Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    U'lJJfi BEE: OMAHA, T1IUHSDAY, FEBBUAKir 19, 1914.
afs worth seem
Epperson I
I Jach-Rafoitl Jj
Jeffery Four
The Jeffery Four in tho first fight cnr of quality and real comfort
h hull In America. ncssesilnir h hlith speed, high efficiency, bloo type
motor of unusual power to sell at $1,660.
It can rub shoulders with tho best qara produced and profit by the
comparison. .. . . . .
Ifn an athlete among motor carB. Vanadium steel, front axle, rear
axle, drive ahafta and springs tell part of the story. Splccr universal
joints speak volumes to mechanics. Imported annular ball bearings
practically eliminating friction mean much to those who know.
See this car at tho show. Wo would like to have every mechanically
inollned man and every competitor cxamtno It from stem to stern. TYe
valuo their opinions. UAMBLKll MOTOR CO..
2062 Farnam, Street.
Apperson ' Jachrabbits '
Twenty-one years ago tho Apperson Brothers built their first gasoline
buggy. Slnco theu they have designed and constructed moro than fifty dif
ferent and distinct models of motor care. Bach and every model has bpeA
an Improvement over Its predecessor, until this year the Twenty-first An
niversary Models are tho very highest product It la possible toMcure.
1206 Farnam Street.
The New Hudson Six 40
Visit space number sixteen at the Auditorium and see tho most talked
of car In America,
Tho HUDSON Slx-40 Is the first Six In America to offer these things
to car buyers: . . .
A high-grade Six which undersells any comparable four.
A Six which underweighs all Fours of equal size and power.
A Six which allows less operative cost than Fours of like capacity.
This 8lx-40, weight 2,980 pounds certified railway weight That ,18 400
pounds less than our last year's Four, tho Hudson "37." It consumes ona
fourth less fuel under tame conditions. And compared with other. Fours,
anywhere near In this class, tho difference Is as great or greater.
Twenty-sixth and Farnam Streets.
Buick Automobiles
A Buick automobile must be so built that It will, at all times and under
all circumstances give the owner uninterrupted use of Ms Investment.
No matter what Its price, a Buick car must, and will, glvo the maxi
mum of that service for which It was Intended, and must bear Its propor
tion of the responsibility of maintaining that high prestige which Buick
cars have attained. ., , .
Tho Buick Six fulfills all that six-cylinder construction promises: It
combines tho valuable qualities of cars of this typo with the distinctive
Buick over-head valve motor, a combination whloh no other oar affords
and which combination guarantees the purchaser full motor car satisfac
1914 Farnam Street.
Paise "36"
The Pa I go "36" Is a tremendous value. This car la produced by one of
the seven largest prouueing lactones in me worm ana enioouies mora up-to-date
mechanical construction and body refinements than any car we
know of. Tho new streamline body Is a beauty. The motor powerful, but
aulet. Tho electrical system is "Gray and Davis" and leaves nothing to be
eslred. Tho equipment Is complete. The prlco Is $1,275. It will more than
pay you to see this car at the coming Omaha Auto Show, February 23-28.
You will find it in Booth Eleven. Tho first booth on tho right-hand sldo
as you go In. PAIQE CO. OF OMAHA,
jmUlUXlll HLiCCk.
The "Story of the Cadlllao" Is the story of that mechanical and com
mercial advancement which makes for permanency. 'The Cadlllao pro
duct has been only that which Its makers knew to b right; that which
Its makers knew would glvo to tho purchaser 'value received" In abun
dant measure. CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA,
2064-6-8 Farnam Street.
Chandler Six
We know that the judgmont of a buyer who Intends to pay moro than
$1,600 for his automobile will tend to lead him Into the slx-cyllnder class.
Wo know that his past experience In driving and owing automobiles
will direct him to a snappy car, whose designers have followed that line
of better construction that eliminates useless weight
Wa believe tho Lightweight "Six" will rulo among that class of buy
ers who seek a car-of the better class.
We believe' the Chandler Is the highest grade, best built, Lightweight
VSlx" on the American market.
' We seek an opportunity to prove this by demonstration and comparison.
1814-16-ig I'-urnasjp aireoi.
Marion Six
"A penny Is aa big as a five dollar gold piece." but It won't buy as
much. The MAIUON AUTOMOBILE CO. ban always Insisted on the
standard of values. A car that Is good clear through, symmetrical In ap
pearance, sturdy in design, stable In construction, absolute- integrity and
f;ocd faith between buyer and seller. Is the measure of all true merchandis
ng. The MARION will occupy apace "28" in the show.
2101 Farnam Street.
Abbott Detroit
With every high class phase of construction that has been accepted
by automobile engineers of good standing, the Abbott-Detroit offers three
models In three different prlco classes that are marvels of ingenious con
struction and careful manufacture.
We do not believe, however, that this Is all an agent should receive.
We heller that ho should secure liberal compensation for his labor and
ability, and wo are prepared to offer, him this.
We expect our wholesale trade to exceed that of any car of equal
price offered in this territory for the coming season, and solicit your In
vestigation of our special information.
1814-10-18 Farnam Street.
Hupmobile "32"
A striking example of straight line symmetry, tho Four-Passenger 32-horse-power
model, has power to sparo for hill climbing and rough going
in country driving; for congested city travel, a flexible throttle of from
four to fifty miles an hour. Its low eentfy of gravity, perfect balance,
comfortably tilted seats, special rear axle construction and springs, make
it wonderfully easy riding. Priced at $976 and fully equipped.
A long-looked for car of moderate prlco that will hold the whole ramiy
4s the Slx-psssengtr "S2" Touring Car. Its added carrying burden Is well
within tho power and capabilities of tho lonnr-stroke 3Ux6tt-lnch motor.
1814-16 Farnam Street.
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