Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Bullish Enthusiasm in Fit Qives Way
to Bearish. Influence.
Sprcnlator Laying- Lorr for IJeterl
oratinn Reports on the Grnln
from Argentina Corn
Shows Sonic Losses.
OMAHA, Feb. 18. 1914.
The bullish enthusiasm In the wheat
market, so pronounced nt the closo of
l)!..;ness Tuesday, gavo way to a bearish
feeling with fractional decline at the closo
yesterday. Tho Bales were probably 160,
000 bushels, with most of It taken by
exporters nt tho seaboard and tho balanco
by Interior millers In tho Chicago terri
tory. The market centers that reported
ealcs Tuesday on foreign account said
yesterday that bids wero out of lino and
It was Impossible to do any business. For
eigners not only refused to buy freely of
the wheat surplus In -this country, but
they eold some futures at Chicago In
which they had a profit.
Tho fact was clearly demonstrated yes
terday that In order to keep wheat prices
at tho present level It will be neccssury to
liavo a good cash Ctemnnd from day to
day. Some of tho larger speculators who
wero talking most bullish wero on the
selling side In a liberal way In order to
secure available profits. It Is becoming
qulto popular to take profits when they
are at hand, Instead of taking a chance
of allowing them to disappear.
Thore was considerable news of a
bearish character. An exporter In look
ing over tho situation last night said
that If Europe wanted the wheat In this
country bad enough they would como
after Manitoba No. 1 northern for April
May shipment, as It figures about 2c
lower than No. 2 hard winter, elf. con
tinental ports, and that It Js intrinsically
worth more money.
The situation In wheat at the moment
presents tho appearance of a boot-strap
game. It looks as It the American spec
ulator Is holding up tho market for a
purpose possibly In order to sell tome
wheat and secure a profit If long, cr to
put out a short lino and cover at a lower
price. It has been the case for many
years past for tho "Yankee" spcpulator
to hold the price of wheat at a level
where exporters refused to absorb freely,
as they were able to go to a competing
country nnd make their purchases at
prices below thoso asked by United
States holders.
The average trader In wheat Is waiting
for the deterioration reports, which no
believes will be of interest sooner or
later, and ho Is carrying somo wheat
with tho Idea of securing a profit. It
-was reported here late yesterday that
Liverpool bought sovcral cargoes of Aus
tralian and Argentine wheat, and this
being the case. It Is not out of place to
make the claim that the Liverpool men
named the price, although traders have
Wn rA tn 1v1Irva that both those coun
tries "will have little wheat to sell and
that they will probably secure tneir own
nrlre. Cash wheat was unchanged.
Minneapolis reported Chicago as a big
seller of July wheat there, and reported
the cash market as firm but slow, owing
to the larger receipts. That Minneapolis
millers have bought half a million bush
els of cash wheat to arrive there, and
that a great deal of this was bought
at Omaha.
Corn was unable to stand up under tho
news of yesterday and showed losses of
HWfsc. Borne markets In the corn belt
wore reporting heavy acceptances on the
crop and cash sales were again small,
200,000 bushels selling to go to store be
cause of a lack of demand. A lot of
Argentine corn sold at New York at
70 cents, which showed He loss. Shorts
were buyers In tho former market on
free export takings. Cash corn was U
1c lower.
Clearances: Wheat and flour, 374,000
bu.: corn, n.uw mi.: oats, bu.
Liverpool close: Wheat, HJ4d lower;
corn. '.4d hlirher.
Primary wheat receipts, 685,000 bushels
and smpments xw.uw ousneis, against re
ceipts of 762,000 bushels and shipments of
465.000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts wero 980,000 bush
els and shipments 82,000 bushels, against
rirpv T fi A NT VI T(mlu.Pn f 1Kr-C rVi
" nrnnrialM Thuntur Tliillrllnir
WANTED City loans. Potera Truat Co-
MONEY on hand at lowest rates tor
loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city
propeny in any amounts.
. City National Bank Bldg.
CITY property. Largo loans a specialty,
w. ii. -riiomas. -en state issluk mag.
WANTED Cllv loans and warrants.
W. Far nam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam Bt.
FARM and cltv loans made rjromntlv.
Wm. McCormlck. 1201 Farnam. Bed 3065.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
3016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715.
CITY and form loans, 6, 6& 6. J. H
uumont ac wo iwj rarnam, umatia,
3 CORNER lots with a large garage
building clear, in Bloomfleld, Neb., $2,500
auu acres near Neugn, jncd,, price f3,wo
.-mortgage, fi,vA, aue isw, rented one
third crop.
4S0 acres, fifty miles Winnipeg Canada,
4 miles railroad town: clear. Dries. 29.600.
160 acres, 8 miles Brofy, N. D.; rented
. crop: highly Improved: nrlco. 85.000:
mortgage, 11, G00, duo 1917; would prefer
Omaha property.
TRAVER BROS., "Contractors and
.Builders. 706 umaha National Bank.
For sale or trade, eighty-acre farm in
the Ban Luis Valley, Colorado, worth 355
an acre, one mile from small town, on
railroad. My oqulty 32,600. Balance 7
Ser cent Interest. Investigate. H. C.
iretschnelder. Casper. Wyoming.
GOOD LAND for your business. Busi
ness. KXcli., 350 Ohi. Nat. Bk. Doug. IKK).
FOR BALE 111 shares of Bankers'
Realty stock; 'worth 133; will sell for
3115 in order to realize money at once.
Address B-113, Bee.
GOVERNMENT approved Investment
securities or land for auto, other prop
erty or land. Doug. 704S.
FOR TRADE For house in Omaha, a
good Oklahoma farm. F. W. Bouaka,
owner, Beatrice Creamery. Lincoln. Neb.
WANTED To borrow tl.200 on first
mortgage Omaha property. Address,
j izz, care uce.
WANTED To buy bakery In good lo
cation or buy half Interest in a saloon
tn Omaha. Address Y 436, care Bee.
I rent anything any time, any place, at
any price. H. B. Trumbull, 448 Bee. D. 6707.
TWO small rooms for dressmaking,
close in; not over 312 month. Call even
ing Web. 6S9C
SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
Lire Stock Commiaalon Slerchanta.
MARTIN BROS & CO., Exchange Bldg,
- The annual meeting of the stockholders
of The Bee Publishing Company will be
held at the office of said company in The
Bee Building, Omaha, at 4 o'clock p. m.
March 2, 1914, for the election of direct
ors for the ensuing year and for the
transaction oi sucn oiner uusineas i
may properly come before the meeting.
By order of the president.
N. P. FEIL. Secretary.
ING Notice Is hereby given that the reg
ulnr annual meeting of the atoclchniH...
of the South Platte Land company will
be held at tho office of said company at
w I I XV, ll t II n'Mttlr a . .
A. B. MINOR. Secretaiy.
Lincoln, Neb., February 2, im. yt0i
receipts of l,7l.O00 bushels ami shipment
of "83.000 bushels lust year.
Primary oats receipts were 471,000 bush
els and shipments 461.000 bushels, against
receipts of 898,000 bushels and shipments
of 634,000 bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 11
Omaha 61
Kansas City GO
St. Louis 45
Winnipeg 35
Tho Chlcaco and Omaha markets will
be closed Monday, February 23, to ob
serve Washington's birthday.
These cash sales were reported todays
Wheat-No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, S6e: 1
car. 85?ic; 4 cars. 85Uc. No. 4 hard win
ter: 1 car, S4Vic Corn No. 3 white: 2 cars,
62c; 1 car, b2Hc; 1 car, 62c; 1 car. 61Hc;
2 cars, 6lc no. 4 white: s cars. s$w, 6
cars, 58e, No, 2 yellow. 1 car, 61Uc No. 3
yellow. 1 car, 00ic; l car, 60c; 1 car. 69V4c;
2 cars, 69Wc; 12 cars, 69c. No. 4 yellow: 1
car, 69c; l car, 6Sic; 3 cars, tc. iso. s
mixed: 1 car. GOHc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car.
H)c; 1 car, 69jc; 4 cars, 69Hc; 2 cars, 69c;
7 cars. 6Siic No. 4 mixed: i car, nsc; i
car, 5Hc; 2 cars, 66. Oats No. 3 white: 9
cars, 37c; 4 cars, 37V4c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat. No. 2
hard, 85ivii87c; No. 3 hard, 8440860 ; No.
4 hard, 80flS4e; No. 3 spring, SOViassc;
No. 4 serine. S4SS5c: No. 2 durum. S4tf
SIHc; No. 3 durum, 83i?83Hc. Corn: No.
a white, raigreic; No. 3 white, 6iiiX52c;
No. 4 white. 67iG68Wc: No. 2 yellow. 61M
61 Wo; No. 3 yellow, ESeeoUc; No. 4 yel
low, 67liOS9e; No. 2, eoiltfiOttc: No. 3, 6SHJ
60c; No. 4, C66Sc. Oats: No. 3 white.
juBftc; standard, 3S3S"4c: No. 3
white, 37Mfl374c; No. 4 white, 3737Uc.
Barley: Malting, 5367c: No, 1 feed, 46JJ
62c. ltye: No. 2, 67Hi68c; No. 3, 67Q
''estnren of the Trailing- nnd Closing;
Price on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO. Feb. 14. Sureeations of emr
damage In northern Txas. wrstnrn Dktn.
homa and parts of Kansas and Nebraska
tended somowhat to dispel heuvlncss to-
any in the wheat market here. As a re
sult, prices closed fairly steady to a
shade off to a like amount up. In corn
the outcome was unchanged to U44e
lower ana ior oats virtually the same as
yesterday. Provisions finished nil thn
way from last night's level to 10312o
Wheat weakened at the outset nwlnr
to declining prices at Liverpool, notwith
standing mat me roreign setback was
chiefly duo to optimistic field advices
from this sldo of the water, A remark
able decrease In shipments from Argen
tina, however, sorved to check the bears.
Sellers wero made leBs venturesome, too,
by Odessa cables savlnc that reeelntn
there were light and that interior reserves
wero small.
Domestic reports of Iniurv to winter
Wheat west and southwest warn not nt
a radical sort. 'They were emphasized,
however, by almost simultaneous news of
harm Bald to havo been done by severe
tveumcr in nonnwest uussia ana in
Austra-Hungary nnd France. Owing to
mo aDsence, mougn, or any special activ
ity by export houses or on the part of
millers, the best Drlces of the season
wero not maintained.
Bear speculators hammered the corn
market, but made no decided Impression.
Chances of unsettled weather, bad roads
and smaller receipts interfered. Oate were
upheld by continued lightness of primary
Free selllnir of lord bv nacker welched
down provisions. Tho market also felt
the effect of a sag In tho price of hogs.
Artlclel Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yea'y.
40 I
SO ;
Corn. I
May.l 21 65 I 21 70
21 62V4f 21 70 21 70
Lard. I I
May. 10 00 10 90
July.1 11 07H 11 07il
Ribs. I
May.) 11 55 11 E7U
July. 11 70 V. 70
10 SO 10 SO f 10 62V.
11 00 I 11 00 11 10
11 50
11 G5
11 82)41
11 67&I
11 57
11 72'
Chicago Cash Irices Wheat: No. 2 red,
0fW964c: No. 3 rod, 94l40Sc; No- 2 hard,
3&93ttc; No. 3 hard,'92Hc; No-. 2 northern,
94c; No. 3. 92c; No. 2 spring, 94c;
No. ,3 spring, 93. Corn: No. 3. 0gVio;
No. 3 white. 6361c: No. 3 yellow. W&tl
63'4c. Oats: No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3 white,
29W3SHo; standard, wttfiic.
Rye: No. 2, nominal; No. 3, Clc, Barley,
KHP72C, Timothy. 33.7Mi6.SO. Clover, 112.00
14.G0. Pork, 121.70. Lard, $10.55. Ribs, S10.87H
EGOS Irregular; receipts, 8,745 cases; at
mark, cases Included, 25Qic; ordinary
firsts, 244g25c; firsts, 254c.
BUTTER Lower: .creameries. 23H
CHKESK-Hlgher; daisies, 17W17H;
twins, 17Q17Wc: Americas, lSUc: long
horns. 17I18c.
POULTRY Alive lower; springs, 15Wci
iowis. ltw; lurKcys, uressed, Zinc.
POTATOES Steady; receipts, 35 cars:
Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, red,
605c; white, 6o72c.
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW YORK, Feb. 19.-FLOUR-Qulet,
but steady; spring patents. 14.GOH4.7o:
winter straights, J4J54.30; winter pat
erts, 34.40S4.76s spring clears, S4.104.26;
exira ino. i winter, t3.KX03.7a; extra no.
2 winter, 125a&0; Kansas straights,
WHEAT Spot, steady: No. 2 hard win.
ter. SL00V4. c. 1. f.. to arrive: No. 2 red.
31.CCV4. elevator, domestic: No. 1 northern
Duluth, SL05U. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
nonnern Aianitoua, i-vi, i. o. o., anoat,
tFuturcs closed net unchanged to Uc
nigner; amy, tunsv-iwsi Juiy, viw.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
1313, wirwc; iuiz, ara-c; racitio coast 19U.
t019 Vffn
HiOES steady; Bogota, 7G33c; Central
America, yzc.
PETROLEUM Steady; refined, Now
York, bulk, 35.25; barrels, SS.75; cases,
WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, XX
Ohio. X&SJc
corn Easy; new No. 3 yellow, 6Vic,
c. i. f., to arrive.
OATS Soot, steady: Blandard white.
45Hc, elevator; No. 3, 4545tto; fancy
cnppea wnito, 4:ft4tjc.
1. 31.02411.06; No. 2, 90895c; No. 3, 80
PROVISIONS Pork, barely steady;
mess, 323.00ZJ.dO; family. 324.00iie6.00;
short clears. J30.CCfiiC5.00. Beef, aulet:
mess, 31S.OO18.cO; family, 319.00O0.00. Cut
meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14
pounds, 12.&014.oo; pickled hams, 314.00,
T AnB. n.l,MU was. eiA rjtJHrtA A. m.
Att.u, la.;, 1II1UU1U ..V.MU'.V.VW,
fined, barely steady; continent. 311.30:
South America. 312.00; compound, barely
steaay at .aos.u).
TALLOW Steady; city, 6?4c; country,
a&6Kc: SDPCial. 7Uc.
BUTTER Market steady, receipts, 5,800
tuDs, creamery extras, sow, xirsu, 1V
30c; held, extras,3O830Hc; firsts, 26HO
23'Ac; process extras, 2V423o.
CHEESE Irregular; state whole milk,
ran and summer wnite. specials, ltmrisftc
colored, IStflSVic; average fancy, 17H
17c; winter made specials, n-AWlTJiC
EGGS Easy; receipts. 12,600 cases
fresh gathered extras. 29ft30c; extra
firsts, 2SV429c; refrigerator finest, Hc
nearby hennry whites. S637c.
POULTRY Live, strong; western chlck-
, f . ...1 Ma . '. A A
steady; fresh killed western chickens, 15
Uilc; fowls, Uijfisvtc; turneys, isuwc.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions
cash: No. 2 hard, gsftfts?c; no. 2 red,
CORN-No. 2 mixed, 64c; No. 3, 62c
No. 2 white. SCtiV4c; No. 3, UQe5V4c.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT May. 88tCL July. ISUfl 8344c.
CORN May, 66fl7c; July. 66V4S6Hc.
oath no, 3 wtute, wuW, No. :
mixed. 39ttc
BUTTER Creamery, 2Sc; firsts, 27c
seconds, 25c; packing, 17Hc
EGGS-Flrsts. 244c; seconds, 20c.
St. I.onls General Slarket.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19. WI I EAT No.
rd. S5tT96Hc; No. 2 hard, 92Q93c; May,
93c. July. KXc.
CORN-No. 2. 64V4c; No. 2 white. 66Hff
ere; May, tinJViSc; July.
OATS-No. 2, 40Hc: Na 2 white, 40c
way, 40Vio; juiy, Wic
RYE 44 c
Minneapolis Grain Slarket.
1 hard. K5S; No. 1 northern, Wt'i
94sc o, 3 nonnern, siHr no, 3,
S8'Uwlf i ouiy, wc.
Speculative Activity in Wall Street
Diminishes Yesterday.
Snbsntnenlly Drill Itnck Agnln
Day'a Itnslneas Lesa Than Halt
of that of tre Preceding
NEW YORK. Feb. lP.-Speculatlve ac
tlvlty diminished today and except In
a fow Isolated cases movements were
unlrr portant. Tho market Improved
slowly In Jhe morning, but subsequently
drifted back again. Tho day's business
was about halt of that transacted In
the preceding session.
Tho morning advance was Influenced
by the statement of Commissioner Har
lan of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion that a decision would be made In
tho freight rate case within the next
thrco months. Speculative opinion in
clines strongly to tne Deiier. tnat somo
incrtaso will bo grunted. There was
rood Innulrv for tho standard railroad
shares and alco for tho stocks of steol
companies and affiliated Industries which
are expected to benefit from a more
liberal buying policy on the part of the
carriers if they are pcrmlttod to raise
their rates. Tho extent to which the
speculative position Is bound up In the
freight rate case Is shown by the week's
movement in stocks. Monday's sharp
decline and yesterday's confined fluctua
tions were due almost entirely to Wash
ington reports concerning venous phases
of tho question and today it was again
tho uppermost consideration tn Influen
cing tho market.
Tho afternoon reaction was due more
to the cessation of buying than to pres
sure on tho list. Weakness of various
stocks also held back the general mar
ket. Rock Island preferred made a new
low record nt 5. 3. I. Case preferred
(ell tour points to S3 alter announce
ment of new financing by tho company.
Last week It closed at S3Vi. Chlno and
the beet sugar Issues were under pres
sure. There were few strong stocks
among tho specialties. General Motors
continued to advance, at ono time show
ing a gain of nearly six points. It sold
above 16, as compared with Its low price
last month of 37. American Ico wus
strong and unusually active.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as fallows:
Ealei. Itltm Low. Clao.
Ama.limtnl Cotpr
American Agricultural
American lieit tiutar.
American Can .......
merlcan Can ptd
American c. ft F
American Cotton Oil..
11,100 7iU 7S4
71 i
30 H
2,300 UK
COO 31
Ml W4
30 )
Am, Ice SecurUlea 12,100 311
American United
American Locomotlre ... 200 11 H
American H. & 11
American S. & K. ptd
, ion;
00 mta 111H ltlU
Amer. 8ui&r lieiintnc
American T. & T
American Tobaco ....
Anaconda Mining Co.
300 -ISVk 218
97 t
Atchleon prd
Atlantic Coast Line...... ,
Baltimore, A Ohio 1,400 !';
lletblebem &rtel 700 Silt
nrooklrn Rapid Tr 2,400 S2H
Canadian I'aclllo 2.200 Jl&H
UK 3111.
Central Leather 3.M0 14
Cheiapeako & Oblo 1,600 63
32'4 S3
63K 4
Chicago a. w,
l-hlcn.o. M. A St. P.... 1.300 10342. 103 103
1,300 103K 103
Chicago ft N. W 135 H
Colorado Iel & Iron... 400 33H 32 33H
Oonsoltdated Oaa 134
Ccm Products ii
Delaware, & Hudeon 400 1SIH 164 1MU
Denrer ft Illo Orande 1S
Denver & It. O. ptd 2&
Dlitlllera' Becuriliea .... zoo n't im, isi
Krle 9,300 30 !4 S0H 10'i
Erie lit ntd 4T
Krle 3d ptd 3714
nenerai Eioctno -;
Great Northern ptd 4.400 !! 12H S
Great Northern Ore ctt 3V
Illlnola Central 110H
Interborourh Met 400 15 15U 15 U
Inter. Met. ptd (044
International Ilarveiter.. 300 10SU. 10!Vt 107U
inter-Marine pro
International Paper ,,
International Ihimp
Kanaaa City Southern .....
Ijdede Qaa
Irfhluli Valley 1,400 151S ISO
IjGulivllla X: Naihillle
M., BU r. A R. 8te. M
Mlaiourl, K. & T
Mlrnourt racltie
National niacult
iNaitlonal Lead , ,.
N R. 11. Ot M. 2d Did
New Tork central
4,000 SOU 90
N. Y.. O. W
Norfolk ft W'eatern
300 104U 104 104H
North American .
:oo neu ntu us
900 HIS 113 llli
Northern raclfla
racltlc Mall
i 'topic a uaa
P.. C. C. ft Bt. b
PHUburch Coal ,.
rreaitd Steel Oar 800 43V4 4H
Pullman Telaca Car
Iteadlnt i;,400 )'
itepuDiio iron as Bieei,. ew
Republlo I. ft H. pfd
Stock Island Co... J 4,(00
nock Ialand Co. old 4,300
Bt. L. & 8. P. 2d nfd
tfeaboard Air IJne
Keaboard A. i pia...,
Hloee-Hheffleld B. ft I,
Southern rtclilo
Southern IUIlwar ...
700 M MM
no. Haiiirar pra..
Tenneeaee copoer 500
S6K 35
leiai i-aciiic..........
Union Pacific 14,000 Wi 143
L'nlon raclflo ntd ,
United States Realty.
United States nubber.,
7.500 MM
United Elatea Steel.,.,
U. S. Steel ptd..,.,..,
Utah Conner ..,
, 37,300 6444
300 110U 110V. 110
4.100 tSJ4 MU U
vai;arDiiaa iiuicai .. .
WaUth ,
Wabaeli prd
Weatern Maryland
Weatern Union
Weatlncbouaa Glectrto ..
400 71
"t'.iio 'iiy,
l.OOO tss
Whee na & uti En..
Chlno Copper
N. Y.. N. H. ft II
Bay con. oopper,
J.10O zo,
Total aaJea (or the day, 3O4.30O aharea.
TV'ctt York Money Market.
tiadv nt luS2 Tier cent: ruling rate. lai
per cent: closing bid. Wiit per cent. Time
loans, steady; sixty days. 2U02H per
mnntha. MAtiilXL ner cent.
4V4 Per cent.
days, 34.837D; demand, f4.M9o; .commercial
bins, 34. Si
SILVER Bar, bi wH Mexican collars,
BONDS Government; ana railroad
Closing: quotations on uonas toaay were
as follows :
U. S. ret. 2. yer... K. C, Ro. rer. Ee... 974S.
do coupon tt 1 B. deb. 4a, 1931.. tlU
V. S. 3a, res.. 103 I ft N. unl. 4 tii
do coupon ..101 K. ft T, 111 u. ou
u. H. a, rec ao ren. tv,t J
do coupon in "juo. i'acine u m;
j'anama ii coupon, ,iuz -aa conr. n...... 70
Amer. As. C 101U N H II of M 4Ua (1
A. T. ft T. cr. it. tt N. TC. C. K. 3Ha.... 83
-Am. Tooacco h,.,,ik ao oaD. i 11
Armour tt Co. 4Hi.. S2S N. Y. N. 11. ft II.
Atchlaon Ken. 4.. .. 531 cr. 3Ua T4
do CT. 4a. 1500.... UK N. A W. lat 0. it, 31
do cr. la. 10144 do cr. 4a 104
A. a 1 lat 41 93 No. Pacific 4a KV4
Bal. ft Ohio ti WV4 do 3a tTU
00 jh fi-s. u. o. u. rtac. t. H
nrook. Tr. cr. 4a... 3141 Tenn. cr, SUa. 1913 99
Oen. ot Qa, (a 104H do coo. 41.. 10014
Can. Lcatlver C;.... 99UReRdln sen. 4a.,,. 56
Che, ft Ohio 4Ua.. 9SH s. I ft 8. F. r T7H
an conr. ana,.. " "00 a:en. aa. ai
Chlcaso ft A. XHa. 31VI St L. 8. W. c. 4a 7
C. 11. & O. 1. 4a.... 94UB. A. L. ,A. a..... rt
do sen. 4a. 93 . Pae. col. 4a,.,. 9141
O M ft 8 P c 4Ha.. 1034a do cr. 4a MVl
u- r. v. a . no iai rer. aa,,.,. 9ZV4
do r(r, 4a 7444 80. Hallway (a 103
C. tz 8. r ft a 4Ha 93fe do sen. 4a !., 75 U
D. ft II. ct. 4a...... 99. Union raclflo 4 944,
I). It R. a. rai. u.. do cr. 4a siti
Dlatlllera ta 44 do lat ft ref. 4a.. 41
Erie P. 1. 4i....... S3 U. 14. Rubber (a., .,10314
do sen. 4a 71T4 U. R. Rteel 2d Sc., .10344
uu .T. U. .,7, V .-. TlCOl. ba...,. VT
111. On. lat r. 4a.. 94 Tl'ab. lat ft ax. 4a 40
Inter. Mat. 4Ua.... TniWeetern lid. i. 7a
Inter. M. M. 4U.,. 33 Weot. Elec. t. (a.. 934;
. -v-" -,- ...... rva t.i, vairni aa,.,,, a
Iloaton 3IInlnif Stocks.
BOSTON, Feb. 19. Closing quotations
on siocks were;
Aliouei u ntnai con j
Arnal. copper T3U Nlplaalnx Mines ... U
A. Z. U ft B 1H4 North Uutta , J4W
Arltona Com U North Iaka Zh
t-ai. c Ariauua...... w uio iJoraioioa Jh
Cal. ft Hacla 443 Oaceola ,, 33
Centennial IS Qulncy tu
("opper Itania C C 39UHuperlor , 31
Kaat BuUe C. M ,. 11T4 Superior ft D. 31... 3(4
J rauaiiu ............ nuiauuu 7
Oranbr Con MVi Tamarack , 41
Greene Cananea ... 39 U. H. 8. n. ft M... 42
lila Jloyala popper. 33H do pfd s
jvrrr uu, ......., viin ia. .......... u
Jjtkt (Copper ,. 4i t'tih Copper Co.... U
M Sail Copper.... iW Winona 4Vi
a i , , , w.i , ........... " '
MOIiW& ...... ...... M
London Stock 3farket.
LONDON, Feb, 19.- American securities
opened steady and later advanced on fair
buying, At noon prices were H to i
aDove parity.
CONSOLE For money, "63-16, for ac
counts, TCHi t'nlon Pacific, 107'a.
silver liar, steady. 26 0-160.
MONlSY-lRl'l per cent; short bills and
thrco months' bills, 2H per cent.
Rank ClrnrlnR.
OMAHA, Feb. 19,-Bank clearlnKs for
Omaha today wero JJ,WJ,fC1.3S and ror
the correspondliis day tact yoar, lS,3t3,
BUTTER No. 1, Mb., cartons, 30c; No,
1, 00-lb. tubs, 30c.
CHEESE Iinnortcd Swiss. 30a: Ameri
can Swiss. 24o; block Swiss, JOo; twins.
20o; dalslos, 20c; triplets, 20ci Young
Americas, sic; utue tauei onca, ido; urn
bereer. 2-lb.. 20o; New York white, SOc.
FISH White, ISc; trout. l7o: large crop
pies, 11c; Spanish mackerel. 16c; shad roe,
per pair, 40c; salmon, 10c; halibut. 11c;
buffalo, 9c; bullheads, 13c; channel cat
fish, 15c; pike, 15c; pickerel. 12c
POULTRY Broilers, 4.tXKir6.(M per dos.;
hens, Ic; cocks, l2o; ducks, iOc; geuse,
Me; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per dos.. Jl.SJ;
ducks, full feaf.icred, lltic; geese, full
feathered, lie; squabs, No, 1, ,1.6903.00;
No. 2 V)c.
WlTolesalt. prices of beet cuts effective
today In Omaha are aa follows! .
BEEF CUT PRICES Wholesale prices
of beef cuts aro as follows: Ribs: No.
i. iiVic; wo. -, ibos ro. , lifac. wiiui
No. 1, 19c; No. 2. ITc; No. 3, 15c. Chucks:
No. 1, 11c: No. 2, IOVjoi No. 3, lOHc
Rounds; No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 13ttc. No. 3,
13Uc Plates" No. 1, 9c; No. 2, 8c; No.
Thn following: tirlccs on fruits and vege
tables are reported by the Gtllniky Fruit
fruits urnngcsi -rucso navcis aro ot
good color, sweet and Juicy, quality best
havo been seen tn years. Kxtra fancy
Bunklst navels, 96. i:6, 150, 176. 200 and 250
sixes, $2.50; extra fancy Suuklst navels,
50 size, 32.00; 2SS alio, 32.10; 324 Jlxe. S2.4U;
Florida Itumquais. per dox, sc. Apples:
Kxtra fancy Washington Jonathan, per
box, J2.75: White, per bor. ?2.25: Wine
saps, 62.50; extra fancy Idaho Northern
Spy, Greenings or Kings, per bos, (2.00;
extra fancy Idaho Rani bos, per box, $1.75;
lien Davis, per doi., k.w; ouno, in-w;
Wlnesap, $7.00; Missouri Pippins. 36.60.
lemons: Extra fancy aunkist. SUOs and
360s, per box. $6.00; extra choice Red Ball.
SOOs and 360s, per box( $00; choice. $4.00.
Grapes: Imported Malaga, extra fancy.
37.50; lancy, i.w. urepeiruu; norma
TanKerlnes, per box, $2.50: extra fancy
Florida, 36, $4.50; 46 and 96, $4.76; 54. 64 and
SO, $5.00. Cranberries: Per box, $4.25.
V1SQ ETTA B LI3S Potatoes: Genuine
Red River Karly Ohio, per bu., I1.0U,
Rurals or Burbanks, per bu., S5o; Idaho
Rurals, per bu., 90c. Bwect potatoes:
Per hamper, $1.25; Illinois kiln dried, $1.50,
CniibBKe: Holland seed, per lb., 2Ua:
red, per lb., 4c; new California, Sc. Onions:
Ohio largo Red Globe, per lb., 3c; In
diana yellow, Sc; Spanish, per crate, $1.50.
ToraMoea: uuuan. per -uasHt crate,
$4.25. , n ,
illBUKUUArii.uun .aiuornia tigs, a
.nr nkes.. S5o: CO 0-ox. nkes.. $2.00:
blaok figs, 12 12-ox. pkgs.t $1.00; 7-crown
Imported figs, per lb., ISc: 3-crown Im
ported figs, per lb., 130. Dromedary
brand nates, picg.,; Ancnor orana
dates, nkg., $2.26; HaloWlo dates, per lb..
7H& Parsnips, per lb., 2c. Carrots, per
lb., zc .ueeis, per id., -c xurnips, per
ID., -C. KUUiuaKaa, per iu., inc.
California Jumbo celery, per dox..
85c. Cider, per keg, $3.25; per half
hbl.. $3.75. Shallots, per dos.. 50c.
Parsley, per dox., 40c. Radishes, per
dox., Me. Head lettuce, per doz., $1.00;
tmmn-erown leaf lettuce, per dox.. 40c.
Green peppers, per basket, 50c Wax or
green beans, per hamper, $5,00. Hot house
cuoumDers, per aoz., jj.w. uauiuiower,
por crate, $2.25. Venetian garlic, per lb.,
12V4c. Kggplant, per dos., $1.60. Horse
radish, 2 doz. bottles In case, per caso,
$2.00. Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
19c. Medium pecans, per lb., lie; Jumbo
pecans, per lb., 16c. Filberts, per lb., ISc,
Drake almonds, per lb., 18c. Brazils, per
lb., 18c Black walnuts, per lb.. 2c. Raw
No. . reanuts, per lb., 7c; Jumbo peanuts,
per lb. Sc: roasted peanuts, Per lb., 8Hc
iJhellbark hickory nuts, per lb., 6c; large
htck-y nuts, per lb., 4c. Whlto Rice
popcorn, per id., 4c. (JiiecKers, per iw
pkg. caso, $3.50; per 60-plcg. case, $1.75.
...I. , rI n.nh C n
.UVUUUUin, J'Vt wivni u.uw, vuv.i, m.
Chestnuts, Imported Italian, per lb., 10o;
sacx or bbi. lots, 9c Honey, wnite clo
ver, 24-sectlon case, per caso, $3.50.
Co tree Itlnrket.
Lower European cables, continued larga
Brazilian receipts and reports that cost
and freight offers were a shade lower
seemed responsible for liquidation in to
day's coffea market. The oocninir was
steady, 9 to 10 points lower, and actlva
months sold 16 to 17 points net lower
during tho afternoon, all positions except
March breaking through tho low levels
or December. The close was stoaay,
to 14 points net lower. Holes wero 93.000
bags. February, 8.00c; March, 8.92a; May,
9.13c; July, 9.31c; September, 9.45c; Octo
ber, J.tva: uecemoer, poi, unset
tled: Rio No. 7. OWc: Santos No. 4. lU4o:
mild, dul; Cordova, 13616c, nominal.
Metal Market.
aulet; 33.9694.0S: London. 19 12s 6d. Spoi
ler, quiet; 35.3gsf6.4o; ixmaon, zi ios.
Copper, nominal; standard, spot and
April, $14.00 14. DO; electrolytic, 314.87H;
lake, nominal; casting, $14.62yVS14.75; Lon
don, easy; apot, 64 17s 6d; futures, 65
10s. Tin. firm; spot, 39G039.S0; May.
t39.62HQ39.75; London, quiet; spot, 160 17s
ea; rutures, uva vs txi. Antimony, uuu;
(JooKson.s 37.Z&. iron, steaay: uncnangea.
London, Cleveland warrants, Cls lVid.
ST. LOUIH. Feb. 19. MBTAWt- Lead.
nominal; 33.90. Bpolter, dull; (5.30.
Omaha liny Market.
No. 1 to choice upland, UI.00&11.50; No.
2,; NO. 3, 37.00(219.00. No. I
to choice miaiana, 3iu.waii-w: wo. z.
S9.00ai0.00: No. 3. 37.tOIl9.Ci0. No. 1 to
choice lowland, 38.00tf9.00; No. 2. 3T.0O3
8.00; no. 3, 3AOOSP7.00, Htraw: unoice oar.
or rye. 36.00S0.60: choice wheat. 5.Cai
6.50. Alfalfa: Choice pea-green, 313.00(0
14.00; No. L 312.OO013.OO; No, 2, 310.0041
12. w; imo. s,
Cotton Market.
good business dono; prices steady; mid
dling, fair, 7.66d; good middling, 7.38d;
middling, 7.02d; low middling, 6.63d; good
ordinary, 6.t4 a; ordinary, 6.4yd. Bales,
12,000 bales.
St, Joseph LIto Stock Market.
celpts, 1,500 head. Market steady to
strong; steers, 37.0030.00; cows and hclf
ers. I4.003.CO; calves. 35.0OQ10.25.
Iioas Receipts. .ooo head. Market
steady to weak; top, 36.70; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMU8 KecelPtS. 2.500
head. Ala met 10c to wo higher: lambs.
Liverpool Grain Market,
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 19. WHEAT fl not.
firm: No. 2 red western winter. 7s6Ud:
No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 6d: No. 2. 7s 4d: No. 3.
7s3Ud. lMtures, steadier: March, 7s8Kd;
May, vsaviu; juiy, (S 37u.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,
essMo; 'XL 1'iata rutures, steaay; ieo
ruary, is 11a; Aiarcn, is ita,
Oils and Roatii,
OIL Easy; prime summer yellow. 37.0OC
7.w; Aiarcn, rt.iu; May, t.w. juiy, 37. 18,
KUH1N uuiet. .
TURPENTINE Easy: machine barrels.
Five brand new motoroycles worth In
tho neighborhood ot 11,600 were stolen
yesterday morning from the Victor Roos
agency on Leavenworth street, but tho
police have recovered all except one, a
Yalo machine.
Officer Mansfield came upon several
men tinkering with machines near the
Mason school at Twenty-fourth and
Mason streets, and as he approached,
the men tied. A search Is now being
made for the missing wheel.
Law Candidate tor Cougreaa,
WATERLOO. la., Feb. 19.-(Hpeclal
Telegram.) W, R. Law, an attorney of
this city, today formally announced his
candidacy for congress to represent the
Third district ot Iowa. Mr. Law was for
four years postmaster in Waterloo and
was a law partner ot ex-Governor Boles.
Persistent Advertising Is the road to
Business Success,
Killing Cattle Very Active and Fully
Ten Cents Higher.
Knt Sheep unit I.nmlia ot (ioori tlnal-
Itr Active mii,i Ten to Fifteen
Cents lllither Tlirtn u
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 19. 19M.
Reselnts Were;
Cattle, nogs. Sheep.
. ? 9IR 4 5lfi 15.473
Official Monday
Otriclnl Tuesday
Official Wednesday
Usllnuite Thursday
.. 6.8U 1&.H0 10.SS1
.. 3.6M1 14.113 13,Mi3
.. 1.9(0 14.S0O 9.SO0
Four days this wcek.19.313 4S.099 49.17
Snma days last week..l4.67C 62.161 47.364
Same days 2 wks. Bgo.12.4ia 4ft.M3 IS.603
Pame days 3 wks. ngo.lR,T 9.ns R!,477
Same days 4 wks. ngo.lS.9iTr 43,45 49,341
tame days Inst year... 20,514 53,900 35,917
The following tnuio tnons tne receipts
of cattle. hOKa anl ulifen nt the South
Omaha live stock market for the year to
data as compared with last year:
1414. 1913. Inc. Dec.
Cattle llW.CCT 13S.9OT 8,300
Hogs 435.461 488,040 .. .. 32,579
Hhcep ,313,730 $37,507 25,213 ...
The followlnr tnhle, ilmwi the rnnca ot
prices for hogs at tho South Omaha )lv
stock market for the last few days, with
Date. 1914. 13.1912.1911.1910.1!09.19C3.
Feb. S..I 3 40U I 0 081 7 3S
Feb. 10.( 8 43HI 7 39 6 12 7 3S
471 6 151
8 46 1 6 20 1 4 CO
rco, u.i su 1S! 7 -II
8 61 6 301 4 17
Fob. Ill 8 32V.I 7 93
3 71 6 131 4 21
6 15 U 13
Feb. 13 I 8 2)141 7 95
5 8S;
6 99
Feb. 14. 8 2Sft 7 86
6 CO
6 HO
8 771 4 03
Feb 15. I 7 wj
0 01
7 01
7 11
8 76 6 21 4 03
t en. is. 8 .14
5 95
.4 76 fi 1SI
Feb. 17. 8 SS IS 01
5 94
7 04
8 851 6 Oil 4 05
Feb. 18.1 8 42HI 8 14
I 7 Oil S 941 6 Mil 4 10
Feb. 19. ...
8 06 6 90 S 921 6 91 4 15
Receipts and disposition ot llvo stock
at tne union otocK Yards, rjoutn tmiana,
X -1. . ... ...... -...II.., n
o ciock ycstoriiay:
Cattle. Hoks. Sh'p. H'r's.
C, M. & tit. V, Ity.. 5 2
wabnsh ity l .. ..
Missouri Pacific Ry. 2 4
Union Pacific Ry.. ) 61 ll
C. & N. W., cast... 9 10
C. & N. W.. west... 12 ( It
C. St. P.. M. ft O.. 11 15 1
C, 11. & Q., cast... 1 3 5
t"., u. ft: tj., west... 6 4 a
C, R. 1. & P.. oast. 4 6 2
C, It. 1. & P., west. .. 1 1
Illinois Central Ry. 3 6..
Chicago G, W. Ity. .. 1
Total receipts .. S3 205 43
Cattle. Hogs. Shoeu.
Morris & Co....
Swift & Co
Cucjahy Packing Co..
Armour & Co..........
Schwartz & Co
J. W. Murphy
S. O. Packing Co
mil & Hon
F. 1). Lewis
Huston & Co
J. R, Root & Co
McCrenry & Kellogg.
Worthelmer & Degen.
.Sullivan llros
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co..
Christie 52
Raker, Jones & fimltli..
Tanner Rros
John Harvey
Dennlson & Francis,...
Other buyers
Totals 2.613 15.2U U.5S7
CATTLE Receipts were from a buyers'
standpoint disappointingly small this
morning, only sovcnty-fivo cars being re
ported in sight, Btlll the total for tho
week foots up 19,313 head, being tho
laraest ot any similar period since tho
middle of January, but smaller than the
corresponding period a year ago by over
1,000 bond. k , .
It was very apparent this morning that
buyers wanted somo cattlo and thoy were
out in the yards in good season In the
morning, so that tho trade In beof ntoers
opened early and active with the result
that tho fow cattle on sale soon ennngoa
hands. The prices paid were, fully lOo
higher and In somo cases possibly
stronger even than that Tho quality of
the cattle on an average was poor and
thero was nothing very choice to make a
top. A Uttio buncn or. ycarungs soiu up
aa high aa 18.40.
Cows and lienors expenencea tne same
advance as beet steers, selling early and
fully 10a higher.
speculators ana yaru tracers naa a
good many stockers and feeders on hand
that they had carried over from tho first
of the week and they were not overly
anxious for additional supplies, so that
the few fresh stockers and feeders in
sight did not show much change.
quotations 011 came: uuoa 10 cnoicn
beef steers, t8.20i38.75; fair to good beef
steers, 37.858.20; common to fair beef
steers, $7.00417.85: good to choice cornfed
heifers, 37.W38.00; good to choice cows,
36.507.50) fair to good grades. 35.7CO6.60;
common to fair grades, 34.2536.50; good
to choice stockers and feeders, 37.604
8.15; fair to good stockers and feeders,
$7.23Q7.60; common to fair stockers and
feeders, 40.wtr1.zu; stoca cows ana hell
ers. $6.0037.23; stock calves, W.60&8.00;
veal calves, $8.00010.25; bulls, stags, eta.
jieprosoniative saics:
Ko. A. Pr. 24a. At. Pr.
14 871 c Jo I IM 7 30
3.... 348 7 10
90 310 7 80
24 110 7 30
31 1138 1 88
20 13S1 7 86
17 1133 7 86
13 J 7 85
4 1303 7 90
17.... 976 7 90
9 968 7 99
6. 1134 9 00
6 HOC 8 00
8... 1114 8 00
33 985 8 00
11 1818 8 OS
19 .1133 8 10
( 1383 8 10
11 1843 S 10
19 1331 I 16
1 1366 8 30
4 1337 8 30
8 tt.1360 3 30
8,.,.,, 1033 S 30
4 1337 8 IS
9 ... ia 1 iu
934 7 M
3 780 7 38
1108 7 40
... HI 7 40
... (At 7 M
...1038 7 M
... 876 7 80
... 981 7 80
880 7 80
743 7 80
IIS 7 84
1116 T 60
BK 1 l
6 ..llll 7 80
19 985 7 83
It 819 7 86
3 v90 7 66
1000 7 66
3 7 70
1049 7 70
11 633 7 70
641 7 00 7 911 7 63
930 7 34
, 1004 7 36
10 844 7 70
28 1113 7 70
10., 1113 7 33
3 833 8 00
21 , 1070 3 SO
JO.. 1. ....... 643 8 40
, 785 7 60
730 7 80
....... 814 7 60
, 814 7 M
i....... Tit I BV
lit 4 18 4 370 60
376 4 36
.........,.iiai a to
15 971 In
8 ion (60
S 675 4 76
3 .....1116 6 36
j.., 100 6 60
4 .....1013 6 60
8 .-1160 5 60
6. ...... 6 60
11 396 6 86
13,! 1019 6 to
l' ,, ,.H10 6 00
1 1060 8 00
7. ' 975 8 16
js!,, 1334 15
it I7 16
ll. 1147 6 10
. 1107 4 3
1. .... ,...1030 6 30
1,; ...1117 6 X
1 "I. 1030 36
7. ...... ,...1013 6 36
i",, 1340 6 40
". 1000 ( 40
4 883 8 SO
3 1360 8 64
1117 8 83
7 1047 6 70
2 1136 8 75
2.., 994 6 76
1 1300 t1t
10 1000 6 73
3 1070 ( 76.
13. 1034 6 30
4... 1334 ( 88
10., 1019 ( 86
8...., 1046 ( 94
4 1137 90
II U33 ( 96
3 1113 7 00
3 1010 7 Oo
6 1113 7 10
3 frtM 7 40
7 cowb'and toJdilS?
1 ...
797 6 00 6 10(6 6 90
6M 6 38
J 1000 7 00
933 7 00
J -.. 433 7 CO
910 7 10
8 387 7 16
10 ,.1033 7 (4
J SO I 36
4 845 7 U
....., ? FI
1 765 s as
s " ii?
1 in
6;;'.'.'.'.'.'.!','. 773 ( 75
l " 1 923 ( 90
t',' 401 ( 10
j;!,;,; 919 s 33
1 640 7 60
1 434 7 60
13. .......... ' 7 60
k M mWb: w ,M
1 800 6 00
I. " 830 6 76
1. ' VJ 6 30
1 '.. ,. 630 4 3
1.! loto ( ta
3..!...,.... 815 ( 33
1...........U30 ( 40
1 60 6 60
I.,,,,, 1360 ( 40
1...........1JO0 6 85
1 ',. 1640 8 65
1 ......... 1310 ( 46
1, .1140 (76
l.J. ...... .1430 ( 76
J i860 ( 76
J 1630 ( 76
1910 C 76
' 1184 6 80
J 040 ( It
I860 (83
1630 ( 36
1470 6 66
1080 ( 65
1 1160 7 04
1864 7 04
1 1314 7 00
1 ,. 764 7 04
101 7 04
1394 T 00
, 4 7 26
1 ...... .. .1340 ( 75
1 404 7 t
J.. i3 7 74
l ., 233 10 23
2. .. 115 10 35
236 1,673
581 2,961
469 4,703
422 4,148
.... 1,011
3 .....
1 .....
33 ........ t 7 73 1 ITA 10 33
1 379 S 71 3 HI 1
l.l 9 13 t . Ill 10
1... t 10 CO 7 IM I?
I IWMM 1 Its 10 IS
JOS.W .0)
34 711 4 K 13 747 7 13
it..... m is m i j-.
t 19 M 7 3
II MO IH 41 "? 7 40
33 304 10 4 Til 1
7..,.. I 1M 4M T W
3.., MO 7 13 . .......... Ill T OT
Stnrk & Kmlth-IdflUo,
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
49 feeders.. 10!0 7W 6 feeders.. 1090 IW
36 cows Mi 6 70
Iver Nrllann. Montana.
40 steers 1.111 8 40
HOGS llereltita were rutlmntMl nt ?0
cars, or 14.300 head, brlnelne the week's
total un to 4S.twtt head. Tina is more man
4.tu smal er thsn last week and nearly
b.wj short of the same days last year,
uooii runs at an iiointa brouKht a gen
eral reartiou In prices this morning, ami
I to local iraue onene.i wry siow. witn
early bids n round SfflOc lower. Not much
ot nnvthlne was done during the flrM
rounds, as salesmen wero Pricing their
holdings at steady figures, but a trading
oasis was rinaliy reached, and wnen mo
offerings started to move values wore
itenerant ateadv to 5o lower. Trade ron-
tlnuel rather dull throughout the morn
ing, many of the sellers holding till late
in an error t to get steady prices, out in
the end the bulk ot the offerings was
cashed on a steady to 5o lower basis,
From tho sellers' standpoint the week s
trade has been In a rnlrlv ant sfactory
condition. With tho exception ot thn
first day of tho week receipts have been
lixrRO, but a good, strong demand has
held values tin. nnd today's prices show
an advance of nenrly 15o over the closo
Ql inal ai. Tlin mnruct tivinv rinal
very slow nnd 10c lower than wedncs-
oays nverago market.
No. At.
Bh. l'r.
... 3 00
Oh. Tr.
... 6 43
... 8 43
80 8 43
... 8 43
... 8 41
... 8 41
80 3 43
Si 173
101.. ..its
8 11U
I 3n
3 30
s rtii
I 3
8 83
I 33
8 33
0, ..... .306
14 14
71 lit
tl 133
47 134
C3 343
(...... .110
74 NS
84 Ml
I 33
8 31
17 731
41 310
8 38
,.341 140 3 18
8 33
.319 to a 4
.338 ... 8 44
.331 ... 3 43
,U ... 8 48
.313 80 8 43
33 139
0 8 33
40 334 140 8 33
31 131 ... IV)
16 333 ... 8 40
t 331 80 8 40
7 tit SO 8 40
73 333 140 8 40
S4t ... 8 W
81 373 ...
8 SO
8 80
4 TO!
70 141
71 34.
71 347
14. 813
6 313
31 333 80 8 40
40 8 80
... 3 80
... 8 80
... 8 80
... 8 80
... 8 80
... 3 88
30 8 83
80 I 13
40 324
4i r:
39 331
W) 334
33 343
30 339
a in
... 3 40
CO 8 40
... 8 40
... 8 40 88..
... 8 40 (8..
80 8 40 8..
18 3M
.Ill ... 8 4a .80..,
1 m 10 I to 1 M
4 130 ... I (0 It 114 ... 7 73
BHHBP Thero seemed to bo a change
for the better In conditions surround. tig
the sheep market becauso the packe
hiivera warn cond romnetltora for an
other liberal supply of killing sheep and
lambs nnd wero willing to pay prices
generally strong to lodriso nigner, mo
most Improvement being on the best
grades. The second incsnagos from (ithur
markets Indicated ony steady trndi) at
those points, nnd In view of this traders
rcgnrded tho locnl market as very satis
factory. It did not take buyers lonu to
reach a trading basis, nnd most every
thing wns taken out ot first hands com
paratively early In tho forenoon, It being
again a case of tho best killers moving
first nnd tho less doslrablo grades selling
Most of the Iambs wero of tho fed west
ern clans and were picked up largely at
37.1&137. 70, tlio latter figure Deing top lor
the day nnd week. The bulk ot the
warmed up grades sold to packers wont
around 37.00tn.26. and those that found
an outlot to feoder buyers changed hands
principally at $a.TUU7.w. A range of 34.85
(JjC.SO Included practically all the ewot,,
thero bolng few it any strictly choluo
kinds ot the right weight In sight. Borne
yearlings, the sama as those that have
been bringing $6.00 right along, brought!
ta IK ,1.1- mni,tlni U
up until today prices navo ueen gen
erally steady on both sheep and lambs,
but tho advance this morning makes thu
general market strong' to 103)150 belter
than tho closo ot last weak.
Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Lambs.
good to choice, J7.3W7.75; lambs, fair to
good. $7.0067.35; lambs, culls, $5.60f6.50;
yearlings, light, $6,25ttd,50:, yenrllngs,
heavy, 3J).W3.aj; wethers, good to cnoice.
l3.Mnro.bA; wetners, iair 10 gooa,
It IA. . ... - n .1 ,n .I..U.
ewes, iair to gooo, 34.76310,3;,
iteprescntativa sales:
7 20
237 Wyoming lambs
200 cornfed lambs
280 cornfed lambs
7 40
7 70
7 70
7' 70
7 65
37 cornfed lambs 84
226 cornfed lambs 87
229 cornfed lambs 84
179 cornfed lambs ., 76
141 cornfed lambs 94
163 cornfed lambs 94
7 40
7 40
7 40
7 60
7 60
7 66
7 40
7 40
144 cornfed Iambs 94
2S2 cornfed lambs 83
267 cornfed lambs 83
163 cornfed lambs 76
210 cornfed lambs .., 88
170 cornfed lambs 88
53 cornfed lambs 83
7 40
G 00
7 60
6 90
6 30
7 15
7 25
7 36
6 26
7 35
7 40
450 Colorado ewes 81
1000 Mexican lambs GO
193 Colorado ewes' 89
211 Colorado owes 89
226 cornfed lambs , 72
210 cornfed lambs 76
204 cornfed lambs 77
137 oornfod lambs , 77
103 cornfed lambs 103
231 cornfed lambs 78
100 cornfed Iambs , 87
140 cornfed ewes 101
117 comfort ewes 101
6 00
4 85
140 cornfed ewes 104
117 cornfed ewes 101
Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Hlsue
Hogs Weak.
CHICAGO. Feb. 19. CATTLE Re celDts.
6.600 head: market steady to 10a higher:
boeves, 37.iuu9.r5; Texas steers, jo.wxas.w;
western steers. la.txwz.Bo: stocKera and
feeders, $5.607.8S: cows and heifers, $3.70
b.uj; caives,
HOG-h Receipts. 27.0CO Head: market
weak, 50 lower;, bulk or sales, I8.0W7.70;
light. $.50tf8.70: mixed. $8.60218.70: hftavv.
63.3aas.7u rougn. 3.ao7i.4i: pigs. 37..&HS.70.
ttliishu' Ainu iaaiu ueceipts. 20,000
head; market 10Q16o higher: native. '34.86
(36.26; western. $4.9066.25; yearlings. $5.80
17.23; nmuB, native, JAWii'i.ea; western.
Kansas City live Stock Market,
Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady to 10c
nigner; prime tea steers, 33.am9.25
dressed beef steers. I7.2Mi8.40: western
steers. $7.(KHS.40; southern steers. $6,900
7.w; cows, i.4oa't.bu; neuers, 3b.7Mlv.Wi
stocKers and feedors. jo.uwn.uo; nulls
1 3t.iKi v.w; caives.
nous-msceipts, e.suu head; market
steady: bulk. $8.4508.76: heavy. $S.l6sn
8.7:m; pacuera aim Dutcners. $!f.Krg.70
I Kilt. I.M,Uj; PlgS. 37.HH118.W.
Wlligivl' ANU LA3IUH iteueipts, 5,909
neaa: mantel nigner: lamoa. 37.00
67.75; yearlings. $6.36.75j wethers, $5.25
lo.tsti; ewes, 31.stxuft.tiu.
Ml. Louis LItct Block Slarket.
celpts, 1,800 head; market strong to lOo
higher; beef steers, $7.5089.25; cows and
heifers. 34.25Q8.txi: stockers and feeders.
1 35.Wil7.HJ; southern steers. 25.75U8.20
cows and neuers, ji.wuti.w; caives, jtf.wwt
U-25- . . .
IlOQB RecelDts. 8.000 head: market Co
higher: Pigs and light. $7.60728.90: mixed
and butchers. $8.758.95; good heavy. $8.SJ
Ullist',1' a.xj ijAftiurj iteceipts, sou
head: market 10c higher: muttons. 35.00U
5.09; 1 am us,
Stoux City Live Slouk Market
8IOUX CITY. Ia.. Feb. 19, CATTLE
lleceipts. im) nead; market 10a higher
native steers. 37.10if8.40: cows and helf,
ers. $3.4036.66; canners, $3.865.25; stockers
and feeders, l7.Wf.: caives, I7.0tfl9.w;
uuns. stags, etc.. to.zaw.iii. .
BHHBP ANU LAM1SS Ilece DtB. 1.000
head; market steady; fed muttons. tf.Kttp
8.50; wetners, 30.wuo.70; ewes, 34.uwo.i6
I.Itb Stork lit Sight,
RecelDts from the six nrinclnal west,
em manteia;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
Kansas City
,. 1.S00 6.300 C.lM
St. Louis
Sioux City.. ...
South Omaha
Bt Joseph...,.
.. l.MO 8.000 600
.. 600 6,000 1,000
,, j,vvu ii.auu y,w
. 1,600 9,000 2.500
5,500 27,000 20,000
Total receipts,. ,....13,100
64,900 40,009
McAdoo and Houston Back in apCi
tal Afte1 Long Trip.
Country Shorrn by Facta anil Flsr
urea In 11 r Exceptionally Snnml
nnil Strona, Serrelnrlra
WASHINQTON, Feb. 19.-Thc federadl
reserve bank organisation committee,
back In Washington after a five waekV
trip through the country. In a statement
Issued tonight, announced that Us selec
tion of federal reserve cities and dcfln'
Hon of reserve districts would not 00
lntulo until careful consideration had
been given to the Information accumu
lated 011 the' trip. Tho statement said
tho conimltte. Secretaries McAdoo and
Houst'pn, found tho country prosperous
nd learned that bankers nnd business
men aro greatly Interested In tho now
banking system and confident of Its suc
cess. In a supplemental statement Mr. Mc
Adoo asserted he hoped tho new system
would be established In tlmo to take care
ot crop-moving contingencies next year,
but that If It were not the Treasury de
partment would stand ready to place Us
funds again at the disposal of the busi
ness men,
Evidence of llconomto StrensrtU.
Tho committee's statement, In part,
said: "In every section ot the country
the committee found a practically unan
imous conviction among bankers and
business men that the currency bjll will
bring about most beneficial changes 111
thn business ot the country. The com
mittee wns presented everywhere with
overwhelming evidence of tho enormous
economic strcnsUi of tho country and of
tho rapid progress of every section. The
fact that tho nation's banking resources
ns a whola made enormous ndvancca
every twelve or fifteen years, approxi
mately doubling In each such period, was
made evident. Whllo this Is true ot the
country as a whole, tt was shown that
certain sections aro advancing with more
rapid strides than others, and that the
country Is fundamentally exceptionally
sound ami strong economically. The
facts nnd figures submitted to the com
mittee In every pnrt ot the country ahow
a condition ot financial, Industrial, com
mercial and agricultural soundness and
prosperity that leaves no doubts as to the
Impressed by Admission.
"The committee was Impressed by the
frank admission ot bankers throughout
the country that tho present banking sys
tem not only encourages but actually has
created striking artificial conditions ot
banking, with practical unanimity, the
opinion watt expressed that the new
measure will restore normal condtilpns
with great resulting benefits; that the
present system not only furnishes no pro
tection In times ot real stringency, but
also, even In times of groat prosperity,
especially when there are bounteous
crops, makes tt Impossible to meat tho
conditions and that there has been pre
sented the singular contradiction nt
providing bankers thrown Into fear ot
panto by the emergency of wealth. The
bankers were unanimously of the opinion
that the establishment of this reserve
system will no longer make our prosper
ity a peril and that It will relievo them
ot apprehension and distress In those cir
cumstances and give confidence and sta
bility to business generally.
"Already practically all the capital
represented by the . national banks has
como In. A number of state banks have
applied for national charters and many
havo applied for membership In the fed
eral reserve system.
"In every stato In the union which the
committee has visited It has heard ex
pressions from governors, banking com
missioners and others to the effect that
whero thero Is any legal disability
against subscription by state banks, that
disability would bo removed and the fur
ther expression, that stato banks which
wore eligible would 'vory generally seek
to enter the system."
MoAdoo'a Htnleinent.
Here Is Secretary McAdoo'a statement:
"In a few Instances tho question was
asked It the new federal reserve banks
would bo organised In tlmo to tako care
of the crop moving contingency next
fall. It Is hoped that the system may
be established before that time, but If It
should not bo. the resources . ot the
United States treasury wilt be placed
again at the disposal ot and ba used for
the protection ot tho legitimate business
Interests of tho country. The treasury
resources are believed to be adequate
for the purpose, but it they should not
prove to be, then It should be remem
bered that the Aldrlch-Vreeland act has
been extended until June SO, 1916, ami
tho tax upon circulation taken out under
this measure has been reduced to the
point where bankers may resort to It
-with advantage it necessity should
arise. Tho financial situation Is, there
fore,' sound and satisfactory and there
Is every reason -why business should pro
ceed normally and with confidence and
White. Slaver Sent
to Prison in Prussia
DBUTHBN, Prussia, Feb. 19, A Rus
sian, Lubclskl, was today sentenced to
nine years' Imprisonment for engaging
In tho "whlto slave" traffic Lubclskl
had hundreds of agents In Russian Po
land, who were ostensibly engaged In a
general emigrant business. Lubelskl
detached tho girls from their emigrant
parties after they crossed the frontier.
Ho made his headquarters at Myslowitz,
on tho Polish frontier, where meeting
with Intermediaries from other countries
became so frequent that the authorities
detailed a police official to collect evi
dence against the Ilusalan.
Testimony was submitted showing that
Lubelskl had bribed the official and also
tho Russian frontier police to securo the
crossing ot the frontier by girls without
SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Feb. 19.
Wlthln a few moment of the arrival of
Lord Pedes and his w(fe, formerly Miss
Vivian Gould, In their private car to
day tho Southern Pacific railroad bridg
over which the car passed was swept
out by a freshet and Santa Barbara was
marooned again, so far aa railroads are
concerned, for the second time' within a
Heavy rains which swept northern Cal
ifornia last night reached here early to
day. Emmet Ooterrnsn, a 13-year-old
boy, was drowned In a creelc here.