Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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-l JUL
only once a day
after every meal.
SCOTTS EMULSION makes new blood free
from the poisonous products which irritate the
joints and muscles; its medicinal force relieves
the enlarged, stiffened joints; ml morm.
expel the poisonous adds by its con
centrated nourishing properties.
Physicimns everywhere prescribe
Scot I'm Emulsion for rheumatism.
Under New Income Law Corporation
Total is 300 Per Cent Greater.
"Ettthtcen llnmlreil ntid Thirty-Tiro
Xehrnakn t'oinitnnlca 'Affected by
Haling or (he Statute Hint
In Xott Hffcctlv. '
Vnder tho new Income Ux law, tins
number of corporations in the state of
Nebraska which Tflll bo compelled to pay
a tax; to tho government on", their earn
ings has been Increased irtoro than WO
per cfcnt, according to figure given out
at the offlco of Ilosa 1 Hammond, col
lector of Internal revenue for the state
of Nebraska,
The corporation tax law effective prior
to the passRRo of the lncomo tax law
provided that corporations showing a net
turning of more than $S,OO0 a year should
pay a tax on their net earnings to the
t'nder the Income tnx law, a number of
smaller Nebraska corporations, which
wero exempt under the fbrmorlaw, are
compelled to make tho return i and pay
a tax regardless of tho amount of lhti
net earnlnes. 1 '
Number In Inrreniod.
Jn January of W13 there were 178,lai
nble corporations In Nebrak'a', and r,21
were listed ifi February o,nst year,
Vnder tho new Income tax law GSf Ne
braska corporation f?ro Ihded at the
office, of collector of Internal .revenue In
itU, and) 1,872 during -February of. thl
year, an Increase or ,'more, than 330 per
cent In the number or corporations 'which
Willi be compelled to .pay a, federal tax
tmder the now lnc6m"oi ikt Jaw. ,
Corporations under tlie old law 'Wero
warned of tho time of payment, of their
tax to the, government, hut under1 (lie
new statute there, was no such notice
Klven, and as a result a number of N
brariCR corporatldnaVallcd td tllo their
Income returns bforeMarcirs, arid -aa n
result may be jewelled tn-payu'flno tir
penalty, , ' , r. "
ioiBds'toBtiy. ;
Thq Asaooistod Jletallers of Omaha
have not only', endorsed tho passago of
tho AuditarJvmi bonds, but they have,
launched an active campaign for tho sup."
lort iof the bond proposition, which will
be voted upon at the special eleotlon on
Tucsdny, Wsteh 10.
Tost cards have been mailed to every'
member of tho association, reminding htm
to vote for the bonds, and to do every
thing possible to support tho Auditorium
BrowningWKiiig & Co
Opening Display of Spring Hats
the body-waste producing uric acid mutt be
gradually arrested and the blood purified.
Correct diet is essential. Abstain from tea
and anything containing alcohol; eat meat
SCOTTS EMULSION stimulates the forces to
bond proposition. Tho message to the
members Is signed by Secretary James W.
Metcalfe and President II. A. Thompson,
Tho officers of tho- assoclaUon besides
telling the members of the association to
work for the measure, remind them that
the purchaso of tho Auditorium Is essen
tial to the welfare of the retail merchant
of Omaha.
Graff May Get Job
of Superintendent
at Minneapolis
'Superintendent K. ' U. draff of the
Omaha public schools Is one of flvo men
being considered as superintendent of tho
Minneapolis schools. The Minneapolis
position carries a considerably higher
salary than tho Omaha superintendence.
A short tlmo ago President Elwell and
other members of the Hoard of Education
visited with Superintendent draff.
Richard C. Pracht. 712 North Twentieth
street, suffered a-painful Injury Thurs
day afternoon when tho hect of his right
foot was caught In tho elevator at the
McCord-llrady warehouse, where he was
employed. Tho entire fleshy part of the
heel was torn loose from the bone. Ho
Is now at St. Joseph's hospital and phy
sicians attending blm nro not certain
whether they can stitch tho flesh back
Into place In such a way that It will heal
properly, or whother this will have to be
removed so as to leave the bono ex
Yoiing I'rncht has been employed at the
McCord-llrady wholesale house for noma
time, but was, not. engaged as, an elevator
conductor originally, burlng tho last few
days, In tho absence of tho regular 'con
ductor, Pracht win ordered to run tho
elovator. Ho has .had no experience In
this kind of work previous to this time,
and knew very little about elevators.
An nnnnvmnllK onmtmltilnntlon nrntt
'ins with great fervor agafnst tho. pro
rvml "rlihrlnn" nf th nnnlvernnrv
of the deat).dcallng torna'do which
visited Omaha last .Mnrcti -nas been re
eelved by CltV Clerk Thomas J. Flynu.
mie writer, signing himself "a cltlren,"
'suggests that It Omaha Is In need of soma
event to celebrate a "Pounders ' day bo
observed annually.
f t'ustninntrra Nominated.
WASHINGTON, March .-rotmaBters
Wftshlngton-n. A. Turner. Ellepsburg.
Wyoming A, N. Ilasenkamp, Laramie.
New Mexico Hosstr C. Itoehl; Albu
querque. "The store mf the town"
Our Special
Browning. King & Co.
Derby and
Soft Hat
We are the largest distributors
of the famous
John B. Stetson Hats
$3.50TO $5.00.
xow keady see vmrcow sxsr&AT
GEO. T. WILSON, Manager.
Nebraska i
Editor Donovan Says Demo Con
gressman Will Never Go Back.
They Feel HI" Party Primary Sys
tem linn ot Hern Fair to Pnrty
Worker Who llnre Tolled
lions; In (In- Hanks,
(From n Staff Correspondent,)
LINCOLN, March 6.-(8peclal.)-"Most
any republican will be r-bcl to defeat Con
gressman Dan Stephens If he gets the
nomination In our district," said A. K.
Donovan, editor of the Madison Star-
Mall, at the state house this morning.
Mr. Donovan Is emphatic In his declara
tion that Mr. Stephens has queered him
self with the democrats In tho Third con
gressional district and will not be able
to pull another nomination across, and
If he docs, It will bo practically easy for
a republican to defeat him.
Ills action In dodging the proposition of
appointing postmasters In the' good old
fashioned -way Istho causa of the discon
tent, according to Mr. Donovan, and tho
result of the postofflce primary In Mad
ison, where party workers were turned
down and a man selected by republican
voters for the appointment has left sore
spots which cannot bo healed.
VNobody woujd have kicked very
much," If any of our democratic workers
had been selected for tho place, hut when
you take Into consideration that a re
publican called tho primary and re
publicans voted at that primary and
wero responsible for the choice of the
men selected It Is not a fair shake and
Mr. Stephens will find It out If ho per
sists In going nftcr another nomination."
Barnard Submits
His Name for Tlace
Now Held by Wait
(Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 0.-(8peclal.)-Clydo
narnard today made the long-looked for
filing- for tho nomination for secretary of
stato on tho republican ticket.
Mr. Barnard has been long Identified
with stato affairs, though never before
a candidate for a political office at tho
hands of tho people. Ho was several
times first assistant clerk of tho lower
branch of the legislature and later chief
clerk of the same-body. At tho last ses
sion ho was secretary of tho senate.
Another man who desires to try for a
state office Is Representative James Pear
son nf Moorofleld. Mr. Pearson filed this
morning for the nomination for- lieuten
ant governor on the people's Indepondjnt
and democratic tickets and makes affi
davit that he affiliates with both parties.
While making a personal finding In
both cases his democratic filing Is backed
tip by a petition signed by several demo
crats. It Is noted that In his letter ac
companying the filings he. uses, the name
of the "people's Independent" party "first,
though Mr. Pearson has always been a
' CIn9nlo llnminrt 9t Madison,
MADISON'. Nob., Ji'Areh ' cXtepcCutf!)
Tho annual Masonlo banquet for the
members, tholr wives a"nd friends oc
cuiTed last nvonlng at tho parlors of the'
Mothodlst Episcopal' church. Covers wer
spread for sixty-five guests. Tho banquet
consisted of tli too courses and was served
by tho ladles of the Methodist Episcopal
Aid society. YV. It. Field was toast
master. Toasls wero responded to aa fol
lows; ''History of Masonry," by W. I
Bowling; "Harmony," by It. a. Moss-
man; "fraternity," by Jlenry Altsohuler;
"Why Masonry Has Kndured," by M"S;
McDufe. H, Z, Hornberger favoid the
company with vocal solos.
Omaha's Fail tit
I516-J8-20 Farnam Street
Saturday is going to be
a busy day in our girl's
g4 junior's departments
We've been busy, all hands around, for
tho past ten days, marking and putting In
stock tho daintiest, prettiest, moderate
priced apparel for young peoplo ever seen
In Omaha. Tho unanimous opinion of
those who have seen theso "wearables is
that no store in town will bo ablo to bold
a candlo to us for young folks' garments
of real worth. Lots of peoplo havo bought
and lots more will buy on Saturday. Uet
tcr bring your girls in for an early sea
son outfitting.
The one store
for Children's
Girl Has Vision
of House in Which
Meeker is Held
QltAND ISLAND, Neb., March C.-(Spc-clal
Telegram.) Search for Howard t..
Mocker was resumed hero today, Chief
Arbogast, two assistants und a young
woman from Lowcllyn taking an automo
bile trip Into the country as a result of a
"vision" by tho young woman, of tho
houso In which Meeker Is supposed to bo
held for ransom. Meeker's father Is also
here, financially backing the search. Tho
young woman In i question does not .claim
to bo a socrcas, but In a trance claims
Clearly to have had the Way pointed to
the lyouhg1' nfaiW' place of bondage;' 6u
6f Grand Island.
Landlord Johnston
Surprised by Friends
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 6.-(Speclal.)-Tho
Now Undell hotel was tho scene of a
delightful banquet last night when about
fifty clone friends of the proprietor, It.
W, Johnston, gathered to celebrate his
bfrthdoy. A feature of tho evening was
tnat Mf. Johnston, who came here from
wateiloo, la a little over a year ago,
did, .not know that .the event was In
honor of his birthday until he was seated
at tho table.
Tho event was engineered by Senator
Crawford . Kennedy and Food Commis
sioner Clarinet Hurmfin. Amnn wthr.
guests wero Senator Hartllng, Nebraska
utyj ex-bonator Banning, Union; cx
Iteprcsentatlvo Dan Klllen, Beatrice;
Governor Morchcad, Bishop Tlhen, Su
preme Court Judgo Hamcr. Clork. of tho
Supreme Court Harry Llndsey. Private
Secretary Morrlssey. Treammr w a
George and. Auditor W. B. Howard.
Short addresses were matin hv nit r
tho above, representatives of Omaha and
Lincoln nanera And invArnl nti.A. nn-i
frnms of congratulations and regrets at
.inn uang auie 10 do present were read
from Senator Cummlna and the mayor of
Waterloo and onb of two othr ni.i
.friends of Mr. Johnston In Iowa, and
irom colonel John Malic r In Mexico, who
said that the situation was such there
that he could not comnllcato mittm t
(Fro ma Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March C.-(Sdcc!i: nm-
manibers of tho state tax rnmml.itAn
Chairman J. H. Grosvcnor of Aurora, C.
w. tears or Omaha, C. A, Schappel of
Pawnee City and Prof. G. rv virin,. r
this city left last night for Topeka, where
ir.ey win sit two flays with the perma
nent tax commission of that state. Secre
tary E. U. Gaddla. who remained here, is
working snare time in the nrenatiii-.n r
a part of the report which the commission
wm maKe i;t juiy.
'According- to Chairman aroavenm it
Is believed that many tax officials of this
state may be solved on substantially the
same basis utilised by the Kansas au
thorities in solving the tax nroblem of
their stute.
"The centralization of tax authnritv in
a state tax commission operating In di
rect contact with the individual taxpayers
of the state' Is a change -which, the Ne
braska commission Is qulto likely to rec
omend. Wo want to see such n hruiv
in jactual operation so that we may Judgo
of Its merit and may make our own
deduction as to any possible drawbacks
that may exist." he said. .
Special Hetlth IVarnlnK for March
March Ja a trying month for the very
young, end for elds'rly people. Croup,
bronchial colds, lagrlppo and' pneumonia
are to be feared and avoided. Foley's
Honey and Tar is a great family medicine
that will quickly stop a cough, check the
progress of a cold, and, rellsv. Inflamed
and Congested air passages. K. C. Rhodes.
Middleto'n. Ca.. bays: ''La grippe gave
me a hacking cough for which I got no
relief until I took Foley's .Honey and
Tar Compound and was soon well of
both cough and cold" For sale by all
dealers everwliere. Advertisement,
i . -
Crowing Store
New Spring Coats
for the Little Miss
Jaunty modes that
carry with them a
conviction that their
designers aro true spo
ciallsts In Youthful
S5.00. S6.50.
87.50. SICKOO
Washable Dresses
that are really ex
ceptional in values
In most stores such
prices as prevail hero
, are based on inferior
fabrics and in tho gar
ments style Is only
crudely attempted.
Hero style, quality
and price make a
throo-cornorod a r g ti
pcat hard to Ignore.
SI. 00. $1.25.
S1.50. 81.05
Attorney General
Gives Rap at Auditor
(Prom a Staff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN. March 6.-(Speclal.)-Brlofa
of tho defendants, Laws on G. Brian, sec
retary of the Insurance board nnd Gov
ernor Morehead and Attorney General
Martin were filed with the supreme court
In the case wherein Auditor Morehead
seeks to regain control of tho lnsuranco
Mr. Martin sets out that tho "auditor
lp wounded because he failed In his fight
beforo tho legislature and If ho could
again secure possession of tho lnsuranco
department it would be a pleasing1
trlurnbh. With the auditor the wishes of
that, body (tho legislature) so far as this
i law Is concerned count for nothing when
in conmct wun nts ammtton to be not
one-third hut three-thirds."
. ,No attempt Is made by the attorney
general to answer that portion of thu
case In which the auditor asked for notice
tot tho proccodings, claiming they were
Illegal without such notice.
Ilnrllntcton Ilrldare Ilnmed.
M'COOIC, Neb., March C (Special.)
The Burlington's bridge at Rupert, the
Saturday marks tho Climax the Last and Final Day of this Great Bankrupt Sale
and wb are going to almost Give Goods Away. Come and get your share of tho aBr gains
beforo it is too late. It will pay you to buy Coats and Furs for nfcxt winter at these
Great Savings. It means big interest on your investment. Don't miss your Last Oppor
tunity. Come Saturday without fail.
Ittttr CMts Irtssis and Skirts at Eatally Irtat ImiIhk Get Our Prices
$ 5.00 Fur Sets ....S1.98 I $12.50 Fur Sets. . , .$4.95 $25.00 Fur Sots ....S9.95
$ 7.50 Fur Sets ....$2.98 $20.00 Fur Sets ....$6.95 Pony Coats, $17.M and $22.51
RcRMMter Muris? Is PMithrtry titt LAST DAY ! this Sale
Don't Mistake
the Place . -
Meft and young men in search
of truly elegant clothing
should see our spring suits
Made by tho
w o r 1 d'a fore
most designers
of nia-f.u linn
W. Pock and
Stein - B 1 och.
Styles about a
year In ad
vance of our
competitors and
qualities that
are unflndablu
elsewhuro for
the price asked
$20. 00
Are tho Season's
favored outer gar
ments for Btyllsh
Young Men.
Some Stunning Bargains in
Medium Weight Clothes
Men's and Young
Men's Suits
$20.00 and $25.00
Suits for $14.75
$15.00 and $18.00
Suits for .. .$8.75
Omaha' Fattett Crowing Store
first siding west of Culbcrtson, west,
burned yesterday afternoon, delaying all
traffic for several hours. A repair train
and crew went up from McCook to make
temporary repairs to allow traffic to re
sume.. Stan Snffocated in Dry Kiln.
MASON "CITY, la., March V-(SpecIaI.)
Frank Scnnltt was found dead this
morning In one or the dry kilns of tho
Mason City Brick and Tllo plant He has
been Jn this city off and on for' some time
nnd was known as a wanderer. Yester
day he said he was going tb Dnluth'. Last
night he sought 'shelter In tho warm
kiln and the supposition is that he In
haled too much gas and died as a result,
lio wds ahout 60 years tit atta.
I'lrtit tar MlnMonnr) Convention.
AURORA. Neb., March 6.-(Spcclal.)T
The executive committee of tho Woman's
Homo Missionary society of Hastings
district met at the home of Mrs. M. V.
Stanley Thursday to plan for tho an
nual convention, which will bo held In
G re sham May 6 and 7. It Is expected
that Dr. Howard of tho Sibley hospital
at Washington wilt be at tho convention.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
& SUIT vOi
93 Silk Petticoats in plain and change
able Messalines, Brocaded and Flow
ered Silks. S. C. & S. Co.'s prices up
to $2.98, choice
One lot Suits in mixtures, stripes and
Black. Coats
are in cutaway effects and $ fk
. S. C. & S. Co.'s prices up
aro satin lined.
to $15.00, choice
-a- Ww wi rW"W
Co.'s prices up to $20.00
Largo lot Dresses in silks and
up to $15.00, choice
3jP for choice of large lot Goats in mixtures,
C Brocades, Diagonals and Chinchillas. S.
W c. & S. Co.'s prices up to $20.00.
I I UH I in I a aars
31 9 So.
Another fine lot of
Boys' Suits, medium
weights, sizes 7 to 16,
sold for $5.00 to $8.50
URDAY at ..$3.25
Farnam Street.
Ice in Platte River
Begins Going Out
LINCOLN, Neb., March 6.-Ice In 'th
Platte river began going out today and
tho river Is on Its annual rampage from
Columbus to Plattsmouth, but the dam
ago thus far has not be,en great, and
watchers bellevo the loss tnls year will
be less th,an usual. At Fremont dikes
are protecting tho lown, but low lying'
land.wcst of there Is under water. Near
North Bend a huge gorge throw the mala
'channel of tho river to tho south In tho '
vicinity of Morso bluff, icatnng the usual
river bed "practically dry. At Ashland
a squad el nSeri Jsparolilh& the river,
ready to use -dynamite on any. gorges
that form and threaten tho bridges at
that place or Louisville. The Ice Is .mov
ing Into the Missouri at Plattsmouth and
tho water Is not appreciably higher. On,
tho Iowa sldo of tho Missouri from
Plattsmouth considerable land is under
Kbbrts After Smith.
The Brooklyn club Is said to be nego
tiating with Pitcher Frank Smith toi
throw up his Federal league contract and
sign another contract with tho Brooklyn
National club.
fi4AAl 319 So.
16th St.
for choice of large lot cloth dress Skirts
in serges, Brocades and mixtures S. C. &
S. Co.'s prices up to $5.00.
for choice of all Suits in tho store. Aio
in fino serges and mixtures. Late winter
styles. Coats are satin lined. S. C. & S.
serges. All
Yeu Can't Afford to Miss It
mu wan i nuvi. iu kiim ii
1 6th St.