Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Application Hade to Railway Cora
mission for Privileges.
rlennlnirton Saloontst Sued for Dam
ages In Lancaster Conntr Fol
lorrlnir Practice Started from
Other Conn tie.
(From a Staft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 18.-(Speclat.)-E. J.
Kford, a lumberman'., R. M. Godell, an
elevator man, and J. Pohl. clerk oC tho
board of the town of Staplehurst, on tho
Columbus branch of the Burlington,
called at the office of tho railway com
mission today and made complaint
against the road for failure to supply
sufficient sidetrack facilities for the
handling of business in that ttnvn.
They complained that when tho road
moved tho depot some time ago It cut
down the amount of sidetrack so that
ther Is not room for the trade that
comes to the town which doslres to load
there. They ask that the present side
track be- extended and the stock yards
moved farther away.
They wero told by Chairman Clark ,
that If tho town board would declare the
stock yards a nuisance It would be easy
to have them moved from the present
site near tho main street to a place far
ther away.
Kcnnrr Visit" Siorfotk.
Commissioner Kennedy of tho Board of
Control Is In Norfolk looking up the side
track; or spur proposition trhld' has oeon
causing tho board a great deal of trouble
and to look over some minor propositions
around th Institution.
Healcl Examination.
Members of the medical corps-In con
nection with the National Guard, num
bering about 100 men, were in Lincoln
today taktng an examination and Inspec
tion by Captain Lee R. Dunbar, repre
senting the medical department of the
National War department.
State Seed Tested.
Tha State Board of Control has
awarded contracts for the purchase of
about $1,000 worh of garden seeds for
the Institutions of the state. Heretofore
each Institution has bought Its own seed,
but this year the board Is buying In
bulk and requiring that the seed stand
the test required under the pure seed
Ken Company Formed.
The Western Securities company ot
Omaha has filed articles ot Incorporation
with the secretary of stato with a capi
tal stock of $8,000. Tho Incorporators are:
Bay H. Wise, W. Walter Hoye and Win
field R. Ross.
The Keystone Athletic club of South
Omaha also filed articles ot Incorpora
tion with John McGlnley, John Johns and
llerman Hallenbolx as Incorporators.
John G. Mueller and his bartender,
who run a saloon at Bennington, In
Douglas county, wero made the defend--
ants with their surety, the Illinois Surety
company, In a case brought In the dis
trict court of Lancaster county yester
day by Ida Seymour asking dmaages in
the, sum of $5,000 from the surety com
Dany and $20,000 moro against trie saloon
keeper and his bartender. Mrs. Seymour
seta out that she - Is the -wife of Bert
Seymour and that thoy have two cuugiv
tors. $ nnd 6 years old, and that Sey
mour has become a habitual drunkard
because of .liquor sold him by .the saloon
men. (
Lancaster citizens are beginning to ob
Ject strenuousl yto the bringing of this
and similar cases to tho Lancaster court
as they feel that they ought not to be
compelled to pay the costs attacnea to
h uits. Durlnir the last two years, It
la said, that suits of a similar nature
have been brought from Otoe, Johnson,
Cass and Douglas counties and-the cost
for Jury .service runs into high figures.
Liquor House and
Pool Room Burned
at Grand Island
Thresherrnen of Nebraska Declare
Law One Greatly Needed.
lonera' Association -Which In Di
rected Airalnut Thin Lnn
Not I.onjt Hnncteil.
Hal TlMnm.l-Th first estimates ot I --
loss In the fire in the Rushenbers-Mo- iTake Shot t nesulntlon of CommU-
Klbben pool hall and Bernsteln-Nlctfeld
building vero too low. The loss on the
building owned by the Cassctl Realty
company Is this morning estlmsted at
$2,000, the losa to the Bernsteln-Nlctfeld
company at $3,000 and to the pool hall at
$1,000. The giving away of the floor of
the Nletfeld company's wholesale liquor
house after the fire was extinguished
threw a large quantity of bottled goods
Into the basement. Tho fire originated
near the furnace.
The crowd at tho Mlchelson theater,
next door to the Bernstein building, was
dismissed In order and without really
knowing the fire was next door.
The Empress picture theater, around
the block, but In the path ot the smoke,
was also crowded, and the smell ot the
smoke filled tho rocm, but the theater
was emptied In order and no one was
AUBURN. Neb., Feb. 18. (Special.)
James Klnghorn of this place fell dead
near Howe where he had gone after a
cow Monday evening. Mr. Klnghorn
was ubout 15 year old and had suffered
from heart trouble for something over a
year. He conducted a Uwy barn hero
for about ten years and sold out only a
few days ago. Previous to coming to
Auburn he was a farmer about four
miles south of town. He is survived by
a wife and one child.
WEEFING WATER, Neb.. Feb. 18.
(Special.) II. B. Jones, a farmer, who
recently, moved to town, was taken with
an epileptic fit yesterday afternoon and
while In that condition swallowed Ills
false teeth. The teeth were removed
after a time, but Mr. Jopes only sur-
Ived an hour after he ws taken 111.
He leaves a wife and six children.
(from a Staff Corresponilont.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 18. (Speclal.)-The
largest attended meeting ot any organ
isation which has been held In Lincoln
for a long time Is that ot tho Nebraska
Threshermen's association, now at tho
Lincoln hotel. Not only Is the attend-
anco great, but tho Interest Is exceed
ingly lively, caused principally by a dis
cussion regarding tho action ot the
County Commissioners' association In
passing resolutions asking for tflo repeal
of tho so-called twenty-ton bridge law.
Tho throshormen say that this resolu
tion was aimed directly at them and they
propose to seo that It Is not repealed.
Redhot addresses against tho action ot
the county- commissioners wero mado by
several members of tho association and
a general feeling seems to exist that tho
commissioners stepped out ot their way
to recommend the repeal of a law which
is needed.
lllir Hutu Invented.
A showing was mado by Prof Chase
ot tho State Agricultural school that
there was Invested In traction engines In
Nebraska $G.T00,000, to tho number ot 4,800
engines, with a combined horsepower of
M7.CO0. Tho figures, which were taken
from tho last census reports, according
to Prof. Chase, show also that thcro Is
invested In stationary engines, such as
aro usod by interurban electric roads,
lighting plants, etc., only $1,180,000. or
only 66,000 horscpowor. Ho Insisted that
the traction engine owners wero entitled
to consideration In the making of laws
as well as electrio lignung anu similar
companies which use stationary engines.
Tho law, which Is not liked by tho
county commissioners, was Introduced by
ALMA, Neb., Feb. IS. (Special.) Lee
Willis, an extensive land owner and
farmer of Harlan county, who had been
spending tho winter In California In
company with his wife and daughter.
died very suddenly at San Diego the
first ot tho week. The body is being
brought home for Interment.
Notes from Ilentrlce.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Feb. 19.-(Spclal.)
Tho first gun of the spring municipal
campaign was opened In WcBt Beatrlcr
Tuesday night at a mass meeting of
tho voters of the Third ward, when ex
Representative C. J. McColl was endorsed
for city commissioner, and J. W. Coon'
ley and R. S. Arthur for members ot
the board ot education.
Miss Jane Goodrich of Lincoln died In a
local hospital Monday night, aged''!'
Prof. C. E. Condra of Lincoln Is plan
nlng- to make a soil survey of Gage
county the coming summer. The only
condition that Mr. Condra makes is that
the county furnish htm with a two
seated automobile for the use of tho field
man. The matter will probably bo
brought before the next meeting ot tho
Board of Supervisors.
Since Acting State Veterinarian Bos
trum visited Beatrice last week to In
8pect a herd of sick mules belonging to
S. F. Nichols he has lost five of them
from forapro poisoning. Fifteen in all
have died from the disease.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 18.-(SpeclaI.)-
lAdvocating a 1-cent letter postage with
lt relation to the parcel post, S. A
Sanderson addressed the session of the
Retail Hardware dealers of the state
this morning. Tho discussion following
the debate was Interesting and Indulged
In by several members ot the organlza'
Other addresses by N. II. Williams on
tho effjclency of selling with questions
byjF. W. Arnat, u-n. uinr, iu
AlUstcr' and others took up most of the
day's session.
In the evening tho American Steel
Wire company entertained with motion
pictures showing the manner of convert'
Ing crude ore Into tho smallest pieces of
cutlery. Tho balance of the evening was
spent by listening to stunts pulled off
by "Prof. Zollenhausen" in dialect reel
fattens, violin selections by Prof. Duboff
of the University' of Nebraska and se
lections by tho "Celebrated Weiner-
Schneltsle Band."
In the afternoon tho wives ot hard
ware men went to the meeting ot the
association and were entertained at
musical given by the women of Lincoln
This evening tho association was en
tertalned at a banquet given by the
Commercial club.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 18. (8peclal.)
The lure of tho farm is beckoning United
States Marshal William Warner back to
honest toll, according to that gentleman
while at the stato houso this morning
"I received quite a consignment of
garden seeds a few days ago," said the
marshal to a newspaper man, "and you
don't have any Idea how it makes me
lonK for the fresh breexes of the farm
and a chance to get away from tho Job
of holding office under a democratic ad
Mr. Warner said ho had hoped to have
been relieved from office right away and
especially by April 1, but was afraid
that tho powers were not going to be
able to agree on his successor at the
present progrew they were making. He
jlil not know yet whether he would file
ii a candidate for governor or not, but
said he believed that there was a good to elect a full state ticket.
ALMA, Neb., Feb, IS. (Special.) How
ard Fratee, who was held here charged
with an attempt to blackmail, was dls
missed without a hearing1 Monday.
DKNISON. la. Feb. 18. (SneclaU-The lcneojfti
-nm1 annual ahnrt rmirao elveii at this i"rl,y
city by experts from Ames college was
a marked success. There was great In
terest In all lines of such work. The sam
ples of corn were excellent nnd the prlo
bushel sold for $S0. The school children
mad a strong display' ot their work.
The women took much Interest In the
domestlo science lectures and demonstra
tions In charge of Miss Knowles. In the
examinations Miss Hilda llrodcrpon re
ceived 100 per cent, Mrs. It. A. Carpenter
P. Miss Agnes King 97 nnd Mrs. W. J.
Scrlver S5.
Tarcnts took great Interest In the baby
health show, some babies being brought
twenty miles for examination and scoring.
Boaid Drafted by Dan
Stephens Docs Novel Task.
of Con-
rekftiiinii, Who Urimrds It
tilth Much Wonder.
Action Tnlifti Ilcfore
$i(Mtnr In Affair
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. lS.-(8poelal Tele-KrauO-Tlia
most Interesting current
event in tho jvolltlenl llfo of Washington.
probably Uiok ilco lato this evening at
Tho prises were ns follows: Uoys, undor i Uo InstHneo of Han V. Stephens of tho
1 year, first, Lobcrl Loss; second. linns' Third Nebraska district when ho cnted
Joss. Girls, under 1 year, first. Eleanor
Johnnson; second, Anne .Vols. Roys, ho
tween 1 and 2 year, first, Martin Grill;
second, Harold Llmbrocht. Girls, between
1 and !, first, Nell I o Mnloney; second,
Juliana Bollcn. It was decided to plan
at onco for a similar course, next year
at Denlson.
Thnnkafflvlnir Dinner to Mothers of
Lnrun Fninlllea In North
Without doubt the most rcmnrkablo
dinner ever given In North Carolina wos
that on Thanksgiving day at the llttlo
town of Andrews, high up In the-North
Carolina mountain region, between tho
Bluo Rldgo and the Great Smoky ranges,
Mr. J. McWhltaker was tho host and his
guests wore seventeen widows whose
ages and a number of whoso descendants
tell two stories at once, ono of the longe
vity ot North Carollnans, tho other ot the
fact that raca suicide has no footing In
this commonwealth.
The combined ages ot tho soventeen
widows aro 1,033 years, the nverngo being
61 years. Tho number ot children of
these women Is lbi. grandchildren SS9,
grcat-granchlldrcn 00, great-great
grandchildren, 9, The average age ot
tho grandchildren Is IT years and of tho
great-grandchildren 9. Tho dinner was a
bountiful ono and the mountains lent it
their best. Including wild turkeys, phcas
ants, venison and the choicest products
of tho farm and the garden
Mr. McWhltaker Is wealthy and big
hearted and he served his guests and saw
Representative C. It. Gustafson, now sec- mat everyoouy Knew it was Thanksgiv
i ... . I I - .1 n .. a- . . ... ... . ..
retary-treasurer ot tno J-nresnermon s i "t wu ui innauro m
association ot tho state, and provides that
all bridges built shall be capable ot bold'
ing up twenty tons. Tho county commls
sloncrs contend that this Is too expensive
for the counties.
Tho principal address today was by B.
B. Clark, editor of tho American Thresh'
erman. Addresses by J. W. McIIarry
on the "Needs of tho Thresherman" and
by C. II. Gustafson on "Tho Thresher-
man's Interest In tho Lawmakers," with
the addresses of Prof. Seaton and Prof.
Chase of tho state university, took up
most ot the rooming Besslon. In the
afternoon tho association mado an in
spection of the bulldlrws on tho unlvclty
city campus and wero treated to tests lu
tho different laboratory departments.
In tho evening the association was given
a banquet at the Lincoln hotel, President
C. C. Qulggle of tho Lincoln Commercial
club acting as toastmaster.
Tomorrow will take placo tho annual
election of officers, reports of commit'
tees and action on some proposed amend
ments to the bylaws of the association.
tho result of his novel dinner that he Is
going to mako it an annual feature,
There are big families In North Carolina
and one has thirty-two children, alt liv
ing! three have thirty, seven have twen'
ty-four and a number, of twenty Is by no
means uncommon. In ono t family there
are three. Bets of triplets nnd four sets
of twins. As Governor Craig put It,
'North Carolina Is at tho head of the
procerclon In this line." Now York Her
tho bnltots cast at Norfolk for postmaster
to bo counted In his offioo by a disinter- j
cstcd board of canvassers, nnd declared
ho would recommend tho winner, Andrew
G, Nelson, to be postmaster of that city.
Congressman Stephens early declared
that ho would leave tho whole subject of
postmasters to postofflco primaries or to
duly constituted committees apolnted by
tl.o county or congressional committee of
tho Third district. As a result of these
broad nnd radical lines, Mr. Stephens has
boon up against It," In a number ot
cases. In some instances no nas not
satisfied constituents, and In other cases
there havo been protests against the re
turning boards duly designated In lowns
end villages where prlmarlos have been
SclrcSs CnuvnmliiK ltonrd.
Today, a may constituted board of ab
solutely disinterested parties, consisting
of Edward A. King, secretary to Con
gressman Bulkoy ot Cleveland O., as
judge of election; James H. Hanloy,
secretary to Congressman Lobeck. nnd N.
W. Preston, sect clary to Congressman
Stephens, ns clerks of election, opened in
Mr. Stephens' office, tho contested Nor
folk ballots which had been sent to him
from that town and counted tho dis
puted vote. Tho duly constituted can
vassing board consisting ot tho abovo
named gentilmcn, returned the following
ns their ununlmous finding:
Wo the undersigned, a committee of
three disinterested parties appointed by
Congressman Dan V. Stephens to recount
the ballots cast for postmaster In tho
primary election held at Norfolk 1-obru-ary
7, 1914, find that Andrew G. Nelson
received 3 votes and Carl Wilde re
ceived 418 volos. Wo found one voto for
Herman Winter In tho package of votes
that had been counted for Wilde, thus
reducing Wlldo's voto by ono and In
creasing Winter's voto by one. We also
found among the spoiled ballots ono bal
lot In which It was shown that the
voter clearly Intended to cast his ballot
for Nelson, ond two ballots that wore
clearly Intended for Fred W. Kocbcr.
Otherwise, the vote Is tho same as certi
fied by tho Norfolk election board.
Novelty nt Cnpltol.
: Tho turning, of Mr. Stephens' official
headquarters In the houso offlco build
ing Into a sort of an clectorlal commls
Blonal wns so novel a proceeding as to
ntlrnet a gathering of spectators-con-K-essnien,
secretaries and stenographers
fitim nearby offices on tho samo floor,
who looked on during tho count, which
was conducted with all duo solemnity
and ceremony.
Washington has not recn such a pro
cedure In some time, for tho only time
when the votes nro counted for presl
It occurs Is onco In every four years
dent nnd vice president of the United
States. Mr. Stephens, after the verdict
of tho boan was rendered, was asked
what he proposed to do In tho premlsci
of Norfolk postofflcs.
Nelson to llnve Jolt.
"In view of the voles ot the two com
mittees counting the ballots for post
master nt Norfolk," ho -said, It appears
beyond question of doubt that Mr. Nel
son rocclvcd a plurality. I will there
fore recommend Mr. Nelson nt tho proper
tlmo for postmaster nt that place."
Village of Dundee
Will Give Reception
The Hoard of Trustees of tho llloge ot
Dundee will glvo a reception nt the vll
Ibko hall, Fiftieth street nnd Underwood
avenue, from " o'clock to 10 o'clock Mon
day ovenlng.
This reception will be given to enable
tho people ot Dundee, their friends and
others Interested, nn opportunity to In
spect the new village hall, flro station and
fire fighting nparatus.
Headachy, Costive,
Bilious- "Cascarets"
Sick Headache, Unil llreatli, Hour
Stomach, mean Liver nnd riowcls
arc clogged Cheer upj
Get a 10-cent bos.
Sick headache, biliousness, dtcslness.
coated tongue, fout teste and foul breath
always tracer them to torpid liver; de
layed, fermenting food In tho bowels or
sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged In the intes
tines, Instead of being cast out of tho
system Is reabsorbed Into tho blood.
When this poison reaches the delicate
brnln tlssuo It causes congestion and that
dull, throbbing, sickening headache.
Cascarets Immediately cleanse tno
stomach, remove the sour, undigested
food nnd foul gases, tako tho excess bllo
from tho liver and iarry out all the con-
tlpated waste matter and poisons in mo
A Cascarot tonight will sureiy
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleop-a 10-cent box from
your driigRlst means your heau ciear.
stomach sweet and your liver ana ixj
regular for months.-Advertlsement.
Breaks a Cold in a
Few Hours-Pape's
First dose of Papo'8 Cold Com
pound relieves all the grippe
misery Contains no quinine.
Don't stay stutttd-upl
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dost
of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every
two hours until three doses are taicen
will end grippe misery and break up .
severe coiu earner n nana, vnn
badr or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils
tnd air passages; stops nasty
r nose running: relieves sicic ntaaacne
lutlneM, feverlshnsss, sore throat, snees
Ins. soreness and stiffness.
"Pape's Cold Compound" Is the quick
est. surest relief known and costs only
85 cents at drug stores. It acts without
asKlatance. tastes nice, and causes lis
Inconvenience. Don't accept a substitute.
nllTthroftt IrrtUUon", ttrenithathralr, Ve,t0a
fttl.W. BtavH ItM. 4MULaOWSa3,B.M.
Interior Photographs
Tho inexperienced pho-
tographer does not un
derstand tho lighting of !
photographs taken in- J
doors. Our newspaper I
equipment includes tho
necessary apparatus and i
our photographer re- J
coivod his training with
TJndorwood & Under- J
wood, tho great New
York establishment.
These facilities aro at
your service at very rea
sonable prices. Call and
see samples or phone
Bee Photo Department
Telephone Tyler 1000.
Persistent Advertising ' Is the road
Business Success. ,
Man lilt by Train Near Clarks.
Ct.AP.KS. Neb., Feb. 18.-(6peelal.)-
young man by the name of Berry who
has been working with a corn shelling
outfit Just west of Clarks, while . trying
to beat a freight train to the crossing
Tuesday morning, failed to see No. 6 ap
proaching from the opposite direction
and was struck by it The young man
was taken aboard the train and brought
to town and placed under the care ot the
company's physician. Ills left arm was
broken In three places, his face was
badly lacerated and there are possible
Internal injuries.
Cedar ninffa Notes.
CEDAR BLUFFS. Neb., Feb. 18.-(fipe-
cial.) One of tho largest hog shipments
sent from this place was shipped to the
South Omaha markets last night by lo
cal farmers. The shipment consisted of
10 cars and a switch engine was sent
here from Fremont to help In the load
The Cedar Bluffs councert band will go
to Morse Bluff next Monday night, where
they will render the same program given
here a week ago.
Emerson Commercial Club Feasts,
EMERSON, Neb, Feb. 19.-(Speclal,)
The Commercial club held their annual
meeting and banquet hero Monday night.
A large number attended. The following
officers wero elected: E. Enke, presi
dent; Dr. J. A. Marqnde, vice president;
Ed Belersdorf, secretary; II. II. Stolze,
treasurer; executive board, II. J. Under-
Ink, George H. Haase and O. A. I son-
Schuyler ttnnrda Inspected.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Feb. 18.-(Speclal.)-
Lleutenant W. C. Stoll ot the Twenty
ninth Infantry Inspected Company E,
Fourth regiment, Nebraska National
guards, Monday evening. Ninety per cent
of the company was present. Special
commendation waa given for the care of
property and equipments. Every rifle
passed at the first inspection.
Contract Let for Jail.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Feb. 18. (Spe
cial.) The contract for the erection of
the new Cass county Jail has been
awarded to L. O, Larson of Plattsroouth
by the Board of County Commissioners
for &&0 and John Bauer & Son were
given the contract for the heating and
plumbing ot the building for J1.31S.&5.
Eptrorth Banqnet at Tekamab,
TEKAMAIL Neb., Feb. lS.-(8pecIal.)-Tekamah
Epworth leaguers last evening
banquetel at Schroeder's hall, with 150
present. The banquet Is the outcome of
a membership contest and the gathering
was a happy one. After the dining toasts
were responded to, the pastor. Rev. Mr,
MacOregor, acting as toastmaster.
Key to the Situation Be Advertising.
Harle-Haas Drug Co.
Annual Banquet
Saturday evening, February 14, the
Harte-Haas Drug opany held Its annual
banquet at the Grand hotel, Council
Bluffs. The banquet la an annual af
fair given by the company to tho sales
men and department heads, at which
the various phases and progress of the
business is discussed and promoted. This
year the affair was turned over to a
committee of tho salesmen by tho of
fleers ot the company and L. I. Edson,
W. J, O'Donnell and C, A. Shceler had
complete charge of what proved to be
a most onjoyablo evcnnlg to all present,
After an appetizing meal of nlno courses
had been served the toastmaster, Mr,
L. I. Edson, called tho meetnlg to order
reciting In a happy vein what was cx
pected of each guest during the present
year. Having taken each In turn the
following wero called on and responded
on tho subjects .nomed: A. N. Feather
stone, "Sunday Sales;" A. J. Faul,
"Credits and Collections;" J. C. W,
Cary, "Twenty-five Years With Harle-
llaas Drug company;" T. J, Leary, "Spe
clal Preparations;" W. J. O'Donnell,
"Our Trip to Philadelphia and New
York;" F. II. Garrett, "The Tear 19H."
Twenty-three sat down to the banquet
inculdlng officers, salesmen and depart
ment heads. F. D. Forbes, special cigar
salesman for Omaha, was unable to bo
present and a night letter carrying the
greetings of his fellow laborers was
sent to him at Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
where he has gono for a few weeks'
rest on account of his health.
F. II, Garrett, the general manager,
complimented all present for the good
work done during 1913 which he nn
nounced was the tanner year In the his
tory of the company. Those present
F. II. Garrett, general manager.
t. J. L,eary, secreiaiy.
A. J. Faul. treasurer.
L. I. Edson. salesman Iowa and Mis
slourl territory.
J. C. W. Carey, salesman central Iowa
w. j, uuonneu salesman central Ne
braska territory.
C. A. Sheeler, salesman north eastern
Nebraska termor) .
II. P. Conklln, salesman Nebraska and
Colorado territory.
A. L. Moeller, salesman Nebraska Wyo
mlntr and Colorado territory.
Klcth Bradney, salesman central Iown
J. B, Hull, salesman south central Ne
braska territory.
J. A. Moeller, salesman northwest Iowa
and Nebraska territory.
F. W. Marshall, salesman Council
Bluffs, la.
George Schneider, salesman Omaha,
H. T. Jordon, special sundry salesman.
II. B. Watson, special cigar salesman.
R. E. McCuaher, special cigar salesman.
C. E. DeHruler, special cigar salesman.
A. N. Featherston, manager sundry de
partment. C. W. Mullls, manager pricing depart
ment. C. B. Ducker, manager order department.
James Peterson, manager paint and
Only 50,000 Shares
of flankers Realty Investment jompany
Stock for Sale at $1.20 Per Share
When This Is Sold the Price Will
Advance to $1.25 Per Share
This Is
Your Opportunity to
Part Ownership of
This Large Building and own
ing Company
shlDDlnr department.
Harry Fisher, manager bookeeplng de
partment. Thus far the year 1914 has shown a
nlca sain over 1913, and all present ex
pressed their determination to make this
a record year for the 'ilarle-IIaas Drug
The Persistent and Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Justness Success.
Your Savings Invested in This Company Will Bring
Large Return and Be Absolutely Safe
Wo have in the past fow yours built a largo number
of high grade homes hundreds of people who havo
seen these homes want us to build and finance new
homes for them, simply because they realize that our
plan enables them to secure a high grade home on the
best possible terms.
Tho growth of our homo building business has beeu
so great that wo will require a very largo amount of
capital to satisfy tho demand being mado upon us for
new homos and other buildings. s
' As our business continues to expand to meet this;
over increasing and urgent demand, tho stock of this
company will undoubtedly continue to pay largo divi
dends and will, thoreforo, steadily increaso in value.
Tho money invested in this company is secured by
tho actual ownership of high grade, carefully selected
real estate and by mortgages and contracts of sale on
well improved real estate and by our large and wll
established building and development business.
This is your opportunity to become a part owner of the
largest Building and Owning Company of its kind in the .
Middle West, which is a section of country that is making
rapid and steady progress and which, therefore, is creating
an enormous demand for New Homes and Business Build
ings such as this Company is equipped tp furnish.
Investigate This At Once While there is an opportunity to buy stock at the Present Prices
Rankers Realty Investment fompany
Ground Floor Bee Building Omaha, Neb.