Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    Eye Glasses Must So
Says New York Physiciai
Hero Is His Frcs Prescription:
Many who wear b,abes cou.u u
penso with them. Uniy oiu.hary .ar .k
necessary xtu ejes ot o,u uiid jguu
snoum oo piupeily Uatneu .i.iu
morning. Imn m moiu mi,itiuiu in..
Cleansing teetn, says he aim wiun m
Sow ou to mty;
"Th luiiolng tlfUtniellt is Worthy ot
tullcst confidence Ji la ac.ontulc, Im
mediately ottectivo and ioluel uaun
less to me vtettntwi ui iib. uo 10 auy
drug fctore, get a tuba ot Upton tauiete,
dlssoitu one in u two ounc I'oitiu 01 uuiu
water anu buthe tno oes two to tour
times uuiiy. What la genotai.y hii-wii
as eye stiam will boon be buiiisned flulu
the inusLles and nerves are iennitteu to
perform tuelr noinitil lunctluns. it helps
diseased 0es anu It keups good eyes
healthy; It Is uusoiuteiy nuumuss In
oven way: does not smart or bum. hiia
a wondertul olfect on granulated lids
and Is espoclally recommcnuea for dull
bleary or giasay eyes. It helps ull eyes
and should be In every boniu for use lu
Tho following extracts aro from let
ters received from users of this pro
scription: "1 turd Optona one wek for a cold In mr iff,
It dia m. a great dral ot tood."
"Mr ejr.t have been failing tor ytarn. 1 am
aura Optona la doing them food and ahall cou
tlnue ta use."
"Have onlr been using Optona a short time.
Mr r ara lmprorlng wonderfully."
"I find Optona yery tatlifactory and recommend
It wheretetr I find an opportunity. I find It very
"I've been benefited by Optona and Intend to
follow the treatment."
"Have been using Optona fur about three months
and It lias grtally Improved my sight."
"My eyes hate been sore for several yars; were
red and Inflamed. Used everything recommended
and gained m relief, I hud my eyes examined
and wore glasiea for six months, 1 read of Op
tona and thought 1 ould gle It a trial. Am
glad to be able to state I got satisfactory relief.
Ilava only used about half a box ot Optona and
have not worn my glaebca since. 1 feel my eyes
do not require them."
Many others havo made similar reports.
If youi eyes bother you, have the above
prescription filled; It may do wonders
for you. Do not becomo a victim of
neglect. You perhaps value your eyes
more than any other organ, thereforo
Its your duty to protect them. This free
prescription has given relief to thous
ands. Advertisement
Will you heln celebrate?
"How would you advise
me to observe my SMh
anniversary as an Ear
Specialist!" was the
question Specialist
flproule asked aomo ot
bis friends. Their an
swer was unanimously:
'Give away a certain
number of vour treat
ments for Head Noises, Free."
After careful consideration, tho Specialist has
decided to do thl and now he wants every suf
ferer from Head Noises to help him celebrate by
sending for a Kree Treatment.
Just 25 yean ago. he began curing this trouble
and ho has kept right on doing It for a quarter
of a century. Hundreds and hundreds of people
who never thought to be free from those Incps
aent, terrible noises have secured a bletsed quiet
ness by the use ot his treatment.
Moreover, every Head Noises sufferer's heart
confirms the medical truth that his troublo Is
only too surely a red lantern of warning to tell
ot coming Dearness. Whether the ear-sounds are
constant or occasional whether tho hearing la
still acute or Impaired to a greater or lesser ex
tent Deafness will come. What more pitiful af
fliction? To e starving for love, yet unable to
hear a word of sympathy, shut out from friends
and companionship to be only a burden and an
noyance to othera!
To celebrate his Silver Jubilee, Specialist-
Sproole offers Free Treatment
for a short time, to every Head Noises
sufferer who reads these lines. Ho dnea
this In response to the request of people ut like
ou, who suffered from Head Noises nnd ap
proaching Deafness, arid who have been entirely
cured by his treatment.
Don't miss this Silver opportunity. Just sit
dawn and write a note to Kpeclullst Hproule ask
ing or a "Jubilee free Treatment." or write
"Jubilee Fre Treatment" on a post card, algn
jour name and uildrefit. and tho treatment will
como to you as quickly an the malls can bring It.
You can then aeo this Method for yourself. It
won't cost you a cent. Don't delay and don't
hesitate. Get In line to hate a Jubilee jourself
by getting rid of thosn terrible noises. Think
how happy you would M freo from thcml
Write right NOW. Hend for a Jubilee Free
Head Noises Treatment and tharo In tho Jubilee.
Deafness Specialist Sproule,
193 Trade Building, Boston, Mais.
D. D. D.
' for 15 years the standard skin rem
edy a liquid used externally instant
relief from" all kinds of itch.
D. D. D. Soap
the mildest of cleansers keeps the
skin always clean and healthy.
Sherman & McConncll Drug; Co., four
Omaha High School
and Cadets '
Blie 10x30. This picture ban
just been made and makes a
beautiful subject framed..
Price 81.00.
Photo Dept. Omaha.
"Writ 600 words at one dip. Are you
looking for something' which you have
vainly looked for in so-called son
laakable fountain pens? Here is your
opportunity to crot away from them..
Write for particulars. rSAWK W.
WOIiVERTOW, Dept. 7, Allance, Wet).
Try bail-Tone. Good
for All Stomach and
ul v or Troubles; ook
Fna. Addrtss Hailstone Bemsdl
Oo. Sept. 745 313 B. Dsarborn fit- Chicago
Siafle strong and
well In a few days
without a surgical
operation or loss ot
time. Our work ts
guaranteed. Call or
write for particulars.
Drs. Wray & JJath
njr. Mt Bet Bids..
Storm Leaves Trail of Destruction in
Mississippi Valley.
It Will He Several Day llcfore Itnll
nnd Wire Traffic tlernmr Xnr
mnl More Snow l'nll In
vv York.
CHICAGO, Feb. Tho blizzard whloh
prevailed for two days over tho uppor
Mississippi and Ohio river valleys had
disappeared to the eastward today, leav
ing; behind a trait of destruction.
It will bo several days before rallroa'l
schedules nnd telegraph and telephone
communication again reach normal con
ditions In Indiana, southern Illinois, Mis
sotirl, Iowa and Kansas. Steam air!
ecctrio railroad tracks will havo to bo
cleared of Iiuro drifts ot snow, which In
some Instances completely stopped traf flo.
All of tho railroads today sent out big
gangs of workmen to begin clearing the
track?. Hundreds of linemen began re
placing Dtllen poles and rcstrlnglng wires.
Alt trains In the storm district contlnuod
from one to several hours lato today.
Because of Interrupted communication
the full extent of the damage dono by
tho storm was not known. No reports
havo been received from many of tho
smaller cities and towns.
Reports which did filter through told
of sovero cold which followed tho storm,
of fuel shortage, of interrupted busi
ness and closed schools.
Store Snoiv In TVcrr York.
NEW YOniC, Feb. St An extra cov
ering of an Inch of snow last night was
dumped on JLhe heavy blanket left by
last week's storms. The snow quit fall
ing early today, with tho thermometer
at 10 degrees above zero.
Tho snow here came as forecast yes
terday as the tall end of the blizzard :n
the west. It was llttlo more than a
bluster, but served as a warning to tho
surfaco car lines and tho city street
cleaning department. Several thousanj
men wero engaged all night In sweeping
snow from car tracks and street crossings.
Two Ships in Uitngrr,
NORFOLK, Va Feb. 24.--With a re
vero snow nnd wind storm raging on the
coast, tho British steamers Sachem and
Rlvcrsdale, ashore near here, were today
In more danger than at any' timo since
they struck last week. Tho Sachem, on
a bar two and a half miles from shore,
was In worso condition than tho Itlvers
dale, which lies well up on tho beach In
a less treacherous position. Tho crew of
tho Sachem Is still aboard tho vessel.
The Rlvcrsdalo'a cargo of lumber Is being
thrown overboard and saved on the beach.
Its crew Is ashore.
Ulocknde In Western I'ciinMylvnnla.
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Feb. 21.-Wlth tem
peratures from 1 to 5 degrees below zero,
this entire section today experienced one
of tho few bright days since the advent of
winter. Hundreds of men were employed
digging tho city out of the seven Inches
of snow that felt yesterday. Trains were
delayed somewhat nnd reports from rural
districts were" that only a thaw will open
many miles of highways whero ffio snow
Is badly drifted.
Zero In Missouri. '
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Feb. 24. A clear.
cold day dawned In Missouri and Kansas.
Tho temperature, after dropping closo to
zero, began a steady rise. With tho
gradual restoration of telephone facili
ties and wire communication with points
completely Isolated yesterday, came more
detailed reports of the suffering and In
convenience that accompanied one of the
worst storms known In the Missouri-Kansas
region In a half dozen years.
while the demoralized wlro conditions
of yesterday wero Improved today, of
ficials ot the telegraph nnd telephono
companies said It would bo several days
before normal order could be restored.
Train service on all tines was Improved.
Youth Admits He
Attempted to Murder
Farmer Near Kearney
KISARNIiY, Neb. Feb. 24. (Special Tel
egram.) Ernest Wilcox, tho 15-year-old
boy, who was arrested at Council Bluffs
churged with the attempted murder' of
Henry Richards, a farmer, living; near
this city, has made a complete confession
to County Sheriff Andrews.
The boy states he fired the first shot
to rou60 Richards, who was sitting' be
hind a cream separator and could not bo
seen from the window. When Richards
Jumped from tho chair tho boy emptied
the second barrel, of tho gun, aiming- at
his head. He says ho knows no reason
wljy ho shot his employer except that ho
has not good common sense.
His trial will come up before Judge
Hostetler in the district court next
Before his confession the youth tried
to lay the blamo upon a person whom
ho jiamed "Howard." This man, he
eald, had met htm at the Richards home
and threatened to kill his employer.
Fearing- that he would bo charged with
tho crime tho boy said that ho left
the farm and ran away.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Feb. 21. (Special
Telegram.) The State Bank of Superior
was organized today, taking over tho
assets of tho Superior National bank,
with a capital of f50,000 and tho follow
ing officers: President, I J. Dunn of
Lincoln; vlco president, W. T. Auld of
Omaha; cashier, C. W. Harvey, formerly
of Lincoln; assistant cashier, Q. M. Sea
mann, formerly of DenUon, la.; assist
ant cashier, H. C. Hanna; directors, U
J, Dunn, W. T. Auld, C. W. allrvey, J
T. Dalby, H. O, Hanna, H. B. Grainger
of Lincoln, G. M. Seamann.
All of the directors have been lu tho
banking business for many years. Auld
formerly lived at this city before he went
Into tho banking lino.
District court, now In session at Nel
son, has some of the bank cases on.
. Wooilinrn Circle Riitertulnn.
PLATTSMOUTH, Nob., Feb. 2l.(Spe-
clal.) Saturday evening Goldon Rod
Grove No. 80, Woodmen Circle, most
delightfully entertained the officers of
the supreme council and Initiated a c.ui
of eight members. Plates were laid for
300. Captain and Mrs.M, K. Manspeakar
presided as toastmaster of tho delight
ful banquet. A large numbor have been
Initiated into tho order during tho past
year, and tho grovo is now the largest
society In this city.
Coughs nuil Colds
weak, coro lungs, (Julckly relieved by Dr.
King's New Discovery. The first doso
helps. Best remedy for coughs and colds
and all lung troubles. COc and fL All
druggists. Advertisement
Former General of
Characteristic photograph of Felix Diaz,
ono time friend of President 1 Inert n, but
now ono of his enemies, mado aboard chip,
as ho arrived In Now lork from Havana.
Supreme Court of United States Up
holds Statute.
Point Whether Act la Limited to
Commercial Vlro Was Not In
volvedWilsons Given
Three Ycnrs Each.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 21.-Tho constitu
tionality of tho federal whlto slave law
was again upheld today by tho supreme
court In tho Wilson cases from Chicago.
Tho point whether tho law Is Ulmtcd to
commorclal vlco was not Involved.
CHICAGO. Feb. 21.-Charlcs Wilson
and his wife Zoc, whose maiden name
was AVlllard, wero found gulty December
16, 1911, In tho United States district
court here of transporting- Flossie Uton
and Frances Vanco from Milwaukee t
Chicago for Immoral purposes. Tho Wil
sons were sentenced to threo years' penal
servitude each. Tho caso was fought on
appeal up to the United States supreme
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 21.-(Speclal.)-Blanks
for tho agricultural data to bo collected
by the assessors for the year 191 1 are
now being printed for tho stato board ot
agriculture. Tho blank form has been
completely revised and It Is expected
thero will be no difficulty In classifying
the facts concerning all fortns of farm
ing activity In the state.
Horticulture, poultry, dairying and data
of Interest to tho live stock breeders has
received much attention. The blanks will
contain nearly a hundred different head
ings. Tho classification ot farm lands
In respect to price, character ot the boII,
uses and production will bo very com
plete If tho data Is collected according
to. Instructions.
Tho data, returned to tho State Board
of Agriculture Is not made a part ot tho
assessment records and Is entirely In
dependent of tho returns to tho county
boards. Tho facts ascertained concern
Ins rural conditions will bo used for re
ports and articles concerning the re
sources ot tho state. The blanks will bo
distributed to tho county clerks about
March 1.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Feb. 21. (Special Telegram,)
As the Lincoln Telephono company be
gins to recover from tho storm It becomes
evident that tho damage to the property
of the company will doublo tho first esti
mate of $30,000 und that will hardly
cover tho cost of putting the lines back
to their forrrior condition, according i
Manager Hurts of tho company tonight.
Tho loss covers over 1,000 poles broken
and about 10,000 miles of wlro which will
have to be straightened. Jefferson, John
son, Gage, Saline and Adams counties
were the geratcst sufferers.
Xmvh Notes of Oneeoln.
OSCEOLA. Neb., Feb. 21 (Speclal.)
A flio on Saturday destroyed the farm
residence of Glenn Wlllltts, northwest of
Osceola, Tho loss consisted of tho build
ing, as practically all of the furnlturo
was gotten out. It Is supposed that the
Drink Hot Tea
for a Bad Cold
(Jet a small puckuto of Hamburg '
react Tea, or as tho Gorman oiks '
call it, "Hamburger Urust Thee," at any'
pharmacy. Take a tablcspoonful ot the
tea, put a cup ot bolllnt' water upon
It. pour through a sieve and drluk a
teacup full at any time. It' Is the most
ctfeottve way to break u cold and cure
grip, as It opens the pores, relieving
congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus
breaking a cold at once.
It Is Inexpensive and entirely vege
table, therefor harmless, Advertise
the Mexican Army
It wna reported that his sudden departure
from Hiivnnn. was duo to his fear of
assassination at tho hands of Huerta
flro was started from a defective flue.
Tho Polk county Sunday school conven
tion will bo held at Pollc this week.
Osceola publla schools resumed their
work Monday morning, after being closed
two or threo days on account of scarlet
DlHtrlet Court nt llcnvrr City.
II ISA VISll CITY, Neb., Fob. 2i.-(Spo-clal.)
Tho docket for tho regular March
term of district court has been prepared
by tho clerk of tho court and shows
slxty-ono cases. Tho term will conveno
on March 9 and tho following Jurymen
have been summoned: Thomas Androws,
Jr.; H. C. Remington, Grant Cochran. Kd
Baugston, J. N. Snyder, Frank Miller, O,
W. Bard, Homer Smith, Prlco Dillon,
John Lathan, F. W. Shafor, Gcorgo Leon
ard, W. O. Butler, Harry Leonard, J. K.
Clemntents, Chat Hopper, C. G. Clarlne,
Gcorgo Lunstrum, W. H. Stone, C. H.
Fattljr, William Bankson, C. J. Kropf,
Robert Orr nnd Richard Grucnlng.
. Muscle Food for the
Hard Toiler
The man who labors hard physically
needs nutritious food. Ho needs a con
centrated food a food that Is also easily
digested. And tho prlco ot tho food must
bo cheap.
That doesn't mean that tho hard toller
needs a lot ot meat (as many wives
think) for thero aro other foods equally
If not more nutritious.
Take Faust Spaghetti, for example. A
lOo package contains four times more
nutrition than meat It Is rich In gluter
It Is easily digested, and you can make
a whole, big family meal with a Ik
Try It often. Cook the spaghetti for
23 minutes or so with &omo rod ripe
tomutoeH. Servo with powdered cheese
and brcud und butter. Mukcs bully good
eating. Scud for rcclpo book, ha and 10c
St. Louis, Missouri
Lozier Firm Holds
Convention of Its
N Fifty Service Men
Over fifty service men from the eslnb
llhsments of Lozlcr dealers throughout
the country nro returning to tholr homo
from the First Antuinl Service convention
of tho lazier Motor company, hold nt
Detroit. Started as an experiment, the
convention proved of such value that
arrangements havo already been mudo
for next year's meeting.
This Is beloved to havo been tho frst
Auto Show
An Early Showing
Unusual in Style
AVo arc now showing a vory satisfactory selection of suits at a very
moderate price, for women who want to be among the first to wear
the now spring styles. Several very distinguished models aro of crepe?,
poplins, serges, novelties and gabardine cloths. Theso show tho very
nowest trcntmout ot skirts, nnd havo th jaunty short jackets. Excellently tail
ored, of course, or thoy would not bo Drantlols Suits and at tuls prlco aro excep
tional values nt $25.00.
Tlip voguo of tho separnto skirt Is IncroaslnR. Tho demand among
smartly dressed women of practical mind, Is for tho peg top and tunic
stylos In Scotch plaids nnd novelty strlpo cloths. Priced ttpwurda
from $0.08.
Tailored Waists Worth (J29
Up to $5, on Sale, at.. ..?
Odd lots mid broken size lines of
well known "King" tailored
waists. Including fancy striped flannols
nnd llnons. Worth up to $G regularly;
on sale Wednesday at 9 1.1111.
Camisole Laces
Cninlsolo laces for corset
covers In very dainty shadow
effects, with doublo bradlnc
18 Inches wide. Qualities
worth to 30c, Wednesday, pur
yard at 19e.
Important Special
Storm Serges
40-lnch wldo semi-storm
sorges, spring weight. An
assortment of 20 good
shades. Specially priced
nt 10c.
Dress Messaline
30-inch pencil stripe
dress messnllnes in a
wldo rango of colorings
and various slzo stripes,
Specially adapted for
suits, A regular $1.00
quality, at, yard, 70c.
Regular $25 Axminster Rugs $18
Complete now lino of high grado Axmlnstor rugs in artistic
floral and orlontal pnttornB, Heavy wolght. Vory serviceable. 9x12
slzo; worth up to $2C,00; Wednesday, $18.00.
8 3x10 G size, specially priced at $10.00.
Fine Wilton Rugs
Extra flno quality Wilton rugs,
in bonutlful Oriental patterns,
'9x12 size; at 91.50.
8 3x10 size, special Wednes
day, 940.00.
Spring Display of New Things in
Tho selections of new things In fancy work aro by far tho most
varied and cxtenslvo wo havo Bhown, and havo, wo believe, never
been surpassed in beauty. Third Floor.
Women will bo interested In tho now art llnons; centers, scarfs,
dollies, pillows, etc., as well also In tho numerous novelties not
shown beforo.
We invito you to view theBO displays Wednesday.
J. Davis Moving
lime that any company has nsembl"d
Its service men prior to bringing out a
new car. The service men spent Tuesday
nt tho factory, tearing down and build
ItiK up models of tho now Lozlor four.
Chief ICnglneer J. G. I'crrln was In charge
of the work nnd special attention vms
given the new construction features be
ing brought out In this car. On Wednes
day oxpertH from the Oi ay & Davis Co.
explained the electrical equipment and
talks wero also made by factory repre
sentatives of other accessory concerns.
Question boxes were placed In the as
sembly room and answers wero given to
these at a general stimmlng-tip meeting
on tho Inst day of tho convention.
of Spring Suits
and Quality at
Sale of White Waists
Worth up to $2.00 for,
Largo lot of flno whlto lawn, linen,
lingorlo and voile waists, with high col
lars or low necks. Plain tailored styles
or trlmmod with dainty laces nnd em
broidery. Worth up to ?2, special Wed
nesday for $1.00.
Shadow Laces
Finn (iiialtty shadow lace
flouncliiRS and allovcic Illsr
usxortincnt of various now
KprliiK patterns. 12, 18 and
24-lnch wide. Worth up to
C'Jc; special, per yard, 30 o
Fibre Silk Hose
Women's black fibre silk
hose. Bilk tho entire length
with wldo hem tops, doublo
hod and toe. Bonio RllRlitly
Imperfect. Regular 60c qual
ity, pair, at 2Bo.
Offerings in Silk
Regular $2.00 Broadcloth
Kxcollent quality 52-ln, spAnxcd
and shrunk broadcloth, In black
and all tho latest spring similes.
Very popular for suits. Regu
larly worth $2, special, yard at,.
Satin De Luxe
3G and 40-Inch elegant
Fronch brocado satin do
luxo, in street and oven
lng shndcB. Scores ot
attractive patterns for
dressy gowns or practical
wear, yard, $1.50.
Spot Proof Foulards
Exceptional values in
spot proof foulards from
tho host makers In Amer
ica. Chinese Balkan, flor
al and conventional pat
terns; dots and strlpos;
yard 00c, 70c and 80c.
Axminster Rugs $3.50
Special lot of 36x72-inch
Axminster rugs in n variety
of now patterns. Specially priced
Wednesday at ,00.
U. S. National Bank
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 2l.-(Spcclal.)-Henry
C. Richmond, chief engineer of tho leg
lstatvo association, was In Lincoln yes
terday and today looking- up several mat
ters In connection with tho next meeting
ot the association. Ho said that Church
Howo had consented to act ns toastmas
ter at tho next session of the associa
tion, which will bo In tho nature ot a
banoJiet, tho dato of which ha been set
for March 20 nt tho Llndcll hotel In Lincoln.
to Phone
and Dress Goods
French Crepes
Dcautlful quality 40-inch
French crepes. In all tho de
sirable shades for spring
Wear: Snoclallv nrlppd.
yard at 85c.
Silk Suitings
32-Inch, two-tono cordo'i
and twill Bilk suitings, In
Copenhagen and black,
king blue and navy, wis
taria and black, etc. Noth
ing llko it over offered
at tho prlco, yard, $1.30.
$1.25 Curtains 98c
Pretty muslin and Swiss cur
tains, either plain or figured.
Regular prlco J1.2G; special for
Wednesday, pair, 08c.
Lace Curtains $1.50
Good quality laco curtains in
whlto, ivory nnd ecru, with plain
or figured centers. 54-lnch wldo.
Exceptionally good values, Wed
nesday, pair, $1.00.
New Draperies 39c
75 pieces of now Bpring cre
tonne, drapery taffota and Ivory
cloth. Including qualities worth
up to 50c, Wednesday, yard, 30c.
40-lnch fancy ctnmlne, yd., UOc.
Imitation colored madras far
oyer curtains, special, yard, 10c
Our first showing of new drap
ory sllkollno, Wednesday, per
yard, llitfc.