Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday, February 17, 1914.
N QWAHA young man, prominent in social and business clubs, has
A an original and clover way of amusing his friends. This young
f chap1 is considered one of the most graceful and best dancers in
tho etty, but he bus proved to be moro than this ho is exceed
ingly observing and Is clevor at mimicking. Tho other evening following
a dinner party ttie evening, was given over to tangoing, but what tho
guestB enjoyed even moro man dancing themselves was An ontertalulng
exhibition given by this ycfting man, showing how dlfferct prominent men
of this city dance the tango.
One prominent business man does the tango with a special hop; an
other one has unusu&J dignity which fits in peculiarly with the dance; a
certain club man leans forward during the entire dance, and so on. This
young chap had a "cajricat ore" of about a dozen well known men.
It has been, suggested! to this young man that he "Imitate" Vernon
Castle, and that he glve ui his business careor and become a professional
Bridge for Brides.
Mm. Harold Prltchctt wi hostess at an
Auction bridge party this afternoon at her
apartments, In honor of two ot the re
cent brides. Mr. Halpn Peters nnd Mm.
Ben B. Wood. Thoeo present wcrw
Mlaiea Misses
Kllzabeth Pickens. Dorothy Hall,
Gladys Peters.
Bertha Dinkey,
Kllxabeth Davis.
Menle Davis,
Elizabeth Bruce.
Ben. B. Wood,
Balph rcters.
Janet Hall.
Margaret Baum,
Carolyn Consrdon,
Carolyn Barkalow,
Hilda Hammer,
or Troy.
John McCanue,
William FlttgeraM Harold Prltchett, ,
Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith
wilt entertain at a dinner party th!r
evenlne at their home. Ai mound ot
cyclamen will form the centerpiece for
tho table and covers will be placed for:
Mr. and Mrs. Jj. F. Crofoot, ,
Mr. and Mr. Kduar Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase,
Mr. and Mm. Walter T. Pase,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith.
Nine O'clock Coffee.
Complimentary to MIrb Carolyn Hardin
who will be a February bfice.iana nor ner
bridesmaids. Miss HURlies or. uoitrniDus,
O.. and Miss Conant of 'Pawluckct. n. I.,
Mr. and Mm. Jcsso MicMUllan will give a
0 o'clock coffee thli. evening" at' their
home. Mm. "Ward troeB will be uncd In
decorating- the dlntnt; room and Klllar'
ney rotes will be used In the llvlns room.
About fifty guesU ' will be present,, and
assisting will be: ;
Misses- ,. Misses
Elisabeth rlekcns, Nan Murphy,
Qladys Peters. Carolyn ; Barkalow,
Mesdarrtes Mesdames
Ben B. Wood, Ed wanl 'O'Brien,
Italph Peters, Myles Standlsh.
For the Future. , '
Mrs. Arthur CrIUenden Smith will en
tertain at a children's 'party Wednes.
day afternoon in celebration of, the eighth
birthday of her daughter,' Esther, i
Mrs. U. F. Crofoot will give a bridge
luncheon Thursday In honor of Mrs.
Frank Keogh. ,' '
Se search Club.
Tlio Research ctwb inet Sudday after-'
noon. Miss Mario flllo'y end 34r, James
Bush gave vocal numbers innd llev.
Father Qulnlan spoke on "Why Men Do
Not Go to Church." H gave various
reasons for the. men not attending serv
too and told ot methods that would help
to bring them to church. i
Entertains at LnchepH.
Mm. John W. Q4U entertained, at lunch
eon today. The decorations wereired. and
white cwnatlons, and covers were placid
A. D. SeaM,
Blanche Hoegle,
E. O. Smith,
J. H. Gregory,
II. S. Peterson,
John W. Gill.
Series of luncheons.
Mrs. John C. Cowln, who gave a serlw.
of luncheons Monday and Tuesday at her
home, had as her sjuesta at the latter:
Oeorge A. Joslyn,
L. U Kountze,
Arthur F. Smith,
waiter T. Page.
ti. D. Barkalow,
Fredexlck H. Davis,
Oeortcn Voss,
Beb 'Morgan,
Kilo. Baulres.
Hoxlo Clark. .
The evening was spent In skating and
an out-door luncheon was served at the
bandstand. Thoso present were:
Nina Heed,
Mary Stephen.
Jlu th Chrtstcnsen.
Elmer Moser.
Bertha Hull, Dietrich,
Lottie Johnson.
Will Stephen,
Anton Kanl,
Auotion Bridge.
A delightful affair of yesterday was
the luncheon given by Mrs. James II,
Nichols at her home In honor ot Mrs,
John Van Dorn ot Dcs Moines. Tho
guests were thirty ot the former friends
of tho guest of honor and wero scaled
at small tables arranged throughout tho
parlors. Pink sweet peas fonned tho
toblo decorations. Musical selections
wero given by Mrs. Hazel Uoswell. Tho
afternoon was spent at auction bridge.
Symposia Club.
Misses Hattlo and Nora Tred enter
tained tho Symposia club at their homo
Sunday, afternoon. Tho rooms were at
tractlvely decorated in flags nnd patriotic
roblciiH. a largo silk flag being used to
adorn the dining room tabic. Strands of
red, whlto and blue were suspended In a
bell shape from the chandelier and tiny
red hatchets were distributed as favors.
The members of the club are:
Misses Misses-
Blanche Monhelt. Florence Shames.
koso urouKey,
Jcanette Shames.
Edna Lvlne.
Gertrude Hteln.
Hattlo Pred.
liina JAnmtiV.
Sophia Welnsteln.
Eva Elplrn.
Sylvia Kulakorsky,
lliith rirnsn.
Hannah Kulnkofsky.Mollle Stein
Miriam Davis. nora rreo.
Paulino Prefiler. Elizabeth Hart
Sarah Brodkey. DolUo Lewis.
Valentine 8urprise.
A Valentino surprlso party was given
In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. John Panusha
Saturday1 evening at their home. Thoso
present wero:
Mr. and Mrs. Atnlsh.
Mr. and Mrs, E. lrion.
Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstenson.
Mr and Mrs. Vondra,
Mr. and Mrs. VnmeK
turns this evening to her home In Wash
ington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Smith have re
turned from a visit In New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlllcr left Sunday
for the south and wilt attend the Mardl
Ores celebration.
Mr. and Mm. Paul Wernher, who havo
been In Baltimore and New York City,
have returned home.
Miss Louise Dinning is expected homo
tomorrow from a month's visit in Chi
cago and New York.
Mrs. George W. Holdrcge and daugh
ter, Miss Lceta Holdrcge, left Sunday
to spend some time In Florida.
Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck has returned
home from a ten days' vlalt with her
daughter, Mrs. George W. Mlxtcr, and
Mr. Mlxter of Mollne, 111.
Mrs. F. S. Cowglll has returned from
Springfield, III., where she went to sec
Mr. Cowglll's mother, who has been 111.
Mrs. Volney Lowe of tho Colonial, who
has been visiting her father In Kansas
City, will return to Omaha this week.
Mr. James Woodard arrived this morn
ing from Boundup, Mont., to spend a few
days with his parents, Mr. and "Mrs. J I.
Woodard, ,
Miss Eleanor Halsey, daughter ot
Bev. and Mrs. W. N. Halsey. arrived
home Saturday from Los Angeles to re
cuperate from an Illness. Bev. llnlsey
Is dean of tlio University of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clark, who havo
been visiting Mr. Clark's mother In St.
Louis and Mrs. Ella Squires, who havo
boon at Excelsior Springs for a fortnight
havo returned. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will
spend a week hero with Mrs. Squires be
foro returning to New York.
Everything from Soup to Sassafras
at Manufacturers' Banquet.
Articles to Be Served Arr Distinctly
Local J'roilarts, Rvrn to the
lino; to Vnrrr Off the
Ixma1 Otto.
.Messrs.'- . .
John'Kouhsky. '
Pohn Panuska,
Miss Nellie Wakeley.
Shower and Kusicale.
A miscellaneous shower was given In
horior of Mrs, T. F. D rummy, a reoent
bride, at her home Friday evening. A
number ot musical selections were ren
dered. Those present were:
Misses blisses i
Gertrude Smith, Edna Jensen,
Anna Jessen, Frieda, Khrenstcln,
Bescle Crowl, Mario Jessen.
Marie Smith.
Mrs. Frank Drummy.
Columbian Club.
The Columbian club will entertain Wed
nesday afternoon at their haU, Twenty
second and Locust streets. The hostesses
wlU be Mrs. James Connor and Mrs. U
A. Elmones.
Celebrates Birthday.
In honor of Miss Bertha Hull's eigh
teenth birthday, Dr. Alice Kanl enter
tained Monday evening at Hanscom park.
Mrs. Larson.
Frieda Armler.- -Bono
C. A. Larson.
Hmil Heine.
Paul Nlnnemon.
Luncheon at the Fazton.
Mrs. Harry Chapman of Chicago, wife
ot one ot the visiting. Jewelers, at the state
convention, entertained right guests at
luncheon this noon at the Faxton.
Olander-Cohn Engagement.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. conn 01 unawa, ia.,
announce- the engagement of their daugh
ter, Fannie, to Mr. Samuel Olander, Jr.,
of this, city. The weddlng.wlll take place
In November.
Story Tellers' League.
The story tellers' section or tna Asso
ciation ot Collegiate Alumnao will meet
at tho apartments ot Mrs, E. M. Syfert
In tho New Hamilton, Wednesday after
noon at 4 o'clock. Selected stories will
be, told by Miss Louise Stegner, Mrs: C.
W. Pollard, Mrs. C. L. Sykes and Miss
Claudia Qalloway. '
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Helen Hnyden, who has been vis
Itlng friends and relatives In Omaha, re-
John Bay wanted at Fond du Lac, Wis.,
on a charge of forgery, was arrested by
Detectives Rich nnd McDonald as they
were surveying tho "hangouts ' on lower
Douglas strcet. Bay put up a bravo front,
but when Confronted with his description
at police headquarters, ho admitted Ills
Identity. The authorities made tho arrest
from circulars sent out from Dan du Lac.
Tho authorities In the Wisconsin .city
have been notified.
Minister ItrnUra Thin I.nxnllrr.
Bev. II. Stubenvoll, Allison. Ia., praises
Dr. King's New Life Pills for Constipa
tion. Best for liver and bowels. S5c.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Hot Tea Breaks
A Cold Try This
Get a small package of Hamburg
13 retuit Tea, or as the German folks call
It, "Hamburg Brust Thee,' at. any phar
macy. Talto a tablespoouful of the tea.
put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour
through a sieve and drink a teacup full
at any time. It la the most effective way
to break a cold and euro grip, as It opens
tho pores, relieving congestion. Also
loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold
at once.
It Is inexpensive and entirely vegetable,
therefore harmless Advertisement.
A very fortunate pur
chase of oil painting by
our Now York buyer eu
ablea ua to announce an
exceedingly Into? outing
ale for Wed n e n d ay,
There are 931, ot these
and they are to be otforca
i at prices wnieh will in-.
,8ure aulck disposal.
An opportunity ouch aa
this comes seldom in &
weitora city, and you
should surely take advan
tage ot . if you need
bleturea to beautify your
Moat Arm ImportM. Ht urea
Mfl an l -works of Wick well kaewa artlatu aa it.. u
BUcb of those are B9xB7 and
60884 lushes,
Sizes of these are 21x27 and
20x31 lachM.
Members of the Joint Memorial day com
mittee of the Grand Army of tho He
public and Spanish War Veterans, met
Monday night and named tho sub-com-
nilttces. which will have chargo ot the
program on Decoration day. Another
meeting will be held March 16, when the
final arrangements will be decided upon.
Comrade Slovens of Custer post acted ns
chairman ot tho meeting and Mrs. Jennie
Kverson aa secretary.
The sub-commltttcs Include tlio fol
Custer post, Grand Army of tho Re
public Chalrmnn, M. J. Fccnnn, Augustus
Lockncr, Kmory Johnson. ;
Crook post, Grand Army of tlio Re
public .G. A. Bathburn, F. V. Simpson,
Elliha Diinn, fl. I, Gordon.
Grant . post. Grand Army of tho Re
public C. 8. Guild, Major Wilcox, C. 13
Hpaulsh - American Veterans Hollls
Johnson, Charles Haafke, Nela Lund
gren, Fred K.' Fero.
Custer corps, Women's Bolicf Corps
Emma J. Clark, Clara Wlnshlp, ISmma
Gwynne, Badle Atkins, Jennie Kvcrson,
Chook corps, Women's Relltf Corps-
Mrs. A. 15, Hough, Mrs. 1$. J. Shields,
Mrs. J. C; Bccd, Mrs. Rlleen Hall. .
Grant corps. Women's Belief Corps-
Mrs. O. Morse, Mrs. B. B. Wilcox, Mrs.
A. A. Whitney.
Buttermilk, beer, cheese and breakfast
foods, biscuits and crackers, ham, steak,
pork chops and wieners, cream and sau
sago all these thlngi, and perhaps a
hundred moro varieties of edibles, aro
to be tfet before the guests at tho annual
dinner of tho Omaha Manufacturers' as
sociation nt 6:30 o'clock this evening at
the Commercial club.
'There will bo somo sick stomachs
there after that feed Is over," said a
manufacturer yesterday.
"Wo should worry," replied another,
"for everything Berved will be first-class,
and If a man mixes too many varieties
that is his own fault nnd not ours."
It Is a '"made In Omaha" dinner, and
Omaha made goods aro belnc; donated
In great quantities. Ono dairy firm alone
Is sending up 200 bottles of puro' cream.
A brewery company Is sending up earn
plo bottles of beer. Packing houses are
sending up loads ot prlxe hams. Biscuit
factories are sending up boxes of the
most delicate wafers.
And to cap It all off the Bcmls Bag
company Is sending up a load ot bars
q that every guest will havo a bag In
which to carry away what ho cannot cat.
Jewelers Follow
Optometrists in
Annual Meeting
A. W. Nelhart of Elmwood, Neb., was
elected president ot the Nebraska State
Association of Optometrists at the clos
ing session yesterday.
Mrs. Phllomcna M. Lynch, by filing
oubstltuto answer and cross petition
In the dlvorco suit brought by her hus
band, County Commissioner John C.
Lynch, withdrew charges of specific
cruelty previously made by her, and
asked divorce upon general grounds of
cruelty. Sho also aska the custody of
tho two children.
Here's the Food for
Backbone and Muscle
Haven't you often wondered at the
wonderful strength and vitality of tho
Italian race. Their chief food at home
is spaghetti a food that is rich in
gluten the element that goes to make
muscle and flesh. "VVe can follow this
example with benefit. A 10c package of
contains more nutriment than one
pound of the finest tenderloin steak.
Easier digested, too also easier pre
pared. And what good eating Faust
Snnehetti makfis! nVVi sa
vory, relishable meals. Try
it cooked with tomatoes
and served with powdered
cheese it's great, as per our
free recipe book copy free.
5c and 10c pkgs. Buy today.
St. Louli, Mo.
: slw m w II m m
5 MM fW MS mm
L. P. Hollander & Co.
' Boston and New York
Our Representatives Will Exhibit at the
February Eighteenth
Ladies' and Misses' Gowns, Tailored Suits, 5cp
arate Waists, Evening and Carriage Wraps and
Automobile Coats
For Spring and Summer Wear
$1,00 Down
will bring a McDOU
INET to your home.
These cabiuets aro up-to-date
have every
new feature, and will
last r lifetime.
$27.50, 530, $32.60, $35.
Special Rug Sale Continues
We are still offering exceptional values in rugs.
All sizes all patterns. Decided price reductions.
415-17 South 16th St.
t, Or It l.rxt Qlull. J
TUDY the Nemo models. If your corsqtiere is a graduate of the
Nemo Hygienic-Fashion Institute, so much the better you'll soon
learn to select the Nemo that is designed for your particular figure. Then
you will enjoy perfect corset-comfort and correct style always. A hint of
some exclusive Nemo features that bring corset-satisfaction to millions:
T. TERE'S a very late Nemo invention that
makes an extremely long corset complete
ly comfortable the
The broad semi-clastic bands arc detached at
the lacing ends; but when, the corset is laced
you get a complete incurve and an ultra-flexible
skirt. In Nos. 327 and 328 $3.00.
T ONG, tightly-laced corsets of the ordinary
' sort push the flesh down and form ridges
of fat on the upper limbs. The
reduce large upper limbs to natural size and
give your gowns a perfectly Bmooth effect. In
Nos. 406 and 409, at $4.00.
TCVERY woman, stout or slender, needs
abdominal support. For medium figures,
sufficient support is given by the
Used in several models (or slender figures;
and as a special feature in the Auto-Massage
Self-Reducing Corsets Ngs. 356 and 357, at $3.50.
OF all special Nemo features, not one is of
greater importance in promoting comfort
and health than the famous
i Tt'e nil in the skillful immi Ynti rlnn't
UE4JJ4ElMi2J the bridge, but it's there; and it protects the
breathe freely; your digestive troubles vanish.
TE A WISE WOMAN! Remember that. the Nemo is the ONLY
corset made with the DURABLE semi-elastic fabrics, Lastikops
Webbing and Lastikops Cloth. Refuse imitations! INSIST on
getting the GENUINE Nemo, and thus preserve your figure and
guard your health. (e-iq
M 11 1 "" ; 1 i i i i i i
The Most Popular Priced,
Strictly First Class Mineral
Water Resort in America
Special 19M Winter and Spring Rates
C f C 00 Pet Week ior Rooms
4 - and Meals
The famous Colfax Mineral Water has a reputation for relief and
cure ot Rheumatism, Liver and Stomach troubles.
In the LatAes and Men's Mineral Baths you will find the very
best equipment and skilled attendants.
Colfax is located on main Una ot the Rock Island Railway. All trains
stop. Hotel Colfax, located on mile east ot the city, operates Us own
electrlo car line from depot direct to hotel.
For further information ask any Rock Island
agent or write Hotel Colfax and Mineral Springs,
Colfax, Iowa.
This is India-Ceylon
tea more refreshing
man green tea
and goes much
That Pyorrhea and loose teeth are the cause of many stomach troubles.
I have a new remedy which is giving excellent results
The Porsistont and Judicious TJso of Newspaper Adver
tising is the Road to Business Success.