TflE BBBt OMAHA, Tt'KSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1914. ENGAQEMENT ANNOUNCED OFj UNIVERSITY GRADUATES. Wall Paper Sale Now In Progress. Sale of Dress Trimmings An Importer's Sample Stocks on Sale Tuesday at Far Below Usual Wholesale Prices ill ' . II III I "The Garden fgw m' H HPF Rpw"V 50c I p J j iSj tijPJ wi BBKl Book Section. .BSSSmmH Surprise Your Palate You folks who still use ordinary coffee have a treat in store. Change for a week to TONE'S Old Golden Coffee You'll wonder that such an im provement in flavor can be possible. Thousands of families, after changing from brand to brand,, look upon Old Golden Coffee as coffee perfection, far it contains, in the greatest degree, all of those elements of goodness which make you like coffee freshness, full flavor, uniformity, proper aging, roasting and blending. One pound snows you Good grocers sell it ground, steel cut, or in the whole bean, as you prefer, ' ' TONE BROS., Des Moine MiMetB of th Foment Tone Bret, $pice$ Society 1 Am w E HAVE all seen yellow hair, rod hair, brown hair, black hair and, yes, Indeed, gray and whlto hair, and havo admired all ot these shades, hut now Damo Fashion, who la ever fickle, would Impose upon ub varied shades of blue hair, green and orange, according to our favorite gown, or perhaps nationality. Whether this Idea originated In Paul Polret'a fertllo brain, or whether It was some other Frenchman's Idea, I do not know. Fortunately, those weird colors are not to be used permanently, and aro only wigs to oe changed with the costume. The new custom was introduced by the living models In the various shops in New York, but the fact that the stage beauties have hesitated 'o take up the novolty makes It doubtful If the new coiffures will over bo come popular, ' " Not long ago a friend of mlno purchased an automobile to match her tailor suits. This scomod at first a groat extravagance but assail ot her suits were dark blue, the shado of the car,' It was really no extravagance. When I nought of ,the extensive wardrobe of some ot the society women it came to my practical mind what tho cost would bo to add a wig for each co&tume, and I asked tho price. "Twenty-flvo dollars nnd up," said the saleswoman. Again I becamo curious. "Do you sell many?" I asked. "Oh, yes," sho said. She was a good saleswoman, tttractive Lunohconr noses, hyacinths and other spring (low era were used In prprusion (or decoration at tho luncheon given today n by Mm. John C, Cowln. Tho guests present were Mesdamcs Horace Hvrretts oC Council HJuffs, John I, Webster. Charles Otfutt, Henry Wymap, Henry W. Yates. W. J. Conncll, Milton Harlow, Herman Kountte, C. C. Allison, Casper J3. Yost. Jdisa Wakclcy For Hits Harding arid Her Guests. Complimentary to Miss Carolyn Hard Inf. whoso wedding to Mr. Justus Fred erick Lowe or Milwaukee takes place next Monday, and for her housoeutwU Miss Bylvia Conant of I'awtucket, H. 1-. itnd Miss Mary Hughes of Columbus, 0 Mrs. Charles Harding gave a tea this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at her home. A color scheme ot yellow was used, tulips of this shade forming the centerplwo for the dining room table. About lortj' guests were present, and assisting were; Meslamt-V Mtsdamr Bamuel ruiV. J- ""TjV , Jtalph West. John U. McCauguo, )t MIS Misses Way Mahoney. -Mary MeCaguc, This evening Mr. Harry Koch, Mr. Heed Peters and Mr. Frank Helby will entertain at a small Orpheum party for Miss Harding and her guest, MlM Hugnes and Mies Conant, atter which they will have supper' at the Henshaw. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Snceley an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Edna, to Mr. Waller SVeldln Talley ot Trre Haute, lnd. The wedding will occur the latter part of April. Mr. Talley and Miss Sweeloy. are grad uates of Pe. Pauw university. Miss, awee ley is a member ot the Alpha Phi soror Bridee Luncheon. Mrs. Jyeonard H. Whltmore entertained' at a bridge luncheon Saturday afternoon. The decorations were In red and white, red shaded candclstlcks being used. Prizes were awarded to Mesdamcs Bert Hyncs, C; Overton and Fred Schneider. Those present were: Mesdamcs Uert Hynee, C. U. Whitney, James McDonald, ( Overton, Mesdamcs ('. !f, Itlchanls. O Y. Krlng, Con Stegnor. W. K. Foote, . W, M. Phillip, W. Q. Jenkins, J. A. Stuben, Frank Hoblnson. W. W. flhlnn, Fred "Schneider, Qcorge Itlngman, Paul Hcanlon, Harry Hutchison, For February Bride. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Hlnterlong enter tained at dinner Friday evening In honor of Miss Madeline Howes, whose wedding to Mr. Clement Surbnugh takes place this week. Covers wero laid for Misses Misses Madeline Iiowcs, Josephine Gurnctt. MnrguerUe Barrett. Cecelia durnett. Lillian Hanett. Messrs. t , Messrs. Clement Burbaugh, John Mullck, Jr., Kdward X.ynch... Lester Pcnn. Thomas Qurnelt, Progressive Supper. Kugel Listens to Pleas, of Pool Hall Owners for License Pool hall proprietors appeared before the city commission at Police Commis sioner A.C. Kugel's Invitation to show why thelr applications for licenses should be granted, as reports from Patsey Ha vey, special police Investigator, had led Kugel to decide on a general "clean-up" of pool halls. Havey's reports on the following places were considered: Ferris Brothers, 712 W South Sixteenth; A, K. Ashmore, 450$ North Thirtieth; F. K. Silvers, 1102 North Sixteenth; Joseph Keller, 410 South Four teenth; Tony Boncordo, 115 South Sixth. Only the place at 419 South Fourteenth street was granted a license, although Commissioner Kugel said It certain things were done ho would recommend licensing the othcr,places. Among other things was tho removal of a "pool table used for craps and'pokcr" from the base men under' the hall.' Kugel said' he would compel the pool halls to close doors opening from tho halls to saloons. Two proprietors said they would comply with tho order. This order will not apply to all the pool half, for Kugel said tho "character of the place" had something to do with the carrying out of his orders. All pool halls In the city will be visited by Havoy and. If 'his reports justify It Kugel wilt suspend tho licenses of tho proprietors. An ordinance has been passed by the council giving tho police commissioner this power. MISS JANE SMITH, HIGH SCHOOL TEACH EH, IS DEAD Jane Sprott Smith, an Instructor In history In tho Central High school, died at her home, 1911 Locusystrect, at 6:03 o'clock Sunday evening, after an Illness ot several months of an affection of tho spine. Miss Smith was a graduate ot tho Omaha High school class ot 1SS3, spent I ono year In the Peru State normal In I preparation Tor teaching, and taught for j some years In the Long school. Later Mia attended the University ot Chicago The Pollyanna club was entertained utjfor-ono year, returned- tp Omaha and Ity and. Mr. Talley belongs to tlie Phi Kappa Psl fraternity. ' The wedding will be celebrated In April. Tarf'go Birthday Party. Dr. und Mrs. It. A. Dodge gave a tango birthday surprlso party Saturday evening at their hotrte, In honor of Miss IrmoJ II.. h. LVllnwInff .tttrtflncX u mliltllcrtlt lunch was served In tho spacious dining room. A large heart' shaped cake with twenty-lighted candles served to give tho party a Valentine effect. The house was decorated with cuplds and hearts. Thoav present weret Mlsies- Jullu Qulnby. Klliabeth Redman. Violet Dodge of Plattsmouthi Neb. Misses Lillian Dlckman. flrma Hunt. Eleanor Ulcmnan, llertha MoFadden. Loretta Carr. Messrs. Leray Cromwell. lowaru uranam, O. Oagnebln. Kroil Itelsen bcrsr Dr. and Mrs. W. B, Klster. Dr. and Mr. H. A. Dodge Mr. nnd Mrs. J. r. nedman. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Crowwell Mr. and Mrs. B. iP.. Boscoe. Messrs'. Porter Qulnby. Paul Tennlry. Albert Nelson. Breaks a Bad Cold in a Jiffy! Try It ii Pipe's Old Compound" ends xri and grippe in a few hours Don't stay tuffed-up. Tou cn end grippe and break up a vere cold either In head, chest, body or llsnbs by taking a dose ot 'Tape's Cold Co-cp4und" every tw0 hours Until three diJ at taken. It iWMttfitJy opens cloeged-up nostrils Mr BAMaces In the head, stop nasty Ms ub ivau or gm mordtK, rollers sick Mmtmekt, duln. feverisbness. sore threct. aSMMlng, soreness and stiffness, XNm't Maj- stutfed-up! Quit blowing and wiuming! KaM your throbbing head awthlne else in the world glres such prttmn rlif as "P' Cold Com-, paumi,'4 which cts only as ccr.ts at any drug atora. It sets without assiaUnee, tajasM alee and cause no lncoaveitlenc. vr a get the KauhM.-iA4vrrtle nenL Entertains Club. Mls Margaret Pritchard entertained the "N. N. Thirteen" club at, her.' home on Friday evening. Prites were won by Mls Emma Passmore and Miss Anna Boehn- Ing. Tliose present were: Mlasrs Misses Frances nlttenhouscKatherlne McMahon. Hannah men. -Agnes iTitcnsro. Anna Poehnlng. Kmma rassmore, Grace IMIey. Kva Donner. ' Margaret Pritchard. Julia narrett. Mabel Peterson. Fisher. Uessle Christie. Celebrates Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles dates entertained at a high fte party Saturday evening In honor, of the birthday anniversary of Mr John Falkner. Prises were won by Mrs dames Charles dates, John Falkner, W. H. Karls. A. F. Oates and Messrs. Charles Oates, W. II. Karls and A. F. dates. Those present were: Mr. ann Mrs. A. Bray. Mr. and Mrs. George (.awrence. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. 'Karls. Mr. and Mrs. John Falkner. Mr. and Mr. A. F. Gates. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Gates. Mrs. Rdward Falkner. Miss Vivian Karls. " 1 Weddins: Flans. The marriage of Mis Madeline Bowes and Mr. dement Burbaugh will take place Saturday morning, February SI,- at Bt. Peter" church. Kev. J. F. McCarthy officiating- Miss Josephine durnett and Mr. Thomas Himm will be the only attend ant. Immediately after the ceremony the young couple will depart for an eastern trip and before returning will visit the home of the groom, Atchison, Kan., and In Dundee, la., where a sister resldas. For the -Future. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Dixon, who have been giving a series of dinner parties, will entertain Tuesday evening, Feb ruary I- a progressive supper at the homes of the girl members Friday evening. Course were served at the homes of Mlssoi, Goldlo Prcd, Dorothy Wclgcl, Anna Hel gren and Margaret Matnewst the guests being Messrs. Fred Horn, Hobert Isltt, Carl Weigel and Kugcno PaKes. In and Out of the Bee Hive. irs. uscar uareissen of New York ar rived Friday to spend a week with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.. Fonda. Mrs, J. A. Monroe and Ml km.. leave this afternoon In a private car for " rtDgeics, wnero they will remain during the rcat of the winter. Mr, nnd Mrs. Joseph Ualdrlgo' expect to spend Easter at Atlantic City, where thftV Will tiA tnlnrwl , V. t . "v jv..,vi w wivir puna, uun- ley and Grafton, and Mis Wolt'e. Mrs. Charles Kountre and daughter, Eleanor, left Sunday for Indianapolis, to Visit Mr. and Mrs, Meredith Nicholson for a day or two on their way to Con cord, N. H., to see Denman Kountxe, who Is at Bt. Paul's school. Mrs. Kountre expects to be gon about ten days.' Safe tor Hnhlca, Bffectlre for UrMTnniis. That' Foley Honey and Tar Com pound. It has tho confidence of y0ur druggist, who. knows It will give you satisfaction. W. W. Ncssmlth. States boro, Ga., saya! "I have used Foley' Honey and Tar Compound In my family and Have sold It In my store and It never falls to cure." And Bob Ferguson, 319 Pin 8t., Green Bay, Wis.: "I had a bad cough that kept me awako nights and two small bottles of Foley's Honey .nd Tar cured me." For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement. taught for a short time In tho Kellom school, then resumed her duties In tho Stato University of Nebraska, where sho graduated Just before taking up her work as a teacher In the Omaha High school. She Is survived by a sister. Miss Pene lope M. Hmlth, a teacher In the Central High school, nnd by two brothers, John Smith, 2S20 Bristol street, and Robert Smith, clerk of tho district court The funeral services will bo held al the residence, 19U Locust street, on Tues day afternoon, February 17, at 3 o'clock. (Interment will bo later). Tho exercises will bo conducted by nev. A. C. Doug lass, pastor ot the First United Presby terian church, of which congregation the tlsceascd was ap active member. .Mor Know In JVimt York. NEW YOP.K, Feb. 18. -Snow continued to fall over Greater New York and en virons today, adding to the layer of nearly ten Inches which fell during Sat urday billiard. The temperature at 9 a. m. was 17 degrees above zero. MRS. HORACE D. C0RNEAIK TO RECEIVE CITY PENSION Mrs. Horace D. Corncau, widow of a police officer who died In the discharge nt his duties, was granted a (tension of I0 a month by tho city commission sit ting as an excise board. As no provision has been made by state law providing" means of raisins the money to pay these pensions the commission will pay Mrs. Corneati nut of the salary fund. x This Is the first pension under the new law, which provided for a minimum of KO a month. OXWELD PEOPLE HAVE BIG DINNER AND THEATER PARTY Following u banquet at the Home tend ered to Its Nebraska salesmen by the Oxwcld Acetylene company of Chicago, C. K, Baldwin, Omaha sales manager for the concern, piloted the parly of forty- five gentlemen to the Gayety theater, where, through the still further courtesy of the Oxwcld company, tho party wit ncssed the highly enjoyable musical en tertainment. IfGOLD DUST M I Use it always wherever there is dirt J K' llMi or grease. It clean everything. vG0"D L-tff PP Trimmings Worth $1 to $1.50 uoautlful black and Irrldescent beaded trimming bands, tassels and ornaments, Also Persian bands, edges and medallions, fancy beaded chiffons, novelty lace bands and edges, shadow laces, nets, allovcrs, etc. This lot actu ally worth 1 to Si.60 a yard. Special for Tuesday 39c EACH Trimmings Worth 75c to $1.00 25c EACH Fancy beaded bands and edges In lengths for dress trimmings. Many to match. Fancy beaded tassels and me dallions. Black coat ornaments nnd frogs. Matched sets of rich oriental, shadow and Venlse laces. 4-yard lengths In allovers, flounclngs, bands and edges. Actually worth 76c to II a yard....... 50c to 75c Trimmings 15c Fancy beaded trimming b a nd s. edges and medal lions. Dew drop beaded chiffons. Beaded tassels and ornaments. Fancy braided trimmings. Short lengths of fine shadow laces, nets and all overs, Black braid ornaments, Persian trimmings, etc. Worth 50c to 75c, at, each, 15c. 25c to 50c Trimmings Fancy Persian bands, edges and medallions, fancy colored, beaded bands, edges and o r n a ments. Bul garian braided ornaments. Fancy lace bands and edges, nets, flounclngs and allovers. Venlse lace medallions, etc. Worth 25c to 50c each; spe cial at, each, -10c. 10c 15c to 25c Irimmmgs An endless vari ety ot short pieces fancy dress trim mings. Beaded bands, edges and medallions. Braided bands, edges and medallions. Fancy lace allovers and nets, bands, edges, etc. Each piece is worth many times tho sale price. Worth 15c to 25c each, at, each, 5c. 5c Maker's Surplus of Neckwear The sales of the manufacturers surplus stocks of neck wear, tvo advertised last week, were so Immensely popular, that wo Immediately telegraphed to our New York otflce to secure another similar lot. These new purchases have Just nrrlved, and will be combined with what remains from (he first lot for another rousing sale Tuesday. Three attractive lots aro as follows: At 10c Linen stocks, ascot ties, hand embroidered collar and cuff sets, hand embroidered stocks; some with real lace. Used for fine underwear and dross trimmings. Worth up ib 30c, regularly. At 25c 10c and 15c Laces Fine cluny and tor chon lace edges and In Hcrtlons to match. "White and ecru color. 2 and :i Inches wide. Worth lOo and lEc. Special for Tuesday, at 5c Yd. Hand e m -broldered collar and cuff sets, real lace and hand embroidered 1 1 n o n pieces, to be used in trim ming. Many real cluny, IrlBh V and filet pieces. Worth up to 75c. Neckwear, ac- tually worth up to $2.50. Including fine lace pieces, jabots, collar and cuff sets, fichus, etc. Real laces and hand embroidery In many. You will find scores of ways to use them. At 50c Dress Skirl Special $1.50 Correct, new style skirts, carefully tailored-of materials that usually sell, at $4.50 and $5 serges, diagonals, mannish tweeds, worsteds and panamas. In blue, brown, gray, black and' mixtures. Very special in the basement at $1.50. Clearance of Women's SO 48 Coats, worth to $10, at Choice of 300 good, warm, serviceable winter coats in black and colors. Numerous styles, formerly worth up to $10, in the basement Tuesday at $3.48. Child's Dress 25c New spring models in dress for children of 2 to C yoard, in various stylos and colorings. Spe cially priced at 25c. Child's Drawers Children's drawers of good quality soft muslin, very well made. Trim med with lace. Values to 20c, in the basement, 10c. Worth $12.50 and $15 4.98 Desirable models In plain and brocaded velvet and fancy eponge weaves, In all good colorings. Pretty styles, made with the new drop shoulders and 'Jow necks. Many are fur trimmed; others with luce cuffs and neck trim mings. New skirt effects including drapes and tunics. All sizes. Regular J12.E0 and ?15 .dresses. Tuesday in basement, at 84.38. Sheik Hah-Med and 20 Tribesmen in Native Costume Direct From the Sahara Desert, Playing at the Brandeis Theater in the "GARDEN of ALLAH?' iS, A RECEPTION S ON OUR THIRD FLOOR The Brandeis Store, through its connection with tho Brandols Theater, secured the consent of these picturesque nomads to visit our Oriental rug section on the third floor'where they can be viewed at close range by hundreds of people who, being unable to see the show, would otherwise not see them, The band of Arabs will appear at this reception in their full native costume, just as they do dally In the performance of "The Garden of Allah." Tuesday We Feature an Opening Display and Sale of ORIENTAL RUGS Great Mill 'Purchase Sale of Rugs Continues Tuesday Urus&els rugs, north to $18, for ,,..97.98 Wilton rugs, worth to J30. only flB.98 J25 Axmluster rugs on sale at ..$12.98 $60 and 55 Wilton rugs, priced f29.98 S5 small Saxony rugs priced ,,,,.91.98 13.50 small Axmlnster rugs for ,.91.89 New shipment just received. Never before shown. Sizes Include large, medium and small. All grades of rugs in those exquisite, rich, soft color tones. Mousols, Kazaks, Irans, BokarasKhivas, Anatolians, KermanBhabs. Carpet size Sarouks, Kermansbahs, Anatolians, priced at $100 to $400. Beautiful Kermanshahs. Values to S12C, $ns and Sarouks. Values up to $175, at $45 to $125. Mousol rugs. Worth to $75, at $20, $35, $40 and $40. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES These ads will start you on the road to wealth