Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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"Whizr-anct Walk a Mile" fiiSfegte JSS By Nell Br inkley
'Kadame IstfleWb
" Seccuty Jesson-i
Lesson I Piirt II.
If you live In the country, where you
can get clean rain water, by all means
bottle It and save it for faco washing.
If this Is not .practical BOttcn the ordi
nary T.-ater with a pinch of borax It you
have a reason to think it is at all hard.
Ab a woman gets older the akin needs
more and more care, tor nature In loss
active In renewing it and throwing oft
impurities. There is also apt to be a
laclc ot natuira oil, and this is why
women, as years go on, need to use
creams ot some sort and to refrain from
the use ot soap. Skin that la allowed to
become dry wrinkles easily; it Is far
caster to prevent wrinkles than it is,, to"
cure them and thfe first step in prevent-'
ins them is not 'to allow the skin to be
come dry. ;"
There is no question as to the necessity
of toilet creams)- the only Question is,
what kind? (This depends on th'eskln and
the purpose-or-whlch the creatmis to be
used. As a. substitute for soap, a cleans
ing cream is necessary. This may, ,be a
soft ointment or a llqufa, but It' shduld
be absolutely- tree from, harmful ingred
ients, such as mineral oils and preserva
tives, and should. -be-soft enough-to be
rubbed freely oVer the skin . without
causing any friction. A cleansing cream
will keep the faco clean, soft and well
lubricated and its use- will do much to
prevent wrinkles, 'sunburn, freckles, and
roughness, but it contains no healing
properties, neither does' It fatten nor feed
tho skin.
A very young face, as a, rule, does not
need massage, but as ax- woman ap
proaches 20, apd, unfortunately, .some
times "younger, tho fatty tissue beneath
tho skin, begin to fall away arid, in con
sequence, hollows tho lines and fine wrin
kles about ' the eyes begin to appear.
It Is then- that 'we resort to massage,
which means tho proper manipulation of
the face so as to strengthen the muscles
and feed, tho skin. In a-future lesson ,I
shali give you, complete directions for
facial, and neck maBsage,;, . for tho mo
ment I 'have only space to, touch on the
subject."" The akin- can only be fed In
two ways-by means "ot the blood -knd
by . absorption from outside and to'do
this jve must uioi with the massage
movements a proper massage cream.
There are only a few fats that the skin
can absorb, and a Bkln food therefore
must contain such fats if It is to be of
any use in removing tho wrinkles. A
proper massage cream or skin food, a
wrlnkje paste, as it is sometimes called,
Is much thicker than a cleansing cream:
It is apt to be more expensive, but it
need not be so frocely used, and a small
Jar or It will last a long time.
Blackheads, acne (what is commonly
termed pimples), serious roughness or
noreness 01 me BKin, call for a special
jfrcam' containing, some healing agent. A
healthy skin needs anrh a mom hut
Irarely, perhaps never, but it Is wise to
understand 'the different face creams and
tneir uses. First, there is the cream for
cleansing and lubricating purposes, which
every woman, young or old, needs; sec
ond, the massage or, wrinkle cream, to
be rubbed into the skin when wrinkles
and lines are appearing, and, third, a
healing cream for eruptions, blackheads
ind sdjton.
. (Lesson I to Be Continued.)
lict Vour Books Come first. '
Dear, Miss Fairfax: I . am 24 years 'old
and Avis dearly in lovo with a girl bf '2S
years,, but, by-taklng-up.a course -of civil
service,-she'eamo, to my house, very often.
and I told her not- to come "so -many
times, asrl tlke 'to learn what I have-to,'
and she t'oKanfrv. but I havca -warm
ipot'ln my heart 'of her,.
Kindly -let- me have your-be t 4vlce
what. to do, so that ! Can keep company
wlth'tier'agaln. W.'G."S.
Don't' Jet -'her anger sidetrack yortr
ambition,' It will be to- your lasting re
gret f-you do.
I-ahe is a girl worth while she will
'earn to. realise that you are right and
will become a he,Ip to you Instead of a
Falling Hair Means
Pandruf f is Active
Have jour Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle
of Danderlne right now Also
. ' (tops itching, scalp.
Thin. brIttle,colorles and scraggy .hair
Is, mute evidence ot a neglected scalp; ot
dandruff that awful scurf.
There 1 nothing so descructlve to the
hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its
Igster, its strength and its very life;
eventually producing a teverishness and
' Itching scalp, which it not remedied
causes - th. hair root to shrink, loosen
and die thv tin hair falls out fast. A
little Dandttne tonight now anytime
rrt'l surely save your hair.
Get a S cent bottle ot Knowlton's Dan
derlne from any drug store or toilet
counter, and after the first application
your hair will take on that life, luster
and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It
will become wavy and fluffy and have
the appearance ot abundance)' an Incom
parable gloss and softness, t"t what will
please you most will be after Just a few
weeks' use, when you will actually see a
lot of fine, downy hair new hair grow.
Ins all over the acalp.f-Adv.ertlsement.
Advice to Lovelorn
- J
Recently I told you about tho fellows and girls tobogganing in
enow-tlmo in Canada how they took the long Ice trail down tho moun
tain In 'one express tralu minute and trudged tho long mile back up
the steep country and mountainside. I told you how the sloe-eyed
Oriental in the clubhouse eyed their scarlet-and-white figures first
speeding by like falling stars and then piking back up again like crawl
ing tortoise. How he eyed them scornfully and dubbed tho whole af
fair the long, ardent tramp up-mountain so they might flash over tho
same trail like a flame, the crackling! arrow-liko Instant of cctaoy, and
the patient, snail-pace struggle back tho "whlzand walk a mile!"
That's one ,klnd tho good kind. Whore, in spite of the Chinee's
mocking, the Flight is worth tho Pike. In this there is nothing of
blame, of sorrow nor of suffering; Just youth and laughter and wind
whipped, rosy flesh-companionship ot man and maid under tho wldo
You Can Begin This
- Great Story To-day
st .
Philip Anson is a,' boy; of -JS years, ot'
.fine education, tffnd - good . breeding b.ui
Tho jttory Jop'ens- wltn th.o d,'cath of his
Rich relatives have deserted theTfamlljH
mother's death eomeii , PJUlHn let l de
stfairr Iter loqkn over hU motherVe-Ietters
and finds that he Is related to ll, t'hllip.
Morlond. A few iays later a terrific
thunderstorm brews over 'London. At
the height of thcr storm a flash of light
ning scares a team, attached to a coach
stahdlng In front of a West End man
sion. I'hlllp, who has become a news
boy, rescues a girl from the carriage
Just before It turns over. A man with
the girl trips over Philip In his excite
ment. Ho cuffs the boy and calls a
policeman. The girl pleads for Philip
and ho is allowed to go after learning
that the mail ws Lord Vanstone. Philip
then determines' to cosimlt suicide.
Just as ho is about to hang himself a
meteor flashed by tho window and'
crashes Into the flagstones in the yard..
Tho boy takes thtB as a Blgn from heaven
not to kilt himself. He then goes to the
yard to look at the meteor. Philip ptoka
up several curious-looking bits of the
meteor and takes them to a diamond
merchant names Isaacsteln, who causes
his arrest. At the police station, he
gives his name as Philip Jlorland.
lsaacatcin tells the Judge that the dia
monds are worth 60,000 pounds ($250,000).
I'hlllp refuses to answer questions, and
is remanded for a week. Lady Mor
land( dining in a restaurant, reads about
"Philip Morland" and Is puzzled.
In the police court he succeeds in con
vincing the magistrate, Mr. Abingdon,
that he came Into possession of tho Jew
els honestly, and In winning tho friend
ship of the magistrate, who sends him
back to make an arrangement with Isaac
stein. The broker agrees to dispose of
diamonds to the amount of 250,009 pounds
a year for a term of years, for a com
mission ot 10 per cent, and to place at
once 6.000 pounds to thp hoy's credit In
a bahk. Fifty pound is paid in cash.
With this money Philip provides himself
with a better suit of clothes, and with
bags to take care of the jewels, and re
turns to Johnson's Mews on the way he
meets with an adventure which brings
him into contact with a podr woman.
At the old homo lie gathers up the dia
monds, and has Just succeeded livplaelng
the lout of them, In a portmanteau, when
he discovers that he . Is being watched
by a man outside. Ho succeeds In get
ting 'rid of tho fellow, only to discover
knottier pair of eyes peering at htm. This
time It is a policeman.' ,
.Now Read On
' Copyright, 1&04,. by' Edward J. Mode.)
;, Instant thcJr.eyes met ii mutual
astonishment. TlVeti the policeman came
'so clctee that his helmet rested against
a pane ot glass. He grlnnod affably and
"Here! I want to speak to you."
Intuitively grasping the essential fact
that his best policy was ono of ready nc
qulsecence, Philip sprang toward the
door and unlocked It. He stood on the
step. The constable approached.
"I hope I didn't startlo you," he began,
"but I Just looked In on tho off chanco"
"I am very glad Indeed to seo you," In
terrupted the boy, "I am leaving here to
morrow. Just now, when I was packing
some ot my belongings, a very nasty-looking
man came and peeped In at me In the
same way aa you did."
JIo .booked into tho house. The police
man half followed him, his quick' glance
noting tho open portmanteau and its ar
ray ot old clothes,
"Just now," he questioned, "Do you
mean some time since?"
"No, no. Not a half mlnute-a few sec
onds ago."
"But where can he be? He hasn't left
the mews or I must have seen him. I
crossed the road and no one came out
in so short a time."
"Well, he is somewhere In the place
he had a horrid appearance a man with
a broken nose. He mado me Jump, I can
assure you."
"A man with a broken nose! By Jove,
I'm looking for a party ot that descrip
tion. A rank wrong 'un. Hobbery with
violenco and a few other little things.
What sort of man was he? You saw
sky atop of tho shouldor-decp snow mid tho long walk back In a clasp
ing of hnndB ovor the samo rope-laughter and hardening musclos,
But hero Is nnothor kind of "whiz andwalk a mile!"
He also this rocltloss boy with his fat pockets Is taking n wild
flight ltko a comet cut adrift, in a whirl of money-dust, his eyes bllndod
by fako beauty, the glaro of tho Croat Whlto Way about him, the. sting
of champagne In his blood instead of tho btto of snow. His fathor
drew tho bar from under his toboggan when ho filled his hands and
evening clothes with money that ho novor earned. And he's "whizzing!''
But he will "walk." After this whirl, this breathless, gasping In
stant of ecstatic spood. Very slowly up-hill, with a bitter heart ho
will walk his long, long mllo that he covorod llko striking lightning a
bit ago. But not on tho silvery ribbon of ice where ho laughed. Out
In tho snow on tho side trail, and tho snow will bo deep, and his shoos
burst, and tho climb heart-breaking. And there will be not ono of tho
Jils face only, I suppose?"
The constable stepped back Into the
paved court. A rapid twist of his hand
sent a vivid beam of light dancing over
ruined tenements, disheveled doorways
and shattered windows.
"A tall man," said Philip, "taller than
you, for I could seo his chin, over the
string of the curtain. He had a big, faco,
with eyes that stuck out boldly"
"By tho Lord, it's Jocky right enough!"
cried the constable. "Now, where can ho
have gone to? He's an ugly customer to
tackle single handed," he added beneath
his breath. .
"Won't you wait a bit until 1 get some
help?" said Philip, anxiously.
Tho man appeared to debate tho point.
Tho nearest comrade was an acting ser
geant, newly promoted. If ho were sum
moned, tho kudos of a smart capture
would be his by right ot seniority.
"No," announced the constable, -stubbornly.
"It he is here, I will handlo him
Again his lamp swept the small .area,
of the mews and revealed no living ob
ject. Ho quickly unfastened Ills belt,
took off hl greatcoat, and readjusted bolt
and lamp again.
"Nqw I'm ready for him," he grinned.
"Put my coat Inside, boy, and stand at
the door yourself with the candle In
your hand. If you see anything, yell out
to me."
Philip obeyed. .These preparations for
a deadly-struggle appealed to his very
soul, for your healthy minded boy of 15
has generally ceased to be a highway
man or a prale In Imagination, and alms
rather at planting the Union Jack on a
glacis bristling with hosttlo cannon.
The policeman, feeling for the loose
strap of his truncheon, commenced a
careful survey of the mews. He had not
gone five yards when there was a loud
crash of broken glass. The building at
tie other end of the yard possessed a
coupla, of windows facing into another
lnclosuro at the back. Obviously, the
broken-nosed "Jocky," unseen himself,
had observed the constable's movements.
Ileallzing that discovery was Imminent,
he was effecting a strategic movement
to the rear
The policeman Instantly abandoned his
cautious tactics, He run toward the door
of tho house whence the sound came.
It resisted eomewhnt, but yielded to his
shoulder. He disappeared Inside. Philip,
after closing his own door, also ran to
tho new center ot Interest, shielding the
candle with ono hand lost It should blow
Quick as he was he missed tho first
phase of a Homer's combat. The vio
lent "Jocky," foiled by an unnoticed Iron
bar In his attempt to escape, turned Ilka
a madman on tho policeman. There was
no sort of parley between them. Cursing
the luck that had revealed his hiding
place, tho man, an ex-convlct, with tho
frame of a giant, sprang at his pursuer
suddenly from an Inner room.
The policeman had a second's warning.
It was something, but not enough to
give him an advantage. He got his club
out, but simultaneously his assailant was
on him with tho ferocity of a catamount.
jThey closed In bone-breaking endeavor.
and nerore tney were locked together
for ten fearful seconds the officer of the
law bitterly regretted the professional
prIJo which Bent him single-handed into
this unequal strife.
For ho was physically outclassed, and
hn knew It, ' and thero Is no moro un
nerving knowledge can come to a. man
In such n HUpreme moment. Neverthe
less, he was a brave man, and he fought
with all the resolution that Is born of
.the consciousness of justice and moral
right. But Providence Is on tho sldo of
big battalions, and "Jooky" was taller,
heavier, very much more active. More
over liberty was as. potent Incentive as
law any way, and law wfts being steadily
throttled when the pale gleam of Philip's
candle lit up the confines of tho ruinous
hovel about which the two men stamped
and lurohed and wrestled.
At tho prccteo moment of the boy's en
trance the policeman's knees yielded and
he fell, with his remorseless antagonist
pppermost. Philip, gailng at them wlde
uyed, almost fell, too, for his left foot
rolled on the constable's staff.
Being fashioned of tho stuff which
founds emplrcs-on the prlnclplo that in
stant action Is worth a century of diplo
macy ho picked up tho truncheon, and
brought Is down on "JockyV hard skull
with such emphasis that the convict col
lapsed limply on top of his conquered ad
versary. Then the boy was horrified. The two
lay so still that he Imagined both were
dead. It Is ono thing to help the law,
but qulto another to kill a man. He did
not want to Jk a murderer as well as a
millionaire not knowing Oirn the quali
ties which so to form these varieties
of the gems homo are strangely alike.
bits of femininity who patted his coat
with cracked ice, and ato of his plum plo with hjm, whizzed and joyed
with him who will "walk a mile" with him!
"Whizand walk a mile!" What a thing tho baftllng-oyod Celes
tial said! To him the first kind was as foolish as this kind la to you
and I. But thero's all the difference In tho world, though the title he
muttered covers them both. x
"Foolish," whisperod the scornful Chinee. "Whiz" with a flash
of his slim brown hand in ft lightning pass "and walk a mile!" and
ho shrugged his silken shoulders to his cars and made his two first
fingors walk laboriously through tho air.
Down in tho Big Town any town you can see on a Big Night
any night a young chap laughing loud and high "whizzing." And,
flattened against a brick, wall in tho dusk or sunk In a heap on a park
bench, you can see him "walking a mllo." ( NELL BRINKLEY.
lie gazed 'at them aa In a trance, but
relief canto when ho heard them breath
ing stentorlously. At last, after a pause
that apparently endured unnumbered,
minutes, the constable weakly rolled him
self free from the bulky form ot his
would-be slayer, and sat up,
He Inflated hts lungs vigorously. Then
ho managed to gasp:
"Thank you) You've saved my llfel"
He pressed his ribs with both hands and
gingerly felt his throat. He stood up. His
lamp was still alight, but a quantity of
oil had run over his tunlo and trousers.
"By Jove, boy, you are a brick," he
said, and his voice was under control
Philip answered not a word; his eyes
wero glued on tho prostrate form ot
Jocky. Tho policeman understood his fear
and laughed,
"Don't you worry about him. He'll do
a stretch all right. I would have given
him a harder one that it I got a swing
at him."
His words were quickly Justified, The
fallen man growled unintelligibly and
moved. With a rapidity born of much
practice the otticcr handcuffed him.
Thero must have been some sense ot fa
miliarity In the touch of tho steel brace
lets, for the recipient ot this delicate at
tention stirred uneasily.
"You knocked him silly," grinned the
policeman, "but he will get his wits back
in a minute or two. CJan you bring him
a drink 'of water? It won't do mo any
harm cither."
Philip hurried away to comply with
this request. His mind was relieved now,
and with the backward awing of the,
mental pendulum came tho reflection that
the least said of hts connection with the
case the better.
He filled a small tin at the scullery
tap and ran with it to the sceno of the
capture. The constable wm gently shak
ing his prize and addressing him by
"Jocky! Jocky Mason! Pull yourself to
gether. This way for the Old Bailey!"
"If you please," said Philip. "I would
very greatly obliged were my name
not mentioned at all with reference to
this aftalr.
The policeman, whoso senses were nor
mal again, waa Instantly Impressed by
the boy's grand manner. His aocont was
that of the men ot tho University Mis
sion. And how many boys of his age
would have struck so straight and. truly
at a critical moment?
"Well, don't you see. that will be
rather difficult," was tho answer. "It
w:u you who told me where ho waa, and
the man himself knows that without
somebody's help I could not have ar
sleeve with a hand jeweled as
rested him. There Is no need to mince
matter, I have you to thank for not
being laid hero stiff."
Philip said no more. To press his re
quest Implied a powerful motive. Tho
stars In their courses must have con
spired that day- to supply htm with ex
citement. Mason eagerly gulped the water held
to his lips. Then he tried to raise hts
right hand to his head. Ahl He under-
stood. A flood of oaths began to meander
thickly from his mouth.
"That's better," said the constable,
encouragingly. "Now, up tyou get. It's
no use, Jockey, I won't let you kick
me. You must cither go quietly or I
will drag you to tho street over the
stands, and that will hurt."
To Be Continued Tomorrow,
The Ioj Of
Coming Motherhood
A, Wonderful Remedy That la a Natural
Aid and Relieves the TanaioB.
. Mother's Friend, a famous external rem.
edy, li the only one known that Is able ta
reach all the different parts Involved, it
1s a penetrating application after the for-(
taula of a noted family doctor, and lubri
cates erery muscle, nerve, tHsue er ttndont,
affected. It goes' directly to the s trained,
portions and gently but surely relleres all
tendency to aoreneis or strain.
By Ita dally use there will be no pain, no
distress, no nausea, no danger of laceratloai
or other accldenti-and the period will be oa,
ot supreme comfort and Joyful anticipation-
To all young women Mother's Vtiead la
one ot the greatest of all helpful Jnfiathces,,
for it robs childbirth ot all its agonies anci
dangers, dispels ah the doubt and dread,
all teme of fear, and thua enable the mind,'
and body to await the greatest event In .
woman's lite with untrammeled glad&eis.
Mother's Friend U a most cberUbed,
remedy In thousands ot homes, and I 6C
such -peculiar merit and value aa to make it
essentially one to be recommended by alt
You will find It on sal at all drug stores
t 1 1.00 a bottle, or the druggist will gladly
get it for you it you insist upon it. Moth
er's Friend Is prepared only by the Bradr
Held Regulator Co.. 1ST Lamar Bldg., At
lanta, Us., who will send you by aaan,
sealed, a very Instructive book- to eipectaal
mothers. Write for it to-dar.