Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1914, Page 11, Image 13

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Dancing m
The Brazilian Maxko and Other New Dances
Described by Adelaide, of tho Jardin do Danse
Copyright, 1DU, International News Scrv
' Ice. -
Tho Brazilian maxlxe, what Is, It? It
Is a tlance evolved from tho languorous
life of 'warm Climates, sunny skies anil
temperamental, slowly rythmical music,
liko tho tango, It Is an adaptation, merely
that, nothing more, for the tango In tho
original could never be danced here; It
has been so modified from tho original
,. .mi n11! iwm T " mum.
jiji i
Argenttno movement danced to tho tlnklo
of tho castanets and with all the aban
don of the race- In Its Interpretation, that
save for the name Ihe tango would hardly
be recognized abroad.
The Brazilian maxlxe is adaptable
that Is, the dancers having1 at their com
mand a fair amount of suppleness may
learn tho stops to, exactness and repro
duce to soma extent the -wonderful trace
of . tho" body and arms' In ' tho ? maxlxe
movement.' ' The entire movement' may bo
thoLhlrd" movement -Isan-exact repetl
1 1 oi iv of tho first and second perhaps It
would be better to outline'thcr steps Under
three main (divisions.
In the first movement the $ian stands
facing .tho girl with her hands In his,
tho girl's 'left hand in tho man's right
hand, simply facing: each other. They
make the same steps together, but with
opposite feet. The entire meaning of the
danco Is revealed in this one fact. It
is tho most Important thing to remember
In the whole movement.
On the first count of the muslo the man
slides his left foot forward, draws his
right foot, near from the left, sliding Im
mediately tho left foot forward again,
and bending tho right knee. Tho girl
does tlio same backward. This Is really
a double movement forward, with .the; )eft
foot. With a slight bond of the right knee,
bringing 'the right ioot off the floor.
.On tho second count the man touches
the floor slightly with the point of his
right foot and bends the body slightly
backward, and then points his foot In
tho opposite direction, backward, in the
meantime bending the body forward
That means that the movements of the
feet and body aro directly opposite. This
contrary movement Is in itself the most
beautiful thing In the dance. At the
samo time tho girl bends her body for
ward, then backward.
The third and fourth counts of the first
movement are a repetition 9! the some
thing", tho steps of the first' and second
counts' only beginning with the other
foot' and reversing the body movements,
Thus It can seen, that there-is noth-
trig St all difficult about this first move
ment. The hardest thing about tho dance
lies In the swaying grace of the body;
tho steps in themselves are very- simple
it is suppleness and agility that must be
7 WcajsHvH
You Can Begin This
Great Story To-day
by Reading This
Philip Anson Is a boy of 15 years, of
fine education and good breeding, but an
orphan and rolaerably poor.
The story open with the death of his
Rich relatives have deserted the family
in'.tnelr hour of need, and when his
mother's death comes Philip is in de
spair. Jle looks over his mother's letters
and finds that he is related to Sir Philip
Moriand. A few days later a terrific
thunderstorm brews over Ixmdon. At
the height of the storm a flash or light
ning scares a team attached to a coach
standing In front of a West End man
sion. Philip, who has become a news
boy, rescues a girl from the carriage
just before it turns over. A man with
the girl trips over Philip in his excite
ment, lie cuffs tho boy and calls a po
liceman. Tho girl pleads for Philip and
Coming of
The Sunbeam
Hew to Avoid Those Pains and Distress
WUch so Many Mothers Have Suffered.
1 a - in ml.
1 ulKJ?: Jii7 D?,re nn do not know et
ilSL'J?.- J1 J remedy that softens
Vt f ' eobl Um to expaad without
"r,ln Wn the lltimrou sod enables
' . throurU maternity without pain,
?'n' flckness or any of tba dreaded
trmptoma so familiar to msnr mother.
J1"0 l no foollih dit to bints the mind.
Thy thourtU do not dwelt upon pita u I rofl
1 UCa ,re, stoldSd? PTSuiT.U of
J?001 ?. . l?ir realm themselves to the
nZSPLSfSj??? ?d distress are nator?
They know better, for In Mother's Friend they
bara round a wonderful. penetrans- remedy U
sanlsh all those dreaded experleneV.?
liar Jfth 'ffiSJXF 0n'fn hou1'1 !
liar with, and eren thooio abe may not reaulra
h a reawdr. ahe will now and then Tiieit
jomo protpectlro mother to whom a wordta
liSr??1 V0,Lri.rrl7,,1 "1 cSi a. Swon"
derful Messina-. This famooa remedy la ao?l
ty all druxl.ta. and la only 11.00 bottle.
Jt It for eiternsl use only, and It reallr worth
lta welcht la fold. Write te-day te J5 Brad,
field IUculator Co.. 127 Iarfbi., itliati
he Is allowed to go after learning that
the man was Lord Vanstono. Philip then
determines to commit suicide.
Just as ho is about to hang himself a
meteor flashed by the window and
crashed into the flagstones ln the yard.
The boy takes this as a sign from heaven
not to kill hlmselfr lie then goes to the
yard to look, at the meteor. Philip picks
up several curious looking bits of the
meteor and takes them to a diamond
merchant named Isacsteeln, who causes
his arrest. At the police station he gives
his name as Philip Moriand. Isaacsteln
tells tho Judge that the diamonds are
worth 100,000 (J250.000). Philip refuses to
answer questions and is remanded for a
week. Lady Moriand, dining In a res
taurant, reads about "Philip Moriand"
and Is puizled.
In the police court he succeeds In con
vincing tho magistrate, Mr. Abingdon,
that he came into possession of the Jew
els honestly, and In winnlnlg the friend
ship of the magistrate, who sends him
back to rnako an arrangement with Isaac
steln. The broker agrees to dispose of
diamonds to the amount of 2o0,000 pounds
a year - for a term of years, for a com
mission of 10 per cent, and to place at
once 6,000 pounds to the boy's credit in
a bank. Fifty pounds is paid In cash.
With this money Philip provides himself
with a beter suit of clothes, and with
bags to take caro of the Jewels, and re
turns to Johnson's mews; on the way he
meets with an adventure, which brings
him in contact with a poor woman. At
the old homo he gathers up the diamonds,
and has Just succeeded in placing the last
of them in a portmanteau, which he dis
covers that he is being watched by a
man outside. He succeeds In getting rid
of the fellow .only to discover another
pair of eyes perlng at him. This time it
Is a policeman. Philip assists the police
man in overpowering "Jockey" Mason, a
desperate criminal, and saves the police
roan's life. The man curses Philip and the
policeman a tarts with him to the station
house. While the policeman is absent
delivering his, prisoner, Philip succeeds
In transferring his bags filled with dia
monds to the Junk store of his good
friend, O'Brien, where all Is safe. Ho
has barely -made his last trip when the
policeman returns to me noute with the
Now Read On
1 y
Copyright, 190, by Edward J. Clode.
"This is the boy, sir," said the police
man. "Oh, is that him?" observed the In
spector, sticking his thumbs into his
belt and gazing at Philip with profes
sional severity.
Philip met their scrutiny without
flinching. ire leaned against the wall
with his hands in his pockets, one fist
clinched over the pouchful of gold, the
other guarding a diamond bigger than
the Koh-l-Noor.
"I am sorry I have only one chair,
gentleman," he said, apologetically.
"That's all right, my lad, ' said the In
spector. "The constable hero tells me
that you very plucklly helped him to
capture a notorious burglar. The man
was hiding In this mews, and it seems
you first saw him looking in through
your window. What were you doing at
the tlmor
"Packing my portmanteau."
"Oh, packing your portmanteau.
"Yes. That is It."
He stooped and nonchalantly threw
It open. His clothes and boots, and
some of the other contents were ex
posed to view. The inspoctor laughed.
"Not many diamonds there, Bradley."
"No, sir, I told you Mason was talk
ing rubbish."
"Old he say any more about me being
tho boy who found the meteor?" asked
Philip, with a first rate attempt at a
"Wouldn't talk of anything else," vol
unteered P, C. Bradley.
"Judging by the way he dropped whan
I hit him. I expect he saw stars," said
"Are you leaving here?" asked the in
spector. "Yes, I must. The company which
owns these premises Intends to pull them
down on the first of next month."
"What la your nomeT"
"Ah! I think I remember hearing some
thing about your mother's death. Very
nice woman, I was told. A lady, too."
"Yes, all that, and more." '
"Of course, that accounts for your man
ners and appearance. Have' you found
some frlendsT"
The Inspector's glance roved from the
serviceable pormanteau to Phlljp's tidy
garments, and it was his business to
make rapid deductions.
"Yes, most fortunately."
"Anybody connected with Sharpe A
Smith?" the constable put In.
"Sharpe & Smith! Who are they?"
"Don't you know? Their young man
certainly didn't seem to know much
about your movements. He has been
here twice looking for you. The first
time war,-let me see, last Monday,, about
o'clock. I w on duty- in, "the main
road, and he asked me for some Informa
tion. We came' and' looked In, but your
door was locked. The man on this beat
this afternoon told me that the same
clerk -was making- further inquiries today,
so as soon as I came on night duty I
strolled Into the mews to find out if you
were at home. That is how I happened
to see you."
He turned toward the Inspector.
"He was packing bis bar at the mo
ment, sir, and Mason had evidently been
scared from the window by my footsteps
In the arch.
The inspector pursed out1 his under Up.
"The whole thing is perfectly clear,"
he said. "Boy, have you got a watch?"
"No," said Philip, surprised by this odd
"Bradley, he hasn't got a watch." ob
served the Inspector. He again addressed
I The Bee and the Flower
Oopyrls-ht, 1H, International News Berrlre.
: By Nell Brinkley
Hero arotheso two great players, Danny, tho canty, Bprltoly-hmtl-nco
Idol, chubby and lloas-hoaded, tho roving son of VonUs; Aphrodite,
and a girl, the daughter of Evo, tondcr, wealthy with youth, his load
ing lady, In their oldest, lovelleat parts, "The Bee and tho Flower":
It chanc't a boo did flit that way
(After a dow or dewlike Bhower),
To tipplo freely in a flower. . ,
Ho drank so much ho scarco could stir, . . 4
And so sho took the pilferer.
And thus surprised (as fllchors use) .',
Ho thus began himself o t' excuse: i
'Sweet Lady-Flower, I never brought .
Hither tho least one thieving thought;
But taking those rare Hps of youra .. ' .
For somo fresh, fragrant, luscious flowers,
I thought I might there take a taste
Where so much swoetness ran to waste,
Besides, know this, I never sting
The flower that gives me nourishing,
But with a kisse, or thanks, do pay . ,
For Honey that I beare away."
Tis said, he laid his little scrip
Of Honey 'fore her ladyship,
And told her (as somo tears did fall)
That that ho took, and that was all,
At which she smll'd and bade him goe
And take his bag; and this much know,
When next he came a-pilf'rlng so,
Ho should from her full Hps derive
Honey enough to fill his hive.
"Where are you going tomorrow?"
"I am not quite sure, but my address
will be known to Mrs. Wiigley, the James
Street laundry, Shepherd's Bush,
"Ah! The constable says you do not
wish to be mixed up in the arrest of
Mason. There Is no need for you to ap
pear in court, but er In. such cases as
yours, the er police like to. show their
er appreciation of your services. That
is so, Bradley, Isn't it?"
"Yes, sir. If It hadn't been, for htm I
shouldn't be here now. Jocky had me
fairly cornered."
"You had no time to summon assis
tance?" "I barely heard he was here, beforo tho
window was smashed, and I knew he
was trying to get out the otler way.
You hear htm, Anson?"
Philip looked the policeman squarely In
tho eyes.
"You had Just taken off your great
coat when the glass cracked," he said.
Police Constable Btradley stooped to
pick up his coat. He did not wish this
portion of the night's proceedings to be
described too minutely. In moving the
garment he disturbed the packet of let
ters. Instantly Philip recalled the names
of the solicitors mentioned by tho con
stable. . "You said that a clerk from Messrs. I
Sharpe & Smith called here twice?" he
Ho picked out one of the letters, opened
It, and made certain of his facts beforo
ho cried, angrily!
"Then I want to have nothing what
ever to do with htm. They treated my
mother shamefully,"
The inspoctor had sharp eyes.
"What Is the date of that Utter?" he
"January 18th of this year."
"And what are those pawn tickets?"
"Yes, some of my mother's Jewelry and
dresses. Her wedding ring was the last
to go. Most of them are out of date, but
I Intend to I will try to save some of
them, especially her wedding rig."
To Bo Continued Tomorrow.
Our Grammar
"I seen her whon sho done it," said tho girlie on tho train,
"I seen her when sho done it and she done it Just as plain!
Sho never had no bringing up; sho acts Just like a fool;
I havon't saw such manners since I was a kid at school.
Just between you and I, my dear, her education's bad;
She doesn't speak grammatical. Her English makes mo sad."
"I've often saw the lady," said her escort on tho train,
"And all them fool mistakes sho makes would give a guy a pain.
It's Just as easy to talk right, like the fellows in a book,
And that's why I remember all the lessons I have took.
You'd think sho'd bo moro careful of grammatical mistakes.
Why don't she talk like I and you, and not make all them breaks?"
Hope For Bald
i -
Well Known PoUtlcian Nearly Bald!
Now Has Heavy Growth of Hair.
Tells How He Did It.
A western politician, well known on ac
count of his baldness and hla ready wit
surprised his friends by appearing, with!
a heavy growth of hair; many of his
friends did not know him and others
thought he had a wig. On being, aHed
how he did It, he made the following
statement: "I attribute the growth of
my hair to the following simple recipe
which any lady or gentleman can mix at
home. To a half pint of water add 1 ox.
of Bay Kum a small box of Barbo Com
pound and U oz, of Glycerine. Apply to
the scalp two or three times a week with
the finger tips, it not only promotes
the growth of the hair, but removes
dandruff, scalp humors and prevents the
hair from falling out. It darken
streaked, faded, gray hair and makes the
hair soft and glossy. These ingredients
can be purchased at any drug store aft
very little cost and mixed at hope."-
Advertlscm es.