7IIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1914. Saturday Bargains that you can't afford to miss Again emphasizing the wonderful reductions prevailing in our men's and young men's department Broken lots of suits sizes 33 to 42, sold up to $20 for .... Broken lots of fine Overcoats that sold up to $22.50 $ 87g $10 Choice of any Woman's or Junior's Coat in the store including sport coats Original prices to $25.00 1$ Big bargain from the Boys' Suit Section Knickerbocker suita in sizes 9 to 15 yrs. that sold up to $6.50, for Children's slightly soiled and mussed percale and ging ham Dresses; sizes 8 to 14 years, that sold up to $3.50 Saturday for Girls Coats almost giv en away; sizes 7 to 16 years; sold to $8.50, for 2QO Slightly soiled and mussed House Presses for women; regular prices up to $3.50, Saturday , 325 esc j Nebraska FILE UNIVERSITY PETITIONS Estimated More Than Required Number of Names Secured. FULL TEXT OF M'KIfiSICK ACT If Itrninrnl to Knrm 1" Drfentcd Large l'nrt or Appropriation AVI 11 flo to Ilii)lnsr or Additional CJ round. OMAHA'S FASTEST QUO WING STORE cm 1S10.18.S0 FARNAM STREET OMAHA AS AJETAIL CENTER Metcalfe Says it is Being Recognized Everywhere. . LOOKS FOR BETTER TIMES election or lllniaeir nt St. L011U mid Jt. A. Thompson In JVew York U Compliment to Oiitnhn's Retail BnlHC. "The secretaries or fifteen of the tare ct retail business organisations In tho United States, representing retail bust nets establishments tyhlch do an anmUl buaincss of moro t)inn tl,CnX000,C0O a year, unanimously assert that this year will be the beat of the last decade from every retail butlneaa point of view," aald Jamot W, Metcalfe, secretary of the Associated Retailers, who has Juat returned from St. Louis. "I conalder tho election., of , Henry A.. Thompson aa a Ulicctor of the National Ury Goods Men assoelslloti " at ,JeV York laat week, and my election as presi dent of tho new national organization -of Merchant Association Secretaries as a bis; step toward obtaining recognition for the retail business of Omaha. Other cities are coming to know that' Omaha Is a, real retail center an?t one of Hie most prosperous In the mlddla Avest. To Hcdnce Iluslness Cost. "1 sot the Idea of our organisation here last year from the meeting of tho secretaries of tho commercial clubs. For years tho various organisations of re tail men havo been striving to reduce tho cost of doing business. Wo havo air formerly conducted our Investigations and t experiments separately. This has been expensive, 'for in most Instances, wo have been duplicating half of tho work. Theso associations aro" spending $1,000,000 a year In their effort to roduce the cost of doing business. Through the annual meeting of the secretaries of these organizations and tho corre spondence which follows personal ac quaintance of tho secretaires wo expect to cut this nmount at least E0 per cent. Wo will make our work co-oper-atlvo and through reducing tho cost of doing business wo cxpoct to rcdiico tho cost of merchandize to tho consumers. Our organization la In every essential, a business affair rather than a social or ganization. Vo aro trying to help our members shut off tho leaks which, drain their business ant which must bo paid under tho present system by tho con aumor. Jn tho end tho result will bo gratifying not only to tho merchants for nutting thtlr business on a better dusIj hess basis, but It wjll help tho publlo in reducing the cost of merchandise to the consumer. C.B PATRICK IS FOUND , DEAD FROM .HEART TROUBLE C. 11. Patrick, aged 33 years, driver for tho National Laundry company, was found dead In his room at 231S Cuming Btrect ns a result of heart trouble. Tho discovery was mado by Roy 'Rogcrson, who mnkts lus homo at tho same ad dress. Patrick seemed to bo In the best of health Thursday hlght upon retiring, Jot much Is known of his relatives. Coroner Crosby has taken charge of tho body and may hold an Inquest. 4 Godfrey Has No Car High Enough for the Eight-Foot Camel The Missouri Pacific Is going to handlo tho Garden of Allah comnanv out of hern and Into Kansai City after tho closo of tho show Saturday night. Tom Godfrey, tho ngent for tho railroad company here. secured tho business' and tho worry Inci dent tp handling It Is causing his hair to turn whlto. Thoro Is no trouble over anything ex cept one camel. This camel Is eight fc.ct high with Its hump, and tho height of baggngo cars Is soven feet. Tho differ1' enco In height of tho cornel nnd "baggage car Is what Is causing Godfrey nit his grief. Tho show peoplo object to cutting oft tho camel's hump and Qodfrcy ob Jects to cutting off tho top of his com pany's car. Tha nnlmhl could ho put Into an automohllo car, but tho rules of th'o road prohibit running , freight cars In .passenger trains. What to do Is a problem with Godfrey but he declares that ho will dollvcr the jcamel In Jvansan City Sunday morning it no nas to rwo u uown mcr. A Piping Hot Dish For Wintry Nights There's Bothies finer than a steaming hot dish ot Faust Spaghetti o a cold Bight It warms you up satisfies your hunger. It's strengthening, and makes a rich, savory meal. You can make a meal for a whole family from a 10c package of Faust Spaghetti. Cook with tomatoes, serve with grated cheese. Watch the folks smack, their lips. Write for free recipe book. 5c and 10c packages. Buy today. MAULL MOTHERS. St Louii, Me. SSSBHPV Delivery Wagon and Coal Truck Collide; Driver Badly Hurt As a, result of the slippery pave ments, Fred Mehan, 318 North Twenty thjrd street, was seriously Injured' near Twenty-fourth and Chicago streets, when a Central Coal and .Coke company wagon skidded and collided with the team he was driving for Harden Broth crs. After being knocked from his seat by tho force of tho Impact Mehan was stepped on by a heavy draft horse and suffered Internal hurts. 11,1s condition Is thought to bo serious. The pollco ambulanco "was called and the injured man was conveyed to 8t Joseph's hos pital. An examination there proved that Mchnn's stomach was painfully bruised from tho weight of the heavy brute with Its sharp-shod hoofs. (Prom n Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Feb. 20. (Special.) nrefercn- dum petitions which have been circulated throughout the state covering the propo sition of voting on university extension either at tho state form or on grounds adjoining the present location, were filed this morning. It Is estimated that there are 2fl,600 names on tho various petitions. Tho law provide that 10 per cent of the vote of the state at tho last election Is required to make .tho petitions legal. Mr. Walt has figured that under that provision It will take 13,012 names on tho petitions. Thcro shall also be names on the petitions coming from two-fifths of the counties" of the state, which would require names from thirty-eight counties. Tho law which governs tho voting on the propositions of removal or nonremoval was Introduced by Representative Mc- Klsslck of Beatrice, a strong antl-re- movallst, and reads: Section 1. Thero is hereby created nn additional fund for the Unlvorslty ot Ne braska, the sarno to be known as tho special university building fund, the samo to consist of the proceeds ot s. tax of three-quarters of 1 mill on tho dollar val uation of tho grand assessment rolls ot tho state, which tax shall be levied In tho year and annually thereafter for six years, to npd including the year 1918. Section 2. No . portion of tho proceeds arising from the lew of tlin tnv hprntn provided for shall be expended by or under ine uirecuon ot mo Hoard of Kcgents ot tho state of Nebraska, until the electors or nam siaie navo nn opportunity under the initiative to oxorcss their choice as to the future Site of thn enllpcn nf nnM nnl. ycrslty. At tho general -election to bo held in in me question or the site upon which tho college ot the university, other than tho collego of medicine .shall bo submitted io ino electors on a separato ballot in form substantially nn fnllnwn- (a) Shall ull tho colleges of the state University. Ip.ntlni thn villo- nr cine bo consolidated a soon as practicable tpj unaii tne colleges of the stato uni versity, excepting Uie college of airrl- cutture and the collego of medicine, be. housed In buildings located, or to be iuuuicu on mo present city campus and on land contiguous thereto. ino Btfltn nf Nunra.lrn hnll M.liti. n. SUch election that nil thn rnlloirn. nt thn University of Nebraska, excepting tho college of medicine,- shall be consolidated n the state farm, then all tho proceeds siiuii na soon as pracucaDie, becomo avail uio iur mo erection or buildings to house the colleges of said university on the stnto farm campus. In the event that mo electors or tno state of Nobraska at BUCh election rirrlrtril thnt nil thn nllAin. ui mo Biuiu university, except tho col lege Of ncrlculturn. whlnh nM xnllnr.. .(.nil 1 1 1. . . - . " oiiuii uv iiuiu ai mo Hiaie iarm in any oveni. ana inn cahaita nr mAd Atn. .v..n be houned In hulltllnira Wnt. n' 4n i. located on tho present city campus- and uii mini uiiniiKuous mercio, men tno pro ceeds of one-third of said levy shall im mediately becomo available for the pur Poso 'of erecting upon the farm campus wi u prawm oi me remaining two thirds of said lovy shall becomo available for tho extension or tho city campus and tho erection of buildings thereon. wimt I.n-rr Does. It will bo seen by tho above that If re moval to tho farm Is defeated only one third of the appropriation goesto build up an agricultural farm while tho dpwn town campus gets tho bulk of theappro Another -interesting thing shown by tho law Is that It settles theproposltlon ot which location Is tho cheaper. Interested parties havcattempted to show that It Is choapcr to. buy land and build down town than It la to build on land already owned by the stato at the farm: In sec tion l it Is said that If tho clectlpn shows that extension la to bo made on tho city campus and on land contiguous thereto, the romaJnlng two-thirds shall bo avail able for "the extension of the city campus and the erection of buildings thereon." It extension Is made down town, tho cost ot the "contiguous" rgound must come out of tho levy made by tho stato, or, In other words, approximately J500.000 of tho levy will be paid out for land, being tho estimated cost ot tha proposed block, leaving but J1.166.6W of the sum of 2,600.- 000 which it is supposed tho levy will raise for buildings on the six blocka ot ground, whllo If extension is made on tho farm, tho whole M.600,000 will be available. It is not a qcustjou of which. Is cheaper, but a proposition of throwing away 00.000 of tho taxpayers' money for, land when tho state already has plenty of, land at the' farm. Scott and Osborne Put Up Best Match, With Latter Winning BOSTON, Feb. 20.-Play today In tho national racquet championship at tho Tennis and Racquet club brought tho tournament doWn to the semi-finals, with It F. McCormlck, Chicago: Dwight F. Davis, St. Louis; Lawrence "Waterbury, New Tork, and C. O. Osborne, Chicago, as survivors. Tho best match ot tho day was that between Scott and Os borne, tho latter winning out through his brilliant service and better condition. Waterbury disposed of Ilutchlns of Bos ton, 15-12, 15-6, 15-2, and HcCormlck de feated Barrett Wendell, Jr.. of Boston, 15-4, 15-3, 15-11. Tho hardest match of the contest was between C. O. Osborno of Chicago and It D. Scott of Boston, which went five sets, 15-2, 10-15, 15-12, 15-17, 15-10. Dwight F. Davis of St. Louis defeated O. A. Thome of Chicago, 10-15, 15-7, 15-9, 13-15, la-ii. wnnyBrookI WltSKEY I U. S. TREASURER BURKE WILL TALKHERE TODAY The new currency Jaw nnd the Income tax will bo discussed at tho public affairs luncheon of tho Commercial club at noon today by John BurSce, treasurer ot the United States. Ho will discuss these two new measures froru the standpoint ot the Treasury department Mr, Burke waa formerly governor oi South Dakota and was appointed treasurer ot the I'nlted States by President Wilton. T. J. Mahoncy Is to preside at the luncheon. The regular time for the publlo affairs luncheons la Thursday, but the date was changed this week, when It was learned that Mr. Burke would bo In the city Sat urday, In the life of even the best of us, the aro days when "all the cinger seems to havo been knocked out of us", and the world looks "mighty blue". At such a tlmo you will find In -Sttfiay BrookThe Pure Food WhUkey a safe, satisfying, pleas ant stimulant, which will almost instantly brace up your entire system, and put new life Into body and brain. Its strongly de veloped medicinal properties make the use of Sunny Brook, in moderation, highly beneficial and healthful. The Largest Distillert of Fine. Old WhUVcy In the World ore bock of Sunay Brook The Pure Food Whiskey besides, Sunny Brook is bottled under tho Green Covtrnmcnt Stamp, a positive assurance that it is U. S. Government lOOfr and that it reaches you with its natural purity and matchless quality fully preserved. 9UNNY MIOOK is cow bottled with oar own pettntrd Tvitttt'' stopper. On ttntt vxtotkt or re-corti Itu bottUtifkL Ha Ns f or Cork Sutwt. GStOODODE) BROS. CO SELLING EMBLEMS FOR BENEFIT. OF POOR GIRL Selma Ohlffs, the crippled Soitfi Omaha young wqman who supports hensclf .and aged mother, has mado many pretty little Washlncton hatchets and cherries. .which are being sold for her benefit at the cafeteria of the Young Men's Chris tlan association una other places in tho business district. A largo number of the j emblems are being sold to peoplo who wish to help the Industrious unfortunate. i "A friend" left 12 at The Bee office, for her. Safe for liable, urtcctUe Grttnnnp. That's toiey'a Honey and Tar Cora pound. It has the confidence ot you BEATRICE FANS PROPOSE VOTE ON SUNDAY BASE BALL BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 20. (Special Telegram.) After the "cold water" forces yesterday succeeded In getting a petition through at a meeting of the city commissioners to submit the liquor ques tion at tho municipal olcctlon this spring the baso ball fans began circulating a petition to voo on Sunday baso ball nnd a Sunday nmuscment park. The petition will bo presented to the commissioners In a. few days. CLABBY AGREES TO BE ONE OF TOUJING BOXERS CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Jimmy Clabby, clatment of tho middleweight champion ship, renched Chicago today and agreed to bo ono of tho squad of American box ers who will make a tour of Australia next fall. He came to terms with Reg inald I Bckcr, the Australian promoter. Clabby will remain a month at his home In Hammond, Ind., befdre returning to tho Pacific coast, where ho Is engaged for three contests In tho near future. BALL PLAYERS GUESTS OF HERRICKS AT PARIS PARIS, Feb. SO.-Tho visiting American baso ball players and their wives were tho guests of honor at a reception given by Ambassador and Mrs. Myron T. Her rlck at tho United States embassy today. Rncea Off Because of Itnln. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 20. The Van drrbllt cup xaco over tho Santa Monica course arranged for tomorrow. poncd today until February 26. on account ui rum. ino urana prise was postponed until tho Saturday following, according to an official announcement of tho race committee. Threshermen Select Hastings Man Head (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 20, (Special Telegram.) Condemning any pctton for the repeal ot the present twenty-ton bridge law, the State Association ot Threshermen closed its session here yestorday with the election ot tho following officers: F. K. Shannon. Hastings, president: John Cloyborn, Monroe, vice president; C. If. Qustafson, Mead, secretary-treasurer; L. A, Enderle. Aurora, member legislative committee; J. Q. Cole, Junlatat member executive committee. The report ot the treasurer showed an Increased amount In the treasury and the I salary oi ino Bocrcmry-irroourcr wan raised from 1100 a year to 125. Glass of Salts Cleans Kidneys If your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you, drink lots of water. When your kidneys hurt and your back reels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite tho kidneys and Irritate the entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing thorn with a mild, harmless salts which removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their nor mal activity. The function ot the kld neyB Is. to filter tho blood. In 24 hours thoy strain from it W0 groins ot add and waste, so we can readily understand the vital Importance ot keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces ot Jad Salts; take a tablf spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is mado from the acid ot grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids In urine so It no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep, up ths water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became ot your kldnej trouble and backache. Advertisement. City Disposes of $365,000 Worth of Its Bonds at Par The Issue ot $365,000 sewer. Intersection and -street Improvement bonds adver tised for sale by tho city commission were sold to tho EplUcr-ltortck Co., ot Toledo, O., at a meeting of tha city council this afternoon. All ot tho bonds were sold at par, to be delivered to tha purchasing company In Installments as the city needs the money. City commissioners met with some trouble la tho disposal of tbeifo bonds, owing to certain new laws Interfering with the usual manner ot selling Omaha bonds. The eastern fiscal agent of the city refused to bid, because Lincoln druggist, who knows it will Vo yon . lf i . T- I . V TL ,L satisfaction. W. Newmlth Staies-I In8t?d f .NeW Trk hd bcCn madC isovsas efvs WWWe Distributers For Onvshs, Ncfc. I boro. Of., says: "I have used Foley's ' Honey and Tar Compound In my family I and hae sold It In my store and It never falls, to cure. And Bob Ferguson. 3Xi . Pine St. Green Bay, Wis.: "I had a bad cough that kept me awaks nights and two small bottles ot Foley's Honey and Tar cured me," For sale by all dealers everywhere, Advertisement. These bonds draw -114 per cent Interest .and' 1)00,000 are guaranteed by the gen eral faith and credit ot the city, the remainder, the stteet improvement bonds, bnlng guaranteed by tho property In the, irovrovemeni aistnct. Pure Rock & Rye i For caugas, colds, chills, griww, MtfMl kmMt8 & simitar ailMMls Tiie excollent cura tive qualities of Pure Rock and Rye are reeognlrod by every Physician and bas al ways been the moat popular of all house bold remedies, Alt ExeillcHt Ttiic $1.00 Bottles Saturday at . , , 69c KILLER'S FarMM StrKt IHILI I 1311 Fa Vhmhhmi Persistent Advertising is t&e road to B,uin.tess Success. Spring Salts In XxclusiTe wedels For our spring opening sale. J3I.50 and 35.0O values at ,..834.60 THE HOUSE OF MENAGH Ths Store for Oeutlswoaasa' 1613 rarnam Strett. Saturday Another Big Pay At the Fire Sale Of Cackley Bros. Wine and Liquor Stock Recently Damaged by Fire Alf the well known brands of bonded whiskies included (although only having slightly soiled labels). It will pay you to buy a supply of these goods, as they won't last long at these low prices. A special effort has been made in compiling this list of Saturday offerings, so that it will be long remembered by those who partici pate in this big FIRE SALE. 59c to 89c Full Quarts A Few of the Many Bargains B0TTLED-IN-B0ND WHISKIES Clark's Rye .... . fiNckenhfimer .... Grten River ..... Spring Hill Overholt Osoar Pepper . . . . Dozens ef ether kinds Fruit Brandies Apricot, Peach, Banana and Orange, extra fine and fruity-$1.00 and $1.25 OQp 4Q CQp values; per full quart tlslVj TtTlej wt! $2.50 value Port Wine, per gallon, 95c Crystallized Rock and Rye, per quart q SSBBBBSSBiSSBBBBBiBSSBJSSSBBi SSBBJBSSSMSSMSI SBMBSI ""VBaSSSSBSSSISMBBSaSBBSBSBSBSSaSMBaHBiBSMBasasSSHMMSnM Hoarhound Rock and Rye, $1.00 IAA rA to $1.25 values icJC 8110 dVC gi' 49c and 59c Fine line of Old Whiskies, 6 TA 17Q to 8 yra. old; per full quarts tftfC ,0tf C I UC California Wine, 50o and 75c Values 49c and 29o Virginia Dare, quart bottle 39c Grape Juice; quart bottles, 23c; pint bottles 15c Marasohino Cherries, quart bottle ...59c 50c bottles Olives, 23c; 35c bottles, 17c; 25c bottles, 10c Whiskey by the gallon $2.00, $1.75, $1.50 Olive Oil .15c, 23c and 49c California Claret, per gallon 39c TWO QUART BOTTLES OF BEER, 25c CACKLEY BROS. "THE QUALITY STORE" 121-23 North Sixteenth Street Opposite Postoffice. Mail Orders for three dollars or more will be shipped riun uimoocu i,niK.fc.N&, per lb. . . . 14 3.dc PIG PORK. ROAST, l2 3.4c uieer 1'pc itoaat.. ..ajo and lOHo Young Veal Roast . Uttc Lamb Less ,...llfio iuuiion unops, id., 100; 3 ibs.....33o BPZOZA18 llltlAH . II. . 6.000 extra No. 1 Lean Ham's. . .18 v,c No. 1 extra Lean Ilncnn mi;. Swift's i Winchester S. C. Bacon. lBc No. I Small llama 1080 Prom 8 to 9 P. at Xmb chops, per lb Bo Prom 9 to 10 P. aCr-gorfc Chops, per lb." . . ! ! 1 1 1 i 1 1 liijfo 33 lbs. Best Sugar 91.00 8-lb. sack Publlo Pride Flour.. .fl.10 Humford Baking1 Powder, lb. can, lso C lbs. Whole Jap Rice, 10c srradc. 25c it lbs, hand picked Navy Beans... aso Santos Coffee, lb ...aoe Ak-Sar-Ben Coffee, 35c grade,... 27o Paxton Coffee, 1-lb. cans ,39o Jell-O 3 pkgs 35o Best Honey, comb ,. . .lSo Pure Strained Honey, pint Jars.... 35o Best Dried Peaches, Prunes or Flsrs, per id .100 Public Market laJjL" of B'smond o or Beat-'Em-All Hoap tor aso With Washing Soda 10c Karoo Pineapple, 2lc grade lSo Log Cabin Maple Syrup, qt. can, 30o Gallon can Corn Syrup ......... 35e 10c Corn. Tomatoes, SalmonT. V.V&o a-iD cans solid pack Tomatoes, 3 35o Best Country Butter, lb J...350 "' Cream Cheese, lb. . . . .lBo ljyj?rti?1 Sw,8a Cheese, lb 30o White Bear Puro Preserves, Jar. . ,15o 1610 HARNEY STREET Phone Beuglas 279 3 ADVERTISING is the Bust ness Mens National Bank. You deposit reputation and amass prestige to draw upon, when come "the lean and hungry years." ROOMS The Best Varietv. Th tw i..:., cany advertisements of the best rooms and apartments for rent in the city. Phono your ad to Tyler 1000.