Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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It is a wine democratic statesman
vho knows hU own platform.
Well, what Old Man Winter does,
lie will have to do speedily now,
Boss Fllnn of Pennsylvania seems
to be another prophet without honor
in bis own country.
Huerta le now said to doubt Cos-
tlllo's execution. Yet wo Helen in
vain for Costillo's retort.
Strange that Mr. Boverldgo did not
think the republican party so impos
sible until after ho lost his toga.
"I am not aftor an office," ox
claims a bull moose orator, showing
clearly that ho Is not orthodox in his
'Even though blind Senator Gore
believes himself able to see his way
out of this mess without much dif
Some humorists refer to Undo Joe
at a Danyillian, but ho has not given
them occasion to call him a vaude
villes. It begins to appear as if Sonator
Gore's enemies had done their best
for kls re-election by-the'boomefang
Everything may bo all righUin the
accounts of that New York atato
treasurer, but suicide always excites
When tiger meets tiger, then
comes the tug-of-war, as witness tho
coming conflict botween Princeton
and Tammany,
From now on, however, all of
South Aatrica, especially the Jus
glee, will be expected to be our good
and great friends.
With four of the Michigan mining
re tea "gusmeu," otherwise detec
tives, convicted, perhaps there 1
hope of the law having its way:
Bearing in mind the tradition that
Demosthenes ground his oratory on
& pebble la his mouth, it in littlo
wonder his words cut deep in his day.
Having been duly advised by our
great hydraulic politician. Denver
should now Had the solution ot Its
water works problem as easy as fall
ing off a log.
It would not be surprising to find
the fact ot Japan's naval appropria
tion ot $62,000,000 figuring as
psramountcr in the Alabama
torlal contest.
An Omaha pastor has answered a
call to go into the life insuranco bus
iness, His function continues, how
over, to be to make tho transit to tbo
other world easier.
tho chief obstacles to .Omaha's
growth and prosperity are within, not
without. It must be a pull alto
gether, not a constant wrangling and
scuffling and pulling apart.
Dick Croker observes that
"Murphy was a big bandycap" In the
late election. Dick may not bo
much on spelling, but spelling Is not
all that a Tammany chief has to do.
Having once "read him out ot the
party," Mr. Bryan must by now see
his blunder in permitting Roger Sul
livan to work his way back in by
feeding the donkey at the Baltimore
"Storm the male political trust;
that is the way to gain suffrage." ex
claims a dashing Kentucky amaron.
That sounds fine! But, oh my, sup-
jiee somo dusky damsel down south
should Jater rise up and cry. "Storm
k 'white political trust; that is tho
way to regain suffrage."' Twould
tot mum! tke mssc.
One Law for All.
In a labored double-shotted edi
torial our hyphenated contemporary
replies to a critic with a definition ot
its attitude toward Btrlct law enforce
ment that makes Its position as clear
as mud. "Tho World-Herald does
not stand for Puritanism," it shouts.
"It does not stand for a blue law ad
ministration. It believes that tho
effort to establish such a policy
would result finally only In failure."
After having berated and assailed
Police Commissioner flvder for not
enforcing the blue laws to the hilt. It
how ndmonlshes Commissioner Ku
go), as his successor, that If he doen
what It demanded of Commissioner
Ryder he will "create a reaction In
public sentiment, and that the effect
of that reaction would be manifested
when a now council Is to bo chosen."
Where does the World-Herald
really stand? Does It want strict
law enforcement from Commissioner
Ryder and lax enforcement front
Commissioner Kugel? Or does it
want only places In the Third ward
compelled to obey the law and those1
outside porralttod to do ns they
pleaso? Does It want ttle Musician?.'
club raided, and tho Elks' club left
unmolested? Docs it want the lid
on tho Ilenshaw, but not on the Ger
man home?
Tho liee objects to any police ad
ministration based on territorial dis
crimination or personal favoritism.
If the; ordor Is for a tight lid, or for
a loose lid, It wants tho same law for
all, and no snitching ot one more
than another.
New Loan Organization.
Tho new national loan organiza
tion for the relief of that class of per
sons ordinarily dependent on ' the
chattel mortgago agency seems to bo
tho culmination of a movement vari
ously projected for a number of years
and finds a limitless field of useful
operation. With a capital of $0,000,
000 and a representative personnel
in every city, its beginning Is auspi
cious, to say the least. If it proves
successful In the territory selected
for Its experimental stage it will un
doubtedly soon cover cvory state. In
addition to affording cheap reltot to
the poor ouch a system ought to have
the further effect ot Instilling habits
of economy, loading to accumulations
on limited scales among the bene
ficiaries. On the otbical side may be found
another evidence of tho altruistic re
sponse to the ago-old question, "Am
I ray brother's keeper," for, pri
marily, the promoters of this enter
prise are said to be actuated by other
than selfish motives.
The Unemployment Problem,
The now Federal Commission ot
Industrial Relations Is said to regard
the unemployment problem as a, per
manent one, because present condi
tions in tho field of labor are sub
stantially the same as- exist every
year at this season, PoBsIbly, but in
this connection n recent showing was
made in. congress which la not to bo
overlooked, It was that since tho
adoption pf tho new tariff many iron
and stool nnd other industrial plants
have closed down in whole or part;
that more than 1,000,000 working-
men wero Idle, more than $2,000,000
lost in wages, more than $125,000,-
000 capital In tho closed mills bring
ing In no returns on investment.
It may not be quite right to as
sume that the existing conditions aro
either idontical with those arising
each year at this time or are to be
legarded as permanent. Docs It not
depend somewhat on the permanency
of those national policies most vi
tally affecting this problem? Amer
ican industry and labor' reached their
proportions ot greatest prosperity
under a protective tariff system, not
free trade, and thus tar thoy, like our
trade balance, have not prospered
under the now democratic tariff. Tho
country was not overrun by idlo men
nor tho foreign trade balance sag
ging, before the Wilson-Underwood
law camo'into prospect.
An Active People.
All that waa necessary to mtko repre
sentatlve government what It ought to be
was to rouse the people to a proper ac
tivity; and tho new forms of government
proposedr-or, rather, tho old forms, for
they are forms that have proved unatic
ctaJul In history re not any more likely
10 prevent auuse. uccauso iucj icijuiit
thiee times as much political activity
from the people as doea the representa
tive system-William H. Taft In Satur.
day ISventng Post
Those who are unwilling to aban
don the principle of representative
government will agree with this
statement. A well-artlculated pub
He opinion, In Its broadest meaning,
Is, after all, sufficient to correct
abuses and insure the bost form ot
popular rule. But, taking them at
their word, those who say wo have
not succeeded undcr"our established
forms In rousing the necessary po
litical activity, how shall we succeed
better under forms making this task
nmn rilfflmilt?
On a smaller scale, precisely tho
same claims have been made for tho
new forms of municipal government
as for the national Innovations
"give us tho new system and all will
bo well." Governments, despite all
the blgh-flown theories to the con
trary, do not make men, men still
make the government. Therefore,
as Mr. Taft says, the government
cannot make men over and change
them into perfect beings.
Anybody hereabouts seen that re
serve bank tor which Omaha is com
letlng with Kansas City and Denver?
looking gacWardlP
ThkJny in Omaha
commits rsoM ate rim
Thirty Years Ago
President Sidney Dillon of the Union
Taclflc and party came In In two spe
cial cars. Besides the president there
were Sidney HI ply Dillon, his grandson.
Dr. Wyphoff, and Mrs. Wyphoff, his
jdauRhter and a little granddaughter.
General Superintendent Nichols and
other officials had Rone to Cheyenne to
mett him.
Guy C. Barton has bought the fine
residence on California street, formerly
occupied by E. P. Vlnlnr. now removed
to Chicago.
Clement Chase, wrltlnn from Wash
ington, contributes to The Bee nn In
teresting letter of gossip from the capi
tal. In It he tells about Mr. and Mrs.
nussHl Harrlton being at Senator Har
rison's to remain for a month; Jesso
I)e running In from Troy Polytechnic
Inttltute and John A. Harhaugli still
here --with both eyes on the Omaha
bridge bill.
Leonard Whlteman, formerly with the
Burlington, lins accepted n position a
stenographer with the Union Pacific
enerkl freight department.
John Esser, who hid been at work for
Hendrlckson Ilannan on Sixteenth
atieet, was found deail In the Farmers'
hotel at Fourteenth and Harney.
Miss Nellie Wood wfll be principal of
the new Leavenworth school soon to he
Mrs, O. If. Fllcliett. Virginia avenue,
head of St. Mary's avenue, wants a girl
for general housework.
Twenty Yearn Ago
Sir. and Mrs. J. J. Brown, left for Cal.
Mrs. Millard aiid Miss Anna" MJIIard
were recoverlnjr from nn attack of grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoe) und family
and Mlsa KatherJne Mors were back
from Madison.
at. Cleorgo AVorthlngtOn waif reported
as convalescing- from her attack of the
Alfred Fawloior. K. H, FJsher and 8.
3. Smith, appointed recently by tho Cen
tral Labor union, to draw up suitable
resolutions on thex Ueuth of George W.
Wlllard, jravo their resolutions' to the pa
pers for publication,
The Milk Dealers' association held a
fiery mass meeting, adopting- resolutions
condemning the city council for "Intoler
able Interference" In passlnr ordinances
regulating- the milkmen's business.
The appointment was announced of W.
B. Ten Eyck as administrator of the es
tato of Frederick Hchnell, who died De
cember II, 1893. leaving- a will by tho
terms of which all his property Went to
Itobert Prlcss. Tho will was contested
by tho heirs and sat asldo at the recent
term of probate court.
Ten Years Agt
flt a meeting of tho Oniuha Real Estate
exchange, which adopted a committee
report adverse to the proposal to call
an extra session of tho leclslature. nitv
..i.Riii, aupenmenaent or
Schools Pcarro nnd Councilman Huntlnr-
ton appear anl. explained' why 'it was
necessary to maintain the high tax levy,
agalnsf which, the ejtchapBQ .had. Pro
tested. President A. E. Focel
menuel tfbi&ltal announced plnn"ror'UM
enlarecmihf of that lnstltuUon"'iIlwWg
mo cr oy me erection or a winff occupying-
ground sparo of 32x40 feetcostlnr
from 915,000 to 39,00O
Twenty-two younir men enlisted for
military sprvlce at the Omaha recruiting
station In the month to date and most
of tttem expressed eagerness tp sret Into
tno smolto and fire of battle an soon as
possible, wishing to leavo for those dear
old Philippine Islands.
Jailer J, If. Kirk was reported seri
ously 111 with pneumonia at his home,
list Phelps street.
T. M. Oruber. the new superintendent
ot the Union Pacific, gave a few healthy
swings of the battle axe, by order ot
K. IT. H&rrlman, separating several gents
from tho payroll and others from por
tions ot tho mazuma they wero wont to
receive In exchange for their time and
attentions to the company's Interests.
31 r. Gruber mild lie hated to do it, but
he had to; but even thla did not help
soothe the pain ot decapitation.
People nd Events
Cleveland Joins the army of knockers
on the high cost ot living by cutting the
price of marriage licenses, from tl to 89
cents. '
Loyalty and courage blend beautifully
In the cue of Major C. 0. Gouter, 8?, of
St Louts, who has lived sixty-eight years
In that city.
In woddtng his secretary, less than half,
hla age, Thomas Hardy, 73. lends an
atmosphero ot realism to hla story:
'Crabbed Age and Youth.''.
Miss Helen Wlnslow bus that there
are now about 8,000 widows In Massachu
setts dependent on- public charity, at a
cost of iio to tu a month.
Queen Mary Is ,000 richer as a re
sult of tho recent boom In securitlea on
the stock exchange. Her majesty bought
a large block of British consols a fort
night ago, just in time to reap the benefit
ot the rise in pricev
The "first assistant ot Cupid" moves
and thrives and enjoys himself at At
lanta, Ga., and answers to the name ot
Howard Peeplea Howard has a score ot
Attending thirty-four weddlncs, at twelve
of hlch he has acted as boat man.
Mlsa Mildred Johnson ot the Women's
college. Western Reserve university, haa
been declared wlnrier of the first prise of
J) In tho college historical essay con-
test of the Ohio Perry Centennial so
ciety. Kssays were submitted under an
assumed name and were considered by
tho judges separately.
The state of Pennsylvania lias wunin
Ita border five women whose fathers
fought In the revolutionary war. Thy
are Mrs. Ann HlUabeth Stewart. Tioga
Point rhapter: Mrs. Hutdah Brofn.
Fcranlon City chapter; Mrs. Laura A.
Ferguson. Uberty Bell chapter: Miss Ann
K. Gregory, Sellns Grov, and Mrs. Bllaa
Lawall. Easton. Pa.
The letter written by General U. 8.
Grant to his father, In which he an
nounced his determination to enlist, was
sold at New York d urine the auction of
the rare autograph letters tn the Bern
sen Iano collection tor S910, ths highest
price of the day. J. Ewlng was the pur
chaser. t'onlprliila Ai Hark Naiubrrs.
Washington Post.
No one wants to leave footprints on the
rands ot time: the general desire Is to
leavo tire; prints of a sixty horse-oower
led machine.
Aimed at Omaha
Falrbury News: The police commis
sioner of Omaha has made the startling
statement that the drug stores of that
jelty must obey tbo law. What a tne use
In living- in Omaha, anyhow
Ord Journal: Commissioner Kugel is
apparently doing a man's work in clean
ing up the vice centers of Omaha, Of
course, he is going to be criticized by
the wide-open people of the metropolis,
but the other element ought to rally to
hla support. The public sentiment out
In the state Is with him and all Ne
braskans claim the right to be inter
ested In their biggest and best town.
Columbus Telegram (Edgar llowatd):
For twenty years a religious charlatan
has worked the people of Nebraska
for sympathy and dollars. He Is the
best advertised preacher In the state.
He poses as a free lance In the pulpit,
and persistently proclaims tho doctrine
that his indlvldaul views are superior
to tho views of any organized body of
Christians. Ho Is cunning as a fox.
He poses as the special friend of the
poor, but always demands dollars for
his posing. His latest shameful stroke
of enterprise has been his loudly pro
claimed effsrt to drive the devils of
evil out of the body of "Fainting Ber
tha," a notorious character, who haa
long piled her trade as a professional
thief. In many Nebraska homes ho is
regarded as a Rood man, a real friend
of unfortunate humanity, but among men
who have had opportunity to watch his
maneuvers and to discover his wily
ways, he Is estimated as a dangerous
character Indeed dangerous because of
his power"to deceive dangerous be
cause of his efforts to destroy the be
lief of his dupes in any and all organ
ized Christian communions. Dissatisfied
and uncertain people are always looking
for some kind of a Church which runs
on the go-as-you-please plan, and the
general manager for Fainting Bertha has
no troublo In attracting- that class of
infirms to his contributing- staff. I am
aware that in writing my Impressions of
that spiritual shark I shall Invite the
criticism ot many persons, who have been
hypnotized by tho smooth fellow, hut I
shall not fear stioh criticism, because my
object 1b to direct public attention to
this charlatan 1n particular, and towatd
all of his kind In general.
Fremont Tribune; The sensational suit
brought by a woman against the head
of the Brandels firm In Omaha, is not
gelling mucn puDiicuy irom me news
papers of that city. It is very proper
that this should bo so, for it is said
much of tho evidence In the case Is un
printable. But think how the papers
might Bkato around tho edges and make
a sensation ot It, Just tho same. Omaha
owes something to the newspapers, but
It will never know Jus) how much until
the true inwardness of the trial becomes
known in some manner. Such things
generally leak out.
, BtoUIcp Express: , Labor Commissioner
I'ooi has placed mmseit in me umciigm
for an Investigation by the policy of
"malUhg-'as'few'polltlcol enemies as pos
sible." Governor Morchead has been in
formed, that, riol .has side-stepped his
duties in not onforclng the femalo labor
law in OmahOi The complainants say
that freSiieni 'c6mptlntVhad" been made
to the cdmtSWloner oF"violaUdps of -tho
law", but that ho evinced no desire to
accord them recognition.
State Press Comment
rtrhSsrenort News-Blade: No man should
receive a vote for governor ot Nebraska
next fall who doea not pledge nimseii
to use his best endeavors to abolish the
present direct prlmory law, and the same
Is true ot candidates for senator and
representative. No Intelligent voter, no
matter what may bo his political belief,
should consent to stand-for a law which
puts a brass collar on every voter and
binds him to some particular party. Tho
direct primary law has not a thing to
recommend It. and It ought to go,
Ktornoy Hub: The Union Pacific Rail
road company la starting- on another Hi
bdvlf.ed campaign of tax resistance in
refusing to pay Increased school taxes
In Buffalo county and paying the In
creased tax in other counties under pro
test. It Is hardly possible that school
districts, municipalities or counties must
be governed in tho making of tax levies
by the demands of a railroad company,
In which event it would b Jut well
that the corporation take tho place ot
board ot equalization.
Nebraska City Press: One of the great
est movements for reform ever started
by Nebraska newspapers is this indica
tion that publishers of the state will at
temp' to do away with the "free pass
graft" that has mado cowards ot us all.
For many years Nebraska publishers
have accepted tickets and passes in ex
change for good whlto advertising space.
It Is tlmo to call a halt and it looks very
much as though ths halt had been called.
A rc solution adopted by tho executive
commltteo of the Nebraska Editorial as
sociation condemns the practice of ac
cepting publicity matter without pay. and
It goes wltUo-Jt saying that a great ma
Jorlty ot the conscientious publishers of
Nebraska will endorse the sentiment ex
presked In the resolution.
Columbus Telegram: It la not pleasing
to tho people ot an agricultural state to
observe their United .States senator In
the act of carrying meat to tho wolves
on Wall street, and yet that is what Sen
ator Hllchcoak did last week. A bill to
take the teeth out of tho Wall Street
Stock exchange and kindred gambling
houses was before the senate- It la not
! positively known Just how urgest were
the Instructions which tho capitalists In
j touch with the great packing- houses and
slock yard Interests in South Omaha
Sent to Senator Hitchcock, but certain It
la that the urging was sufficient to In
duce him to stand up In the senate an!
defend the Interests of the meat and
grain gamblers and the Wall street
woves, thereby doing the best he could
to harm the IntoreiitB ot the people of
this agricultural state. The Telegram
points to this shameful picture In sor
row. It Is. Indeed, a source of sorrow to
be furnished with dally proof that a sen
ator from Nebraska. Is constantly a
watchdog for the great criminal interests
mevt'ry direction.
Prospects for I.ousr Walt.
Indianapolis News.
If the Huerta government is merely un
dergoing "natural decay" we may have
a long wait for the final crumble. As
everybody and every thins; is undergoing a
similar process It will be seen That nat
ural decay is not very rapid.
Suk; I'ay-ns-Yon-KxIt Charcltrn.
OMAHA, Feb. l.-To the Editor of
The Bt: I note tho diagnosis ot tho
famlrio of chunch-goers by Mr. Agnew
ascribing the empty pews to disinclina
tion of people to havo a contribution
box poked under their noses. If this Is
a correct explanation the remedy should
be simple. Let us equip a church with
pay-aa-yoti-enter or pay-as-you-exlt faro
boxes and measure results, X. X.
Demands l,mv to Protect Statesmen.
OMAHA, Feb. l.-To the Editor of
The Bee: Verily "A virtuous woman la
a crown to her husband." Solomon knew
what he was talking about.
Consider the scene: There stood tho
great apostle ot grape juice. His auditors
were hanging- -rapturously on the words
that rippled from his lips, mingled es
sence of poesy and wisdom, buoyed up
by his own great thought, (I would not
say "intoxicated, by tho exuberance of
his own verbosity," as once another did),
he stood a thing apart. But he is yet
mortal; those Up folt the parch of con
tinued talking, and he reached for a
glass to moisten them,-that he might not
lose the joy of the moment
Horrtr! Medusa outdone In horror!
Circe's spell that turned men to swine
was never more purposely woven! Be
sldo that glass pf limpid water stood
another, filled to the brim with that in
vention of the arch-fiend, champagne. All
unknowingly the great one grasped tho
goblet within whose crystal embrace
lurked the source ot pollution, and in an
Instant it would, have been all over. Those
lips that never knew a harsher drink
than unfermcnted grape julco would havo
been everlastingly polluted by the con
taminating contact with champagne.
But his faithful spouse was on guard;
he might be carried away by the rap
ture of the moment, but not her. She
was watching, and Just as his wandering
hand led Jilm Into tho position of a most
tcrrlblo mistake, jihe Interposed, and he
doesn't know yet what really good cham
pagne tastes like. '
It makes mo tremble when I think ot
It. Shouldn't we have some, law to pro
tect our statesmen from such a catas
trophe? How must the men who had
that banquet In charge feel when they
reflect on the awful error that was so
narrowly averted?
By the way, what Is champangns but
sophisticated grape Juice?
State' Fair Graft.
LINCOLN, Feb. 16. To tho Editor of
The Bee: The enclosed from the Jour
nal Is so good I ask you to reprint it.
A. B. L.
KENESAW, Neb., Feb. IJ.-T0 the Ed
itor: Mr. Budgo's energetic defense of
Secretary Mellor and tho board ot man
agers of the stato fair la particularly In
teresting In that It gives In detail the
beneficiaries of the tree passes issued.
As 1 view the matter, some of these
passes are wholly unjustified. In this
class I include 123 passes to members of
the legislature, thirty-one to Judges,
thirteen to the Board of Educational
Lands and Funds and the ninety-one ap
propriated to their own use by members
ot tho board in addition to twenty-nine
given to the wlveB of board members,
twenty-two of which are. Jn my Viow,
without any Justification, each of tho
seven members having, presumably, only
uiio true. 1 can conceive or no reason
why theso. distinguished Individuals, am
ply able' aa they aro to pay their own
fare, should bo singled out for preference.
And it the board la entitled to hand out
passes to their friends why limit the
numDcr 10 vai
To tnvo JUdses. legislators and state
officers f.ree entranco Is unfair and con
trary to a sound public policy, while for
the board to swipe a handful of admis
sions to be liBndod out -to their friends
Is tho final wacale to tho tall of the old
idlscredited and, for the most port aban
doned, rree pass policy, niat tne noara
has reduced this bud practice to such a
small remnant is to Its credit. Now let
us complete the Job. I. V. EVANS.
Common Sense Polities.
AVOCA, Neb., Feb. I6.-T0 the Editor
of Tho Bee: Truly the cry of reform Is
In the alrl Nothing- that has been Is
right. Although with the constitution
and laws that we havo had for genera
tions this country has progressed be
yond any In the history of the world, t he-
Latter Day Saints who would have an
office find nothing to be satisfied with.
If a man wants to be governor it is
first necessary he shall formulate a plat
form that will co further than any ot
his competitors in showing the people
that he la the onlysimon-pure reformer.
Progress is essential and will, and has,
come with larger responsibilities and the
growth of the country bringing gTcatcr
But change Is not necessarily progress.
I agree In the main with Senator Allen's
criticism of Mr. Berge's platform. ' The
proposition that the governor should ap
point the remaining state officers seems
to m to be particularly unwise. Mr.
Berge Is a lawyer and, presumably, has
had tone acquaintance with the habits
of unscrupulous offlceseekers. He ought
to see that the designing, untruthful can
didate for governor would secretly
prom'se to appoint all the aspiring- men
tor each office to the office they desired
In return or support for himself, and thus
buld up a stale-wide force Uiat an hon-'
est man could not compete with.
I believe the people can secure better
results by electing men whom they know
to represent them in the legislature than
they can either by jnltlatlve or referen
dum. It, of course, Is true that the
multiplicity of bills introduced In every
legislature puts It beyond the capacity
of the average member to analyze them,
but there are always leadera who will
present their merits or demerits so that
the average man -can understand them,
A remedy for this avalanche of bills
couU be provided by a Joint resolution
of the senate and house that no member
should introduce more than three bills.
Senator Allen says: "The people elect
our senators and representatives and
ought to be the best judges of their qual
ifications, and It In doing So they do not
exercise good Judgment It Is difficult to
understand how they would exercise bet
ter judgment in the recall."
Ills logic Is unanswerable, and when
he further says "No self-respecting- man.
acting- from conscientious motives, would
accept an office, when, to discharge his
duties faithfully, he subject himself to
the recall, set afoot by a cable of self
seektnx politicians, who have no personal
or political responsibility, but hope to
destroy htm and to build up themselves
upon the run." lie indicates the danger
of the people lotlng the services of their
best men. v
The same danger exists under our
present primary law. A strong; self
respecting man dislikes to advertise hla
personality and qualifications broadcast
j over tne state oy pain aaveriisemenu ana
circulars sept to targe usis or voters
names secured by personal effort, for
such a man has & dignity and pride in
that which is becoming which makes it
distasteful to him. Tho doublo campaign
Is also expensive and annoying, and past
results have shown that the advertiser
has the best chance.
As far as I have been able to observe
not one-fourth of the voters are in favor
Of the primary law, but It haa been foisted
upon Us by politicians Inordinately eager
to get tho reputation of being the friends
of the peorle.
The voters object to the two election as
taking- unnecessary time, and do not like
to pay taxes for the expense of the extra
one, and realize that in a primary to
choose from men with whom they aro
totally unacquainted, simply means that
the result Is governed by chance, with
no assurance that the best men will bo
In a country like ours political parties
Rre necessary In order that certain policies
of government shall be put In force by
tho officers elected by the people. The
only correct basis tor's political party ts
a Platform of principles enunciated by
the representatives of those who hav
affiliated under the party name. Any to
whom theso principles do not appeal havo
the right to align themselves with some
other party. Any other plan Is chaos,
and personal platforms arc puerile.
- 1
Knlck-Does the dentist drill your
Knack Yes: but he cant make them
act right.
He Yes. I'm a soldier. I helncd Ene.
land win the Boer war.
She Is that bo? Which side .were
you on?
Her admire!1 awnllowed hard, uullrrf nt
hla collar, and finally made up his mind.
t.iman. lie earn, desperately, "lets
get married!"
Lillian s bored expression vanished.
"All rlcht." she n creed: "but who can
you marryf
Man (at doctor's night bll) Doctor,
how much are your charges at the house?
Doctor (through speaking tube) Two
dollars. ,
Man All right. Please come at once.
Florida, New
Panama, Gulf
AH principal resorts ia the south reached by quick aaal coe
veniest schedalo of tho Louisrille & N&rimHo Kailroad. SeKsl
throvgh 'trains or sleepine cars' from Chkafo er St Levis.
Unsurpassed a la cart Hax car service. Rosmel trip taerist
tickets, return limit June 1st, on sale ekMy tt re4sl fares.
Greater variety routes tksa any ether line; sKvsraa roates to
Florida If sleefa-ael. Hcmesaekera' tickets en sal a First nasi
TUrsi Tnesslay eaefa month at very low rates.
Vary AHradrrt Water 1ms t fmm, Cvbt awl hmki.
Tiie Most Attractive Way Smith
Root of the tKeailieent Dia Limited, Dixie Flyer 4 South
AUsjMsc Limited Trains.
Far fU partieslars, rates, tickets, deseriptire Skis
traits! booklets and sUcsg car raserrationj, aaUrsts
In selecting an office location
keep in mind that the business
center is moving west.
With tho Court House, tho new hotel, the City Hall, 'tho
Library, the now Masonic building, two theaters and all kinda
of other business all west of 17th Street, there" is no question
as to tho future,
The Bee Building
offers the best offioe location in Omaha for the present and
the future. When the now Court House plaza is complete it
will be a delightful and refreshing outlook.
Here are a few offices we can of for you now: .
Three ifine offices, single or en suite, on the fourth floor;
north light; 300, COO or 960 square feet; will arrange partitions
and decorate to suit tenant; water, heat and modern electric
lights free. Prices on application.
Large corner room, fifthfloor, with yault and water; also
adjoining rooms en suite if desired; 400 to 800 square feet, as
needed; north and east windows; 17th Street side of the
building; newly varnished and decorated; can be occupied at
once ' 940.00, 962.50. $85.00
Fine east side room on sixth floor, with two private offices
and reception room; water, heat and light tree; 320 square feet;
very desirable for lawyer, doctor,, real estate, etc, .$30.00
Nice room on beautiful court, with vault, water and private
office; newly decorated; ready now, at $18.00
Other rooms $10.00 to $50.00
For offices apply to tho Superintendent,
Room 103, The Bee Building Co.
i mm.
Ask for
Tbe Feed Driik
(As they in the doctor s automo
iii nere s your tee. uottor. A taxi
tuui 1ku as much.
Anna Didn't she have a troop ot lortis
rtzntjtig tor her? .
liuna Vcs; but they all beat a retreat.
lie sat and played amid tho crush
(Excuse this tear-amt-sob tale!)
Upon his cheek a hectie flush,
And In his hand a bobtail.
"This photograph." averred the sales
man, "needs no Introduction."
"Why not?"
"It speaks for Itself."
I suppose that my heart should be Joy
ous and light,
And I should be dcp In a trance:
For Mollv said, "Vcs," at thev party
But you seer-all I asked was a dance
Ted How was It you didn't object to
her w raring the necklace the other fellow
gave her? . . .
Ned-Why, old man, she let me tasteii
It on!
Washington Star.
When a feller gets elected, everything la
gay and bright;
Your fileiida will gather 'round you nnd
declare that you're all right;
Your words will be repeated, as they
shake you by tho hand,
Assuring you your future will be some-!
thing good and grand.
ThOse friends appear so numerous that,
as you look them o'er,
YoU wonder' why you haven't seen a lot
ot them before.
And each looks rather wistful ns he Joins
the cheers so free
And sings his special version of "Thtit
You-ll Itemember Me."-
But as the years go rolling by, horv!
many of them say,
"I wonder what he did tc set an office,
anyway'.'' , 1
When you've dope your best to please
them, you will hear that tapping
sound, Which tells you that a tribe ot Hammer
Boys Is prowling 'round.
You think about the beautiful bouquots
they used to throw, .
And sigh, at realising that they with
i ered long ago.
yor the meetings and the greetings show
a very different style.
When a feller has been holding publld
office for awhile.
Orleans, Cuba,
Coast Resorts
332 KtfcTMttt sMtff,
R. C. WALLI5. D. P. A.
312 ttn 90, St. , St. Leak,
fr M Aim Otltrs are IaiUtMM