Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bringing Up Father
IMtMSMR.A.MAROiJDiEAo I DARE Zl 1 ' C f "N I " . . "l '
I VflVNTHttiTroTEACWmtj ! CAN SHOW. n.L Oo THE f gX-f -- NOW- jO THAT'S THE NOW" WHAT I f .. "
1 TAWC6: J
Measure Authorizes President to
Build $35,000,000 Road.
Monrt Prnvlton neported by TerH
lorlea Committed Kllmlnnted
from the l'roponeil
WASHINGTON, Fe6.-J9.-The ndmlnts
tratlon Alaskan railroad bill, authorizing
the president to construct a M,0CO,
railroad from Alaska's coat to Ha ere at
coal fields was passed by thehouso tato
yesterday by .a vote or 239 to S7.
A simitar measure already has passed
the senate and' the bills will be taken up
at once In conference between the two
houses, with a view to sending It' to th'o
president, who has signified his Intention
of signing It
At the eleventh hour, after a sharp par
liamentary skirmish, the hoise eliminated
from the bill, as reported by the terrK
tories committee, a provision authorising
a bond IssUo of 113,000,000 to finance tlio
lallrood and to bo paid off by the pro
ceeds of government land sales In Alaska,
Tho senate bill provided for a IO.WO,000
bond issue. Representative Fitzgerald of
New York led a fight which resulted In
striking out the bond provision.
Under the amended measure tho projeot
would bo financed out of tho current
funds la the treasury the president being
limited to ,oeo,000 and being
appropriated for immediate expenses.
Congrcra would appropriate each year
the amount estimated to be necefsary for
the construction of 'tho road.
Tho bill provides for the construction
of a road "hot to exceed 1,(00 irilles, to
be so located .as to connect one or moro
of tho open I'acltlo ocean )mrbora"on the
southern coast of Alaska with the navi
gable waters In the Interior of Alaska and
with a coal field or fields yielding coal
sufficient in quality and quantity far
naval use so as to best aid in the de
velopment of tho agricultural and mineral
or other resources of Alaska,"
Touchard Wins Place
in Semi-Final Round
of Singles in Tennis
NEW YOJUC, Feb. JS.-Gustave F.
Touchard, the playlnc-through title
holder, won his place In tho semi-final
round of the singles today in the na
tlcnal lndoqr .championship lawn tennis
tournament. In tho fifth round Touch
nnl, reeling oft cross court shots at a
pace that held a. Carlton Shafcr, his
opponent, In check, won at 6-1, 7-S, with
comparative ease. Touchard by his vie.
tory was paired with Benjamin M. 1'hll
lips for the final. At every stage of the
match Toucliartl waa the master of the
former Princeton-Columbia star.
W, C Orant and G. C. Shafcr, the
doubles champions, as well as U. U.
Gioeabeck and John C McKay, won
their places in tho semi-final round of
tho doubles. Grant and Shafcr pad: in.
tie to do to beat L. V. Iloblnson and
Gustavo O. Grenx at C-l, 6-:; while
GroeubbclC and McKay disposed of II. F,
auaKcnhelnnand II. A.' Williams. 7-i, 7-J
Tho doubles match, which attracted the
greatest interest, was In the third round,
Toucltard and William It. Crash'. Jr.,
defeating Karl II. Belir, and Vernon 8.
Prentice, famous Yale-Harvard veter-
an.laV4-f,-3, W. Uohf driving and
w.eshlng were spectacular. He lacked
itendlness, however and; the pair failed
to win. ..
St. Paul:Team is
Early Shift Leader
MINNEAPOIXH . 1'ob. S3. (Soeeial
Ttlegram.) The Flor Do Knlipel team of
BL Paul, champions of the 1911 tourna
ment of the American Bowling congress
swi-pt the pins for first place core at
the International Bowling association in
the early shift tonight. Jts score of 2,910,
pin will probably stand the assault of
the last day of the tournament. Vlctu
Webber, rolling In the same shift of the
Individuals, rcorcd a total of Gil pins In
tuv magnificent games that put him
well in the lead of tho Individuals. Tl)
Roubles leadens wcra unaffected In a day
that brought tho best rolling of the tour--lament
to date; The tournament wilt
close with the 10 o'clock shift tomorrow
Following are the leadersi
Flor De Knlspel, St. Paul 2J10
Wild Hose, Marshulltpwn, la ..1.115
Dorrls, St. Paul ..tKli
West. Hotel, Minneapolis
Blatz. Chicago ,. WIS
C R, Gibson fnd George Rob! In,
Winnipeg , -, 1.2CS
it. a. Ilfciutedk and R. Peterson, .
Mlnneapoli 136
J Sweeney and C. Ashley, (oux City 1,227
M. Nuth and J. J. Lantech, St. Paul 1,213
H. A. Myers and II. Jlartsook, Slpux
Falls, 0. D 1.213
IC W Wccbtr. Lvmart. la 671
J Marino. , Chicago .. CO
1'aul Cbadd, South Omaha Mi
li. J. O'Dcnnell. Hloux. City 643
Emit Jmkoof, Dubuque, la C36
'rersUtent advertising Is the uro road
to business success.
m m
Tennis Expert Stabs
Himself in Heart
With His Scarfpin
SAN FKANCIBCO, Cal., Feb. 19.-Bhat-tered
In health owing to worry, Carlton
Gardner, at one time a noted tennis
player, attempted to commit suicide yes
terday by stabbing himself with a scarf
pin while on a visit to members of his
family In Falo Alto. Gardner had been
detained by the police because of his er
ratic actions on tho street. Ho was
takon to the Peninsular hospital, where
It wan found that tho pin had penetrated
the lower portion of the heart. When
restored to consciousness the young man
pleaded for a pistol. He was later re
moved to a sanitarium in San Jose, where
he -will bo kept until he recovers. Ills
condition is considered serious.
According to his physician, Br. Saxon
Pope, Gardner lias been a mental wreck
for some tlmo past, duo largely to worry
Incident to his failure to succeed In win
ning his way as an artist.
Gardner has played in many tennis
tournaments, Including those of Newport,
It. I., and Pclmontc, In this state. He
has won several Paclflo coast champion
ships. In tho season of 1912 he was
ranked among the ten best players in
tho United States.
IIORTON. Feb. W.-John J. Evcrs, for
mer manager of tho Chicago National
leaguo club, who was acquired a fow days
ago by the Boston Nationals, came hero
tonight from his home n Troy, N, Y.
Ever was Informed ymt he would play
second bass and that Sweeney, who was
second, baseman. lost scfispn, would bo In
competition with Deal, a rccrulti for thd
third base position. This was tho state
ment of Manager Stalling, who also said
that Sweeney would act as captain.
Hasp Ball Fair nt Grand Ialnnd.
GAND ISIAND. Feb. M.-Snecial.)-
Beglnnlng Monday and continuing for
one week, the base ball managers will
hold a fair nt tho Elks' hall for tho
benefit of tho base ball team of 1914.
Good entertainment programs have been
arranged for every night.
With the Bowlers
Sunderland I.eaicur,
lit .l . 1.1 Tntil.
Failck , m 120 iu 403
Sheets IK J68 163 4!6
waitcnmirg- 118 1M 161 ' 5U
Durrun i "oi in in i-j.
Given 1G0 1S 86 SiO
Totals 766 CIO 707 2,103
1st 2d. 3d. Total
l'ehrs in mi hi Mi
I'ungate ..............153 us m aw
I'llChS. ,..(..118 117 167 til
JMgerly ., m 132 118
tMsctiy us lot id &x
Totals ...713
ffiO 64J' 1.97S
"... 1st. 2d
3d. Total.
Williams 65 101 126 ill
ColVIn 133 115 1S SS.1
Bennett 144 122 112 XJ
It. E. Sunderland. ...119 i3 iw 47X
Straw 9J ou loo M
Totals .......nsa
003 CJ7 1.SS0
1st. 2d,
3d. Total.
Lagerstrom ISO m 103 .vS
J'eoK Hi is its , ti)
Anderson 03 w 100 JSJ
nock 139 195 ISO At)
Straw so ioi m 3W
Totals Oi
651 tSS l.So3
1st. 2d.
Eantman 120 ' 14U
Strother 1st 137
Parker 170 143
Modcnga ,. 72 ill
Hurt H7
Totals 618 633
1st. .2d.
Ogden 127 VS
Mullts 116 134
Waptnpaugh 144 133
Altchison Ill m
Shaw 72 90
3d. Total
COS l.Stf
3d. Total.
Totals 070 195 617 1,7$J
Commercial Leatiue,
1st. V.I n..i
ri...... v.; .-.' t.'-
Straw ics ira
If. Hawlev ttit i
Leo , 160 3,V,
K. Norgard ,, 170 157
77 2.513
Knlek imj
dimming -13
aillbam 1M
Huntington 177
Craven 137
ISt. Id. 3d. Tolnl
1st. 2a. Sd, Total.
$51 SB
M 3,772
, . Ut 2d.
3d. Totsl.
1 .n organ 1,8
Teal ..1st
Wiley 13
J'lU M
Cross j
Tptal? .. M ST? t33 TM0
TliJli J31iilj: OALAHA, FltlDAY, FISBllUAitX lai.
Copyright, U14. International
News Berries,
Famous Training
Pavilion for Pugs
to Be Torn Down
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 19.-The old
pavilion in Croll's Gardens. Alameda,
Cal., across tho bay from here, probably
the world's best known training placo for
famous pugilists, Is being pulled down
to mnko way for modern business struc
tures. Champions trained at Croll's Gardens
as far back as 1889. Tommy Warren ahd
Mlko Conley, tho Ithaca giant, were
among the first to condition themselves
Bob Fluslmmons, Jack'Dempscy, Jack
Boot and tho trio of star negro boxers,
Joe Gans, Joe Walcott and George Dixon,
also worked out for Important contests
at tho old pavilion.
Then came James J. Corbett to pre
pare for tho battlo here with James J.
Jeffries that drew tho biggest crowd that
ever witnessed a prlzo fight In San Fran
cisco. Peter Jackson also trained there
for his losing fight with Jeffries.
Others known to Croll's wore the east
erners. Kid Carter, Terry McQovern and
Oscar Gardner; tho Australian boxors,
George Dawson and Dan Crcedon, and
tho Callforntans, Jlmmle Brltt and Eddie
Highlanders Lease
a Hotel in Houston
NEW YORK, Feb. I9.-Tue Now.Yorlc
American league club announced tonight
that It had closed a lease of a hotel at
Houston, Tex., for the use of the play
crs who will report In that city on
March 1. for spring training, A number
of the men will leave here February 26,
to bo Joined by others In Cincinnati the
following day in order to arrive at the
camp on schedule time. Tho players now
In Hot Springs will leave there for
Texas, February 27, in tho care of Coach
Tom Daly.
Manager Chanco will have thirty-five
regulars and recruits In line when tho
training season begins.
Mrs, Rohert Louis
Stevenson is Dead
SANTA BARBARA, .Cal., Feb. 19.-Mrs.
Robort Louis Stevenson, widow of tho
famous novelist and writer, died of apo
plexy at her homo In Montoclto yester
day. Mrs. Stevenson was stricken late yes
terday and did not regain consciousness.
Lloyd Osbournc, her son, has started
from New York for Santa Barbara, and
Mrs. Isabel Strong, her daughter, has
been notified at Honolulu.
NEW YORK, Feb. 19.-Mrs. Robert
Louis Stevenson was born Fanny Van Do
Grift. In tho United States. Her first
husband was Samuel A. Osbourne, from
whom she obtained a dlvorco In 1ST9.
Very little Is know of the early years of
her lite. It was In 1S76 that she met
Stevenson whllo she was sojourning with
her son and daughter in France. Her
domestic Ufa was not happy, even at this
date, and she nnd Stevenson seem to
have been .drawn together from tho start.
In 1S78 she was obliged to return to her
home in California, nnd In August of the
following year, alarmed t news of her
health, Stevenson hurriedly crossed the
Atlantte. traveling as a steorago passen
ger, partly because of lack of means,
partly for tho experience.
At San FruncUco ho was stricken with
a desperate illness, from the effects of
which ho never fully recovered. Tho
woman who was to bo his wife nursed
him through the worst of his Illness, and
In May they wcro marrjed and went to
live In a deserted mining town In the
coast range of the S(erras.
Subsequently they went to Scotland,
where Stevenson Joined his family. After
her husband's death In Samoa In 1S94,
kMre. Stevenson withdrew herself from
the world to a considerable extent. Until
recently she mado her homo In San Fran-
NlecUer to Meet Turner.
FnGKR. Neb.. Fob. 19.-(SpcclaM
Joe Stccker of Dodse. Neb., und O. V.
Turner of Aberdeen, S. D., will meet In
a (inisli wrestling match at Pllser. Neb..
on Monday evening, February 23. These
two men wrestled at Pllger a year ago
for an hour and fifty-eight minutes to
a a raw.
Thief Taken nt York.
YORK. Neb., Feb. 19.-8pcclal.)-Chlct
of Police Brewer arrested a man named
Mason Monduy afternoon who had stolen
a pair of new shoes and some leather
lines. Ho Is serving time In Jull for re
sisting an officer.
jlcU. Hca.lacnc.
Siek headache Is nearly always caused
uy disorder pr the stomach. Correct
them and the periodlo attacks of sick
headache will disappear, Mrs. John
Bishop of Rosevllle, Ohio, writes: "About
a year ago I was troubled with indiges
tion end naa sick headache that lasted
for two or three days at a time. I doo
torod and tried a number of remedies,
but nothing helped roe until, during on
Of those sick spells, a friend advised me
to take Chamberlain's Tablets. This med.
(cine relieved ma In a short time.' For
tale by all dealers. Advertisement.
Scotchman Looked Up for Calling
Rebel Chief Names.
GenernI and Major Escape from
Fort Jllliin Castillo Ilronsht to
llncblta, X. 31., by United
State Troops.
JUAREZ, Mexico, Fob. 19.-Thomas T.
Edwards, United States consul hero, this
afternoon succeeded In seeing Gustav
Bauch, the American whom tho rebels
are trying on a chargo of being a spy.
Whereabouts of William S. Benton, tho
British subject, who was arrested last
night, could not bo learned. General
Villa said he was not locked up, but
mcanwhllo his .friends made a fruitless
search for him 'and his wife In El Paso
was suffering tho greatest anxiety.
Bauch, according to his sister, Mrs.
J. M. Patterson,- was born In New!
Iberia, La., and was a mere baby when
hia father, William Bauch, left that
city twenty-five years ago and came to
Eagle Pass, Tex.
Scnor Ramon, chief of tho rebel se
crct service, conducted the American
coi:sul and two reporters into the dllapl
dated prison whero a company of sol
dicrs Is quartered.
Prisoner Appears.
Tho visitors wcro led into a dark
anglo of the building, where they were
cautioned that tho prisoner was Incom
municado. Then from somcwhero out of
the deeper darkness beyond, like a rat
frcm Its hole, tho prisoner appeared.
His round, fringed by a ring of
beard, waa a perfect picture of frlgh
until he saw that his visitors included
Americans. Till then ho had no way of
knowing that he was not being brought
out to be executed.
A rebel officer spoko sharply to htm
in Spanish, warning him to say nothing.
Tho young man blinked at tho fcoble
ray of light which penetrated from a
dusty pane, and a choking sound came
from Ills throat Then he replied to the
officer that ho understood.
Senor Itomon, explained that Bauch's
cose was still being heard and. that It
is the rule to hold prisoners incommuni
cado until decision la rendored.
Nowhere In Juarez could reporters find
an official to explain adequately tho
charges against the prisoner, but Senor
Ramon said that there was much docu
mentary evidence whldh Beemed to In
criminate him as a spy.
Hollered Him Mexican.
He has worked on Mexican railroads
most of his Ufa and his cautors holloved
him to bo a. Mexican, dcsplto his fair
akin and brown hair, until representations
to tho contrary were made, Mrs. Pat
terson has telegraphed to Now Iberia
for proofs of his birth. Benton's case
Is not without an clement of humor. Ho
Is a Scotchman and known to bo very
outspoken. Last night ho went to General
Villa to protest against tho action of
rebels who tore down a fenco of his
big ranch near Chihuahua and pastured
their horcses on his property.
Ho Insisted that General Villa remove
tho horses and repair the fence. General
Villa's answer was not satisfactory to
Benton, who, indlfferont to the hostllo
surroundings and his unprotected state,
unburdened his mind of a variety 'of
grievances collected against rebels of the
various revolts of tho last three years,
He called Goneral Villa a number of
names, of which "bandit" was one of
the mildest.
General Villa Is sensitive of his record
as an outlaw, which he was for many
years, nnd rose as It to strlko his ac
cuser. Tho latter also waa ready with
his. fists, but bystanders interfered and
Benton was marched off to Jail.
Federal General Eaeape.
FORT BLISS, Tex., Feb. 19,-Gcncral
Felix Tcrraxas and a Major aonzalcz
escaped from the prison camp here last
night and 110 trace of them has been
Their absence was noted at roll call
this morning. General Scott notified
General Villa by telephone In order to
obtain his co-operation in apprehending
the fugitives. The two generals are well
acquainted over tho telephone, but have
never met.
General Terrazas Is tho first general
of the nine Interned hero to get away.
Cimtlllo nt llachlta.
nACHITA, N. M., Feb. 19 Maximo
Castillo, the bandit, was brought here
this afternoon by United States troops.
With him wero his brother, his trum
peter and tho la tier's wife, and two In
dlan women. None waa mounted.
The bandit apparently was not averse
to placing himself under the protection
of the United States. His band which
for months has Iiarraased settlers, held
prironers tor ransom, burned, sacked and
stolen, In a career which culminated In
the Cumbre tunnel disaster, iJ scattered
and belloved to be broken.
Since the Cumbre disaster he has
known no rest end seemed on the verga
of nervous breakdown when brought
here, Ocneral Villa's rebels have been
hot on his trail and along the American
border hard-rldlng American troopers
kept sleepless watch. Finally he chose
cepturo by the latter as his fate.
On hts person Lieutenant Ilothweil
found the check for 11.000 given lilm by
W A. Roxby as a ransom. Roxby, an
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
American, who Is manager of a Mexican
ranch, was held up by Castillo a week
or more ago. Ho is now In El Paso,
whero tho bank has been Instructed not
to honor tho check.
Tho troopers nnd their prisoners
camped last night at Las Clcnege, fif
teen miles south of here. Tho trip waa
over tho roughest roads and required 'five
Castillo was not talkative Ho looked
at his inquisitors out of nioodshot eyes,
but vohemently asserted his innocence of
complicity in tho Cumbro tunnel tragedy.
He said he was a socialist and was con
ducting a separato revolution in order to
attain that form of government for Mex
ico. Will lie Interned.
EL PASO, Tex., Feb. 19. Maximo Cas
tillo will bo Interned at tho Mexican
prison camp at Fort Bll3s tomorrow, ac
cording to Information received today
by General Hugh Scott. .
Ho will bo placed In a cell near that
of Oeneral Jose Ynez Salazar in the post
guard house.
Aliened Anln Held.
MEXICO CITY, Fob. 19.-Davld Guz
man, a Btranger In the capital, was held
at pollco headquarters tonight while po
lice Investigated a theory that ho was
attempting to assassinate President
Hucrta. Guzman was arrested at tho
national palace after having been re
fused an ahdlcnco with tho president
and General Blanquet, minister of war.
It was eald that when Guzman was
searched a dagger was found and that
In his pockets was a letter from rebel
sympathizers In GuaumaJara und a list
nf members of the cabinet and other
prominent residents In tho capital.
Guzman, who Is a young man and
well dressed, dented tonight that ho In
tended to assasslnato President Huerta.
German Officials
Criticize Admiral
Dewey's Writings
BERLIN, Feb. 19. A sharp attack on
Admiral Dewey in regard to statements
made In his autobiography concerning the
German fleet at Manila during the Spanish-American
war in 1S9S was made in
Parliament today by Matthias Erzberger,
ono of the leaders of the clerical party.
Ho said tho statements of Admiral Dewey
had excited the greatest amazement in
Admiral Von Tlrpltz, German minister
of marine, in reply, said he understood
Admiral Dowey would issue shortly an
explanation showing that the conduct of
Admiral Von Dlederlchs, the German
commander, and hts subordinates, had
been absolutely correct.
Tho German newspapers recently have
severely criticised Admiral Dewey's book,
demanding that tho German government
issue an authorltattvo statement regard
ing tho "Manila legend."
Admiral Dowey In relating tho Incident
in Manila bay says it aros thvougn Ad
miral Von Dledrlch's dts7.-.cnnatlon o ob
servo tho rules of the blockado estab
lished by the Americans, one of which
Insisted that neutral' warships entering
tho bay should report to the Americans.
Tho German ship Oormornn disobeyed the
rule, but a shot fired across its bow had
the desired effect. Explanations followed
tho next day and there was nq further
Interference with the blockade.
CRAIG, Neb.. Feb. j9.-(6peclal.)-
Axel T, Eriksen and Miss Mary Mac
Frlis were married last night at tho home
of tho bride's parents. Only the Imme
dlate relatives and Intimate friends of
the bride and groom were present, and
tho ceremony was performed by Rov. J.
W, Henderson, pastor of the Methodist
church. Miss Esther Farley and Theo
dore Erlcksen were tho attendants. An
elaborate three-course supper was served
anl music was furnished throughout tho
ovenlng by an orchestra. The groom Is
a popular and successful young farmer
and the bride is tho daughter of a
preeminent merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Erik
sen left for Omaha and other polnta in
the state for a brief visit with friends
and relatives, after which they will toko
up their rcsldenco on their farm Juit
west of hero.
M'COOK, Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.)
Alonzo M. Snyder of Holbrook, Neb., and
Miss Nottle M. Light of Laird. Colo., were
married in tho Methodist parsonage in this
city, this afternoon, by Rev. Neal John
son, pastor. They will live on a farm
near Laird.
Confidence in
the efficacy of this thoroughly tried
home remedy is never misplaced. In
every woyln hetUU,, strength, spir
its and in looks-women find thim
elves better after timely use 0f
3U tM, U Waa, lBc age, "
Original Gowns Worn
by Women of White
House on Display
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.-Many of the
original gowns worn by the first (ladles
of tho land on state and other occasions
and draped on plaster figures, will bo
placed on exhibition at the National
museum beginning next Monday. Tho re
markable collection will show how the
wives of the presidents from Martha
Washington to Mrs. Tan wero garbed In
the style of their day.
Ten gowns have thus far been procured,
but tho collection will bo added to until
every period ot the nation's feminine
fashions is represented. The first ten
figures to be placed 'on view are Mrs.
Washington, Mrs. James Madison, Mrs.
John Tyler, Mrs. James K. Polk, Mrs.
Harriet Lan Johnston, sister ot President
Buchanan; Mrs. Ulyscs S. Grant, Mrs.
Rutherford B. Hayes, Mrs. Benjamin
Harrison, Mrs. William H. Taft and Mrs.
Samuel L. Gouverneur, daughter of Presi
dent Monroe.
tablo nt Mount Vernon, in one ot the
picturesque costumes of her day; while
Mrs. Taft's cast will be garbed in the
fac-stmlle of tho gown she wore at the
Inauguration of her husband.
The display will -be in charge of Mrs.
Julian James and Mrs. R. R. Hoes, the'
great-great-grand-daughtcr of President
Monroe. These women conceived the Idea
of the exhibit and It was through their
efforts that mai.y of the original cos
tumes, not previously in tho possession of
the museum, were obtained from rela
tives of former presidents. '
Boards of Trade Are
Said to Be Cause, of
High Prices of Grain
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1?.-Charges that
Chicago and Duluth Boards ot Trade and
tho Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce
compose a combination In restraint of
trade In grain dealings and are respon
sible for high prices were filed in the
house today by Representative Manahan,
republican ot Minnesota, " with a resolu
tion for congressional investigation.
Manahan charged in his resolution
that it was generally believed that the
business of the Chicago Board of Trado
and Its operations were controlled by
memberships owned by a few large op
erators, particularly Armour, Pcavey, J.
Rosenblum, J. C. Shaffer & Co., and
Bartlett, Frazer & Carrlngton, and that
acting In concert with leading members
of the Minneapolis board they control
most ot thb terminal elevator facilities
and unlawfully control the price of wheat
to the farmer and tho country.
Tho preamble ot the resolution was a
voluminous Indictment of the three board
beginning with the statement that to their
activlttei might be charged the present
high cost ot living.
"The price of wheat to tho farmers, as
well as the cost ot flour to the consumer,"
said the resolution, "Is largely controlled,
by the board's acting in combination."
It charges that tho Chicago board con
trolls tho selling price of wheat, that
Minneapolis controls tho prices paid for
wheat from day to day and that the
Duluth board makes the price of wheat
for the northwest.
Tho resolution asked for a select com
mittee of seven members to investigate
the charges, ana also the grading of
wheat, operations In tho pit, the eelllns
of futures and other operations.
Acquitted on Charge
of Manslaughter
HAIRTINGTON. Neb., Feb. 19.-Speclal
Telegram.) H. E. Walton of Wynot was
acquitted n district court here yesterday
ot the chargo ot killing Jphn McFadden.
The Jury was out from 4 o'clock until
midnight. McFadden was killed In a
Wynot saloon last summer and Walton
was arrested on the charge ot man
slaughter. He has Blnce. been out on
ball. R. J. Millard appeared for the defense.
THE time 4 to advertise is
when you have a good trade,
not when some nimbler ri
val is rapidly stripping it from
you. Rivet your trade to you
and clamp it down by adver
tising now.
Chicago School
Boy Hangs Himself
CHICAGO, Feb. 19. Earl Molsly, 14
years old, hanged himself to a gas plpo
in the basement of his homo today after
ho had been sent home from school for.
being disobedient. The boy usually waa
a model pupil, accoidlng to his teacher,
Mrs. James L. Wright. Ho was entrusted
by her with an errand to another room,
and, as he entered, amused the pupils by
making faces.
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