2 ...,,iA5- TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FEPHFARY 23, 1914. CARTER CLUB TO HAYE Iffls Wore Blue Wig at Dinner Party Popular Jlcort Puts Up Enough to uut aii summer. OUTLOOK IS VERY GOOD Dn Are Cetntnit In' SplendliUy find atarkril Rnthnnlnam In Itclna li Bhorrn liy Members of Orgnnlsntlnn. In preparation for keeping foods and meats at tho Carter Lake club t-is gum rncr, and as a help to the cottager, an Ice house forty by twenty fect has been constructed and filled with Ico. It has been a much needed convenience and comes as a boon to both tho public cafe and'tholo who live on tho grounds. The structure Is located near tho water, where the shooting Rrouncs were last year. While tho cafo concession has not yet been let. It likely will be soon and one of the considerations is that a tablo dehoto service for 0 cents be main tained. Marked approval ho mot with the Idea ot Individual lookers In the bath house and out of the ninety that were built only fifteen are left. Tho price for tho women's sldo Is $5 and the mananemcnt is satisfied that about twice as many will be needed for the fair sex as wero originally planned for. An opportunity arose during the re cent cement show to purchaso twenty lrfrjre cement lawn vases for flowers for leas -than halt of their regular price and so they wero bought. They will be dis tributed around tho grounds. Spaco for the tent section has been Increased as has also tho rent. Instead of 15 It will be $0 this year. Dues are coming In splendidly and up to date over $3,000 has been collected. That In Itself Is a most promising sign to tho directors of the club for the en suing year and they arc anticipating on Increased enthusiasm and patronago from tho members. 'Spring Is knocking at the door now and within a few short weeks tho earl Ite summer sports will open up at tho popular resort. FRIENDS OF BENTON RECEIYE EXCUSES OF REBELSWITH SHEERS (Continued from l-za One.) or cause him to desert his property to further deprodatlons. As (iooA it Man an Villa. "Then ha said he was a good a man as Villa and at the same moment ho drew a pistol from hla hip pocket. But tho general was ready and Jumped for Wm and struck and at tho same time the persona present leaped upon him that ho Omeara Oil For Sprains and Bruises nwfat thine t do for a sprain or Lady Ponsonby, who at a dinner danco given by Mrs. George Keppol In Ixmdon tai her daughter'H coming out, woro one ot tho new colored wigs, the latest so ciety craio. Lady Ponsonby woro a wig of grcon blue. Mrs. Koppcl had a "Vosco rose" wig which was almost lilac. might riot make on attempt upon the life of General Villa." BRYAN onnKIlS FUlili INQUIRY i m lo Vver lnc mirt with a fjw'of flannel soaked with Omega Oil. Quick relief tiittiallv fr.1lv,.,. il.l. Mia simple treatment. Trial bottle loc All Information .Received Will Be Riven to British Government. WASHINGTON, Fob. 2i-Secrctary Bryan has ordered a far-reaching Inves tigation ot the killing of William 8. Ben ton, tho British subject, at Juarez. Ho announced today that until all the facts In tho case should be gathered from sit avallablo sources no opinion would bo expressed by tho State Department, Ail Information received will bp transmitted to tho British government. I Explanations made by Ocncral Villa to Thomas D. Edwards and George C. Ca rothers, the American consular repre sentatives ot Juarez, together with tho court martial record, arc to be. supple mented by further information, instruc tions went forth to- American Consul Lctchor at Chihuahua to got additional details from General Villa, and it Is un derstood that Inquiry through Independ ent sources will bo carried on at Juarez. Mr. Carothors la consular agent at Tor rcon, temporarily assisting Mr. Edwards. Advices received by the State depart ment up to late today, giving General Villa's version of tho affair, woro that Benton was armed, had pivsonally quar reled with Gonerol Villa, had been dis armed, tried by court martial and exo- Visit Our Show Rooms 1418 Howard Street Directly Opposite the Auditorium There's Where You'll See the Electrically Controlled America's Firsi Ctr There's where you'll see the Vul can Electric Gear Shift the most marvelous improvement made on the automobile in years. The Vulcan Electric Gear Shift abolishes the old fashioned hand-lever; eliminates the possibility of stripping gears and permits the driver to retain both hands on the steering wheel at all times. Go see the Haynes Car first see this wonder ful device that changes the gears of your car by electricity. There is no use for own ' ing an electric because of its simplicity now. 3f -VcL Any woman can drive tho hie f0 li. n. T-Tavnc no cleverly as if she had handled an niitomnhil for vfnrs. Sc the HayiM exhibit in the DOWN TOWN GARAGE -Directly eppotit the Auditorium The Hym Automobile Company, Kokomo, Indiana cuttd on the choree of attempting the life of General Villa. It rln a Nn Comment. General Villa's explanation, as tele graphed by him today to tho constitu tionalist BBcncy here, was unofficially exhibited to Stato department officials and, though read with Interest, brought no comment. Army officers took partic ular interest In the reference to Benton ns an "ormed prowler" and as such not entitled to protection under the rules of war. The ormed prowler, described In "order 100" of the American army, is es sentially a guerrilla, they explained, and ono who Is caught within military lines with arms either engaged in tho wnnton destruction of property or as part ot an invading force It. was admitted gener ally that it rienton made a murderous assault upon General Villa with a weapon ho might have been subject to the death penalty; but on that point evidence- is wanting and army officers are, reserving Judgment- Unless there are other Instructions from the foreign office tho Written em bassy hero will make no' further movo In this matter, pending the outcome of the investigation which the State de partment 1ms. undertaken. "Act ot Coartesr." It is understood that Ambassador Bprlng-RlcV has emphasized the unoffi cial character ot the representations ho has made to tho State department thus for, on tho ground that tho Drltlsh gov ernment claimed no legal obligation, on tho part of tho united States to look after the welfare ot British subjects In Mexico. The action ot tho Stato depart ment directing consuls to extend to Brit ish In Mexico the same, degree of pro tection as Is given to Americans has been regarded as an act of courtesy for which tho British government was duly grateful. T"6r this reason, it Is sold, there Is no basts for the expectation that any de mand or any request will bo mado upon the United States government to Bccuro reparation for the killing ot Benton and determination ot the proper course to bo pursued towards General Villa is, conse quently to be left entirely to State de partment officials. General Villa telegraphed rtoberto V. Ilcsqulera, rebel agent ot Washington, os follows: V1IU (luotm Vnltca State I.nw. "Tho attention of tho commanding gen cral ot the division of tho north having been drawn to tho published reports In respect to tho recent execution or William 8. Henton, ho desires it known that the action of the authorities In that case was entirely Justified by tho law and usages of war. "Under article 81 of general order 100, for tho government of the United States In the field, it la provided that 'armed prowlers,' who come within the line of tho army of occupation with hostile in tent are not entitled to the privilege of prisoners ot war. "Artlclo S3 provides that persons within occupied territory who employ vlolenco toward the established authorities are fcubjoct to tho penalty ot death, whether they oriso singly or In number. 'There Is absolutely no doubt but what Ucnton, a Ilurtlsta sympathizer and a murderer ot Mexican citizens, deliberately attempted an act of violence against the person and Ufa of tho commanding gen eral and for that reason It was said under the law and usages of war, he was tried by a military tribunal, constituted for that purpose and executed, pursuant .to Its 'sentence, a proceeding sustained by American ami isuropoan precedents. JiM'kftou ItnnRn Two llritnns. 'General Jackson In ISIS huug two British subjects, Arbutlmot and Am. brlsttr, for having given ollen sympathy to hostile Indians In Florida. General Butler hung Mumford nt New Orleans In IMS for merely hauling down an American flag from over tho custom house and two years later Kennedy was hung by the United States military authorities at New York because ot his complicity In a jiot to sot tire to that city. "What was Justlllable under martial law in the United States then is certainly Justifiable under martial law In Mexico now. The fact that Benton was a British subject has no bearing on the legal aspects ot the case, as under interna tional law the alien Is as amenable to marital law as is a citizen." , lrelluir of Apprehension, One reason of the Benton incident has been to create a feeling of apprehension In the diplomatic circles In Washington as to tho safety ot the largo foreign ele ment in Mexico So far the resident diplomats have rested content in the be- Rheumatism is dangerous if neglected. Iicsscn the risk of heart affec tions, ease tho frightful pain, and limber up the swollen muscles and stiff,, lame joints, with penetrat ing, ncTcr-faillng SLOANS LINIMENT fine for fairings and eeiatfe. Mr.Cbna. J. Budlonr. Anthony, U.I.. wrltesi "For rears I suffered from rheumatism. My hips would swell to enormous proportions snd knee Joints Kin me awfully. I used sir or eight ttles of your celebrated Liniment and was cured' M ill dtslm. Wei 2Se.,B0c A $1.00 r. Earl S. Skm, (nc, Bestm, Mm. lief that the undertaking by the Ameri can State department to look after tho welfaro of their people In Mexico would bo sufficient to Insure for them tho de greo of protection guaranteed by the rules of civilized warfare. Closely following the news of the kill ing of Benton, under conditions which European diplomats aro Inclined to re gard a violative of such rules, has come a report of tho killing of two Spanish subjects In Mexico. The Spanish govern ment, through Its embassy here, re quested information from the State de partment and so far this has not been available. Consequently there has been some dlscusrlon among diplomats of recommending a genoral withdrawal of Europeans from the disturbed country. Wilson Poller Failure. The seriousness ot the Mexican situa tion generally, and particularly the ex ecution of Benton, furnished a subject of grave discussion with the senate while In executive session, after the ar bitration treaties wero disposed of. Mom beis of the foreign relations commlttoo gave assurances that they woro In close touch with affairs, aa. directed by the president and stato department. Official attention was called to tho Benton caso beforo the executive session began In a telegram to Senator Fall of Now Mexico from R. M. Dudloy, who asserted that General Villa Jiad murdered Benton "like a dog," and that the American policy of "watchful waiting Is a failure." Senator Foil read this telegram again In tho executive session and also read to the senate resolutions of protest adopted last night at a mass meeting In El Paso, Tex. He urged a more ag gressive policy by tho American govern ment and other senators -who are in clined to bo lmpationt over tho prernnt situation In Mexico sided with him. FIERCE BLIZZARD SWEEPS THE WEST, BLOCKING TRAFFIC (Continued from Page One.) northeast Nebraska haye been In tho grip of a genuine billiard throughout the day. In Bloux City and vicinity the heaviest snow of tho season Is falling, with a high wind from tho north, which Is piling tho flakes Into drifts, hampering street and railroad traffic Reports from Sorith Dai kota Indicate a six-Inch fall of snow. Tho Black Hills storm Is without wind, but In tho eastern hair ot the stato a blizzard prevails, with the thermometer near tho zcro mark. Drifts In Nnrt hire At Itehrnskn. CAIikAWAY, Neb., Feb. 22.-(Spcclal Tolegram.)-A flerco blizzard has been raging all day and is worse tonight About eight Inches of snow has fallen and Is drifting badly. It Is feared stock will suffer heavily. IJnkotn. W-II Covered. PIERJIK, S. D., Feb. 22.-(SpeclaI Telo gram.) Tit heaviest snow of the season fell hero this afternoon, with more than six Inches of snowfall, which drifted badly. Reports from the west as for as Rapid City show six Inches or mora of snow, but with little drifting. Wrom Colorado East. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. A violent storm sweeping across the continent from Colorado tonight, according to the. wenther bureau, will cause rnln tomor row In tho southern states and snow in tho Mississippi and Ohio valleys, the lake regions and tho north Atlantic states to morrow and Tuesday. 'This disturbance," the bureau's bullo tln said, "will bo followed by a pro nounced cold wave, which will over spread the Mississippi valley, tho south western states and the lako region Mon day, and the eastern and southeastern states by Tuesday. Foilowing this storm the weather will become fair and rerhaln bo for several days In tho region cast of the Rocky mountains. "Rains will be frequent tho greater part of iho coming week In the north Pacific states. In California and the southern plateau region tho first halt ot the week wilt be fair, while during the latter half of the week there will be rain. "A general change to warmer weather will sot In over the northwestern states about Tuesday and this will spread cast ward ovor the great central valley by Wednesday and the eastern states by Wednesday or Thursday. 'The next disturbance to cross the country will appear on the north Pacific coast Monday or Tuesday, cross tho great central valley about Wednesday ond the eastern states Thursday. This disturb ance will be attended by snow In north ern nnd probably rain In tho southern states east of the Rocky mountains." Chronic Constipation Makes life miserable Dr. King's Now TJfo nils regulates your bowels nnd re lieve the engorged liver. 25c All drug gists. Advertisement. Con ah Medicine xo Children. Hover give a child a cough medicine that contains opium in any form. When opium is given other and more serloui diseases may follow. Long experience has demonstrated that there is no better or safer medicine for coughs, colds and croup In children than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It Is equally valuable for adults. Try it It contains no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement Indigestion, Gas or Sick, Sour Stomach Time It! Tape's Diapcpsln" mnkos your upset, bloated stomach foci lino in Xivo minutes. ' "Really does" put bad stomachs In order "raaSy does" overcome indiges tion, dyirpepsla, g&a. heartburn and sour- , ncea in five minutes that Just that makes Pace Slapepeln the largest selU ing stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your lnetdes filled with bile and Indigest ible waste, remember the moment "Pope's Dlapepsln" cornea In contact with the siomocn &u sucn distress varosnea.. u s truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the Joy is its harrolcssness. A large fifty-cent case ot Pape's Dia per! n will give you a hundred dollars' Worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs In your home "-should alwaye be kept handy in caw of a 'sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night It' the quickest surest and most harmless stomach doctor . in the world. Advertisement Washington Affairs President Wilson broke the rule of re ceiving no visitors on Saturday by see ing Dr. Shosuke Sato, an exchange pro fessor from Japan, lecturing In American universities. He was in the president's class at Johns Hopkins university twenty eight years ago. Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to Business Success. Less Meat if Kidneys Hurt or You're Backachy and Rheumatic Heat forms uric acid, which clogs Kidneys; causes Rheu matism and irritates Bladder. If you must have your meat every day, eat it but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, rays a noted authority who tells ua that meat forma urio acid which almost paralyzes the kidneys In their ef forts to expel it from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rhenmatlo twinges. The urine gets oloudy, full of sediment the channels often get sore and irritated. obliging you to seek relief two-or three times during the night To neutralise these lrritatiue adds, to cleanse the kidneys and flush oft the body's urinous waste get four ounces ot Jad Salts from any pharmacy berei take a tables poonful in s glass ot water before breakfast for a tow days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts la made from the add of grapes and lemon Jnioe, combined with Uthla, and has been used for fenerations to flush and stimtdate stugatsb kidneys, also to neutralize the adds in urine, so It no longer irritates, thtts ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; oasnot ln Jure, and makes a. delightful efferresca&t llthla-water cxln--AdveTttiwni snt. Pure Beer an aid to sleep Hops are tonical and sop orific, A bottle of pure beer at bedtime will ben efit you greatly. But be sure it's pure. Get Schlitz in Brown Bottles I Schlitz is brewed in the dark, cooled in filtered air,everybottle sterilized,aged for months to prevent biliousness. The windows of our bottling plant are of brown glass. Schlitz is made pure and the Brown Bottle keeps it pure until it is poured into your glass. See that crown or cork is branded "SchUtz." Phones: Dong. 1597; lad. A 3623 ' Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot 723 S. 9th Street, Omaha, Nebr. Phone 424 Hy. Gerber, joi S. Mala St Council BloOs Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous. Panoramic Photographs The Bee has the only ap paratus of its kind in Omaha. Tho panoramic camera is particularly adapted for large groups, largo buildings, eto., as well as panoramic views, as it brings put the ends of the photo as clearly as the middle. Tho re sults aro certainly won derful. If you will call or telephone wo will sub mit samples. The cost is not very great, taking the high character of work into consideration. Tho facilities of this de partment are yours if you need them. Bee Photo Department. Telephone Tyler 1000. CoScSs. WrakUmss. Wesk Throats. Cherry Pectoral SoM for 70 yean. Ayers Ask Yew Doctor. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPEEl, AMUSEMENTS. II i I'I'I DiTOt.a to Strictly CUan. Glassy arrsicjLi. Buuzaqtrji TWICE DAILY Mat. To da v Purposely secured ro& " r?J ATO SHOW WEEK AOIJ "wmbu op BBAtnnr PKESH, HtVXliV, UNIQUE, IKS NEW GOLDEN CROOK , What "The Black Crook" Was to' Oar Daddies "The oolaen Crook" Is to Us of Today. BIGGEST TKIHB IN TOWN K Excepting the Motor Bhow. C A PEO- Offering- the Mm- ""bu TANS0 BALLET ni. UM .... - . . iuv nuKuuBi, iionaoa o "Mono Ajnutg v '""J,.?"1''1 T.ry ttttndtnt to the ..? 'i'?,? 'P'r t tbe Auditor ium will lnclnd. th Gayetr In thlr Itlnccarr. Lock brok. gntt tor ma tbU weak. I penontlljr recommend th. how from cirtaln to curtain. Nothlnr In cipUiltjr quite o rood. r.. J"iiton, Mp-. Oay.tr. STSBiag-s, Sunday fc Holiday v.t. HATS. 15c and 25c Cttrm ram If TOU Ilka, tt no laoWn. TicnrjBTvV- BAT ICAVzmS Rah rirriin flirt In w t Ti7 li . I m 1.4)007 AUTO SHOW Now on at AUDITORIUM 25c Admission BOUB. 494. Mau 5i jEl"Zjrht, bus. i V1. .?"k.UoJ.'la.?4r' odor. Kotwrta, Horace W right and Iten. Dietrich, Marl imrfr and fp.al Motion Tlcture. 'Soika V 1 r nM.llmMt l Prim Maimer sallerr lc !t waU (ei-ert tat. and Sum. t. nsct. Hk. Ke, Uc, lie. i, OliB. , !l V ta, Mu. Ilconer. V irlo o.t X kaTlllfa 1 J