THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914. You Could Hardly Believe It, Could You? Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher It JUST A.SWHSHOW AT "THE AUHO CAU.stf " HI&H jniMK.V AND I r. ruui ui- inij rkiw ua, thVT HSft HAD A PeRFUM& THAT WHCN ffBOtyf SMCUfiD IT THGY GOT ffiyt) NATVWSD AMb HAPPY AUb Gtfr 0K& P6RFUWB LtVC3 THAT WHEN MlrT GOT SOftG AT rG JX up Hihv A SM&U np it t. r Vfc 14 KID rculiluC MAfPY. -IOC,- ewe -fAc SOtAt Op THAT lrt.aA . . .... In Rat A j-i iaw.i f- t ... ...... ,bbbbbbbbbbbH jifc .BBBaaBBBBaeka. mi '17 fllll s T SMACK ) ' .i "1 Sr. STAHL MAY GOTO BROOKLYN Former Red Sox Boss Asked to Bun Outlaw Club. narainoiisnip. i. eriaiiiiy nap a goou ffer from the Federal leguo: 'njoif and wouldn't hesitate a' ntfnute . becaujse ,'of nyfcar of fretting my money1.' !l think ot'BosJon li SERIOUSLY CONSIDERS OFFER Pllmore Deceives Telegram front I'real.Irnt of ritll. Club Wnru ins; Hint to Kran llnnds off Tom Benton, v NBV TORK. Feb. 17.-Govcrnor John Toner ot Pennsylvania, prrsldont of the National league, has called an adjournod session of the National leaguo and an adjourned in est I tiff of the board of direc tors to bo held at Cincinnati next Satur day nt 2 o'clock. The final detail ot tho transfer of former Second Basoman John Jv-era of tho Chicago club to tho Boston club will be completed. Other business 1 alia expected to como ui for conald- cratlon. Slabl ainr Uo n llrooUlri'i. CKICAOO, Feb. j;.-Jako Btahl, former m;anager ot tho Boston American ilea bus team, admitted today that ho Is seri ously considering nn offer to man'ase tho new Brooklyn Fedoral league team. Tho, offer was made to h,lra last night by James, A. Qllmbrc, president of 'the Fed eral league, and Charlex Weghman, pres ident of.tho Chtpago Federal lenguo club. "This eh'afito io-Bct-baik Jnto'b'ise hail camo to me suddenly, and I cannot say what will do," raid Staht, who led the llei Sox In 1912 when they dofcated the :Ce(v York Nationals for the world's championship. "I certainly liad a good I an theiWague will go tine. "But when I was let out ot'Doslan Ust sunmf r I gavo up baso ball forever, and since jhon liavo given my entire attention to ihe Chicago bank In which I Invested my trpnoy. It's pretty hard for mo to see any way ot leaving that business again. I haven't given Mr. Qllmoro a fltuU answer yet. One may see a way to do a lot ot things for a lot of money." Amount Not tilvrn Oat. The 'amount offered Stahl wns not made public. Qllmoro and Weghman are said to be conducting the negotiations for It. B. Synrd, owner of tho Brooklyn club. "Ward I Is reported to havo given OlJmore J25.CO0 with which, to procure a, manager for the new (fotiho.m-cluj). The (Federal leaguo leaders said today ' they wero still hopeful of lanillnc1 ake i Rtahl or tho Job us. Brooklyn inanajusr. A telegram warning hlnv'to.1"Reep handsj off" ritcher Torn Boaton' was re celyed. by President QJlmare Jtoday,, It was signed by W. A iJivkert president of tho Philadelphia Nationals anil' stated that $caton had agreed to tho; Phllllc's terms In January. Gltrrloro expressed no worry over tho report tho Newark club would be put In Brooklyn Jo compete with the Federals there.' "Vti nri going to glvo Brooklyn major5 league ball ' iihll Newark's team Is a minor Hague organization," he aaia. ' ChlvlMxtq' Uentra Story. "Fo the third; time", let me deny that the American, (tasoclatlon offered "VVeegh man the St. Paul franchise to be put In Chicago," requested President Chiving ton of tho American association Wcegh man also requested, that a denial of the story be repeated on Ids part. Chlvlngton declares that the move In putting tho Toledo team in Cleveland will bo a success. Tho association' schedule makers will arrange to have tho team play, in Cleveland while th Cleveland Americans are away and Chlvlngton figures that with a dozen or h Sundays available, tho attendance Will be. greater than that at Toledo where h said 104.000 persons saw last year'a games. Twenty-five-cent baso ball will provo a drawing card, too, he.pre dlcled. J The JTedejral, leaguo has threo Cuban ball players? about whom President Oil more has heard good reports. Fernando Conte Is representing the league In negotiations with them at Havana and Is expected to cable the results of his scouting tour within a short time. BcMtrlfP Htsrns IMtrurr Hull. BBATHICE. Neb.. Feb. tf.S-WpeClal.)-Captaln CP of (bo.Beatrlce baU.teara In thfc Nebralka State league Monday signed Pitcher Dull, who was with Beatrice one season in the illnk league. Dull s at present making his home In this city. Jockey Badly Injured. - krw vnnv vv. it .. - vvr ' . " wnencan liner, St. Louis, arrived her today, throe day lato from Southampton utter en- her history. oyeral paseeiigers. among wi.iii i nine . uumiicin, n jocvey rialng ;nr AKui ueimom. were nauiy injured by the lurching-of Jho ship, which throw tnme fro their berth or bent them "prumigs oown conipamonways. Successful trverVtvhem. People everywhere ar talking of th quick and fine results Foley JCIdney Pills give In backache, rheumatism, kid ney and bladder troubles. You cannot take them Into your system without good results, That is because Foley Kidney P(J1 glvo to the kidneys and bladder joit what nature calls for to heal these weakened aad Inactive organs. J, D. Carroll. Sacramento, Cal., writes: "It Is a pleasure to recommend Foley Kidney PjlJ. as the Just worked wonders In my case," 'For salo by all, dealers every. "k Advertisement. Western Horsemen Arrange Dates for Racing Circuits CHICAGO, Feb. 17. Horsemen repre sentlng four middle western racing as sociations arrived here today for their annual meetings. A new rule, which would limit ,a new record only to the winner ot a mop and not to heat winners,, will bo offered at tho biennial congress ot the American Trotting association. A similar rule recently was adopted by tho National Trotting association. llepresentattves of the Orcat Western Circuit, tho Eastern Illinois Circuit and the Northern Indiana-Southern Michigan circuit, also will arrange dates. The Orcat Western circuit unanimously re-elected G. A. Keller ot Decatur, 111., president, and.. W. II. Smolllnger, Iron Mountain, Mo., ns secretary nnd trcas urer. "it'. then tqok up the selection of dates for tho coming season. Forty horsemen, representing nine states, were present. Opening dates for the 191-t campaign wero awarded to Cleveland by tho Great Western circuit. Tho events will take placo thoro the week of July 20, and purses will total S40.000 for the six days' races. The rest of the schedule and the amount ot tho purses were to be announced later. The' events at Cleveland .and those wnicn lonow at ueiroit, Grand Kaplds and Kalamazoo will bo conducted Jointly by tho Qrcat Western nnd Grand Cir cuits. Tho complete list of Great West ern dates and tho purses offered was given out as follows: . , Ditto and I'lnrn. Pun. July 30-ar.,i Cleveland..;.. jtO.OOO iiuy .f-Aliguai-j, Detroit 40,000 A 1 ) rv 1 1 a T. Q O ,... I 1 ..... 1 .1 m ma AitKuat4la15.4ltAImazoa 4t ma rtuBuni ijecmur, 111 J,UW August :4-S), Galesburg 16,000 aubuh -Ji'Dcpiemoer o, iJos Aioinos, ia,ouo September 7-12, llnmllno, Minn....... 2S.O00 September 14-19. Mllwauken M.0!M Heptomber 21-26, Springfield. Ill 35,00 September 23-October 3. Sedallu. Mo. 1V000 October B-lo, Muskogee, Okl ,,,, 12,000 October 20-25. Dallas, Tox ,. 40,000 November 0-1-1. Phoenix, Arte 30,000 Uni Quintet Looking Forward to Victories During tha latter part of this week will bo on unusual busy time for basket ball teams of the University ot Omaha. Fri day night the varsity team will 'meet Cotner .college at Bethany heights, and Saturday evening tho Omaha team will: clash wjth Hostlpgs college at Hastings. Thta ovenlpg tho university of Omaha Iterervcs will Journey to Glen- 'Wood, la., and endeavor to take a soldier team, known as Company I, In camp, j Following are the Reserve players who will participate In tho contest: J organ. sen, Paisley, Beacons, Potgeter, John Selby, Seltzer and Btchards. As to tho games out in the stato, the varsity team is optimistic over tho. out come. Blnco the Omaha team handed Kearney a beating two weeks ago, they have made wonderful Improvement In the floor game. As Kearney Just about hold Its, own with" these two teams, the Indi cations are that with the Improvement made the University of Omaha team will more than make good. ' Will leave Toledo Park to Any League TOMSDO. "O., Feb. II. With the Toledo American association team transferred to Cleveland, tho finest minor league park In the country is temporarily without occupants. C. W. Somers, Cleveland magnate, has a lease, on the park, but will not sur render It. and Noah II. Swayno, the owner, announced today ho would lease (ho Pey to any base ball organization, Foderal or organized, that wanted to placo a team In the city. BELLEVUE TO PLAY DANA AND WAYNE STATE NORMAL Thursday afternoon the Bellevue In dians will! don their war toss and sally forth to secure the scalps from Dana col lege ot Blair and the Wayn State normal. When Dana vlsted the Bellevue territory It loft a huge slab ot bacon In the hands of the exulting red men, but It left avowing revenge for the defeat A ho(, fH game Is expected, which will push the Indians to their utmost On Friday, when tho batUe with the Wayne cohorts takes place, the result Is hard to forecast Not much dopa has beeu secur able on the Wayne party, but they will eurely furnish a warm reception for tho attacking outfit Tuesday evening, When Bellevue meets Omaha High Bchool, a battle royal Is sure to be the result There Is intense rivalry, yet good feling. between thi schools, which -will vent itself In some very fast work. If predictions amount to anything. Tho Bellevue team work has steadily -developed until It has no equal In the teams met The difficulty .comes In chalking tallies, In spite ot the fact that tho Indians can monopolize the ball almost all pf the time. I'rrparlnir for Hrlu-r Groundkeeper Henry Fabian of the Giants is preparing Emerson park at Martin. Tex , for the coming Invasion by Uni Team After Scalp of South Omaha High South Omaha High school basket ball tossers nro In for a good sound drubbing Wednesday evening, If the plans of the University ot Omaha players holds good. Last week tho packers played a scrub team from the Omaha school and wal loped them In a very decisive manner. Accounts ot the gamo woro to tho effect that the Unlvorslty of Omaha Reserves played, when, as a matter of fact, but one Ilesorve player was In the lineup. The packers became rather chesty over their one-sided victory and forthwith challenged tho varsity team. "We'll make 'em look lllo 30 cents Is tho way the varsity players have things doped out." The contest will bo played at tho Uni versity of Omaha gymnaelum and will start at 8 sharp. Voss .203 193 186 C82 .170 170 170 510 ,.2J 182 1b3 071 .90S S97 S32 2,614 Special Mntcii. DUEXKLi SHOE CO. 1st. W. Haaker 100 tdvlngston 123 Armstrong .128 H. Haaker 179 Drexel Katun 21t Totals 741 2d. 3d. Total. BISCUIT CO. 171 1.11 1M 123 223 8U 163 113 157 V.ri 201 .263 433 41U 629 125 633 2741S With the Bowlers Knight of Columhua I.ritRiic. HANL.EV & MACE. n. "A- 3d. Total. v...,.ii,iikiiai(i ........ Iblt Morton 106 O. Hanley im Gavin io7 T; Hanley 133 ior 104 142 119 110 160 431 135 465 167 459 121 347 123 366 2,088 Totals 722 640 703 PUKITAN UAUNDIIY. .!.,..., !: W. M. Total. ;"""'" ........... ,iu j7a ,llcy 107 ' 139 ErAcrB,- ira 12s O Keefs ia ten Jtossbach 130 iw WA'AV.ttV.ViLL 749 xjiuj viuru-Kliyu CO. ICIi 491 121 887 123 384 176 503 165 443 2,190 Coby 145 183 i fi?!7 203i - w M. Andrew itr, 111 i.IKS 193 3d. Total. 110 4tS lfti 56 149 423 141 416 170 631 Totals 820 815 731 McQUllidAN HATS. 1b, n.. n , Johnson , us McQulllian 161) Mullen 122 Mllsk :...;!.;:ii8 Handlpap . 45 Totals ;ar.' 724' 783 131 120 135 163 130 45 127 139 112 202 168 43 2,369 Total. 422 375 407 4S7 406 135 1S9 177 156 129 153 MURPHY DID IT. ' la A.I ka Fitzgerald 12a . . lary 122 jonnston 171 yer 139 Totals Taj BOURGEOIS CO. la ... niiin .........i... IJVelch 100 uuurKeois ...,....,,;,V150 Ortman ii Total. 213 4C0 391 431 523 2i334 Id. Total. 160 : 544 150 161- ! 429 165 167 ' 4S2 ltw 163 197 172- T,?tals tS05 800 792 Fnlrmnut Creaftiery .I.eavue. GOLD. 473 530 2437 Gasser ' tsa Newby ijj 'Nelson in Savase nn Gibson 153 Totals SB DIADBM. 3taulman ui fllcldt i 8m til lea Ilergor 5 MCCoy 13Q 137 123 147 14S 14S 3d. Total. 129 S95 137 138 137 140 703 est ian 409 395 440 3,036 2d. 125 115 141 111 131 3d. Total. 126 394 157 151 120 176 414 40) 447 m 1 " '"'"'.V.V.-.L'---.--- 67S 730 2.0S1 UROILERS. la ""I ; 183 183 tynck 155 101 Mer 133 165 &V"t 1 17 uounngtr ,....156 136 Sd. Total. 100 4S 135 104 137 172 391 S99 494 464 113 Totals 765 BETTER BUTTER. IK, t.nii. if. Christenson 154 Uilday im, Gabriel 114 Bertwtll ,..166 165 135 131 163 131 768 1,246 Sd. Total. 164 474 141 430 m 397 HI 412 162 463 Totals 754 725 70S ' 2.182 Special Match. " PAXTON & OALLAGIIER, Int. . , i. ,,.!. v.: i M,MU.,.K, .............I Chllda 144 Rund - is Oellus 166 Drun , im 134 162 438 189 495 181 617 213 682 187 170 176 Totals S25 721 879 S.62 1 r " Smith im i4x Clar 138 12 ltatnbuck 10.1 im Bowers ..181 117 13 439 IM 4M 143 4tt 161 458 2.329 Totals 736 797 796 Comnirrclal League, QUICK SERVE. lt 2d. 3d. Total. Stlce us. 108 160 4t D. itoynu IBS it rsa Stoddanl 158 1K5 126 4t9 uosenoerg is no lui 166 Prlmeau 137 ita 171 490 Totala 833 953 784 t667 FRANK'S KANDY KIDS. 1st 2d. 3d. Total. Houzh U1 1s 1W M kelson .......177 146 169 493 Straw 170 170 170 610 Straw 170 170 170 610 Fagerberg , 225 1S1 163 6S9 Totala S5 823 843 W37 BESEUN TRADE MARKS. 1st Id. 3d. Total. Chandler 170 145 223 547 Bengale ....I5S 173 lta 697 Beselin 168 205 173 MS Lvtie ,...ia ia us 474 Heaton 17 179 Ml Ml Totala 9C6 668 9U 1715 RUMOUR S OLD TAVERN. 1st 2d. 3d. Total Stanley ... 158 17 123 447 Utrar. 170 170 170 610 1st. :i. Bigger j 130 149 Landwherkamp 201 197 II. Lee , 179 162 Baker 117 15S Camp 131 137 3d. 1SS 193 139 127 lti Total. 4C5 691 4X0 402 415 Totals 1 Kpeolnl COLUMBIA FIRE 789 2,316 il m Match. UNDERWRITERS. 1st. 2d. art. Tntnl Stockwcll .'.150 173 120 443 Tanner 134 122 143 97 Radford 16S 1S4 167 519 Gllham 171 Kt 177 C09 B. Bowers 17S 185 200 663 Totala $01 825 H07 CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY 2,431 1st. Monroo 104 Jensen. 136 Hlghlcy 103 Brown 182 Cjross 16U Totals 757 ?d. 169 143 119 148 161 3d. 179 180 159 201! 160 713 SSI Total. 612 459 387 533 490 2,1m GERMANS VOTE MONEY FOR OLYMPIC GAMES BERLIN, Feb. 17, By a considerable majority tho German Imperial Parlia ment today adopted an appropriation of 150,000 for tho Olympic games to bo held hero In 1916. Tho appropriation was re jected by tho budget committee on Janu ary 16, but tho leaders of tho clerical party, today gave their followers freedom ot .action in tho nffalr and all but a few voted, for tho appropriation. The socialists persisted In their protest but It was pointed out that this was more for tactical political reasons than from hos tility to tho games. I.jroiia Wrrntler Mnkes Good. LIONS, Neb., Feb. 17. 8peclal.) Oliver Johnson, a Lyons wrestler, threw six ot the best wntstlnm In thn iturnton settlement south of here in 43 minutes Saturday. His opponents were Paul Schneider Herman Rewiskel, William and Herman Eggert and Donald Yeaton. SISTER, OF KAISER HEAD KENNEL CLUB. OF NEW SCHEMEJO FIGHT FEDS Newark Team of Internationals to Play on Ebbets Field. TOLEDO GAMES AT CLEVELAND Homers Will Hnve Ilia Tito Associa tion Teams in Action In Same City, One Burr While Other Array,' NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-A plan by which organized base ball hopes to supply strong competition for tho Invading Federal leaguo team In Brooklyn is being worked out, it was announced by Edward Z. Darrow, president of the International league It is proposed to transfer tho Newark team of tho International league to play on Kbbetn field, the home ot the Brook lyn National league club, and to appease tho Newark public, which supported a flag-winning club last season, the Jersey City team of the International league would be placed In Newark, As Jersey City was the tall-end club last season, it is planned to pool the players of the two International league teams In order to equalize their strength. "I am positive that our league can give Brooklyn as good a ball cliib as the Fed eral league can," Darrow said.- "Nearly every player In our leaguo has been In tho majors at some time, yet wo do not try to masquerade as a major league." To 1 cilo Unities ut Cleveland. CLEVELAND, O., Fob. 17,-To combat the threatened Invasion of tho Federal league, C. W. Somers, owner of tho Clove- land nnd Toledo baso ball clubs, an nounced tonight that the Toledo club will play Its games in Clovcland this season. This city, therefore, wilt havo two clubs, Toledo playing while the Cleveland club Is traveling. The Toledo club Is a mem ber ot the American association. The Toledo club, under a new name, will be managed by "Jimmy" Shcckard, former Cub outfielder. ' Not Conslderlnir Cleveland. CHICAGO. Feb. 17. Cleveland no longer Is being considered as the posslblo homo of a Federal leugue baso ball club, ac cording to James A. QUmorc, president ot the league, who returned from tho cast tonight. No more changes In tho league wlll bo mad6 this year, Gllmore said. "Buffalo will be kept at least for tho coming season," ho said, "and It we decide to change the circuit In 1915, It will be some eastern city, not Clovcland." SHOW GIRL GIVEN DIVORCE FROM YALE ATHLETE OSWEGO, N. T.i Feb. 17.-A- final de cree ot divorce, obtained by R'eria Leary, formerly a New York show girl, from ;Maurlce B. (Lefty) Flynn, fullback 'on the Yale foot ball team of 1912, -was filed today. Mrs. Flyah receives' 120 a month alimony. They were married" at the New York city hall, January 6, 1913, Mrs. Flynn charged that the Yale fullback abandoned her eleven days later. NAMED COACHES OF THE YALE ROWING SQUAD '. NEW , HAVEN, ,Conn.. Feb. , .17,-Dean Q. Achls6n..of. Mlddjetpwn, Conn., and William i,kLlpptncot, of 'Cincinnati were today appointed coaches .of! the ,Yaye rowing, squad. A'chlsoft 'was ooe b'f the freshmen crow.' coaches last year, and Llppincbtt rowed' number seven ''in" Jaat safeon'a 'varsity eighty fICenrney Ilnat Itnll Knlr .la Success. KEARNEY, Neb.. Feb. 17.-(Speclal.)-The Kearney baso ball fair, which closed In this cltv last Saturday evening, cleared the association pver l,O00'and will clear the deficit existing from last season and give the toam a few hundred dollars to oommenco the season wjth. A meeting has now been called for Thursday even ing for the election of officers and the selection ot a manager. It being believed that Harry Berte will bo retained In that position. If the bonds carry for the new ball park, Kearnoy will be In a position to push right ahead, botng out of debt, nnd with a park In the centor of town where more fans will attend the games. Giants and White Sox Play at Nice Before Large Crowd NICE France Feb. 17.-The fine weather today brought a great crowd .of base ball enthusiasts as well as many who had never witnessed a game to see the New York team of the National league and tho Chlcagos of the American league give a fast exhibition of the American game. The Chlcagos won, 10 to 7. Americana and foreigners of title so journing In Nice and along the Rlvlerla motored to tho game and the large num ber of handsomely gowned women among the spectators added to the gaiety of the scene. The French were somewhat puzzled at the Intricacies of the play, but showed much enthusiasm when the ball was hard hit into the outfield. The American con sul, William D. Hunter, tossed the first ball. In the fourth Inning tho New' Yorks scored six runs and Chicago four, but tho National leaguers wero unable to keep up tho pace. Tho teams will leave tomorrow for Paris, where It is expected they will play on Washington's birthday. Word has been received that Charles Comlskey, president of the Chicago club, has reached Paris. His condition Is re ported to be much lipprovcd. O'Day Leaves for Tampa with Fourteen CHICAGO, Feb, 17.-Managor. Hank O'Day, with fourteen ball players, left tonight for Tampa, Fla., wTfera he will. begin thbi week the task of .developing one half of a new Infield for the Cubs. The desertion ot Shortstop Brtdwell, who Jumped to the Federals, and the loss ot Johnny Evcrs, second baseman, loft a hole about the keystone sack, tho filling ot which will be one ot 0'Day! chief cares. With Sayro-and Zimmerman sure of Jobs and Bill Sweeney not expected to report, the vacancies must be filled by two of tho five other lnflelders, In whom O'Day expresses much confidence. Yale Men Out for Track Laurels Few NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 17. De votees ot track athletics at Yale re ceived a shock tonlght-when only flfty- tlve candidates reported . at a meeting called by Captain Brown, This is the smallest number In years, It la believed that the unusually large numbers ot candidates for the crews' this' year lias taken away many available men. Sev eral trackmen ot ability arc also on the base ball squad. Active track training starts tomorrow. but unless more men report, the outlook Is considered dubious. MAROONS OUTPLAY MANS Chicago Basket Ball Players Gain Vantage Over Hawkeyes. WIN BY MARGIN OF . FIVE Battle, Wasted Fiercely Until Con, Indoor Athletic Meet at Lincoln ' Ain&us Victoria. 0 'jScJtmumlurj-lippi. Kaiser a sister. V-o has just been I of Schaumburg-Llppe. with her net doif elected president of the German Ladles' M-n- rh,, 1. i.,.,..- Kennel club for 1811. Princess Victoria MarCU8' " MW clualve LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 17. An Indoor athletic meet In connection w.- the Uni versity of Nebraska charter day cxer dies was held this evening, preliminary to the telegraph meet to be held tomor row between Nobraaka university and Drake university. For tho telegraph meet, students of all classes ot both universities will enter with the high Jump Intended to be the feature. There were seven events In the charter day competition, Charles Mye being the star, with three firsts and one second. No records were broken. teatanti- Ave Fussed, Ends Eighteen to Thirteen for Chlcaeo. I IOWA CITY, la.. Feb. I7.-Specla Telegram.) Chicago defeated Iowa 18 to 13 tonight In a, terrifically fought, basket ball gamo which was not decided until the last minute of play. The Maroons had tho better of tho game by a alight margin, but the Hawkayca fought hard" and brought the score to a. tlo with less than two minutes to play. , Both teamH wero exhausted by' tho struggle and during the last few min utes of the game most ot the players were staggering, DesJardlne failed to star, but Molander and Baumgardner put up a stiff defense and were responsible, for thn Maroon victory. Grissell ot-IoWa rwas removed from the game with four personal fouls. The first halt enuea, -u. to 8, In favor of Chicago. The lineup: CHICAGO. I Stevenson ....It F. R. F. .... .... NoUn Norgrcn L. F. L. F .....Fields, Shull C. C ......GrlBBell G.J R.G ...JucobBon MolBfider L. G.f L. G Papons Substitutes: Ooettler for Stevenson.- ' DesJardlne for Shull, Von Lackum for Fields, Carmlchael for " Grissell. Field goals: Norgren (2), Stevenson, Shull, Mo lander. Baumgardner. DesJardlne. Ja- cobsen (2). Field goals: Von LaoKum. Freo throws: sioianuer w, Referee: Nichols. Umpire: Birch. Time ot halves, twenty minutes. , Lincoln Sells Cole to Indianapolis OMb' LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 17. AtelegranV today from Hugh Jones, owner of tha Lincoln base ball club, who Is In the east, sayp Willie Cole, center fielder of the Lincoln club, has been sold to the- In dlanapolls American association team. rvin imn nluwrf with Lincoln four sea sons and was regarded as one of the star outfielders of the Western league. CALLAHAN TOLD TO SIGN , SPEAKER FOR RED SOX BOSTON Feb. 17. Information that the Federal league has Bent an agent to Paris to meet the world touring, base ball players was followed' today by the cabling ot a commission to James 'J, Callahan, manager ' of the Chicago Americans, to sign up Trls Speaker for the Boston Red Sox next season. The tourists were due In Paris today, It waa reported mat opeaKer was ono 01 mo players the Federal league agent waa given authority to sign. 1 ORDER PLANS DRAWN FOR MIZZ0U GRANDSTANDS SIOUX CITY la, Feb. 17.-The own era .ot the bioux city western league, club today ordered an architect to draw plans for a grandstand at Mlzzou-park, to replaco the stand destroyed by fire) last summer. The plans will provide for a grandstand with a seating capacity ot 2,500. The bleachers also will be en largcd. , The lay of the diamond will ba changed ao as to provide more playing room. PRICE AND PALMER MAKE HIGHEST WHIST SCORE Members of the Prairie Park Whist club made the following scores Monday nlRht: lllch. east and west. Price and Fal- '"in'gh. north and south. King and Sick- er. s.. . ... Playing partners, iukou uji Price and Palmer Slckler and King Una. nnd SlflDletOn 3 Miner and Roblson Knklrr nnd Darst. McCann and Bruce 1 LAjaraict. Buck and Lucke S Conley and Morgan 1 Nelson and Beghtol 6 Frady and Smith 7 W0LGAST GIVEN DECISION OVER CHICAGO BOXER CINCINNATI, p,. Feb. 17.-Ad Wolgast ot Cadillac, Mich., won a newspaper de cision over Tommy Garry of Chicago in a ten-round boxing contest tonight Wol gast was the aggressor and his short arm Ja'bs and smashes did much dam age, in uarry, nowever, wolgast xouna a decidedly formidable opponent tor the Chicago boy likewise did considerable damage with the left hook and a right 'upper cut . Bre 1 1 StripcU Madras Collar em. bodying the utmost style without being too extreme. Jfcfejiver Collars 2 for 25o are characterized by their nmJi,h'pe.,1'!he,r P"fe fitting qualities and re- msrkable durability. SrV DB CO, leakers. Troy, K. Y. Creators of Smart Styles in Collars and Shirts, Tor Sale By the J?oUowtng Wrma DRAV rom. meiO M TOM. MEN 50510 S. Ith AND This. Kilpafritk & Ci. SOCIAL DANCING PARTY Every Thursday Evening Frenzer Halt 21th and Parker Street THE JOLLY 24 Best Floor.' Best Music Xa