Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Splendid Bargains in
No seconds, damaged
or mismatched
good3 shown here
You are sure of get
ting perfect merchan
dise always.
Value Giving in
That is exceptional,
even in February.
We're closing floor
samples at lowest
. I 4UJ4.W a
Tomorrow Will Be the Third Day
Price is Such that American Hen is
Commission 'Mm Sny They Conlil lie
Sold In Omnhn lor from 1H lo
SO Cents, While l.ornl Price
In Voir 2H Cent. '
In the Chlneso hen her American sister
has a most active and dangerous com
pctltor In the opinion of n good many of
the Omaha produce commission men. The
Chinese egg has arrived In Omaha and
while not on 'the market. It is here nnd
the prices that rome along with It are
said to Indlcato that the product of the
Chlneso hen can bo sold at prices that
vrlll mako those of the home product look
George Clark, one of the leading oper
ators on the produce commission row Is
In receipts of a cafe of Chinese cjtgs thit
came direct from China, having been en
route only about one month. Thoy were
sent to him, not to sell, but more as a
curlouslty to show ttie kind of an egg
the Chlnerc lien lays. In color, the eggs
are dark and rcscmblo -those of the
Plymouth Rock, but they are small -small
enough to that if offered for sale
on this market they would have to bo
graded as seconds.
Owing to their small size, the Chinese
esa received by Mr. Clark are not at
tractive, but the price that he says could
be attached makes up for what they
lack In looks. Mr. Clark says theso eggs
could pay the freight across the ocean to
Han Francisco, the rail charge to Omaha,
all the commission charges and bo placed
In the homes of the consumers at 18 to 20
cents per dozen.
IiOrnl f.aut Are Srcnu'its,
Commission men nay that the majority
of eggs bought by the majority of con
sumers are seconds and that now Uiey
are retailing at St to 28 cents per dozen,
-whereas flrsla fclch as a rule S cents
more per dozen. This gives the Chinese
eggs an advantage of around. 6 cents per
dozen In the evmt they were placed In
competition with the American eggs of
the second grade.
Mr. Clark is of the opinion that even
with the tariff off eggs. It will be a long
time before the Chinese eggs will be on
the Omaha market, but they are going
to be tho eggs of tho Pacific coast. This,
he thinks, will result In destroying the
market thoro for tho eggs from the cen
tral west and, as tho suppllod
is curtailed, prices consequently will go
lower than at tho present time.
American llrn Threatened.
On the Atlantic, as well as on the Pa
cific coast. Mr. Clark believes the su
premacy of tho American hen Is being
menaced. New York commission men In
form him that slneo tho tariff has been
removed from ess Now York, no-ton
nnd all Atlantic coast cities are receiving
largo quantities of eggs from Russia, nnd
that on the markets thero they are being
sold at about the same prices as are the
Chinese eggs In Paclflo coast cities.
Tho methods employed by the Chlneso
are not up to tho standards of tho Ameri
cans when it cotnes to packing their
eggs. Thoto sent hero are In crude cases
and the cardboard packing lacks the stylo
seen In cases here. Then, too, large and
small eggs are packed In the same case,
as aro those of dlffcient shades of color.
C. E. Spens, assistant freight traffic
director of the Ilurllngtpn, la In tho city
from Chicago, having como over to look
after nom railroad matters before the
Btato Itnllway commission
"While the freight business on the Bur
lington is not booming, Mr. Hpena says
a decided improvement Is noted since the
first of the year Ho Is of the opinion
that sv turn toward better times has come,
yet ho doea not anticipate great movo
mcnt of business until another crop has
been harvested.
AL. V.
City Council Unable to Accept Offer
of Ninety-Nine Cents,
Commlsaloner llullrr ISnuiiierntes
Horn of lhr Objections Hint
Arc Itnlsrit liy Avrrnice
Oiitnlrte Investor.
Only one bid, and It was below par, was
received by tho council for tho M65,000
ower, Intersection and street Improve
ment 1 Kinds advertised for sale. The coun
cil, walling for other bidders, took a
recess until tho afternoon. The bid was
fO cents. Kountze Bros, of Now York, the
city's fiscal agents, refused to bid, saying
the law passed by the recent legislature
making Lincoln instead of New York tho
fiscal agency was unfair, In that more
exchango would have to be paid.
Dan II. Duller, city commissioner of
finance nnd accounts, and Treasurer V.
O. Ure discussed tho situation. Butler
said In Ills opinion several things con
spired to hold back the bidders. Among
other things the 9165,000 street Improve
ment bonds, which aro not guaranteed by
the faith and credit of tho entire city, but
by tho soparnto Improvement districts,
did not meet with tho whole approval of
bond purchasers.
'We have money to purchase tS5.00O of
these Improvement bonds." said Butler,
"and all bond buyers ought to know that
they nro good. They always havo been
and always will bo good. The bonds of
the city are good and there Is no reason
why bids should bo submitted below
Under tho law tho city commission
cannot sell city bonds below pur, But
ler bollevoa Omaha films, knowing tho
low condition of the bond market now,
should tdko up these bonds.
As an indication of tho condition of the
bond market tho Water board has ar
ranged to buy back IP0,0il0 of its bonds
below par. It is tho belief of some of
tho city commissioners that the fact that
theso bonds can now be purchased for
P9 has led bond buyers to tho conclusion
that Omitlm olty bonds nre worth no
more, as water district bonds nro guar
anteed by the faith of Ihe entire city,
vcn as the sower and intersection bonds
are. ,
The street Improvement bonds, al
though acting as a deterrent to bidders,
luivo always been Included with tho
other bonds for the roabon that It Is
more difficult to d'sposo of them, as
property In the Improvement districts Is
held as guarantee, being assessod In tep
oyunl assessrarntH to retire tho bonds.
Illtln llpjentci'.
At the afternoon meeting tho council re
jected the one bid from the Omaha Na
tlonul bank, or which W. II. Bucholz of
the Water board is vice prcsldcnt-and
took a recess until Thursday morning at
10 o'clock, when an arrangement may bo
made, disposing of nil tho bonds on the
understanding thnt the city will purchase
Immediately a part of the street Improve
ment bonds.
At the regular mectlnk of tho Ad club
club Thursday noon. Commissioner J jo
Hummel will apeak upon the advisability
of Omuha spending 11,000,(00 on parks. Fol-'
lowing him, Commissioner Kugel will cs-J .
plain how a, police commissioner C"c1pTrf1innn TTni frilf cj
about cleaning up a city and renovating J- J UiiltXll IXlUglltO
It from tho dregs of humanity. Precced-- TXTill fiin Ql 1
Ing the meeting will be a lunchoon, whl;h Will WlVG l&U8C18l
Will ha hrllt nt thn Vat inn 'lint1 a nrf I
starts promptly at 1!!15. noon.
Mother! is Child's
Stomach Sour, Sick
If tongue In coated or If cross, fever.
lata, constipated RiVe "California
Sjrrwp of Vlgiu"
Don't scold your fretful, peevish child,
fie If tongue In coated; this Is a sure
sign its little stomach, liver and bowels
are cloggfd with sour waste.
When listless,, pale, feverish, full of
cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't
eat. sleep or act naturally, has a stomach
ache. Indigestion, diarrhoea, give a tea
spoonful ot "California Syrup of Figs,"
and In a few hours all the foul waste,
the sour bile and fermenting food passes
out ot the bowels and you have a welt
and playful child again. Children love
this harmless "fruit laxative," and moth
era can rest easy after giving It because
It never falls to make their little -n-sides"
clean and rweet.
Keep It handy. Mother! A little given
today saves a e!ck child tomorrow, but
get the genuine. Ask your druggist for
. tO-cent bottle of "California Syrup ot
Tig," which has directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Remember there
are, counterfeit sold here, so surely took
an see that yours Is made by the "Call,
fornl Fig Syrup Company" Hand ba.-k
with contempt any other fig syrup. Advertisement.
Program Tonight
A special open meeting of Nebraska
lodgo 'No. 1, Knights of Pythias, will bo
held at their hall In the Board ot Trtulo
building, Sixteenth ahd Farnam streets,
this evening. This affair precedes
the golden Jublleo Thursday, in celebra
tion ot the fiftieth unnlvorsury of the
founding of the order. The Knights of
Pythias was founded by Justlco Henry
ltathbone nt Washington. D. C, on Fob.
mary W, 1861.
Special ritualistic work will comprise
a large portion of tlio program, which
will Includo speeches by County Attorney
George Mogney, W. W. Hlabaugh and W.
A. Foster. 8evera"l musical number will
also be given. Nebraska lodgo Nq 1,
Knights ot Pythias has a membership of
nearly 500. The program wilt start at 8:S0
strong ami
wad )a a few da
wHfcgut a surgical
or loss at
Out work U
goanntM. .Call or
wvit r swrttculara,
Dm. Wra . Walk
mmr. H kW uw.
Dahlman Heads the
List to Raise Last
Hundred for Taylors
Mayor James C. Dahlman gave the
first 13 today In the subscription cam
paign being curried on to raise tho last
11(10 needed to secuVo another home for
the poor Taylor family. Other citizens
were quick to add their names to the
list, and It Is expected that the neces.
sary money will soon bo secured, Rich
ard Bumell. COS Bedford avenue. Is bo-
licUins the final 10O by canvassing public
spirited citizens In the business district
To tUt Ituemle.
Madam, it your husband Is like most
men he expects you to look after the
health of yourself and children. Coughs
and colds are the most common ot the.
minor ailments and are most likely to
lead, to serious diseases, A child Is much
morn likely to comtruct diphtheria or
scarlet tever when It has a cold. If you
will Inquire Into the melts of the various
remedies that are recommended for
coughs and colds, you will find that
Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y stands
high In the estimation of people who use
It It la prompt and effectual, pleasant
and sate to take, which aro qualities
especially to be desired when a medicine
Is Intended for children. For sale by all
dcatcrc-AdvertUcuint. .
of the BIG
of Cackley Bros. Wine and Liquor
Stock Recently Damaged by Fire
All of the stock in perfect condition
some only having slightly soiled labels by
smoke and water as the stock was well
cased. Hundreds have taken advantage of
these exceptional values already. Better
come now while the assortment is yet
large. The only bona fide fire sale don't
be misled by fake advertising.
A Few of the Many Bargains
Clark's Rye ... .
Guckeiiheimer . .
Green River ....
Siring Hill. ....
Overholt Full
Oscar Pepper
Dozens of other kinds
Fruit Brandies
Apricot, Peach, Banana and Orange, extra fine and
fruity $1.00 and $1.25 values; OQa JQ- C(U
per full quart. . , . . . . vj9 Ttt!j9 tlUl,
$2.50 value Port Wine, per gallon,
Crystallized Rock and Rye. 9Qa f a IQj
per quart, from W tSJG
Hoarhound Rock and Rye Aft nil CQt
$1.00 to $1.25 values. ... tvC 91111
Sr: $1,25 and 4pc and 59c
Fine line of Old Whiskies, 6 CQ 7Qg
to 8 yrs. old; per full quarts . . v9 Vflk 3 L
California Wine, 50c and 75c values 49c and 29c
Virginia Dare, quart bottle 39c
Grape Juice, quart bottles, 23c; pint bottles . 15c
Maraschino Cherries, Quart bottle .... 59c
50c bottle Olives 23c; 35c bottles 17c: 25c bot. 10c
Whiskey by the gallon . S2.00. gl.75, $1.50
Olive Oil 15c 23c and 49c
California Claret, per gallon 39c
Two Quart Bottles of Beer, 25c
121-23 North Sixteenth Street
Opposite Postoffico
Mall Orders for Three Dollars or More Will Be Shipped
Dr. Von Liobig, one of the world's, greatest
chemists, classified it so when he said, "Beer
and bread are the natural food for the work
ingman". Hard working people need whole
some and nutritious food, that rebuilds used up
tissues. Beer, therefore, was regarded a3 such
by this eminent scientist.
Our new modern and sanitary equipped brewery
enables us to produce as fine a beer as it is pos
sible to make.
Willow Springs Brewing Co.
Consumers' DistributorHENRY POLLACK
122-124 Nortk 15th St. Phones D. 1306, D. 2108
Builders Iron
Work, Wire Sesk
Oasrds, Wlsdow
Omrdi. Vat at
X.ocker. Wire and Iron Partitions, Screeas, Clothes
Voles, Wire Signs. SKHD rox GATAXOaUE.
lints Railings Kit Plaits Faitr tonwrs
Phone Soar. 1590
J. J. X.S8BT. Prop.
13th and Jaokson Ets.
rifkTiii A
a. iv p in n
Pay When Cured
Pllea end All Rectal Bleeesos cured
jrllheut tba knlfa. Pnrmenent curee
Kuaranteerf. Writ ler Free Illustrated
beak an Rectal Blsaasaa ad taH
saealala at feuadratfa at cured patletete
Nebraska and lew a. y
- 240 Bt Bid?., Omaha,. Nb.
Our cloak buyer has returned
from New York after weeks
of careful selection of
spring stock from the
best makers m the coun
try purchases were un
usually heavy and the neces
sity of making room for them
calls for still greater
Sacrifices or All Winter Stocks
Wednesday wejjegln a series o sales on
women's, misses' and children's outer gar
montB that will surpass in valuo giving any
cr known in Omaha.
Handsome Fur Coats, made to sell at $30
and $40, Russian Fonys, Sable and Kit
Coneys, your choice while Ai g ff
they last, Wednesday JlDeUU
Stylish Winter Coats,
that sold at $10 to
$15, good assort
ment ot fabrics and
on sale.
Trctty Fur Sets; $10,
$12 and $15 vals.,
good assortment, on
sale Wednesday
choice, 4y QJ
at .... aPOeaO
Ono Hundred Spring Tailored Suits Sam
ples, all nobby new styles, in most desirable
colors and fabrics, $15.00 and $18.00 val
ues, on sale while they last, i a aa
choice, at $1U.UU
$1.50 House Dresses-
all sizes, choice
Percale Dressing Sacques, oj
75c values, at OOC
Silk Iftidcrskirts
$"3.00 values, at.
Big Surplus Stock Shoe Sale Wednesday
Tho surplus floor stocks of the best makers of shoes in Massachusetts. Bought for
about one-half of the regular prices Their loss your gain.
Men's and Women's Shoes, splendid values for $4
all leathers, newest and latest Q Cft
styles, all sizes, at i.. pOu
Men's Shoes, Women's Shoes; patent, gun metal
and vlcl Kid; low or high heels; a tf j qq
regular $3.00 vatac, at , ft 1 eaO
Boys', Youths', and Little Gents' extra quality
able Specials
School Shoes, built for hard wear; two big lots,
all sizes, values up to tfj-t lf
$2.50, now at P A eOU and P 1
Women's House Slippers, $1.50 values. . tf -j ff
Misses' & ChJlds' $1.50 Button Shoos.. 1UU
Infants' and Chllds' Shoes, kid and patent leather,
$1.25 and $1.00 values 7C E f
t nnd UUL
now at.
of Sales
to Wait
on You
Wednesday Specials Underwear
Section Domestic Room
Missos' and Boys' Fleece Lined Union Suits
regular 50c values, at .39c
Ladies' Medium "Weight Union Suits, regu
lar and extra sizes, 50c values, at 39c
Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, shirts or
drawers,' 50c values, at 29c
Boys' Blouse Waists; black sateen, white, blue
chambray and stripes, with military collar, 50c
values, now at 25
Ladies' Square Knit Wool Shawls, values to $1.00,
now at V. 15 and 25c'
Men's and Boys' Outing Flannel Gowns, 50c values,
now at 35
Ladies' Fleece Lined Underwear, vests or pants
50c values, now at 39c
Wednesday's Special Wash Goods
Section lencstic Room
Amoskeag. Gingham, off the bolt, 73c val
ues, now at...... 5C
Fruit of the Loom or Lonsdale Muslin, 10c
values, now at 7V2i
Long Cloth, soft finish, 12M;c values. .7Y2v
Matchless made1 Sheets, 72x90, 50c values,
now at 35c
White Pllsse Crepe, for underwear, 15c vals., lOe
Mikado Crepe, for Kimonos, 18c values OJ4c
Unbleached Muslin, 36 inches wide, 7c values
now at 5C
Amoskeag Outing Flannels, 12V4o values. .. .755 j
Simpson's Prints, all colors, 6c values 5C
Dress Ginghams, good patterns, 12 c vals...7Je
Turkish or Huck Towels, 10c values 7)c
Cotton Challies, 6c values fji
The Drug and Toilet fieods Market of Omaha For The People
Hota a Pew of Onr SCaay Specials
for Wednesday's Selling-.
Seven bars of Ivory Soap for.. 35c
10c I'alm Olive or Jap Itose Toilet
Sosp at 2 bars for 16o
Two bars of Williams' Shaving; Soap
or 80
10c Slilnola Shoe Polish for Sc
J5c size Uanderlne Il'air Tonic. 15a
25c site Sloan's I.lnament or Omega
Oil for loo
25a worth of Senna Leaves, about 4
ounces 10c
20c box of Puro Powdered Borax or
Borlo Acid for ..lOo
25c eUe Menthola
turn for 16o
Jad Baits for the
kidneys, i ounces
for SSO
One hundred Dr.
Tllnkle's Cascara
Tablets for ..15o
WORTH 350.
This coupon, worth 35c, and
ISo will purchase for limited
time one SOo box of Kme. n
elite's Ixaulslte race Powder.
Three ounces of pure Glycerine, lOo
Two dozen 5-graln Aspirin Tablets
for , .' lOo
Shah of Persia Toilet Soap, bar, 19o
25a tso any brand Cough Syrup 15c
Four ounces iloso Water nnd Oly-
carlne Lotion lOo
25a size Laxative Rromo Quinine
for isUo
JEo size Dr. E. L. Graves' Tooth
Powder for 6o
35c Sonltol Paste or Powder. for 15a
tOc Dr. Chan Face Powder for. .10c
All Xnbber Ooods Qreatly Cut in
$4.00 Wellington Syrince and Bot-
tie, iruaranteed E
years, for. .Sja.OO
$1.50 and $2 Foun
tain Syringes or
Hot Water Bot
tles, guaranteed
for one year,
for 1.00
High Grade
Wash Goods
Ratins in All Grades
and Shades
Nubbed Ratines, 18 colors . ...59o
Palm Beach Ratines, new, printed.
New Ratine Crepe ,.S5o
Imported English Ratines. .. .31.00
Fancy Checked Ratines. . ..... .50a
Linen Suitings
Genuine French Ramie, 45 inches
wide, all colors better troods
than sold last year for $1.00; at
per yard ...53a
Irish Ramie, 3t inches wide, 59c
value 40o
Linen Suitings at 18a SSo, 39c, 38 0
THE TALK OF OMAHA Hay den's Quality Groceries and Low Prices. It's a Saving to
the People of Omaha from 25 to 50.
S50 size, per dozen iao
Cheaper, and better than apples.
32 lbs. best Granulated Suear...?1.00
4S-lb. sack best high grade Diamond
II Flour nothing finer for bread.
pies or cake, per sack 91.10
10 bars Beat-'Em-All. Diamond C or
Laundry Queen White Laundry
Hoap aM
10 lbs, best White or Yellow Corn
meal 190
6 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans
for 060
6 lbs. good broken Japan Rice.... 350
The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkgr. 7c
4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn. ..05c
Gallon cans Golden Table 8yrup..40o
Quart cans Golden Table Syrup. .. .30
2-lta. nkg. Self Rising Pancake Flour
for , 8
Yeast Foam. pkg.
6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines . ,.S5o
K. C. Corn pkg. 7)c
1-lb. cans Assorted Soups 7Ho
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pura
Tomato Catsup, Pickles, assorted
klndB, or Mustard bottle 8Wo
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 300
Ilershcy's Breakfast Cocoa lb.... SOo
The best Japan Tea Slftlngs lOo
Xne best selected Fresh Guaranteed
Sgga, per dozen 3B0
Good Dairy Table Butter, 1U 35o
Fancy Country Creamery Butter, 363
Full Cream Cheese, lb lgo
Neufohatel Cheese, each 3o
Imported Swiss Cheese, lb 30c
Imported Roquefort Cheese, lb... 350
Highland Havel Oranges Sxcel All
Others for Quality and Price.
It's the pride of California,
128 size per dozen.. 300
160 size, per dozen . 35o
176 size, per dozen .....JOo
200 size, per dozen loo
15 lbs. of the best White or Red Po
tatoes, at 25u
Demand is lbs., the law requires it.
Large bunches fresh Beets. Carrots,
Turnips, Shallots or Radishes, per
bunch .......50
3 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. ..... .lOo
Large Head Lettuce 7Ho
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. loo
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Pars
nips, lb 3Ha
Fancy Cabbage, lb. .. .v. ...... . .3140
Fresh Brussels Sprout lb 17Wo
3 large Green Peppers 100
Fancy Fard Dates, lb. ISo
Fancy Hallowe'en pates, lb..,....iOo
Fancy, large Juicy Lemons dor., SSo
?,Try HAYDEIM'S First
These ads will start you on the road to wealth