Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Eye Glasses Must Go
Says Now York Physician
Here Is His Free Prescription:
"Many who wear ginssrs oould ilia
penae with ihem. Oni oruinur ur is
necessary, jhe cye ul out mid youutf
fnouid De I'loixuiy bathvu ii8h. ana
morning. Tnls Is more Important than
cleatiaini; teoth," tays he ami tncu nt
eoea on to say.
"Th following treatment Is worthy ot
fullest confidence. It Is scientific, lm
"meiiately ottectlvc and rosltivcly liurm
Jess to tno uKcpt 01 i-ys. Uu to any
druR store, get a Hitio or Optotia tablets,
dissolve one in a two ounce bottle ot pure
water and bathe tno eyes two lb tour
times dally. What Is generally known
as oye strain will soon bo banished while
the muBcIes and nerves are permitted to
perform their notmal functions. It helps
diseased eyes and It keeps good eyes
healthy; It Is absolutely harmless In
every way; docs not smart or burn, lias
a wonderful effect on granulated lids
and Is especially recommended for dull
bleary or classv eyes. It ltelus all eyes
and should ba In every home for use In
The following extracts are from let
tors received rrom users ot this pro
scription; "I um4 Optona on week tor a cold la my tjtt.
It 414 on ft iml dral ot food."
"Mr tjn hat httn (mint for year. I am
sura Optona la doing them jood and ahall con
tinue ta um,"
1U onlr Uen uttni Optona a ihott time.
Mr trM ar Improving vondertullr."
"t find Optona rerjr aatlttartorr and recommend
It whereverr I tlnd an opportunity. 1 find It very
"I've been benefited by Optona and Intend to
follow tb treatment. "
"Hay been using Optonn for about three months
ana It hn rrrttlT linproird m alght."
"My eyea nae been lore for iererl jrflrt; wero
red and tntlamed, t'sed ererythlng recommended
and gained no relief. I had my cyea examined
and woro glaases for tlx month. I read ot Op
tona and thought I would giro It a. trial. Am
lad to ha able to atato I tot aatltfactorr rellof.
llaxs onlr uaed about halt a box ot Optona and
have not worn my glataea since. I feel my eyea
do not rejulr them."
Manv others have made similar reports.
If vour eves bother you. have the above)
prescription tilled; It may do wonder
for you. Do not become a victim of.
neglect. You perhaps value your eye.i
more than any other organ, tnorcioro
Its your duty to protect them. This free
prescription has given relief to thous
ands. Advertisement.
:kin torments
Hars Boot Print It Now Beacon Tresa.
Ufa Ins. 7 Tea. rnn Mutual. aonlA.
Xlsctrlo Supplies Durgess-aranden Co.
nattily Btorag-s ft Tan Co. V. 1516.
Incoms tax blanks and assistance with
them Is offered by the Peters Trust com
pany, 1C2J Farnam street, without obliga
tion or charge. !
Sinner for Visiting' Nurses The tenth
annual dinner for tho benefit of the Vis
iting Xurse association will be given Vrl-
day noon at the First Presbyterian church
from 11:30 la 1:30.
Xltsans CJtts His Ftnslon Mllte Kls-
sane, who has been on tno police rorce
since 1SS7, was retired on pension by the
city commission yestcrduy. lie will
receive 150 a month.
State Sank of Omaha ( per cent paid
on time, deposits; 3 per cent pall on sav
ings accounts. All deposits in this bank
arc protected by the depositors' guaran
tee fund of tho state ot Nebraska.
Stove Company Bankrupt The Stool
2el Stove company, 714 South Sixteenth
street, has filed a voluntary petition of
bankruptcy In the United States district
court. Tho assets of tho firm are listed
at W.702.76, whUo the liabilities ot tho
concern total IS.U0.31. Tho corporation Is
one of tho oldest establishments In the
rire from Ovsrutated Stove Klro
starting from nil ovorhcatcd kitchen
stovepipe did slight damage at the resi
dence ot Richard II. Funk, 2S35 South
Nineteenth street. The department,
which was called by a neighbor, re
sponded promptly and soon had tho blaxe
extinguished. Damage estimated at 1W
was tho result of tho conflagration.
Harden Buyers Baturnlng Somo of
tho buyers for Hay-den Bros.' storo who
havo ben Invading the eastern markets
for spring goods nro returning. Pat
Johnson, head ot the laces and notions,
and T. J. Flynn aro back, and report
that they havo made purchases which
will suit the most fastidious. Dan Hur
ley, manager of tho gents' furnishing
goods, and Manager Mclvor ot tho silks
and dress goods aro still in Now lork,
and Manager Linn of tho millinery do
partment returned yesterday.
Union Gospel Mission and Friendless
Society Make Changes.
Rev. II, O. 'Wilkinson of Ttellinnr Is
to He ir Superintendent of
the Socletr for the-frlendlesa.
the work of the church downtown. Thai
Friendless society will oonfln Its work
to lodging houses, reclamation and res-
toratton efforts among men who aro with. I
out homo nni friends.
How This Wonderful Ointment Ends
Itching and Hcnls Skin Eruption's.
The soothing, healing medication In
. noslnol Ointment and Reslnol Soap pene
trates every tiny pore of the skin, clears
It of Impurities and stops Itching In
fctantly. Reslnol speedily heals ccxema,
lathes, ringworm and other eruptions and
clears away disfiguring pimples and
blackheads when other treatments prove
a wastn of time and money.
Reslnol Is not an experiment. It Is a
doctor's prescription which proved so
wonderfully successful for skin troubles
that It has been used by other doctors all
over, the country for more than eighteen
No other treatment for the skin now be
foro the public can show such a record
of profcsslonal approval. Every druggist
sells Reslnol Ointment (Kc and $1), and
Reslnol Soap (3c); but for trial size,
free, writo to Dept. 44-R, Reslnol, Balti
more, Md. Look tor the blue package and
avoid worthless "substitutes." Advertise
ment. '
Interest Manifested
in Anti-Suffrage
Meeting Next Week
Much Interest id manifest In tho city
over the coming appearance next Mon
day of tho national president of the
association opposed to woman suffrage,
Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, one of Now York
City's best known women In phllan
throplo and social service, work. She
Is also president of the Federation of
Day Nurseries of the United State
first vlco president of Now York's Day
Nurseries, treasurer of the Publla Edu
cation association, New York City for
many years; first vlco president of the
Legal Aid society! an active member of
tho' cxecutlvo commlttco of Women s
Department ot Clvlo Federation; also a
member ot tho metropolitan section ot
tho woman's department of New York
and New Jersey, Woman's Department
of National Civic Federation.
Mrs. Dodge will be tho house guest
while In tho city of Mrs. Arthur Crltten
den Smith, who has, after a long and
enreful study, come out In active opposl
Hon to woman suffrage' and Is being
ably assfsted by Mrs. 3 W. Crumpacker,
a member' of the New York association
and representative of Mrs. Dodge. Mrs.
Crumpacker Is tho wife of the late
ndgo Crumpacker, at one time a reeog'
nlzed republican lcador and senator of the
state of Indiana and later one of New
Mexico's supremo court Judges.
Tho nntl-suffrago meeting will be held
on -Moiulay aitrrnoon at - o clock.
Thero will also be a mass meeting tho
following night, Tucsduy, February 24,
at S o'clock, at tho American theater.
the eye
and csei
the trade
Omaha Electric
Light &
Power Co
A shakeup ot looat charity organisations
has Just been completed. As the result
of changes, Rev. H. C. Wilkinson ot
Bethany, Neb., becomes superintendent
ot the Omaha district ot the Society for
tho Friendless In placo of M. Andreasen,
who resigned recently; four members of
tho old board ot trustees of the Union
Oospol mission havo become members of
tho cxecutlvo committee of Oio local
FrlendleM work and the bods, chairs and
other property ot the former board have
been transferred to tho latter for Its
work; the Union Gospel mission has re
organised, with new directors, and will
contlno Its work to evangelical efforts
among Omaha families, and the Society
for tho Friendless will secure a new lo
cation as soon aa possible and Increase
tho scops of Its work among men who
are without homes or friends.
Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, the new head of
the local Friendless work, has already
taken charge, Mr, Andreasen having
turned over his oftlco Monday. The lat
ter has taken a position with McCaffrey
Bros, company.
To Continue Other Work.
The now superintendent or tho Friend
lees work has been traveling superin
tendent for tho society In Nebraska and
will contlnuo to discharge those duties In
connection with his new responsibilities
He has a family living at Bethany, who
will remain thero for this year, at least,
He Is a minister of the Christian denom
ination, a graduate of Cotncr university
and servod as a missionary in Porto Rico
for eight years.
Tho Society for tho Friendless has a
temporary home at 1W South Fourteenth
street, but plans to move Into larger
quarters as soon as practicable.
Hary Slgler, superintendent of tho
Union Qospel mission, 1616 Chicago street,
resigned from his post somo tlmo ago
owing to tho difficulty ot financing tho
work end becauso ot a disagreement with
his board ot trustees. The outcome was
that a,, reorganisation was effected, with
Mr. Slgler, tho mission hall and a new
board continuing the work of tho organ
ization and the old board transferring
Its support to tho Socloty for the Friend
Tho Union Gospel mission trustees, who
have becomo executive committeemen for
tho local Friendless society, are said to
bo J. P. Palmer, Robert Smith, E. II.
Packard and J. F. Wllholmy.
Tho new trustees ot the Union Gospel
mission aro E, P. Swceloy, Fred Larson.
R. O. Babcock, W. G. Dickey, W. T.
Graham and R. A. McEacliron.
No opposition or rivalry Is said to exist
between the two organizations, as each
has a different kind of work chosen to
do. The changes Just completed have
been made to secure more effectlvo re
sults In the two lines of endeavor. The
Union Gospel mission will carry on evan
gelical work among families, really doing
I.ocal authorities nro on the trail ot
what they believe Is that of tho missing
Katharine Winner of Newcastle, Ind.,
and for whom n nation wide search has
been conducted by her father since March
10, 1913. A picture ot tho little girl, not
yet 10 years old, Is being shown on a
good many moving plcturo screens around
tho country, and as a result the attention
ot George Kuhlman, S5M North Twenty-
seventh street, was attracted by the simil
arity ot tho picture to that of a little girl
he hns seen on a number of occasions
with somo of the gypslos who are camp
ing north of Florcnco. He accordingly
roportcd to the police, who are Investigat
ing the case. He saw the picture at a
locol "movie."
When the Stomach
Goes Back to Work
Then Is tho Whole System Clad.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tnblcts Will
Quickly Ihit tho Stomnch
In Shape.
When tho stomach fulls to do its work
properly tho wholo machlno of man Is
unstrung and wholly Incapable ot work.
This condition obtains from tho tiniest
nerve to tho big, strong, pumping heart.
it Is a wise law of nnturo that has
made tho stomach man's strongest organ,
but when It stops work man ought to
roallzo that It docs so because It can con
tinue no longer.
'iii i iim
"Hooray! Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
Aro the Rial Appetite Brlngers."
Stuart'B dyspepsia Tabluts will certainly
glvo the stomach the repair It needs and
Is always crying aloud for.
A tablet taken attor each meal will In
tho courito of several hours becomo it
portion of tho dlgestlva fluids. It will
build up these fluids. First In the stom
ach, then In tho Intestines.
The liver Is the storehouse of the body.
Hero aro assembled all t!iov reserve tltllds
ot the system and hoio tho various In
gredients ot Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
mingle with tho faulty natural Juices
and strengthen them or If they are too
strong then they will bo reduced to their
proper strength and proportion.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain a
slnnlo Ingredient, ono grain ot which Is
sufficient to digest 3,000 groins ot food.
Just think how gmtofully such an ele
ment Is recolved Into a body that cannot
digest at all without a new weakening ot
tho already depleted Juices.
Go to your druggist this very day
and obtain u box of Stuart's Dyspops.a
Tablets, price, 60 cents. A week's trial
will make you a now man and your
stomach will go back to work.
State Has No Fund
to Buy an Electric
Chair; One is Needed
A prominent Omaha crook called at the
city legal department, under tho impres
sion that he could secure somo valuablo
information by indirection.
"I understand," ho said casually, "that
whlto tho stato has abolished hanging and
declared electrocution to bo the legal
method of executing criminals no provl
nlon has been made (or buying tho neces
sary electrical apparatus, hence there
can really bo no legal executions until
another legislature appropriates money to
buy tho plectrlo chair und appurten
City Attorney Rlne said. "Welir and
proceeded with tho preparation ot a brief,
'Well, yes," tho tough resumed. "I was
Just thinking ot committing a murder and
felt rather safe under the circumstances,"
John A. Rlne sprang up.
"My gosh," he shouted. "You know an
emergency can be declared, the apparatus
purchased and money appropriated to pay
tor -It later."
"In that case," tho crook decided, "It
would probably be wlso to reconsider my
action. It was a little too hasty."
And while Rlne stared at the bold, bad
man, tho fellow calmly rang for the ele
vator and as ho was shot down to the
corridor called out a cheery goodby,"
There is Comfort in
knowing that you can obtain one tried and proved remedy
thoroughly well adapted to your needs: Every woman
who is troubled with headache, backache, languor,
extreme nervousness and depression of spirits ought to try
ficcchamj &m
(The Larftit Sal of Any Mctllclaa in the World)
and learn what a diiTeronco they will make. By purifying
tho system they insuro better digestion. Bounder Bleep, quieter
nerves, and bestow the charm of sparkling eyes, a spotless rosy
complexion and vivacious spirits. Thousands upon thousands of
women havo learned, happily, that Bcccham'o Pills aro reliablo and
The Unfailing Home Remedy
SoIJ atvemvliaf . In tttxaa. 1 Oe.
The cUracUtms with arrrr box are ary laluabla-
ipactally to women.
Omaha High School
and Cadets
Size 10x30. This picture has
just been made and makes a
beautiful subject framed..
Price SI. 00.
Photo Dept. Omaha.
Club Endorses Buying
of the Auditorium
Purchase of the Auditorium was en
dorsed by the executive committee of tho
Commercial club at Its meeting yesterday
and a committee ot three, composed of
C. C, Rosewatcr, W. 12. Adair and T. A.
Fry, was named to represent the club
and to co-operate with the general com
mittee which was named last week to
push the proposition ot voting the bonds
for the purchase at tho election which Is
to be held March 10.
j John Barker, wanted by the federal
! authorities for violation of the whlto
' tlovrn Inv hft hwn nrrateil at PaV.
Okla., and will be returned to Omaha
to stand trial on the charge of violat
ing the Mann'' act as soon as an order
for removal can be secured from the
United States district court there.
Parker, a colored man, It Is charged,
brought a mulatto girl, Hdna IUvera,
from Dea Moines to Omaha, early In December.
Full Quart Only 80 CentsExpress Paid
T US is a special introductory offer we arc making to NEW
customers only and if YOU have never tried Hayner
Whiskey, we want you to try it NOW. Cut out this ad
mail it with your order and 80 cents in stamps or coin and
the full quart bottle of Hayner Private Stock Dottled-in-Bond
Whiskey will be sent in sealed case express charges paid. It's
great a Bofef-i-i?odwhiskeyofthefine3tkind sealed with
the U.S. Government's Green Stamp over tne cork your assur
ance it isfuliy aged, full 100 proof, full measure as good and
pure as can be produced. It's sure to please you sure to win
your future trade. You take no chances you know we are
responsible been In business 47 years capital $500,000.00
fully paid. Don't put this off order right now and. goods
will go f orward by first express.
NfYTT. Ordara from Aria.. Wro.. Oolo., Moat, and all Uta Watt
nUlC, tberMtmwt call for I WO for ona qnart aip.caa paid. S3-N
(All futuraordara mutt b for FOUR quart or mora)
Addret$ our naaraaf of fie ,
Daraa,OU St.UU,M.. Bt.a,MtM. tw Oilaaaa, U.
TaUa.Oal lalUaatcna. laJ. St. Taal. ICaa. JacbaartjU.n
rn.init-wavjfc ;
Editor Tells How " 0
D. D. D. Prescription
Cured His Eczema
Clergyman and Banker Also Write How They
Secured Relief, Thanks to D. D. D.
Try Qail-l'oa. Good
for All Stomach and
Xilvar Troubles, nook
Free. Addrtss OaUstoaa Xsmtdy
Co. Sspt. 745, 819 S. Saarbora BU OUeafe
The Ileal Tain Killer,
BucUlens Arnica Salve, when appl.ed
to a cut, bruise, burn, scald, etc., re
moves the pain. Get a box 25c All
druggists, Advertisement
t IT. O. Hotchklss, Editor Echo, Proph
'ttatown. 111.: liemamber, ml no wm
exoma of fifteen years standing. Now
I am completely healed, after 4 bot
tles of D. D. V. I havo seen a case of
26 yearn standing cured. I havo seen
my own doctor cured of barber's Itcb,
which he could not cure himself.
V. R. Tesar. Banker, llopklnton, la.:
I treated with three doctors for six
faea aaid aealD
ease. I applied D. V. D. Reeult my
lace is aa amootn aa cauys.
Itov. L. I. Downing. Pastor Cth Ave.
Presbyterian Church. Roanoke, Vs.: For
threat veara I Buffered. Intensely so. I
have at laat found relief In D. D. D. X
month a. Thav did mo no rood: my
acaip were ruu or ine ais-
ara nc longer tortured completely
cured. I have no hesitancy In ac
knowledging the great virtues of thla
Tho curea of D. D. IX or past be
lief. All druKglsta know and are glad
to recommend thla soothing, cooling;
Come to us1 and we will tell you
mora about thla remarkable remedy,
and tho etneient D. O. D. Skin Soap.
We offtr the nrst full size bottle on
tho guarantee that unltsa It does aa
Is said, your money will bo refunded,
Tou alontt to Judga
Hiicnnmi ifc Mct'onnell Drug" Co.,
four start i
Send Your
For Any
of These
We Prepay
On All
Factory Clearance of Sin
10,000 Pairs for Men, Women and Children
on Sale at About Cost to Make (Basement)
Tho great shoe factories of tho cast, during their rush season, iccvunulate a irreat
ninny shoes which for various reasons could not bo used to fill the'iv ovdors. Many aro
"over-runs" or surpluses of various stylos, others any "factory hurt, " 1'mviug such slight
flaws as a small scratch or a crooked scam, which do not in any dcgi sp. dotract from their
appearance or wear. Tho factories clear theso out to big stores which can handle im
menso quantities and pay spot cash, pricing them somotimes below cost of production.
Wc secured 10,000 pairs of these shoes, and will begin "Vcdn.rnsday tho most extra-
ordiuary shoe event of recent years. Bead tho, prices below, and, sco how you can save!
Women's High Grade Shoes
Regularly Worth $3, $1.65
A wonderful lot of shoot! for women
tlvoly Unprecedented In our
hlatorr. Handsomo stylos In
Biibstantlal dull cnlf or flno
patont lonthora, with Cuban
or military hools nnd broad
or medium toos. Made of ex
cellent materials and
first-class In workman
ship. All sizes. Gonulno
$3 allocs; thousands of
pairs to bo sold Wodnos
tlay at
valuco posl-
Women's $3 Satin Suppers $ 4 25
Women's flno satin sllppors with pom
poms, Cuban or Qaby IicoIb. Practically
all colors. Very smart for party wear.
Reticular $3 sllppors In this salo at. . . .
Women's $3 Patent Pumps at
An exceptionally fine lot ot
women's) patont leather pumps In CP1 1 IT
new styles. Also In (lull leathoi I M
and black satin. All sites. Actual tlf JL 4af aJ?
S3 pumps in thla sale, at only... 1
Men's $4 Dress Shoes Only
Mon's flno dross shoos of patent
Ioathor, tan calf or dull calf loathors.
Very doslrablo styles, with solid gon
ulno oak hoIob, Goodyear weltod.
All sizes. Tho maker Intended thorn
for tho best $4.00 trado, and
they aro oxcollent values at
that price. Yet you may choose
in this sale, at.
Men's Stylish Dull Leather SI 65
Shoes Worth S3, Priced at
Hero Is without oxcoptlon tho choicest lot of mon's
hIiocs wo over offered In nuch a salo. Smart
bluchor stylo with broad toes. Mado ot high
Bnido, Borvlceablo, soft . calfskin. Splendid
for ovory-day or dross wear. All sizes. Tho
host 3 qualities, featured In this great salo
nt only $1.CS.
Boys' $2.50 Shoes at Pair
Tlieo are shoes that will Rlvo excellent
service for school or dress wear, Miule of
heavy, reliable black or tan leathern; high
grade workmanship. All sizes. Hotter shoes
cannot bo bought In the usual way at 92.50.
Theso on sale at
$1.50 Boudoir Slippers. 69c
Dainty boudoir slippers in soft
leathers with pom poms; tan, red,
pink and blue. All sizes,
Mado to sell at $1.60
and SI. 75. Special for
this sale, at only. . .
Bargains in Girls' Shoes
Btyllsh looking:, aervlccabln shoes ot dull a
leather And kldskln for Rlrla' school ami 3l
dress wear. All solid leather with extension f
soles. Have aenslblo broad toon. All slse,
0 to S, to 11 nnd 11 H to i. In wide
Widths only. Very special at
Women's House Slippers
Women's houso nllnnera In
strap stylo with hand turned
soleH. Made of soft kldskln
All sizes and widths. Actual
11, SO and 12 slippers, at pair.
Women's 69c Rubbers
VVomon's storm rubbers, mado
of Al quality rubber. All sizes.
Porfect fitting. "Worth
68c, at.,. . . .. . . . . .
Infants' Soft Shoes
Infants' soft kldskln shoes,
patent leather tips and hand
turned solos. All sizes 2 viQ1
to 5, worth 76c, at.... frC
Women's Juliets at $1.00
Women's comfortablo Juliet
houso slippers In high or low cut
tilyles, with patent tips,
rubber heals and rubber
gussets iu sides. Very
special at
Children's Shoes
Children's shoos In sixeu li to S
Made of kldskiu. gun metal and
patent leather. Worth
$1,50, at. ...a..
98 c
40 Days
Contest Closes
Saturday Noon,
March 28
$B,DDD M mill 'mini
5 Weeks of
The Bee M. & M. Voting Contest
Tho "livo wires" nro humming. Tho big votiug
valuo on each product listed, tho largo number of
merchants who givo away M. & M. voting coupons
mako it easy for tho nominees to secure votes. This
is the timo to got husy. Don't wnsto your oppor
tunities. Tho next fivo weeks will decido who
lands the prizes. Each contestant has an equal op
portunity. Success depends on effort. Why not
get busy? Phone Douglas 3119.
D.D.D. Soap Keeps Your Skin Healthy
IfiOG Farnam Street.
Extracting SSa Up
Filling BOo Up
nrldgework ....fli.oo Up
Crown $3.00 Up
I'Utwi 2.00 Up
SO Tears Bam Offlo.
Phone Uoug. l?BO
Mlsslnc Teeth suppUed
without IMates or Bridge
work. Nerves removed
tTlthout pain. Work gnax.
antccd ten years.
When they fint come, the best time to
break thm up. One standard remedy
Aster's Cherry Pectoral.
Sold for 70 ycanc
Asfc Vour Doctor. Lfji'