Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1914, Page 13, Image 15

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(15 to $73 per ncn in corn belt; som
cholca bargains; Minneapolis 65 miles.
tanntm mate nana. St. Cloud. Minn.
..,, lUIKH UUHI 111 III
neapolls, Hi miles from a good railroad
town; part undor cultivation, balance
meadow ana pasturo land; good soli;
good eight-room house, worth $3,000;
barn, granary, corn cribs, cattle sheds,
machlno sheds, etc.; 14 cows. 20 head ot
steers and heifers, three horses, hoes,
chickens, complete sot farm machinery,
buggies, wagons, sleds, 60 tons of- hay,
Llw baskets corn, ISO bushels mixed
grain. 175 bushels potatoes; in fact, every
thing on the farm goes except the fur
niture. Price, $12,000. One-halt cash.
Schwab Bros., loss Plymouth Dldg., Min
neapolis. Minn.
FINE Improved stock farm. 300 acres.
20, miles from Minneapolis, 1ft miles to
shipping station, on rural mall route and
telephone line: good buildings; 100 acres
under cultivation, balance pasture, tim
ber and jneadow; two good teams, ten
good milk cows, new gang plow, corn
planter, cultivator and hnrrow; best bar
gain in Minnesota; at $35 per acre; $4,800
cash, balanco easy terms. Immediate pos
session can be had. Fred Clark,. 1S0S West
Lake St.. Minneapolis. Minn.
est natural cattle section, no drouths; al
falfa, clover, corn and potatoes arc prin
cipal crops; prairie or timber; free infor
mation; we have no land for sale. Write
IV. It. Mackenzie, Immigration Com
missioner, 905 Palaco Bldg., Minneapolis.
600 IMPROVED farms southern Minne
sota; lowest prieo; host terms. Write
Morehart & Atchison. Mankato, Minn.
FARMS for sale. $5 down, $3 monthly
buys 40 acres good timber land, near
town, Texas Co., Mo.: price, $200; perfect
nuc o. a. warren, on. vcrnon. ill,
IPAKMRRM nttpntlnnl EYii.
regnrdlng Laclede county farms that are
for sale at owners' prices, write Guy R.
Stanton, Lebanon. Mo.
' , OUT THEY 00
to the great Judith Valley, Montana, the
'greatest' grain, and grass country. Come
to our offlco and see samples of grain
and alfalfa, and pictures, or write us
how many dollars you can afford to pay
down now and w.o will tell you which
farm wo havo for you. William H. Brown
Co., 5 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, III., or
Hobson. Mont. Bring your Wife with you.
$23,000, VALLEY land farm, 340 acres.
Will consider in Omaha property, bal
anco to bo cash. N 401, Bee.
FOB SALE Sixty ucrea of land on
Turnpike Road, adjoining tho town of
Irvington; opportunity for trackage, ripe
for subdivision, feed lot, truck or dairy1
farm! bargain, $200 per acre. Address
Box 345. South Omaha.
120 acres, adjoins Benson, Nob., has 26
acres airaira, 10 acres pasture, at acres
in cultivation.
House, barn, hog house, corn crib, etc
Two years' lease to good tenant.
L. D. SPALDING, Agent;
1618 Fa mam St. Phone Tyler 100.
FINE climate, long growing season and
plenty of water Insures a largo crop every
year; only small cash payment required;
easy terms for balance, on land at On
tario, Ore. Write owners, Oregon nnd
Western Colonization Co., E36 Paxton
Bldg., Omaha, Neb, '
GOOD farms for sale on I. C. R, R.,
S3 miles north Memphis, Tcnn; best lo
cation for diversified farming In south.
Write for list. J. XL Hall & Son. Coving,
ton.- Tenn. '
Upper Wisconsin
Bcft dul'ry and. general crop state In
the "union. Settlers wanted. Lands tor
sale at .low prices, on easy terms. Ask
for booklet, St on Wisconsin Central Land
Grant. State acres wanted. Write about
our grazing lands - If Interested in fruit
lands ask for 'booklet on applo orchardi
In . Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Sou
Line By Minneapolis. Minn.
' Why take chances on drpuths and short
feed? Clover and bluegr-ass pasturage
can be obtained, in Wisconsin, close to
big stock markets, at low prices. Plenty
of rainfall, pure Water, rich pastures all
season; Ideal climate for stock raising
and dairy farming; already well settled
and developed. South St. Paul stock yards
only 60 miles away. We own pra'ctlcully
all lands wo offer, and prices will surprise
you. Havo somo improved farms. Maps
and reliable' Information free'. Baker M
317. St. Croix Falls, Wis.
OFFICIAL publications concerning soil,
climate and crops of Wisconsin mailed
free to those addressing Wisconsin Bti.t
Board of Immigration. Capitol' 1000, Madl
son. Wis.-
$6,000,. 6 YEARS, S per cent first mort
gage for eale on down town business
corner. Worth $50,000; Trent $4,200. D. C.
Patterson, Patterson Blk,
1100 to $10,000 riiade promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wcad Bldg., IStli and Farnam.
310-313 Brande'ls Theater Building.'
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
GARVIN BROS ans, W and up.
vr.t a. y xx muo. 0mahB Nat. Bank.
MONEY on hand at lowest rates for
loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city
property in any amounts.
City National Bank Bldg.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty,
W. H. Thoman. in State Bank Bldg.
' WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St.
FARM and city loans mado promptly.
Wm. McCormick, 1201 Farnam. Red 206S.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715.
CITY and farm loans, 6, 6, C. J. 11.
Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam, Omaha.
mn it, i.i mi tivm
Threo corner lots with a large garage
building, clear, in Bloomfield, Neb.,
12,600; 300 acres near Neligh, Neb., price
f9,0U0; mortgage $3,000, duo 1919; rented
H crop.
4S0 acres -60 miles Winnipeg, Canada, 4
miles railroad town; clear; price J9,ti00.
1C0 acres S miles Brofy, N. D. ; rented
crop; hjghly Improved; price $5,600;
inortgago 31,600, due 1917: would prefer
Omaha property. Traver Bros., Con
tractors and Builders, 70S Omaha Na
tional bank.
3 CORNER lots with a largo garage
building clear, in Bloomfield, Neb., t2,6O0
JOO acres near Neligh, Neb., price $3,000;
mortgage, 33,000, due 1919; rented one
third crop.
4S0 acres, fifty miles Winnipeg Canada.
4 miles railroad town; clear, price, $9,000.
160 acres, 8 miles Brofy, N. D.; rented
H crop; highly Improved; price. 33,600;
mortgage, ,6a, due 1917; would prefer
Omaha property.
TRAVER BROS.. Contractors and
Builders. 706 Omaha National Bank.
For sale or trade, eighty-acre farm in
the San Luis Valley. Colorado, worth 155
an acre, one mile from small town, on
railroad. My equity I2.U00. Balance 7
per cent interest. Investigate. H. C.
Bretsohnelder. Casper. Wyoming.
GOOD LAND for your business. BusU
ness. Exoh.. 300 Om. Nat Bk. Doug. lfa.
FOR SALE 111 shares of Bankers'
Realty stock; worth $133; will sell for
$115 in order to reallte money at once.
Address 8-113. Bee.
GOVTCRNMENT approved investment
tecurltles or land for auto, other Drop
erty or land. Doug. 7042.
Complete Change for Better Over
takes Wheat Market.
Come night to the Front ' In the
Knee ot tho I'lt Activity Tlth
Contrndlctlnic News from
. OMAHA, Feb. IS, 1914.
There was almost, a .complete change
In conditions surrounding tho wheat mar
ket yesterday for the better. Not only
was the market strong and HHo higher,
But there was an Improved business and
thla Included somo buying on outside ac
count. This chango was brought about
by general buying ot cash wheat In the
various markets by seaboard exporters.
The amount of these purchases was not
heavy, but they were scattered from one
end of the country to tho other. Including
Canada. Philadelphia ana Baltimore both
reported sales ot wheat on "distressed"
freight room. New York said that sales
were mado there for foreign shipment ot
200.000 bu. but Boston, in Its usual fashion.
claimed bids wero out ot line. Kansas
City reported moderate sited lots of
wheat sold for eastern shipment and
Winnipeg claimed that a cargo was sola
there direct.
Chicago probably sold more wheat than
nil tho other markets combined. Tho
transactions there were reported as 200,000
bu., but they woro said to have been
The bears In wheat were hard to kill
off yesterday, as they came to the front
with news that was exactly opposite to
tho above. As an Illustration a Minneap
olis house wired that the milling demand
there was slow, as considerable wheat
ha been nurchasd bv that interest to
arrive and that this grain would havo to
be digested beforo millers' would again
enter tho market as buyers. Flour In all
positions was reported as dull.
it is almost a aany occurrenco for somo
of the houses In the trade to furnish
figures on the exportable surplus of
wheat In the Argontlno Republic Broom-
nau claimed a lew uays ago mat ship
pers of both Europe and the continent
who wero nt Buenos Ayers placed the
surplus at 36.000.000 bushels. Theso fig
ures were raised to 66.000.000 bushels yes
terday. Cash wheat was unchanged.
Corn was helped no little by the
strength In wheat yesterday and tho of
ferings were smalt even at the advanco
of H!fc for the day. Unsettled weather
Is promised, which may restrict the movd
ment of that grain to points ot distribu
tion, nnd whllo the weather In the Ar
gentine was reported as favorablo there
woro Claims or further deterioration to
the crop and a reduction In the export
able surplus. Stocks at Liverpool con
tinue to decrease and that markot was
firmer. Cash corn was UWo higher.
Gains of 4Ho wero made In oats nnd
that market was strong. Cash oats woro
unchanged to Uo higher.
Tho big longs in May lard and ribs
were tho best sellers yesterday. They
Were obliged to accent slightly lower
prices. Conditions have been against
theso holders, and with tho semi-monthly
report .It .was anything but encouraging.
They attempted to get rid of at' least a
part of tho lines they havo been carrying.
ineso saies were reported:: Wheat
No. 2 hard winter! 2 earn, fifin. Hntn Wn.
3 white: 7 cars, SSc. No. 4 white: 1 car,
37c; 1 car, 37Hc No grade: 1 car. 37c:
i car, per iw lbs. Corn No. 2
White: 1 ear. 64c No. 3 -whlto: 1 rnr. 6Sc.:.
1 car, 62V4c: 1 car, 62c; 1 car, 6lic; 2
cars. filHo; 1 car, 61tfc; 3 cars. 61. No. 4
white: 1 car, COMo: 1 car, COc; 1 car. 574c.
No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 61c; 1 car, 6lVic; 2
cars, 61c No. 3 vellow: 1 ear. 61c;. 1 rnr.
60V4c; 6 cars, 60c; 12 cars, 694o. No. 4
jenuw; it cars, osvtc x,o. 2 mixed: 1
car, Hic: 1 car. C0V4c No. 3 mlxnrl! 1
car. 60Uo: 2 cars. GOc: 2. cars. KaVO! 1 rnr.
69c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 6JHc; l car,
68c; 4 cars, E7J4c: 2 cars, 67c No grado:
1 car, 4Sc.
Clearanccn. Wheat and flour equal to
390.000 bu; Corn, 20,000 bu.; Oats, 47,000 bu.
Liverpool Close: Wheat, unchanged to
higher: Corn, Uc to io higher. Pri
mary wheat receipts were 749,000 bu., and
shipments, 629,000 . bu.; against receipts
of 819.000 bu., and shipments of 451,000
bu. last year. Primary corn receipts woro
1,376,000 bu., and Shipments, 607,000 bu,;
against receipts of 2,OX,009 bu. and ship
ments of 1,041,000 bu., last year. Primary
oats receipts woro 641,000 bu., and ship
ments, 714,000 bu., against receipts of 396,
000 bu., and. shipments of 64S.O0O bu, last
Chicago 120 379 128
Minneapolis .., ....270 ...
Duluth 4
Omaha 24 124 16
Kansas City , 44 66 17
St. Louis , 46 122 59
WlnnopoE; &0 v
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
SSViiUxc; No. 3 hard, 84&4jMic: No. 4 hard,
60Ji(f4Ho: No. 3 spring, 85Hg86c; No. 4
spring, 84Q5c: No. 2 durum, 84S4Ho;
No. 3 durum, 8SQ8314C Corn: No. 2 whlto.
C3H64c; No. 3 white, 61663o: No. 4 white,
67W.H4c; No. 2 yelloW, 61T61Hc: No. 3
yellow, 69H61c; No. 4 yellow, 67'AOCSc;
No. 2. GOWfjCWic; No. 3. 69&60Wc; No
4, 66H69Vic. Oats: No. 2 white, 35H39c!
standard, 3SU3SHc; No. 3 white, 38c; No.
4 white, 37V4a'37c Barley: Malting. G3
C7c: No. 1 feed, 4662c. Rye: No. 2, E7V40
6ScJ No. 3. 6767c. ' "
Feature of the Trading; and Closing
Price on Uonrd. of Trade.
CHICAGO. Feb. 18,-Flattenlng out of
export business today took the edge off
the market for wheat. Prices at the
close were steady, but to HJo
under last night. Corn finished H&Ho
down, oats off UVic to Vic, and pro
visions varying from unchanged figures
to a decline of 26c
Discouragement for' the wheat bulla
came early, Liverpool motatlons being
unresponsive to yesterday's advance cn
this aide, and there being avowals that
the bulk of the supposed export traffic
of lato was of a speculative kind which
might not ever cross the ocean. Fur
thermore, tho receipts northwest were
beginning to show the effects of recent
liberal purchasing in Nobraska. Alto,
gether the tendency was to Induce real-
WILL take 1912 or 1913 Ford auto a
payment on a lot nicely located, close to
Prairie Park; car must be in A-l condi
tion. Phone D. 7334, or address 2412 Ames
FOR TRADE For house in Omaha, a
good Oklahoma farm. F. W. Bouska,
owner. Beatrice Creamery, Lincoln, Neb.
SO TO 1C0-ACRB furm within eoventy.
five miles of the Missouri river. Will
pay cash, but must be cheap. Want an
swer from owners only. Address, p. 415,
care Bee.
I rent anything any time, anv nlace. at
any price. It S. Trumbull. 4g Bee. D. 6707.
TWO small rooms tor dressmaking,
i-iuBu in. jiui uycr (u inomn. v;aii oven
lng Web. 689C.
SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage - and shrinkage. Your consign
ments recelvo prompt and careful atten
tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants,
MARTIN BROS. & CO., Exchange Bldg.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of The Bee Publishing Company will b
held at the office of said company In The
Bee Building, Omaha, at 4 o'clock p. m.
March 2, 1914, tor the election of direct
ors for the ensuing year and for the
transaction of such other business as
may properly come before the meeting.
By order of the president.
tt. f. irretu mcretary,
ING Notice Is hereby given that the reg
ular annual meeting of the stockholders
of the South Platte Land company will
be held at tho office of said company at
Lincoln. NeU, at U o clock a. m. on th
4th day of March, A. D. 1914.
C. II. MORRILL. President.
A. B. MINOR. Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., February 2. ia Ffcb.2.30t,
Islng sales by holders.
Somo liveliness on tho bull side in the
wheat pit resulted at one tlmo owing to
a sharp advance of prices on Lal'lata
cargoes at Antwerp. Tho effect, how
ever, was more than offset afterward by
rumors that one of tho largest grain
companies here was selling wheat
against purchases ot corn. The company
referred to had previously advocated
buying wheat and selling corn.
Beginning of the corn harvest In Ar
gentina, Implying shipments of tho new
crop soon from that country had a boor
ish lnfluenco on tho price ot the cereal
here. Bo also did news ot cheap offers
of Danubtan corn to bo delivered at Now
York. Assertions of arrivals hero bolng
likely to diminish on account of rains
clogging country roads had only a tem
porary effect and thero was no laating
result -cither from the fact that shipping
demand had somewhat Improved. Cover
ing by shorts gave oats nt first an up
pcaranco ot Independent strength. In
tho end, however, tho market suffered a
setback with othor groin.
Buyers backed owny from provisions
because of tho weakness of cereals. Con
fidence of holders was somewhat unset
tled, too, by tho increaso shown In hog
packing since November 1, as compared
with a year ago.
Closing prices of options:
Artlclol Open. High.) Low. I Close.l Yes'y.
Oats, j
60 Vi
40 I
.May. 1
21 8241 SI "0
21 82U1 21 75
21 S2Si
I1 10 95 110 90 I
I 11 15 I U 10 I
10 93
11 15
10P2HI 10MH
11 10 I 11 2U4
11 62H
11 77W
11 Ktt 11 6214
11 li
11 72HI H 70
rhlcngo Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red.
96Kc; No. 3 red, 94flWo: No. 2 hard. 93o;
No. 3 hard, 92S2Wo; No. 2 northern, 94JJ
93Hc: No. 3 northorn, 934c; No. 2 spring,
!H3j96c: no. 3 spring, SMV4C. uorn: .o. s,
60i&61c; No, 3 white, 644ltc; No. 3 yel
low, 61U064c. Onts: No. 3 white, 39Utt
39Hc: standard, 404c.
Ryo: No. 3, nominal! No. 3, GOo. Barley,
60fl'72o. Timothy, $3.75S?6.33. Clover, $12.00
14.60. Pork, $21.10. .Lard, iiu.w. kids, $ii.w
BUTTER Lower; creameries, 23H
29Uc. .
EGGS ixwer; receipts, s.uw cases; at
mark, cases included. 24Q25Hc; ordinary
firsts, 244?35c; fl.-sts. 26c.
CHEESE Higher; daisies, 17U017'.4o;
twins, l717Wo; Americas, IStfc,; long
horns. 17tfl5c.
POULTRY Alive lower: springs. 15Uc:
fowls, 16Kc; turkeys, dressed, SVAc
POTATOES Steady; receipts, 60 cars;
Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, red,
C0O5c; whlto. 6572c
Quotations of the Dnr an Vnrlous
NEW' YORK, Feb. 18,-FIJUR-Qulet,
but firm; spring patents, $4.604.75; winter
straights, $4.154.30; winter patents, $4.40
F4.75; spring clears, $4.10tf4.25; extra No.
winter, $3.553.75: extra No. 2 winter,
$3.253.60; Kansas straights, $.0&y4.1G.
WHEAT-Spot. steady; No. 3 red $1.024
elevator, domestic; No. 2 hard winter,
$1.00 c. 'i. f. to arrive; No. 1 northern
Duluth, $1.0514: No. 1, northorn Manitoba,
94Wo f. o. b, afloat; Futures wero firm,
closing c net lower. May,1 $1.02'.ic;
July, 97c.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to nholco,
1913. 40046c: 1912. 20fr24c: Puclflc coast 1913.
21fMc: 1912, 2022c.
HIDESSteady; Bogota. 32T33c; Central
America, 32c.
PETROLEUM steady: refined. New
York, bulk, $5.25; barrels, $8.75; cases,
WOOL-Steadv: domestic fleece. XX
Ohio,' 26027c.
uuun spot, steady; new No, 3 yellow,
SMo c. 1. f, to arrive.
elevator; No. 3, 45Q45HC; fancy clipped
wnue, 4oj44c
HAY Quiet; standard. 97V4ciff1.00; No.
1. Sl.02tt4fl.06: No. 2. SXXSOSc: No. 3. SO
provisions Pork, steady: mes.
$23.00323.50: family, $24.0OC6.00: short
clears. S20.00ft25.00. Beof. steady: most.
18.$00fil8.50i- family, $19.00(530.00. Cut
meats, steauy; picwiea Denies, lu to -4
pounds. 12tt(314c: Pickled hams. 14c. Lard.
steady; middle west, $10.6510.75; refined,
quiet; continent, $11.30; South America,
$12.00; compound, easy, $8.25 tp 8.60
TALLOW Steady i city. 6?4c: country.
6fj'6?ic: special, 7Hc.
uuTTtiii unsottled; receipts, s.ow
tubs, creamery extras. 30Hc: firsts. 2762
30c: held, cxtras,3030tte; firsts, 26tt
23Hc; procesa extras, 22ttC23c
uuKissxr-irrecuiar; receipts, w) uoxes;
state wholo milk, fall and summer whlto,
specials, 18018Hc; colored, 1818Vlc; aver
age fancy, 17417ic: winter made spe
cials. 17W17Hc
EGGS Steady: receipts, 7,900 cases;
firsts. 30ttc: refrigerator finest. 2626Hc:
nearby hennery, whites, 3839c
j-uuuTiti ureaseu, quiet; fresh killed
western chickens, 16024c; fowls, 15Q18ttc;
tufkeys, 180256
Minneapolis Grain Mnrkrt.
No. 1 hard, 951ic: No. 1 northern. 92T45J
94Hc; No. 2 northern, D074c; No. 3, 87HO
FLOUR Fancy patents, $4.75; first
clears, second clears, $2.60:
BAIllKy 4SBwo,
RYE C5ac
BRAN $22.60.
CORN-No. 3 yellow, 67867",;c
OATS No. 3 white, 36Htf37c.
Kansas City Grain anil Provisions.
Cash: No. 2 hard, 86ttQ89c; No. 2 red,
CORN-tNo. 2 mixed. 64H6IWC! No. S.
63ttc; No. 2 white, 68V4c; No. 8, Mtt4j6Cc.
L-iuainiE prices ot tutures:
WHEAT May. 8TJi,8c; July, 83Hc.
CORN-May, 67Hc: July. coc.
OATS No. 2 white. 40Wtff40V4c: No. ?
mixed, S3U33ttc.
St. LoalN Gouernl Market.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 18. WHEAT Nn i
rea. rativuc; no. 2 naru. viwrw.u:: mjv
93WiaMV4o: July, E6K0:
CORN No. 2, 65c: No. 2 white, 67c:
May, 6S0; July, C6JM7c.
UA'i-no. i. wvitnic; no. z white, 4ltt
tnitn' Mow ULf -flllv '
XlXti WC,
Liverpool Groin Murkct.
firm; No. 2 red western winter, 7s 6id:
No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 5d: No. 2. 7s 4d: No? s.
7s 3HdJ futures, steady; March, "s 4'4d:
CORN Soot, steady: American mlr
0.1 Ed: La Plata futures, firm; February.
4s 10?id; March, 4s HUd.
Coffee Slnrket.
Alta, n rw. 11 1 n t atnnrli' .1 1 mm r. . I . . n .. .
U to 5 points In sympathy with steady
higher cost and freight offers, the"cof-
tlt mn rt t tn gflft off HnHw II
part or which seemed to como from
vaw -v aviftiiii, HUB uinu in
spired by tho continued full fiao Paulo
rArnlnta ntid rAnApt. nf .ln.1. -
mand. The close was steady, but from
7 to 10 points net lower. Sales, 74,760
Hay, 9.21c; July, 9.4lc; September, 9.67c:
llntr,nr Q llAamlmv nTl.i Tn ......
" i '..uin.M . , (January,
9.73c. Spot market, barely steady; Rio
m, i7t-; nannw is, izc. niiia, uun; Cor
dova, 131316c, nominal,
nils nml Itoaln,
OIL Steady; prime summer yellow, $7.03:
1N,I:riuleMay' ,7-M: JUl1''
Dull, 45c; no salesi receipts, 68
barrels; shipments, 77 barrels; stocks,
18,508 barrels.
ROSIN-Firm; sales. 2,189 barrels; re
ceipts, e barrels; shipments, 1,689 bar
rels; stocks, 138,740 barrels. Quote: A, B,
$32HS4.00: C, D, E. $3.9&Q4.Wi: F. $3.95
4.07H; O. H, $3.XS,10; I. $4.121464.20: K,
$4.40.25; N. $6.25; W Q. $6.49; W W, $6.80.
Dry (iooda Market.
Cotton goods markets were quiet and
steady today with the demand confined
to mod orate lots for early delivery.
Yarns wero barely steady. Worsted
yarns were firmer. Laces and embroid
eries were quiet. Jobbers reported a
seasonable active trade.
What I. 0. C. Will Bo with Plea for
Rate Raise Worries,
Before Close Street I.cnrns It Itud
Assumed Too Much In llcllcr
1ns; WtUon Fnvoreil
NEW YORK, Fob. 18.-Tbe stock mar
ket was upset today by conflicting re
ports concerning tho probable disposition
of the freight rate cokivi. Thn movomnnl
of prices hinged almost entirely on thoo
J reports, which, nn they gained ctrcula-
tlon In Wall street, woro so contradictor)'
I that before tho day was done speculators
Wero badlv confusml. Thn ulnrv nf tlin
day Illustrated tho part which surmlso
and conjecture sometimes ploy in tho
affairs of thn utisek mnt-w-r
Uncertainty ns to Mho disposition by
. the Interstate Commcrco Commission of
J tho eastern railroads' application for a
exerted a repressive influence on tho
market for so long that speculators wore
tircaiiy relieved When nows tamo from
Washington that President Wilson fa-
vored a speedy decision. Tho street, how
ever, uiu not stop at tnat, but jumped to
the conclusion that tho nresldnnt favored
an increase In rates. A Wall street nows
agoncy published tho Rtntement that In
formation from "a source close to thn In
teratata Commcrco commission" Indicated
that "a favorablo decision" would bo
rendered ot an early dnte.
On the strength ot theso assumptions
the market, which had boon dull nnd Ir
regular earner in tho day, advanced
strongly. 1110 rauroau stocks led the
iinturn, but were followed readily by tho
Industrials nnd most of thn reurcsenta-
tivo shares mado gains ot n point or
Half an hour beforo tho closo tho street
learncu tnat it nad assumed too much.
Chairman Clark ot tho Interstate Com
merce commission was quoted in a
Washington dlHpatch as saying that
President Wilson had expressed no
opinion regarding tho merits of tho freight
raio caso. .Trailers who had bought stocks
on the theory that tho matter was as
goon as settled, hastily throw over their
holdings nnd tho market slumped swiftly.
Much of tho day'e gain was lost, although
tho market closed wtlh a general Bhow
Inf ot fair advances.
The weekly steel trado rovlow reported
o further Increaso in now order. Pressed
Steel Car was strengthened by Us annual
report showing a gain ot $1,404,000 In
net. Otherwlso thero wns llttlo to In
fluence tho course or tho market, aside
from tho freight rates cose. London did
llttlo hero.
Bonds wero steady. Total sales, par
value. $3,876,000. United States bonds woro
unchanged on coll.
.Number ot sales nnd leading quotations
on stocks wero as follows:
. , . . Bain, lllth. Low. CUm.
Atnulltmttrd dopptr ... 80,100 7ti 74 75TI
American Agricultural ..'. W
American lleet Sugar,, , ss
American Can 0,(00 SI SOU 30
American Cn pfd 600 .1 tja. tVA
American O. & F. , loo (j n MS
American cotton Oil , 4'
Am. Ice Bfcurltlort.,.,,,, ,ioo 29'( Vt
American United coo 10 lo'i 10
American locomnttra ,,. TOO .15 3H4
Amerlcun H. & It (00 mi VIU Mil
Am. ft. ft It pfd aw 103M IOJ',4 io:U
Am. Hugar Ilednlng JCl4
American T. & T 1,100 istTfc 1SIK lilH
American Tobacco TOO 34H 217 Hi
Anaconda Mining Co 1,100 tl 3V M'i
Alchlton 8,500 twi; si KTi
Atchlaon pfd , 300 100 100U 100H
Atlantic Coaat Line 300 1S'4 i:3.
Ilaltlmora Ohio S.600 93 14
Ilethleliem Steel .., TOO Si'A 3SH SS
hrooklyn Rapid Tr 1,900 MS K IU
Canadian Taclflo 11, COO 216m tun
Central Leather ,1 lt.700 SUi Slu 33 s
Chcsapeako A Ohio 6,100 MU i ess
Chicago O. W 100 1JS liS "U
Chicago, M. & Ht. P.... 4,100 1(H 101U 1MU
rhlcam ft N. W.
700 130
Colorado Kuel & Iron....
Conaolldated Oaa '
Corn l'roducta ,,
Delaware A Hudson. .i,.
Denver A Itlo Qrande...
Denver & It. U. pfd
700 , 11 13
90J lt 155 l.V.
Distmera' cjecurltlea ...
1,100 19K DM It
Krle lo.fMO soS h sot;
Krle lt pfd 1,000 IIS I6'i 47S
Krle Sd prd , 33
General Hlectrle ., 100 HIS 1U'.4 IIkh
Umut. Nortliein pfd. M.IOO 130S 1!8V4
Great Northern Ore ctfs. 800 3Tti sH
Illinois Central 110V,
Interborougtt Met. -.i.....:t K'l
Inter. Met. pfd 400 (1 G0i fit
International Harvester.. TOO, 10ST4 108 107'4
lnter-Morlns prd ,,. lltj
International 1'aper , S
International Pump , I
Kaneai Ctty Southern..,. 00 MT4 KH 25 Vi
I.aclede Ou ST
Lehigh Vttller 3,tHW 111. 119 181
Loulavlllo & Naalivllle ...... 1J5T4
M., St. P, b 8. Bte, M. 200 )J(S IMS
Mlaaourl, K. T 1,300 21 2Ui 2IU
Mliaourt T'nclflc 1,800 n KK
(National lllacult 300 13l4 114 JJJV4
National Lead 60
N. n. It. of M. 2d PM 111.
New York Oontra.1. 18,700 SI 9U kS
N. V., O. & W 200 28 28H 2H
Norfolk A Weatern 1,100 101(4 101T4 ml
North American , Tl
Northern I'aclflo 8,200 117 IIS HCVt
Paclflo Mall 18U
1'ennaylvanla 8,100 HOS 1UU
leoplo'a Gaa 300 US 121V4 lll'i
P., C, C. ft St. L ..... 88
Plttaburgh Coal 600 23 U 21 21 S
l'reeied Steel Car 2,800 4SU US UV,
Pullman Talac Car 300 IMS IMS 184
Heading 8,100 188H IMS 1TS
Kepubllo Iron & Ktecl 25U
Kepubllc I. ft H. pfd 81
Oiock Island Co 2,100 7K S 7V4
Itock lblund Co. ptd..... 4,900 10V4 111 J0U
Bt. I ft H. F. 2d pfd , 7
Seaboard Air Line 600 21S 20S 20U
Seaboard A. U pfd 1,000 86S BIS Wi
Mor-8he(fleld 8. & I... 300 3lt 34 12U
Southern I'aclflo 13,&uo 60S 85 S I3!
Southern Kallwar 1,600 27 2CS 2U
So. Itallwar ptd 700 4'4 83 MS
lYnneaaee Copper 1.4M S8S SZ 8U
Teia ft Paclflo 14s
Union l'aclfto 81,800 183V4 HIS 181
Union paclflo pfd 83
Vnlted State! Healtr.,.. 600 61 S 84 UU
united btataa itubber, 68 S
V. 8. Steel pfd.... 2.0W lloS 109S 10MJ
Utah Copper 2,200 86 U'A M
Va.. Carolina Cliralcal .. 200 31 11 30 S
Wabash 1.SO0 1'4 2S IS
WaUah pfd 1,000 IS 7S
Western Maryland 800 31 it 31
Weatern Union 4.2'iO Ui e.'.S CCS
vvesungnouM t-ieoino .. ,iuu ii ius tvv.
Wheeling ft Ike Erie,,
Chlno Copper
., 2,800 43 42U I2S
n. v.. n. ii. & u 1,600 7014 ess ns
liar Con. Copper 1,300 20)4 20 20
Total sales (or tho dsr, 411,204 sbarea.
' New Yorlc Money Market.
NEW YORK, Fob. 18.-MONEY-On call
steady at IHWt Per cent; ruing rate, 1
per cent; closing, l$Wr3 per cent. Time
loans, steady; sixty days, 2H82 per cent;
ninety days, 2Qi per cent; six months
3V44i3W per cent.
days, J4.KTO; demand, $I.S5kO; commercial
bills. JI.KU-
81LVEU Bar, B7?ic; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows".
U. S. ret. 2i. rC. Mi IC C. Bo. ref. Ca.. 87VJ
do coupon 8S U S. deb. 4a. 12J1.. H;
U. S. 3a. reg 101 U ft N. unl. Is.... 83V4
do coupon ,.101 M. K. & T. 1st 4a.. 91V4
U. S. 4a. reg. ..,,., 111S 'do gen. 4Ua MV
do coupon ..Ill Uo. Paclflo 4s...... 81
Panama la coupon.. 103 do conr, ta , 72
Amer. As. U 101 N. ot M. 4s 81
A. T, ft T. ov. 4. 1 N. Y. C. g. 3S..,. 8814
Am. Tobacco (a, ...118 do deb. IK. 91
Annour & Co. 414s., 9i'N. Y. K. II. ft II.
Atchison gen. 4s.... VSS ev. 3Sa 74
do er. 4s. ItM..,. 88 N. ft W.. 1st c. 4s., V4S
do ct. ta 101S "do cr. I.....,..1M
A. C. L lt 4a IS No. 1'aolflo 4a , MS
Pal. ft Ohio 4a MS do la 7S
do 8Ra 01SO. H. I r(dg. 4a.... 4S
Brook. Tr. cv. 4a..,. 81S l'enn. cr. 3Sa, 1U to
Cen. ot On. U 101 S do con. 4s 10.1V.
Cen. leather 6a...,. 9S Heading gen. 4
Cke. ft Ohio 414a... a I. a R F. t 4a 71 S
do conr. 4Sa 81Vt do gen. Ca..,,..,., 67
Chicago & A. 3Si.. 84 fit. U 8. W. c 4a. 78
C D. ft U. 1. 4.... HSU. A. It. adj. to.,,. 71U
do gen. 4a SIS So. rac. rol. .,.. 81S
O M ft B P o 4Sa..lo:s do cr. 4a 83
O. n. I. & P. c 4a 4VS do 1st ref. 4a .... MS
do rfg. 4a 71S So. lUllwar Ca W
C. ft 8. r ft 4Ua. J do gen. 4 T(S
D. & II. ot. 4 WSt'olon Paelflo 4a.,,. 6
V. ft It. U. ref. Ca. S do or. 4a
IMitllltiV Ca 87S do lit ft ref. 4a,. MS
Krle p. I. 4a 84 V. H, ItubUr 8a,,.l08S
do gen, 4s II I'. H. Steel 2d 8s... 102
do cr. 4s. oar. U.. 76UV..C. Chern. Ca S7
III. Cen. 1st r. 4a., 84 Wabash 1st A ej. 4a 80S
Inter. Met. 4e.. ., 78 Weatern Md. 4s.... 78
Inter. M. M. ISa.. US Weirt. Blec. cr. Ca. SIS
Japan Sa 80S 'Wis. central 4s. . . Us
Uld. Offered.
I.oudou Block 3Inrket,
oiened quiet and steady today. Later the
noon Canadian Pacific was lo higher
and the rest ot the list ranged from un
changed to Ho above parity.
Metul Market.
NEW YOIUC, Feb, 18.-METALR-Lead,
quiet, $3,064(1.06; London, 19 10a. Spelter,
easy, $5.30iiC.iO; London, S1 7s Cd. Cop-
per, quiet, standard, spot nnd April, $1412Htil4.rfl; elfctrolytlc. JU 87H.
lake, nominal, casting, $14 62HW14.7S; Lon
don, steady, snot, 66; futures, 68 10s.
Tin. weak, spot, JJ0.OX139.40; May, $39.00
30.36; London, easy; spot. 178 lis; fu
tures, 120 3s Sd. i Antimony, dull; Cook
son's, $7.36. Iron, quiet; unchanged. Clovo
land warrants,. In London. r0 10V4d-
8T. LOUIS, Feb. 18,-MKTAI.S-Lead,
nominal; $3.90. Spelter, dull; $5.2Gtf5.Si
Boston Mln
Ins Stock.
BOSTON, Feb. 18.
Closing quotations
on stocks wero:
Allouot , 4tU
Anvil. Corner ...... T
A. Z. L A 8 1$S
Arliona Com. (U
Nerada Oen, ,M.
NIpIkiIik Mlnea ,,
. 10H
. MS
. ii
: $!u
. 40
isorin nun ......
NVrth Ijke
Old IVimtnlbn
Shannon a
Superior & U, M.
U. a B. It. A M.
do ptd
ttah Om.
.ai. a Anion ssi
Cat. ft llKla K
Centennial II
tapper ItaniM C f. 314
lint nutte U M... II
Franklin K
Clranbr Can. IV4
uopper ....... 4
Oreen Oananea ... MU
lele Itorale (."upper. ti
Kerr Lake IS
lA Mile Copper.... S
Miami Copper MH
Mohawk IJ
Utah Copper Co.,,
mom ...,..,,
Ilnnk Clenrlni .
OMAHA. Feb. lS.-Bank olearlngs for
Omaha today wero $3,411,454 $4 and for .hu
corresponding day last year $3,124,810.80.
BUTTEU-No. 1, 1-lb., cartons, 30c; No.
1, 00-Ui. tubs, soo.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 30c; Ameri
can Swiss, sic; block Swiss, 30o: twins,
20o; daisies, Wc; triplets, SVci Young
Americas, Zlc; blue label brick, lDc; Urn
borgor, 2-lh., SOo: New York white, 30c.
FISH White, ltc; trout, 17"! lama crop
pies, 11c; Spanish mackerel, 10c; shad roe,
per pair, 40c; salmon, 10a! halibut, Ho;
buffalo, 9c; bullhoads, 18c; channel cat
tish, 15c; pike. 15c; pickerel, 12c.
l'OULTHY-llrollers, $l.t4Jo0i) per do.,
liens, 16c; cocks, 12c; ducks, SOc; geese,
lSoi turkoys, 2Cc; pigeons. ier dog.,
ducks, full tcatltcrcd, Uwi geose, full
feathered. He; squabs, No. 1, $l.C0O3.00;
No. 2 40c
Wholesale prices ot beet cuts etfcctlvo
today In Omaha are as follows:
BEEF CUT PIUCES-Wholcsale prices
of beet cuts aro ns follows: lllba: No.
1, 17Hc; NO. 1', ICo; No. S, l"ic llns:
No. 1, 19c; No. 2, 17c; No. 3, 15o. Chucks:
No. 1. lie; No. 2, 1014c; No. 3, 10Uc.
Hounds! No. 1, 11c; No. 2. ISttc: No. 3,
I3ic. I'lates' No. I, 9c; No. z, kVic; No.
3, Sc.
Tho following prices on frultn and vege
tables aro rcportud by tho Qlllnsky Fruit
FIIU1TS Oranges: These navels are ot
good color, sweet mid Juicy, quality best
havo been seen In years. Extra fancy
Sunklst navels, 96, i:u, ICO, ITS. 200 and 50
sixes, $2.50 ; extra fancy Sunklst navels,
50 stzo, $ico; as size. $2.10; 324 ditto. 12.W,
Florida ICumunals, per box. 25c. Apples:
Extra fancy Washington Jonathan, nor
box, $2.75; Whlto, per box. $2.21: Wine
saps, $2.b0; extra fancy Idaho Northern
Spy, Qreenlngs or Kings, per box, $2.00;
extra fancy Idaho Banibos. por box, $1.75 1
Ben Davis, per bbl., $5.00; oino, ViW,
Wlncsnp, $7.00; Missouri Pippins, W.50.
Lemons: Extra fancy ftunklst. 300s and
3G0s, per box, $0.00; extra choice Bod Ball.
3008 and sws, per 00x4 .w; cnoice, 11.00.
arapes: Imported Malaga, extra fancy,
$7.50; fancy, $7.00. arnpofrult: Ilorlda
Tangerines, per box, $2.50: extra fancy
Florida, 30. 11W; 4fi and Iki, $1.75; 64 . 64 and
SO, $5.00. Cranberries: Per box, $4.25,
VEGETABLE! Potatoes: Ocnulno
Bed Bivor Early Ohio, per bit., $1.00,
lturals or Burbanks, per bu., SSc; Idaho
Burals, per bu., 90c. Sweat potatoes:
Per hamper, $1.25; Illinois kiln dried, $1.59,
Cabbago: Holland seed, per lb., 2 Via;
rod, tor lb., 4c; now Callfonila, 3c. Onions:
Ohio large Bod Qlobe, por lb., So; In
diana yellow, 3c; Bpanlsh, per orate, $1.50,
Tomstces: Cuban, per 0-basket crate,
MISCEI.LANKOUS California flcs. 11
12-oz. pkgs., 85c; CO C-oz. pkgs., $2.00; f lgs. 12 12-oz. PlcBS.. 11.00: 7-crown
Imported figs, por lb., 18c: 3-crown Im
ported tigs, Per lb., Uo. Dromedary
brand dates, pkg $3.00; Anchor brand
Anton, nkg.. $2.26: Halowlo dates, nor lb..
7Ho. Parsnip, per lb., 2c. Carrots, per
lb., 2o Beets, per lb., 2c. Turnips, per
1U -c. Jiutaoagus, per iu ivio.
California Jumbo celery, per dos.,
E5o. Cldar, per keg, $3.23; por halt
bbl.. $5.75. Shallots, tier dox.. too.
Parsley, por dox., 40c. Radishes, por
dox., fiOc. Head lettuce, per dos., $1.00;
homo-grown loaf lettuco, per dox., 40o.
r. - ....... A r H KnalrA. Itf.u
groen beans, per hamper, $5.00. Hot house
cuoumDers, per-aoz x.uu. uauuuowcr,
par crate, $2.25. Vonotlan garlic, er lb.,
12V4n. Eggplant. Per dos.. J1.D0. Horse
radish, 2 dox. bottles In case, per caso,
$2.00. Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, por lb
10c. Medium pecans, nor lb., 12c; Jumbo
pocans. per lb., 16c. Filberts, por lb., 15c,
Drake almonds, per lb., 18c. Braxlls, per
lb., 18a. Black walnuts, per lb., 2c Baw
No, . peanuts, por lb., 7o; Jumbo peanuts,
per lb. Su: roasted peanuts, per lb., 8Vic.
Shellbark hickory nuts, por lb., Be; large
hlcko y nuts, per lb,, 4c. White Bice
popcorn, per id., 4c. unocKers, per luv
pkg. caso, $3.00; per bO-pkg. caso, $1.75.
Cocoanuts, por sack, $5.50; each, Co.
Chestnuts, Imported Italian, per lb., 10c;
sack or bbl. lots, 9c Honey, whlto clo
ver, 24-scctIon case, per case $3.60,
Cotton Sin rite t.
In fair demand; prices, easier; middling
fair, 7.C7d; good middling, 7.39d; middling,
7.03d; lpow middling, B.fiOd; good ordi
nary, 6.85d; ordinary, 6.41d; sales, 10,000
Closed steady on covering with last
prices showing a not loss of 3 to 7
Evaporated Apples and llrleit Frultn
APPLES Quiet and steady.
DRIED FRUITS-Pruncs, firm: apri
cots, very firm; poaches, about steady;
raisins, quiet.
SiiRitr Market,
NEW YORK. Feb. W.-rBUdAR-Raw.
steady; muscovado, 2.93c; contrlfugal,
s.4zc; moiasscs, ..tuc. jteimea, steaay.
Cattle Slow nml Htciuly - Hows Close
Weak to Hlslier.
CHICAGO, Feb. 1.-CATTLE-Rccelpt,
18,000 head; market slow and steady;
beeves, $7.00Q9.t; Texas steers, $C.SO0.W:
western Btccrs, $0.OOdjC7,8O; stoclcers and
coders, $S.5031.fsO; cows and heifers, $J.C0
418.60: calves. $7.6OaiO.C0.
HOGS Receipts, 29,000 head; market
closed weak to 10c higher; light, $S.5.Vff
8.(0; mixed, $3.5C&&7o; heavy, $K4Oy8.70;
rough, $8.toa.W; pigs, $7.60ii.75; bulk of
eales, $$.C&fi6.75.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000
head; market steady to lOo higher; na
tive, $4.75$i0.10; western, $4.7M?6.10; year
lings, $5.6Sfc7.lo; lambs, native, $Wtt7,73;
western, $75G8.75.
Kiinsns City Live Ntnok Mnrkrt,
Receipts, 3,500 head; market steady to
strong; prlmo fed steers, $3.6009.25;
dressed beef steers, J7.2iytJ.40; western
steers, $7.003.241; southern steers, JO.GOtff
7 76i cows, $4.40?f7.60; heifers, $l,704p
9.00; stockers and feeders, $1,367.60; bulls,
$0.OOi!17.W; calves, $6.CC(810C0.
HOGS Receipts, 8,400 head; market Gfi
10c higher; bulk, $8.4008,70; heavy, $8.0MJ)
8.7S; uickers and butchers. $8.60$.70;
llHht. J8.40taS.CG; pigs. $7.6038.10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7.000
head; markftt strong to lOo higher; lambs,
$7.007.60; yearlings, $6.0Ofj0.76; wethers,
$G.25iQ&SS; ewes, $1.8006.50,
Hloux Clly Live Slock Miirkvl.
SIOUX CITY, la., Feb. 18. CATTLE
receipts, 1,800 head; market steady; na
tive steers, $7.2&Jj.10; butcher, $5.857.00;
cows and heifers, $5.l0ffC60; canners, $4.00
4j6.3; stockers and feeders, JC.70O7.20;
calves, J7.00.yi0.C0; bulls, stags, etc., $0.00
HOGS Receipts, 0.600 head; market Co
higher; heavy, J8.4M8.60; mixed, $8.3, w
8.45; light, $8.30-0 .3o; bulk of sules, $8.30
SHEEP AND LAMnS-Becclpts, 2,000
head; market steady; fed muttons, $5.60t3
&60; wethers, sc.ooyc.75; ewes, $I.OHiC.15;
lambs, $.007.00.
St. Loula Live Slock Market.
ceipts, 4,400 head; market steady; beef
strors, $7.60419.25; cows and heifers, 11.25
GUM; stockers and feeders, $5.00.50;
southern steers, $5.7503.20; cows and heif
ers. $4.00ft400; calves, Jb.00yil.25.
HOGS-Receipts, 11,600 head; market
steady, Co higher; pigs and lights, $7.23P
HM; mixed nnd butchers, 18.70Q8.9Q; good
hfuvy, iH.wtia.y).
head; market Htronger, 10c higher; mut
tons, $3.60&C.C0; lumbs, J7.066T7t.
Persistent Advertising is the road to
Business Success.
Local Run of Cattle Smaller Than
Monday and Tuesday.
Sheep nnd Lnmlis nf All Kinds Com-Ina-
For nnl to Alt Market
Points In Very Liberal
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 18, 1M4.
Reselpts weret Cattle. Hogs. Slicop.
Official Monday 7,216 ,216 15,ti3
Official Tuesday ,Btt 15,440 10,351
Katlmato Wedneeday.. 3,1.00 14,600 12.000
Three days thla week 17.227 34,15 S7,S24
Same days last week.. 11,040 37,131 S2.330
fiamo days 2 weeks ngo lO.TStS 31,273 20.933
hamo days 3 weeks ago 16.429 W.R94 45,17
Samo days 4 weeks ngo 15.624 9,037 33,673
Samo days last year.. 17,033 3S.S37 33,640
The following tab:e snows tne receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the Bouth
Omaha live stock market for the year to
date as compared with last year:
, 19H. lll Inc Dee.
Crtttlo 128,671 13l,4! ...... 6.893
Hons 411,618 441.S02 30,281
klieep 354,377 330.I6S 24.109 ......
The following table shows the range ot
prices for hogs at the South Omaha llvs
stock market tor the last tow days, with
Date. 1914. 1913.191t.1911.l10.UKra.1908,
8 17H 7 431
T 401
8 291
041 4 17
6 06'
8 3Z
8 61
3 47
8 4S
( 14
4 26
4 31
4 IS
4 N
7 as
7 49
6 13
7 62
7 73
001 7 41
6 99
0 08
6 061
7 30
7 33
6 07
6 18
6 20
8 40V.
5 40 J,
7 39
7 3S,
4 17
4 23
4 13
4 02
4 03
3 41
7 Kit
7 21
8 61
8 34
8 71
U J 3
7 96
7 86
7 96,
6 15
6 21
6 06
6 V0
S 01
7 01
8 76
S 76
8 01
6 95
8 38
5 91
7 041
6 07
I 8 42HI 8 14
I 7 06
6 03
4 10
Receipts and disposition of live stock
At tho ITnlnn HtnoW Vfirvla Rmlth ntnnhn.
Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at
3 o'clock yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. IIVs.
C, M. A St. P 3 3
Wabash 2 4 1..
Missouri Pacific... 2 1 .. ..
Union Paclflo....... 25 4 4 29 1
O. & N. W,, east.. 9 6 1,.
C & N. W west.. 36 75 10
C, OU P., M. & O.. 23 17 1
C, B. & Q east... 6 6 1
t, B, & Q., west... 16' 3i) G
C, 1L 1. Ac P., cast. 16 9 S
C H. I. & P., weBt. 111..
Illinois Central Ry. 5,3 3
Chicago U. W. By.. .. C
Total receipts ...143 SOS 64
Morris & Co 492
Swift & Co two
Cudahy Packing Co.... 1,163
Armour & Co 616
Schwarti & Co
M or roll 33
Lincoln Packing Co 3S
8. O. Packing Co........ 4
Benton, Vansant & L.. 60
Hill & Son 144
F, B. Lewis 126
Huston A Co 30
J. B. Root & Co 41
Rosonstock Bros. ....... 19
McCroary ft Kellogg... 25
Wortholmer & Dcgcn... 31
Sullivan Bros IX)
Mo. & Kan, Calf Co.... 103
Chrlstla S3
Hlgglns 16
Meyers 4
Krobs 27
aiassbcrg 16
Baker. Jones & smith.. 10
Tanner Bros 13
John Harvey 173
Other buyers US
Totals 4,&) 11236 13,162
CATTL13-Under the Influence of largo
receipts on Monday and Tuesday the
market broke sharply, closing very bad
Tuesday afternoon. A good many of tho
common to pretty decent cattle sold at
that tlmo as much as 26o lower than lost
week. This morning, with receipts num
bering only 140 cars, there wm a hotter
feellnir nrevalent In tho trado. Perhaps
prices were not much higher, but they
wero tuny steady with me oost timo yca
terday, and In somo cases salesmen were
culling It n llttlo hlghor on both steors
nnd cows. There was a llttlo more ac-
lltrllw In 4...1. n nnn Hill rn 111
proportion ot tho offerings changed hands
In very fair season In the morning.
As soon as buyors began to Hot tilled
up, trado bocamo rather slow, and for a
tlmo It looked as though the closo would
bo n. little easier. Soma lato shipping or
ders, however, served to hold up prices
on tho mora' desirable butcher stock, but
mixed and light stuff was rathor
neglected, and In most cases late sales of
this sort ot hogs showed practically nil
the caTly advance to b lost. Trade was
fairly lively at one time during the early
trade, and In spite of tho dull closo a
clearance was made by midday.
stockers and leaders aid not snow mucn
change as compared with yesterday, but
It might bo well for the country to un
derstand that stockers are around 25o
lower than last week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beef steers, $8.2048.7C; fair to good beef
steers, $7.85&8.20; common io fair beof
steers, $7.0007,85: good to choice cornfed
heifers, $7.0oy3.00; good to choice cows,
ta.tOlt7.60; fair to good grades, J6.7By0.D0j
common to fair grades, $4.2uSC.C0; good
to choice stockers and feeders, $7.604
8.15; fair to good stockers and feeders,
$7.2607.60; common to fair stockers and
feeders, $6.6007.26; stock cows and heif
ers, $6.002?.2&; stock calves, $45038.00;
veal calves, $S.00)10.25; bulls, stags, etc.,
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No. at. Pr.
18 731 8 78 11 losi 7 5
7 888 7 10 18 113$ 7 ID
t 891 7 19 15 818 7 U
8 880 7 44 1 U1S 7 84
8M 7 U ' 10M 7 84
78 7 80 M HI 8 CU
SI 1071 7 W 8 1SJ2 8 00
1(1..,.. 1810 7 88 4 1188 1 on
11. 882 7 0 2
a..,,,,.,. vv t v
10 1011 7 CO
:i m 7 83
8... 112 am
18 1401 8 08
I..., ..1MU 8 10
.881 7 85
,1183 7 88
888 8 10
1084 8 10
1873 8 10
1187 8 In
1283 8 80
1M7 8 88
...,,1824 8 40
1088 8 40
1178 7 78
1088 7 78
1110 7 78
1103 7 78
1881 7 80
loll 7 88
878 8 18
I7 7 7(1
110 7 23
Hi ?I1
713 7 40
874 7 (0
Ml 7 70
1118 7 70
28 1 7 lo
817 7 I
...1084 7 80
...1083 7 t
780 4 00
818 4 10
1083 4 80
138 4 80
1113 8 ti
1114 f
1173 S 18
,....1338 8 80
778 8 00
1218 I li
10 7S0 t 26
J.,, , 880 8 :i
4 831 6 88
8 1028 8 80
,.1113 38
UtO 8 40
1090 UI
1173 8 8n
1030 8 80
1111 8 88
1191 30
888 68
K8S 8 M
3....,,.,... 730 8 48
.1300 8 80
,,.1310 6 80
.,,1040 tW
,;. 840 8 00
.1008 8 CO
.1380 S 00
1138 ( 78
1343 3 80
...IIW 4 J8.. I ..1850 7 03
...JOM 6.70
14 811 8 80 I,...
SO...,, 428 8 80 3.,,,
18 630 1 7.,..
11 847 70 18..,.
8 1000 6 7S 8....
8,, 84 8 8 80 8..,.
10... 1031 II 4..,.
3 ...CU 8 18 I...,
1045 7 00 7..,.
11.... 831 7 00
1 880 4 84 1.,.,,
.... 820 7 00
.... 838 7 00
78 7 00
.... 7(3 7 00
.... 878 7 00
.... 383 7 13
.... 818 7 40
....1103 7 80
.... (7 I 10
1180 A 71
1840 3 78
t ,,,,400 S IV 1
1 13W 8 75
1 iM (00
t 318 00
J,,,., 1110 M
1 1310 8 K
8 783 35
1..." 1460 8 60
1 1180 8 80
2 10UO C 84
1 14M 3 80
...., 10W 6 80
WW 3 78
1720 4 80
1830 ( 88
1430 6 85
1860 80
1730 8 84
1330 6 In
1800 t 84
710 7 00
.1884 7 00
.1310 7 10
1 7i a vt
1 1119 7 IS
..1113 7 70
.. 380 7 00 1 uo 10 28
.. 8 CO 4 180 10 38
.. $s w : io ioi8
1 .
3 .
1 2M m f Ill 10 13
1 280 S S6 1 189 10 23
1 90 10C0 1 ,,. 334 10 38
1... 140 14 04 1.. ,,, 184 10 38
1 ' 10 24 . J ,. 131 10 25
17 731 3 M (1.;......... 70S 7 30
II..... 731 73 4 807 7 80
t 787 T 00 13 m 1 38
7., 731 7 04 10 ,.1008 7 S
I 313 7 CO )1 , 881 7 IS
83 773 7 14 30 894 7 49
13 843 7 10 803 7 48
773 7 20 30 807 7 43
8$ 977 7 M 10 712 7 U
38 783 7 20 2 Ml IM
13 MS 7 33 17.., , 823 7 70
8 .1000 7 34 33., IJ8 7 74 -
19 114 7 28
llOOS Another liberal supply showed
up this morning, about 208 cars or 14,600
head being received. For the week to
date supplies foot up 84,156 head, being:
about 3,000 smaller than last .week, and
4,500 head short of tho same days last
Trade opened today much the same as
on Tuesday, packers' early bids belnc
Just about steady. Shippers bought u
fow early that wero around a nickel
higher, but packers showed k Rood deal
ot reluctance nbout following this lead,
and they picked up a fow during tho
first rounds that wero no more than
steady to stronft. Molt of tho sellers,
however, were holding their offerings
for a nickel advance, arid boforo buyers
could get very far towards filling their
orders they had to moct tho sellers' de
mands, so that when the bulk ot tho
hogs sold most ot the sales were around
a nickel higher.
The big end of the supply sold at a
range of $8,3008.65, and tops moved up
to $i.C0, tho highest mark reached so far
this week. Today's top also equals tho
year's high mark, paid on Tuesday of
last week.
No. A. Sh. Tr. Ko. At. Sh. Tr.
I7....i..ies ... 3 18 73 228 180 t 38
80. ..,,..181 ... 8 30 83 334 ... t
7 1J3 48 8 IS 73 340 Id 1(0
J7J ... IM 88.M..11 ... 84
33 191 ... 8 80 3 318 84 64
I HI ... 8 3 0 10 .HU ... 8 80
88.. .....331 ... 8 30 37 394 ... 8 33
84 113 ... 8 IS 84 284 ... 8 83
33 199 80 I 88 80 37 ... 8 (S
78 107 ... ( 33 38 301 ... 8 to
0 204 40 8 38 88 370 ... 86
88 SOI ... 8 38 8S..I....378 ... 8 83
M SMS 40 8 34 44 383 ... 88
41 M ... 8 33 70.. ,....378 ... 8 88
78 314 ... 8 38 ,.... ..IT 80 I W
78 176 ... 8 38 41 3M ... 8 f&
to 300 ... i ss ...... io iu
M 1 ... 85 (0 114 ... $80
83 1S1 ... 138
"Jj "tm -'AY ., at. Uo. rr.
61 188 ... 7 78 70 199 ... 8 44
110 ... 7 80 83 328 ... t 40
43 tst ... a 40 Co :m a 40
73 313 ... X 40 78 339 ... 8 44
(0.. 314 ... 8 44 48 328 ... 8 In
30 sii ... a 44 78 ... a 44
II Ill ... 8 40 73 334 ... 8 44
17 303 84 8 44 84 314 ... 8 44
28 313 ... 8 40 77 304 ... 8 44
43 300 ... I 40 81. 318 ... 8 40
71 .Ill ... 44 81. ......247 84 I 40
SHEEP Buyers had another llboral
aubply at their disposal today and wero
a little slow In gatting down to businoas.,
Thero wero not as many good Iambs hw
as was tho case on Tuesday, though tho
supply was very fair comjuvred with,
most days last week: Onoo the market
opened, tho general trado was fairly ac
tive with tho best grades ot lambs euitf'
the aged sheep selling fully steady. IS
anything, the inbetween irrmdes. In Bomv
Instances, had an easier tendency, prices
on such kinds being steady to easier.
The range of lamb prices won practically
tho same as yesterday, that is, around
S7.O0tT7,l3, tho latter figure being top.
Thero wero mora lambs selling lower,
down In thtt range and these were princi
pally of tho Inbetween class, tho spread'
In prices on such kinds being largely At
tt.05jr7.2S. Tho bulk of the good lambs
sold from $7.25 up to $7.65, according to
finish and quality.
A modorato supply of ewes was of
fered, but what were hero were fairly
good compared with tho last few days.
The bulk of the sales were mode at
$5.00026.26. Few wethers or yearlings
wero available.
Borne 12,000 head constituted the re
ceipts as compared with 8,309 head last
Wednesday and 4,364 head two weeks ago
and 7,233 head a year ngo.
auntatlnns an sheen and lambs: Lambs.
srood to choice, f7.25a7.0O; lambs, fair to
good, $6.S0tp7.23; lambs, culls, $6.6006.60
yearlings, light, tn.35tf6.60; yearlings,
hoavy, $5.S06.25; wethers, good u choice.
15.70; ewes, goou to cnoice, o.iatu.wi
ewes, fair to good, $4.6098.15.
Representative sales'.
No. Av. Pr.
441 cornfed Iambs 82 7 10
37 cornfed owes 107 6 34
1S2 corntod owes ..107 6 30
176 corntod ewes' 107 6 86
SOO cornfed lambs .,, ,, 84 7 20
243 cornfed lambs . 10 ,7 24
223 cornfed lumbs i 76 7 26
44 cornfed lambs 76 7 24
267 cornfed lambs 74 7 2&
117 cornfed ewes i. 03 5 06
170 cornfed wethers 126 0 74
165 cornfed wethers .123 f 70
54 cornfed wethers 122 n 74
420 cornfed ewes 110 G 2!
312 cornfed ewes 110 5 it
222 cornfed lambs , S3 7 31
249 cornfed lambs 82 7 3!
234 cornfed lambs 79 7 4t
496 cornfed lambs , 84 7 4t
616 comfed lambs 79 7 63
621 feeder lambs SO 0 CM
im comrea wethers 120 c co
175 comfed wethers 113 6 60
70 cornfed wethers U0 6 CO
St. Joseph Llro Stock Market
celptn 1,600 head; market, slow; steers,
$7.OO0'9.OO: cows und heifers, H00C.&Oi
calves, $6.009310.25. '
HOOS Receipts 4,300 head; market,
steady to 6a higher; top, $8.70; bulk, l$.3(
iff 8. 65.
HHEBP AND LAMBS Receipts 8.066
head; market, steady; lambs, $6.7637.60.
Lire Stock In Sight. '
Receipts from the six principal west
em markets:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
filoux city 1,800 e.600 2,000
St. Louis , 4,400 11,600 3.600
Kansas City 3,600 8,400 7,000
Ht. JOSOph 1,600 4,300 3,000
Bouth Omaha a&oo 14.500 i?.ri
Chicago 18,000 29,000 20,000
Totals ...,32,700 74.209 64,600
Povr eshlek Enarineer Dead,
ORINNELLv Io.. Feb, IS. (Special Te!
egram.) County Engineer George Prudes,
of this city dropped dead thla
afternoon at Gueraney where ho had
gone this morning on business. He had
been In good health and no one Isnewl
he had any weakness ot the heart.
' 1
1)0 Not Jump ui Conclusions,
"Do not Jump at conclusions and da
not be hasty In Judgment," said Strick
land V. Gillllan. "To illustrate my story
I will tell a story of AuirusL mv net doir.
August was always Jumping at cpn-
Liuniuna. -
"Ho would run out Into (he street to
Jump at them.
"When n. harsn wnt tiv Aitnut wnnM
Jump at his conclusion.
"When a cow wont by August would
Jump at her conclusion,
"Ono day a mule went tov and Aiteruat
Jumped, at the mule's conclusion and the
muie kickoq.
"That was the last of August
"And the next day was the first ot
September." Chicago Post.
Just IniitKlnntlon,
up a tiny phial where his fellow clerka
nniil 4 1 8
"You wouldn't think," he said, "that
the milligram of radium In there was
worth $17,000, would your'
They crowded around and stared at the
phial with bulging eyes.
"Think of 111" said the oldest clerk.
"A fragment llko that worth a pot of
money! See It?"
They all saw It and wondered,
"Who trusted you with it. Charlie?"
"Nobody," replied the wicked one. "In
the first place. It Isn't radium, and, in
the second place, there's nothing there!"
Then he went back to his work. Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Brief Decisions.
Whllo thd race Is not always to 'the
more seldom to the slow.
Thus far winter weather prophets have
been as active as ever and as inaccurate.
1 Buvcruiueiii Bciemiai at wasnington
gravely announces the Important fact
that Ihn MIa n I . .
ous. Probably so; but also probably this
vivit,,., . ,111. iHPb .iiuit nuu eves Tvaiieia
around long enough to be bitten, by it,
The government has fixed the cash
value of tho wife at $1,000. Gentlemen
with no wives to speak ot pay an in-
given an additional $1,000, As exemption,
rvviiiiiQ ui uuiiaumiiuil V UUgo,
Key to the Bltutlson-fcoe Advertising.