Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1914, Page 9, Image 10

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Harle-Haas Drug Company Men at Their Annual Banquet
Clover naw colon
11 pumps for wo
men, Patent lea
ther with Bat in
quarten and Gaby
heels .... g.1,05
Ballot Btlppofs lor
women. Made ot
Roft black kldaklu,
whlto lddskln or
blitck nallni nt-
S1.Q5 & S1.08
Have Boot Print It Now Beacon Press.
Xilfa Ins.? Te. Perm Mutual. Gould.
Xlectrio Snppllss Burpess-Qranden Co.
ridemy storaer "Van Co. d. ism.
Income tax blanks and assistance with
them Is offered by the Peters Trust com
pany, 1623 Farnam street, without obllga
tton or charge.
State Bank of Omaha per cant paid
on tUno deposits; 8 per cent paid on sav
ings accounts. All deposits In this bank
tiro protected 'by the depositors' guaran
tee fund of the state of Nebraska,
Tuts Out Flro Himself Nathan
tKlngold, -who conducts a tailor shop at
109 North Fortieth street, put out a flro
in hts establishment, which started from
an overheated stove.' The damage was
estimated at $25. '
Immigration Bill is Topic Mem
bers of the several Jewish societies will
meet Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock to
discuss tho pending Burnett Immigration
bill. Tho mooting will be at tho city
hall In, tho council chamber.
. -f t
Parish Social Saturday The regu
lar parish school ' 6t Trinity Cathedral
mIU bo held this week, Saturday, Instead
of Thursday. . All ' the young people of
the parish arc Invited to be present
Dancing will begin at 8 o'clock promptly.
To Control Dancers -Policewoman
KatKorine Drummy Tina btrt detailed' to
suppress dancing In halls complained of
by some of tho: Canclng masters, who
say thoy cannot' control the "bunnyhug"
Wilson's Autompbilo Stolen A lit
tle six StudcbaHor belonging to El IX.
"Wilson, local representative of the Stude
bakcra, was" taken by some thlof or Joy
rider from in front of tho Brandels thea
ter whlla Wilson was watching the desert
storm of tho "Garden of Allah."
Two Inquests Held Inquests over
tho bodies of Mrs. Hattlo Bouthe,rn, 206
fr'outh, .fjoventh street, who took, carbollo
acid, and Mrs. Stella Jtoblrison, colored,
husband' Monday iMAtV'reraitra- in a
verdict of nulcldo fort the fortner and
mufdf for hie" jla'tfer ,ciso, ' It was recom
mended that Win. N. 'itoblnson be held
forj.tha, 'grand,' Jury. -..
New Electric Sign "Burgess-Nash
Co., Everybody's Store," is 'thelegend
that will be flashed by hundreds' of lights
on the, giant -electric slam over the Myers
Dillon store Is soon as wiring is com
pleted. The, new department store has
Sovereign Commander of W. 0. W.
Asks Aid of Omahans.
Rupture Cured
At Home
Old 8w Captain Coxed Himself by
Simple Heana Within Beach
of All Sufferers.
leased the space for a long period, and
the work of installing the sign is near
liig completion. It will be tho largest
electric sign in the city.
D. Clem Denver is Improved.-D.
Clem Dcaver, head of the Burlington
land department, who has been confined
to his home several weeks on account
of illness, is said to be slightly Improved
and is now ablo to be out of bed a
portion of tho time. It is, said that with
the return of warm weather, Mr. Deaver
stands a good chance of being able to got
out and again attend to his duties.
iPolice and Federal Officers Rake
Old Tenderloin for Stuff.
Woodcraft for Omnhni Omnhit for
Woodcraft, Smrgeatcd SI
san in Speech, of Chairman,
of Mtxnnjfcra.
Hla Ktmedy and Sls.InterMtlag Book Bant
Free to All Sufferer.
If Captain Colling could cure him
self of a double rupture that kept him
bed-ridden for years, by a simple
means of his own Invention, why can
not you achieve the same blessed re
sult by doing as ha did? You can't be
much,- i,.any, worse oft than this old
seafarer Was, for no truss could hold
his rupture. Doctors told him he must
tie operated upon or die. Yet jje cured
himself absolutely and his big, free
book tells how.
Texas Woodmen of the World, living in
a etato that has furnished nearly lto.000
members to that organization, cannot un
derstand1 why In Omaha, which is head
quarters for tho Woodmen of the World,
thp organization has a mere handful of'
members, according to Sovereign Com
mander' W. A, Fraaer. This statement ho
made lost night at tho banquet given by
tho Commercial club in his honor at the
club rooms. He said when ho left Texas
to come to Omaha to tako his new posi
tion here, he was told to "go, there and
'waken those dead ones." '
"And so," said the guest of honor, "I'm
going to ralso the Itlp Van Winkles in
'Omaha, or as Bradshaw says, 'You or I
will leave town.' And I want to say
that I'm here to stay. So It's your move."
Mr. Frascr pointed out that the Wood
men of tho World- with headquarters in
.Omaha keeps an average balance of
51,000,000 in seven banks in the. city, em
Ploys 400 people there,- and. has a pay roll
:that-is not: Inconsiderable.- - He said- that
Chicago Woodmen had promlaed him that
If he would move tho headquarters to
Chicago ' 'the'y would "give him a- larger
membership out of Chicago and auburbs
alone 'than tho organization now has in
tho United States,
naldrlge Tooatnmster.
About 200 attended the banquet given in
honor of Mr. Fraaer and the other resi
dent officers of the Woodmen of the
World. Howard II, Baldrigo as toaat
master made some yItty remarks In the
introduction of the speakers and paid a
nice tribute to the honored guest, Mayor
J. C. Dahlman spoke of his appreciation
and the appreciation the city has of the
Woodmen of the World.
John T. Yatea, sovereign clerk of the
organization, followed the mayor with
some remarks In behalf of the" Woodmen.
W. S. Wright for the Commercial club
reviewed the work of the Woodmen for
twenty years and hoped their auccesa in
the next, twenty would be as great as
hoa been that of the last twenty.
D. E Bradshaw, sovereign watchman
of the Woodmen, ald tho city should tie
proud to have tho headquarters of so
great an order i here, and assured the
Omahans that now. that they have a
Scotchman at tho head of the order here,
they will either have to Join or leave
What King- Thinks.
Charles E. Black, (King, Ak-Sar-Ben
XIX), reviewed tho great work of Ale
Sar-Ben for the building up of Omaha,
and declared that Ak-Sar-Bcn and tho
Woodmen of the World are tho two great
eat organizations in the city.
J. E. Fltsgerald, chairman of tho sov
ereign roanagera of the Woodmen of the
World, spoke of tho composite blood from
alt eastern atatcs that has gone to mako
up the citizenship of Nebraska, and sold
even so was the membership of the Wood
men of the World made up of some of
the beat stock of the country. "And with
headquarters at Omaha," he said, "woodcraft-
standa for Omaha, and Omahnj
should stand .Tor woodcraft" vi ,
Oinahn llcllevcrt to be Unu of Coun
try's nisr Distribution lolnta
for tho KmnKKlcd
Directed by a special representative of
tho United. States customs' office, poll Co
and federal officials searched the old
tenderloin district last night for contra
band opium be'.lcvcd to bo in tho hands
of distributing agents hero.
Tho officers visited tho Chinese store?,
restaurants and homes along Ninth and
Tenth streets and Capitol avenue. When
they' Unshed these, tho police sought out
negroes known to uso tho drug. Tho
raid netted a pound of confiscated gum
opium, worth, perhaps, $40.
Tho government officers have informa
tion that raw opium, brought from tho
orient into Canada and Mexico and
smuggled .into this country, is forwarded
to several largo cities for distribution.
Omaha, tho officers say. Is ono of the
largest distributing points, and two
young Americans aro said to bo the
'agents of the smugglers for this locality.
These two, whoso identity, tho officers
say, Is unknown to them, rccelvo tho
drug and then carry it In person to re
sponalblo Chinese merchants, who dis
tribute it to tho "retailers."
Tho two aro' now being Bought by tho
federal authorities. It la said that no
longer than) two weeks ago an enormous
supply of uncooked opium was brought
into Nebraska by them. When thoy
were here, officers learned that they
Btopped nt a downtown hotel and lived
in regal style. Both are Inveterate users
of the atuff, but managed to conceal
their habit from tho hotel management.
Cadet Taylor, local surveyor of cus
toms', says that the investigation hero Is
al part of a natlon-wldo probe being con
ducted by tho government, which is de
termined to break up the opium ring. A
law which recently wont into effect pro
vides a flno of $5,000 and five years' im
prisonment, not only for selling, but
Bmoklng also, has given customs officers
wide powers.
A week ago potlco oftcers raided an
opium den on North Eleventh street and
found a brother and sister In .tho. bunks
In a stupor from the effects of the stuff.
Two Chinamen keepers of tho place,
paid small fines in police court next morn
ing and departed. This raid, govern
ment officera say, interfered with the
Investigation being made by the federal
authorities without tho knowledgo of the
police. When it was made, all tho
other places where tho stuff is sold im
mediately became moro cautious than
ever. Had it not been for this tho raids
last night would have been startllngly
effective, it is declared.
lng crowd of shoppers, eager to catch a
close-rango glinipso of tho plcturcaquo
tribe jtnen In their natlo turbans, capes,
baro legs and soft slippers.
The twenty visiting nomads were
grouped In the center of the big depart
ment, sitting on a pllo of handsome. Im
rortod rugs that made nn npproprlato
setting for them. Salcen Ayoob, tho in-
tcrpreter, helped tho shoppers ask ques.
tlons of his brother tribesmen, who do
not speak English. Shlek Hah-Med was
a center of attraction, but Rakaya El
Hussan. who has four wtvoa hnnk In
Arabia and yet wanfo to find an American
gin to join nis harem, received th most
attontlon. Ho had thn Internreter nrnnom
for hlni to every woman who camo near,
but none Jumped at tho chance.
Vor Indiscretion nntt IIIIIInnatieaM
uso Dr. King's Now Life Pills: rid tho
stomach and bowels of all impurltlen
and tono up tho system. 2Sc. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
"Beading Is ono of the greatest aids
to success." said Miss Edith Tdbltt, tho
public librarian, before tho students of
Kcllom night school last evening. Sho
spoko on "Heading Toward Success," it
the recently inauguarated aeries of "Suo
cess" talka being modo to the students by
representative members of the com
"Supplement your knowledge of men
and thlnga by reading," ahe told tho at
tenttvo pupils. "Your speolal lino of
work will bo improved by knowledge
gained from general reading."'
"Never wait till you have time to
j road," sho advlsod, "or you will novor
read at ull. Read In between times,
while shaving or waiting for a meal to
bo served, and at other' odd moments."
J. Trultt Maxwell, physical director of
tho Young Men's Christian association,
will speak next Tuseday evening on
"Health ns an Aid to fjupcrss."
Throngs of people visited the Brandels
stores' rug department yesterday after
noon to sco tho Garden of Allah Arabs,
who held a reception thero in connection
with a special aalo of oriental rugs. For
two hours thero was a constantly chang-
';niait ray topllgbtsl I can da.nee
the,, hornpipe ltell,w ft I'd never
h,eea ruptured I"
) Why should you continue to , go
through Ufa with the awful handicap
of a rupture? -Why ba annoyed and
embarrassed by nwkward, uncomfort
able, and ineffective trusses that are
only makeshifts at the beatT Why be
dented bo many of the pleaaurea and
Jqya of life because the slightest vio
lent exertion may cause the truss to
slip and the rupture to displace?
TIa nn mi i n vtrlth lhA thln. fSftt
Captain Colllngs absorbingly interest,
lng book and. his free remedy that Is
so generously offered to those who suf
fer as he did for so long. Costs yon
not a penny places you under no ob
ligation whatever. Just clip and mall
the coupon below and receive book
and remedy free of all charge and pre)-
PS)Dd not put off sending It Every day
you delay is a day of Increased com
fort and happiness lost. Send coupon
Only a small crpwd hoard tie address
of H. F. ' Carson of the Anti-Saloon
league before the Economic league last
night. He criticised Colonel ltoosevelt
severely for his theory of Increasing tho
population, and then displaying so llttla
.Interest hrth'elr welfare after they were
brought into- the world. , He also ar
raigned 'the progressives for their alienee
on the liquor question.
Mr. Carson contended that, per million
invested, there were fewer men em-
ployed In the liquor Industry than any
other line of business. He stated that
in Nebraska, while the brewery Invest
ment totaled more than $3,000,000. there
were but M7 men employed by those
Remorse ulwuys "gets
you" when you have
been neglectful of the
Stomach, Liver and
Bowels and lmvo al
lowed a spell of Bilious
uess" or IndigoBtibn to
develop hut be of good
, cliccr,andtry.a bottle of
Stomach Bitters
It will help you back to
health. Start today.
and Lumbago
! H you suffer from Rheumatism or
( Lumbago, rub the aching parts with
umega uii, men soaK a piece 01 nan
nel with the Oil, lay it on the place
that hurts and cover with dry flanneL
This simple treatment has brought
nights of peaceful rest to people who
have suffered agonies. Trial bottle ioc.
rBJifJiaaaT ttk m BM Bbm bbbbT A aal
To the Mediterranean
S. E. Corner Madison And La Sail'
8ts- Chicago, or Local Agents,
Local Agent for All Steamship
Line and European Tour
811 S. 14th Street, Omaha, Neb.
Phone Dougloa 333,
Cant. W. A. Colllnps (Inc.),
Box 333 , Watertown, N. T.
' "Please aend me your PTtEH Tlup
turo Remedy and Book without an?
obligation on my part whatrrar.
Name ..,,. .
Addresa .,........
Safe (or
nablea, Effective
That'a Foley'a Honey and Tar Com
pound. It haa the confidence of your
druBSist, who knows It will Rive you
satisfaction. W. V. Neaimith, States-
liOIU. UU-, ry '1 IIUVO UHtl t'olt 8
iiuiK-y ui'-d lui Compound In tny family
una nutu it in u.y tfloro unu It novwr
Una to cure. ' .inu Don i ur.uson, XVJ
Vine bu, Greet Bay, Wis.: "I had a bad
coutfh that kept me awake nltfhts and
two small bottles ot Foley's Honey and
Tar cured me." For sal by all dealers
everywhere. Ad vert la ement.
Panama Canal. r South America
Newest Cruising Steamer
TKIRLg a W IA nn-
P n t an aS bBbB maBD w -
wnuvv mm. m m mmp r k tokjc
March 4
And UP
Easter Cruise April A-
16 D ZW S kV $ 145. &nd (in
8. S. Cornar Madlaon and La Balis tHs
uoioafo, or local fnis.
Much Interest is Manifest in the
Showing of New Suits & Dresses
nro dlsttnRUialicd
by many novel
. . a .
i. ... , . original
.MV..O .u uii nmi nrape tnnt rondor thorn
particularly pleasing and nssuro much
popularity for thorn this scaeon. Tho suits
shown hero, oven nt this early date, nro
absolutely autboutlo in stylo. Thoy typify
tho vory best developments of BprltiK stylo
in tho oastcrn fashion centers. Severn!
doion models ready, at.... $15 to 375
solectlon of dresses for nftomoon, even
ing and party woar for women and
mlssort Styles that ftro now In every
feature, and decidedly pleasing. Thoy
are of taffeta, inessallno, crepo do chlno,
cropo meteor, chiffons and poplins, and
aro prlcod from 813.75. S15. 817.50.
810. 832.50. 825. 835 to 875
Final Clearance of Women's Winter Suits
Vhat remaina of our wlntor stocks of suits will bo dlsposod of (f
Thursday at an insignificant prco far below cost of making, 1
This gives you cholco of several scores of stylish milts that will
no wearaDio ror months to come, nnd good for noxt fall. Plain
tailored or fancy trimmed stylos, in various weavos. Values up
to 30 included, at ,
Two Great Bargain Lots of Women Coats
"Wornon's nnd Missos' Coats, in thrco-
quarter and full length stylos, In heavy
cheviots and fancy mixtures. .
plain or fancy drnped styles;
worth to J12.50, on sale nt.
Women's and MIssob' Coats, In Cheviot,
chinchillas, plush, bouclo and fancy mix
tures, in throo-quartor and full rjr
length styles; nil bIzor, worth h "
up to 117.50, on nolo at PV
Thursday Sale of Silk
Waicfrc Regularly Worth Up
Tf aiSIS, To $3.00, at
A big special selection of pretty waists
to be offered at a bargain price Ihurs
day. Numerous dainty styles of fine
raessalines, China silks and laces. Some
quite plain others trimmed in fancy laces. Light
and dark shades. All sizes Waists worth up to $3
included, at 98c.
Dress Goods ,
30 and 40-lnch Herges, granite
sultlnR-a, diagonals and whipcords,
in an extensive rango of new col
orltiKS, Worth tiOo and 6a rcKU
larly. Special Thursday, main
Z:iu!n... 35c w,a 49o
New Spring Silks
27-lnch silk miltlnga, constating
of check and ntrlpo taffetas and
mescalines, jacquard and overshot
effects, In a wide range of pat
terns and nplendld colorings.
Worth $1 yard. Hpeclal 7Q0
Thursday at U
45c Linen Suit
ing at
Yarn dyod, light weight, Kamlo
linen, so vory popular for spring
dresses. Hhawn in natural, lihio,
pink, old roue, butter nnd
white, 36 Jnches wide. Worth 4Go
yard. On mile on niiiln 9 fin
floor bargain square, at' .. "
Wash Goods at 15c
Thousands of yards of thoso beau
tiful crepes chiffon and crepes
etolle, in rosebud, stripes, floral
and Dresden patterns, 2i and 39
inches wide. Hpeclal 50
Factory Clearance Sale of Shoes
Breaks AH Selling Records
The hundreds of peoplo who took advantngo of this great SATo Wodnwday
were cnthuslaatlo in their comments upon tho extraordinary values they secured.
And there aro thousands of nalrs of theao elioou remaining for people who come
They aro tho surplus stocks of great eastern Mhoe factories, purchased at the
end of the season at about cost of inuklng, und represent tho best values we v
offered In several years
Women's; llcfrultir 93.00 Shoes for $1.05.
Women's $.1.00 Hntln Slippers nt
Wonum'H !I.0() Patent Pumps for $t.U5.
Jicn's Itcfrular $;).00 Hliocs for 91.(1.1.
.Men's fjf l.00 Dress Hliocs, Priced nt $2.10.
Hoys' liogular $2.50 Shoes, pnlr nt $1.S5
ll i iKSSK-tasBsissssssssillisasr" - i
When Meadowr
are Gireen
IS THERE anything in tho world that looks
moro contented than a good cow in a
good meadow?
Yes, thero is ono thing that looks, moro
contented, and that is a good farmer in &
good field of wheat or corn. For he has tho
human Intelligence to appreciate tho great
harvests that the earth can yield.
Peoplo are learning their lessonts thoso
days. Poople who have starved In the city,
on meager, unwholesome food. Peoplo who
have starved their minds with meager, un
wholesome lives are learning the lesson that
only tho earth can teach. In every hig city,
every Sunday, thousands upon thousands of
thorn swarm out through the railroads and
the trolley lines to somo Uttlo suburban
woods, or some nearby farm heavy with tho
burden or its yellow harvest.
Perhaps you have not yet caught tho spirit
of tula movement toward tho land. Perhaps
you are already too near to It to appreciate
how good it is.
nut Just rememher this, the thing which
all these other peoplo missed. 1b the thing
which you aro going to miss bo$io day. Tho
longing which they now have Is tho longing
which you aro going to lmvo before you die.
And the sooner you get that longing und
tho sooner you satisfy It the better for you.
A little land is tho thing you need most in
the world.
Turn to the Farm Lands advertising In
the Want Ads of this paper. Do it now. Seo
how easy It la to own a bit of land, especially
with the easy payments that are usually of
fered to you, Answer some of theae ads, and
mention The Boe, please, each time you do
for that will be a help to us as well as to you.