Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1914, PART ONE, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Knight of Luther Favor Passage of
me uurnett Bill.
Henaon Danish Women Ornm.W
Oanlah Sl.tcrhooU KlilRht. of
ColunH.n, Social
iiiiuin or Mitlirr.
lent ti fc0,Ut,o,,s ,viru Pscd
sent to President V,Uon, favoring the
WhTe Vh, nUrnelt """tlon bill '
States, "nd. ltlsns of the Vnltetl '
Hu)lhK"8-..'We..''?llovo the economic r,..
and n ,fwrlvd ircm "atUtels or crlrrc
snVLpfuPerlsm showing so per cent f
rrreaSSsa0faSianha? b Rlvcn ,0 ,,,e 'ub'
Tribe or ll.n Ilnr.
Mecca court No. ,13. Tribe of He. Hur,
MU Blve a card party and dnnco Thurs
day evening at JSO; Hnrriey stieot. He
frefhmcnts will bo served.
rinn (iorilon.
The women's auxiliary to Clnu Gordon
No. CI will hold Its reirular mcctlnK ot the
home of Mrs. Anderson, 2J61 Spalutns
"t'eet. Wednesday afternoon at i o'clock.
I'rnteriinl fnlon of Auirrtvn.
I'or tho entertainment of tho members
nnd friends of Uanntr lodo No. 11. Fra
ternal Vnlon of America, a drama of real
life will bo given on Thursday evening at
Myrtle hall, Fifteen and tiouittas streets.
A bpeclal vaudeville program lias been
arranged to enliven tho serious moments
of tho drama. Inasmuch ns the netting
f thn play requires seventy-five persons
or more, the members have been ursod
'o attend and bring a friend. At the
loie of tho drama refreshments will be
nerved, followed by dancing, which will
Iorna tho cvenlnB'B pleasure. This enter
tainment Is free to members and their
fi lends.
" i n ve
Calhouns Hold a Big Faftiily Reunion "J
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. M.-Announco-ment
was mate today by Oeorgo Sterling,
the well-known California poet, of his
engagement to Miss Kstella Tuttlc, aged
N, a stenographer employed by a San
1 Pranrlsco real estate company.
! Sterling Is 41. His wife obtained a dl
wrc from him about a month ago.
Although figuratively "armed to the
teeth' In anticipation of being held up
M. a. Jones, 1114 North Twenty-fourth
street, fell an easy prey to three negro
highwaymen, who surprised him at Thir
teenth and Webster streets last night ami
relieved him of a loaded 23 caliber re
volver and 110 In cash.
llrnthiirliooil of Aiitvrlvnn Yeomen.
George Fowler, district manager ot tho
IJrotherhood of American Yeomen, Is very
anxious to have the entire membership
present at the meeting nt Buriplit hall
Wednesday evening, as he wights to ex
plain tho automobile membership cam
paign Just starting. He expects to have
.i large class of candidates to Initiate on
"Wednesday evening. One of the lurgest
crowds of the season attended the dance
last Wrfdnefcday evening and a very pleas
ant time was enjoyed by all.
iWomliurn or tlii World.
Alpha camp, No. 1. will exemplify the
protection degree '1'hursduy evening for
it cIbes of candidates secured from the
clerical force of the I'nlted States Na
tional bank.
llriiHiiu IJnulHh Sisterhood. "
Benson Danish women orgunlzod a l-ar,-ish
Sisterhood at a recent meeting when
a largo number wore present. Tio olfi
cers ejected are: .President, Mrs. Elenore
Petersen; vlco prebldent, .Mrs. M. K. Bor
ensen; secretary. Mrs. Anna Knu.lson;
cashier, Mrs. Ollvo Christiansen: board
ot directors, Mrs. Caroline Holm, Mrs.
.1. Jorgcnselt? Mrs. M. h. Petersen, Mrs.
K. Jacobscn, Mrs. A. Hvcndscn. Mrc.
Minnie Andersen and Mrs. Maron Hansen.
Kulsht of Colombo.
Fourth degree members of the Knlghli
ot Columbus enjoyed a delightful enter
tainment Monday night at the .lodge club
rooms, 2025 Dodge street. Tho program
was mado up of cards, dancing and
music. Tlioso on the entertainment con.
mlttre were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schmidt,
Mr and Mrs. John Mull and Mr. and
Ml J P. II. Johnson.
The Woman's Christian association, in
charge of tho Old People's home, has
abandoned the Idea ot building on the
Wirt htrect property, bequeathed by tho
late Anna Wilson. What to do with the
property is a problem that the associa
tion Is seeking to solve. Although It was
a gift, It is proving something of a white
On tho Wilson propeity there are two
large modern residences. One cost close
to 420.000 and tho other not far from
J7.000. These buildings, with the ground
and a vacant lot. estimated to be worth
J1.600, are being offered for 114,500.
The buildings aro non-productive, as
they aro both given rent free to parties
occupying, them. They are too large to
be good rental property and the free rent
Is given in order that Insurance may be
kept In force.
The elx-lnch water main on Nicholas
...,... ... u I ..1. nHHaH1i r - M t
Beecher Howell, refuses to move to one
side to make, way tor the viaduct, was
pupctured Friday when the Missouri Pa
cific railroad construction gang drove a
pllo through It. Fpr several hours a
large number of consumers were without
water service. The pile was the last one
to bo driven.
Prescription that Soon
Knocks Rheumatism
The only logical treatment for rheu
matism la through the blood. The poisons
that settle In muscles, Joints and back,
causing severe pain, must be dissolved
and expelled from the system or there
can be no relief. This prescription from a
noted doctor Is said to be worklnff won
ders all over tho country. Hundreds of
the worst cases were cured by it here last
winter. From your druggist get one.
ounce- pf TorlH compound tin original
scaled package) and one ounce of oyrup
of 6araparllla compound. Take these
two ingredients home and put them Into
ii half pint of good whiskey. Shake the
bottle and take a taliloeionful berore each
meal and at blUme." Hetmlta ronte the
flint duv If your drugKlut does not lmc
Tori compound In stock he will get It
hn)ira fiAiil th U'hlll PXlll A hflUiUV
Don't bo Influenced to take xome patent
medicine Instead of this Insist on hav
ing the genuine Torla compound in the
original, one-ounce, settled, yellow pack
age Published by the Ulobe Pharmaceu
tical laboratories of Chicago.
Key to picture: No. 3, Marccllus Cal
houn, aged 72, of Ord, Neb.j No. 2, Artel
Iub Calhoun, aged C8, of Wlssort, Neb.j
No. 3, Mrs. Emma Sldwell, aged C5, of
Polk county, Nebraska: No. A, Clarence
Calhoun, aged 62, of Polk county, Ne
braska: No. C, Blnfihum Calhoun, aged
60, of Polk county, Nebraska! No. 6, Mrs.
Ioea Muneon, aged ST. ot Emporia, Kan.;
No. T, Lawrence Calhoun, aged 82, of
Beaverton, Mich.; No. 8, Mrs. Florence
Moore, aged 52, of Constantlne, Mich.
For the first time In forty-seven years
the eight sons and daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvln Calhoun of Florence, Mich.,
met each othor In a reunion held at
Benedict, Neb., February 4, the event
starting on Wednesday and continuing
for several days. The eight children,
though no longer youngsters, gathered
from the states of Michigan, Kansas and
Nebraska for the ovent, and much ot
the time, was spent in talking ovor the
days ot childhood at the old homo In
Florence. Mich. The reunion ffun held
at the homes of C C. Calhoun and B. 3.
Calhoun, near York. Marccllus, Artollus.
Clarence and Bingham Culhoun, and Mrs,
Sldwell moved to Polk county In tho
ealy 'T0j.
Mrs, Loeun Munson, who resides at
Emporia, Kan., taught school at Stroma
burg for several years. L. A. Calhoun
now lives at Beaverton, Mich., and Mrs,
Florence Moore, another ot the octet, re
sides at Constantlne, MIclT.
Three and Half Million Goes to the
Heirs of Guy C. Barton.
Squnbhle Over "Whether Frank Clark
Wan to tiet Uxtrn Fifteen Ilnn
ilrcii for Office Work In
UnuiUliiK t lie, Ktnte.
A squabblo over $1,000 additional com
pensation nsked by Trustee Frank J3.
Clark of the Guy C. Barton estate, threat
ened to tic up tho distribution of the
J3.500.O00 worth ot securities to the heirs
In district court yesterday. Five law.
ytrs, representing three groups of heirs
and the two trustees took sides on the
question ot tho additional allowance to
Mr. Clark, and for several hours the mat
ter was presented to Judgo Sear ;n dis
trict court. The Judge allowed tho claim
and then signed a decrco terminating the
five years' trust and allowing tho dis
tribution of' the fund. At 2 o'clock In
the afternoon the heirs and their at
torneys assembled in the office of tho
trustees in the Omaha National Bank
building, and the millions ot dollars'
worth of securities wero divided.
The fund was hold In trust for five
years' from the death of Mrs. Guy C.
Barton, In accordance with the terms of
her husband's will. The time expired
Friday, and except for tho disagreement
ocr tho additional allowance to Mr.
Clarl;. the court order would have been
signed Without delay,
C. W. Lyman, tho othor trustee, acted
In an advisory capacity in handling the
estate with Mr. Clark. Each trustee re
ceived $J,O0O a year as regular salary io
that capacity.
In the distribution of the fortune after
Judge Sears had allowed the Clark claim
and had signed the order terminating the
trust, Mrs, Chrlstlancy received one-third
of the trust estate, or over Jl.OOO.OOO in
securities. The four children ot ' Mr.
Frankle Barton Millard, Barton, Joseph
II., 2d; Willard U. and Henry Ray Mil
lard will divide another third of tho es
tate among themselves. Wadlelgh, Cath
erine and Pe Wolfe Barton, children of
Mrs. K. C, Barton, will split the third ot
tho estate which their father would have
received, It he had lived. It will be heid
tor them, however, till they attain their
The Social Culture club entertained the
members of the Junior Commercial club
of the Omaha High School ot Commerce,
Friday, with a very enjoyable program.
The program was as follows: riano eoto,
Helen Westcrgard; vocal solo, Margrete
Hobellng: song, Girl's Glee; violin solo,
Miss Adler: reading. Miriam Davis;
vocal eolo, Salome Abbott,
Dainty refreshments were served by
tho girls. Refreshments were followed
by a general good time.
Officers Coffey and Cunningham scored
heavily In police court Saturday morning
when proprietors of disorderly houses
were heavily fined. Mrs. Mary Vasco ot
tho Prague' hotel, H02 South Thirteenth
street, and Jacob LuU, Thirteenth und
Vinton streets, . were each fined 'Ji and
costs, while Edward Bogascz. Twenty
fourth and Bancroft streets, was given
ttO and costs, and Anton Powell, Twenty
fourth and Hlukory, JM and costs. Six
inmates were fined J 10 and costs and four
$j and costs.
Otis Hkinner, the well known actor, ha 1
wired the directors tho University club ,
that he will be pleased to make an ad-
urecn io ine mcmucrj ui me emu at noon
March 10.
That Many Names Are Now on Rec
ord by Retailers' Association.
Card System Is Used, Which GItcs
the Chance to Cbsrasxe Oftener
Than When Published In
Boole Form.
The credit standings of 40,000 persons
of Omaha aro now on file in the office
of the Associated Retailers ot Omaha In
tho City National bank building. This
is a complete and up-to-date record of
the credit standing of all persons who
do a credit business with tho principal re-
tall stores In Omaha.
"It is far more comploto and mora re
liable than any (Credit book published,"
said Secretary J. W. Metcalfe ot the as
sociation, "for we get reports every day
of new accounts and slow accounts. So
it Is revised up to date all the time. On
the other hand, when a credit book Is
published it stands for a year, and at
tho end of that Umo It Is doubtful whether
alt tbe pages aro revised and changed,"
Tho credit bureau of the Retailers' as
sociation Is kept by means of a card sys
tem. Thus U Is possible any day or any
hour ot the day to change a man's credit
rating by pulling out an old card and In
eertlng a new one. Mr, Metcalfe) says it
often happens that a man through sick
ness In the family or other causes, over
which he has no control, becomes a little
slow In the payment ot his bills. Thus
he I rated slow. It In two months or six
months ho catches up and pays promptly,
he Is given a first-class rating promptly
on the card system.
There are thlrty-ftvo firms In the city
that report their accounts dolly to the
bureau. There are some sixty firms that
report their accounts weekly. Thus the
card record Is always up to date.
This credlte bureau I a new feature
In the Work ot the Retailers' association
In Omaha, and Is beginning to attract lots
of attention on account of Its thorough
ness, its up-to-dato naturo, its fairness
and its accuracy.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Courtney's Important Health Giv
ing Announcement to the Citizen's
of Omaha and Vicinity
Wo -will have on salo next Tuosday tho famous hoalth.
giving IRI8H ENTIRE WHEAT DREAD, eaton by Mo Irish
at each meal for over 2,000 yoars. it was their principal
food, known as tho "Staff of Life."
Whoat contains all of tho fifteen elomonts that eo to
build up man's marvolous system; It has produced a strong
raco ot ran. All other bo callod foods combined do not
contain tho necessary nutritious properties to keop man In
good health. Without tho HUSH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD
a largo portion of tho human system would not bo nour
ished, oven if ono partook of all tho foods to bo had In
this city, together with tho so-called wholo wheat and bran
at ovory moal and masticate it thoroughly. In this way pure
blood will bo made every 24 hours, together with all tho
other fluids that aro mado by tho system, to take tho place
of the waste. By eating tho only food, tho IRISH ENTIRE
WHEAT BREAD, which nourishes the entire human sys
tem, you will add from 26 to GO yoars to your life, in con
tinuous Rood health.
God created wheat specially to bo man's food; tho
Lord's prayer, says: "Qlvo ua this day our tlally bread."
Tho Lord created oats for the horse. If tho horse
could talk his prayer would bei "GIvo us this day our
dally oats." The horse never tires of his natural food
oats and bay.
Tho people who are now eating the IRISH ENTIRE
WHEAT BREAD in Ireland for each meal during their en
tiro Ufo time never tire ot eating it, oven if they live to be
moro than 100,
There aro more people living in Ireland per capita
(with a record of their birth) over 120 years of ago, than
any other nationality.
The Irish owo their great longevity to tho natural food of man, the HUSH N'T 11 IE WHEAT BREAD,
which was their main food.
The natural Ufo Umo of man lias been established as 120 years, Instead of Uireo scoro and ten, Man lives
six times bis maturity.
Man's greatest asset is perfect health. To keep In continuous good health, he ' should eat plenty of tho
real "Staff of Life' at each moal, the IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD. Courtney's will now supply that long
felt want. ;
Tho Americans wl'l have to "come back to nature." If they continue to eat tbe class of food they are now
consuming, which consists of only a few elements of nutrition, a large portion ot same li bolted by them. Their
food should contain moro waste.
Lose no time in procuring a loaf ot the IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT BREAD. "The proof of the pudding is
the eating." Test it .and see for yourself. Yqu will find it has a delicious flavor, and worthy of your attention.
Henceforth let your motto be: "Eat to llvo, but never eat to die." By this means the undertaker will bo
cheated out of a Job, as he is bound to die before you. If you continue to eat the IRISH ENTIRE WHEAT
BREAD, you should live to be over 100, in perfect health.
N. B. This Is tbe first tlmo tho real ''Staff of Life" was ever baked in this city. All millers take the
most nutritious portion of the whoat out, in order to h aro tho flour that yeast will act on. Bread made from
flour such as this is not human food.
Prevention of premature death Is largely within man's control.
Perfect health is at once the doorway to
, and the foundation of perfect happiness.
Courtney's motto is, ''Not how cheap, but how good." Made from the recip of Prof. A. L, Frost.
Copyright 19H by A. L. Frost.
jgflMg This is the
JZ2Pl Irish Quran
VR9k1 St tn wheat to make the
MffvtfP real "Staff of Life."
? tiff There are more peo-
Er f P'e In Ireland who live
ejj s&DPU t0 bo 120 years (par
- i capita) than any other
"""" v The Irish' owe their
0 .great longevity to
o their staple foods, the
S, Entire Wheat Bread
Si I N and vsgetablos.
uioi. jLeaaiesi ex cms
12 -inch Nickel Plated Dessert
SNOW-MBLLOW is wonderful,
It Is so economical. Full, direc
tions come inside every pack
age for making Meringue for Pies,
Puddtaga.Cuttard, Ploa ting Island
Fillings for Layer Cakes, Cream
PnfTi. lido! AanrM tnr VtiA-
dings, and to nse instead of creasm
for fruits, berries and cereals
Plain and Boiled Icinr without eggs
suallowa and Kisses) and many
other dainty, special dessert for
Tour family.
Here are some of them aew de.
ertat Snow-Mellow Delight
Padding Snow-Mellow Piaeappla
Cream Qnow-Mellow Peach
Creass Snow-Mellow Currant Whip Snow
Mellow Apple Sponge Floating Island
Mocha Charlotte) Rusae Mock Macarooa
Souffle and mora than a score of delightful
new desserts for your family.
Tho lady in the picture ben is holdler v$
Hm spoon to show you that Jost one table
spoon of Snow-Mellow, coating; ealy 4 MMta,
clous meringue more and better than you
1 Jt 1 . lit. - A - .
7uiu un wu m; w mc
worth of eggsl
But to mak this amaslsg
qsuiy ox aeuctOM CHOW-
f7s rs7 n
will ffiva Tea
this Special
Beater, 12 in.
long, nickel
Our SdmUI Simw.MoIIow Btr which mslce 4 cents'
Btr MoluUlr FREE with your tfrat psckare of ttnow-
worth ol
Snow-Mellow go ua tar as 15c worth ef em-t
rvtr. to tou i we win give you mis !HKlal
Mtllowl Jttit o to your grocer today and set the bls-quratltr. economical pack
sge of Suon-Mellow enough to make seren full family-die deaatrta for cmly 25c.
And hand your g rocer tbe FRUI5 Coupon below. Thl FRSU Coupon entitle
you to your SpacUl prl Bur FRBB with your flnt ?Jo package of Snow
Melftw -alio a FREE BaakUt of 34 Naw Daaaart Raclpa.
CUp the FRltli Coupon now. Then go to vnur grocer quick and ret this warn
dcrful, cxquulte Snow-Mellow with your FREE Special Drt Scalar.
M Grocers'
Saves Eggst Save Work I
exquisite Snow-Mellow to save yoursejt
the expense of eggs so that you may
delight your family with these msny
new Snow-Mellow desserts you sy
have absolutely FREE one of these specially
designed dessert beaters, which beats up a
bowl full of delicious, snowy meringue from
just one tablespoonful of Snow-Mellow.
So Economical!
We want to explain to you how w
have arranged to make Snow-Mellow the
most economical of desserts for your table
In business there is a certain "over
head" charge against each package
packing, wrapping, boxing, cartage,
freight, delivery, etc. And here is how
we solved the problem of making Snow
Mellow economical for you. The same
"overhead" expense that pays for de
livering a ten-cent packxge to you will
pay for delivering five or six or seven
times that quantity of Snow-Mellow if
we put it all in one package, and that is
what Vre have done.
Instead of putting only enough Snow
Mellow for one dessert in a package
and charging ten cents we put aevest
times that quantity enough for aevaa
desserts in one package, and instead
of charging you seventy cents, the price
is only 25c because we save for you
the cost of packing and delivering the
..At- aTl t .a a
six extra pacKagca xnat is tne only
fair wiv. Vnr nftrr vnti nnr And linn, 9
easy to make and how good to eat
Snow-Mellow is you will want to serve It In
different desserts several times every week.
wu g auu, u yaw grastr auavi
t for your family this cmuUIUi. vreaultvr.
ul Snow-Mallow.
Mr. Grocerymin:
Thti FREE Coupon entitles your cuttomer, whoie name is written be
low, to one Special Dessert Beater Absolutely FREE and a FREE
Booklet of 34 New Dessert Recipes, with her purchase of one 25c pack
age of Snow-Mellow which makes too iUling or icing for Krcn cakes or
makes seven full famlly-iiic deucrts.
Cuitomer't Name..., ,
Addreia ..,
rVfitif ffi Clmnovc All Wholeiale Grocers Have Snow-.
INOUCe tO "UrOCerS Mellow-andwill .unply youwluV
our Special Dessert Beaters to be given Absolutely FREE to your cue
tomers with Snow-Mellow.
Notice to Hougewive--ho!cerS ci?l
not already have Snow-Mellow, he can get your Snow-Melliyw and yew
FREE Special Dessert Beater for you at once from hit wholesaler, Jast
grm this FREE Coupon to your grocer today.
Sola Manufacturers