Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Drawn for The Bee bv Tad
t-r - r . . -v . I
HEY'! r, p
N O -
TO GET aav
(r,ii III lilllil iiHfll'lllllililllf I0III illlllillKI ill HI ill If
Vn I
Want mU received at any time, but
to lnsnro proper classification must
bo presented beforo 12 o'clock noon
for tho evening edition anil 7:30 p.
m. for tho morning and Sunday edi
tions. Want ads received after mich
hours will have their flrist insertion
under tho heading, "Too l4tto to
- One insertion, 12 ccntx per line.
Two or nioro consecutive Inser
tions, 9 cents per lino.
One lino per month, $1.80.
Twenty cents a minimum charge.
Advertisements charged to pntrnns
having act-otinU oro measured by tho
line, not by tho word.
his vrortlg to tho lino.
Ono Insertion, 12 ctnta per Hue
Two or mora consecutive Inser
tion, 0 cents per line.
Oho lino per month, $1.80.
Twenty cents a minim tun charge.
NOTE Tho Weo Hill not bo rc
possible tor moro tlian ono wrong
Insertion duo to typographical error.
Claims for error cannot bo allowed
after tho tenth of tho following
month. An advortiscmont Inserted
to bo run until forbidden must bo
stopped by written order. Verbal or
telephone cancellation cannot bo ac
FLYNN Margaret, aged 72 years.
Funeral Wednesday morning, February
5, lull, ut 8: 30 o'clock, from rcsldenco of
her son, Thomas J. Flynn, 232S South
Fifteenth street, near Castellan to rit
Patrick's clturch at 9 a. m. Interment
St Mary's cemetery.
Mirths William and Marguerite Rurncll,
C206 McKlnley, Benson, boy: K. and Jose
phine Collncs. 1610 North Thirty-fifth; O.
M. and Hester Ann Carney, St2l Ames
avenue, girl; W. and Anna Cave, 25M
Pratt, girl; Kal and llouslno Esmond,
4G22 North Fourteenth, girl; J. 11. and
Mar' E. Kelly, 1102 South Sixtieth, boy;
Max and Rose Llchter, 2131 Decatur, girl.;
B. K. and Agnes Merrill, 2JHH Woolworth
avenue, girl; Fred and Ollvo Yargor, 2320
Ilorce, boy.
Deaths D. C. Deaner, 60 years, S20 South
Twenty-first , avenue; J. Etelund, 7
months, hospital; N. Lyward, 25 years,
hospital; Eleanor A. K. llobe, S months,
hospital; 8. Y. Wright. 73 years, hospital.
The following marrlago licenses have
been Issued:
N'imii and Residence. Age.
Justus F. Lowe. Milwaukee 25
Carolyn Harding. Omaha. .........1 23
Itnv Whlted. Lincoln
io".';..' 2I
Klslo Swartx, Buckingham, Colo
Kmll Bern'. Weston 33
Lottlo Peterson, Wahoo 25
Itnv Hell. Council Bluffs..
Lillian M. Charles, Underwood, la.
AVIlllnm Hogcl, Schuyler 2i
Mary Stastny, Schuyler , 23
Carl liars, Omnha , 21
May Gtbbs, Omaha 21
John J. Sullivan, in. Columbus...... 23
Mugglo Kaus, Humphrey 1... 23
Wm. F. McM. Smith, ir.. Bo. Omaha., 31
Mario Martin, South Omaha
Thomas 1. Voase. Omaha.
Fannie Grace Young, Omaha
Charles A. Slater, Omaha
JSiia 11. oauio, umuna
Jon. Soudy, South Omaha
Susana Fulorea, South Omaha..
.... 21
.... 20
ooiomon iiicnara, uiubiiu
Hilda Neene, Omaha
A. Welshans. 119-21 Bouth Twenty-fifth
avenue, addition, 32.O0O; N. P. IVtersen,
3308 Maple, frame dwelling, ll.tttt; A. Lea
siedt, 3103 California, frame, t2.MO; lm
perlal Investment company, 1011-15 South
Tenth street, alterations. 32,000; J. J.
Johnson. 6121 North Fortieth, frame. $700.
AvcntH U nnteawumea,
THE new profession for ladles, teach
ing tho "Vclvetlna System" for -tho com
plexion. Every woman wants It, Home,
or traveling position guaranteed. Opior
turdty everywhere to rum W to 10 a day.
Address tlft Vclveltlne. Bchools, Omaha,
Clerical uit Office.
STENOGItArilEH. )60; stenographer.
W. office clerk, too; experienced cigar
clerk, ; 1 B. X operator Rnd typist,
KS; stenographer, law, U'J; stenographer,
its. West. Hefercnco and Uond Ass'n..
r nnnK,..N,l'L llMi
HouseLkeevera nnu Douiuatlca.'
COMPETENT slrl...for general house
work In family of four grown persons,
ltiferencetf renulred. Phone Harney . 317.
Mrs. HttKer, va ti tn ou
BOLVED The 13eo will run a Servant
atrl Wanted Ad FHEE until you get the
desired results. Ihla applies to residents
of Omuha, South Omaha and Council
Bluffs, thins ad to Tho Uee office or
telephone Tyler 1000.
WANTED A competent girl for gen
eral nouseworx. m ro. nui Ave. liar
ney 263t
WANTKD Corotwtent second girl. Call
2T Farnam St. Harney 332.
VANTKD .miniieat Xtll for genvrui
housework, lleferences required. Harney
1102. 1311 No. rth. Mrs. II. M. McCIana-
NKAT colored girl wanta position as
second girl or assistant to cook. It. Ml
WANTED Competent white girl for
general housework. Experienced. No
washing) good wages. Call Harney 3000.
1039 so. Hth Ave.
'"WANTED Girl for general housework.
small family. 302S Pacific. H. 633.
WANTED-GIrl to .assist In housework;
wnalL family: good place for good girl.
Call SO B. 35th Ave., or phone Har. IQR
HOUBEKEEl'Elt for llockwell City.
Iteference required. Tim lleynolds, Rock
well City. Neb.
CJ111L, for grneral housework; 4 rooms,
small family, no washing; white girl pre
ferred. 703 N. 27th Ave.
COMfKTUNX girl for general bou.
work. H 1(1. SSSi Harney at.
WANTED - White slrl, for general
housework. II. 4330.
WANTED tlirl for general housework;
good wages; four In family. Call Wtb
istrr im
Houarkeeprrs nil it Domestics.
WANTED A competent woman to take
charge of child; good wages; nlco home.
720 H. 27th 8t
WANTKD Man, wlfo or widow; have 9
room house, 3 tn family: will board man
or pay our board. located 2912. Ho. 24th
Ht., address for week, 312 Ho. 42d St..
I'hone U- 6404.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Apply 3317 Fnrnam St.
GIRL wanted for general housework;
two In fnmlly. Phone Harney 20G.'.
WANTED Flrl for general housework.
I'hono Harney 1144.
WOMEN-Oct government John; big
pixy, Omaliu examinations April 1: tarn
Pie questions free. Franklin Institute,
Dept. git K, Rochester. N. Y.
YOUNO women coming to Omaha" as
strangers are Invited to visit tho Young
Women's Christian association bulldlna
t St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. whcr
they will be directed to suitable boarding
places or othorwlse nsslstcd. Look for
our travelers' guide at tho Union station.
Agent, Salesmen nnd Solicitors.
AGENTS Snappiest household line on
rami; rounot sellers; steady repeaters;
over 100 different articles; goods guaran
teed; 100 por cent profit; write quick;
hurry. E. M. Feltman, Sales Mgr., M)S9
Sycamore Bt. Cincinnati, O.g
PATENTED specialty, Just Invented;
gold mine as sldo or main line; travel or
Omaha. I'axton hotel Sunday, U a. tn. to
3 p. m.. or wrlte-V-142, Ileo.
ADD $00 to $120 a month to your present
Income. That's what dealers wo start In
tho mall order or local business do right
from tho beginning. Any Intelligent per
son can do It, Large profits. Spare time.
Small capital. Don't tako our "aay so,"
but send for our proposition, "Wholo
Truth," about mall order business. Posi
tive proof and sworn statements. Satisfy
ii0Uff"i n MfB Co" 211 Klm0 Uldt',
AGENTS Sonoru diamonds, finest Imi
tations known; big money-maker; send
for sample offer (ring or stickpin) and
catalogue free. Sonora Jewelry Co., 631
Mcrlam Dldg., Cleveland. Q.
WANTED-Travoliiig salosman to soil
our lino In Colorado and other western
states; commission proposition only; no
advances of expense or commissions;
commissions paid monthly; old house
established line; liberal commissions. Ad
dress Virginia Trunk and Bag Co.. l'o
tersburg, V'o. '
SEO profit on $l; $1.20 clear on $0 sale7
fastest grocery seller; free outfit offer1
expense allowance; new plan; act quickly!
llfea'ter. " "" Urtt"dCl
BALK8MEN, Kemper. 870 Brand. Bide.
t.iNTISITP"0 ttB!nt 'or "ach county,
lady or gentleman; something now; at!
or spuro tlmo; pleasant work; good pay.
ui niuuKuo iiuig., umana
" " " ".' v.iiwum
, ,. "u " """tm wesi; unexcelled spe
cialty proposition; commission contract;
WirJtck,y. ntoB. Continents
nnnn . . 1 '
l V ft11?,1 "ender.Pon.
'. v,
11 i 1 uLcept any offer un
"" vnio lor free sani-
PiS lnd?e.'?r rr'tT catalogue, just out.
Horton Mall nntm. fr. n J 1
Clerical and Officer
Win n lAlt.. ...
New'culls dally. " "'C P08,l,0n aeo U8'
iniiiIh.TlV,B.iRKPEnBNCB CO.,
1016-10 city National Bank llldg.
Fautory nnd 1 miles.
f ?Jj,0.i,ne "J0"1 ProfHable business
cf today, the automobile business, and
becomo Independent. Our large, well,
equipped shops offor the opportunities of
learning the business by actual experi
ence on different makes of curs, our
terms are moderate. Wrlto or call. Na
tlonat Auto Training association, 2iU f,.
IJAllBEP. TltADE. Can qualify you In
few weeks for positions ai top wages;
best trude In existence for poor man; no
dull aeuson. Call or write, Moler Barber
Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg.
wirfT bureu. , Prepared to supply
skilled or unskilled labor of all kinds.
Office. Jacobs Hall. 17W Dodge street
sterP;ff7n0 Wli ttcr 4 ,n' Wb'
.y.iANTED-llarneM nKor; all hand
work: wages SIS per week; only A No. 1
men need apply. E. w. Cullen, Wlnsldo,
WANTED-Two temporary carpenters,
if price. Is reasonable may have regular
work for one man. Inquire of H. Bio
necker at The Basket 8tore. S16 N. 16th St
,.K0UJin MRN "011 nould l4ttrn the
automobile business and learn It 1UC211T.
Earn more money than you ever did be
fore. o have both a day and a night
Con'e ?n NOW ra,on tor dtlftr'
WANTED-IUlhvay mall clerks, post
ofHce clerks, letter carriers, everywhelc,
account parcel post; young men and na ri In. .la wm . i .
-r.... . .1 . iiiencan in-
nepi. iw. itansas City, Mo. o
mence $75 month. Omaha examinations
fSS: .8an.,P' Questions free. Franklin
Institute Dept. 233 K. rtochester, N. Y.
AtJTOMflltll.V 1,. u.. ..t ......
and ovtr; many spring openings; sample
lnstructl-ins free. Franklin Institute,
Dept. SOSK. Hocheiter. N. Y.
JMEN. patentable Ideas write Ban
dolph Co Uashlnaton. D. C
LEAIIN bookkeeping In 20 lessons by
n.aiu rranu iccounung insi.. Toledo. O.
MEN. turn 11 in .1". Iwmm. ,. ... -
. , m . . m. n nj 1110.14
clerks; $7S month: pull unnecessary; par- k, flmiiwi 1 care uee.
M PV i ,n in v.- fm .,!,.
for electric railway motormen and con
ductors; $&) to $U0 a month: no expert
encp necessary: fine Opportunity; no
strike: tvritit lmm.11,1.1. .n,.ii..i,l..
blank. Address Y . Bee.
WAN'TKI-n.ll.u m.ll .1 i .'
Office clerks, letter carriers everywhere,
I'u-i, juuhk men anu wo
men; particular free. Amer can Insli-
luic. ijrjiu w, ivansas L.liy, MO. O
MAV In p! nt-t ,Ij1a, ,. I---.
------ - - ' ,nvi iui .11'.--
atrlral company; must Invest $200: good
salary: share profits. Address D 1U. Bee.
Practical nurse, does hounowork. D 204.'
Bundle and family washing. Web. S422.
wan. worl. for board. D. 15(3.
WANTED Bundle waslng. Harney SICJ.
A. B. C. of Omaha
ABDOMINAL, supporters .for men,
women and children. A new Idea,
made to measure. Male attendant,
to 6 dally. Ilolcn Mfg. Co., 301-303 Bos
ton Store Bldg. D. 2M7.
BELT DIIUO CO. New location, 1316
Farnam. Everything new. Old
phono Douglas 2623. Come, call or
write. Rubber goods.
Eltlt Abstract Co., 303 8. 17th St,
Hettcr be snfo than sorry. Have
Kerr do your tltlo work.
OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming.
Doug. 24C7. Ilenovafes feathers and
mnttresses of nil kinds, makes
feather mattresses. Call or write for prices.
ACl'L'M CLEANERS, every type,
Monarch, Jr., Electric, special $10.76.
Sanitary Scrvlco Co. Tel. D. 2301.
WL rent, repair, sell needles and parts
for all sowing macnines. Nebraska
Cycle Co.. "Mlckels." 15th nnd
"arncy Hts, Douplan 1C2.
OOOD pianist wishes to secure position:
good dune orchestra. Address S 407
Omuha Bee.
ANY kind of day work; Webster 7460. ,
EXPEIURVf'ttn ..1..1 i.i
- - . mi. ..uiiia .u
i i iininur niniu. , lily.
BUNDLE washing, Ironing. Har. E84S.
EXIEltli.!vi-i.:i- u
tor. bookkeeper, wants position; refer
ences, Webster 2C73.
WANTED-By cxpcrlcncedi stenogra
pher nnd bookkeeper, sltuaton; salary to
"v -.muiuan x i3, caro xsce
WANTHI1T .1,. . ..
kinds by experienced roofer. J. s
Glover. 712 8. 18th St. "
POSITION wanted "liy colored woman
"J vm-iv wi siiiiiiiuermaio. uau Y tub,
rnI1T!5ri"IS"!!'V, a" chambermaid by
colored girl. Call Douglas 81C6.
aCndaiaPs. ,h QLDllN STAIRbJ
Tour order to the L. H. Journal Sisa-
SfV TtJ'ott- V-i?;.or Counts Gentle:
man, $1.50, contributes 60 cents each
towards u. fund of $3,000 for the Jnvallds
Pension Ass'n. Must have 43 subscript
tloni In February, oiir renewals count.
Mai' or Phone Doug. 7163. Omaha.
Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. coT
1. 3 Orlfllth. wig mtr.. Vt Frenier uik.
Omahii film oxch., 14th and Doug. Mo
lion picture machine and film bargal ns.
Tdce Your Choice
1 FORD Runabout, electric lighted, Klax-
mun, monair seat covers, ciock,
cut-out, nicke'i rlmmoil, good
tlrc.u. r. . ,Mt
, ...... . ' " " ................ t , lt
1 MIDLAND, 40. 1913 touring car, electric
nwmiu, over sixoa car, mo
hair scat covers, Just like
tln.v 1 O-E
1 MIDLAND, 6-50 II. P.. 7-pussengor
touring car, elcctrlu lighted
and electrlo started, mohair
peat cover, extra tires, good
. .....n" new 2.W0
1 CADILLAC Touring enr, electrlo lighted
and electric carted, extra
tire, etc.; almost as good
, aa new , , $i.o&o
7 w AS2h TourlnK or demonstrator).$00
1 MASON Truck, (demonstrator), 1.000
lbs,,,, ,, jsv)
? .MAA0KNJrrUCk' 11,8 ..,,$000
I MAbON Truck delivery car, (demon-
strntor) $575
As distributors In Nebraska, Western
Iowa and South Dakota for tho
cars, we are In n position to offer a sat
isfactory proposition to dealers In this
Freeland Auto Co.
1113 Farnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
J,T- A .. ,ur.uny magneto wo can't re-palr-
Coll repairing Baysdorfer. 210 N. IK.
SECOND-HAND auto; must be bar
gain. US N. 7th St.. Council Bluffs.
FOR SALE A Maxwell runabout; a
bargain. Phono Harney 2S2S or Douglas.
327 S.
ONE Midland. 40. Model ISIS touring
?n . 9ve.r "1xh tlres- Mohair seat coven.
Electrlo lighted and electrlo started. Just
like new $1,375.
FRANKLIN five passenger touring car.
procUcally now. 11. J, Root, 919 W, O.
"Blhler's Doing IU" Welding & bras
Ing. Macbiiie work our specialty. Try
at our new location. S02S Farnam. D. 83M.
WE muko a specialty of auto foredoor
body building and painting. Highest
quality work. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage
W ks. D. fciii. Mth Ave, and Leav e n worth.
RADIATORS repaired. 2030Farnam St.
DOWN-TOWN Garage. 1418 Howard St.
BARGAINS In all makes of used motor
cycles. Victor II. Rooa. -The Motorcycle
MAN," 2703 Leavenworth St.
FOR SALE-Garage business In largest
town In central Nebraska; complete ma
chine shop, stock of supplies and leueo on
building; will sell with or without stock
of supplies. Address Y 43S, Bee.
WANTED An Idea. Who can think of
some simple thing to patentT Protect
your Ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Write for "Needed Inventions'1 and "How
to Get Your Patent and Your Money."
Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys.
Washington. D. C.
TO QUICKLY sell your business or real
estate write Kennebeck Co., Omaha.
TO GET in or out of business, call on
OANOE8TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477.
MERCHANDISE stocks wauted. Fried
man. 350 Qui. Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha.
WILL lease to reliable party on favor
able terms our cafe with complete equip
ment. Hotel Sanford.
FOR BALE First clsss massage par
lor. In business district of Omaha; doing
ittuuu uueiiicps. i.runauie rent, long
;leae. Address J-104. care Be.
FOR SALKFlne meat market and light
groceries, centrally located In Omaha,
doing a fine all cash business; will sell
right. Address K-1J7, Bee
Brass Fannilrlcs.
raxton-Mltchell Co. 27th and Martha Sts.
CARPENTER. Repairing a specialty,
llnrnpy. WZ.
China 1'nlntlnir.
CHINA painting. Outside flrlnb done.
Mrs. F. C. Haynes, 1S25 S. 23th St. D. 4900
J. C. Ijiwrence, D. C, 2322 Howard. D. S46L
W. E. Purvlancc. D.C., 409 Pax. Blk. D. 4912
Dr. A. F. SNYDER, 151S S. 10. D. 84S2.
Creameries, Dnlrles nnd Supplies.
FULL dress suits; party dresaqs for sale
or rent. Open evenings. John Feldman,
205 N. 17th. Douglas 3128.
Historical masquerade costumes to hire
at Tlieo. Lleben & Sons. 1514 Howard St.
Dnnclnir Academies.
TURPIN'S now dancing academy, 2Sth
and Farnam. Assem. Tues. high school
soc Sat., beginning class Mon Thur. prlr.
class. Private lessons dally. H. C743.
Children's class, 3 to 10 years. Sat. at 4
p. m. Macklo's. 1S1C Harney St. D. Mil
COLE & PRAIRIE Park School. W. 56M.
Drcesmnklng, 170? Davenporf. D. 8T.91.
CHILDREN'S dresses. 112 B. 2Uh. D. 1920.
PLAIN sewing to do nt home Tyler 11C0.
EXPERIENCED. 1915 Webster. R. C02S.
FIRST-CLASS. 2117 Dodgo St. Red 7394.
Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th & Farnam.
Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 7314. 830 80. 24th.
JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville nik. Evl
denco atcured In all cases. Tyler 113B.
Omaha Secret Service Detectlvo Agency,
bonded. D. 1319. 427-28 Poxton block.
Every tlit nn for Women.
Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled.
Bertha. Krugor. 429 Pq.xton Blk. D. 8394.
Furniture Ilepnlrlnir,
UPHOLSTERING, piano, furnlturo re
pair work. 204 Farnam. Phone Har. 4185.
A. DONAGHUE, 1622 Hnrney. Doug. 1001.
HESS & 3WOBODA. Hit Farnam St
L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258.
BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg.
Jlnlr Dressing;.
MMB. STEVENSONIO Balrd Building.
llnrdtTooil Floors,
IIAnnwnnn nn... .1 ,1 -...1-
' iiumui uiu iiuuir .villi
Uhcd. T. Q. Holt. 812 Pnrk Ave. H. 590S.
FOR good hay wrlto F. M. Key, Bur
well, Neb.
CURTAINS laundered, guar. D. S133.
ruliitliilC ami Decorating;.
Hummell. P't'g & papcrhang. H-445L
l'n teats.
H. A. Sturges. 030 Brandela Then. Bldg,
D. O. Darnell. I'axton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7!
. DOUGLAS PrintlngCo. Tl. Doug. 611,
W in.L.IU.ll A T VT T ( 1 trn ... n
tty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 621 8. 13th.
PLUMniNO and heating. Fischer &
Connell. 1318 William St Douglas 6737.
Stores nnd ottlcu Fixtures. "
Desks, safes, scales, showcases, shelv
IbB. etc. Wo buy, we soli. Omaha Fixture
and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D 2124
Practical nurse, 18 yra' exp., ref. D. Gjoa.
Sheet Metal Works,
CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 S. 10th.
Slitu l'nlutluM.
W. H. Rosenbaum 20.' Boston Store Bldg.
Moves, Furuuces uud Repairs.
NEW furnaces. Marvel, Excelsior and
Douglas; Hero school room heaters; Em
press and Sultan steam and hot water
boilers, thermostats, tank heatets and
asbeaioB covering. OMAHA STOVE RE
PAIR WORKH. 1206-s Douglas. Tyler ao.
Trunks nnd bultcaaca.
FREUNO & STE1NLE. 1803 Farnam St.
Wlnua null Liquors.
WTI T All, O , . . ,, ,
"'""un oirmsB uvkvb, liquors, cigars,
sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 201-3 S. 13th St
KINDl.lN'n tmnd. I.alo.1 nr ln,u. VT .
Box Company.
Knit MALI, n, a HiuMiin,
limited scholarship In Boyles Business
college, Omaha; good for either short
hand or business courses. Apply at tne
ui viinana uee.
is vnu iitipsj in iw.t. . .1
night Achoola In Omaha und Council
4iu4Bt k nui iuu iaio 10 enior.
XJegln now and recciv that mental train
InC that Will doUblA VfillP n mini.
piclty. v,t
"1 will absolutely guarantee
a good position tor every
graduate of the Business
and Shorthand or Telegra
phy Departments of either
of my big schools. More
than that, I will secure a
place for any young man or
woman to work for his or
her board while attendlng
It such position Is desired.
keeping, Stenography, Stenotypy, Teleg.
The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or
I'uuuo iur 11. uuics i.oiivse, ism and
I TnalirtUl ftMAft .lull.. I. .11 !,,,..
" , , " ienoiypy
and typewriting. Students admitted at
any time. Graduates guaranteed good
positions. Haces provided for young peo.
nln r i ivnrL tnf ). a r.l 1.. .. . .
i' . w ... . ... i ui ix nuw xrea
catalogue addresi Mosher-Lampman Ccl
lege, Mi Farnam St, Omaha. Neb.
. tOR SALE Schvlarshlp In commercial
law department of International Cor
respondence schools, cheap. Address Y
432, Bee.
Horses and Vehicles.
ALMOST new Jonnson-n.mrorth lum
ber wagon, 4,000-lb. springs with extra pa'.r
shafts; coat $103; also heavy set of har
ness to match. Price very reasonable.
Phono Doug. 2099, Geo. Zldell, 617 N. 16th
St.. Omnha.
HAY. $5.50 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. 16th.
1'ersons having lost some article would
do well to call up the office of the Omaha
& Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany to ascertain whether they left It in
tho street cars.
Many articles each day arc turned In
and the company Is anxious to restore
them to the rightful owner. Call Doug
las 4S.
hYno T,nmr Solicitors wanted every
Xla -LUHll whcre. prce $1 pcr ycar
LOST A seal muff, new. Phono Har
ney B094.
IX3ST Ono leather suitcase between
depot ami 16th and Farnam Sts. If found
telephone Douglas 2030 fcfr reward.
PILES .reward For any case of
cannot cure. No pain no detention from
business. Pay when cured. Hundreds of
tho most prdmlnent people in Omaha nnd
from all parts of the United States have
been cured by Dr. Maxwell during his
twenty.elght years In Omaha. 4OS-410
Omalm National Bank. 17th nnd Farnam
streets. Omaha. Phone Red 4330.
Piles, Fistula Cured
Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and
other rectal diseases without surgical
operation. Curo guaranteed nnd no
money paid until cured. Wrlto for boot
on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR.
E. R. TARRY, 219 Beo Bldg., Omaha.
I J. WHITE, licensed, bonded pawnbroker;
money on personal valuables, sla N. 16th.
! PEOPLE and others Ubon their o-m
names: rates cheap, easy payments. Nor
ton At Co., 335 Board of Trade Building.
9AA.tyn n diamonds. Clroas Jewelry &
- Loan Co.. 410 N. 16th. Red 608L
Apartments and Flats.
Gordon VanCo. !
219 N. Uth St. Phone Douglas 334.
VERY choice 6-r, steam heated apart
ment on West Farnam St
JOHN W. ROHBINB. 1W2 Fnrnam St
READY March first, tho best six-room
and bath apartment to be had; all details
perfect; rent reasonable. 41st and Far
num. Get full Information. Tel. Harney
772 mornings.
FOR RENT Brand new St Louis flat,
extra good, near high school: Frank
Crawford, owner, Ware block. Tel.
Red 2S04.
YOU are Invited to Inspect one of the
most handsome, up-to-date 6-room aparl
mcnts In city. 2501 Sherman Ave.
3-R., ALL modern, with Janitor service;
first floor; Lorralno Aparts., 17th 'and
lfn . ". .. . , . , 1 ... 1 ....
qui, .ubiikbuoih. veu. iill
ISO!) nnn.a nnr,,U..U. ....
orn; sultablo location for offices, studio,
dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for
tonants wishing homos adjoining. Hall
Dist. Co.. 433 Ramge. Douglas 740S.
8-r. brick, corier 8th and Williams Sts.
Six all outside rooms apartment; hot
water heat supplied. S17 Pino St; near
Brownell Hall. Douglas 2040.
For rooms In the California apartments
seo Relchcnburg Brothers. Douglas 1946.
FINE four-room apartment, atrictly
modern, steam heat and janitor service,
Cornish Apartments, $42.50.
No. 1320 Farnam fit
Board nud Rooms.
Large, well heated rooms. Excellent
board, prices reas. 13 No. litn. Tyler :4!B.
STEAM heated south front room with
board in mo .cm holne 4 in family. 302
N. 24th. Phone Web. 991.
Furnished l.uuui.
FURNISHED ROOM-Room with pri
vate family: good location, near Farnam
car line. Tel. H. 3903.
TV yV J Hotel, 21st and Chl-
VI Jill lCitlTl cngo, under new man
J.VJ.C4.VJ.10VJ11 agemont. first-class
rooms, special rates by week, meals with
distinctive home service. Douglas 5993.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent
1C0S N. 23rd St. South Omaha. South 1031.
TWO semi-basement rooms, well heated
and lighted; no children; gentlemen pre
ferred. 209 S. 23th St
THAT large, modern home at north
east corner mixi Ave. ana Davenport at
Red 2947.0
19J2 Davenpoit. Close In, newly fur
nished. Steam heat Reasonable.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, bats free.
H AH'K.S; Hy day, 60c und up. Doug.
Furnished Apnrtutents.
5-ROOM furnished flat: modern; 2703
Jackson. Tel. Harney 3170.
Furnished llounekceiitujt lloouis.
DAVENPORT. 20)S-Two nicely fur
ntshed housekeeping rooms.
Hotels Mud MinrtmcMit.
DODGE HOTFf.. -MrwIerM -iio.nnhl
Houses and Cottnges.
T fJ Ponrl EP. Co., furniture moving,
u.uituu Two men ,j nour D tJll
I parks, moves, stores and ships household
i goods and pianos. Douglas 1496.
CENTRAL, all mod.. 7-r. house; wu.ti
' In win 1 1-r rnnl In Bllnim.p. V.
Hrmcna In all parts of the city.
11UU&LS crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg.
1 ut. iicii & nu'iivi jr iiuiiiv unomui,
on Cass, near 26th; modern Crelgbton
university. Douglas 2330.
WEST Farnam. new
stucco, 7 room.
319 N. 3Sth Ave. $16.
' - V. In.. 1 1 f I. .... , 1. .
Storage and Van
Co Ooods stored,
moved. Packed.
shipped. 16th and Jackson tn Do-if iv
HOUSE FOR HKNT-ftae a. snu.
room house, all modern, hot water heat i
House in first -t iass condition. All con
veniences. Apply at house or phone
Harney 639-
Houses nnil CottnireH.
A COMPLETE LIST of vacant houses,
apartments and flats that are for rent
This list compiled dally.. You will be
furnished a list freo of charge by calling
Douglas 41C3. Omaha Van & 'Storage Co.,
M4 S. Ifith St
1513 HALL AVE. 7-rooms, modem, $2."i,
THOS, F HALL. 433 Ranige Bldg. D. 7106.
5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat.
241S Jones St. Call Web. 4325.
Six-room downtown modern except
heat See Relchenbhrg Bros. Doug. 19lii.
STRICTLY modern 8-room liouso near
Hanscom Park. Phone H. 899.
3120 Parker. 5-r.,"modorn, $ax
3112 Burt, -r., modern except heat, $18.
2535 N. 19th, 5-r., mod. ex. heat. $18.
1624 N. 29th, 4-r. apartment, modern, $K.
..wo ..iiiine, i-r.. ciiy water,
4lst and Brown, 6-r., well, $10.
S329 Boyd, 7-r., well, $14.
4010 Parker, 6-r., Well, $10.
3002 Lindsay, 4-r well. $7.
Phone Douglas 200. G0S Bee Bldg.
Stores mill ufflccs.
1811 FARNAM ST.. 3,000 squnro feet;
180914 Farnam St., 1.S00 square feet; 1W7-1809-1811
Farnam St (basement), 8,000
square feet, both Farnam street and alley
entrances; abundant light; steam heat.
THOS, F. HALL. 433 Ramge Uldg. D. 710(3.
19th and Farnam, large, double store
room, 40x50; heat furnished; low rent
Inquire Sanford hotel.
FOR RENT The office on ground floor
of The Bee building occupied by the
Havens-White Coal company. Frontal 0
on Farnam St, and occupying about 1,500
square feet, with extra cntrunce on the
court of the building. Large vault. Flno
office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P.
Fell. Bee office.
One-half of u large, well lighted ground
floor office In Bee Bldg. 216 So. lith St
FOR RENT "L" shaped room. 603 So.
16th ht, fronting on 16th St. and on How
ard St. Ready April 1. Beautiful store
room, 22x100 ft., 1517 Howard St. Ready
April 1. Store room. 1319 Hownrd St. En
nulro 230 Brandcls Theater Bids.
FOR SALE-Completo set of office
luw.nuiu. inquire, Hranaels Theater.
init,ihn. . ,.,
as double bed; sideboard; $25 each; both
uuiv nnu 111 kudu conumon. call 101 ii,
33d St. No dealers.
Typewriters. -
Typewriters sold renteJ, repaired. -Cen-
-im lyinmrncr ii.xcnange. SW H. 17th St
HE.VT n.mlnilnii, M ...... ,
Premiere of their makers. Tho Remington
Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1824.
Rental credited If you purchase, nnd only
very nowest and highest grade machines
sent out. Rates, three months for $5 for
understroke machines, or $3 per month for
latest model visible writers.
STEREOTYPE matrices make the best
and cheapest lining for poultry houses.
They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more
durable than tarred felt and practically
fireproof. 73c a hundred at The Bee
FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un
limited scholarship In Boyles Business
college, Omaha; good for cither ihort
hand or business course. Apply -it the
office of Omaha Bee.
FOR SALE Stock and fixtures. Nlles
Art Needlework store. Address G. F.
Sparker, Administrator, 403 Broadway,
Council Bluffs. la.
SAFES Overstocked, i-oond-hand, all
makes. J. J, Dcrlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam.
FOR SALE New and second-hand
carom and pocket billiard, tables and
bowling alleys end accessories; bar fix
tures of all kinds: easy payments. The
Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 S.
10th St
(in Buys Best Coal for the money: try
,uu It Web. 848. Harmon & Weeth.
YOUNG women coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Chrlstiun association building
at 17th and St. Mary's Avo., where they
will be directed to suitable boarding
places or otherwise nsslsted. Look for
our travelers' aid at tne union station.
THE fcalvatlon Army Industrial home
solicits your old clothing, furniture, mair-
arlnes. We collect Wo distribute. Phono
Douglas 4135 nnd our wagon will call.
Call and Inspect the new home, 1110-1112-
nit Dodge si
MISS FIBHER. trass., elec. treat D. SW.
MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 221 No-
vllle block, 16th and Harney. Tel. D. 4237,
Bexton Pharmacy. Uth and Dodge.
Turkish bath. mass. Davldgo Blk. D.5S95.
.MASSAfrE Swedish movement. 41S
Massage, Miss Ilalloran. 223 Neville Blk.
ELECTRIC massage bath. 211
1JUUUX1UV nnlrH T11r Ml.u linn,.
.J ... . . . .1 -J A-J ..... J.
Rlttenhouse Co. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 fz I).
MAGNETIC Trt. 1S29 Vinton. D. COM
Cash for Diamonds. S. F 350 Om. Nat.
W 11. Rosenbaum. 202 Boston Store Bldg,
PRIOR'S MUD BATHS: salt and mus
tard, steamed; positive cure for rheu
matism; 20 years' experience In Hot
springs. ArK. l.aay attendant for ladles.
oiufi. so at . -lei, -ryier iwi.
Mrs. Brooks. Swedish massage. D. sras.
Mrs. Snyder, D. C, apt 3. Duusany. D. 43S0
MASSAGE, 109 So. 17th. Mrs. Steele.
S. C. W. Loghorn ggs. Phone Flor. 2U,
1 Homer Pigeons. Call Web. 1691.
REED Abstract Co . oldest abstract
jfflce In Nebraska. & Brandela theater.
Tn tit TV cjvt.T.iin nrvr Trtici. c-c
AM lenvlng shortly for British Cnlnm.
bla Will bo pleased to seo those Inter
ested In lands here. Frank Crawford.
Ware block.
FOR SALE-$5.0uO. 11.300 cash, ha la
5 years, 7 per cent will buy good irri
gated quarter In eastern Colorado, If sou
by March If: taken over on loan a;d
can't handle It myself, no better buy
Address V 413, Bee
2S0-ACRE FARM, 33 .miles from Min
neapolis. lVt miles from a good railroad
town; part under cultivation, balance
meacow and pasture land; good soil;
good eight-room house, worth $3,000;
burn, granary, corn cribs, cattle sheds,
machine sheds, etc.; 14 cows, 20 head of
steers and heifers, three horses, hogs,
chickens, complete ret farm machinery,
buggies, wagonj, sleds. 50 tons of hay.
1,209 baskets corn, 150 bushels mixed
grain, 175 bushels potatoes; In fact, every
thing on tho farm goes except the fur
niture. Price, $12.w0. One-half cash.
Schwab Bros., 102s Plymouth Bldg., Min
neapolis, Minn.
FINE Improved stock farm, 360 acres,
20 miles from Minneapolis, 1 miles to
shipping station, on rural mail route and
telephone line; good buildings; 100 acres
under cultivation, balance pasture, tim
ber and meadow; two good teams, ten
good milk cows, new gang plow, corn
planter, culthnlor and harrow; best bar
gain in Minnesota; at $33 per acre; $l,S00
cash, balancu easy terms. Immediate pos
session can bu had. Fred Clark, 130S West
i., ..iiinicrtjuii8. iuinn.
fryi I Af in, 1 1 1 i. ii r ....... . ... ,.
- . . -ai-j .aim. DUUkucru I II JltT"
sota; lowest price; best terras. Write
mm i-1 mil m wtcnison. auuiKHto. Sllnn.
fi. , ,7-. . . .. TTT!! ...
rholce bargains; Minneapolis 65 miles.
Farmers Stato Bank. 3t Cloud. Minn.
FOR SALE A number of Improved
nnd unimproved farms In the famous
Red River valley. For further informa
tion write today to Baker-Lamb Land
Co., Uariiosvllle. Minn.
IJARMS for sale. $5 down, $3 monthly
buys 40 acres good timber land, near
town, Texas Co., Mo.: price, $200; perfect
title. J. B. Jatroli. ml Vernon, 111.
380 acres, 3 miles from town, 3 miles
from It. R.; fair Improvements; $20 per
acre. 120 acres, 4 miles fiom inm-.d town;
fair Improvements; $30 per aero; terms,
but n trado taken. We make cxolmnKts
ji spiciaiiy. write for our list Stato
cnv;?u haV0' C' "' CoPe.'. Lo,y
nnCaTI?,.Ii?-?n,yo' "ho .money to buy
a fine Judith basin, Montana, farm
whore vim nan mi., jn i ... "'.V farm.
Sfffif.1 h' atTnJ W-M TroP,Tt
Slv nn?i fh,?UL.'rrJ?a.tl0"'. . you "can
: r .-.. i" ..iitisiu price flown Him
nair ir. . . ' "icn you can
acres in tho Eden of America VCa
county. Nebraska? Ono that has h?n
by the owner for 15 years, who Is now
going to quit farming, and will take $35 000
on easy terms. Finest grain and stock
farm, all n high state of cuTtlvaUon; ow
Vrtti ralB?d on 11 th8 season"' Has
largo house and tenant house: 20 otho?
buildings: unfailing well, fine orchard 50
acres pasture, good market town ? on e.?
R. J. i: P., and C, B. & Q. r. t JJ.
lines: one mile to school; telephone "Snd
ACTquicic. Orr,pPiO.88es.sl0n Marcn "
Neb. yulLIv- c' r- Uouck. Greenwood.
FOR SALE-400 acres in southeast Nnr
braska; best bargain in tho State "bsS
lu' sacrifice; must sell at once- low
price, liberal terms. Send for full in
formation. Best offer uet I, a n
Lock Box am: ii. iSIBets u- Address
$115.00 PEiTXrfr? "
300-acre furm, 14 miles from Omalm
fine set of Improvements; 200 acreS 1.
der cultivation, balance pasture; mlcad!
am sed road nearly all tho way Owner
retiring Best and cheapest farm In
braska for the money. 0
JJirKett to Company.
423 Bee Bldg.
Doug. 4751.
North Daunts,
FOR RENT-1,000 to 1,500 acres ,.'
fanning land, ready for plow. Richland
county, N. D.; rental, U crop, deliver-1
BPaVtt. La"d Cr'edlt Company;
, I''OIt SALE-3 Big Four S0-H. P. gn
tractors with 8. 10 or 12 bottom John
Deere engine gang plows: outfits good
aa new. at on-half of cost price e
or write W. L .Hackney. Prior and ViT.
verslty Avea.. St. Paul. Minn.
WRITE for now literature Just pub
llshed on the Ontario. Oregon, land Per
sonal letters from different farmers j
authentic information. Small cash pay
ments and easy terms. Special rates on
2.,Kri1.i.3n .reKO,n,. Westcrn Colonization
Co., 636 Paxton Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. o
GOOD farms for sale on I. C R. R..
38 mllei north Memphis, Tenn: best lo
cation for diversified farming In south.
Wrlta for list J. R. Hall & Son. Coving,
ton. Tenn.
FOR RALE 320 acres; good improvj.
lnents: twn mllpA frnin rallrn.H
$25 per acre; man died cause of selling.'
aim, nertram. coriena, lex.
v tVL-uiain.
Upper Wisconsin
Pest dairy and general crop state la
the union. Settlers wanted. Lands for
sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask
for booklet, 31 on Wisconsin Central Land
Grant State acres wanted Wrlid tbout
fiur grazing lands If Interested In fruit
lands ask for booklet on apple orchards
In Wisconsin. Addrets Land Dept., boo
t-mc jiy.. .uinncapoiiB, Aiinn.
uriiuAi, v uuucuuuiik concerning sotL
climate and ciops of Wisconsin mailed
flee to those addressing Wisconsin Stcte
HflHril Of mmlPnil,,.n I'anltnl 1,... . r I .
son. Wur
1100 til SlOUIl iVInrl. nmmnl.. .
Wesd. Wead Bldg.. Uth and ' Farnam!
Q CITY IXANS, Uemls-CarlberB Co'
u 310-312 Brandels Theater Bulldlnc
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Col
OlTialia Nat. FlanL-
Wm. 1201 Farnam Red gj
WfiNPY -r.n ' -
loans on Nebraska farms and Oraaha citv
sr- - HUlUUli ID,
City National Hank R!dff.
HITV rrntutrtv V r . .
W. H Thomavr '1.'
WANTED-Cily loans nnd warrants"
Y Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam St
CITY and lf.rro Icons. S, 51,4, 6. j if
Dumont & Ca. lftui Farnarn. Om,!,. "'