THE BEE: OMAIIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914. 11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Trade Abnormally Dull and is Con fined to Professionals. CORN PIT HOLDS ITS OWN Yellow Cereal Maintains Good Lerel nnd the Prospects Are for nn Incrrnneil Activity 1,1 the Ornln. OMAHA Feb. IT. 19H. The trade wlu abnormally dull yester day In wheat and price changes were held within a range of ic Business was confined largely to tho ranks of the pro fessionals, with tho number ot outsiders extremely small. Thtre was. an undercurrent of strength which was caused by-the advances In the markets of tho old worla, together with rains in India, where the harvesting ot wheat Is now progressing, and tho fact that the country Is out of. the running as an exporter under present circumstance. Smaller world's shipments were a help frqm tho standpoint of a bull and the fact that Manitoba wheat was offered only In small quantities at Liverpool, and that the continent was In the market for the cargoes orf the English coast verft Htpudvlnir factors. A cable was received from Antwerp by the Armour Grain company in which it was said that the Argentine Republic twos making mirchases of wheat In AU stralla. This cablu attracted considerable attention In wheat circles, nut it lauca as a prico maker, Duluth was reported as a heavy buyer of wheat In the Win nennolls market during the morning', and this was believed to have been a reflec tion of export takings, but this wheat was resold before the close. Duluth re ported tho entire absence of demand from abroad as well as from mo aomcsuc trade. Under rather bearish circumstances and conditions the corn markut held Its own and allowed a small upturn for the dav. Commission houses report notices of consignments of corn as Increasing and prospects for a liberal incrcuso in the movement. Kansas City reported nearly ICO cars left over unsold In that market Saturday, and this was reflected by tho small takings at Chicago yestor day, purchases amounting to only 45,00) bushels. Thero was a dull and narrow market in oats, but the feeling Was strong, In sympathy with that In wheat and corn. Chicago Is now carrying 10.166,000 bUBh ls. There wore decreases in all stocks for tho week. The trade reports an ln creaso In the country movement. Pit detectives In the provisions market advanced the opinion after tho close last night that the selling or way ana juiy lard was on foreign account. Local longs realized, and this depressed provision prices moderately. fTARh vhnt wnft p. higher. Clearances'. Wheat and flour equal to 256,000 bushels; corn. 21,000 busneis; oais. 78.000 bushels. Cash corn was unchanged to Ma higher. Cash oats were K&Ko. higher. Liverpool close: Wheat, ,d to d ilirhnr? rnrn. lid lllehpr. Primary wheat receipts, were 676,000 bushels and shipments 606,000 uuBiieis. against receipts of 821.000 bushels and nhlnmenta of 520.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,055,000 hushels and shipments xsu.uuu ousneis. against receipts of 1,823,000 bushels and shipments ot bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were 640.000 bush els and shipments 400.000 bushels, against receipts or swo.ouo ousneis ana snipmcnis ot 513,000 Busneis last year. -CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago 214 437 145 Minneapolis 226 JDuluth 10 Omaha 30 St. Louis 46 . WlnnlDee- 146 10!) 59 These sales were reported: Wheat No. S hard winter: 1 car, 86c. No. 3 spring! 1 car. 86c. No.. 3 mixed: 1 car. 844c. Oats No. 3 'white: 3 cars, 38c; 5 cars, 3!c. No. 4 whlto: 1 car, 37c: 1 car, 36c. Corn No. C white: 2 cars. 63c. No. 3 white: 2 cars. 62 He: 1 car, 62c: 2 cars, 61c. No. 4 white: 3 cars. COc. No. 2 yel low: 1 car, C0ic. No. 3 yellow: B cars, B9?c; 2 cars, C3V4c; car, 69ic; 2 cars, tJc. No. 4 yellowj 1 car, 68c; 1 car, MHc; 2 cars, 58c; 1 cars, 67c; 1 car, 117c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 60c: 1 car, 69&c; 6?J cars, 59c; 3 cars, 5S?ic; 7 cars, tSVic . No. 4 mixed 4 cars, 5SHc; 5 cars, 68c; 2 cars, 674c; car, 5614c. No grade: 1 car, 53c Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, 65H87c; N. 3 hard, 84H86c; No. 4 hard. 80H4Hc; No. S opring, 85V48c: No. j spring, 8485c: No. 2 durum, 83844c; No. 3 durum, 8383c. Corn: No. 2 white, 62We3c; No. 3 white 61SS2Hc: No. 4 white, E8V4Q03c: No. 2 yellow, 6OW06Oo; No. 3 yellow, 690O9&C: No. 4 yellow, 57 68c: No. 2, 69!461c; No. 3, 68V44f00c; No. 4, 56W4J6SHC! no grade, 53c. Oats: No. 2 white. 38H38o; standard, 3Sft38Vio; No. 3 white, 3138c;. No. 4 white. 36y?37Hc Barley: Malting, 6172c; No. 1 feed. 66 COc. Rye: No. 2, 67&33c; No. 3, 6767Hc CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading and Closing; Prices n Hoard of Trade, CHICAGO. Feb. 17. Wheat for May delivery touched today the highest price of the year. Active demand from Europe was responsible. Closing figures wore steady at virtually tho top level of the day, an advance of Ho to ?iOc net. Other grain, too, showed an upturn corn HWc and oats iSc. In provi sions the outcome was -1Ao to 2H0fcc de cline. Trading In wheat broadened out much REAIi ESTATIi WANTED. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. POR SALE Or Exchange for Minne sota land, nel4 section 18, township 8. range 22, Yuma Co., Ariz., 414 miles from Yuma; all ready for water; no water liens; inc. $2,000, 5 years, 6 per cent; price $63 per acre. Geo. Atchison, Mankato, Minn. For salo or trade, eighty-acre farm in "the San Luis Valley. Colorado, worth J55 an acre, one mile from small town, on railroad. My equity $2,600. Balance 7 per cent Interest, Investigate, H. C. Bretschnelder, Casper, Wyoming. i300D LAND for your business. Busi ness. Exch.. 350 Om. Nat. Bk. Doug. 1863. I buy, sell or exchange land for you. IL U. KLINE, Omaha, Neb. 818 California St. GOVERNMENT approved Investment securities or land for auto, other prop erty or land. Doug. 7042. WANTED TO RENT. 1 rent anything any time, any place, at any price. It. S. Trumbull, 448 Bee. D. 6707. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Have mileage and shrinkage. Your conslgn-B menta receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Coiumiaalon Merchant. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES. The annual meeting ot the stockholders ot Tho Bee Publishing Company will be held at the office ot said company In The . Bee Building, Omaha, at 4 o'clock p. m. March 2, 1914, for the election of direct ors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come beforo the meeting. By order of the president. i N. P. FE1L. Secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notice is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of tho stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office ot said company at Lincoln. Neb., ut 11 o'clock a. m. on the 4th day ot March. A. D. 1911 ln9 - U MT0Jn,,LL I're'ldent. A. R. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln. Neb., February 2, 1914. Feb. 2,30t. more than has recently been the case, and especially gained In volume alter the fact became apparent that export call had been heard from at Philadel phia, St. Louis and Kansas City as well as here, ucbiuor, mining inquiry im- K roved to an extent that could hardly e Ignored and there was a decided fall ing off In tho stock pile nt Minneapolis, notwithstanding that Nebraska wheat was being drained north instead ot to Kansas city or Chicago. Kansas reports ot crou damage had a bullish effect on tho wheat market Just before the close. It was said that throughout the state snow covering had disappeared nnd that In some places the ground was badly heaved, and the roots ot the wheat plant exposed. It was also asserted that only the .astern hum ot Nebraska was at present protcoted. by snow. Corn bulged on account ot tho wheat strength and In consequence of less fa vorable Argentine crop reports concern ing late sown fields. There signs also that feeding had become mom general in the United States and that thaws might bo oxpected which would put many country roads out ot condition. In tho oats trade, the smallness of country offerings had n bullish Influence. Moreover, shipping sales from hero wero enlarged, nnd according to one authority reached the best total In a month. Eastern longs threw provisions over board, ribs In particular. Tho semi monthly showing of stocks in ware houses had made holders uneasy. Com mission houses, though, absorbed the offerings, and aided by the tipturn in grain overcame most ot tho loss. Closing prices of options: ATtlclel Open. lllgh.l Low. Close ) Sat'y. Wheat) May. July.l Corn. May.l July.! Oats. I May. July. D4UI1 .1 94?. 89HI 66V4I 65HI 401. M 94i S9Hl 66WI 65HI 40 I 39!. 9ST4 SSI. C5H 64 SOS 2H 6SHI 64141 89V4J sm. Perk. May.l 21 SO I 21 80 I 21 65 1 21 72H1 21 77V4 Lard, lit May.l 10 97HI 10 S7HI 10 P0 I 10 92HI 11 50 July.l 11 10 1 U 12H1 11 10 11 12H1 H Ribs. 11)11 May.l 11.65 I 11 05 11 57141 U 62141 11 65 July.l 11 80 I 11 80 11 7ZV4) 11 75 I 11 75 Chlcaco Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 rod. S6Hfl97Wc: No. 3 red. 85c: No. 2 hard. 934? OSHc: No. 3 hard. 02ic; No. 2 northern. viWltWAc; xno. a norinern, imu'-mc, to. i spring, 9895c; No. 3 spring, 93894c. Corn: No. 3, 69Wfiic; no. a wnue, whmc; No. 3 yellow. Cll(flc. Oats: No. 3 white. aSJfSDHc: standard. 40c. ltyot No. z, nominal, uaney: iwuo; r. ... n.mMV... ST rtl, nlnll.. .1 'I tA I 14.60. Pork: $21.75. Lard:' $10.65. Ribs: $11.00 11.&0. BUTTER Higher; creameries, 23& 30c. EGOS Lower; receipts, 5,117 cases; at mark, canes included, 2c4?attc; ordinary firsts. 2fHi5Uc: firsts. 2Vi.i5!64c. CHEESE Steady; daisies, 17U0174c; twins. 17ffJ17VSc. POTATOES Steady; receipts. 45 cars; Michigan, Minnesota and "Wisconsin red, 60C5o; white, 6572c. POULTRY Alive, higher; springs, 16c; fowls, 17c; turkeys, dressed, syic. NEW YORK GENERAL itAKKKT Quotations of the Hay on Vnrloua Commodities. MEW YORK. Feb. 17.-FLOUR-Steady, but firm; spring patents, Ji.604.75i winter straights, 4.l6(tf4.30; winter patents, 4.40 5J4.75; spring clears, t.iwiri.;; extra ro. 1 winter, J3.65SS.75; extra No. 2 winter, S3.25fO2.50! Kansas stralunts. Jt.054N.15. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 rod, J1.02& elevator, domestic; No. 2 hard winter, $1.0014 c. I. f. to arrive; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.051i; No., 1 northern Manitoba, $1.0414 f. o. b. afloat. Futures wero firm, closing 6o net higher; May $1.02 9-16c; July, 97HC HOPS-rBtcady:, state, common to choice, 1913, 408460; 1912, 2024cJ Pacific coast 191J, 21f25c; 1912, 2022c. HIDES Steady; Bogota, 32833c; Central America, 32c. PETROLEUM Steady; refined, New York, bulk, $5.25; barrels, $8.75; cases. $11.25. WOOL Steady; domestlo fleece, 3wX Ohio, aiw-lc. CORN Spot, firm; new No. 3 yellow, 70c c. 1. f. to arrive. OATS Spot, firm; standard white. 45c. elevator: No. 3, 4534514c; fancy clipped whlto, 45!4glc. HAY Quiet; standard, 9714S41.00; No. 1, $1.02141.05; No. 2, 90S5c; No. 3, 80 S5c. PROVISIONS Pork, barely steady; mess, $23.0023.50; family, $24.00826.00; short clears, $20.00i325.00. Beef, quiet: mess, $1S.0018.60; family, $19.0020.00. Cut meats, firm: pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds, 12H14a; pickled hams, 14c. Lard, easy; middle west, $10.6510.75: refined, barely steady; continent, $11. SO; South America, $12.00; compound, steady, $8.3714 8.62H. TALLOW Steady, city, 6c; country, 606c: special. 714c. , BUTTER Unsettled; receipts. 9,300 tubs; creamery extras, 30c; firsts, i914o; held extras, 303114c; firsts, 26HW 23 Vic: process-extras, 22Vr23c CIIEESE Steady; receipts, 1,100 boxes; statu whole milk, fall and summer white, specials, 1818V4c; colored. 181814ci aver age fancy. 17U17c; winter made spe cials. 17V41714c. EGGS Weak: receipts, 15,200 cases; firsts, 30V4c ; refrigerator finest. 26Q514c.; nearby hennery whites, 39840c. POULTRY Dressed, firm; fresh killed western chickens, 1524o; fowls, 1618!4c; turkeys, 1825cj Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 17. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 85?ic: No. 1 northern, 93HS 94Hc; No. 2 northern, 91H92Vc; No. 3 wheat, tsswawiic; aiay, a:wv.c; juiy, 93SC KLOUR Unchanged. RARLBY (Mi7c. RYE 56c. HIIAN-J23.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, 575714c OATS No. 3 white, 361437c. FLAX-n31il,55H. Knima City Grain and l'rovlnionn. Cash quotations closed as follows: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 87069c; No. 2 red, 891V& 9014c CORN No. 2 mixed, 644!4c: No, 3. 63 6314c; No. 3 white, 68i4C9i4c: No. 3, 65305c. OATS-No. 2 white, 40Q401ic; No. 2 mixed. 33339Uc W H EAT M ay. S8HS814c; July. S3H 63iC. CORN May, 6714c; July, ttc St. Lonls General Market. 8T. LOUI8, Feb. 17. WHEAT No. C rod, 93!4S96c: No. 2 hard, 91ii93c; May, 9314c: July, 8714c. CORN No. 2. 65c; No. 2whlte, 67c; May, 6814c; July, 67c. OATS-No. 2. 4014c ; No. 2 white. 42c; May. 40Ho; July, 3ic RYE 60c. Coffee Market, NEW YORK. Feb. 17. Larger receipts at uao x'auio, ana reports of lower cost and freight offerings seemed responsible for scatterUlg liquidation In today's coffee market. The opening was steady at a decline of 3 to i points, and prices eased ot during the day under a moderate offer ing In the absence of any important sup port. There was considerable switching from March to later positions and sales tcached 58,500 bags. February, 9.Wc; March, 9.10c; May, 9,Slc; July, 9.51c; Sep tember, 9.C7c; October. 9.71c; December, 9.80c; January, 9.82c. Spot, quiet: Rio, No. 7. 9'c; Santos, No. 4, 12c; mild, dull; Cor- uovb, juioc, nominal. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. VI.-METALS-Lead, mmici, .iwui-wi ujnuon, is ui, (spel ter. QUlet. $5.3505.45: London. f21 7 M Copper, steady; standard spot and May, $14.1214314.50; electrolytic. $14.8714-. lake, nominal; casting, $14.621414.76. Tin, weak; spot, $39.66039.85; May, $39.7540.00. Artlmony, dull; Cookson's, $7.25. Iron, steady and unchanged. London copper, steady; spot, 165 2s 6d; futures, 65 13s 9d. Tin. steady; spot, 181; futures, 182 10c Iron: Cleveland war rants, 60s 9d. ST, LOUIS. Feb. 17. METAL8 Lead, nominal $3.87!fc83.90. spelter, dull, $3.271 5.30. 1 Omaha Hoy Market. OMAHA, Feb. 16.-PRAIRIE HAY No. 1. choice to upland. $10.50311.50; No. 2, $9.00810.50; No. 3. $7.0039.00; No. 1. choice to midland. $10.0011 00; No. 2, $9.00810.00; No. 3. $7.004,9.00: No. 1, choice to lowland, $3.00139.00; No. 2, $7.00G.00 -No. 3, $5,003 7-00. STRAW Choice oat or rye, $J.0OS.E0; choice wheat, $5.00&o.60. ALFALFA Choice $13.0Ofi 14.00 No 1. $l?GOm5.00. No. J, I1C0CO12.00. No. 3. $70. C10OO NEW YORK jiTOGK MARKET Fails to Hake up Ground Lost Day Before. SHOWS FAIRLY STRONG FRONT Trading; Light nnd Speculative Con ditions Virtually Unchanged. Market Turns Henry To. ward Clour. NEW YORK. Fph. 17. Allhmieli twin. don sent over a lower range ot prices iouay ami men oriereu tocks nere, the market presented a farily strong front. It failed, however, to mako up any ot tho ground lost in resterdav'a decline. scarcely deviating from the preceding close, Trading was light and speculative, conuiuons were virtually unchanged. Tno market turned heavy toward the close. ine signincant development or. mo day was the series of nnnriuncmntn nt forthcoming capital issues. New York Central applied for permission to Issue J70.000.000 bonds: Great Northern made Known us proposed vale of fia.WO.TOO incK. una intcroorousn iiapia -iransit old I10.000.000 bonds. With the recently anounced Issue of $55,000,000 Bouthern I'a- cuio convertibles, the amount or new securities arrancod for In the last few days, runs well over tl50.000.000. It has ocen cxpcctea tor some time mat tne improved condition In the investment market would result In a large amount of now financing, and the Tate at which new capitul is being indicated that in thb Judgment ot many of the principal financial interests, the time to enter the market had arrived. Great Northern pre- icrreu aroppoa over two points on tne announcement of the new stock Issue. Great Northern "rights" sold in the out tide market at 2 to 2V4. Traders felt today that the Importance ns a market factor of the Interstate Commerece commission's further sus pension of the 5 per cent freight rate increase una been over empnasiicd yes terday. Washington advices explained that, although suspension until Septem ber 13 had been ordered, it did not follow that the decision would be delayed until that time and that. In fact, the rating nugnt no made in ftiny or June. Heavi ness of u few Isolated stocks held back tho general list, New Haven. Chesapeake & Ohio nnd Pennsylvania were tinder pressure. Bonds wero irregular, with an easier tendency. Total sales, par value, 12,930.000. unuea states Donus were unchanged on call. Number of sales and .landing quotations on stocks were as follows: Salrt. HUb. Low. Clos. AmtlomatM Ooppr ... 11, WO 7fc 7iH 7&U American Aincmiurn ..... in American littt buir.,i. Aramcin uan 31 0H American can vtt. ! (1 Anurlcui C & F., 40O bVX MVi Amcricui Cotton Oil SrtO 41 4('k Am. Ic Becurltlc........ 4,O0 V4 2'.t i American uuteva is American locomotlra . ..... American 8. ft It 600 6V4 6 American H. A 11. ptd... U lOltt 121 S l7 3iS D7W Amer. ucar Jienniat American T. & T American Tobacco ... Anaconda Mlolnc Co. Atchlion Atchison pft Atlantic Coant L.lne... mo lnvi ltt SM Ht 21? 300 7 Mli ,100 lift triH 30OV4 300 i:m iuu UAltlmom Ohio........ 1,700 B2V 1 1)1 iieinicnem sieei .... Ilrooklm Itapld Tr., Canadian laclllc .... Central Leather Cheaapeake A Ohio.. 200 3V 611 S!t i.soo :s v: 2 4.M0 2UH zmi :is 8,000 84V S3H 1,000 61 Vi Crk H Chicago O. W Chicago. It. Il St. P.... 1.600 J02H ltl 101U LTiicago & N. w. ,. ISoVi Colorado I'"uel & Iron 400 sih zihi nti Consolidated Oaa Corn 1'roducts Delaware & Hudson Denver Hlo arande... Denrer ( A. 3. ptd..,,. Dlstllleraf Securities .... Krle Brie 1st pM Erie M r(d tleneral Klcctrlo J1(4 .. im 200 in hit, uh 300 1,000 Wi (,300 soSi 600 4IH UK S6H 45 VI 6 37U i 7!4 ,800 Ul. HSVi 1X H4 .... , tlOVs 200 l&H 15H liVi 300 1 61 6H 200 101 V4 109 i 107H Great Northern pfd ureat Nortncrn uro cus, Illinois Central Interborouch Met. , Inter. Met. pfd International Harvester.. lnter-Marlne ptd International rapsr International Pomp Kansas City Bouthern... Laclede Oaa Lehlth Valler Lontsvllle & Nsahrllle.. M.. St. I. A S. Ste. M. Missouri. K. T........ Missouri Psclflo Natlonsl Tllecult National Lead N. R. R. of M. 2d pfd.. New York Central N. T O. & W Norfolk aV Western North American Northern racltlo Pacific Mnll Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C C. ft St. L rittabura-h Coal ., Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car..... Iteadlns; He public Iron & Steel... Rf public I. Ij. ptd.... Hock Island Co rjlock Island Co. cfd Bit. L. as S. F. 2d Pfd... tteaboard Air Line Heaboard A. L. pfd Kloss-8he(fleld 8, & I... Southern Pacific Southern Railway So. Hallway pfd Tennessee copper Tetes ft Paciric Union Pactflo Union racirle ptd United State Realty United Ststea Rubber.... United States Steel V. B. Steel pfd.... Utah Cornel Va.Caro)lna Chemical ,, Wabash Wabash pfd Western Msrylsnd Western Union Westlnelionas Electric ., Wheeling ft Lika. Erie.. Chlno Copper N. T.. N. H. & II 300 I 110 nsii SISk I.10O 1M IM "'300 isiK iu" too ii'A HH 1,100 26M 2s; 300 115 1MU lit lli C,0 U H tk 600 104 103K 103 ... 70 S.S00 116 Hi. 11IK '7,'boo iii" iioU no lit 8 21 1,300 43U 4li 44 16,000 16614 1MH 00 2Vt KH StVi 7 !0Vi T 21 M 82U 2.600 7S 2.600 11H "400 'iOi 1,300 t4!4 7 ion 7,600 WW, m tH :oo tk vi asvt H 600 36 3ii eiK It 10,000 1U 161V. leiS ..... ...... ..... ..... 63 MH 37.300 CC14 a 69K 400 109Ts 108VI 109U 1,(00 M KH 66t ..... JK 300 1,300 1W 2. TVs 2i 7 21 7M4 1,400 tt tMi 600 70VI 70U iwi 4!i "i'vi '41. 70S 70V CVi SSVi Ilsy coo. Oopper.. 3.100 21) Vi ZO X . Total sales tor th day. 230,800 shares. York Moner Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 17.-MONEY-Call, ateady; Wiift per cent; ruling; rate. 14 per cent; lcoslntr. 1HJ1T per cent; time loans, easy; Blxtv days, 2tt0'2i per cent; ninety days, 24itJ3 per cent; six montlia. 3ig3i4 per cent; commercial bills, Zm 3t nor cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm; lxty days, J4.KT75; demand, $4.S58$; commercial bills. $4.83. SILVER Bar, 67c; Jlexlcan dollars, 4Sc. BON DS Government, steady; railroad Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. S. rsf. 2s. ree... MU 'Japan 14s ......... WU da coupon , , UH K. C So. raf. 6s.. D7U U. B. 3s. rex 102 I B, 4eU 4a. UJ1.. 91V do coupon ,,.,,...102 L. ft N. nl. 4s,.., US U. S. 4s. rea: lllK'M. K. & T. 1st 4s. soli do coupon 112 Mo ten. 4VJs 13 Panama 3a coupon. ,102 "Mo, Pacific 4s 0 Amer. Ar. U 101U do conr, la 7IV4 A. T. & T. cr. 4s.. M 'S. K.R. ot M. 4s 41 Am. Tobacco 6....lll S. T. C. a. I!i4... 63 Armour ft Co. 4Vta.. 2K do dab. 4a SO AUhlmn sen. a.,.. WSK. V.. N. It. ft II. do CT. 4s. I960.... S3 cr. 3Vis 74K do cr. 6 101UN. ft W. 1st c. 4s. .104 A. C. L 1st 4s 4liNo. Piclflc is M Dal. ft Ohio 4s SSt, do 3s f4U do 3Us lVO. s. L. rfds. 4s.... W Drook. Tr. cr. 4s,, 31ViPenn. cr. Vs HU.IOOU Cen. ot Ja. la 104Vi do con. 4a tiv; Cen. Leather 6a...., to Readlns ren. 4s 77i Ches. ft Ohio 4tts. .. MliS. L. 4 H, T, Is 4t 61 do conr. 4 Vis... ..104 do sen. U 76U Chlcaao & A. SHa. &38t. L B. M c. Is.. IIT a U. ft Q. J. 4 4U& A. L adj. 6s.... SI do sen. 4s..., stViSo. I'ac col. 4a UU C M ft 8 P o 4US..101U do cr. 4s :u p. It. I. & P. c. 4 4Stt 'do let ref. 4s. . .lo&H do rf. 4s 7IJ4 Bo. Railway f 75 C. ft H. r ft 4Hs. MS do sen. 4s Z I), ft II. er. 4 (K Union Paclflo 4s..,, 1S DUtlllarC I dti do 1st ft ret. 4s...lOtl 'tne p. j. is... m u. b. jtspDer fs,...10xw do sen. 4s Titi U. H. Httal 24 6a. . , 7 do tr. it. aer. B.. 74tV..C. Chem. 6a...... SOU III. Cen. 1st r. 4s., 9J!i Web. nt ft i. . 7 Inter. Met. 4Vs 7IHWesUrn Md. 4s . . MU Inter. M. it. 4Vis. .. 66V, Wast. Elec. cr. 6s., It! Did. "OfferecL ' Huston Mlnlntr HtorU. BOSTON, Feb. 17. doslnp quotations on stocks were: Allouas 41 Nevada Con leu Amal, Copper , 7SV4 Nlplsslns Mines ,,, 6V A. Z. L. ft g 1 North HntU 31 v Arlsona Com. .... 6 3-16 North Iaka , 2 Cal. ft Arlsona UViOM Dominion 62U f.'al. Ic Heels 44$ Osceola t2 Ueolenslaj 13 Qulocy ,,, Copper ltana-e O. C. SI'Hhannon 7 East Butte C M... 12 Buperlor , 30 Pranklln , t Superior ft n, M. .. Mi oranby oon 66U Tamarack , tu Greene Caaanea ... 2IUU. If, 8. It. ft If.. Isle noyala Copper. 21 H da aril Kerr Mka , 4 v Utah (Xa Lake Copper I Utah Copper Co. .. Ls Halle copper.... (tiWInena Miami Copper UV, Wolmlne Mohawk 4 42 131, Loudon Nloctc Msirke-t. IX1NDON. Feb. 17 American securities opened 1-jwer today Covering strength ened the list the first hour, and at noon prices ranged from Point above rarity. consols for money, it: account. . u-ii. Union radflc. 166. Bar silver, steady: 6Hd, Money: Short bills, 2H per cent; tnree months, 24trsVt per cent. Hank C'lrnrhiK". OMAHA. Kcb. 17. Hank olearlngs for Omaha today were and for tne corresponding day last year KwsV". OMAHA OKNKIt.VL AIA11KET. BUTTER No, 1. 1-lb.. cartons. 30c; No. L 60-lb. tubs, SOc. CIIEESE Imjwrted Swiss, 30c; Amerl can Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, c; twins, lOo; daisies, 20o; triplets, 2(v; YounR Americas, 21c; blue label brick, 19c; llm- berKer, s-lh.. roc: New York white, FISH White, 15c; trout, Urj large crap pies, 11c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; shad roe, per pair, 40c; salmon, 10c; halibut, 11c; buffalo, 9c; bullhoads, lie; channel cat fish, 16c; plko. 16c; pickerel, 12c. POULTRY-Brollws, $t.0OJp3.(M por dot.; liens, 16c; cocks, 12c; ducks, 20c, geese, ISc; turkiD's, lie; pigeons, per dot., Jl.lXr. ducks, full featiiered, llVic; ceese, lull leathered, 11c; squabs. No. 1, $1.6Ck33.0J; No. Vto. Wholesalb prices ot beet cuts effective today In Omaha are as follows: BEEF CUT rniCES Wholesale prices of beef cuts are as follows: Ribs: No, 1, 1714c; No. X lc: No. 3. Xc. Loins: No. 1, lc; No. 2, 17c; No. 3, 15c. Chucks: No. L lie: No. 2, lOHc, No, 3, 10J4C Rounds: No. 1. He; No. 3. l$Hc; No. 3, l3Uc. Plates; No. 1, 9c; No. 2, 8c; No. 3. 8c. The following prices on fruits and vege tables are reported by the Ulllnsky Fruit company: FRUITS Oranges: These navels are ot good color, sweet and Juicy, quality best have been seen In years. Extra fancy Sunklst navels, 96, 120, 10V, 170. 200 and 250 elses, $2.(10; xtra fancy Sunklst nnvols. 230 stxe, $2.C0; OSS slxe, eito; 334 -lue. $2.40; Florida Kumquats. por box, 25c. Apples: Extra fancy Washington Jonathan, per box. $2.75; White, poi bos:. .'IS; Wine saps, $2.&o; extra fancy Idaho Northern Bpy, Greenings or Kings, per box, $2.00; extra fancy Idaho ltambos, tmv box, $1.75 j Ben Davis, per bb! $5.0j; ctuno, WOO; Wlncsap, $7.00; Missouri Pippins, $C.60. Lemons: Extra fancy irunkist, 300s and 800s, per box, $4.00; extra choice Red Ball, SOOs and SbOs, per box( $S.00; choice, $1.00. Grapes: Imported Malaga, extra fancy, $7.50; fancy, $7,00. Grapefruit: Florida Tangerines, per box, $2.60; extra fancy Florida. 36, St-K; 4l and ls $4.7S; 54, C4 and SO, $5.00. Cranberries: Per box, $4.25. VEGETABLES Potatoes: Genulno Red Hiver KarlY Ohio. Per hu . xt ii Rurals or Burbanks, per bu S5c; Idaho Rurals, per bu., 90c. Sweet potatoes: Per hamper, $1.25; Illinois kiln dried, $U0. Cabbage: Holland seed. Dor lb.. L'Un? red, per lb., 4c; now California, Sc. Onions: Ohio largo lieu uioDe, per id,, sc; In diana yellow. 3c: Spanish, por crate. Jl.SQ- Tomatoes: Cuban, per 6-baskot crate, $4.Za. MISCELLANEOUS California figs, a 12-or. pkgs., Mc; CO C-oz. pkgg., $2.00; black figs, 12 12-oz. pkgs., $1.00; 7-crown Imported figs, per lb., ISc: a-crown Im- portcit tigs, per in., ue, Dromedary brand dates, pkg $100; Anchor brand dates, nkir.. $2.25: lialowle datea. rwr II, 74a Parsnips, por lb., 2c. Carrots, per io., 20 Dceis, per io., -c xurnips, per lt -c atuutDugas. per lb., lv,o. California Jumbo celery, per dor., E&c. Cider, per keg, $3.25; per half bbl.. $5.75. Shallots. ncr dot.. Coc. Parsley, per doz., 6c. Radlshos, per do., Mc, Head lettuce, per doc, $1,00; home-grown leaf lettuce, por ilor.., 40c. green beans, per hamper, $5.00. Hot hoUsa cucumDcrs, per aoz., fj.w. uaunnower, per crate, $2.23. Venetian garlic, ter lb., 12Hc Eggplant, per dox., $1.50. Horse radish, 2 doz. bottles In case, ncr case. $2.00. Walnuts. No. 1 Doft shell, per lb., ISc, Medium pecans, per lb,, 13c, Jumbo pecans, per lb., I&c Filberts, per lb., lie Drake almonds, per lb., ISc. Brazils, per 11), 18c. Black walnuts, per lb.. 2c. Raw No. peanuts, per lb., 7c; Jumbo peanuts, per iu oc; ruaniua peanuis, per ID., OVic. Shellbark hickory nuts, por lb., c; large hlcko.-y nuts, por lb., 4c. Whlto Rice popcorn, per lb., 4c Checkers, per 100 pkg. case, $3.60; per 60-pkg, caso, $1.75. Cocoanuts, per sack, $3.Ti0; each, 6c. Chestnuts, Imported Italian, per lb., loc; saok or bbl. lots, 9c. Honey, whlto clo ver, 2t-scoUon case, per case. $3.50. Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-COTTON-FU-turcs -closed Leadv: March. 1" !ln- uv ll.B7c; July, 11.90c; Awgxist. 11.72c; October, lUSta; spot quiet; middling, 12.90c; gulf, 13.15c Cotton closed steady, not unchanged to 9 points higher. LIVERPOOL, Feb. lT.-WHBAT-Spot. firm; No. 2 red western, 7s 5d: No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 5d: No. 2. 7s 4d; Nn. a. 7 Slid: futures, firm: March, 7s 3ftd; May, CORN-pot, steady; American mixed, ?' f Plata. f Uttires, firm; February, 4s 10d; March, 4a 10Hd. LIVERPOOL. Nrh. 17rYrTTnWBnl i'illr oemand; prices easier; middling! 7.C9d; good middling, 7.43d; middling, 7.05d; .u iiuuuuiiK, .uu; gooa oruinary, &.s7d; ordinary, 5.43d; sales. 8,000 bales. , Oils and Ilnsln, NEW YORK, Feb. 17.-COTTON8EBD iVr8.la5yi Prlmo summer yellow, $7.15 klWule?-195 MOy' ,U1 '7-K-TURPENTINQ-Flrm; machine barrels, SAVANNAH, Ga,, Feb. 17. TURPEN' TINE Firm: 45c; sales, none; receipts, 150 barrels; shipments, 201 barrels; stocks. 18,617 barels. ROSIN llrm ; sales, 2,S3t barels; re ceipts, 3,899 barels; shipments, 1,182 bar- cib, siouai, ixt.ivj oarrcis. uuotatlons: A and B, $4.00iW.(K; C, D and E, $4.05; F and G, $4.1004.1214; II and I. $U5; K JJ : M, $5.25; N, $fl.Z6; WO, 3S.40; WW 0.80. Dry Goods 3Inrket. NEW YORK, Feb 17.-DRY GOODS Men s wear agents today advanced prices 6c a yard on staplo fall goods. Cotton goods markets wore steady with fair trade reported by the Jobbers. Deliveries were greatly lmiedcd by snow. Slllc mar- kcib were active. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fralt. .SS.JS"?' 17. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes, firm. Aprl cots, steady. Peaches, steady. Raisins, quiet, Knnsas City Live Htoulc Slnrkel, ICANSA8 CITY. Feb. IT f3ATTr.Mn. eelpts, 8,500 head; market eteady to iiu.ib. prime iea steers, $8.rj00.25; dressed beef steers, $6.257.75; cows and helferH, $4.4OB7.60: helfera. :ARaTi.m stockers and feeders. $6607.75; bulls, $6.00 e7.60; calves, $6.50010.50. HOGS-RecelpUk, 12,000 head; market, 6c iiibiicr, uuik,; neavy, 3S,55it8.Gj: packers and butchers, J8.450S.C214; light! $S.2508.62Vi,: Digs. J6.75ffW.00 B W SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.000 iiroui iimraei sieuay io iuc lower; lambs. yelling. $6.00S.X; wethers $5.25a6.75; ewes. $4.7565.30 Sioux City Live Stnrket. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Feb, 17. CATTLE iveceiyis, i.ow neau; market, lOffllSo l?7.eX; "at,ve teers, $7.10.00; butchers, J5.CSC7.25; cows and heifers, $5.254ij.75: cannors. $3.80a3.00; stockers und feeders W-00cauves, $7.0010.0J; bulls, stags! HOGS Receipts. 6.0C0 lieail; morb.i steady; heavy. $8.3it8.50; mixed, JS.304I' o.oj; ugni, jo.vua.oy; uuik ot sales, JS. J: 8,40, SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 2,000 uruu, rnarnei steaay; iea muttons, $5,500 o.ovi wriiiem, .wiu. ia; owes, I.W(-6.1Ij, IHUIUBj fW.WHt.W, Nt. I.niils Live Stock Bturkrt. ST. IX)l'IS, Feb., 3.9CO head; market steudy; beef steers; J7JOQ9.25; cows and heifers. $4.25 8.60: stockers and feeders, $5.00y7.60; southern steers, J5.75QS.20; cows and holf ers. $4.(X36.00; calves, $6.0011.75. HOGS-Recelpts, 9,500 head; market. 6o higher; pigs nnd lights, J7.25e8.80; mixed and butchers, $800fiS.5; good heavy, $1.75 08.85. SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts. 2.800 iicnuj isinra, rawer, muuons, $5.00i6.K); lambs, $7.00iS7.60. ' Lire. Stock lit Sight. Receipts from the Mx. principal west ern markets: -, m Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. SIOUX City 2,K 6,000 2.000 St. lA)uls 3.900 UfiOO 2,800 Kansas City 8.500 12.000 An Chicago 4.000 20,000 SO.TjOO .Houth omnia , 6,200 15,700 nooo St. Joseph 1.900 9,500 Totals .. . 27300 76,000 41,500 Key to tho filtJtlaou-Bee Advertising. .rr.ritfMAHA live stock market Cnttle Receipts Large nnd Trade is Slow to Some Lower. HOGS ARE STEADY TO STRONGER Ilet Sheep nnd Umb4 Free- Sellers nt St end j- Prior Other Grade Steady to n Little llnslrr Than 51 outlay. SOITH OMAHA, Feb. 17, 19H. Reselpts weres Cattle. Itoga. Slieep. Ofriclal Monday 7.I1S 4,$lfi 13,473 Estlmato Tuesday .... 6,200 15,700 11.000 Two days this week.. 13,418 19.918 26.47$ Same days last week.s 7.6J1 S4.K33 24.M1 Hnmo 2 weeks aso 7.9SS 19.2CW 18,19 Pamo 3 weeks ago 11,573 3J.920 4J.1J4 Same 4 weeks ago 12.312 15.914 24.6S5 Same dam Inst year.,12.M3 22,590 Ki.901 The following table shorts tne receipts of rattle, hoavs and sheep at the Houth Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: 1914. 1813. Inc.- Dee. Catllr, 124,700 12S.0M . ... 3.26S Hogs 397.278 415,131 . .. 27,853 Sheep 343,C8 315.726 7,300 The following table shows the range ot prices for hogs at the South Omaha llv stock market for the last tew days, with comparisons: Date. U14. U91,1912.1911.1910.19C9.190S. Feb. 4.. Feb. 6,. Feb. 6.. Feb. 7.. Feb. 8.. Feb. P.. 8 17HJ 7 421 8 25H 7 46 7 401 8 291 0t 4 17 T. 09! 8 321 614 4 26 S SS 7 SS 0 06 6 00 7 4'l' 7 42 8 51 8 47 613 4 U 4 IS 4H 8 31. 7 62 5 09 7 30 7 33 C07 6 16 8 4QU 6 06 612 B 47 Feb. 10, 8 45t 7 S9 7 3S 8 4S 6I0 4(0 Feb. 11.1 8 41 I 7 82 ISaU 191 til ? ft-. I 7211 8 61 6 SOI 4 17 Feb. 12. 8 3214 7 931 8 71 e 6 IS' 6 15 4 Si Fob. 13. Feb. 14. Feb 15. Fob. 16. Feb. 17. 8 2914 8 2S 7 96 r. us 6 99 4 13 4 02 7 86 6 OS 6 90 8 77 8 TO 7 96 0 01 7 01 6 21 4 03 8 34 5 95 7 11 .S 76 6 IS I 8 01 6 94 7 04 8 85 07 4 K, Ktmrtov Receipts and disposition live stock at the ITnlon Stock yards. South OmMia, Neb, for the twenty-four hours ending at 5 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.H'ses C, M. & St. P. Ry. 2 7 2 1 Wnbash Ry 4 3 Missouri Pa. Ry... 7 1 irnlon Pacific Ry. 46 Si 18 C. & N.-W., cust.. 16 12 4 ., C. ft N.-W.. west.. 54 78 3 1 C St. P., M. ,t O.. 33 19 1 1 C, B. & Q CHBt.. 13 1 .. C 11. Q Q west.. 58 42 15 .. C R. I. & P.. east 13 11 C, R. 1. & P., west 3 12.. Illinois central uy. id i a .. Chicago G. W. Ry. 1 4 Total receipts 200 219 4 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. t-attit.. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 672 3,367 813 Swift & Co 007 3,367 2.RS9 Cudahy Packing Co.... Itt3 4,TC9 2.075 Armour o.. ids s.i.w Schwarty & Co 120 J. AV. Murphy ... 514 ... Morrell 97 Lincoln Packing Co.. 33 S. O. Packing Co.., 4 iscnion, vansnni re u i ..... ..... W. B. Vansunt Co 6t ..... ..... Hill & Son 101 F. B. Lewis 52 Huston & CO 91 J. B. Root & Co 120 J. II. Bulla 27 L. F. Hubs Rosenstock Bros. Werthelmer & Degcn. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Mo. & Kan. Calf Co. Chrlstlo Hlggtns Huffman 48 24 171 43 n 141 .181 9 S2 1 Meyers Krebs 1 lUtker, Jones 4b. a 4 Tanner Bros. 56 John Harvey 133 Dennlson & Francis.... 50 Other buyers 689 L717 Totals .6,460 11,327 CATTLE Recelnts or cattle were largo again this morning, 841 cars being re ported In. This makes the total for tho two days this week 13.416 head, tho larg est of any recent woek and larger than a year ago by about l,vuu ticau. un account or tho heavy run tne iraae was very alnur lmvpra tnlilnc advantage Df the situation to secure their cattle at lowor prices, Jt was lato heiore very mucn rtilnlnsa wnn flnn. Whp.n buvnrn and sellers finally got to- .. - . . . ... ......... V. .... , a.AAM gemer on u. uauuis uain.a. uc moved at prices that were In most cases tuny luo lower. wnuei mo wuiwwi was dull, the big bulk of the cattle had changed hands by midday and pretty much everything disposed of by the close, fimri and heifers, ttsldo from a few early sales of tho choicest grades, were 10c lower than yesteraay ana ino irauc not very nctlvo. Feeders of good quality were nround lOo lower than last week, with stockers In many cases zso lower. uuatntiona on came: uooa xo cnoica boef steers, I8.20ys.75; fair to good beef steers, $7.85&8,20; common '.o fair beef stecri, $7.00i&7.8S: good to choice cornfed hellers, 37.uu3ra.uu; gooa to cnoica cows, l6.5Ofi7.60: fair to good grades. $5.75416.50: common to fair grades. $4.251ffi.50: good to choice smcKera and feeders. (. 8.15; fulr to good stockers and feeders, $7.2o7.&0; common to fair Blockers and reeucrs, iH.wnu.a; biock cowb ana neu ers, $6.0037.26; stock calves, $6.5038.00; veal calves, $8.003 10. Si; bul'u, stags, etc., e& Representative sales l BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No, At. Pr. 40 1024 1 20 M 1071 1 tO 14 IS! 7tt 24 , .lttS 7 80 II 01 7 30 1342 1 M 11., 102T 7(5 3.,, lilt 3 00 17 ,....J1W T (II 1( I(4d ( 00 22 Il t (3 1( 1321 3 00 S 10M) 7 10 1382 ( M 13 1030 7 74 I( 117U I OS 42 124 7 75 ! 1212 ( C5 24 itt 7 (0 14 11(0 I 2 1107 7 U 7 N Hi II 1294 7 U 34,, ,.U77 o JO 1074 7 M J 147( 3 6.1 4 1061 7 00 . 12., 1173 t 60 STEERS AND IlBIFEllS. ( " ' "t:. .. 7 7 75 0S 4 45 ll. .... Ill I II ....lUi 3 25 ..,.1170 I 25 ,.,.1053 23 ,...1132 25 ...,1011 25 1. ..1011 25 ....1130 25 .... 147 6 30 .... IIS 3 30 ....1017 133 ....1133 ( K ....1079 6 63 ....1234 6 (5 1031 4 73 4 ,,,,.1040 ( 15 I 1117 b M 7 2M 3 20 I 170 I 30 till I 10 I 4 1077 3 70 ( t Ml ( 70 4 7 1112 5n 13 II 1043 1 0 7 II... 4... 2... 2... 1 .. 12... 2... 11... S... !... 30... ,,,,1UM IIN ....1070 6 00 X ,,..1030 O0 3 ,,..1416 I K HEIFERS. .... 3(0 I 10 I .... 4 I 75 k , .... & 6 73 S .... 700 4 K. 1 750 6 0 2 .... (40 6 M 3 .... W3 7 00 . .4 BULLS. (10 7 II) 767 7 10 (30 7 26 710 7 26 475 7 tt , MO 7 50 43 7 71 1 1400 I 76 1 1120 I 25 1 1070 I 71 J IIM ( M 1 170 ( 00 1 1110 OA 1 JIC0 ( 10 4 7(0 15 1...., 1110 26 1 14 JO 25 I S 24 1 14H I 25 3 IIM 4 35 1 1(00 40 1 1120 6 40 1 1450 6 K, 1 1(00 6 (0 1 IIM IT, 1 110 t (( 1 1COT ( W 1 1124 M 1 1 ? fci 1 1 r.i (.... 1.... 1 I.... I. ..., 3... II. ... 34.,.. II... 14..., ... II.... 12... It.... I.... I.... 411 7 25 3 110 10 25 Ill I (0 ( 116 10 25 10 10 00 1 150 10 340 1 0 2 3 3 117 10 33 ttO 10 26 1 1.10 II 25 ...1140 7 00 14.. 713 7 40 (II 7 U , 33 7 1( Ml 7 14 , 743 7 1051 7 30 905 7 30 IM 7 0 114 7 30 41 30 II 1. 14 21 I. ...... tl 1 .... in lilt ... 77 t 4t ... MO 7 (0 ... 714 7(0 ...1007 7 K ... 170 7 M 124 7 CO .... 501 7 70 .... ISO 1 76 ... 137 00 710 7 95 723 7 40 II.. WESTERNS 4 steers. ...1072 7 10 30 feeders..l023 7 60 2 cows 1110 6 00 1 bull 1610 6 00 1 bull 1100 6 00 , Joe Kennedy Utah. 15 feeders.. 9(8 7 10 It steers.. ..1035 6 65 10 steers.. ..1313 7 30 W reeders.. 1009 7 70 16 readers.. 1009 7 70 5 cows 964 4 40 13 cowt) 1033 5 GO B. R. Nelson-Utah. 60 feeders. .1021 7 70 35 reeders. .1012 7 70 6 steers.... 910 6 00. i steers.,., 835 5 50 WVbMlNO. 32 reeders. . 1005 7 35 ilOQS Supplies were liberal this morn ing, estimates calling tor 216 cars, or about 16,700 head. For the two days tho erelpts total 15,910 head, being nearly 5,00) head smaller than last week and over 2.500 head short ot the correspond ing aavs lust year. Trado during tho early rounds was rather slow and dnll, As buyers' first bids were no more than steady, while most of the salesmen were holding their offerings for higher money. H did not tako traders a great while to get to gether though, lor there was a good buying demand, and a compromise was soon effected, so that when the supply finally started to move values were fully steady, and In most cases a little stronger. From this time on the market showed little or no change, and tho big end of the offerings sold on the basis namea. .Movement was fairly active most of tho tlmo and a fair clearance was made hv a reasonarlv earlv hnnr. On the rlose nf I ho mirliM nnu t,rv good hogs brought the extreme top to ijie figures show little on no ohanira as compared with Monday, the bulk sell ing at $S.5oMS. with several loads as hlKh as $S.50, tho top. itcpresentallve sales: N At. Sh, Pr. NY, At. 8h. rr. 310 ... 40 .340 ... I 4.1 .311 ... 3 40 .211 ... 3 40 3.T7 ... 3 42U .243 30 S 45 . 7 171 t m 0 117 40 00 ... sin ... 3 29 ... 3 20 ,.. ... 130 ... 3 30 31 33. 17. DO. 7 71 ,1 (3. , ...U 14., ...170, ...171 ...IM ...204 CO., 00 t M 241 St 774 1 274 .. 3 45 .. 3 15 .. 3 43 ., 3 41 .. 3 43 .. 3 43 .. 3 43 .. 3 45 .. 3 43 .. 3 43 .. 3 41 ., Ill .1 3 45 .. Ill .. 3 43 40 3 45 .. I 43 .. 3 4( ., 3 II .. 3 45 30 3 47U .204 M 3 30 0.. t.. 67.. ....HI ... 3 30 lot 30 3 30 SS 203 CI... II... M... 42... ... 71... M... to. . , x;.., 11... 42... 27 ., 1... 30... II... co... (4... 31 .. 40... 47... 35... :ci 31.. (J... 70 . ...,1H , ...131 ....IM ... 3 30 ... 33 ... I M ... 55 ... 3 25 ... 3 33 49 3 31 ... 3 31 ... 3 31 ... ... 3 31 ... 3 3714 ... 3 37H ... 40 ... I 40 ... 3 40 ... 3 40 ... 3 40 ... 3 40 ... 3 40 ... 3 40 ...:io ...2413 . 377 ...30 . . .it ...213 ...343 ...313 ...311 ...211 .,..27 ....333 ,...250 44. . ...IM 37 310 7Z 121 M ,.J0S 71 901 "31...... 317 3f 314 34 WIS 23 2 M ill 1 ......353 72 213 T7 331 .. ,,..3S1 1 243 ..104 . ..TiU II IN ....372 ... 3(0 ....113 ... 3 f 0 ....J7I ... 3(0 ..,.ru ... lid ,...311 100 1(0 ..,.2(3 ... 3(0 74 S53 40 233 7( JS 72 23& 31 237 3 4ft 3 40 3 40 :: 44 3(3 ... 3 (0 40....... Ill .140 . ., 3 (0 SHEEP It was another case ot tho pnekors wanting some good sheep and lambs this momltii. no thev went nround and bought such kinds In good season nt prices fully steady with yesterday. Tho bulk or a liberal supply or lambs was good, nnd while trade had only a fair de gree or activity, a clearance or such grades was inude nt n reasonable hour. The In-between grades, forming a smaller percentage nt the receipts than on the day previous, helped their sale some. inough the market on them was rather slow. Prices on tho In-between kinds were steady to easier. Most ot tho lambs sold at a range of $7.00r7.55. Some. wheat field grades from Idaho sold nround $7.15. About four or tivo lonus ot lambs, carried over from yesterday, wold to a feeder buyer this morning tor 3U..6. ino size of the aged sheep receipts Was pretty much the same vnatcnlnv with owes, an usual, predominating, and me general quality only fair. There wan nothing strictly good In this division on sale. What ewes were offered moved largely around $4.90Bf.,10. A bunch of yearlings, being a straight cut of some which brought $6.00 yesterday, sold nt the same price today. The receipts, being estimated at 11.000 head, were liberal, comnsred with nn and two weeks ago. Last Tuesday 10,280 head were yarded, and two weeks ago the receipts amounted to 8.147 head. Taking the first two days of tho week together, the receipts root up 27,500 head, being 3,479 more than on the same days last week, 10,931 more than two weeks ago and 1,199 mora man a year ago. Quotations on hiwn nnrl lnmlia. T inl.. good to choice. $7.237,0i lnmbs. fair to fciiou. to.irHjTi.zo; lamus, culls, $5.BOBJ.50, yearlings, light, $6.3506.60: vearllnsrs. lieaW. JS.EOfhTJS! wetttpri irnn4 4.. rhnlu $5.75; ewes, good to choice. tf.lS&e.SO; u.r iu kuuu, es.wqjouo. Representative sales: No- Av. 176 Idaho feeder lnmbs 78 166 cornfed wethers ,...125 147 cornfed wethers ,..124 76 cornfed wethers , 123 50 lambs 64 30 lambs , 64 1640 Wyoming fedor lambs ,,. 59 187 cull lambs , , 57 160 Idaho reedcr lambs.,.., 78 200 Idaho reedr lambs ........... 78 162 cornfed ewes , lot 37 cornfed ewe ; ,..103 12 cornred ewes lis Tr. 6 6 75 6 75 C 75 7 00 7 00 0 65 6 75 B 75 6 75 6 10 5 10 E 10 4 90 4 00 7 10 7 55 7 30 7 65 6 00 6 75 7 25 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 60 7 25 7 25 7 2.1 7 30 7 15 6 CO 0 75 725 7 25 -ui Wyoming ewes , 91 iu cuus 441 cornred lambs 600 cornred lambs 499 cornred lambs 502 cornred lambs 49S Utah feeders , 229 cornfed lambs 143 cornfed lambs 231 cornred lambs 176 cornred lambs 117 cornfod lambs 269 cornred lambs HS 82 81 87 86 61 75 86 B0 79 79 73 t-w .vi. I), flu lUn ....... 195 cornred lambs .(.,,... 80 .. XI .. 73 zoo cornfed lamus 216 cornfed lambs ., ,, 71 818 Idaho lambs 80 165 Idaho lambs , 65 54 native lambs Ill 204 cornfed lambs ., 79 106 cornfed lambs , 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cnttle tJrnerally Htendyi Hogs Five Cents Illtfher. CHICAGO, Feb. 17.-CATTLE-Recolpts. 4,000 head; market generally steady; feed ers, lower; beoves, $7.O0t?7.65: Texas steers, lfl.8OIiS.00; western steers. $6.607.80; stock ers nnd feeders, $5.60fj7.85; cow and heif ers, $3.COir6.50; calves, $7.0OfO.6O. HOOS-Recelpts, 20,000 head; market o higher; close, weak; light, $S.60S.72H: mixed, $8.15tf.72H: heavy, $8.308.70; rough, J8.30fl8.45; pigs, $7,76tW.65; bulk of sales $8.5606.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head; market steady to a shade higher; natives, $4.704j'6.OO; western, $4.706.00: yearlings, $5.6507.00; lambs, native, $6.76 07.70; western, $6.757.76. St, .Joseph Lire SK.eU Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Feb. 17. CATTLE Receipts. 1.900 head; market slow: steers. $7.00$,75; cows and heifers, $4.00e,60; L-Hivep, eo.wmu.fe). liOas Receipts, 9,500 head; market steady to 60 higher; top, $8.60; bulk of sales, $8.3008.50, Gr, W. Naile, Pipneer Telegrapher, Is Dead at Age of Seventy-Six George W. Nalle, pioneer telegrapher for tho Western Union system, died yes terday morning at his home, 535 South Twenty-fifth avenue, at the age of 76 years. Mr, Nalle worked when he was a boy with Thomas Edison, took part as an operator In the civil war and brushed elbows with President Abra ham Lincoln while lit the set vice at Wash ington. After the war waa over he re turned to Cincinnati, where he had started his career as an operator. Funeral services will bo held at 2 o'ulock this afternoon at Burkett and Leslie's undertaking parlors, after whloh the body will be taken to Forest Lawn ceme tery and cremated. and Phot, never falls to build mon anu Desi. irom tier, ifest spring tonic. Refuse substitutes; insist on Pratts. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back, Git Vails J0 yam poultry Back, FOR SALE BY 0. CHEISTENSEN, HU VETO BURNETT BILL President's Position Becomes Known After Conference with Committee. CAMINETTI WITHOUT W. H. 0. K. ngRrstlons Mnile by Commissioner with Reference to Anlntlc Exrln slnn Nut In Accord vrltli ISx eciitlvei'n Vlerrs. WASISNGTON, Feb. 17. President Wilson will veto the Burnett Immigra tion bill It It comes to him for his sic nature with tho so-called literacy test contained in It. This becamo known from an authorl tattvo source tonight after Chairman Smith ot the senate Immigration commit tee had announced that the bill, virtually as It passed tho house, Including tho literacy test, would bo favorably reported to the senate soon. Prospects are that the bill will pass the sennto its reported from the committee, but the measure never will becomo law, according to close friends of tho president. l'ivors Other Means. The president docs not consider litoracy a test of character, and believes some other means should be devised to prevent undesirable aliens from entering the United States. He told callers today that he had given his view to the senate committee and had left It to them to mako It public or not, ns they chose. Tho literacy test has twice proved the stumbling block of Immigration legisla tion, once In President Tart's adminis tration, and prior to that during the In cumbency of President Cleveland. Presi dent Taft vetoed a bill on account ot a literacy provision, and President Cleve land let a prior measure of the same character die at tho end of tho admin istration by falling to sign the bill. Not In Accord With Camlnettl. It also becamo known tonight that sug gestions with referenco to Chinese and Japanese Immigration, made to the house committee on Immigration last Friday by Commissioner General Camlnettl ot the Immigration bureau, are not In accord with the vlows of the president Mr. Camlnettl'a views wero exprosed without previous knowledge by tho "White House. Killed na Cur Jnmpa Truck. "WATERLOO, la., Fob. 16.-(Speclal Tcl-egram.)-James Blonls, yard switchman for twclvo years for the Illinois Central In this city, was killed today when a coal car upon which ho was riding Jumped the track at a crossing and crashed Into tho coal sheds. Ho was 57 years of age arid leaves a widow and aged mother. He was an active member of tho Brotherhood of Railroad Trnlnmen, Ancient Order ot United Workmen, Maccabees and Loyal Order ot Moose. QomhmuHf Caustic Balsam Ris linlUlKS I.! Hi fiMptNtirs. A Sfe, Speedy and Pot! tire Cure for dark S flint Swnar, CsMa Seer. IKrsIasl Teaaoni, fomnser. Wist Taft, aal all tussaosj frm Vet is, xlsfsMt asA ether besy Ham. tare all aUa Altosus t rtrulies. Strain, SlphthtrU, Xtattrst aU Soaehts f rou ItmiH OttUe. ssIu'serSVsMstt&t H lsl'urIfuiS!Jt .Tsry botUs ot Csaetio SsImss seld is Ytsrrentsd to ctTe) ssusueusa. Tries si, (A Her bottle. Sola by dnittlst. er out by . tress, cturges psla, with rait directions fer Its use. tarseaa for aeMrtcttrs oimlsrs, iesUssoaUl, ste. AUnt ' ThLmmWlllltmt Gt.,ClmtiR4l, 0. DANK STATEMENTS. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE STATE HANK OF OMAHA of Omaha, charter No. 1173, In the state of Nebraska, at the close of business February 12, 1914: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts t 369.036.5!) Overdrafts 643.98 usonus, securities, luagmoms, claims. Mr.. ' W'lHMUS. !IU ....' 30,600.00 15,884.95 3,964.91 613.93 Banking house,, furniture and nxtures , Current expenses, to.xea and In terest paid , Cash items . Due from national and state banks $215,304.77 Checks and Items ot exchange' 13.S02.99 Currency 65,347.00 Gold coin Silver, nickels 11.665.CO and cents 1, 325.03- 527,2447 Total $1,557,760.48 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 30O.000.0Q Surplus fund 35,000.00 Undivided profits 11,073.66 Reserved for taxes 4,981.93 Individual deposits subject to check $I13,6S7. Demand certificates of deposits 2,363.50 Time certificates of I deposit ,. 247,580.16 Certified checks 236.56 Cashier's checks out standing 1.565.96 Due to national and state banks 01,801.11 903,134.92 Depositor's guaranty fund , 3,CC9.n , Total , ll,267.7648 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss I, J. R. Cain, Jr., vice president of the above named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement Is a correct and true copy of the report mado to the Stato Banking board. J. R. CAIN, JR.. Attest; Vice President, ALBERT L. SCHANTZ, E. H, WESTERFIELD, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me thin 17th day of February. 1914. FLORENCE M. COX. Notary Public Fertile Eggs healthy chicks come only irora healthy hens Ue. SOc toe. $1.00: 15 lb. vail UM tip the health of a hen bo aa to get t&s