Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Incorporates His Jewelry Business
for $200,000.
Hum Oinnhn Ilrn'ilqnnrlcrn to l'nr
nlnh SIxtJ-l'lTP Ilrnnt'h Kntnli
llRhincnt In Innn nml
(From' a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 19.-(Speclnl.) The
troublo which Fred Brodcgaard of Omaha
lias been experiencing In tho last two
months trying to get the blue-sky depart
ment of tho state to allow lilm to Incor
porate the Brodcgaard Jewelry company
of Omaha with A capital of $200,000, has
at last come to an end and Mr. Brodc
gaard will be privileged to Incorporate
and sell the stock of the company when
ho has made changes required by the
railway commission, which has Jurisdic
tion over the blue-sky department of the
Tho hearing this morning convinced tho
members of the railway commission and
Commissioner Reed of the blue-sky de
partment, that Mr. Urodegaard was en
tirely honest In his efforts to Incorporate
and that ho was endeavoring to protect
those who Invested In the stock of tho
company to tho fullest extent.
irowth of llljr UukIiiciib.
' Mr. Urodegaard came to Omaha about
thirty years ago with but $32 in his pocket,
lind Invested In a $500 stock of jewelry
In that city. Since that time his business
has Increased until ho now ownes a busi
ness which covers sixty-five branch
Stores, situated In towns of Nebraska and
Iowa. Tho Omaha store Is a sort of sup
ply 'fibuse from which the branches re
ceive -their goods, and some time ago Mr,
Brodcgaard decided that he would like
to Incorporate the business and run It
something along the plan of tho Wool-
worth 10-cent stores. He concolvcd the
plan of Incorporating In the amount of
$200,000 In stock equally divided between
common and preferred stock. He put in
the present business, which was estimated
to be worth $03,000, and took the balance
of tho preferred stock of $35,000, and $30,004
more of preferred stock. He drew up a
plan in which ho guaranteed to the bal
ance of tho stock of $70,000 7 per cent in
tcrcst, and to secure that amount agreed
to deposit with an Omaha trust company
a large amount of securities to Insure the
holders of tho common stock that they
would bo securo from loss,'
I'lnn in Mlnnudoriitiooil.
"I thought I was a hero," said, Mr,
Brodcgaard to tho commission this morn
ing, "to put up such a guarantee to tho
common stockholders, but it seems that
my plan was misunderstood b ythe com
mission and that j It looked too much like
1 wanted things all my own way, and
while I was entirely honest in my efforts
to protect the common stockholder, I seo
now that I went at it wrong, and I be
lieve the plan which we have Inaugurated
now Is better."
The present plan of Mr. Brodegaard In
In the Incorporation of the Brodcgaard
Jewelry company is to wlthdra.v he
proposition of putting up securities with
a trust company to guarantee the dlvi
donds of 'tho stockholders ana in place
or that he guarantees, the 7 per cent
dividend ana all over that in profits
erocs back into tho business, ths JS5.000
original stock of the company owned by
mm coming in under tho 7 per cent
dividends, but the $63,000 of stock which
lie holds representing tho good will of
tho company cannot come in on tho
dividends of the company until Ruch
time as the assets of the company have
reached the amount of the entire $200,000
capital stock of the company.
Therefore, while Mr. Brodegaard him
self owns $130,000 of the stock of the
Brodegaard Jewelry company, one-hair
, or tnat stock cannot participate In tho
dividends of the company until the total
assets or the company mako the pbr
vaiue or the stock .'"OO.OOO and all profits
ui mo company over ana above 7 per
sent to bo paid to the common stock-
holders bust go back Into the business.
Will Inrrrnne 1IU Starrs.
u Is the Intention of the company to
, run tho number of branch storss up to
SoO Just as fast as suitable places can be
round Jn which to place the branches,
The sixty-five stores which havo been
in ui'ciitiiuii navo paia aDovo all ex
penses $4,193 for the time operated, the
first stores tartlng March 13, 1913, and
tno iasi uecember 13, 1913, making un
average profit of $1642 per nfonth for
euch store. The averago Block of these
stores Is about $500 "and are placed In
the, store of some reputable merchant in
tho towns and run as a sort of a nidi.
line to tho store, so that the-exil tse of
operation of the Jewelry department Is
very little.
iuiam urc. county treasurer of
ivougios county, wks present at the hir.
ins and gave tho commission a cenernl
outline of the proposition, assuring tho
i-tiinmisMon mat .Mr. Brodcfiaard was ti
sponBlblo in every way and qualified to
carry out every contract Which he might
riuer-inio, Alex Anderson, secretary of
uirt- ompany, was Who present.
The commission will arant tho nnnil
cation of Mr. Brodegaard to incorporate
as soon as some minor changes covering
mo now points in the atrlcles of Incor
iuruion are arawn by an attorney
irircscmwg me new company.
.Note, from Allilon.
ALBION, Neb., Feb. 19,-(SpccIal.)-A
persistent rumor Is afloat here In political
circles that Dr. Cass.G. Barns, editor of
tho Albion Argus, will file for congress
In this district. He has upon several oc
casions in years past been mentioned for
"Twenty high school contestants com
peted Tuesday night for tho honor of
representing the school at tho district
contest to be held at Norfolk. William
I Unman won the position.
District court convened here' yesterday,
Judge Thomas presiding. A number of
Important cases are on the docVet.
Farmer Who Observes
Business Methods is
Coming to the Front
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. -(Special.)-' Tho
farmer who uses business methods Is
coming to tho front. Tho other follows
arc being weeded out."
So declared F. A. Sherzlnger of Nelson,
ho is both an editor and n farmer. For
twcnty-flve years ho has been a close
student of agricultural conditions In
uckolls county.
After admitting that he was a "crank
on businesslike farmer," Mr. Sherzlnger
"Men who use their heads mako money
in the farming game and this state can
not be bcaton. Tho shiftless, the iino'o
serving and unprogrcssive are being lost
In the shuffle. This applies to both land
owners and tenants.
When a tenant does not get results
owadays he Is soon Informed that tho
1 . . ,. I l,,..llnO llin
owner wants possession on March 1. Laivl B we,u ""k "'" ",v , "7
Honrs, ilio uoieuimm. ivuu cv.i ......
denied any connection with or knowledge
has Increased In value from the old fixed
price of $20 an aero to $100 and over. It
Is hard to set a limit, for new methods
and new markets and new crops will In
crease values."
Mr. Sherzlnger has taken considerable
Interest In tho Lever bill. Ho believes
that the metropolitan press pays too lit
tle attention to agriculture. Ho also as
serted that tho live, progressive farmors
read tho country weeklies with an In
terest in the reports of agricultural de
velopment In their own neighborhood.
While no definite announcement has been
made. It Is txpected that such a meting
will be held" on February 5S.
NOKT1I l'LATTK, Neb., Feb. 19.
(Ppcclal.) District court convened In this
city Monday morning mid tho Jury be
gan Its work Tuesday. The first ease to
Declaration Mayor of Omaha In
tends to Make the Race.
ArKttiiiriit ltcnrtl In Vne from
Snlhip County Where Tnxpnyrrs
Object o School Ilelnir l.'neil
for ltrllRlmN Srrvlcr.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 19.- (Special.) -Tho
mystery of papers secured by Clark
bo tried wns that of the Stato of Ne-'o'Hnnlon of Blair a few days for the
braska ngnlnst Silver King, u negro, i purpose of giving someone a chuneo "o
charged with assaulting X". Inenaza with t f Ito for nomination for congress has keen
Intent to kill. The trial of this case was cleared. It Is fulil on good authority
concluded yesterday nml the Jury re- i this morning that, tho papers were so
turned Its verdict Just after dinner, find- cured for Jams Datilmnn of Omnha,
Ing the defendant guilty as charged, j who will file In a few Onys for tho dem
Tho crime wis committed on tho night ccratlc nomination for congress In the
of November 11. 1913, at tho homo oo- Secund district.
cuplcd by U. Inenazn, an aged Japanese j Tho Information comes from an Omaha
laborer, In this city. According to the man who Is very closo to Mr. O'Uanlon,
testimony tho negro went there to rob ; who said that ho Omuhn mayor would
tho Jap. Tho Jnp was upslalrs nml. hoar- j mako the race.
Inc a nolce went down with u lantern' Minn Miildooit in Kcnrnoy.
and when ho ran across the negro In his I Miss Mnmlo Muldoon haH gono
houeUho negro fired several shots at ! Kearney today to atend u meeting of
the Jap. one of which entered his mouth
Courts Must Decide
the Status of Notes
(From a h'taff Concspondent.)
l.tNCOLN, Neb., Feb. 19.-(Swclal.)-Whelhor
tho state of Nebraska will lose
because of $W.O0o In notes held by tho
State Savings bank of Superior run In
connection with the closed national bank
of that placo depends upon the nation of
tho courts, according to Secretary Hoyso
of tho Stnto Banking board.
Tho officers and stockholders of tro two
Institutions were practically tho sumo and
tho two banks occupied the same room.
When the national bunk fulled anil tho
grand Jury Indicted the cashlor of tho
national bank. i. C. Felt. It was found
that the nvlngs bank hold $1,009 In notes
which had formerly been tho property of
tho national bank, but which the savings
bank held as an Investment, having pur
chased them from tho national bank.
National Bank Kxa minor Floyd Soy
bolt Is In charge of tho closed bank, but
tho savlngn bank Is being run as for
merly tho failure of tho national bank
to open not Interfering with the savings
bank, a partition being steeled between
of the crime.
FAHIBUBY, Neb., Feb. 19.MSpeclal.)
. gigantic circle wolf hunt was held in
the rough hills In the southern part of
this county Tuesday and approximately
600 farmers, living In Antelope precinct
and the northern part of Kansas, partici
pated In the wolf drive. The farmers
formed four lines .each six miles long, and
thoroughly beat the wholo country. Tho
north lino was In charge of Captains
Floyd Catlln, Lester Sparks and James
Simmons; the west line In chargo of
George Gregory and James Lardner; tho
south lino In chargo of W. Smith, Ben
Harris and Frank Lang; tho captains
of tho east side included Olen Nutter,
Andy Bcldlng and W. Welsh.
The farmers were armed with shot
guns and had the dogs leashed. When
the circle closed In nine wolves were
seen, but owing to the hills and poor
formation of tho south line, eight es
caped. C. O. Catlln of this city brought
the only wolf down as he was maklhg"
several hundred jack rabbits were
slaughtered: In the roundup. The farmors
were permitted to kill the rabbits without
a license on a Vecent ruling by tho game
IVnut Fnrm IloiuoiiH(rnt"r.
OHIOWA, Neb., Feb. ll.-(Spcclal.)-
l'rof. Anderson of the oxtcnslon depart
ment of tho Stato Agricultural school ad
dressed a meeting of formers here Tues
day on the subject of "Scientific Farm
Management and Vnnn Demonstrators.
He showed why a farm demonstrator
wan nn Invaluable aid and argued for
the employment of one In HUmoro
county. Ho cited Instances of how roll
ing wheat Increased tho yield by five
or more bushels per acre. Ho gave sev
eral such concrete llluptratlons.
Steps are being taken to organize a
farm management union In Fillmore
county. A central county commltteo has
been formed, of which II. A. Mattcson
Is chairman. Township committees nro
also being formed and tho work Is pro
grossing rapidly.
Notes from CrnlK.
nnilfi. Neb.. Feb 19.-(Spcclal.)-Mrs.
John Kntrekln of the Bertha, neighbor
hood drank wood alcohol yestcraay
.nioMnl Intent. Despondency Is sup.
. ...,. iifmi tho cause. Tho at-
IU l.M.v
tempt was unsuccessful.
J. D. Moss, aged 03 years, died yestor
day at his homo near Willow Springs,
Mo. He had lived for twelve years .n
Nebraska, tho last six years, near this
place, leaving hero In December last on
accbunt of poor health. Ho leaves a fam
ily of twelve children, a number of whom
are married,
Duko Conklln, of near this city, whllo
cranking an auto Tuesday evonlng re
ceived a "kick" from the crank, breaking
both bones of his forearm.
the l tho two business offices. I'ntll tho courts
.viuiiieer in uilll'll III lliui vuj,
pontine Fire Commissioner Bldgcll, who
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb, 19.-(Spe
clali) Chairman R, R, Root, of, the Hall
rfcunty republican central committee, has
decided soon to call the committee to
gether for the purpose of 'arranging for
banquet of the Hall county repub
licans Interested in the future of the
party. At this meeting there will be
discussed the speaker desired for the
event, the place of holding1 the banquet
and tho visiting republicans to be in
vited as the guests of the committee.
Local republicans will be Invited without
regard to previous affiliation or position
in the party, as so much per.plate, as may
be decided upon. Chairman Root thinks
Hall county more than ordinarily fortu.
nate In view of the fact that no third
party organization was perfected In this
otty In 1912, though efforts were set on
foot in that direction, but abandoned.
Tho work of getting together Is, there
fore, riot considered quite as difficult tis
ordinarily, though tho attempt to bring
conciliatory forced to bear among Indi
viduals will be none the less earnest.
Community llnimiiet I" .Semiril.
SEWARD, Neb., Feb. 19.-(SpccIal.)-Tho
first community dinner was given
at the Young Men's Christian association
yesterday. Covers were laid for fifty
men. W. T. Soudcrs talked on "The
Benefits of Advertising": County Super
intendent W. H. Brokaw talked on "The
Community Spirit" and H. A. Graff dis
coursed "Our Need of a -New School
was called to Scott's Bluff to Investigate
a suspicious firo In that city. Miss Mul
doon will deliver nn address on flro pre
vention. Mies Muldoon Is rapidly com
ing. Into ho limn light ns a public speaker
and tho demands for her presenco at
public catherlngs arc coming In fre
vr Umnlin Firm.
The Blltz-Schuler-Baum company is a
new film In Omaha filing articles of It
corporation with the sosretary of state
with n capital stock of $23,000. Tho
company will do a general merchandise
business and the Incorporators aro
Christian M. Schiller, Bruno G, Bllz and
Clyo C. Baum.
Chnriren Mnilo Withdrawn,
Complaint mado by Mr. and Mrs. IS. B.
Carncs of Seward against tho manage
ment of the Girls' Industrial school at
Mllford, Involving the caro of Infants In
chargo of tho superintendent, Miss Lena
Ward, havo been withdrawn. Tho
troublo first started when tho Cnrnes
took n child from the homo for tho pur
pose of adoption. Under the rules of tho
homo four months aro given to parties
desiring to adopt a child to becomo ac
quainted with the child and Its tern
pcrnient and thus discover whether It
was satisfactory. At the same tlmo tho
superintendent of the Institution made
investigation as to the responsibility of
the parties taking the child and their
fitness to bring It up right. When the
Carncs made application to mako final
papers In tho way of adopting the child,
Miss Ward refused to allow them to
take It nml they made complaint to tho
board. They Intimated that the Insti
tution was net run right and that the
children woro not properly cared for and
that tho child in question was not a.
perfect child.
Tho board Informed tho parties that the
matter was entirely In the hands of tho
superintendent, Miss Ward, but they
iieciuo tno matter secretary iioo says
ho will be unable to determlno tho status
of tho savings bank rognrdlug tho notes
In controversy.
Two Weilriluira ' MnillNou.
MADISON, Neb., Feb. 19. (Speclal,)
Marricd, at St. Leonard's church at 9
o'clock this morning, Rev. Father Muo
nlch officiating, Frank Kolehund and
Miss Eleanor Otterpohl both of Madison.
Tho bride Is tho daughter of Bernard
Married, at tho county court, Judgo M.
S. McDuffeo officiating, James Ktleoro
of Madison and Miss Metta Andro of
West Point,
IMnrrlnKC License nt Scwnrd,
SEWARD, Ncb Fob. 19.-(Speclal.)-County
Judge Nerval has issued tho fol
lowing marriage licenses: William Whltc-
nack and Miss Graco McBrlde of Seward;,
William Martens, Surprise, and Miss Au
gusta' Stalzenburg of Ulysses; Louts Carl
Gels and Miss Helen Orth of Beaver
MADISON,, Feb. 19.-(Speclal Tel
cgrnm.Weter Krnfka, residing eight
miles southeast of Madison, was fatally
Injured yesterday by becoming entangled
In tho belt anil fly-wheel of a giisollno
cnRlno attached to a corn shelter, nml
died early this morning. AVhllo attempt
ing to adjust tho belt his coat sleeve was
caught. He leaves a widow nnd five
children, tho eldest of whom la 14 yeais.
Ho carried $1,M0 accident Insurance. Tho
funeral will tako place at St. Leonard's
churcjt tomorrow nt 9 o'clock, Rev. Father
Munich officiating.
IlrnkPiunu Injured.
EDGAR, Neb., Feb. 19.-(Spcclal.)-
ThotnoR H. Montgomery, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. B. Montgomery 'of this city, was
severely injured last night. Just cast of
Cnrlton, by falling from a fast moving
freight on which ho was brakomnu. He
was brought to tho home of his parents)
hero by Dr. Blrdsall of Carlton, where,
with tho assistance of Dr. Anderson of
Kdgur nnd Dr. Spotts of Fairfield, his
wounds wcro attended to. He sustained
many bruises nnd contusions about tho
I'nriiu-rn' Institute lit l'eru.
1KUL Neb.. Feb, 19.-(Speclal.)-Tho
Farmers' Institute at Feru was a success
in every way, Many of the state's best
lecturers were present and gavo splendid
addresses. The address given by Prof.
Shirley, tho last night, on "Tho Possi
bilities of Nebraska," was a masterful
effort. In It ho paid a special tribute
to tho State Normal school hore. There
was a good nltondanco both days. On
,i,i i,...(i i, ...-' tho last night, nftcr tho lecture tho
thnrmLhiv. tr.v- ""!, ov,nr. i,v. farmers wcro Invited to tho state normal
Bymnaslum to witness and to take Pint
in a gamo of Indoor baso ball.
rmvnre Prlmnry Sellout Closet!
PAWNEE CITY, Feb. 19,-(Speclal.)-ln
order to prevent the spread of diph
theria In. this city, no school is being
held In the four primary grades of the
publlo schools whllo tho rooms nro being
thoroughly fumigated, Tho caoo or a
glil In the fourth grade who took. nick
with tho disease Tuesday night was
called to tho attention of tho Board of
Health and tho children were dismissed
for tho rcmandcr of tho week, No epi
demic Is feared, hut prcvcntlvo measures
seemed ndvlsable.
thoroughly. However, tho charges havo
been withdrawn, but the board will look
the matter up and visit tho home.
Cliureli In Hchonl House.
School district No, 13, in Saline county,
or at least somo of tho people living
therein, do nit want religious services
held in tho school house out of school
hours, and aiavo so notified the school
board. Tho'caso was argued. In supreme
court yesterday, ox-Governor Aldrlch ap
pearing for the school board. It appears
that occoslonally someone had held serv
ices in the school house, but not often, and
John W. Gilbert and John Simmons, twji
taxpayers of tho district, object, Insist
ing that tho constitution says that no
ono shall bo taxed to support any placo
of worship. Tho case has been taken un
der advisement.
l'ontofflee FlKht nt Albion.
ALBION, Neb., Feb. 19.-(Spcclal.)-The
democratic political pot Is boiling over
hero as a result of tho postofflco fight,
Ex-Sonator James T. Brady, Charles E.
Jones, D. K. Phillips and J. W. Wallrlck
have thus far announced thomselves us
candidates. Doubts still exists as to tho
manner in which the office will be filled,
as Congressman Stephens has not yot
made publlo his Intention.
Htnt AV. r. T. V. Mrctlntr.
YORK, Neb., Feb. 19. (Speclal.)-The
annual meeting of tho Nebraska
Woman's Christian Temperance tinlon
opened yesterday afternoon, with tho
president, Mrs, Mamie Claflln of Unl
verslty Place, presiding. All tho stato
officers and a largo, number of delegates
were present. Dr. Shrcclcrngast, vice
ehnncellor of Wesltfyan university, loc
tured on tho liquor question In tho even
Ing. Mrs. Hunter of Broken Bow will
give a stercoptlcon lecture tomorrow
IniurictMit Woodmen Talk.
YORK. Neb., Feb. J9.-(Speclal.)-Dr. J.
V. Beghtol of Hastings, Edgar Howard
and G. W. Phillips of Columbus and J.
V. Wilson of Geneva addressed fifty
Woodmen Tuesday evening, explaining
the Chicago rates, and telling why the
Modern Woodmen of America should
change all the officers.
Sin. McCIaln-a Bxyrrlence
"When my boy, Ray. was small he was
subject to croup, and I was always
alarmed at such times. Chamberlains'
Couch Remedy Droved fur h'tt , i
any other or this trouble. It always '
relieved blm quickly. I am never without J
It in tno nouse, ror I know it Is a posl
t've cure for croup." writes Mrs. W. R.
Jl-Claln. Blalrsvllle, Pa, For sal by all
dealers. Advertisement
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Of course vou should eat
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