The Omaha Daily Bee Advertising Ai bst smother word for clover ecoyctittton bettrtn trajcr Bd i0r, for mstaal krseilt. VOL. XLIII NO. 200. OMA1IA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FJfiBRUAttY 18, 1M4-TNTC31jVE PAGES. On Trains and at Hotel Nsws Stand, So. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER. Unsettled SAILORS FREEZE TO DEATH WHEN VESSEL STRIKES'CAP COD BAR Italian Bark Castagna is Driven Ashore and Four Persons Perish. SEVEN OF CREW ARE RESCUED Taken off Ship Nearlv Unconscious from Exposure by Life Savers. HCTIMS' BODIES IN RIGGING Men Lash Themselves Fast to Avoid Being Carried Overboard. CRAFT HITS DURING SNOWSTORM Bench l&trol Sights Ilont nt Three Hundred Vnrili off With Surf nrcnkliitf Over H. I) mm Shore WKLLFLKET. Mass., Feb. 17 Cap- tain Ganva and four seamen ot tho ltal- j lan bark Castagna perished when their . usscl was thrown on tho outer bar of Cnue Coa, near r daTTua ,rc: station, Just befor flrst mate, and seven sailors were res cued by life savers, one of whom, Cap tain Tobln ot the Cahooh's Hollow life saving station, was badly Injured by the overturning ot the surf boat. The skip per of tho Castagna was washed over board, three men wero frozen to death In the rigging and one died In tho surf beat on tho way to shore. The loss of life was tho largest In a wreck on Capo Cod In twelve years. Unable to Ornsn Lifeline. Tho Castagna, from Montevideo for Boston with phosphate rock, struck tho bar early today during a blinding snow storm and sixty-mile northwest gale. Tho beach patrol sighted It at dawn 300 yards off shore, wlth the surf breaking over It. The combined life saving crews from the Nauset a id Gaboon's Hollow stations set up their beach guns and shot three lines across the Castagna's deck, but tho sailors wore so benumbed by the cold that they were unable to handle tho breoches buoy tackle. The gale had moderated to thirty miles, but tho surf was so high that the life savers had to wait for some time before they could launch thclf lifeboat and pull out to the wreck against 'wind, sea and bitter cold. The survivors were carried to the Mar coni wireless station, where medical at tention was i given them. All were so greatly overcome by exposure that they could give no coherent account -of tho" disaster. , JOT" rrOHR'lB 'Wenifl-L GARDEN CITT, I I., Feb. 17.-Euwara N., .Towssend, editor of the Nassau County Republican, was found frozen to death In a snowdrift today In front of lila home here. Ho had apparently be come exhausted while struggling through tho snowdrifts last night and had fallen Just as ho reached his gate. Mr. Town send' was 66 years old and weighed nearly 300 pounds. ' Ocean I.lners Disabled. QUBEN8TOWN, Ireland,Feb. 17.-Such violent storms have prevailed In the north Atlantic during the last-week that many passenger steamers and cargo boats, un able to battle against high waves en countered on their voyages to America, have turned around and run for shelter to port on this side ot the Atlantic. Three large steamers are returning to Europe In a severely battered condition The French liner Nlagra, which left Havre on February 7, for New York, lost Its starboard propeller soon after it got out and Is now crawling slowly back. The big Dutch oil tanker Rotterdam, when eight day out from Amsterdam on Its way to New York, lost Its rudder and was forced to rcmke for Queenstown In tow ot a steam trawler. The British steamer Trltonla, from Glasgow for Mobile, passed Inlshtrahull today after being seven days out. Us steering gear was carried away and Its decks badly damaged In Friday's gale. Tho new Scandanavlan American liner Frederick VIII, In Its way from Copen hagen, Fcbruap 4, for New York, has been delayed by the gale. It sent a wire less today, saying it is proceeding to Fayal for' coal. y The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and, Vicinity Unsettled. Temperature at Oinnlin Vesterdny. Hour. J Temp 6 a. m 6 a. 7 a. S a. 9 a. ti m , m. m. m. m. m. 10 a. 11 a. in. 12 1 r::-::::::::: R5:::::i! p. m. 7 p. m 3S H n m vt i Comparati Luuil iircor.l. 'dead, severalmlsslng. and. five Injured, 1914. 1912. IMS. 1911. ' was thc t0" of a '1W.O0O flro early -today Highest yesterday 48 Oi 46 Kiln tho Medwln block, a four-story brick Lowest yesterday 30 37 33 M structure Mean temperature 39 4 40 31 j . ' . . ... Precipitation 00 .00 oo 34 Albany firemen have responded to Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 21 Kxcess for the day 15 Total excess since March 1 1.217 Normal precipitation 02 Inch 1 If f I 1 ...1 ," V tnr th. .1 a xr M I t . Total rainfall since March V..V.54.56 Inches ! Deficiency for cor. perlod.'isii! inches Deficiency for cor, period, 19l2.l3.T0 inches Report, from Station T l. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall Cheyenne, cloudy M S Davenport, oloudy Si 32 Denver, cloudy 3S SO Des Moines, cloudy' 32 42 Dodge City, cloudy...... 4$ 62 lender, part cloudy 34 42 North Platte, cloudy 42 U Omaha, cloudy IS 4? Pueblo, cloudy 1 S2 Rapid City, cloudy 31 42 Salt Lake City, cloudy.. 3s iZ Santa Fe, cloudy 3C u SherHan, cloudy 38 44 Sioux City, cloudy 23 38 .00 .00 $ .tt: .'0: .10 .00 ..00 Valentine, cloudy 2S 40 .00 L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Eight Persons Badly Injured in Collision Near Springfield, Mo. SPRINGFIELD. Mo.. Feb. 17.-13lght persons were seriously Injured nnd nearly fifty slightly hurt In tho collision which occurred at midnight last night nt Nich ols Junction, four miles west ot here, be tween, two passenger trains on tho St. Louis a. San Francisco railroad. Both trains, No. S, bound from Joplln and the west to Springfield, and No. 104, bound from Springfield to Kansas City, were proceeding slowly when the accident occurred. And the crew of each train disclaims blamo for tho wreck. No. ? struck No. 101 sldcwlre as the latter was leaving a switch, hurling tho cnglno and baggage car of tho Kansas City train off tho track and Its chnlr car and sleeper down a twelve-foot embankment. These two coaches turned turtle, pinning Its occupants between scats and sending a shower of broken class Into their faces. Passengers on the train from Joplln suffered ltttlo beyond a severe shakeup. A relief train from Springfield brought tho Injured to this city, whero fifteen wero taken to hospitals. Tho others re sumed their Journey after treatment by physicians. The only person whose recovery was held doubtful today was Joseph Keet of ' KnrlnirflelH Mrv lf suffered n frnetlirorl shou,,icr internal Injuries and a scalp wound. iOhurch Federation Refuses to Accept Resignation of Aked SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 17.-By a vote of "4 to 19 the San Francisco Church Federation refused last night to accept tho resignation of Rev. Charles F. Aked, pastor of the First Congregational church, as president of the organization. Dr. Aked had been criticised by members of the federation for saying In a sermon ho did not adhere to the orthodox belief regarding tho virgin birth 0f Christ. Dr. Aked announced several days ago he would resign the presidency. Tho minority of nineteen made a de termined fight to have Dr. Aked's res ignation accepted and announced after tho voto they would contlnuo their ef forts to oust him. Dr. Aked appeared personally before tho federation, stated his position and rea sons for not accepting the belief In tho virgin birth and then tendered his res ignation as president. The sermon which aroused criticism of the minister was preached three weeks ago. Dr. Aked said that there was noth ing in the writings of a number of the apostles to support the theory of the virgin birth ot Christ, and that some years ago, while pastor of tho Fifth Ave nue. Baptist church in New Yorlc City, he had announced his disbelief in tho theory. Inquiry Into Rock Island Finances is Proposed in Congress WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Congres sional investigation of the financial his tory of tho Rock Island rallwny system by the Interstate Commerce commission was asked In a resolution introduced to day by Representative Green, republican of Iowa. Tho resolution requests., the commis sion to investigate and report to the house thoVact and circumstances show ing the nature of the transactions whereby the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway company and tho Rock Island Railroad company, holding com panies, were organized and the naturo or their control over the Chicago, Roclc Island and Pacific Railway company. Tho resolution also calls for a report on the promotion profit In tho organiza tion of tho holding companies, the effoct of those profits on the present financial status of the road and what interest those connected with tho holding com panies had In property acquired by them. Daughter of Bishop Quayle is Dead CHICAGO, Feb. 17,-Mlas Margaret Quayle, daughter ot Bishop William A, Quaylo of St. Paul, died at a hospital hero early today while her father was rushing to her bedside on a fast train. Bishop Quayle was notified when his daughter became weaker last night and was due to arrive' a short time after her death. Alias Quayle had been In the hospital here for two weeks. She underwent the radium treatment for a growth on her left leg at a Baltimore hospital and was being returned to her home, when Bho Ulbecame critically 111 and v physicians de- 1 r t (1 ml in vII'a ho, elded to give her a complct rest in tills cty before continuing the Journey. Mrs. Quayle was at her daughter's bedside when death came. Eighteen Fires in Two Days in Albany ALBANY, N. Y., Feb. 17.-One man eighteen alarms In forty-eight hours. Most of the companies have been on con tinuous duty fighting ' a blaze' which started Sunday and was stilt burning when the Medwin block was found to be ! in flames. Deep snow drifts seriously hampered the ! rcmen- Motor dr'ven PPatus could j not reach tho fire at all, and at times three teams of horses were attached to the heavier pieces. The combined loss of the eighteen fires was $500,000. LEO FRANK MUST HANG FOR MURDER OF GJRL J5 ATLANTA, Ga.. Feb. 17.-Tho convle- .09jon oi i.tu -u. rroim oi tiroomyn. n. IT.. lor tn muraer or Mary i'liagan. a 14-year-old factory girl, was affirmed to day by, the Oeorgla supreme court. He is under sentence of death. GORE CASE WILL GO TO THE JU Attorneys for BotHujjpHtuf and Defense Rest andWudge Reads Instructions. PAST QUESTION NOT AN ISSUE 'Court Refers to Alleged Conspiracy Against Politician. JACOBS WILL NOT TESTIFY Man Expeotcd to be Mrs. Bond's Chief Witness Not to Appear. TELEGRAMS TO BLIND SENATOR Scores nt .Almnniim lxirenliiK Syiniinthy nnil Confidence In 1 1 1 in lleeelved From Friend". OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., Feb. 17.-Tho case of Mrs. Minnlo E. Bond, who Is suing United Stales Senator Thomas P. Gore of Oklahoma for $i0,000 damages as tho result of an alleged attack on her In a Washington hotel, ncarcd tho Jury stage today. Attorneys for both the plaintiff and defense rested today, and Judge Clark immediately read his In structions t othe Jury. Court Instruct Jury. The court Instructed tho Jury to Judge tho evidence and credibility of the wit nesses both for tho plaintiff and defend ant. Judge Clark referred to tho al leged conspiracy ngalnst tho senator and the juijt is mm mat u mere was a conspiracy nnd It was known to Mrs. Bond, then sho was a party to it and was not entitled to recover damages. as to character, tho instructions said tho past character of Mrs. Bond or Gore had no bearing on tho caso. The court said if the- Jury bellovcd an nssault was attempted, then the verdict should bo for tho plaintiff. If there was no at tempt to assault or if there was a con spiracy in which Mrs. Bond was a party, then the verdict must be for tho defend ant, tho court held. . ,W. Following Judge Clark's instructions to the Jury, arguments wero started. Jneoba In jynt Culled. Decision by both tho plaintiff and do renso to rest their caso eliminated tho testimony of James R.Jacobs, one of the Oklahomans who entered the room in tho Washington hotel at tho same time the senator and Mrs. Bond wero there together, and who was expected to bo ono of the plaintiffs chief witnesses. Scores of telegrams were recolvod by Senator Gore today from friends ex pressing sympathy and confidence In htm. A characteristic message was from I M, Nichols ot Brlstow, Okl., who said VThls la no time. Jar a pillow,. fight. Torn on tho liot Btufr. Misouri Man Who Murdered Employer Hanged at Calgary CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 17.-WIUIam Jasper Collins, who confessed he had killed John T. Benson, a farmer for whom lio worked, but who later repudi ated the confession and fought extradi tion from Klngson, Mo., whero he was arrested, was hanged in tho Jail here. Benson's house near Cereal was burned two years ago and his charrod body was found in the ruins. Soon after tho fu neral the authorities became auspicious when Collins disappeared. Later Collins was found In Missouri, where he and Benson had formerly lived. He was found guilty last November. Robbery was sup posed to have been the motive for the crime. Benson, who is said to liavo carried $3,000 in a belt, was mutdercd in the ab sence of. his wlfo. When sho returned Collins declared the house had been 'de stroyed by firo before he could rcscua his employer. After tho funeral the au thorities became suspicious. The body was exhumed and foyrid to have a wound near the heart. Collins was 22 years old. Young Woman is Slain in Cemetery AURORA. 111., Feb. 17. Miss Tracey Hollander, a prepossessing 20-year-old girl, was murdered hero late last night and her body dragged Into a cemetery and thrown on a grave. She was beaten to death with a heavy piece of timber. Tho pollco have arrested Anthony Red roes, a dlscurdcd sweetheart ot the girl. He denies all connection with the crime. A man's watch was found at the side ot tho girl. Miss Hollander was financial secretary of the Aurora lodge of the Knights and Ladles of Honor. Bho attended the reg ular meeting of tho lodge last night. At 9 o'clock she started homo. Her father wulted for her until after midnight and then started a search. He found tracks of two persons In tho snow, the trail leading to tho cemetery, where the body was found. A blood covered club was found near the body. JAMES METCALFE HEADS RETAIL SECRETARIES ST. LOUIR, Feb. 17. James W. Metcalf of Omaha was elected president of the National .Organization of Merchants' As sociation Secretaries at the final meet ing ot the newly formed organization today. K. F. Nlemoeller, St. Louis, wan elcctod secretary, and C. Z. Coffin of Kansas City vice president. Next year's meeting will be held in St .Paul. The purpose of the new organization would be, said Mr. Metcalf, to reduce the cost ot doing business so that ultimately the high cost of living can be reduced. Towards this end n bureau for ex change of business Ideas is tr be estab lished. ' Permanent officers will be elected today. Other cities represented In the organization are Minneapolis, Minn.; Clevoland, O. ; Columbus, O. : Kansas City, Mo : Detroit. Mull. , Indianapolis, Ind. ; Memphis, Tcnu., and Des Moines, la A - Drawn for The Bee by Powell. MRS. WALKER IS RELEASED Judge English Issues Writ of Ha beas Corpus for Lincoln Woman. HER FATHER DIES OF WORRY Denlea Any Wronw In Connection lvlth the "lllnck Ton?" Affair Srjb She (simply I.onued Money on the Jewelry. "I will never loan any poor -man other cent, and it I knew whero an tho .'worsts-criminals--. In - ttie.-worldVwcJra4l wouldn't tell tho police again," was Mrs. Sadie Walker's farowell words to the Omaha authorities, spoken In tho midst of sobs as she prepared to Icavo the court house for her return trip to Lincoln after being released by Judge English on a writ of habeas corpus. Mrs. Walker's experience in Omaha as tho result of giving what Is said by tho Lincoln police to have been tho first tip which caused tho capture of Tony Clar lctta, murderer of Henry IS. Nickel), was a sad one. It was brought to a climax Monday night when her father, J, B. White, 65 years old, died at Lincoln an tho result of worry over her plight. A short time ago' her mother died at tho age of 64. Mrs. Walker's chief fear was that tho man to whom she is engaged to be mar ried might be turned against her as a result of her experience with, tho Omaha police. She Inquired fearfully whether It was possible for the local pollco to bring her back to Omaha after her roleaso by tho Judge, but was told there was no probability 6f that. Lonim Money on Jewelry. Mrs. Walker, who Is cigar clerk at tho Llndell hotel in Lincoln und Is well known in that city on account of having been employed in the state house, became in volved in the Clarletta affair by loaning the murderer $30 on some Jewelry. Clar letta was. employed at the hotel aB a bell boy. "It is unbearable that I should bo ac cused of anything wrong in tho cas-," sho said. 'Wlij', Clarletta Is nothing but a boy and reaches Just about to my shoulder, Then when I noticed tho de scription of the murderer I told tho po lice, and now I suppose Clarletta Is angry at mo and wants to get me, into trouble," Mrs. Walker was required to toll her story to the grand Jury. King Albert Thrown "by Horse; .Breaks Arm BRUSSELS, Belgium, Feb. 17,-Albert I, king of tho Belgians, suffered a broken left arm today. He was thrown from his horse while riding in the forest ot Selg nlcs, not far from tho battlefield of Waterloo. Ills majesty's escape from more serious Injury was narrow, and ex aggerated reports of the accident caused some concern here. Tho king's physician, however, said no grave consequences were likely to ensue,from the accident "as tho king's general health Is good. and tie Is a young man." The National Capital Tuoduy, Februury IT, llll-l. ' The Senate. Met at 12:43 o'clock to hold funeral services for the late Senator A. O. Bacon of Georgia. Adjourned at, 1:31 p. m. tp noon Wed nesday, The House. Met at 11 a. m. . Recessed to attend Senator Bacon s funeral. Independent tobaoco manufacturer urged tho Judiciary committee not to amend the Sherman law. Secretary Lane urged a leasing system for Alaskan coal lanCs. Iteprcsentatlve Moss urged action on rural credits legislation before the bunk ing committee Debate resumed on the Indian bill. .Naval bill taken up bj committee Iter limed business at 1 X" o'clock Tt-ntatlvo bill for tho pay of the six proposed vice admirals reported. Question of Legal Etbbs High State Official May Be Charged With Accepting Big Bribe NEW YORK, Fob. 17. Tho Indictment of n IiIrIl stnte official and prominent politician depended on the grand Jury's success today in confirming evidence al ready gathered regarding the alleged payment ot political graft In connection with contracts for tho construction of the Catsklll aqueduct. Efforts were mado to obtain such testimony from wit nesses called when tho Jury' resumed Its hearing this VffctnUor" Tho caso under consideration was tho alleged payment of $11,000 by James W. Patterson, a Poughkcepsto contractor, as tho prlco of obtaining an aqueduct construction contract in 1W. This work was a Now Yorlc City project, controlled by tho board of water supply. Tho Jury had evidence, that the monoy was brought to New York and given Into tho keeping of James G. Shaw, but thus far has been unable to find what became ot it. Shaw, when examined some time ago, professed to bo unablo to recall what he did with the money. Tho $41,000 was re ferred to by witness aa tho "boat load of stone." Alleged Victim 0 Ritual Murder at Zhitomir is Alive -LONDON, Feb, 17.-A dispatch to the Central News from St. Petersburg says tho boy Taranthevltch, son of a law court official at Zhitomir, Russia, who was alleged to have been tho victim of a "ritual muract" nt I'amtRir, was seen at Zhitomir on February 10, according to tho pollco of that town. It was reported at tho time of the arrest ot PasJikoff, a Jewish tailor of Falstoff, in connection with the murder of a boy known as Yoahel Pashkoff, that ho, had adopted young Taranthevltch and had killed him. Examination of the bo'dy after ex humation showed that tho murdered lad wus a Hebrew. Explosion Wrecks -v Big Powder Mill BLAIR8VILLK, Pa., Fob. 17,-WIth n roar that was heard twenty-flvo miles away tho mixing houso ot tho West Pcnn Powder company, located at Tuniielton, six miles from here, was blown to pieces by an explosion today, Robort Caugherty was killed and an other workmen mortally injured. Two other men employed at .the plant could not bj found. A telephone message front .near tho plant after tho explosion calil the plant had taken fire and was burning, The company usually makes two ship ments of powder eaoh week and the quantity to "li8o been removed today wA not been sent out when the explosion occurred. PRIZE EAR OP CORN IS STOLEN FROM HOTEL DALLAS, Tox., Feb. 17.-An ear of corn from Minnesota, known at exhibi tions as the $1,000 ear," ono of the at tractions at tho National Corn exposi tion Jiere, was stolen last night. J. J. Furlong, president of the Minnesota state fair, informed the police It was taken from a desk In a hotel hero. James J, Hill awarded a prize of $1,000 for this ear, which Is fourteen Inches long. It was Mr. Hill's property. RUBE WADDELUREPORTED IN SERIOUS CONDITION HAN ANTONIO, Tex., Feb. J7.-Rube Waddell, the famous base ball pitcher, formerly In the major leagues, who is In a hospital here suffering from a bronchial afectlon, was reported today to bo in a serious condition. 1 OPERATORS BEGIN STORY Veteran from East Says Conditions in Colorado Mines Are Qood. REQUEST FOR MOTHER JONES Governor Amnions Will Permit Her to Testify, but JJknka the Com mittee to Kxnmlne Her In Denver. TRINIDAD, Colo., Feb. 17: Tho house committee investigating the Colorado eoaP'inlne strlko- today heard-n.frch version of tho Importation ot strike breakers by tho mtms owners from Charles Morgan, a veteran miner, from Pennsylvania. The witness was ques tioned closely by tho committee on the subject of foreign Immigration, whlh ha said was driving English speaking workmen from the mines. Being cross examined, the witness said, he, many years ago, had been a union miner in Pennsylvania. v Morgan testified that he came to Colorado from Pittsburgh last Decem ber believing he could meke more money In Colorado. He Identified his contract and said ho went to work in tho Berwlnd mlno on Christmas eve aa a tlmbcrman. Replying to questions he testified that conditions were better in the Berwlnd mlno thnn In a union mine In Pennsyl vania In which ho worked before com ing to this state Request for Mother Joiien. DBNVI5R, Colo.. Feb. 17.-Telegram wero exchanged today between M. D. Foster, chairman of tho houso subcom mittee investigating the Colorado coal strlko and Governor 13. M. Ammons. relative to tho request of counsel for tho strikors that "Mother" Mary Jones be suabpoenaed as a witness to appear be fore tho committee. The telegram from Chairman Fostsr to Governor Amtnons follows: "The congressional subcommittee has been requested by counsel for tho miners to subpoena Mrs. Mary Jones, now hold as a military prisoner. Will von direct the military authorities to bring .her bo fore this commltteo for examination?" Tho governor In his reply said: "Wo will obey your wishes, but would prefer that you subpoena her after your return to Denver, or seo her at (he hospital to avoid danger and trouble. Letter follows." Pile of Snow Saves ' Lives of Children L JI3R815Y CITY. N. J., Feb. 17.-8now, which Stephen Orob of Jersey City heaped up when cleaning his sidewalks, saved the lives of his six children today. When flro destroyed tho house ho dropped them one at a tlmo from tho roof into the snow. None was hurt, although tho youngest child Is only a year old. Orob carried his wlfo downstairs. Bossie Finds Dairies Delivering Pure Milk Thirty-six dairies visited by Dairy In spector Claude Bossie, who Is Investi gating milk sold by dairies, have been reported as living up to the pure milk ordinance. Only one samplo of milk taken was below tho standard fixed by ordinance, and this fell below so slightly that no prosecution was ordered. BRO0KYN WOMAN IS MARRIED TO ITALIAN DUKE NKW YORK, Feb. 17.-Mlss Ulli&beth Francis Hunan, daughter ot the late James Hanan of Brooklyn, was married to Duke Don Arturo Do Mako Purazxol of Italy, In St. Thomas' church at noon today. The bride Is a descendant of on of the oldest families In America. The csrumony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Ernest M. Stlres, rector of the church. Mrs. John II Hanan was matron of honor The Italian consul. General Fara FornI, was best man by proxy for t'onte Kaetanl I.e I.aurengana, the duke a uncle- PARTY KILLED AND EATEN BYCANNIBALS Besley Expedition Brings First News of Fate Explorers From Chicago Lost Two Years Ago. BONES ARE FOUND IN PERU. Remains May Possibly Be Those of the Seljan Party. BESLEY EXPEDITION ATTACKED. Savages Armed With Poisoned Ar rows Are Driven Away. ft MAKES TRIP ACROSS CONTINENT. Uxplorer 5nj Journey From T.lntn to Month of Aninson In One of Mont F.xrltttiK liver Mntle liy White Men. NI2W YORK, Feb. 17.-Mombcrs ot tho llcsley expedition, which loft here last summer to cxploro unchnrted regions of South America, returned today on tho steamship Byron and reported they hail found tho bones oC members ot tho Cromer expedition, who entered tho wlldn of Peru nearly two years ago and were never heard trom. The Cromor expedition was bended by W. il. Cromer, a former West Point cadet, and William It. Page, n Chicago HIrIi school teacher. Tho Boslcy expedition crossed the con tinent from Lima and camo down tho Amazon from tho head waters to lta mouth. They found hip and thigh bones and other' traces of the Cromer party on tho way nnd erected a cross to their memory. Those who relumed today wero Captain J. Cnmpbeir Besley, an Englishman; Franklin B Coatcs, J. K. Holbrook and J. W. Dunno. They reported the discov ery of a. now Inca city in Peru, railed Platorlyaydc. nnd vlsted other regions hitherto unknown to white men. Trnce of Seljnn Pnrty. Traces wcto found also ot tho lost Sol Jan expedition, which took tho eamo routo us the Cromer expedition, nnd Cajx tain Bosloy thought that tho bone might have been tho remains of members of either party. The Seljan oxpelitlon was In search of rubber and is said to havu boon financed by F. F. Urundllch of Chi cago. Besley. snld that ho encountered on the trip .cannibal tribes, armod with poisoned arrows, nnd on one occasion his party was attacked by thrn. A few shots drova them off. - . "It was ono of the most exciting Jour neys that a white man has ever under takon and passed through alive," said a mernber of tho party. "There were tlmos when a. wrong movo meant doath. not only among the savages, but also whllo traveling tho treacherous Huallayo river, full of rapids and whirlpools. Wo hart to dlvldo our nights into four watches aa protection both against tho Indiana and wild blasts." Pnnre Fniully Notified. CHICAGO, Feb, 17,-FrIends and rela tives of William H. Page, who with W. II. Cromer left two years ago to cxploro tho wlds of South America, wero over whelmed with grief today when tho re port of tho Besley expedition was received by them. Mrs. Pago is now living In Konllworth, a suburb ot Chicago. The last mcssago received here from the Cromer party camo to Dr. Charles S. Page, a brother of William II., in Feb ruary, 1913. WJicn Colonel Roosevelt began his Jour ney into tho Amazon country an appeal was cabled to him by Or." Page, Mrs. Pago, Benjamin Page, another brother, and C. K. Cromer, a brother of the t plorer, to search for the missing .d- venturers. A rumor that the Cromer party hail been attached and killed' by cannlbalH near tho headwaters of the Amazon wan circulated last fall, nnd tin family and frlonds of Mr. Page look on tho Besley discovery as confirmation of their fears, r- The Family Doctor "Speaking of famlHea," Bald a bystander tho other day, "they are heir to many 111b Just aB ono's body is. "JJodlly Ills of course are physical and mental and the good 61d family doctor Is tho proper person to call In. "But, broadly speaking, tho family's aliment Is often eco nomic. That 1b, most families aro far from being organized on a sound basis ot economy and efficiency. "The average family, or rather Its members, do not pay enough attention to the In ternal and domestic economy of the home. "If everything that is pur chased for tho family and Ha individual nfambers, were chosen with the proper amount of care and advanco informa tion, there would be a percent age of saving effected that would astonish you. ''Many a man who has an ef ficient purchasing department in his factory or his business suffors constant losses in the oxpeudltures by members of his family because they don't un derstand tho first principle of buying. "The best doctor on earth, for this kind of family Is a good newspaper liko The Dee. "If one keeps in touch with all the valuable Information found In its advertising col umns the economic ills of tho family will vunlsh instanter." I --JJ