Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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gHE BEE: OMAHA, FlUUAY, ..VKljlU' ART 20, 1914.
f t 1 '
I Lliclcy Teddy BCctf! I Ti3 Oradty, Showing a Ohap Heaven and Closing tho Gates J J By Nell BrinMey II
A Pyramid of French Hats
''Toll the girls about this,' offered a young chap with
his darK hair close to his cranium in tho "calf-lick" fashion.
"Tell 'cm about this habit they have. Every pretty, girl I
know does it onq time or another to something or other
except me! Girls are such soft, dove-like things; the'y aro
always coing over and cuddling something. And It's one
of tho sweetest things about a sweet girl. I like it all
fellows do. Your box of candy she holds tight in tho curve
of her arm tho first thing.
Your flowers she puts her face in and murmurs llttlo
things that you can't make words out of. Even tho un
answering, reserved, cool-backed book you bring hor she
caresses unconsciously as a chap would a frowsy, Jolly lltlte
pup. i She can hold it botween her two hands and llko it so
much that you wish to tho heavens you were a book. Tho
brotherhood of dogs, and cheap llttlo dolls, woolly Teddy
bears and real, live, kicking babies girls havo a fasci
nating litlo way of taking tho whole outfit to their hearts
and hugging om tight! That's not my kick. But tell
tho girls not to deliberately light tho footlights, tuno tho
platntivo violins, ring tho curtain up tr-r-lng!! and show
us a glimpse df heaven with tho gates locked fast! If
they must caress a Teddy boar with a heart of cotton, loan
their cheek on his! Unapprcciatlvo head abovo his button
eyes and talk to him in that language of Far Away that
overy lover instantly- knows, though he cannot tell you it
word for word, please don't do it when tho fellow who hap
pons to caro is standing around! It's a case for the 8. P.
C. A." And ho sounded like ho meant it, too. Do you do
that, you Betty? I NELL BMNKLEY,
Synopsis of Preceding; Clinpters.
and finds that ho Is related to Sir Philip
Morlund, A few days later a terrific
thunderstorm brews over London. At
the height of the storm a flash of light
ning scares a team attached to a coach
standing In front of a West End man
sion, i'hlllp, who has become a news
boy, rescues a girl from the carriage
Philip Anson Is a boy of IS years, of
fine education and good breeding, but an
orphan and miserably poor..
The story opens with the death of his
.... . t . . . . i ... 1 1 . . mu;i twiuco (i I w 1 1 Will iuu kauiBKb
Itich relatives have deserted the family .. hfnr it ?. vi,r. a mn with
In tnelr .hour of need, and when his , tha glrl trlps over phn,p ,n hlg exclte.
mother s death comes P "Up is In do- , mentt 1Ie cufrs tho and caI1 a po.
spal.r. He looks over his mother's letters jjceman. The girl pleads for I'hlllp and
' ho Is allowed to go after learning that
I the man was Lord Vanstone. Philip then
O - rn T 1 T J? determines to commit suicide.
CJiCfft lftrl JL 11TS IjlTft J"8 e Is about to hang.hlmsclf ft.
KJa'&ys A UIO JJUt ! meteor flashed by the window and
1 i TT crashed Into the flagstones In the yard.
fl'Tln I yOlOT 1T1 HAir 'The boy takes this as a sign from heaven
allu JKJxJl 111 J.J.C111 not to kU1 himself. He then goes to the
yard to look at the meteor. Philip picks
a m j ' up several curious ioohiiib una ui 1110
Don't Stay gray! Sage lea alia j meteor and takes them to a diamond
i his arrest. At the police station ho gives
his name as Philip Morlund. Isaacsteln
tells the Judge that the diamonds aro
worth 50,000 (K50.000). Philip refuses to
answer questions and Is remanded for a
week. Lady Morland, dining In a res
taurant, reads about "Philip Morland"
Sulphur darkens hair so nat
urally that nobody can telL
Tou can turn gray, faded hair beau
tifully -dark and lustrous almost over
nltfhfr I Vnnill m KA . hnllU Af I find IS HUZZld.
"WV..V.-. (J., a ... i In the police court he succeeds In con-
. o vlncing the magistrate, air. ADingaon,
edy" at any drug store. Millions at bot- that he came Into possession of the Jew-
els honestly, and In wlnnlnlg the friend-
... M .., ,,, , ship of the magistrate, who sends him.
- -"j - nv..-...wM back to mako an arrangement wltn Isaac-
druggist here. because It darkens the hair atoln. Thn hrnkitr nirroes to dlmosn of
so naturally and evenly that no one can diamonds to tho amount of 10.000 pounds
tell it has been applied.
a year for a term of years, for a com
mission of 10 per cent, and to place at
Those whose hair U turning gray, be- once 6.000 pounds to the boy's credit In
a bank. Fifty pounds Is paid in ciisn.
With this money Philip provides himself
with a beter suit ot clothes, and with
bags to take caro of tho Jewels, and re
turns to Johnson's mews; on the way he
meets with an adventure, which brings
him In contact with a poor woman. At
the old home he gathers up the diamonds
and has Just succeeded In placing tho last
coming faded, dry, scraggly and thin
have a. surprise awaiting them, because
after one or two applications the gray
hair vanishes and your locks become
luxuriantly dark and beautiful all dan
druff goes, scalp Itchinr and falling haJr
Thls Is the age of youth. Qray-halred, COVors that ho Is being watched by a
unattractive folks aren t wanted around, man outside Ho succeeds In getting rid
so get busy with Wyeth'a 8age and Sul- 'of the fellow .only to discover another
u ,il, .,. v.. ... ipalr of eyes perlng at him. This time It
phur tonight and you II be delighted with a policeman. Philip aselsts the pollce
jour dark, handsome hair and your j man In overpowering ' Jockey" Mason, a
youthful appearance within a few days. .desperate criminal, and saves the police.
a a vmi. man s life. Tho man curses Philip and the
Advertisement policeman starts with him to the station
house. While tho policeman in absent
delivering his prisoner, Philip succeeds
In transferring his bags filled with dia
monds to tho Junk store of his good
(ritnd. O'Brien, where all Is safe. He
has barely made his last trip when the
policeman returns to the liodsn with tho
inspector. I'liuin is Questioned cioseiy.
and returns frank answers to all tho In
spector's queries. He shows letters from
n s inuicr 10 ins moiner. pawn iickcis.
and other evidences of the occupancy ot
me nouse. ana tens uie inspector ne nas
found friends since tho death of his
mother. Tho Inspector leaves Phi d sat a-
fled that Jorky Mason has been dreaming
about the diamonds. H promises to look
up the boy in tho morning.
Now Read On
? ? r .?
(Copyright, 1004, by EJdward J. Clode.
Jockey Mason's romance was now dls
slpatcd Into thin air. The contents ot the
portmanteau, the squalid appearance of
the house, tho date of the soldier's letter,
the bundle of pawn tickets, offered con
clusive evidence to tha Inspector's matter
of-fact mind that tho ex-convlct's story
was tho effect of a truncheon rapidly
applied to a brain excited by tho news
paper comments on a sensational yam
about some boy who had found a parcel
of diamonds.
This youngster had not bsn favorod
by any such extraordinary piece of luck
Simple chance had led him to put the
pollco on the track of a much-wanted
scoundrel and he had very bravely pre
vented a member of the force from being
badly worsted In the ensuing encounter
A subscription would be made among
the officers and men of the division and
they would give him a silver watch with
a suitable Inscription.
Tho inspector noted tho address given
by Phjllp. It was on the tip of his tonguo
to nsk his Christian hame, when the con
stublo suggested that' they should cx-'
amino the stable In which Mason had
They went up tho mews. Philip locked
his door, extinguished tho candle and lay
down on thq mattress, fully dressed with
his nawly bought rug for covering.
Ho was so utterly tired, so exhausted
physically and mentally by the storm
and stress of this eventful day that he
was sound asleep when the two men returned.
They saw him through the window.
"IIo's a fine lad," uald the inspector,
thoughtfully. "I wonder what he Is going
to make of himself. Wo might have asked
him who his friends wero, hut they are
not badly off, or he couldn't havo got
that bag and his new clothes. What on
earth caused Mason to connect him with
that diamond story?"
"It's hard to say," observed the con
'I will look round and have a chat with
htm in tho morning. Poor, little chup,
He's sleeping llko a top now."
The Inspector called at No. 3 John
son's MeWs soon after 10 next morning,
but the door was locked and the Jilrd had
flown. Ho poke to Muson. after that
worthjr was remanded for a week, but
a night's painful seclusion had sealed tho
burglar's lips, Ho avowed, with fearful
emphasis, to "get even'- with the kid who
"hated" him, for tho policeman's evl
donee had revealed the truth concerning
tho arrest. But not another word would
Mason ray about tho diamonds, nnd for
a llttlo while tho Inspector placed his
overnight revelations In the category of
myths familiar to the police In their dally
dealings with criminals.
Philip awoke shortly before 7.
He was cold and stiff. The weather was
chilly, nnd there was no ardent meteor
In the back yard to keep the temperature
of the homo at a grateful point during
the night.
Hut hla active young frame quickly dis
sipated the effects ot a deep sleep on n
draughty floor Ho washed his face and
hands at the sink in the scullery and his
nxet tho gii was for breakfast, a proof,
If proof wero. needed, that he arose re
freshed In mind and body.
In the Mile End Road there are plenty
of early morning restaurants. At one ot
them he made a substantial meal, and, on
his return to the Mews, he lost not a
moment In carrying out k systematic
search through all parts of the house
and yard for nny traces of the meteor
which might have escaped his ken In the
Amid the earth and broken stones ot
tho excavation thero were a few frag
ments of ore and some atomic specimens
ot the dlamantlferous material not suf
ficient, all told, to fill the palm of his
hand. Hut he gathered them up for obvl
ous reasons arid then dovoted five vigor
ous minutes with O'Brien's spade to the
task of filing up the deep hole. Itself,
By lowering the flagstones and break
ing the earth beneath he soon gave the
small yard an appearance of chaos which
might certainly putsle people, but which
would afford no possible clue to the na
turo of the disturbing element,
At best they might Imagine that the
dread evidence of come weird crime lay
In the broken' area. If so, they could
dig until they were tired. But, Indeod,
he was now 'guarding against a most
unlikely hypothesis. Tho probability was
that Johnson's Mews .would soon cease
to exist and becorrje almost as fabulous
as the Island of Atlantis.
Moreover, he had a project dimly out
lined in his mind which might becomo
deflnlto If all went well with him that
day. Then the ownership of No. 3 John
son's Mews would cease to trouble him,
for Philip was quite sure the 'who!
power of the law would be Invoked a
prevent him from dealing with' his me
teor If once the exact place where it fell
became publicly known.
O'Brien's shop was scarcely open be
fore Philip was there with his remaining
"Arrah, Phil, me boy, where In the
namo of goodness are ye gntherln' the
boe-utlful leather thrunks from?" askol
the pensioner.
"This Is the last one,'1 laughed the
boy "I am off now to find a cab, and
you won't see me again until Monday."
"Kalx, he's a wonderful lad entirely,"
What, typo of expression does your hat call out upon your faco ant
suggest to tho boholder?
..Tho Pnrlslonno, wisest of wonion in tho luro of clothes, lias learned
that alio may accentuato her typo by the hat sho wears. Hero Is a llttlo
study of hor methods.
,'ln tho plcturo at tha top wo have tho plcturcsquo and nggroBslvo type
of beauty accented by tho flaring white hat that frames tho faco and -brings
out, in daring stylo ngalnst its wldo background overy fcatliro ot tho face
whoso bold beauty challenges the passing staro.
The second siiows demuro simplicity. Tho soft rolling brim of black
fur topped by a Tatn o' Bhahtor crown of whito velvet ncrollod in black is
girlish nnd sweet, and tho uigrotto that trims it straight up tho front adds
a contrasting note of abruptness to tho softness brought out by tho rest
of tho hat.
Tho third hat Is a little black plcturo hat whoso simple adaptation of
masculine sevority to femlnlno curves mnkoa it a fine foil for tho dreamy
typo of boauty. It Is simply an adaptation of tho "Bowler" hat done in
black velvet, girdled In groa grain ribbon and trimmed with a little curling
-plaque of paradlso.
Tho last hat Is for tho coquette who can wear tho daring llttlo trl-
corno with., a dashing air that Is almost military. It- Is of green velvet
facod In soft brown satin. Tho cockado at tho side is a little "paint
brush" fantasia In shaded'greens and brownB caught under a chou of soft
brown velvet. Find your typo and you will know which hat to chooso.
commented tho old inu.ii. "What sort uf
plundher has ho In tho bags, at all, ut
In Idle curiosity ho lifted tho last addi
tion to tho pile. It was normal, even
light in weight. Then he nodded know
ingly. "A lot of ould duds .belongln' to Mrs
Anson, I'll be boun. Ah, well, tho Iord
rest her sow), 'tis sho was tho fine wo
man. I wsh I had some one as cllver
as her to write for me to Unit .thufo of
the 'worruld who thrled"
As there ore no signs In the art ot
literature similar to those which serve
tho needs of muslclals, whereby thoughts
can bo expressed de capo, like a musical
phrase, without risk ot wearying the
reader, It must be understood that Philip
had returned from far-away Kenchurch
street station with a four-whc!er be
fore O'Brien exhausted the first ttrado
of the day against the AVar office.
With a cunning that amounted to
genous, the boy placed the largo light
portmantoau and tho two small heavy
ones on the roof of the vehicle, whrre
the driver did not notice thoa least pecul
iarity In their weight.
The two large, heavy bags ho managed
to lift Into the interior, one dt them need
ing all his resources to carry It from the
shop door to the cab. Were he not fresh
and untlrod, ho could not have done li.
As It was the effort wns a splendid suc
cess. The cabman knew little, and O'Brien
less, of tho tremendous avoirdupois ot
this innocent looking baggage. A long
suffering horse may have had his private
Views, but he did not express them.
I (To He Continued Tomorrow )
Make This and Try Jt
for Coughs
This IIamentadc Remedy hsi
no Hqttal for Prompt
Mix one pint of granulated sugar with
Vi int of warm water, and stir for 2
minutes. Put 2& ounces of Plnex (fifty
cents' worth) in a pint bottle; then add
tho Stiirar byntp. Take a tcaspoonful
every one, two or three 'hours.
This simple remedy takes hold of a
cough more quickly than anything else
you ever used. Usually conquers an
ordinary cough insido of 24 hours.
Splendid, too, for whooping cough,
spasmodic croup and bronchitis, li
stimulates tho appetite and, is slightly
laxative, which helps end a cough.
This makes more and better cough
syrnn than you could buy ready made
for $K60. It keeps perfectly and tastes
Finer, is a most valuable concen
tiated compound of JTorway white pine
extract, and is rich in guaiacol and
other natural pine elements which are
so healing to the membranes. Other
preparations will not work in this plan.
Making cough syrup with Finex and
sugar syrup (or strained honey) has
proven so popular throughout the United
States and Canada that it is oftea
imitated. But tho old, successful mix
ture has never been equaled.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. Your druggist has
Finex or will get it for you. If not,
send to The Fines; Co., t. Ways 14,