Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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The Manicure
"I've been reading a continued story In
one. of tho evening newsjiapers," Bald the
Manicure Lady, "and It Is a kind ot
queer layout, tho plot ot it and all. It
tells about a strong, manly young gent
about six feet tall who wins tho love,
of a fair young society girl by acting
like a cavo man. George, what Is a cave
"I remember reading something about
cavo men in my school books," said the
Head Barber. "If I remember right, they
"were tho first human beings and lived
n. mightjr long time ago. They weto
bigger than tho men now, and more llkA
big gorillas.' They had hair all over
their big bodies and lived In caves. That
Is all I know about them, except that
when It coma to a rough houso fight
they must have been regular slashers."
"Dear me." exclaimed tho Manicure
Iady, "I don't seo how no young so
ciety lady could fall for that kind of a
gent I ain't no society queen 'myself,
but goodness knows, George,' I wouldn't
marry no gent and do" light housekeep
ing In a cave. A flat' Is bad enough,, but
a cave never
"This story didn't say, though, that
tho hero was exactly a cavo man It said
he used cave-man methods. I suppose It
meant that he. was kind 'of rough and
harsh to her, and maybe ha- beat her up a.
"Ho wouldn't have to be no "cavo man
to do that, If we can believe the papers
ot all," declared the Head Barljer. '"There
are plenty ot -gents moving in our best
circles that have been accused ot beating
wp their wives."
"It said in this story that all women
lovo to bo mastered by somo ruder,
stronger being than the women them
selves. Sometimes I believe that is so
because I have often had the feeling
when some great big powerTUl man went
out of hero that I would be willing to be
his wlfo if he hod a good bank roll with
which to maintain me proper, oven if he
did glvo me a good shaking when
wouldn't mind. Goodness Knows, I would
rather have n. husband like ''that than
some of the little flat-chested dudles that
mince In hero Just before the mattneo to
get polished up. to a perfect pink.
wouldn't care a rap for a husband that
I could slam across tho room, and I am
afraid It I should marry that kind of a
husband he would be going across tho
roo.m .most of tho time.
"But tho ideal kind of a man, I think,
for a husband for a emotional yet Ben
ito child .llko me, is a husband who could
be as rough as' Bandy Ferguson If ho
had to be, but -who could also be as gen
tlo as a little trained nurse and fat Is
the way I would want him to bo most
of tho time, because my girlish nature
loes not lean- npne. toward 'warfare. My
father is the kind'-of-a .man-I mean big
nnd powerful enough to' always be tho
skipper pf 'his own house; but as gentle
as a klttenmosjplf tha,tlmc, especially
when ho. lias -Ueen out.wltn"a feV"of'the
old Romans, .trying huubest tp ;get all
the hlghpro6f stuff off thd, market for
ever. No. matter how lit deac old, dad
Is, he that beaming" smile
around on' "his map,-and ho' has- always
been 'so good to mother that sho fairly
worships him,
"Thero ain't many men left like, that
now, George, at leastantong the young
stock. Tho young men now havo the
muscle. of children, -and tho dispositions
of caVo men, Instead of the muscles of
cave men and the dispositions of chil
dren. Hero comes - one of them to get
his nails did now."
Dancing the "No-Touch"
Written and Especially Posed for the Magazine Pasc
How Mrs. Stuyvc8ant Fish's Edict
Brought About the Wireless Tango
Advice, to' Lovelorn
Tell Your Father.
Dear Miss Fairfax: A gentleman friend
calls at tho house every night In the
week. If ho happens to seo me talking
to another man ha pulls mo away from
him. Ho has a very Jealous disposition,
ire claims ho loves mo, but I only care
for him as a friend, I have told him sev
eral times to keep away, but he does not
listen to inc.
His' possessive attitude toward you not
only is distasteful to you, but will causo
unpleasant comments from others. Stay
in your room rather than to seo. him. If
tbat does' not cure him, tell your father
or your brother.
AVho la tit the Wronirf
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am ITAanrt have
been keeping company with a young mail
of 21. Recently we had a quarrel and
quit speaking. He has suitable habits and
I love him nnd I am sure he loves me.
He speaks when we meet but that Is all.
In every quarrel one Is tho mpro to
blame. If you were the one, apologlxo
but don't get down on your knees as U
you had committed tho greatest of crimes.
If he refuges to accept, forget him.. The
pouting man is the greatest of all afflictions.
Sage and Sulphur
Darkens Gray Hair
Brush this through faded, life
less locks and they become
dark, glossy, youthful.
Hair that loses Its' color and lustre, or
when it fades, turns gray, dull and life
less, Is caused by a lack ot sulphur In
the hair. Our grandmother road up a
jmlxture of Sage Tea and- Sulphur to
keep., her locks dark and beautiful, and
thousands of women and men who value
that .even color, that beautiful dark shade
of halr which is so attractive, use only
thls-old-tyme recipe,
Nowadays we get this famous mixture
by asking at any. 'ug store for a W
thur Hair Remedy,'' which darkens ths
hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody
can possibly toll it has been applied.
Besides, It takes off dandruff, stops
scalp ltohlng and falling hair. Tou Just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with It
and draw this through your hair, taking
no small strand at a time. By morn
ing the gray hair disappears; but what
delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage
a,nd Sulphur is that, besides beautifully
darkening the hair after a few applica
tion!, it also brings back the gloss and
lustra and gives it an appearance Of
abundance. Advertisement
Mrs, Sttiyvcsout Flab,
Life Is Just one-new step. after another
. theso dancing days, and tho latest dance
on tho cafendar combining the least In- I '
"uuuud icaiuu-a to ma innovation
waltr," which has risen up out of tho
ashes ot tho dead "tango," purged and
pure, and by tho ruling and approval of
socioly la reigning favorite at present
There Is nothing intimate In character
in this expurgated waltz, for with the
introduction ot proper holding without
body contact, one of tho features so cen
sured In the "tango," shoulder and hip
movement that also came under the ban
eliminated. "The innovation'" will
register 825 per cent pure, according to
tho BChedulo of strict propriety or the
pure dance test
Dancing the "Innovation waltz" the
partners stand at least a foot apart fac
ing each other, the man has his hands
In his pockets or behind his back, tho
girl rests her hands on her hips. To the
same rollcking, rythmic ono-stcp muslb
tho waits is danced, the steps resemblo
the' "hesitation," the "tango" and the
one-step, variations of these three, and
. reminiscent, In parts, of tho stately
minuet. Those who have seen tho "in
novation waltz" danced havo nothing
but words of admiration for It nnd nn
era of popularity, even greater than tho
"tango" enjoyed, Is prophesied for It.
At tho ball given by Mrs. Stuyvesant
FIsH recently tho "Innovation waits"
was first exploited by Mr, and Mrs.
Vernon Castle. "No tangoing at my
patties." was Mrs. Fish's ultimatum,
and to her belongs tho credit for the
name and tho dance's existence,
"The Innovation wnlts" Is1 plctorlnlly
described on this pago by Miss Louisa
Alexander and Olive I,ogan. favorably
known ns a dancer both In Kuropo nnd
New York.
Of tho "Innovation" Miss Alexander
had this to say today:
"Wo nro now In a slato of transmission
to moro beautiful dancing, nnd this latest
Is n remarkably pretty dnnco, lacking
In nil tho cccentrlctles nnd abandon ot
tho 'tango,' and It Is not at all difficult
to do.
"Tho pnrtnors must practise- it togothcr,
though, for without tho guiding arm of
your partner It Is essontlal to the. picture
that tho 'team work' bo uniform. Now tho
Innovation Mnxlxc,' which I dnnco with
Mr, Logan, Is moro difficult. It Is con
sidered tho hnrdest of tho Argentina
dances, with Its many varied steps nnil
posturos, but It tho publlo objects to the
close proximity of tho 'tango,' they doubt
less .do In tho 'maxlxc." nnd so danc
ing in all Its phases will soon bo n sort
of 'solo-duct' nffnlr a paradox dancing
together, yet apart.
"To thoto-aiul their namo Is Icglon
who havo spent time, money nnd good
gray matter In their efforts to achieve, tho
graco nnil abandon characteristic It tho
'tango,' nnd nio Just beginning to fool
that they know something about It. this
odlct comes as a crushing blow, but tho
dnnco craio hns not abated ; It Is still
very much with us and so though ono
danco Is condemned the slogan nmong the
devotees ot tho Torplschore seems to be
Vm with the dance,' let nnme bo whnt
It will.
"There has been extreme diversity ot
opinion In tho short and meteoric career
of tho 'tnugo' enthusiasts claiming that
It did nway with nervous prostration,
dyspepsia nnd most ot tho Ills flesh Is
hell' to; banished old age, hypochondria
to sny nothing of prudlshncss. Jean
Illchcpln, a member of tho French
neudemy, wroto a comedy entitled tho
'Tnngo.' Gowns, lints, garters, materials,
colors, nd libitum, ml nauscum bore tho
nnmo ot 'tango.' And out of Paris the
suburb of Iienuvlllo was dubbed Tnngo
Villc. "Thoso that tho 'tango charmed not,
found In It tho cause ot much moral lax
ity, I'hyslclann prophesied henrt dlscnse,
tnngo ncrvo nnd loss ot good looks to
tho participants In Its giddy whirl. In
Kuropo tho queen of Hnglnnd. tho kaiser
and tho pope denounced Its performance.
Colleges hero liiivo found hls danco ono
of tho most dltfloult questions that tho
authorities had to contend with.
"When tho public, tho press and tho
pulpit grow hystorlcnl over the mcro
mention of tho word 'tango,' when any
measure, of nny dance, no matter how
badly executed, boro the name ot "tango
when tho unenlightened took their blna
ftom tho cnbnret performances of the
'tango' so-called, nnd could not dlBas
scclnto tho dances, It was time, to ohange
tho nnmo nnd tho steps a bit, nnd so,
tho Innovation wait hns como to take
Its plnco nnd I am sure that even tho
most conservative will find no flaws In
this dance. The chftngo Is ft trlbuto to
public opinion.
"To those who arc caught In tho giddy
maelstrom of dancing, tho question
comes: How long before, tho standards
of tho 'Innovation' will bo found nil
wrong In tho light ot tho newer tho com
ing dnnco?'
Aff ssBBBBBsnssfKilLEiBK V 'Wxm! vA ogsn, is moro uimcuii. it is con- found In It tho cause ot much moral lax- .EsbV
Af MMUMS'Wf X'WS'' Sli B,dcrc1 1,10 bnnlcst ot tho Argentina ity, Physicians prophesied heart dlscnse, HP"k
lm mmBBBSmWlWiii rnjf VA dancC8 wlth lu mnny varied steps nnil tnngo ncrvo nnd loss ot good looks to MHBPA
Mi IbIssbBP l "I01"'08' llt U Ml P"tb" tT' d bt8 parUcllm"t8 118 8lJ'ly Whlr1' ln 'TiiflB
n sBmlsBisl ffj r '80,0"lu,ot' ntMt-- i'rn1ox-danclng ttaBSKsx C
The Beginning of tho "No Touch" Waltz.
Tho Old Way, as Danced by .Muurico nnd Walton,
Another l'oso of tho "Innovation."
II ilk I fc M hi 1 1 y Kill Ml Ul i I,
Yoti Can Begin This
Great Story To-day
fay Reading This
Phllln Anson Is a boy ot 15 years, ot
fine education and good breeding, but an
orphan and miserably poor.
The story opens witn tne aeatn or nis
Rich relatives have deserted tho family
In their hour of need, and when his
mother's death comes J'hlllp Is in despair-
ire looks over his mother's letters
and fln-ls that he Is related to Sir Philip
Monana. A lew days later a territio
thunderstorm brews over London. At
the height of the storm a flash of light
ning scares a team attached to a coach
standing In front of a West i5nd man
sion. Philip, who has become a news
boy, rescues a girl from the carriage
Just before It turns over, A man with
tho girl trips over Philip ln his excite
ment. He cuffs thd boy and calls a po
liceman. The girl pleads for Philip and
he Is allowed ' to go after learning that
the man was Lord Vanstone. Philip' then
determines to commit suicide.
Just as he is about to hang himself a
meteor flashed by the window ana
crashed Into the flagstones In the yard.
The boy takes this as a sign from heaven
not to kill himself. He then goes to the
yard to look at the meteor. Philip picks
up several curious looking bits of the
meteor ana taxes mem to a aiamona
merchant named Isacsteein. who causes
his arrest. At the police station he gives
his name as Philip Morland. Isaacsteln
tells the Judge that the diamonds are
worth 00,000 CO.00O). Philip refuses to
answer questions and Is remanded for a
week. Lady Morland, dining In a res
taurant, reans udoui -rnuip .norland
and Is nuszled.
In the police court he succeeds In con
vincing tne magistrate, Mr. ADingaon,
that ho came Into possession of tho Jew
els honestly, and In wlnnintg tho friend
ship ot tho magistrate, who sends him
back to mako an' arrangement with Isaac
stein. Tho broker agrees to dispose ot
diamonds to tho amount Ot 200,000 pounds
a year for a t -m of years, for a com
mission of 10 " cent, and to place at
once 5,000 pounua to the boy's credit ln
a bank. Fifty pounds is puld ln cash.
With this money Philip provides himself
with a beter suit ot clothes, and with
bags to take care of the Jewels, and re
turns to Johnson's mews: on the way he
meets with an adventure, which brings
him in contact with a poor woman. At
the old home ho gathers up tho diamonds.
and has Just succeeded in placing tho last
or tnem in a portmanteau, wmcn he dis
covers that ho Is being watched by a
man outside. He succeeds In getting rid
ot the fellow ,only to discover another
pair of eyes pering at him. This tlmo It
Is a policeman. Philip assists the police
man ln overpowering "Jockey" Mason, a
aesperate criminal, ana saves tne ponce
man's life. The man curses Philip and tho
policeman starts witn mm to the station
Now Read On
) .
Copyright, 1904, by Kdward J, Clode.
The man glared dully at his captor.
With the apathy of his class he knew
when he was beaten, and became sub
missive In demeanor, Philip, holding
his candle aloft, marveled at his own
temerity in hitting this giant oxllke in
size and strength.
Mason wabbled his head and craned
his neck awkwardly.
"Oo gev me that crack on the nut?"
he asked.
"The root dropped," was tho Jocular
"Sot It. I 'ad yor dahn, Bailor. I was
on yer aforo yo could use yer stick. Ye
was fairly bested until somebody alited
mo wiv a welt on the skylight."
"Never mind, Jockey. It'll hurt you
to think Just now. Como on."
But tho cx-convlct became sensible of
tho unwonted light ln the deserted
houso, and slowly turned his head until
his glance rested on Philip. '
"Why," ho roared, with an Impreca
tion, "that's tho bloomln' kid 'oo found
the dl-monds. I seed 'lm atcountln' of
em. White stones, the paper said, an'
bits of Iron, too. A trunk full of 'cm.
': 'as one In 'Is pocket as big as an
The policeman laughed. Bo did Philip,,
shrilly, with ready acceptance ot tho
"Come along, Jocky, you're wool-gath
ering. "I'll get you a pint of coffee at
the station, Just to show there's no mal
ice," said the constable.
"The water was too strong for him,"
put ln Philip.
Tho ex-convict began to protest, but
he wasted words In swearing. Tho
"Sailor" grasped him by tho arm and
marched him down the yard,. saying over
his shoulder:
"Pull that door to. I'll come back for
my coat In half an hour."
Philip followed him. but In a sea of
perplexity. He heard Mason's frantic ex
postulattons to the policeman what was
an extra stripe to tho loss of untold
wealth that youngster wns richer than
Rothschild, the papers said the small lot
he showed In the police court were worth
ISO. 000 more.
It was of no avail. Certainly the con
stablo had never heard such queer rea
sons for stopping an arrest, but Mason
was obviously dazed for the time, maun
dering about the story which everybody
talked of. Ho would'' change his tuni
when he learned to -whom he was In
debted for his capture.
Tho boy walked behind them me
chanically, shading tho candle with his
hand. He wus so absorbed with his
tumultuous thoughts that tho first Indi
cation ho received of anything bizarre In
his appcurauco was tho giggling of a girl
who saw him standing fn the arch ot the
mews carefully shielding the flickering
wick. .
Ho blew It out. A clock In the small
Jeweler's shop opposlto showed tho time
ten minutes past 11. In that part of
London, a busy hlvo of men and women
of tho working class, ho had no chance
of removing his belongings before the po
liceman returned.
What would happen If the friendly con
stable believed Jocky Mason's excited
statement? True, Philip had no reason
to fear the law. Rut with exposuro might
como other troubles. Would any one ad
vance a claim to his meteor? Mr, Abing
don hinted at such a thing. He paid no
rent for tho house; ho might be turned
out Instantly refused permission to re
move anything except his few unsalable
household goods.
Assuredly he was In an awkward predi
cament. Ot course, there was a chance
that tho policeman would continue to
laugh at the convict's folly, If he did
not, there would certainly bo complica
tions. Could he avoid them by any
means? Whero was there a safo hiding
place for his diamonds until the next
dsy? Would mother Insplro him again
as she had not failed to do during so
many strange events? Would her spirit
guldo his footsteps across this new quick
sand on whose verge he hesitated?
A few doors to the left was O'llricn's
shop. The old man crept into sight,
staggering under tho weight of a shut
tcr. Good gracious! Why had he not
thought of this ally sooner? Home pro
clous minutes wero wasted already.
"Arrab, Phil, phwat In the worruld"
"Walt Just the least bit, Mr. O'Brien
I have somo portmanteaux that I want
to storo for tho night, Do let me put
them at tho bark of your shop. My place
is not very sate, you know.'
"Sure, boy, that's a small thing to ax.
Bring 'em, un' welcome,''
With the speed ot a deer Philip dived
Into tho mews. Ho carried tho two
lesser bags, without extraordinary diffi
culty, and deposited them behind
O'Brien's counter. Tho third was almost
too much ior Mm, us the weight was
all In ono hand. But he got it there,
breathless with tho exertion.
He had to open tho fourth and tear out
tho Btufflng of paper. When filled with
tho packages taken from tho fifth It
was beyond his power to lift It, So he
dragged It bodily atong tho mews and
Into the shop,
A passerby offered to help him.
"No, thanks," he managed tp say,
though the effort to speak calmly took
away his remaining breath. "I am only
taking It to the shop there."
Tho man glanced at the shop It was a
marlno storo dealer's a place where lead
and Iron and brass found ready sale. He
passed on.
"Bo tho forchun uv war, Phil, whero
did yo get tho illgant leather thrunks,
an' phwat's In them?" Inquired the as
tcnlshed pensioner.
Tho boy bravely called a smllo to his
aid. "I have a big story to tell you pne
of theso days, Mr. O'Brien, but I have
no tlmo tonight. These things will not
be In your way until tho morning?"
"Tho dlvll a bit. It things go on as
they are, there'll soon be room enough
ln the poor oulu, shop. To think, afther
all theso years, that a murtherln' thief
ln the War office"
Philip was safo. He rapidly helped his
friend to put up tho shutters, and rushed
back to No. 3. liven yet he was not
quite prepared for eventualities. He ran
ppstatrs and gathered a few articles be.
longing to his mother, articles he never
endeavored to sell oven when pinched
by hunger.
The laBt dress she woro, her boots, a
hat, an album with photographs, some
taollet accessories from the tiny dress
ing tuble, the coverlet ot tho bed on
which sho died these .nnd kindred me
mentoes made a very credible bulk In
tho denuded portmanteau.
Ho gave ono glanco at tho hni i
back yard as ho went to the coal houso
for a fresh supply of coal. That must
remain. It probably would not be seen.
in nny case it remained Inexplicable.
Ho was stirring tho fire when a tap
sounded on tho Uoor and tho jwllcoman
entered, followed by an Inspector.
To Be Continued Tomorrow,
How to Make the Sttst
Cough Remedy at Home
A Family Supply at Small Cast,
and Fully Guaranteed.
Mako a plain syrup by mixing one
pint of granulated sugar and pint of
warm water and stir tor 2 minutes.
Put 2 ounces of pure Pinez (fifty
cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and fill it
up with tho Sugar Syrup. This Rives
ybu a family supply of the beat couch
yrup at a saving ot $2, Jt never spoilt.
Tuke.a teaapoonful every one, two or
three hours.
The effectiveness of this simple remedy
is surprising. It seems to take hold al
most instantly, and will Usually con-
?uer an otdinary cough Jn 24 hours,
t tones up the jaded appetite and is
just laxative enough, to lie helpful in
a cough, and has a pleasing taste.
Also excollent for bronchial trouble,
bronchial asthma, whooping cough and
spasmpdio croup.
This method of making' cough remedy
with Finer and Sugar Syrup (or
strained honey) is now used ia more
homes than any other cough, syrup.
This explains why it is often imitated,
though never successfully. If you try
it, use only genuine Finer, which is a
most valuable concentrated compound
of Norway while pine extract, and is
rich in guaiacol and other natural
healing pine elements. Other prepara
tions will not work in this combination.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. Your druggist hat
Finer, or will get it for you. If not,
icndta,Tho,Finci,Co.,JE,t.r,Vajne Ind