Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday, March -5, 1914.
O PAR the Clef club might well bo called tho Harmony club, for
everything seems to bo In porfect chord and progressing on a largo
il scale. ,
The banquet at the Hotel Loyal last evening proved to 'be an
enjoyable event, and tho musicians had a Jolly social evening; so much
to that It was decided to meet within the next fortnight, when Miss Bella
Itoblnson will bo tho hostess. '
The table was moat attractive with spring flowers and plumosis ferns
and an unexpected and decidedly humorous entertainment was planned
by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Borglum.
Scarcely had the banquet started when a telegram brought to
Mr. T. J. Kelly. It was dated Londojj, England, and ran as follows:
"King .Goorgo has hoard of" the Clef club banquets this evening,' at which
timo ho wishes you to confer the Order of the Garter upon his former
subject, J. H. Slmm's, the toastmaster." -
Miss Evelyn Hopper received a wire from Florcnco, Neb.: 'Can you
find addresses and engage at any price, Miss Mary Munchhoff and 'Mm.
Mabelle Grawford Wolpton to sing tho duot from tho 'Merry Wives of
Windsor' at tho town hall?" from the Mayor
The tadles' Journal wired Mr. Jean P. Duffield to take tho placo of
Josef Hoffman.
From Wahoo came tho . following: "To Mr, Max Landow: "W
have heard of your Boston success and offer (you tho directorship of our
Miss Mary. Munchhoff received tho following: "Hammersteln . has
discovered" ino; will you tdach mo tb sing "Lucia" , in threo weeks?
sIgned..Vera Prima Vera."
To Miss Henrlotta Hoes: 'Please attend all pupils' recitaU and pay
special attention to. gowns, signed City Editor."
Mrs.. Welpton was the recipient of tho following message. "Richard
(Mrs. Wclpton'a young son) has fallon out of bod: where is tho Carrie
Jacob's Bond Extract? Katie." '
To. Mr. T. J. Kelly: "Will tho Mendelssohn choir consider an en
gagement, os flye minutes' notice, to tako place of Can' Opera' company?
They tell me there were a number of others equally clover.
Theater laity. '
A number of boarders of 'Mount fit,
Mary's school attended the matlne at
tho Brandels theater Wednesday after
noon ttf'sce-'Beli Hur;-Mrs.- L. J. I'laitl,
whoe daughter, Miss Frances Fluttl, at
tends the achooi;rwas the chaperon, and
seventeen fwere' In' the party.
' -' "
B'lCai Ami "Gluti.
The B'Nal Ami club , will , Rive Us fir.
annual dance' Sunday ovenins. uarcn r,
at tho Metropolitan
and Harney streets.
'to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs.
Itobert Dempster. Miss ueveny visueo.
jt Omaha before and baa many friends
hall, Ttventy-thlr J
Takes His Time at Breakfast While
in the City.
linn Plettalnir Address nntt Something
of (he President' Mnnnrr find
SInrh of (he Hnme Pacini
Whllo President Woodrow Wilson wai'
up, dressed, combed and looking over of
ficial papers for soveral hours yester
day, his brother, Joseph It. Wilson, In the
Henshaw hotel In Omaha, was, only taking-
his breakfast- A real aristocrat Is
the president's brother,' for ho finished
his breakfast at twenty minutes before
H yesterday mornlnir. That gave him
time enough to catch the Missouri Pacific
train at 11:30 for St. Louis. Why should
he not take his llmeT Is he not tha
brother of a president?
And a right ftno fellow to meet, too,
Is Joseph R. Wilson of Baltimore. He
haa a pleasing address and something of
the president's manner. He Is not so
toll as his brother, Woodrow, but has
much of the facial characteristic Tho
cheek bones and tho heavy Jaw .cannot be
mistaken.' They, belong to tho Wilson
family and to no other.
1 Mr. Wilson was In Omaha In conference
with B. L. Baldwin and those associated
with htm In the Insurance business. Mr.
Wilson It an official of the United States
Fidelity and Casualty company, which Is
represented In Omaha by B. L. Baldwin
& Co. Whllo In Omaha Mr. Wilson
called upon a few lawyers In the city
with whom ho Is acquainted, and after
his conference with the casualty people,
left yesterday for St. Louis.
Pioneer of the Green Wig Movement
Birthday Party,
Master Nbrrlsf Alexander Myers, eldest
son of Mr and Mrs. II, C Myers, .wl
be tha xt.of honor at a., family dinner
thhf evel)t- given jn honor of Mastti
Korrlar h .MrlVtday anniversary- at the
home ot,Wa,rad"pr4s,' Mr.
John A. Pemysfer. at tha Helen apart
ments. At tk TJalrKiiaOlu
Jar, Am Tfronws. ehtrmn ot. the
eon)MtttfW tb eatt dlnnr at the
Vtvtwrou$ ,wsKt. Thursday, has. se
lected a, tarfe imrafeer te assist la man-
..I.. U. Jfrkir. wklrh la nn of th
B . .
argt fcawaweis Jrfvefi urHw,the
at the els. AMfr "Mr-CtHe
the fo41wli. tfl mn:
Victor Wets of liefclfh university;
John Latenser, Jr., of CelywHa. , ,
Samuel Kees. Jr., Nebraska.
-Herbert Amalles, Oberlln.
W M. Ralnbolt. Harvard.
Cleorae W. Sumner, Boston Technology.
Harold ?. Evarts, Yale.
Dr C. W. Pollard.. Dartmouth.
Herburt M. Rogers, Princeton.
D, M. Kdeerly, Pennsylvania.
F. B. Belby, Cornell.
Jleed Petra. Amherst.
Charles L. Mattson, Oberlln. - ;
!, II T. Manning, Knox.
Iir, Franirconlln, Wisconsin.
Frank Built. NaJwrasKa.
Stanley Rosewater. Michigan.
Haymond Crossman. Michigan.
Kdwarrf JT, Leary. 1 Crelghtoa.
Ky H. TfW, Iowa.
fr XaibM JtwiUl, ;
VMt mtlee parties will be given
next TiiJay afternoon at tho Bran4els
,.to nw MtcKa the Ruarian
viniLkd. Oh ef the larger parties will
incltfe" MlM JeaMe MHiard. MIm Carrie'
Qlfford 4 Mr. 4 Mrs. Herbert tog
k. Mr. C Will Hamilton will hve a
mall yrty mm! others entertaining
gutats will b Mm. M. C. WttHams. Mrs.
Oi )V4lak. Mfs, Kfm Ke'untse.
Mr. iew MelXH4, Hps. Bernard
Cen. Mrs. C. D.. Amsatrwg, Mr. and
Mro. Hery Cog, Mia Ktnlly Ckv and a
mwrW f thefs.
XMwie CIkIi Xefts.
Jkfrru 0car IJeben entertained the
members of one of tho kentlngton clubs
at luncheon Wednesday. Yellqw Jonquils
lorn, tho centerPlcce. Mrs. Addison
SJould of Milwaukee, Mrs. Edward Meyer
kh4 Mrs, IL M, estor were guest of
the c(ub, and tno members are;
Mfsdamta Mesdames
AVcry Ijtncaster. Orcar IJeben,
"Wi, il. Walker. Eugene Meyer,
K. A. Conaway, Ejntst Sweet.
James lttwl, J. D. IJresher.
James Mruauahlin.
Saxcim1 Party.
Mrs. Leon E. Ilruco entertained at
dancing party at her home Friday even.
Ins in honor ot Mr. Bruce' birthday, an'
iilversary, Thoso present were.!
Mr. and Mr. Cuy Conklln.
Mr, and Mrs. R. a.- Conklln. - ' -Mr.
and Mrs. w. Wlttoy.
Mr, and Mr. Fred Woodward.
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Burroughs, "
Iir, and Mr. J. T, Little, .
Mn and Mr. Leon E. Bruce.
MIS Mltse
Maryl'' Ruth Conklln.;
Ma-rion Canktln.
Mer. Messr. ,
7w4 HagUnd,, Ttwranco Traj ne, .
LM naKunu. rea Morrow,
No Hearing is Held
Hearing of tho d: voice suit brought by
Albert Edholm, tho Jeweler, against Mrs.
Catherine It. J. Edholm was interrurHed
yesterday In order to allow one at
torney engaged in the case to fulfill an
engagement in another court. Resump
tion of testimony I scheduled for today.
Tho organisation . .committee of the
Omaha Wteiety of tfino Arts mat' yctor
day .at the public library to formu
late plans for the coming campaign to
MAWoifwnde far an .art, heme. Subscrip
ts jranglHg In amount from to U
Will m avllclteg. , .
, A taeeilng ot this, eemmlttec, together
wKh the ontlre campaign; committee,
whteh will Include air members, active, Junior, M called for Tues-
4ay atttfneen at 2:96 in room 316, Young
Men's Christian association building.
Middleton May Go
to Hastings Olnb
It Is quto likely that W. II. Middleton,
private secretary to Commissioner Robert
II. Manley of tho Omaha Commercial
club, will . go to Hosting to take the
position' as secretary of tho Hastings
Commercial club." Mr. Middleton wa at
Hnstlngs-Wednesday night In conference
with the club there in regard to the posi
tion. If ho goes It will likely by to tako
up hi work thcro by March 15.
"Mr. Mldfllcton will make ah excellent
man for Hastings," allCommlssloner
Manley, ''for he -know every turn' of
this business. Ho Is a cracker-Jack man.
It he goes, Hastings Is to be congrat
ulated." t
Tho Omaha Commercial club has not
yet been officially notified of th offer
that has beon mado to Middleton from
Hastings. Tho matter will lkely be taken
up with the executive oommltteaJherc.
Mr. Mlddloton has beon with tho Com
mercial club proper here only a llttlo less
than a year. Prior id it,it ho n tilth
tho traffic bureau ot the club 'for three
years, whero he gained a wido knowledge
of trarnp matters relating particularly, to
Kebraaks. and the Immediately adjoining
states. Before coming to the traffic
bureau he was traffic manager of the
brand Junction Fruit Growers asaoq'la
tlon a Grand Junction, Colo,
Btereotyperr and Electrotypers" union,
No. H, ot Omaha last Sunday elected Its
eklegato to the convention ot the Inter
national union, which meets at Newark.
N. J In June. next. Donnls J. Ryan was
chosen delegate and Albert Schafcr al
ternate. Tho local union la In a Very
prosperous condition, 100 per cent strong
and. all lt-member employed.
Electric, HnMtl, Bitter.
'Sure re-Hef for Indigestion, dyspepsia,
liver and .kidney complaints. Give ap
petite;! ad tone to system. 60a and U
Advertisement. -' i
Urry Klrby.
It. Ryan.
Arthur Webb, bricklayer. 1443 South
Sixteenth street, suffered a smashed right
foot and Internal Injuries, when he fell
with a scaffold at Nineteenth and Wll
Ham streets, where n new structure Is
going up for tho People's Ico and Cold
Btorago company. Dr. F. O, Boole at
tended tho injured man, who was taken
to his home. Webb was working on the
support, which was thirty feet high, when
It collapsed.
Serving, supper at tha church befora
prayer meeting In order to Induce mem
bers to renjnin downtown for tho mid
week prayer service, is the, plan Just
adopted by the First Presbyterian ehurcii.
It was tried Wednesday with gratifying
results, the attendance being much larger
than usual.
As an advertisement foivUhe country
tributary to It lines, the t'nlon Pacific
Is giving away potatoes grown In the
territory, but the Northwestern Is going
tho Union Pacific one bftter and Is giv
ing away Prof. Grtibb' book, telling Ju3t
how to grow tho potatoes.
In Us western torrlfory the North
western is distributing 6.000 of tho Grubb
.books among tho farmers and potato
itrowers. Traveling agents and station
agents sccuro tho names and the lists are
sent Into tho general offices, from whence
thn books arc malledout. The Oniatui
headquarters will send some I.O00 copies
ot the book Into Nebraska and Wyoming.
Former Senator Norrls Brown has tcan
advised of the death at Clinton. In . of
his brother. Frank Brown, who was for
merly county Judse of Burrato countv
several terms before he moved to Iowa
The cx-senator and members of hi fam
ily aro leaving for Clinton. The mother
and another brother live In Des Molnrx
Persistent Advertising Is the Roud to
Big Returns.
Beginning Monday next,
we will servo daily, ex
cept Sunday, in the
New Grill
Afternoon Tea, from three
until half after five ,
Hotel Loyal
Lady Grosvenor. who wore a green wig, tho. latest society fad, nt the coming-out
party given by "Mrs. Georgo ICeppel for her daughter In London.
Il 1 1
Scuman MacManus, author and story
teller of tho famous "Donegal" fairy
tales and other merry Irish' folk tore,
will, bo In Omaha Friday of next week
for h story-telling entertainment at tho
University club, under the auspices ot
tho Omaha Story Tellers' league Be-
auso of the popularity and worth of his
ntertalnmcnt, the University club. Is also
negotiating to Induce Mr. MacManus to
appear at their business men's luncheon
tho same day. Ills appearance for the
Story Tellers league will be at 4 o'clock,
March IS. Tickets are now on sale.
Health Compilssloner,!. W. Conncll
and Dr. A. F. Jonas havo been asked by
tho State Board of Health to deliver ad
dresses before' the annual meeting ot
state health official to be held In Lin-.,
coin March 11 and 12.
the hardest water on wash
day with
Use it wherever there's dirt or grease
because it cleans and purifies everything.
5c and larger packages.
mm yam wmrh"
C04.D O"0 ,
Solid Mahogany Bedf
This handsome bed Is one ot tho newest designs. Massive," "
best construction, selected stock, panel head, dull finish; 34 .or
full sisel Regular value 50.00, special at $30,50.
Don't Forget
Ton can buy a kitchen cabinet, a flreless cook -stovea washing-,
machine or a sewing machine on thokclub plan small .payment dowrr
and a small payment a month.
Beaton (Si Laier Goi
415-17 So. 16th St.
Payments If You Wish
The Diminishing DoBar
The Government is making
more dollars every year and
so are you and the dollars are
just as large as they ever were,
but they are actually smaller
in purchasing power than
ever before. The problem is,
to make a dollar go as far as
-Su'JM-" V; ( f
necessities of life. For -a dollar you
possible in purchasing the.
la uti 0t f tie Be Hiye.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles, Martin, -who havo
Tattn in Jamaica, ere expected noma nex
Mrs. John C. Wharton went to Lin
ein this morning to spend the day visit
Va friends there.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Burgess. are spend.
w weeks at tho Virginia .hotel at
Ijvmt Keach, Cat,
Mr. an4 Mrs. M. C. Teters, accompanied
fcr tfc3kr daughters, Misses Gladys and
JJajfrna, lave txt "week forSh-south
to b on a. month.
Mm. A. X. Tnycr of ralrhope, AU.
who haa hfes tho guat of her father.
Mr. Jehu A. Dn pater, and Mrs," Dttat
tr stsco January , will leave for SloSx
rails, S. p, soon tevlslt relatives.
Mfcss Biatrlc CoadTwho has been
HMUvMp several "eVs vlltlnfr In New
York. frty. TrK ad A.mHita, K. V .
Is expct4 tionpe thq first ot next week.
MiJ8vly of London arrived Sunday
Shredded Wheat Biscuits
and that means a hundred wholesome, nourishing breakfasts. If you
add coffee, milk and cream a deliciously nourishing Shredded Wheat
breakfast should not cost over five cents. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is
the whole wheat prepared in digestible form. It is ready-cooked and
ready-to-serve a boon tb busy housekeepers with growing children.
. . . Always ht tk Bkctttt in vm to r tor criipmit. Two SkrMUetl
WIiMbt BiaeuiU wkK kt milk me ctmm wiN MtMly aM th WMrgy
twjsjJsjsi for a kalf (Uty'g work. DoKciawaiy iMwrkiiWif wh aalca w '
cnjtiihsiiatiow wkk ImiImsI omsIm, stew sftHM, sjicosl baiMMft or
nami or wronryW fnsiU. Try tontost Tmcwit thm Skrwkkd Wheat
wafrr, for ranc&MKHt wkk buttor, ckooso r mvrsiUd. y
Mdm only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara. Fa01, N. Y.
The Most Popular Priced,
Strictly First Class Mineral
Water Resort in America
I. .
Special 19W Winter and Spring Rates
$9 A
and Meals
The faraoua Colfax Mineral Water has a reputation for relief and.
cure of Rheumatism, Liver and Stomach troubles. ". - '
In the LaTRes' and Men's Mineral Oaths
best equipment and skilled attendants.
you will find the' very
SS.'X J? J2fif di c2 ma,n. 'LnB cf th.e. Rock lBlana Ra way. All -trains
op; "otel Colfax-, located one mile east of the city, operates Its own
electric car line from depot direct to hotel. " ,i,tr"lc " own. .
For further information ask any Rock Island
agent or write Hotel Colfax and Mineral Springs."
Colfax, Iowa. '
Ask your grocer to
send you our new
"Orange Label"
Blend 30c. a
half pound;
Business Opportunities
Tk cf e ads will start you on the road to wealth
' 41