Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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JiJj!i JJJub; (MlAlJA, kVV J I Ul'A 1 , J i,llvl AKV Jl, l'Jl-r.
Showing Here that Jeff Knows a Thing or Two
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
m mammmmm , . " I r Wett., WMV 1NT YOU I "
fu,mJL CAN You , ' rAYTYttff. WITH - - M ftND 0 VT. J 4
APooL TRUGGIT s , fJV i S ' I OH, I "TO. ,VTV . , ,
, '. Lif!V; 55? f NO, GOT TKG N MT'W THOUGHT' op . ( BONBHSMi,
' " V ' ' . DlU)4G5r POT TH6 3,rb J . '.'t
, r ,v fV&J LftOBUOf"THl B6TTC - jSr? I J
USl0G C(N ' ' ''
J sv-f a .
Serioui Lumbago Attack to Keep
Cub Chief from Nationnl Meet.
Jlellcvca 1'ener linn Pound Snlollon
of All KilMlntr I'rotil""" -e-ceptalilp
CHICAGO. Pcb. S0.-A serious attack of
lumhngo will prevent the aitcmlaiico ot
Charles W Murphy, tho Chicago Nation
al'a president,! tho meeting t tho Na
tlona) league. at Cincinnati tomorrow.
Tuo meeting At Cincinnati. It l thought
hare, will concern the Chicago National's
vitality, tho transfer ot Hweenoy ami
J'erduo from Hoton to the Oubs being on
the program for consideration,
llat n llrrrmnnu.
CINCINNATI, Q. Peb. SV-Ncws from
Chicago that President Murphy of the
Chicago National, would not be ablo tt)
attend tomorrow' meeting of tho National
league proved quite an upset to President
Confidence In Teneri
"1 don't know Jut what wo can do or
vrhat wo ahall do," he anld. "Ot course.
It Is nftther right nor legal to touch on
W affair of Mr, Murphy In hit absence,
and aince Oovernor Ttner haa not yet ar
rived, tho situation Is perplexing.' Still, t
liave great confidence In Ttner. I firmly
telte that lie haa found a solution of all
MUtlng problem, wllhoxtt prejodlec or
Injustice to anybody and that he will
reach a decUlon which will bo acceptable
4o all ot mx, even to Mr. Murthy, should
that gentleman b able to atteml."
Grabiner Ordered
to Meet Oomiskey
KANSAS Crry. Mo.. tVb. b.-Vhen the
?btcac Amtrlcan league beo ball c.luV
special, cn route to Fo Roble. Cl,,
whera the club wtit train, arrtved here to
day, Harry GrUncr. wentw. waa
handed a cablegrara tram XVealdent Oo
wUVty ordertec Qrabtner to meet htm la
Nw Vcrtc on arrival ot the, wvtld'a tont
tits, ttow In Pari. Orablner returned to
Chtcago tealgfct.
Otis Crandall and
Chick Hartley Sign
With St, Louis Feds
CIUCAUO. Keb. 20.-0U CrrtnJ.ll.
plleher. nnd Chick Hartley, catcher, have
ftlfned Ith the St Ix)Ula FeileraU, It
waa learneil today. With Crandall. Wl.
lett, droom and hlmelf. Manager Drown
figure ho ha a capable ttaft for hi
Mound City team.
A difference over salary l keeping
Karl Moore, pitcher with the Cuba hv:
year, from coming to termi with one ot
tho Federal league team, but ho was In
conference today with rrcildent Ollmoro
Or.Vc. the former LVtroU outfielder.
whoso hitting w-aa a feature ot hla work
with Kansas City lan year, wa at Fed
eral headquarters this morning comdd-
ertna a contract.
U Is understood that minor detail only
prevent nn agreoment between Jake Ktahl
and )t. . Ward, president ot the Brook
lyn Fcdorals, who wants Stahl to manage
his team.
Iowa Wrestlers
Off for Lincoln
IOWA C1TT. 1., Feb. 3fc-SpeeIal.
Ftvo Iowa wrestler left this evening tor
Lincoln, where they meet the representa
tive ot Nebraska on tho mat tomorrow
evening. Tho Iowa representatives ot the
different classes will be: JS-pound, Hy.
man; lid-pound. Oran; 1C-pound. Captain
Hobbett; Impound, Ollllland; heavy
weight, ltarron. Itarron. the heavyweight
representative wa the big tackle of the
Iowa toot ball team last fait
The owYbasket ball tram, cloves its
home scaton tomorrow evening with a
game with Northwestern. The Turpi Ave
haa played a strong game this season and
la expected to give, the Hawkeye at least
an oven battle. It the local five play aa
It did against Chicago last Monday, It
should pull out a 1etory. however. Fields
and Nevtns will be at the forwards, Gris
e) at center and Parsons and Jacobeen at
the guard.
iTha li&wkeye have game with Ames.
Grinnell, Cornell and Northwestern still
to b played away from home.
Westergaard and
Pardello to Wrestle
atKrug Wednesday
A wrestling match to a finish between
Jess Itrlmer. who la more familiarly
known a Jess Westergaard, and Leo
Tardello Is to be staged Wednesday
cvVnlng at the Krug theater. Contracts
between tho two have been signed and
while Westergaard Is considered tho bet
ter man. fans arc pointing out that the
unexpected often happens and that thews
Is some chance, of Tardello "putting one
over" on the Res Moines celebrity.
Pardello ha been making a good show
ing In Chicago, The winner of tho
match Is to meet llusne. who Is now
In tho Windy City trying to meet some
ot the men who will not como to Omaha
to wrestle with him.
NUW YORK, Feh. aiMlk lNal!a.
on ot tite raost oateteat batter tn the
Hagees. ha been eprsped plach
hitter tot the New York Nationals, tt 1
ia5ouctd hr today. TXmHn tale the
jNtace ot -Moa- McCorsnlcX, ho has
cred a nanagt4tU Itrttu
Mi turn te Up-liSifi
Dilwyn Wins Cup
for Greyhounds
I.1VBUPOOU FVb, ax The Waterloo
cup. the "derby for greyhounds."' wa
won today by IJUwyn. a fawn dog.
nominated by A. F. Pope- The runner-up
was Leuceryx. a black puppy, noml
ntcd by Major Itobert McCalmont.
r.otjj hound wer outsiders, tho tettlu7
berore tho first course were run belnf
to to 1 against Dilwyn, and GO to 1
against Iuceryx-
The coursing took place .over the
famous flats of tho Altcar club, Tho
winner takes the cup, value CM, given
by the earl ot Setton and a price ot
The event la open to sixty-four sub
scriber at J12S each and 1 run off In
five rounds.
The Omaha High school basket nail
team will play in Sioux City Saturday
night against the fast high echoot tire
ot that city. As Sioux Ctty defeated
Omaha on the local Young Men's Chris
tian association floor a tew weeks ago.
there is little chance for Omaha to win
from the boya up the river.
I Measure Carying Nineteen Millions
Reported to House.
It I Proponed to Co-Ordluaie "Work
of Vnriooa Ilnreaua Ttto Hnn
ilred Thousand Aaked tor
Mnrket Office.
icnal distribution of valuable seeds, bulbs
and plant is proposed.
Those aharp dartiac
tharacterite aeiatte
ahttuU be treated tn the bteod. And '
hy using & 8, & sou get entirely rid
ot a
S R. 8. haa th peculiar etta ot
eaktac through the tnteatkaea dt
recttj' Into the hloL la a few min
ute tt tataeace t at ork tB every
artery, ln. and tlay oaplHary. Bvery
wewbrant. entry organ of the body,
very ewiuncte-ry heeomea tn effect a
Alter to strain the Mood of Impurities.
Cincinnati Beds
Off for -Louisiana
Charies Itersog ot th Cincinnati N
ttonai league dub with eleven Players
ett this city today for the spring train
ing camp at Alexandria, La. Next week
the remainder of tbe club members wfll
Journey to Alexandria.
Stanley Rosewater' team won the first
rnontVa coatest tn the meraherhip cam-
(pUgn ot the ComraeroUl ehrtx. The team
jbight tn the names ot ten candidate.
iV. 3. rckertng" rommlttr Vrougbt In
ithteo and th Otarte Ti. Gardener team,
vataa that , ftrr. The membership commtttea r-
rheuraatua prvirxt the fottowtng names tor member-
fclv 3 Tvtes. Weatern RaUway t
Nr ageewy; Ueorga M. Tunlson, attor
ney U J. lleale'. real ostate; C M.
Brdette, Sbarplc Separator miny.
tt. r. Oeste. Cental svpfMes. B. P. Bm
iags, fiMtmgs XVntal Satspir eompaay:
iC. W. Ortman. haheo . Hugh Murphy.
Jr- oraor. C, W. IUH, Belmont re-
trant; It M. HeptottsH. PraJrte Ute
SIOCX 'ClTT. la. Feb, &W3?esIal
Te4ecram.V-Tho Sioux City ball club hat
announced the purchase ot Catcher Land
from Indianapolis for JUfOV He played
last year with Toledo.
Falrbwry Dofcata Clatoala.
FAIUBVltY, Neh, Teh. 2a-Srcial.
Tho regular Falrary boys' basket baH
team defeated Ctatoala, 41 to 2. Purotll
and Harru re the star ot the Falrbury
fire.. Bradler and Denney played a great
defensive, game. Forslund ot tho Fair
bury team stccded in makinc thirteen
points in the first half. Uneop;
Vairbury. 1
Rradiey C. C Sykeso
lVnney ...n.GJtt.G... Kcacoe
Forslond Ua UG Teteosmerer
ParceM R.FJR.F Uooro
Harrt UFLT C&ittesdoa
Ca ah. Ju
The atlmuUttnir pronertlea ot S. & S. j Itaranr etay: W. J. Naylon. nur-
rompei tno ttvwr, bowels, ktA- ;rvr and art glass. J A. Krwn. taBor
vvMiasa s. Taaoe, lMi uataa com-
paay; H J- MoArdte, Wvtera Stamp astd
Sfoaelt oompaay; ft. W. Pertans, Fair
backs. Mors company.
xiy and bladder to art work to tho
end ot casual out every Irritat
Inc. rery pain-tnAietlng atom ot
yolfCB; it dislodge b Itrtgatton att
KCOttKUtlea fa th Joints, nausea
ettd accretion to dtsaolvet rondeea
tbem neutral an4 aeatteea tbcute oe- ' xtrtr-mtA
Kuliar formation In the nerve center 1 oawraiT. pttv vk an ts.
ft!L5f lch..wisl.,55r"t onirta- on of the fatet and hardest
....'I T . ' ... loanteeted game played on tho Wwal floor.
mm nr uuKk t. t. iWam t tMs Mo dfealed th team
tr)f4, ? wM he MMtdd tt mt I fW t hOtaa ohoot. i to ft
(k & cere t anntlea Vdt m Hcta i la th earty rart t the game tt aNyared
tttat the Indian wowid walk away a
Use game, hot tVe local player aooa
eS tho play, and at t mi ot the
fUM aaX led hy a re ot K to hv. 1W
lag to vocond haX ta a levrato raMy
Ht-y fairly r4i)-4 tar In&asva off tfcelr
M yen H a iwcOUr w n UtA. and won handily. Vor tho toeals Mar-
taaxMttoa, rwi : H TV Soett tia aad U4 pot wt a otetUr gam. Ha
TM I We tt t a net mttiUt
tLa aMaioHr to wt M4
)M a pere k U talM urnaT tta )r
iu (.&& re toco,
a. . S. Miaate maoais, rwkM m
whtre M Ao ?ete4 Hm4 nMttt rw
Coatral Vltr .lrl Las.
YORK. Neh. Fob. 31 Sivoi? TI
araisLi Central Cttr xtrli f A-ttjt.
last erenmg h- York coBere grl tn a
fast came of basket baK. II ta St 7W
ttm fit a tte. 7 to . liixap:
vestrai t-ny. ToekCoMeco
Chs.vl&5 WebKltuPphy
NEW YORK. Feb. 39,-That Ban John
son, president ot tho American league,
wUl niaka good his throat to sever hi
connections with the National league un
its the magnates ot that organisation
oust from their rank Charies Webb
Murphy, "owner of the Chicago National
league club, is tho general opinion ot
base ball sharps. It Is believed that most
of tho magnates ot the National leaguo
are In favor ot ousting Murphy, aa is
President John K. Xener. according to
men who have heard Tener discuss th
MAYVILLE, N. Y, Fe5. 3L-Edwrd
Morgan, formes cashier ot tho First Na
tional bank of Jamestown, sentenced to
tour years li( prison after pleading
guHty to a charge of grand larceny, wtU
be taken to Auburn prison Monday. Mor
gan pleaded guilty to appropriating to his
ow-n an a fund of watch, bo waa trueteo
lt was oharpol he also appropriated orer
HUTO ot the hank's funiv Tho bank
theft csargo hasTnot J hoen tried.
Throat and Like Traable.
Will cas to tronble row hy the timely
o of Dr. King's New Jicorry: sore
reflet 3 and IK. All druggists. Advertisement.
WASHINGTON. Feb. . The agricul
tural appropriation bill carrying funds
aggregating 118,MT, ana proposing many
radical changes, including a general re
organization of tho Department ot Ag
riculture with a view to co-ordinating its
various activities, wa reported to the
house today by Chairman Lever of tho
agricultural committee. Tho report ac
companying tho bill breaks all record
for comprehensiveness. The proposed
scheme ot reorganisation would Include
the weathef bureau.
The bill would change the name of the
bureau of statlctlcs to the bureau of ag
ricultural forecasts and would Increase
from 150.0CO to -3W.OJ0 tho appropriation
for tho new office ot markets. The bill
proposes a specific appropriation of SSJ,
09) for tho office of public roads. Tho
total includes IdtS.OOO .or investigating the
best methods of road making.
Land and Stirrer.
For selection, classification and segre
gation ot land within national forests
that may be opened to homestead set
tic t and ent. 100.000 is proposed
and SSO.0O additional to survey the plt
land chiefly valuable for agrtcuUure in
national forests. For Investigation and
improvement of grasses, alfalf. clover
and other forago crop. 175,tt la pro
Other nrooosed Items Include establish'
ratnt of a new weather station a Neah
Bay. Wash-; importation ot Corriedale
sheep from New Zealand for breeding
purposes: elimination ot powdery scab
diseases In potatoes; investigation of di
seases in ginseng; Investigation ot the
cause ot the death ot thousands of wild
ducks annually In Salt Lake -valley.
Utah. To protect migratory bird ftO,n
is proposed.
Fertiliser Exploration.
To explore and Investigate possible
sources ot supply ot potash, nitrates and
other natural fertUtxers, SSOO la pro
posed. The appropriation for
fichtinc forest fires Is cut down to
For investigations and experiment tn
dairy Industries. C5.0 is proposed. For
cattle tick work in tho south. WCt,C0 ts
proposed. For Investigation ot the cane
syrup and beet sugar Industries, SU.0 Is
The bill would appropriate SJM.OM for
meat Inspection, and would extesd In'
spection to reindeer.. The old. congress
ional free seed distribution would be
continued. An approprUtlon of tCST.OtO
for purchase. propasaJo& and congress-
Senate Will Ratify
Arbitration Pacts
WASHINGTON, Feb. SO.-By a vote
ot 40 to 13, the senate tn executive ses
sion today rejected the Chamberlain
amendment to the Spanish arbitration
treaty to exempt from arbitration ques
tions relating to Panama tolls, immigra
tion, admission of children to state
achools and all questions involving the
Monroe doctrine.
On objection the final vote on ratifi
cation of the Spanish treaty went over
until tomorrow. Senator Shlveley, changs
ing tho plan of the committee, then
called up the British treaty and offered
a resolution for its ratification. Ex
tended debate followed.
Defeat ot the amendment leared tho
atinosphcro about all the pending treat
ies and it probably will not be offered
again as they como up separately.
The vote, 40 to 13, was taken by ad
ministration supporters to indicate tht
all tho treaties will be ratified. It
showed tho two-third majority required.
Many senators regarded the veto a in
dicating a favorable attltudo of the sen
ate toward repeal of the toll exemption.
Persistent advertising is the sure road
to business success.
Magee's Price Clothing Sale
Closes Today, Saturday, Feb. 21
Saturday is your last chance to get
choice of any Suit or Overcoat in
the house at price. Remember
there is nothing reserved in this
sale; everything in suits including
blues and blacks and all overcoats
both staple and fancy are sacri
ficed. Our finest Kensington suits are
selling at their regular price.
Hundreds of Omaha men, and men
in surrounding territory attest to
the genuine merit of this sale. We
urge you to investigate Saturday.
. 413 S. 16tns
Formerly Mageo & Deemer
Parrisao .
Eagle . ..
UcKent .
Means ..
' LF..
...O C ....
O C...
uo. r.c
. . . Conway
. .. Steven
. . . Kelev
. Stev j
l.tarta Win. frasa Fklrhwrr-
F.V1RKI-RY Vk V. -si
The Ustcetn Tovnr Uoa's Cariettan asso-
tsmuea bukc-i in team SHnliM tte
rrgosar team ot Fairt-orr. XUX Th
Pairfearr o wa ncearfam vf PurcvsH,
4S'vI Harris, XVomoy a4 rerHund.
tpww wk wr nose pw tsrowtajr
tr Falroory Th raarbory team expects
Toag Men Chrtsuaa aasocuitsoa la the
(taltlaaar Orlr ataw CVr'.
RAUTIMORB. PeV Sa -Utaajrer Dean
t th Baltimore sntarBatseeal teajra
elob utseaMoi toJUir that ttBtfietder
-rW Cta re)ana V the New Trk
Amorteans serdy . luu hti Mcsted to
T? h the Oriole for th coming
Sunday Night, February 22
mIamJmJ I of Mediums
as4te Oe. St Sxtft JAt, JllUntv G.
MciVCkald OaMtr ood work at ooaten tr
,th IsAas Crow and Berg w ouaty
ia the rvtiott a4 hoh hot oeoae ry
feffVlt goala LteoK
V M. C- A. I Oesto Indtaav
jlt .tUrjRjr tterg
I Ntartta . . UP.' U.V Car
lilAird ..- K. R- -, SaxfW
fist . .. Uil UG , Iasriey
" M" tow U
jj lUttwro otafore, Oeo
ilMr Ulacfe Mih -with lttrli,
BCATRICS. Keh. Foh. 51 i-fcUl.V-
llajtw fick. heavy hintsg oatfteVicr ot
t,j- kfeautfw tu so Mate tagv fern
xtx rHva ta tx Thrdy from hta
,hm at Man-vfll. Mo., and nrstro a
I OKAniiCt to 4ay wkh Beatrifo aate v
i : wmmmi Tt. -w oawnvsh v vt.v
ft tr at hs horn at t.a N t s
1 j i r rij .. jca - fe.U am to a ol
U I,.,-! tta ww H ao or -r tuk
VTiliUia Jlv
KN1SCZ. Neh. Peh. 3s-.$eotal
WVMam Ascife, aged ara )m Mc4
three east oC Betawt. d Thus- j
ay oveetog ot oaaror of the stovaaxsi.
It haa Ve nriek far oeweeaa week. H j
H OTmtoed hr a wole and te ehtUron.
It ha ftrwl ealy JI has r?e to tkte
V &ac kwirr
Whoa yea hvy PWxy Isoatey and Tar
OomMWBd borasso Jest a few ss
U comgfe aa hoal the ocU. botittl
lastJ, a loaig Ibba aad th last Aasc is
as gd aa tho Jstst. 3irv S. S. S. 3
Vaa Bsrasi St, Ktagsu N. 1, aays.
"Father ho4 Ufrre aad hss ooagtt vat
onag tomhl a hr eod xm aleojv
Feiry' Hosmt and Tar ot osdy Mnpe4
hla oossfctnc ot K hrokt sar s4c
hactc to m aft a wnrt cu t -x
cfcttls as Sa--Kgnt. Fo aa hy a
Scaler atvrjrwher - AArorascsacat.
Spirit Power in the Light London Open-LigM Sasce
A Uhle ruei frsn tow to live feet ts4 fsasls la sgid-slr. Sthil
as&s xd faeu are pJsunlv seen xzA. ncBCBiu& hy friexSt. A sntxr
is jvlaj-oj and pxse4 aroasd tte roes hy aa icvisffeje power, Flowers
ar- VrMctht and as4 to the aBdiosre hy haxuls' ard Uisly aest.
u eM ar rar- harps are tdaroa -ad tier tosts, et etartUsr
aattsre ts-Xe fdac tas the pre&tsce of th woSrfm! ssixss.
Snaali Adsussioa Will Be Charged to Defray Expenses
A Rare Combination
The Hot Springs
O WHERE else iu America can you find such a per
fect combination of sunny skies, beautifnl mnsrr.
outdoor recreations, brilliant, social activities, metropoli
tan amusements, and beneficial, baths, as go to make up
Here one finds even- amusement and pleasure of a
modern metropolis; magnificent hotels, medium priced
boarding houses tin ideal place for your winter vacation
-Nature's sanitarium for those in search of health and
The Way Thoro U via the
Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain
xde perfect .ervhe tur i SpriRS Bt,
fully IllHstrald. tell, all about Hot Spring, aad
the way there.
Qoasral Ara ream,
1S raraam Rtroet, Omaha,
i i j win
I Re eta I Diseases Cured
' A saa troata wt. that cure IM, Fittol 4Bd other RrctU diseaso U a sbcrt
" tisss. wahoct a sarncal operation No ChWir w.v v .
. .. - - . uiar nosra sm-
to cstd. A r SrxntcM ia r,ry c ,ccrtM or treatment, aa4 rx m.y
' TOO oo itectat Dittaseo, with tettiaoauls-
. TAHRY asulM!HV-OmK, 4