The Omaha Daily Bee Drawn For The Bee The best Mwgpaper artiste of the centry contribute their beat work (or Boo readers. THF. WEATHER Fair; Colder ). VOL. XLU-XO. 207. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2G, 1914 TWELVE PAGES. On Train and at Hotel Ifawa Stand, So. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 3 WASHERWOMEN PUCE SKIDS UNDER CHINESE WILL TALK CONCRETE ROADS AT COMMERCIAL CLUB TODAY. DEALERS FLOCK TD ANNUAL AUTO SHOW TO. BUY MACHINES Agents Congregate to Swap Remi Throwing Out a Plumb Line ATTEMPT MADE TO DYNAMITE SAFE IN HAWKEYEJREASURY IN MEXICAN VILLAGE ) t j t i il r Four Masked Men Drill Holes in Door Hills Out of Cananea When Fe male Scrubbers Aroused. of Vault and Explode Four Charges. niscences at Dealers Night at. Omaha Exhibition. T f WELCOME, BROTHER A wMmz-l PLUMBER ! I THINK J mM$ J I HAVE STOPPED fm t FEDERALS SLAY U. S. RANCHER Reports of American Citizen Kid naped and Hanged Confirmed. VILLA'S PROPOSAL ACCEPTED Body of Benton to Be Examined in Juarez. BRITISH CONSUL TO ATTEND Ilody Will Bp Kxhttmetl In Prrncnre of Amerlrnn Army Snrjtcon nmt Officers Detailed by Major General Scutt. NOGALKS, Sonora, Feb. 15. The antl Chlnese riots In Cananca, Sonora, yester day, grew out ot a washerwoman's war, according to Information resolved here by Mexican officials. The Woman's Protective league of Cananea, recently organized by. women who earned their living at the washboard, Is said to have been responsible for the attack on the Chinese, who were accused of ursurptng the women's employment. Women took the lead In the rioting. which resulted In the flight to the hills of virtually all of Cananea.'s Chinese laundrymen, and many of the Oriental restaurant keepers and common laborers. I The majority ot the Chinese returned to Cananea today, after a night of terror In tho hill. Federal Kill American. LAREDO, Tex., Feb. 2o.-Offlclal con firmation of the hanging ot Clcmcnte Vcrgariw American citizen, by Mexican federals, near Hidalgo, Mex.. was re- nnfi'ul TTnltuI Ctn.Aa PrtXOlll Mil lu .vun u j v. in ivu - 1.1 vv . vuiiui 1 Garrett at N.uevo Laredo. Tho report said i Vergara's body Is still hanging three V miles from Hidalgo, Consul Garrett lm N mediately left for tho scene. Vergara was a rancher of Webb county, Tex. He used an Island In the TMo Grande as pasture. Vergara. complained that Mexican federals were stealing his horses and a small detachment of Texas rangers were sent to his ranch. On February 15, Mexicans appeared on tho Island and called Vergara there, ostensibly to pay him for the horses. When he reached the Island, according to reports, he was struck In the back of the head by the soldiers, carried Into, the Interior pf Mexico and hanged. Villa' Proposal Accepted. WASHINGTON, Feb. 23,-Ooiicrol VII la's proposal ..for an Amerlran examine-, tlou Of the ' body" of William S. kenton, the""Engllh ranchman he "executed 'tit Juarc without ' herrrilttfng ts removal from iylcxlco, has been i accepted by this government, without waiving, howcveri any .further movement to demand Its do livery on American soil. TVitii. rtiicni t,.i n.w..i., i was today ordered, to proceel to Kl Paso ! at once, where he Is expected to arrive tomorrow to go to 'the grave In Juarez with a delegation of Americans, Major General Scott, comhiandlng the Vnttcd States troops there, will detail nn Amer ican anriy surgeon and any other officers to accompany the British consul. A mem ber ot Benton'a family will be taken with tho party. 3Tay Send CaTalry for Holly. Discussing possibilities, some officials here said there was really no legtil ob stacle to.Brlgldler General Bliss selullns a force or American cavalrymen from the border patrol to recover Benton's body i( It can bo located. That such would bo an act of war, which must first bo authorized by cojigress was denied by such officials. They pointed to President Wilson's declaration thnt th. u 'nt n,ni government In Mexico. Such a condition they say would Justify such action, some what similar to that taken In China dur ing tho Boxer uprising when a large In ternational force entered the country without any declaration of war. Such n course will be one of last resort,, but Its legality was held to be beyond question. EmlMnrlen Go to See Villa. As a result of a' conference two rebel officials have left' Juarez for Chihuahua. Cabrera's representations will be pIuccJ before Vlllat If plans do not miscarry. It Is hoped that, ho will be convinced that his seeming policy ot evasion Is a mis taken one. That course has been decided on pend- (Continued on" Page Two.) The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair, colder. Temperature at Omaha Venterday. Hours. Dear. la, m a a. m r - .4 a,K ; I b a. nt..... s 9 a. in 11 10 a. ni.... ' 11 a. m 30 12 111 i 1 p. m zs S ; m 33 3 p. m 32 4 p. tn n. m Si t p. in..... 31 7 p. m SO S p. rn 2S Coiuparattre Louul Record. 1914. 1915. 1312 .Xll iJbhest yesterday 31 27 33 44 lowest Yesterday 12 hi 33 Mean temperature ..... 30 20 24 38 Precipitation OCT T. .44 .00 , Temperature snd precipitation depar- I tures from the normal; Normal temperature 27 V Deficiency for the day '. " V Total excess since March 1 1170 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day ,. .02 Inch Total rainfall klnce March 1.... 23.13 Inches DeflcJencer fclnce March 1 4.1S Inches X)eflclcncy for cor. period, 1913.. 4.37 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1312..U.75 Inches Ileporl from Station al 7 I'. M. Etation and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather 7 p. i. est. fall Davenport, clear 2S 32 .00 Des Moines, clear J 30 .no Dodge City, cloudy 42 10 .J North Platte. Cloudy 36 10 .01 Omaha, clear 31 20 90 Rapid Cltd. cloudy .41 44 .K) Mneriaan, rain ; . .ii Sioux City party cloudy.. 32 H .00 Valentine, cloudy 40 ! .00 "Indicates trace ot precipitation. U A. WEM3H, Ia)cbi Forecaster. lewis JR. Ferguson. Millionaire Says White Slave Charge is Pure Blackmail S.iN FRANCfSCO, Cal., Feu jfi.J. Parker Whitney, millionaire clubman, ac cused In a warrant of violation nt the Maun white slavo law, was arrested early today on his ranch In Riacer county. His bond has already been tentatively fixed, 110,000, and ho was allowed to remain, in charge of the arresting officer, on th-j ranch for the remainder of the night. George Burifiiatn, .chief deputy marshal of San Francisco, who served the war rant, will take Whitney to Sacramento today for oflclal approval of tho amount of ball. Whitney asked for particulars when ar rested, and was told that he was specific ally charged with having transported Genevieve Hnnnan from New York to San Francisco for Immoral purposes. He said: "I have been expecting this trouble for some time and I am glad things have ronie to a climax. It Is simply a case of blackmail." John W. PrcBton, United States dis trict attorney Issued the warrant yester day, after the case had been' placed In the hauds ot tho grand. Jury, which will continue Its Inquiry Friday. ' ,- , ' Bearlntr out Whitney's statement last night that he had expected trouble of this j . : j 1'j it-. ,frS?I'l or,i,jt was learncu-' ; pqny -.mai riv Thursday ho, called oh. Chlfrf .White ot tlib-;pollco department wllh a conlplalnt that Miss liannnn 'Was endeavoring to blndkmnll htm. With the complaint Whitney submitted documentary evidence in the design ot xK that Miss Hftnnan was a woman of loose life and had been a part of the Lon Angeles underworld. Chief White re plied that If Whitney's statements could be sustained he wbuld warn Miss Itannan to leavo town. He detailed a detective to the case, but when' the detective reported that the woman already had left town, the police department dropped It. Becker Says He Will Find Real Slayer of Herman Rosenthal OSSIN1NG, N. V., Feb. Co. As soon as Charles Becker gets out of prison he will devote all his energies, he says, to run- ' nlng down the men tyho arc responsible for the murder of Herman Rosenthal; The former' New York police lieutenant, who was granted a new trial yeBterday for the Rosenthal mujder, declared today that he could furnish Information that would bring the real culprits to Justice. "After I have done that," said Becker, "I shall be willing to go back to the po lice department If they 'want me. It they Mon't, J will enter' some -other lino of work. "The fou.r gun men are terribly down hearted today because they, too, were not granted a new trial. They thought their case was tied up with mine. "The four men who got Immunity from the district attorney for swearing away my life may yet be arrested for the mur der ot Rosenthal. 1 think that Harry Vallon Is the man who fired the fatal shots. That's tho reason ,he got drunk beforo the killing. He wanted to get his neryo UP for the deed." , , . Becker was In high spirits today. He burst Into a torrent of reminiscences. promises, threats and " self-congratula tlons. i Body of Teller Lies m State at Denver DENVER, Feb. a. Denver and Colo rado paid tribute to the late Henry M. Teller, former secretary of the Interlorl and for thirty years Unltrd States sen ator, today. For three hours friends and admirers In .all walks .of life filed through th iritiindi of the state canttol nast the bier lor a last look at the face of tho Teller was the first grand commander ot Colorado, watched at the bier. The public tribute at the capltol contin ued from to 10 to J o'clock today. Private funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. E. Tyler, a daughter, followed by tho Masonic burial ceremonies In charge tf the grand lodge of Colorado. CAPPER IS CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF KANSAS TOPEKA. .Kan.. Feb. 25. -Arthur Cap per of Topeka today announced his can didacy for the republican nomination for governor of Kansas. There ar now three candidates. Dier lor i lain mjuiw at ii, iaic ui mv j deceased. A guard ot honor composed of j NKW v0RIC, Feb, 25.-Col!ectors of In Knlghts Templar, of which order Senator i rnlil rp..,iup . f!rM..,. vw Vori, -1, TELL STORIES OF FIRST Many on Hand Who Have Wi Development in Omal MANY MACHINES AI Powell Only Member of ciation Still a Stockholder. SOCIETY NIGHT Arimlslnn Will lie Increased mill JJvciiIiir I) reus Will Ho Prcvnlrnt, AlthotiKlt It Will .Vat He 111 Any Way Required. Wcdnosday night was dealers' night at the ninth annunl automobile show. In honor of tho 2,000 members of the trade who nre In attendance tho night was set aside for their special benefit by the di rectors and every dealer was on hand tho entire evening, happy In his clement. The automobile men swarmed tip and down the aisles, around tho display spaces, sat In machines and had a good time generally. Those who have at tended nil tho automobllo shows held In Omaha swapped reminiscences ot the earlier shows, especially tho first show. Comparisons were made between the present show, which completely covers every part of tho big Auditorium, with tho first show, when but five dealers combined and could barely borrow enough cars from owners to fill the first floor let -alone tho stage, tho basement and the balcony corridors. Those who had gone through the mill related in an Interesting manner the evolution ot the Omaha automobile show, tracing the Im provements year by year. Clarke Pow ell, manager of tho show, was much In evidence, as Powell Is tho only man at tho present show who was a member of tho original ashoclatlon. Hold Fannin Her. Powell dug up old newspaper clippings and photographs and sovcrnl of tho vis iting dealers did likewise and they had a great old time telling about It to tho new and unsophisticated salesmen and country dealers. Tho dealers were ex ceedingly happy; It was their night and they made the most of It, not one de parting until it was time to . close up shop, t . But the dealers never forgot their business: not for a minute. Deal alter p.g. T,n.i " , , - . i Nation-Wide'Gang of of Auto Thieves is Broken Up by Police NEW YORK, Feb. 23. With the arrest of two men after the confession of a ; third, the district attorney's office be lieves that the headquarters of a band of ' automobllo thieves whoso operations were nation-wide, , has been broken up. According to. the confession, the syndi cate operated from Now York to San Francisco, and from Chicago to New Or leans. Charles Rudy, chauffeur, arrested Janu ary 22, was accuaei) of receiving stolon goods, and pleaded guilty yestorday be fore Judge Swann, to whom ho told the storyof an alleged syndicate of thieves According to Rudy, four men working for him would steal automobiles and then he would store them In .various garages throughout the city. Insurance companies would be called upon to pay for tho stolen automobiles and advertisements of fering rowards would be answered by Rudy, who admitted that he would re turn the automobiles for tho reward, and split the profits with the men who stole for him, taking from $23 to $100 on each automobile stolen. He said that If the automobiles were uninsured he would ship them to agents which he had in each of the principal cities In the United States. The agents in the other cities also stole automobiles and shipped them to New York for sale here, Rudy declared. Men Replace Women in Restaurants; Stores Close Early WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. -The new model eight-hour law for women workcra In the national capital went Into opera tion to Jay with laundries and many other service establishments threatening In creases In charges to the public and moderate-priced restaurants preparing lo rc placo their girl waiters with men. De partment stores prepared to comply wllh Its terms by lengthening the lunch hour and 5 o'clock closing. Tho law provides that no woman under IS years old shall be employed before 7 a. m.. rn after 6 p. m. ' . . INCOME TAX OFFICE IN NEW' YORK SWAMPED , w, rccclvo tllQ iareest ncoino laxp8 of any city In the country, ore. flntl!ng It dif ficult to take caro of the rush of icturns filed by persons whose Incomes place them In tho taxable class. With four days remaining In whloh the returns may be made, tho collectors to day estimated that between 45,000 and 40,000 taxable Incomes had been showed In their districts, which. In uddltlon to Greater New York, Include the counties cf Nassau and Suffolk on Long Islund. Eleven counties of northern New .Iery, In which are Newark, Jersey City, Ho boken, Paterson and Elizabeth, must also be Included, because pcrtons living In. them and doing business In New York may file at the sourco of their Incomes. r II C L N Vf V X V"l V iaiiiiiWaa9-f 'i g ii i i I m, w j - mm jtmzmm y TONIGHT r&YVUWk. ABXI k.SiS -Drawn for The Bco by Powell. FIND MRS, MEITZGER'S BODY Union Pacific Section Man Makes Discovery Near Bellcvue. WANDERED AWAY ONCE BEFORE About Tito Years Abo, In n Pierce Snow Slnrm Woman WnlUed Almlcvsly About anil Wi flared by Dor. Mrs. M. MoUger, aged TO years, who wandered from her home at J71S r?ou.n -Trwnty.firth street. SoutH OfflaKar, 'Ma - . ,, j. .. wtt8 foUhd'ad by seC- Hon men working on tho Union Paclfla near tho Celery farm near Bellovite, about a mile from Fort iCrook. Mr. Mltzgor was last seen Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Herman Angle at Thirty-sixth and Washington streets; and In view ,ot tho stormy condition of th weather sho notified the south Omaha police. About the- same time a call cams In' from relatives of the' missing woman, and a number of policemen Joined mem bers of tho family In a search. Tho uat-ty nt -ono time was within 100 feet of tho spot whero Mrs. Meltrgcr's body was founi. About two years ago tho dead woman started out on a blustery day Just as slvj did Sunday, but At that time a, big St. Bernard dog wns with her and .when sho fell from exhaustion tho brute went back home and attracted tho members of the family, and through his atrango nntlcs led them to the spot whero Mrs. Mcltzgcr was found nearly frozen to death. She was revived and since then her condition: of health has not been very good. Confession of Mrs, Buffum Admitted as Evidence by Court LITTLE VALLEY, N. Y Feb. In justice Charles H. Brown today admitted as competent tho "confession" -which Mrs. Cynthia Buffum mado to detectives In a Buffalo hotel on December, 10 re garding the p6lsonlng of her husband. The confession' was read to the Jury. In It Mrs. Buffum said her husband had accused her of Intimacy with, Ern-jst Frahm. "I would never have thought, so much of Frahm," the statement said, "but ho put so many propositions to ' me. ' Ho wanted me to go away. He Willis ever struck me again he would kill hint for me. "I love,! Frahm, I felt 1 had to do everything and anything for him. He said ho loved me. He scemrd tho oyo of my body to me. He said ho would get Willis down a dark road and shoot him. I said there wero other-ways to get. rid of h'lm. It was then I decided to give my husband poison. "My brother Jim had left at our house a bottle of horse liniment doped with tho poison. It was -In the pantry, and 1 gave it to my nusband In his medicine." The National Capital Wrdueaday, February 2(1, 11H4, The Senate, Met nt noon. Secretary Bryan discussed treaties and Mexico before tho foreign relations com mittee. 0!iferes took up disputed points in the Alavka railroad bill. Debate was resumed on the postofflce appropriation bill. The House. Mi-t nt noon. Interstate Commerce Commissioner Meyer testified on the Hints bill to regu late Issuse of railroad securities. MI--llaucoua bills on ralendar consid ered. Loula D. Rrsndeta dlsui'ssed Jnterloeklng dlrectoiaUf beforo Judlelnry roinmlttf e. Kulxy i'"UinlltfO nrrangnd heailng for March " 011 Mtnahan b'll t 1 Chicago, liulut'i pnd Mluin :, (In grain exchanges, Henry Vollmer of Iowa, democrat, sworn In as representative, succeeding the late Irwin S. Pepper. 1 ' 11 Brandeis Deplores Opposition of Labor to Scientific System WASHINGTON, Feb. K.-Sclentlflc management was suggested as a means of ending Irregularities of employment by Louis D. Brandeis of Boston, who ap peared befoio tho federal commission on Industrial relations recently. Mr. Brandeis', statement was mado public, today. Ho enld employes must be represented by unions It scientific management Is to be installed on q basla thor ilfa'.PVo ' tfie ' vorkmefu, fl..f, , .r Mr. Tlrandelk 'eillord fcpposlfclon'' lot labor' organizations, to scientific ,010111 Jte mfcflt, declaring It was .caused jPartlyby the fact that certain advocates' ot tho new efficiency methods are personally opposed to organized labor. "Organized labor 1ms Just as great a place tn a" scientifically managed business as It has anywhere else," he asserted. "Methods, standards and rates of pay ment have to be determined and for nil tho purpose!) required collective bargain ing or an equivalent determination Just as much an you need it In other plants. "To Introduce scientific management without a labor union to 16ok out for the' labor end woUd to my mind be al most as dangerous as to vest In tna owner of the ordlntry business power '.o deal with the employes Jndlvlduallv. Evon whore the employer Is humane, intelligent and benevolent, It Is not proper that the settlement of the rights of his employes should- rest wholly on his will. Both sides should be rcprd senteJ. And tor this our trade unionism Is essential." Mr. Brandeis would penalize, thoso em ployers who needlessly work their nion only part time the same as he would those working their men over time. . Automobile Races Considered for Fair (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb,, Feb. 2S.-(8pec!al.)-Efforts are being made to get auto rapes for the first day of the fair, Mon day, September 7. A temporary fence will have to be built forty feef back of tho race track fence to protect tho crowd from any racer who might fall to keep the track and crash into the crowd. This fence would cost a consid erable sum and would have to be taken down after the races were oyer. It would also bo necessary to take out spe cial insurance In case of accident to vis itors by reason of automobiles 'leaving the track and running Into the fence. This would also be quite expensive. An Indian tribe of about fifty bucks and squaws will camp on the ground and will be ono of, tho features of the fair. They will not be In connection with any wild west show, hut will bo a dis tinct feature ot tho fair entertainment. Hastings to Vote on Half Million Bonds HASTINGS, Neb., Feb, 25,-(Speclal Tel egram.) A bond Issue ot 1)0,000 for city Improvements was recommended by the Hastings Chamber of Commerce last night. Bonds .aro proposed for: City hall, 50,000; school buildings, 1100,(00, downtown heating and power plant 10,000, street car system $100,000, auditorium V,000, intersection paving bonds $50,000. The city hall bonds will be voted upon at a special election March 12. Carson Released on Bond. ATLANTIC, la., Feb. 2S.-(Special.)-Lce Carson, who was arrested and bound over to awal the action of the grand Jury tn the April term on the charge ot nssault with Intent to commit great bodily Injury on Mrs, GouU here, furn'sbed bond In the sum of $500 and was re leased. Murray Trallor of Marne and Frank Bcckman of this city signed the bond. GERMAN OFFICER THREATENS Von Dicderiohs Admits Making Declaration to Shoot. SAYS JUSTICE IN THE COMPLAINT Told nrlllsh Commander He Wonld Fire on Any Atnerlcnn Officer Attempting; to Hoard Wnrablp. UAptCN' BADKIT( Germany, Feby S3. Admlrnl -Voit Dledriehn hlmseJCy admits he infonnejMhoJJritlsli naval commander, In Mahila' buy ot'.thVdme of the Spanish-' American war that he. would shoot ahy. American officer, who' attempted to board a-Gernlan' warship "to make Inquiry und establish its Identity" tn carrying out tho orders of Admiral Dewey. This admission was made today In the course of a further narrative of events glWn to tho Associated Press. The controversy between Admiral Dcn'cy und tho German admiral arose oer tho visiting between tho vessels of the varloim powers. He admitted there was certain Justice in Admiral Dewey's complaint as to tho German ships being constantly on tho move, although this was necessary and In no way meant to bo unfriendly. About He Withdrawn. The bulk of tho German Bquadron was about to bo withdrawn, said tho Gorman commander, when tho conflict nroso ovor tho right of visitation, und hethen de cided to retain his whole force there. Admiral von Dlederlrhu blamed Admiral Dewey for tho clash and Intimated that It would never hava urlsen it tho Amer ican commander had merely protested of ficially about two "trivial Incidents," in stead of firing shots In order to stop two German plnnanccs. One ot them passing the American vessels was held up because its flag was not showing plainly and the other whs approaching the Olympla nt night with a message and was not promptly identified. Feels Arllon Unfriendly. Tho Gcrmun admiral felt that Admiral Dewey's action was decidedly unfriendly. Ho sent his flag lieutenant, Von HlnUe, to make a formal protest against the ac tion ot tho MrCullough In halting the German cruiser Irene in order to learn Its Identity. This, said the German ad miral, was the Incident Incorrectly at tributed to tho Cormoran by Admiral Dewey. The American admiral retaliated, with an announcement that no ship, commer cial or naval, would be allowed to pass his lines. He" then announced his Intention of sending an officer on board every warship arriving tn the bay "to make Inquiry and to establish Its Identity." Tho word "inquiry'' apparently aroused the Ire ot the German admiral, who Identified It even today with a claim to the right to cross-examine any German commander. Threat of German. Admiral Von Dlederloha says ho dis cussed the situation with the British cemmander and told hlrn that he would shoot any officer attempting to carry out this order of Admiral Dewey. A substantial victory for the Germans was claimed by Admiral Von Dleder- Ichs in . the final settlement by which any arriving warship was to report it self to the American commander and afterward was required only to show Its (lag. According to the German admiral, his call on tho Spanish authorities was Jus tified by the facts that no blockade had been formally proclaimed. Bury Hatchet.' Before leaving Admiral Von Dleder Ichs and Admiral Dewey exchanged presents and cordial letters, burying tho hatchet and blaming the newspapers for the friction. Admiral Von Dlederich's said he hoped tho affair had been forgotten and Ad miral Dewoy action In reviving the con troversy In an erroneous statement was a matter of surprlso and regret to him. BIND AND GAG THE WATCHMEN Give Up Task After Four Hours of Ineffectual Work. CONTAINED MILLION IN BONDS Amount of Currenoy in Safe Com paratively Small. ONE WATCHMAN SOUND SLEEPER Third Man npponl lo He on Duly U Nut Awakened fry Heneateil Kxnloslon In the Room Near Him. DEB MOINES, la., Feb. !S.-An unsde. cessful attempt to dynamlto tho vault In the stato treasurer's office here wax mado early today, after two of tho state house watchmen had bcon hound and gagged. The safe blowers before day break left tho cupltol building with only $6. which they took from a cash drawer In the treasurer's office. Two separate explosions were caused, around the door of tho vault and th men wero about to begin a third attempt when they wero Interrupted. Tho watch men who wero overpowered wero Mills Russell nnd George Carpenter. A. J. Gay, another watcllman. wan said by the police Investigating tho affair to havo been "peacefully asleep In tho supreme court room" whllo the nttcmpted rob bery waa In progress. Tho cracksmen, four in number and masked, entered tho iiulldlng about midnight. After blndlns and gagging tho watchman they drilled; four holes in the vault nnd set oft the charges, which foiled to open tho door. After they had loft Russell succeeded In releasing himself from his bonds and telephoning the iollce. who Immediately began work on tho case. Million In Securities. The sale contained about $7.G0O in cur rency and more than a million dollars worth of securities, Including $200,004 worth ot capltol extension bonds, accord ing to William C. Brown, stato treasurer. Detectives working on tho enso today said there was considerable mystery ad to how tho bandits got Into the Capltol building. They were hid In tho board of parole rooms when Watchman Russell, an old soldier, came along. Without warning, so Russell said, they Jumped upon him, overpowered and tied and gagged, him, . aniliutswCTni'MtlnT Into the treasury of ficea, where they Immediately Uuganwbrk ri (lie . vifultl Two of Iho men 'were posted ns lookouts, and, as Watohntan Carpenter, also An old sol dier, come along on - his rounds, they grabbed him and tied hun up and took, him to tho treasury room alongside Rus sell, whero one ot them stood guard. Beyond a scuffle there was no fight in either case, according to the watchmen, who told their stories to tho police today. Watchman Hlecps Peacefully On. Carpenter, In an interview said that while ho and Russell were lying bound On chairs In tho treasury room, he hoped that Watchman Gay would wake up, but the, latter slept calmly whllo his mates were prisoners. Carpenter wiggled out of his ropes shortly after tho cracksmen left tho building and notified the police. Ho said tho men were evidently experts, but that they quit work ot their own ac cord, apparently having become disgusted with their failure. Ho described them as being middle-aged men, about five feet, veven Inches tall, and one, the leader, about six feet tall. Watchman Qay knew nothing ot the attempted safe blowing until awakened (Continued on Page Two.) if? Send Your Salesmen Into the Homes If you are manufacturer, re taller, banker or business man, or of any other clans and have a message to tell to the men and women pf this community, tell it In tho advertising col umns of The Bee, In effect, if your advertise ment Is straightforward, well dressed, and to the point, it ts the same as sending an army of BftleHmon personally Into the homes of thousands of people at one time. The Bee is essentially a home newspaper, and believes in clean, honest advertising. 80 it will be your salesman and carry your message with per sistence and conviction. In every city a nowspapor that is progressive that stands for what is reliable and whole Rome in ita news and advertis ing columns Is regularly read In the best homes. It Is there fore a selling force whoso im mense value is recognized and omployed by discriminating local and general advertisers. Such a newspapor is Tho Bee. Our Advertising Department is always at your service. A ring on the 'phone wilt bring a represontativo to you who will lend his assistance in any matter of selling and ad vertising. Would you like to know inoro about it while you are working qn your plans? Drop a postal of Inquiry to the Bureau of Ad vertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association, World Building, New York. Booklet on request.