8 PILE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 2o, 1U14. AUTOMOBILEJUHS AMUCK Wayfarer! in Detroit Startled by the Uncanny Spectacle. ONLY PASSENGER A SLEEPY CAT Car Trlth Jrrvcrltile Steering; Gear nana Wild In Btndehnker Snles room, Nnrrorrlr Mlaslnn Window. Startled out of & rush-hour reverie, his hand hanging Inort from the bell cord, the conductor of ft Woodward avenue street car In Detroit blocked traffic for several minutes the other evening-, while ho gated, open-mouthed, Into the brightly lighted Interior, of the Bttldcbaker auto mobile store. Kor once, traffic was willing to be blocked. The sight that had so strangely affected the collector of fares struct: others Just as forcibly. Insldo the store, an automobile was ob viously running wild. So. far as human beings were concerned, the automobile a Studebaker "Four" touring car was empty. Its lamps wcro alt blazing and tt was 1n rapid motion. Along the Charlotte avenue side of the building the car would glldo, turning Just In time to avoid crashing Into the glass front lt tall light would gleam until It reached the back of the room, when It would awervo and charge at the side, whero It would again miss collision by an eyelash. The next turn would bring It back tn Its course again, casting the blinding rays of Its headlights Into the eyes of the amazed beholders. A crowd gathered. For a time those n the front row would dodgo. the charging car. Later on their confidence grow, for they saw that the car Instead of turning, by some lucky accident was following n" clrcJa and making each lap In a definite track. Then somebody noticed that, on the dust cover that trimly enclosed the car's top lay a cat, oblivious to all excite ment and sound asleep, Cop to the Resent. A policeman worked his way through the throng and tried the door, which opened readily. lie dodged the car and made his way to the offices In tho rear, where he found A. K, McLuncy, the branch manager, "There's a crazy automobile runnln' round your front room," ejaculated tho cop. "Never mind It." replied McLuney. "It' a demonstration." "Of whatr "Irreversible steering gear, If you know what that means steering gear that stays put and doesn't rack your arms out at the sockets. "Well, Irreversible steerln' or not, you can't block tho avenue with Itt And the next thing It'll bo running out through one of them windows." "Well lf my car and my store and my windows, Isn't It7" The cop went outside and vainly Im plored tho spectators to "movo on." The car kept running circles. The crowd grew. And he cat slept on. Throughtout the week of tho Detroit automobile show tho whole process wai repeated nightly. Now and then somconi would rescue "Studebaker," the oftlc cat, from his perch on tho top. Ho took It, good-naturedly but would wait for tht car's, next Jap, when ho would, cleverly cllmp back aboard, resuming hla solitary Joy ride. Cadillac Company Will Not Market a Six-Cylinder Car Henry M. Leland, present or thi Cadlllao Motor Car company, and re cently elected to the presidency or tho Society or Automobile Engineers, cor rocts an erroneous Impression vhlch seems to prevail In some quarters with regard to tho futuro plans and policies or his company. "Wo could scarcely ex,pect to con trol," says Mr. .Leland, "tho very con siderable volume or mouth to mouth ad vertising which the Cadlllao receives. But when a misconception of the plans of tho Cadlllao company Is liable to creea Into this sort of gratuitous pub licity, wo consider It a duly wo owe tho publlo? as well as ourselves to correct whatever Inaccuracies may unwittingly bo reported. "Wo haVo experimented wllh engine or six cyllndors; In fact, we have built a number or such cars In the last four yean.. These experiments have been tho basis of rumors that we were to innr kct a slx-cyllndcr Cadillac, but this com pany has no such Intention. "Our tests. Investigations, experiments and comparisons have demonstrated con clusively that our four-cylinder engine affords the highest degree of all-around efficiency obtainable, coupled with great cat economy of operation and mainte nance! "With thts knowledge to guide us we cerUJnly have not tho slightest Idea of departing from our present policy." Alcohol and Benzol Mixed as Auto Fuel In a report Just Issued by the United States bureau of foreign and domestic commerce Consul General John U. Grif fiths of London directs attention to the progress which has been made In Great Britain regarding tho use of alcohol as a fuel for automobllo and other types of gas engines. The report states that as a result of a conference held In London In July last an organization known as the Imperial Motor Transport council was formed and this council formed an alcohol motor fuel commttteo to conduct Investigations and experiments relating to- the use of alco hol as a motor fuel. The necessity for this nctlon Is traceable to the scarcity of suitable goaollno for use In motors and the consequent high prlco of sultablo fuel. In this country the condition, whtlo not as serious as In England, has "Caused au tomobile manufacturers as well as manu facturers of other forma of gasoline en gines considerable worry because tho quality of the gasoline has been steadily degenerating until the fuel now sold as gasollno Is sometimes but slightly better than kerosene oil. The report of tho consul general also calls attention to a paper recently read before the British Institution of Auto mobile Engineers, In which tho mlxturo of benzol and alcohol as a motor fuel was thoroughly discussed. Benzol Is ob tained as a byproduct In the manufacture of coko. When alcohol alone Is used In tho enxletlng engines the economy of tho engine Is not as great as It might be, because tho compression must be Increased to effect economical use of alcohol. Benzol is added to tho alcohol to overcome the disadvantage of low economy. It Is said to work well. Henry CMarkel is Buried in Omaha The funeral of Henry C. Market, who died Friday at Houston, Tcx wus held from the rooms of the Elks lodge Tues day afternoon after the Elks' burial ritual and tho Christian Science f uncial service had been observed. Interment was ' In Prospect Hill cemetery. Charles Dunham read tho Scientist sorvlcc. Tho pallbearers wcro: J. n. Dewar. W. D. Lincoln, It. K. Yocum, Charles L. Deuel, A. M. Jeffrey, C. H. Qratton. Mother! is Child's Stomach Sour, Sick If tongue is coated or If cross, fever ish, constipated give "California Syrup of Figs." Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See If tongue Is coated; this Is a suro sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has a stomach aohe, Indirection, diarrhoea, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul waste, the sour bile and fermenting food passes out of the bowels and you hare a well and playrul child again. Children lore this harmless "rrult laxative' and moth ers can rest easy after giving t because It never falls to make their little 'In sides" clean and sweet. Keep It handy, Mother 1 A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggfst for a 69-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." whloh has directions for babies, child rea of all ages and for grown-ups pHtalr on the bottle, llemember there are counterfeits sold here, so surely look and see that yours Is made by the "Call, fomta Fig Syrup Company " Hand back with contempt any other tig srrup. Ad-YKttsemcst, DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, TIRES and ACCESSORIES GASOLINE C?A.gti UXOK " Xfcbraiks, Bulck Auto Company, Lw Huff Mgr. 1912.14-1G Farnam hm- - ww ww sacj "SADILLAO Oadillao Company of Omaha, 20S4-6-8 Farnam Streak B C M G. F. Reim. Pre. M O AKMON " Marlon Auto Company, 0. W. McDonald ' 21Q1 Famam Stmt, AXWELL " Maxwell Motor Bales Corporation, uo2UY State Bank Building. VXRLAND- Van Brunt Automobile Comnanv 2010 Farnam 8t Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs, T" OPE-HARTFORD r Van Brunt Automobile Company 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20.22 4th St., Council Bluffi, TUDEBAKER- " X. B. Wilson Auto Company, . 2428 Farnam .Stmt, s ELECTRIC CARS mo- II Van Brunt Automobile Company, 3010 Farmam gt., Omaha. 18-20.22 4th St,, Council Bluffi, QTAJTDARD ?5 Marion Auto Co., HT. MeDomli. - 1101 Faroaia Street, Patterson Finishes from Coast to Coast on Lincoln Highway First to cross the continent over the proporcd Uncoln Highway route, J. Nell Patterson and his Sunrise . Crew dipped the wheels of their car In tho surf at Coney Island, December 10, ending a B.OOd-mllo const to coast ttlp. The party left TIa Juana, a small Mex ican town on tho Pacific coast, lato In October' and proceeded to record the difficulties of tho trip In moving pictures. Excellent films were secured In the Ilocklcs and the far west, and several Good Honda societies have already en gaged the Patterson crew for lectures on tho trip. Ono of tho remarkable features of Pat terson's trip was that ho did not find it necessary to touch the motor on the entire trip. Only four punctures and no blowouts were encountered and tho original tires wcro still In excellent con dition when tho car reached Now York. Patterson kept a careful record of the gasoline and oil consumed en route. He states that tho car averaged a little over twelve and one-half miles to the gallon of gasollno and used a llttto over twenty gallons of lubricating oil. After sending several days in New York, tho party left for Washington, V. C, by wny of Philadelphia and Bal timore. From Washington, tho cor will Proceed to Pittsburgh and then to De trolt. Patterson will drlvo tho car to New York for tho automobile show. I CADILLAC CARS ALL STILL HAVE THE RIGHT HAND DRIVE All Cadillac mnilnla n m - . . - u. uiu rjgni hand drive type, as tho designers rec ognUe that this Is the natural sldo from which to drive, steer and control a vehlclo and thn.1 it rHv.. v. t ... . " ' " 1 " HIC HI 1 V CI at all times thn ! vi.m.w.i.. . irui.ii, ,uf ciear- ance, particularly In country driving. Thero Is also an advantage In approach ing the curb where a atop Is to be made. Aa tho right side Is the natural side from which most people operate, the control levers are also on that side. Whtlo this Idea prevails, the Cadillac's designers havo so constructed their cor that tho occupants of the front seat can enter at or leave from cither side. To facilitate entrance and exit at tho right side, the steering wheel is hinged, swing ing down no that there Is plenty of room and no squeezing Is necessary. The advantago of this Is that neither the driver nor his companion In tho front seat ever has to step out Into a muddy street and go around the car to pet to the sidewalk. An entrance to tho car, In like manner, l directly from tho curb whero tho car rests. Guy Smith Has Splendid Cars on Exhibit ,at Show At each automobllft show In Omaha Guy Ij. Smith hns had the most attrnctlvo exhibit, Kach year Smith Koes to a great deal of trouble and expense to bring out original and effective Ideas. This year tho Guy I, Smith display Is even, more beau tiful than In former years. One of the principal features Is that tho Hudson Is the only lino shown. Concentration Is now tho slogan In tho Smith organlza tlon. Tho exhibit Is such a worthy ono that the modols shown deserve Individual mention. They aro all sized, for tho Hud son has 'broken entirely uway from tho four. One sees the big luxurious six-Si and Its smaller brother, the slx-10. Tho slx-40 Is called tho Hucson light six. Four body designs confront tho visitors. Kach one the creation of an artist. Of course, they aro all stream line, for tho Hudson Is always to tho fore. Tho slx-W roadster Is trim and grace ful. Tho sloping Jiood and long sloping rear deck, with tho seats placed directly In Uio center of tho body, create nn im pression of beauty, comfort and easy riding. Tho slx-W passenger phaeton Is thi mott talked of car In America and the show visitor Instantly realizes that the car Justifies Its reputation. Refinement and comfort Is written In every line. A four or six passenger at will, as the auxlllnry seats are of the disappearing type. Grace and beauty was never better exemplified In a motor car. The one man top Is a new feature. It can be Instantly raised or loer by onb person. The ab sence of side lights Is a pleasing Inno vation. Tho pleasing climax of tho exhibit Ij the slx-51 Sedan. Tho finished type of closed car luxury. Thero Is an absence of body angles. Tho body blends Into the hood without a single awkward feature to mar Its rare beauty. The crown fend .ers, In beauty, pay their tribute to the graceful body. The Interior finish Is most pleasing. Tho entire Interior Is up holstered In dove gray English Bedford cloth, Tho driver's seat embodies unusual comfort and Is" adjustable to various positions. Aside from the regulation dome light, thero arc Pullman lights over tho rear scat. D. Clem Deaver Buried at Holy Sepulchre Funeral services over the body or D. Clem Deaver. Burlington Immigration agent, who died of heart failure Sunday night, were held at St. Peter"s church, Twenty-eighth nnd Leavenworth streets. Hcv. Father J. 1 McCarthy was In charge and many friends of the veteran railroad and land man attended to pay their respects to his memory. Burial was In Holy Sepulcher cemetery- The pall bearers were: C. G. McDonald, Tim Sullivan. B. F. Leavenworth, P. It. Howard, S. L. Lee, ' L. M. Whitehead. RAILROAD MEN DECLARE EASTERN STORM A RIPPER F. P. Eyman, assistant freight traffic manager, and Sam F. Miller, general freight agent, both of tho Northwestern, aro In tho city from Chicago. They will spend the day here, expecting to go to Lincoln to bo present at the freight rate hearing before the Nebraska Railway commission. Both of the Northwestern men declare that tho storm of Monday In Illinois was the worst of tho winter and Mr. Miller adds that It was more severe than ever ho experienced In Nebraska during his long residence here. Tho Northwestern men are enthusiastic over the outlook for an Increasing busi ness this year. They say tho signs all point to better times nnd more business and that with another good crop the cen tral went will bo riding on the crest of the top wavo of prosperity. Constlpntlnn Poisons Yon. Dr. King's New Llfo Pills regulate your bowels, prevent constipation and stimulate the liver to healthy action. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. Ij Buy It Because ' I I It's a Better Car II I I Model T $T r A ' I I I Touring Car OOU I I I f. o. b. Detroit I II Get particulars from Tord Motor Company. II l ll m6 Haniey aU 1 nfifc si&h tfSSSlt ttjiSAfe3 i0riir Jifiite Omaha Automobile Dealers Whose Exhibits at the Show are Worthy of Your Consideration The Auburn 4 Forty at $1,490.00 COMPLETELY EQUIPPED The Most for the Money, This Big $2,000 Car at $1,490 Lacks nothing that a very high-priced car can give. Our proposition to agents itf tho best offered by any auto mobUo manufacturer. Wo have some good territory left for live agents. Don't fail to visit our booth at tho Auto Show. AUBURN AUTO CO., "OMAHA." 2559 Farnam Street. Hauae & Wilson, Distributors. Jeffery Four' $1,550 jj See This Car at the Show Rambler Motor Co. 2052 Farnam Street ii ' is T 1 OBBEs I NgylVie "ofl I FARNAM. . f, Eighty years of faithful service to the American public. See our exhibit in space 31 on the stage and at our salesroom. Mitchell Motor Co. FARNAM. Bull Tractor Pulls Two 14-Inch Plows or Work Equal Has 25 Horso Power double opposed automobllo cngiue. Weight only .1000 pounds. Tho greatest sales proposition of the year. See It at the Show Space No. 10. Bullock Machine & Supply Co. BXSTXXBUTOXB 2320 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.; 212 S 7th St., Norfolk, Xcb. OHIO Be confident you buy a GOOD OAR. It's at SPACE 36 E. E. GRAY 612 South Main Street, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. 3 ? Exhibit of Kerosene and Gasoline Cars S C 4-oyitn4tr Xdrht Touring Car tl,BSS.oo 1 . M. rUJLLUCK AUTO CO. C 1910 ramus St. rt!L JJonrUs 62a. 5 Tounnr Oax... m 4-cjrllnir Coupe ....taaas-oo 8-cyuadr Tonrur ;..."!:":::::.:::::::a;w V39.O0 xxtra lor Xerosan XqtUpmsnt. Booth (Xo. 35, Hortlx Sua of Btafft. T. H. POLLOCK AUTO CO. REO FIFTH and CHEVROLET SPACE 10 North Side of the Center Isle L. E. DOTY, Inc. 2027-29 FARNAM ST.