzing, tonical and have a
nerve sedative effect the trifle of
alcohol, 4 1-2 aids digestion.
Then you will get beer that is made
pure and kept pure from the
brewery to your glass. We go to ex
tremes in cleanliness- Even the air in
which Schlitz is cooled is filtered.
See that crown or cork
is branded "SchlW
1 ho-
prostrated with grief and refused to talk
with tho detectives, following the affair.
Sho advised the officers to consult with
her attorney.
An inquest will be held this morning in
order that Detcctlye Fleming, who will
bo called to testify, may catch an after
noon train for Portland, Ore., whero he
Is subpoenaed at a witness In a white
slave case. Mrs. Hooper will not be
called to testify and Is exonerated of nil
connection with the affair, as Is tho
Parnell family.
A. G. Phillip.
BEATRICE, Neb., March S.-(8pcclal
Telegram.) A. G. Phillips, night engineer
of tho waterworks plant hero for many
years, died suddenly this afternoon at his
home In West Bcatrico of heart trouble.
He was CG years ot age and leaves a
widow and two children.
Mrm. Kiln Urnnnnn.
HARVARD, Neb., March 8.-(Special.)
Mrs. Ella Brnnnan, wife of Oscar Bran-
nan, local manager of the David Cole
cream station here, died at her homo this
morning, aged 51 years, after an illness
covering a period of more than threo
years. The husband and one daughter
are left
Mrs, Lnnrn Gtlmorr.
YORK, Neb., March 8. (SpeclaL)-Mrs.
Laura Randall, wife ot Boss Gllmore, died
at the country home near Bluevale Friday
evening, aged 61 years. She came to this
county In th early '70s and was married
to Boss Gilmoro In 1872.
Simply delicious Our
new "Orange
Label" Blend
30c. a half pound
are ((
Phoaes: Doug. 1597: Ind. A aSzs
Schlitx Bottled Beer Depot
733 S. 9th Street Omaha, Nebr.
Phono 414
lly. Gerber, rot S. Main St
Council Bluffs
Old Men Retain a
Youthful Appearance
Their hair docs not turn
grey. It docs not fall
out. It does not become
brittle. They use
It restores natural color to
grey or faded hair, cnllrens
the hsir follicles, cleanses tho
scalp. Results aro guaran
teed. Your dealer Is always
ready to refund your money
if you are sot satisfied,
Ux and II tt drugflrti. Snd
10 t.r sample bout, at Bhttman
ft McConnell Co., Om.tit, Neb.
Hard coughs, old coughs, tearing coughs.
Give Ay eft Cherry Pectoral a chance,
Sold for 70 years.
Ask Yoer Doctor.
W aorl W ssV
PHOTO engravi ng de p'tI
Price ot Drawing like this J2.50.
Cost ot 5"" Etching 30 Cents
Royal Edward Royal George
.Cabins do lute suites and rooms with
kPrlTite batas reasonaoio rates.
Montreal Quebec to Bristol
' (2 Hours to London)
sKdelltbtfuJ dyi 1 down the St. Lawrence
sn nays at sea in palatial
iripie-turDino steamers.
' AplrUw.toui4Usut,r
R. n. BELL. Oml Ar.nt.
CikikiulUa Nortb.niStMra-
nip. Lta.uw.uun.Ni.
OsTotea to Strictly Glassy
Btar in In' this Show Klrht 2Tow
In Barntj' Gerard's
Clean Burlesque, Satire and Trav--esty
Until Tou Can lianglt Xto Store.
(The gnat drama ioon to pUr at th
Brtndel the.t.r. Be. th.m both.)
tf LaAI.a rtc.ptlon on th. itt .rcry
weekday matlsc ecept b.turdir. HUis
Hayes will sure retrethm.DU to ber
Neit to Mlk. lUy' masntttim, I'm
tor tlnr life Anna rrop, the cute.t
lUtl. trtek that (T.r stepped hljh as
th.'a Ut. Sh.'a .mailer
thin a vhlrken" or en a "Kllb.',
Bh.'a a brlcktop, too.
BTSBiatrs, Bundsy t Holiday Mats,
15o, 8Sc BOo and 7Co
2g MATS. 15c and 25cft;
Cm mn It roa Ilk., bat m .ateklas.
TIOKSSXS BAT KASUnUi rarriMjjajrasjinia. ijobby.
Uat. STary Pay. StlS; Srary Wlrst,BUS.
Tills. veek. Mr. Clayton White and
Company, John V. Conroy, Lilian HsrUln,
8 Miller Kent & Co., Harry B. Lester.
Boudlnl Brothers, Charles Weber ana
The HellsT Weekly, a Pictorial News Re
view of the World's Events.
Prices Matinee, gallery. 10c; best
seats (except Saturday and Hunday),
He; nlKhts. 10c. iSc. BOo and 7,8c.
Tuesday, March 10, 4 P.M.
Tickets nor, 50c to $2,0Q,