Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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By MELLIFIOIA. Thursday, February 19, 1914.
COULD the disgraceful rumpus of tho grand opera stars, managers,
promoters and othors which happened la Denver have taken place
In Omaha?
It Is almost a certainty that it would not In a case ot this
kind here undoubtedly well known society women and prominent business
men, who have, been called upon In emergencies, would have responded
generously as in the past.
Last season a young woman who had been managing a number ot re
cltals of high-salaried artists lost money on tho series of concerts here,
eo several society women mado up a subscription list making up the do
However, this should bo glvon to Dtmvor's credit a benefit perfor
mance 1b to be given thoro, the monoy to be given to the mombors of tho
chorus who are stranded there.
married to Mr. C. W. Slater, the. latter
part, of' this month, Thirty guests were
Bridge lunoheon,
Mrs. I F. Crofoot was hostess today
at a beautifully appointed bridge lunch
con In honor of Mrs. Frank Keogh. Pink
roses were used In decoration and those
present were
Dinner for Mrs. Fraser.
Mr William A. Fraeer, tho new sov
ereign commander ot tho Woodmen of
tho World, will entertain at dinner this
evening- In tlto Oltvo room of the Hotel
Home In honor of Mrs. Fraser, who has
Just arrived here.
Covers will be placed for:
Mr. and Sirs. Yfi A. Kroner.
Mr. and Mrs.JJ. W. Jewell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jolw T.Yatest
Dr. and Mrs. D. ,tK. BradMiaw.
Mr. and Mr. 13. D. Campbell.
Dr. and Mrs. A.'D. Cloyd.
Dr. and Mrs. Ira. W. Porter. .
Mcsdames Mesaames
Emma B. Man- Kelly.
Chester, ' Taylor,
Drlson, Hirers,
LaRocca. Jolixieon,
Miss Dora Atexandcr.
3. B. Fitzgerald,
N, B'. Maxey,
K. B. Lewis,
T. B. I'atterson,
William lluess.
R. T. Wells,
C. D. Mills,
Dr. CI P. Brown,
II. F.' Blmrsll.
A. K. Burnett.
of tho members at ths Prairie Park club
this evening-.
Amateur Musical Club Meets.
The Amateur Musical club met Tues
day afternoon at the home of Miss Alice
nennarn. Tho program was in charge
of All's Eugenic Whltmore and Included
solos by Mrs. A. I. Boot. Mrs. Harry
Nicholson. Miss Margaret McPherson
and Miss Qretchen McConnell; Mrs. Wil
liam Baxter. Mrs. 8. 8. Caldwell and
Mrs. If. P. Whltmore, and a violin solo
by Mrs. T. J. Mahoney. Miss Whltmore
and Miss McConnell were the accompan
ists. The next meeting will bo In two
weeks at the home of Mrs. George Me
Intyre. For the Future.
Mrs. Effle Steen Klttelson will give a
studio tea and recital Friday, February
. at 3 o'clock at her studio, 318 Balnl
Garden Club.
The Garden club will meet next Thurs
day with Mrs. O. T. Eastman.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
miss Anna Butler of Aurora, Neb., ar
rived Tuesday for a two weeks' visit
with her sisters, Misses Nellie and Marie
Mrs. Gilbert Moreau will return to her
home In Denver Friday afternoon, fiho
has been hero for several weeks visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wopd Hartley,
400 Sweetwood avenue. A number of
social affairs have been given for her by
numorous friends.
Frank Keogh,
Arthur Keeltne. '
John W. Madden,
Adolph Store,
Denkia Bark alow,
Bartdn Millard,
Claire Helen
Marie Woodard,
W. D. Hosford,
Harry- Doorley,
W. B. Roberts,
J. M. Harding,
h. F. Crofoot,
Elizabeth Congdon,
Carolyn Congdon,
Ophelia Hoyden.
Visitins: Nurses' Benefit.'
The ladles of the First Presbyterian
church, Seventeenth and Dodge streets,
will give a, luncheon Friday noon for the
benefit of the Visiting Nurs associa
tion. This Is the, tenth annual affair
that these ladles have given for this as
sociation. Thoyluncheon Is In charge of
Mrs. O. L- Bradley, who will be assisted
by Mesdames Nathan Merrlam, Frank
Walters. George Tunnlcllffo. B. F. Mar
shall,, Millard, Glenn Wharton,
Barfon Millard, W. J, Bradbury, Walter
Tonson, Frank Englor, Walter Preston.
Harold Prllchott, Rrfy Wagner, Charles
Black, John U Kennedy, Willnrd Hos
ford. T. I Davis, tJ. 'II. Ioomls. W. J.
MHroy, Mel Uhlwl -Misses MHdred
Merrlam. Mabel Hicks. Clara Howley,
Mabel Bwlngley, I.uhi Hunt, Clara Zeiss
and Hilda Hammer.
Xorae Xttnonics "Meeting.
The household', ecnnosnlcs department
ot the Omaha Woman!" club mot today.
The -program on "Service In tho Home"
was In charge, of Mrs. 3. I Adams.
Domestic apd foreign' service, employ
ment bureau, reference, duty of mis
tress to servant, problems of the howl
that has no sntvapta and division of
work between parent and children wera
dealt with. This wan', followed by a gen
eral dlouslon.on " lavagance M.
Economy to Hlrtf tho'.Hara Work of the
Celebrates lirthday.
A number of friends planned a sur
prise tor Mr, and Mrs. Charles Robln
En in celebration of Mr Insons
uu.. rarAm were played and prises
nn tiv Mrs. E. J. Nlebert. Miss Esther
banlelson. Mrs. B. J. N." a
JoseDh Kapka. inoso pr
Affairs for Miss Hardin?.
Mlrs May Mahoney was hostess at a
luncheon today nt the Loyal hotel In
honor of Mies Carolyn Harding' and her
ituests. A basket of Jonquils formed the
centerpiece for the table and covers were
placed for Misses Carolyn Harding, Mary
Hughes, Sylvia Conunt, Eva Mahoney;
Mesdames Samuel Itoes, Jr.: Ed Ward
Miss Henrietta Rees will entertain at
theater and supper party this evening
for Miss Harding'. Those present will be
Misses Carlyn Harding, Mary Hughes,
Hylvla Conant, Henrietta Rees; Messrs.
Justus Lowe, Harry Koch, D, C. Buell;
Mr. and Mrs. J. - M. Harding, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Rees, jr.
lirtrday Surprise
a surprise) birthday party was given by
friends In honr of James Vojlr on Tues
day evening, at his home. Those pres
ent were:
Marv Form an.
Jennie Petru,
Emma kuas,
Annie flwoboda.
flsrnry fimcac,
Ames Plekac,
Bessie Reynek,
Mllly Reynek,
Henry Pollvka.
Joe Bwoboda,
joe ranex,
Joe Netusll,
Adolf Dworak,
Edward Kranda.
Job Towrek, Joe Vojlr, Jr,;
jonn formm, my James vojir,
Charles Mmo-nek, Frank BwoUodaw
Mr. ms Mrs. j, voflr,
Mrs. A. Zeteny, " , .
Mrs. Charles. Kranda.
O. U. Tipton., -
Ruth Nlehart.
Dorothy Robinson.
Earle Nlehart,
Fred MlltOR. '
Wallace Robinson.
Alice Powcrf,
Mabel DanlflNon.
Esther Daniolson,
a J- Miles.
Georgo Klmlell.
. " T . tf 11nl.ln.nn.
Mr' and Mrs. B. H-Roblnson.
Mr? and Mrs. Charles Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. T.R. Armour.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Nlehart,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Allison.
Entertains D. 0. K. Olrt.
MIm Margaret Lagu entertained Tues.
Aw afternoon and evening for the D, C,
N. club. An Interesting- contest was en
joyed and prises were won by Mrs. An
drew Anderioa and Mrs. D. W. Hensley
- of tho afternoon meeting, and Miss Mna
nohrv and Ml Amy Keams ot the
ovenlng meetlw. A course luncheon was
rvcd. Rose colorsd hearts and, cut
flowers were used for decorations. Thos-
present at the afternoon meeting; were,
Mesdames Mesdames
Harlow K. Meyers. W. D. Henslry,
John J. McMahon, Fred Nestlebuah.
Andrew Anderson, McICnlght,
Henry Veldman, H. M. Cos.
I nose prcsem in in" Tivomiia
Amy Keams,
Gertrude Tracy,
Effle tanning,
Mlna Goehry.
Edythe F, Maloney,
Margaret Lage,
Mary Ige,
Gertrude Gruenlc
Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles E. Bancroft gave
a surprise party Wednesday evening In
honor of Mrs, Ella Sadie, who will be
im m twf Tiwi i tin mi ym ( h
Mir U Joyful utU
isxuoa v & tat
tbucfj 1b mv fsMi
Inca wtua I fouad
an ,4r nottioti to
if h4 urowth
Lawrence Smith Falls Three Stories
in Trying to Avoid Arrest.
Yonth Wna Reins; Sought tr Prolm
llon Ufflcrr IlrrtiHtcIn When
He Mnkrw Ilesiierntc
fort to Kucnpo.
Mary Zaloudek,
Annie Tourek,
Agnes Vavpula,
Stnrv Vulf
Barbry Forman.
Francis Forman,
Ixiulse Forman,
Abbla Dworak,
Frank Drdla,
Rudolph Vak,
Paul Kozmeljat,
?an Club Btuaeiss; Party
Tho PanAlub will give their next danc
ing party at the Metropolitan hall Friday
evening, February 20. The club has made
arrangements to entertain a number ot
their friends by making this party "guest
night." Among those who will be pres
ent are: .
Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Donahue,
Otis Smith,
Earl Alien.
F. R. Jones,
Raymond I Brown,
flam Houser.
n. A. Van OTsdale,
J. Waugh,
Mrs. Adams, Badly
Burned Sunday at
Florence, is Dead
Mrs. Margaret Adams, wife of Dr. Ar
thur D. Adams, Florence, died yesterday
morning from the ofrcct of burns re
ceived last fiunday.'i when her clothing
caught flro from a stove after bIio had
been cleaning garments In gaeollne. Thrco
llttlo children and Dr. Adams survive
Funeral services will be hold at 1 o'clock
Sunday from the resldenco and burial
will be In Forest Lawn cemetery.
Mason school, Twenty-fourth nnd Ma
son Streets, will give a George Washing
ton program Friday evening, Fobruary
20, at S o'clock, with the following pro
gram; -
Bong, "Columbia, tho
Ocean." eighth grade.
Address, c. T. Walker,
the Board of Educutlnn.
S?5' , M,nuL1' ' Cyro fillngerland.
J acr drill, seventh grade boys.
Violin solo, Gilbert Olsen; accompanist,
Leonard McCnun.
Petw,."The W
The minuet, eighth grade.
Bong, "American Hymn," seventn grade.
Will Spes, stoppins nt the New Home
lodging house. 1321 Douglas street, ap
peared at pollco headquarters Wednes
day night with a well developed case of
smallpox. Fwllce Surgeons Fochtman
nnd Harris wero dispatched to tho lodging-
Jjouso where the vaccinated forty
eight Inmates and assisted In the fumi
gation of tho place. Dr. R. W. Connelf
ordered tho placo fumigated again Thurs
day morning-.
Gem ot tho
president of
In an effort to resist his arrest by
Probation Officer Bernstein. Lawrence
Smith, 16 years old, Jumped through a
heavy glass window from tho rear of 2201
Douglas street, sustaining In a tall ot
about threo stories only a broken wrist
and some minor scalp wounds. Young
Smith haa been under tho surveillance
of the Juvenlltf court for the last year,
but about a week ago broke out afresh
In misdemeanors and would have been
arrested then only for tho clemency of
Officer Bernstein who thought there
might be a chance for tho youngster to
actually reform.
Lawrence continued for the worse,
however, and when ho was sought at his
homo he made a run for I ho window and
nftcr breaking It In his flight he fell to
a porch below nnd from there mado a
second Jump to a pit In tho back ot the
building. The officer storted down
stairs when the mother becamo hys
terica and attempted to follow the course
taken by her son, but was stopped by
Bernstein. She then followed tho officer
downstairs and at tho foot of them
fain.t iieml iwsv. More trouble for the
,.iiAf ?fi.r. who had to carry the
woman back upstalrn. Tho youngster In
tho meantime had hidden himself behind
some lumber nnd outside Help naa io ue
.curort hofnrn be could be gotten out.
Lawronee was then taken to St. Jos-
i,nm)ltol where his injuries wcro
ascertained. He thanked Officer Bern
stein for navlnc his mother nnd in the
course of his compliments said ' ou re
on the square. Mr. Bernstein, 'causo you
saved mamma."
Margaret Hobbs of Chadron, Neb., who !
lato Wednesday afternoon attempted to
tnko her Wo In tho city Jail by swallow
lint chloroform, pleaded guilty to a charge-
of vagrancy In police court nnd wan
sentenced to thirty days. Tho woman was
despondent over domestic diincuiues.
Omaha Men Attend
Meeting at Bluffs
for a Free Bridge
Eight OiiMilia men, representees ot tho
Commercial club, tho Bcal Estate ex
change and various organizations In the
city, attended tho Joint conference with
tho Council 13 luffs men Wednesday night
at Council Bluffs In behalf or tho free
bridge proposition. Tho Omaha men
wero Robert Manic)', commissioner of
tho Cpmmcrcla! club; J. J. Ryder, street
commissioner; George T. Morton, b. C
Patterson and Harr A. Wolf of the
Real Estate exchange; P. A. Wells of
tne Auto club, Charles Hardlns nnd J.
M. Harding.
A committee is to bo appointed from
the Council Bluffs Commercial club to
confer with a committee to bo appointed
from tho Omaha Commercial club on the
feasibility of providing- a freo bridge
over tho river between tho two cities.
Tho Joint committee Is to Investigate tho
cost of such a bridge, tho amount of
bonds It would be necessary to vote, etc.
Also the committee Is to Inquire Into the.
matter with regard to tho host location
for such a bridge.'
Afir .irlnMne the better port of a cast
ot beer, which they found In tho home ot
henry. Pollack, 2728 cuming sirceu weu.
nesday night, burglars ransacked tht
hduso In tho absencn of the family and
took Jewelry and clothlnff to the value ot
about J.7). Mr, Pollack Is president ot th
Pollack Liquor houfcc on Fifteenth and
Capitol avenue.
How She Discarded
Unsightly Complexion
(Mom Morrow in Town Tattler.)
Knw teflon I nvrlnlmvcl im I beheld my
ugly complexion In tho mirror. "If I only
could tear off this old skin!" And, do
you know. I've learned how to ao inai
very thlng7 Not to actually remove the
entire skin all ot a suuacn; inai woum u;
Inn hernln it method and Dalnful. too. I
Imagine. The worn-out cutlclo comes off
In such tiny particles, nnd so 'RTadually
requlrim? about ton days to complete the
trunxfrmation It doesn't hurt a bit. Day
bv dav the beautiful complexion under
neath comes forth. Marvelous! No mat
ter hair muddv. much, blotchy or aRea
your complexion, you can surely discard
It bv thU slmDle nrocess. Just get an
ounco of ordinary meroollzed wax nt your
druggist'B, apply nightly like cold cream,
washing It oft mornings.
My wrinkles I got rid of by an equally
slmnie -method: By dissolving an ounco
of powdered saxoltte In a half-pint witch
hazel ana oatning- my incc in tho solution,
every lino completely disappeared. First
tho flnnr linen, finally even the depp
crow'B feet vanished entirely. Advertise
Mr. and Mrs.
A. It. Dudley,
J. B. Fradenburg.
L. E. Gllllsple.
it, H. iioDcrts,
VS. A. Rose,
F. a. Roberts.
John Kmlth,
A. J. BisteK,
L. Snyder,
xneooore Tiuoison,
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Ansen.
Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Wahl.
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Rubendall.
ur. ana Mrs. n, mx,
Emella Rlx.
Katherlno Schall.
Mabel Planck,,
Pink Hesley,
Helen Hunter,
Hurry Miller.
J. Barnes,
James T. Allen,
w. II. Cheek.
L. M. Caldwell,
ur. w. A. JOX.
Roy McCulIough,
Pansy Bealey,
Julia Ptaack.
HUga Raamusstn,
Hasel Hempel.
F, A. Banbury,
Joe Tanner.
Pawl Wadsworth,
Blaln Wilcox.
Stewart Gould,
Dr. O, Conner.
Xeffert-Sckaidt Wedding.
Tho wedding of Miss Marie Schmidt.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1L Schmidt,
and Mr. Charles 8. Hoffert was solem
nised Wednesday at It o'clock at St.
Cecelia's pro-cathedral, Rev. D. P.
Harrington officiating. The bride wore
a beautiful costume ot brocade silk, with
a white and gold hat trimmed with
bird of paradise and carried a bouquet
ot bride's roses and lilies ot tho valley.
The bride's only attendant was her aunt.
Miss Maude Paul, while the groom's best
man was Mr. Leonard Savidgs. Only
Immediate members ot the families wero
present at the ceremony, which was fol
lowed by a breakfast at the home ot tho
bride s parents.
After s short southern trip Mr. and
Mrs. Hoffert will make their home In St.
Joseph. Mo,
Entertain! at Evening Party.
iuss nine ienmann entertained at a
Valentino party at her home on Satur
day evening. Those present were:
Kalhryu Krug.
Irene Busch.
Ann Bock,
Claude Kchum.
John HchulU.
John Vols,
:trflooaa II I r
slur to lay tsllurcs
munmuu. iT.f i t
i win u4 (ttw-' "ors"U iiUaoBcon.
louiy fr.. ui iu. J Mrs. Harold Prltchett
a&r Ur nm' Bn Informal luncheon
Huldah Busch.
Litllo Lehmann.
Albert Markey.
Will Krug.-
Harry rTchroeder.
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert W. Johnson:
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voir,
was hostess at
today at her
sriM hs's 'Tvrl f2LM,M "eth vm ot IIan
curtd tb tulr i cock, Mich. Those present were:
it nai
4 k&lr Krawtb u
wUU IB 3UOJ, sit
IIYIfft.1 XlllUft
M ro tan Hfcth VftUL
vaxioc tow inosr oo verulMj Mwdtra, tuu,
as ikuldf, or im tesaornii l4c(rl ndii
twa Iron m tba tH ui milieu mUo t
fovaS. Blnrlr mS four um aad a44rH
UUtlng vhihr Mm ot MU4) s4 1 trot
sump for mir, 4lrsw4 to Mr. KtUiria
MUu, Ba HE, B, f. Ko. ii FiutluM 8U.
froMot. Mew.
FSEE rAiHW urttfktU atUU
f rVW' ssy tt&tr tit OaibtllM
1 Mr. JdMHu tnr connimlUI lulructtsiu
r IJm WnMtiratst ot ttaiKiflttou )Ulr. rut
. pis t eur , Utttr. Ooo4 (or tw
smMm K oeljr. JtiMm Mr. Katbrra
!" r. no. mrcssM at..
Katherlns Bceson,
Mildred BuUtr,
Kathertno Thummell,
M-Jsnl, 0T1C8 W tUMMIr .4rlu trttr
lir S H Hi of 111 dUilurmat t
tvftrfiwn litlr im Mpt lxi mttr at uc.
rawrluilil oitor it alacrr ai mbuIu. lb
Farewell Tarty.
Miss Almena K, Ely gave a farewell
party today at her home In honor of tho
MUaea Burdges, who leivo this week tor
California. Bprlng flowers wero used tn
decoration und those present er:
tMises Misses
Frances Burdges, Ellen Hlgley.
Ruth Burdges. Marion Hlgbee,
Dorothy Burdxes, Almena. Ely.
master tsugene Kly.
P. E. 0. Society Sutertaias.
Chapter B of the V, E O society
will entertain the husbands and friends
Factory Clearance
For Men, Women
and Children
We expect Friday to be the big day In
this great sale or shoes, and for that reason
have rearranged and replenished the stocks,
giving oven greater values than before. Wo
cannot too strongly urge you to attend If In
nuea or gooa rooiwear.
Men's Best $4.00 Dress Shoes $Q19
Dross shoes of patent leather, tan calf or dull calf V
leathers. Very desirable styles, with solid genuine
oak soles, Goodyear welted. All sizes. Those shoes were made
for the host M trade, and are oxcollont values at the price. You
may choose them in this sale at $2.10.
Men's Regular $3.00 Shoes for M 65
Hero is without exception tho choicest lot of men's M" '
shoes wo ever offered in such a sale. Smart bluchor
styles with broad toes. Made ot high grade, serviceable calfskin.
Splendid shoe for every day or dress wear. All sites. S3 quality,
featured in this sale at ? 1.05.
Women's S3 Shoes
Bj Hi
8 ft
A wo nderful
lot of shoes for
women values
positively unpre
cedented In our
history. Hand
some styles In substantial dull
calf or fine patent leather, with
Cuban br military heels and
broad and medium toes. Spe
cial in this sale ut $1.05.
Great Lot of Pumps and Slippers at
All the remaining lots of women's pumps, colonials,
oxfordS'&nd house slippers and fine satin slippers pre
viously worth up to $3.60, in one great lot Friday for. .
Boys' $150 Shoes, $15
These are splendid shoes that
w!U give excellent sarvifa for
school or dress wear. Made of
heavy rallablo leathers, in blacX
or tan high grade "workman
ship. All sixes. Better shoes
cannot be bought in the usual
way for 12.50, In this sale, $1.25.
Girls' Shoes at $1.25
Stylish looking, serviceable
shoes in dull or kldskln leath
ers for school or dress wear. All
solid leather, extension edge
soles. Have broad, sensible toes.
All sixes 6 to 8, 8 ft to 11 and
11 to 2, in wide widths only.
Very special at 1.23,
A Great
Sale of
Men's and
worth to 10c
at 3lAc
A Big Friday for Economical Shoppers
Worth While Savings in All Sections of This Great Store
Combine to Make This a Day of Unusual Interest
Friday Bargains
in Domestics.
Take Your Choice Friday
From about 500 women's, misses' and child
ren's garments of various kinds Long and
short coats, skirts, capes. Wash skirts, etc.
Not right up-to-date styles, but well made
and practical for many purposes. If you wish
a really extraordinary bargain, come to tho
Dasemont Friday and choose from this lot.
Formerly Worth to $5 at
Women's Suits worth $10 $12.50 A OR
A largo variety on sale Friday. Every PtsO
one a correct fall and winter model. Made of fine serges,
mixtures, novelty cloths, etc. Taka your choice of. 300 of
these fine suits Friday at just about tho cost of the ma
terial. Actual $10 and $12.50 suits on sale at $4.98
50c, 75c and $1.00 Waists, Friday
Ono great lot of waists to bo cleared Friday at
savings of half, two-thirds or more. White and col
ored wash waists, perfect In every way, but slightly
mussed from handling. All good, up-to-date style.
Worth 50c, 75c and $1. In tho basement Friday at. .
Muslin Underwear
Corset covers, drawers
nnd brassieres clean,
fresh and In perfect con
dition. A ureot lot for
Friday In the basement..
25c and 35c Values
Child's Rompers
And dresttcs of rock
wash materials, in stripes,
checks and plain colors.
Ages 2 to 6 years. In the
basement nt. mrh
25c and 39c Values
rrlday w offer a splendid lot of
bed ticking-, a quality that sella reg
nlarly for 10c. In the base- Cp
meat at, yard vu
Bleached muslin of very desirable
quality, 30 and 38 inohea J j n
wide. In basement at, yard.. u
Uew zephyr trlng-hams in pretty pat
terns and coloring's for spring',
lengths up to 10 yards. Qn
Basement, yard au
Serpentine Crepes In attractive new
patterns for kimonos and bouse dres
ses, a cases on sale in 1.9 '.A ft
basement at, yard u
rull width bleached sheeting: rem
nants. Worth 25o and 30o a yard if
sold from the bolt, rrlday, I Cn
In basoment at, yard B vw
Remnants of Amoakeag apron check
Bingham. A very desirable quality.
Very speoial In basement, 3'20
Standard dress prints g-ood, lonjf
lentths In rood coloring. Q loft
Friday In basement, yard. ... V
Scotch and chambray gins-hams In
new spring patterns and colorings.
Short lengths, in basement, "J n
at. yard
One big lot all kinds wash goods,
for waists, eto. All desirable fab
rics, on sale In the basement Q n .
at, yardw . . . ZU
Yard wide percales in dark and
light patterns, for house dresses,
waists, etc lao quality, in a,
basement, at, yard
Made of excellent quality percales
and chambraya. Several different styles
from which to select. All very well
made. Actyal- 7Ce - and - f 1 dresses, in
tho basement Friday at . .
Fine Embroidery
Worth to 20c for..
Cambrlo and Swiss embroidered
edges, with deep eyelet designs.' Up
to 10 Inches wide. Soma with ribbon
beading. Worth to SOo, at, "J q
Lace Special
An exceptionally fin lot of linen
cluny lacos.. Actually worth 20c a
yard.. Qri bargain square, . i (In
at. yard u
Dress Trimming and Laces A Friday Sale
An Importer's Samples and Short Lengths at 25c on the Dollar
EACH for fanei' beaded
bands and ornaments.
Bands, edges and medal
lions In cold and silver
effects, black braided
Irotrs and ornaments.
Persian and Bulgarian bands, edges
and medallions. Fancy colored silk
floss allovers, bands and edges,
Venlse and ratine lace aUovern and
bands, shadow allovers, flounclngs
and camisoles, in 1 to lH-yard
lengths, worth 76c to $1. ,
xvwi mr aiiovera,
. bands and edge In gold
ana suver crrects, rancy
dalilons. PerHlan. Ilul-
...Ian n n . 1
ored trimming- hanno. txl rn. onA
naments, to -yard lengths.
Shadow lace flounclngs, allovers and
camisole corset caverlngs. 1H to 2
yard lengths. Venlse allovers and
novelty trimmings and laces. Worth
$1 to J1.60.
Dress Goods Remnants
Worth to $1,50 for fn
1,800 yards of deslr- l M P
able remnant lengths TT 3 3
of all kinds ot seasonable dress
fabrics. Lengths ot 2 to 6 yards.
Qualities regularly worth to 11.50,
on the bargain square Friday, -toe
New Spring Silks Worth to $1.25 at
Beautiful 27-Inch ellk suitings in all the new weaves,
seeded and Jaequard effects. All the smart spring shades
are represented; also black and white checks and pencil
stripes, Well worth $1.26 on bargain square at, yard. .
EACH' for fancy beaded
bands, medallions and
ornaments, black braided
ornaments and frogs.
Beaded chiffon allovers,
silk floss and Venisa
allover, bands, edges and medallions,
fine shadow laces, gold and silver or
namentB and medallions. Lengths
suitable for dress trimmings. Worth
26c to 60c each. A great variety ot
the most desirable styles, moderately
Manufacturer's Samples of Silk
10c, 25c, 39c EACH
A great accumulation of manufacturers' samples, representing
over 300 different styles and patterns, In every conceiveable Idea
in silks. Pieces adapted for trimmings, fancy work, millinery,
etc. Worth up to $2,50. Divided into three lots for Friday's sell
ing. Main Floor.
Dress Goods Remnants
36-lnch wide in medium and
dark colors, for skirta, outing
suits and children's dresses. 3 to
6-yard lengths, basement, at, a
yard, 12c
Imported Suitings
Matched pieces. Can be used for
many purposes. Worth up to tl.26 a
yard, but come in lengths used oa
house samples Basement, at, each,
loo, 10c and 19c
Regular 15c Hand Towels at
Klne cotton huck towels, size 20x40 inches
all white with dainty floral border. Sells
regularly for 16c. Limit 1 dozen to customer.
Special Friday, main floor, at
Clearance of Odd Lots of Napkins
Canton Crepes il E.Q
$2.25 Quality at.... tyl'dD
40 inches wide. The height of fash
ion from coast to coast.
3 shades of blue.
2 shades of brown.
2 shades of green.
" shades of gray.
2 shades of mahogany,
3 shades nf wistaria and plum.
3 shades ot old rose.
Also black.
Odd half dozen lots of napkins. All pure
iincn, oieacnea. Aiany oeauuiui, new patterns,
ueKuisriy mr a aozen. special,
dozen, main floor, for
a 98c
Dress Poplins at 98c
40-lnch silk and wool dreea pop
lins in every fashionable shade,
including black and the pastel
tints. Very lustrous, clinging fab
ric, specially adapted for after
noon wear and suits, yard, 08c.
Dress Goods Remnants
3G inches wide. Plain and fancy
weaves. Serges, pebble suitings,
whipcords, etc. All go at ono
price for quick selling, yard, 25c.
Remnants of Challies
All wool, in beautiful range of
patterns and colors. ZVs to S-yard
perfect lengths, at much under price,
per yard, 33c
Remnants of Linen Crash
Fine quality all pure linen crash in rem
nants of 5 and 10 yards. 17 Inches wide.
Bleached or unbleached. Sells oft the bolt for
12 lie a yard. Special Friday, at, yard
Odd Pattern Cloths, $2.50 Values
Fine Irish and German linen, in bleached
and silver bleached, alien 2x2 and 2x2 H yards. v
They sell regularly up to S2.50, choice Friday
main floor, at.,
Bed Spreads
Good quality cro
chet bod spronds,
sizo 78x86 inches.
Regular values $1.19,
basement, 69c.
Table Damask
Remnants of good
quality damask, in 1
to 5 yard lengths.
Special, in basement
Friday, nt, yd., 19c.
Diaper Cloth
24 and 27 inches
wide. Heavy, sanitary
quality, sells for $1.10
a bolt. In basement,
10 yards for 79c.
Dresser Scarfs
Laco scarfs, 17x52
inches. A 25c value,
in the basement Fri
day, your choice, at,
each, 9c,
Friday Bargains in Wall Paper
Ceiling Papers Bed KoonvPapers
10 patterns, with border
to' match. Worth up f An
to tc. Friday, roll.. 120
Big Lot at 5c
A fire line with 9 and
18-lnch borders. All spring
colors. worm to Ci
12c roll 0
fi.000 rnllM In atrlilA rinml
and chintz ertect. i I.
Worth to 25c. roil . . I 1 w
Gold Papers
New papers in cold ef
fects, targe selection, worth
Zi': I2'2Q
Art Needlework Specials
Night Gowns Child's Dresses
Finn nainsook, stsmptd III
new designs. Full size gar
ments; SOo values QC.
special at OOU
Pillow Oases
Stamped on extra quality
tubing. Hlze 42x36 inches.
60c quality, special, sr.
pair UU
Stamped on white, pink
or blue materials, blzes
to t years. i p.
2Sc values at, I 00
Library Scarfs
And pillow slips, stamped
in floral ana conventional
designs, with knot- 9Cm
ted fringe. Choice,, WWW