I LAUNCH GO-TO-CHURCH MOYE Campaign Put Under Way at Minis terial Union Meeting. OPENING DATE TO BE MARCH 29 ItenI AlvrrtlliiK CnmpnlKti to lie Carried On by MlnlMrrs mid I.ajnien to Give IMnn n Good Start. viW.er 10 arranKC deUlU of the NK Go-to-Church" campaign launch! finiay by the c," Federation an.l the Omaha Ministerial association, have already been selected and will hold their ilrat meeting Wednesday noon at the Toung- Men's Christian association. Committee Clioirti. Advertising of all kinds lll play-an Important part In letting the public nOW oi me movement end urglns people to participate. Newspapers and loc-0 periodicals, billboards, posters, street car bulletins, signs on delivery vehicles and milk wagons, announcement cards In pay em-elopes. Inund bundles from stores, imnu i va.u . uui.es. postal card and telephone . , Ola,,,,, nonces on stationery, and a blaze of "Go-to-Church' lights on the city hall welcome arch, will all bo utilized by the church- men in arouslnir the nuMin i . j aervlces. Committees chosen from the member hip of the Ministerial union to promote the "Go-to-Church" campaign are as follows: Advertising and nuhtirifv v. k n.nt. son, chairman and organizer. Financing, Rev. A.,C. Douglas. Church organizations, Rev. H. U. Spear, chairman. To suggest lines of work In each de nomination: Roman Catholl:, each priest; ucorew, Rabbi Frederick Cohn; Episcopalian. Rev. F. D. Tyner: Meth odist, Rev. Edward Hlslop; Baptist, Rtv. K. B. Taft: Christian, Rev. C. E. Cob. bey; Congregational. S. P. Bostwlck: Lutheran. Rev. Luther M. Kuhns; Pres byterian; Rev. C. C. Meek; United Pres. byterlon. Rev. II. B. spear; other bodies, each leader of same. Co-operating organizations: Commer cial club. N. If. Loomls; Young Men's Christian association. Ira J. Beard Young Women's Christian association, Miss h. M. strong: Sulvatlon Army, Adjutant II. G. James; lodges and fra ternltles. Rev. E. II. Jenks; labor or ganlzatlons. Rev. D. & Jenkins; social organizations, Clement Chase; proclamu tlon by mayor, Rev. Ur. Rouse and Mr. Dcnlson; Baraca, B. F. Marti; Phllatheu, Miss Ada Pettlnglll; Women's club, Mrs, George Tllden; Sunday school, Rev. R. E. Houseman; city officials, firemen policemen, etc., Rev. II. J. Klrschsteln. The central committee of the Minis terial union In charge of tho campaign consists of Rev. F. T, Rouse, chairman; 2BV" ..H, B- Spoar' "cv- w- JaPer Howell, Rev. C. W. McCasklll and Rev O. D. Baltzly. Five More Weeks Left in Voting Contest There are five more weeks In which to collect votes In Tho Beo M. & M. voting contest, an Saturday noon, March 2S, tho big campaign will rlni ti, Ing weeks aro the ones that will tell the tale. The winners will collect their votes during - this period. Tho voting vajues are so generous. th merchants who give M. & M. voting coupons so numerous, and tho household necessities that carry a voting value so widely distributed, that each contestant has an equal chance. Concentration and a little extra effort will win. Look up tho special voting values, l'ind out thoso products that carry bonus votes. Study tho special combination lists. Then take kdvantn of these opportunities to add to your standing In the contest. .The contest manager has nnitnrf v. qelknt plans for you. Study them. To mo worKers uciong me spoils. New Tractor to Be Shown at Auto Show It has been announced from tho head quarters of the Omaha Automobile show, which will bo held at tho Auditorium next week, that the Bullock Machlno and Supply company of Norfolk, which has recently opened a salesroom In thld lity, will exhibit one of their Bull trac tors in tho commercial exhibit at the show. Tills tractor Is calculated to at tract many of the agricultural class to the motor car display, as It is a distinc tive tractor and is of reasonable price -fes well as a Nebraska product. The Bull tractor Is only one of tho many Tcaures promised by the management of the show to mako tho Omaha event a huge success. ACTRESS AT ORPHEUM LEARNS NEW PART QUICKLY When Mrs. Taylor Granville learned Kunday afternoon of the death of her lather in Cincinnati she was just ready to play her part In "The System" at the matinee performance at tho Orphcum. She played the act, knowing that her father was dead. Miss Francis of the team of Muriel and Francis, playing at the Orpheum also, then started to learn the part, so that sho was able to keep the act going Monday night. MUs Fran cis will appear during the remainder of the week in "The System." LABORING MAN WITH FAMILY SEEKING A JOB t Harry Slgler of the Union Gospel Mis sion, 1616 Chicago street, Is seeking em ployment for a laborer wjth a family who has' not earned any money for several weeks. The family is In destitute cir cumstances and the man declares that ho is willing to do any kind of manual labor. The phono at the Union Gospel Mission is Douglas SSS3. SIOUX CITY GIRL AND ST. LOUIS MAN MARRY HERE Frank TL Fisher, member of the firm of Boyd-Fisher Chemical work, i St. Louis, Mo., and Miss Hazel Hill of Sioux City were quietly married Tuesday by Rev. J. M. Letcy. It Is thdught that the couple eloped, as they seemed to be quite in a hurry to get through with the ceremony. Xlecomnienda Chamberlain's Cousb Itemed r. "I take pleasure In recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my cus tomers because I have confidence In It 1 find that they are pleased with It and call for it when again in need of such a medicine," writes J. W. Sexson. lion '.tevalla. Mo. For sale by all dealers. Ad-gnrtlieraML Young American Singer Big Hit in London LONDON, Feb. 17.-A new American prodigy has undoubtedly been sprung on the British public in the person of Miss Juanlta Prewett. whose name Is equally well known In the state of Illinois, where she was born, and In various parts of California, notably Los Ange les, where, her early teaching was car ried on under the direction of Elizabeth Carrick. That she has taken England and English lmpressarlos by storm Is Hammond is to Be Returned to Seattle on Federal Charge Harry C Hammond, who is charged with impersonating a federal officer and obtaining money under falso pretenses, was taken to Lincoln Monday night, where It la expected that an order for removal will be Issued by Judgo T. C. Mungcr. Marshal Warner accompanied tho prisoner, who will be returned to Seattle as soon as tho order for cmoval Is Issued. Hammond was arcstcd in Omaha, while on his way to Chicago In company with tho entire family of Charles Lorlng and a nurse, whom they had engaged at Hammond's suggestion. It was Hammond TWO WIPSHSIEjRS Exhibit Number Eight at the Show I THE 1914 S Touring Car Sleeper Car I The 1914 Safety Comfort Durability Economy SPEED V FREELAND proved in tho fact that an unknown singer to the public here should have made her debut In tho Albert hall, re served only for singers of tho highest merit, such as Adellna Pattl, Melba and Albanl In their day. This phenomenal success occurred In the recent New Symphony Orchestra concerts. The Lon don papers are in ecstasy as to tho gifts of the brilliant young soprano, for whom they predict great things. who told them tho wild tales of ordering the death of Japs on tho coast and Is said to have impersonated a secret serv ico agent In tho employ of tho United States Treasury department. When the game of story telling grew monotonous to him Hammond secured tolegraph blanks and then pretended to receive Im portant cipher messages, which he trans lated Into beautiful yarns for tho edifi cation of his little audience of Victims. Tho Lorlng family was sent back to Seattle, last week. SlreiiKtlienn Wfnk Kidneys. Electric Bitters will more than sur prise you after the, first bottle. Get a bottle today. Safe and sure. EOc and $1. All druggists. Advertisement. .The Persistent ana Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to Business Success. PAULDING DAVIS DsBBSffl3s57V POWER ENDURANCE STYLE Our cars and our prices are both right 1113 Farnam St., THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914. jRISLEY SAYS CHARGE FALSE Two Witnesses in Paul-Brandeis Case Tell of Statement. BOASTED OF THE MONEY HE GOT I MrnoRrnphrr Henri Shorthand He port of Convernntlnn of Mrs. I'nnl nt Council llluffi ami lintel JleVey ltriurt. Testimony of two witnesses that they heard Charles Rlsley say in h conversa tion at Sixteenth and Farnaiu streets last December that Arthur Hrnmlels was Innocent of the cnargc against him, was Introduced by th defense In the trial In Judge Day's district court of Mts. Nellie Paul's $150,000 suit against Mr. Brandels. The evidence was to the effect that young Rlsley, who Is a' son of Mrs. Paul, was boasting that ho had gotten H7.000 from Mr. Hramlels by frightening htm although his charges against the wealthy merchant were not true. A deposition signed by a negro man who asserted that his wife had become jealous as a result of his acquaintance with tho Illsley boy and a deposition signed by O V. Woodward, tho the atrical manager, who testified that the Itlsley hoy never gave any Indication of being a promising actor, as nlleged by Mrs. Paul, but merely acted as a super' numerary and played Insignificant parts wcro Introduced. u S. NATIONAL TO USE THE HOLIDAY AS MOVING DAY Sometimes legal holidays fall at Just the right moment to serve a purpose. Wash ington's birthday comes un Sunday, but will bo observed on Monday, giving two days' cessation of business, which will bo utilized by the United States National bank to transfer to the temporary head quarters across tho street to bo occupied during the period of construction of its new building, which Is expected to con- sume about a year. L0N MASON THROWN FROM MOTORCYCLE AND INJURED While on tho way to a flro at Nine teenth and Castellar streets at noon First Assistant Flro Chief Simpson's buggy ac cidentally ran Into Lon Mason on a mo torcyclo at Twentieth and Farnam streets. Mason sustained a number of bruises and a severe wound In tho pelvis, which may prove Borious. End Stomach Misery, Indigestion Gas, Heartburn, Sourness Pape's Diapepsin Time it! In five minutes your sick, nauseated stomach feels fine Ends Dyspepsia. Sour, sick, upset stomach, indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when tho food you cat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel stele and miserable, that's when you reallzo the magic In Pane's Diapepsin. It makes Blomach distress go In five minutes. If your stomach Is In a revolt If you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, AUTO Omaha, Nebraska NEW SUPERINTENDENT OF THE SOCIETY FOR FRIENDLESS. 1 "Rev.U. G. WiUiinson. PLAN GENERAL CLEANUP OF POLES ALONG SIDEWALK A general cleanup of electric light, telephono and telegraph poles In tho city Is contemplated In an ordinance being prepared under direction of Street Com missioner J. J .Ryder and Thomas Mc Govern, commissioner of public Improve ments. Complaints of electric light poles ani other poles In several parts of tho city led to tho appointment of ltyder and McGovern as a special committee to In vestigate and report. This ordtnanco will bo their report. The Terslstcnt and Judicious Use ut Newspaper Advertising is tho Road to Business Success. COMMISSIONERS TO TAKE UP LEISY LICENSE MONDAY Application of the Lclsy Brewing com pany of Peoria for n reconsideration of tho city council's refusal to grant the concern a wholesale license to sell liquor In Omaha, was referred to tho committee of tho wholo and will bo discussed at n meeting MondaV. try Papo's Diapepsin. It's wo needless to havo a, bad stomach mako your noxt meal a favorlto food meal, then tako a llttlo Diapepsin. There will not be any distress cat without fear, It'a because. Papo's Diapepsin "really does" rcguluto ,wcaV, out-of-order stomachs tha't gives it it's millions of sales annually. Get a largo fifty-cent caso of Papo's Diapepsin from any drug store. It Is tho quickest, Btirest stomach rellCf nnd cure known. It nets almost like magic It Is a scientific, harmless stomach prepara tion which truly belongs in every home. Advertisement. 2 A large, roomy "Forty" of rare quality in a med ium priced car which can be transformed in one minute into a perfectly equipped ale e p ing car I A "Thirty" $ of Extraordinary S Value for its Price COi (DISTILLERS PRESENT CASE Advance Many Arguments Against Nation-Wide Prohibition. WOULD AFFECT CORN PRICES Ilemnnd for Ornln "Would Ilr Less, cued nnd Mnny Men Won lit lie Throw ii Out of AVork If I4 tnhllnlimrnt Shut Dntrn That tho establishment of nation-wide, prohibition would greatly affect the corn market of tho country because tho corn now used In tho distillation of whisky would no longer bo In demand for that purpose Is one of several arguments the liquor Interests are-now puttltiR up In n circular thnl Is being distributed In Omaha. Other arguments on thn circular aio that .prohibition would mean n great lot.s In revenue to tho Rovernmcnt, and that It would throw a great many men out of employment. This literature in being circulated to combat the efforts of tho Antl-Baloon league which seeks a prohibition amend nlent to tho federal constitution. Al though there is no stato-wldo prohibi tion Issue pending In Nebraska this year, tho literature agnlnst prohibition Is being circulated here. WILHELM NAMES MEN ON AUDITORIUM COMMITTEE 0. M, Wllhelm has appointed his com mlttco of seven men representative of the various organisations of tho city, to tako charge of an active campaign i INDOORS: To eaie tho votcc I after spealclncdlo J tatlngjilnglng use lUDEN'S W Cough Drops 'GIVE QUICK RELIEF" from coucht. colds and throat strain In fact, Ludtn's hove a unditd utts. OUTDOORS: For motortsti, nth-, lotei, outdoor vrorkcri, school children. Sold Everywhere In the yellow package. WM. 11. LUDEN !Ut4ii, r. I Buy It Because J I I I It's, a Better Car I I I Model T Sr-r-A I I I Touring Car Ohll I I I III I f. o. b. Dotrolt WVX I I III I f0V Sr from rord Motor Company, I II DIRECTORY , AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, TIRES and ACCESSORIES GASOLINE CARS BUIOK Nebraska Buiok Loe Huff Mgi'. S"- ADILLAO I. Oadillao Company of Omaha, O. P. Roim. Pres. 2054-6-8 MARMOfl 0. W. ARMON Marlon Auto McDonald. MAXWELL Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation, 205-207 State Bank Building, 0 VERLAND " - Van Brunt Automobile Company, 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs, POPE-HARTFORD- Van Brunt Automobile Company, 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St., Council Bluffs. STUDEBAKER E. R. Wilson ELECTRIC CARS rx HIO II Van Brunt Automobile Company, 2010 Farnam St., Omaha. 18-20-22 4th St Council Huffs, OTANDARD McDonald favor of the passing of tho Audtormm bonds nt the special election March 10. Tho committee named by Mr. Wlthelm la as follows: Charles A. Ooss, Com mcrclal club; Frank Kennedy, Western Laborer! W. II. Hattcroth, Federated Improvement clubs; Val Peter, German Tribune. T. a. Northwall, Swedish Noonday club; C. C. George. Real Es tato exchange: Joseph Ttoslcky, Dohcm Ian societies. Mr, Wllhelm met with his committer yesterday at the Commercial club when the work was partially planned for the campaign. uum mm mu mm mm mm 9m 1 Upkeep- 2 Lot It not bo au aftor- i S thought. That Is too often, S rtao case. m 5 Trust to tiio reputation ot B tho car to the standing of m the concorn making it. 2 The Initial Investment In S R car is of sufficient ltupor- tanco to warrant the time and oxponBo of a careful ln- vostlgatlon. Prudont buy J era do this. One best plan is to visit tho factory. Look carefully to long run results. This Is one of a series of talks On hOW to hllv in mitn. mobile. The completo series m containing a. wealth of valuable m Information may ba had In booklet, form by asking 'm B Marion Automobile Co. Sjj QlOl-aiOS Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. I O. W. McDonald, Mgr. Auto Oompanj, 1912-1446 Farnam Street, 2054-6-8 Farnam Street. Company, , 2101 Farnam Street, " Auto Company, 2429 Farnam Street, 'jmmwr- -mmm2. 'Am. "n Euiot RMsig Ctf-hTVsrU" MIL ltaBHHtftfHii i TtcaraigllBlsHBasiwS X i . m s IS Marion Auto Co., 2101 Farnam Street