Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    That's Whatcha Get for Humoring a Friend
You.s rr w&HrTHEKB m EES
"NO DON'T oy.
Fonder Manager Denies Keport He
is to Direct Brooklyn Feds.
HnmorWhat B-ffafo Federal' Krin-
cSltr Jir' tV J""" TrawWlerrert' f v
Cleveland Aftr Cmrrford
and Speaker.
CHICAGO. Feb. 16. Jake Stahl when
iieen hero today dented that he had been
"offered the management ot the Brooklyn
club of the Federal league."
"Nobody has talked to me about be
coming a manager in the Federal leaguu
or any other bae ball organization," said
Mr. Stahl. "I am In the banking bust
ncs now and have no Intention of go
ing back lnt6 bo- ball,, '
President Gllmoro reached toown to
dky from the cant with, a check fof
$S,C00; t given- by fl. D. "Ward of the
Brooklyn Federal league club, who aiked
that too president" u H to get him a
manager and a playbr.
. Another Chance In Makeup.
Ollmoro refused to say Uiat any change
In tho makeup of the lengue would re
ault from hla Interview with Fred flram
ley it Cleveland yesterday, but rumors
reached the city with ttie league presi
dent that the' Buffalo franchise might be
transferred to Cleveland. None of tho
Federal leaders would discuss tho report
that an agent of theirs had approached
Mike Doelan. tho Philadelphia National's
shortstop at Nice. A Chicago paper
printed the story, -which was sent by Kt.
correspondent with tho world .tourists.
Crawford, and -Speaker are other tourist
said to have been offered .positions with
the., Federals, ' -
Announcement was had that Eugene
PjJckard lintT lVn. trailisffrrdl from the
Clilcago Federals' to the Kansas City
team. i . , .
Demands: or Ed Sweeney are so strong
that the Federals havo nearly despaired
of landing the New ork catchen Nego
tiations are still In , progress, however.
Tho transfer of the Toronto franchlio
to Brooklyn Included the transfer of th'e
services ot William Bradley, who, how
ever, probably will not be manager.
South Omaha Man
Makes Good Score
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 1.-The
Wild Boss Jenrri it .Marshalltawn, Ja.(
apning1 a aurprlse lnt night when It
want to first place In the Ilve-mon events
in the annual tournament of the Interna
tional BowJIng association, defeating the
Blats tcaftt ot Chicago, tho latter land
Intr In third place. Tho Blat team last
year won the .championship with a score
of 5,926. following were the leaders In the
several division when playtyegan today:
Five-men events:
Wild Hose. Marshalltawn, la... 3.S74
West Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn
Blat. Chicago , , J.Mf
C It. Gibson and Georsa Itoblln
Winnipeg , AMi
1L II. Hlichsted and II. Patterson.
Minneapolis,' Minn ,...1.213
M. Nuth and -J. J,-Lenfsch. St. Paul..l,2U
Singles: .
'am cimdd. South Omaha .' $4)
;v I. Johnson, Fargo. 3?.' D ....'...CSl
W. Banborn. Ahl8nd,,.Wls ....C27
Tom Sharkey Given
Month in Prison
NBW TOIUt. lb. iq.-Tom Sharkey,
onc lamoui- aa a heavyweight pugilist
waa.-sentenced tq thltty .dayln 3alland
imea ww toaay ror maintaining a dla
reputable resort in Fourteenth street.
The manager ot the place received the
same Jail 'sentence, but was not fined.
Both wera convicted, recently and had
been In the Tombs awaiting sentence.
Seats tor the basket ball game Tuea
day night between the Vnlverslty of Ne
braska team and the Mage-Deemer team
of ex-unlverslty players, havo been placed
on sale at the Young Men's Christian
attoclatlon.. In-hddlflon various member
of the local team and member of the
the Nebraska nluinnl in this city are
MlUng tickets 1y personal c,anvas, Aa
nil tho alumni I sure' to turn out in full
force a very largo crowd Is expected.
universityItudents to
Tomorrow morning the Burlington will
bring n special train from Lincoln loaded
with university student from the state
fftrm. They will spend most of the day
Jn, and about the packing house at South
Omaha studying the killing ot animals
and the preparing- of the meat or con
umptlon, TheMmtpa are roaAe annually,
by the tudeotlaM usually from S00 to
W9 come. ;
Origination Cured.
John Busplc of Sunbury. Pa., writes
'Dr. King New Life pu are the bH
piq to constipation ' Sc. All drug
glsU.- Advertisement,
Vk '
Iowa City High
Marksmen Are Tied
for First Place
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1$. The results
of tho fifth week's match In the Public
High fcchoorSMo6llng- league shew the
Iowa city. Ia., High school arid 'thft
eering nigh school 'ot ' Portland, Jue.,
tied for first place In. Class A, with the
Salt Lake City High school and the Mor
ris High school of New York City on
even term for second, Ball Lake City
High turned In tho highest score of tho
week-471 out of a possible 1,000 un
usually fine score for a high school team.
In Class B Jamaica, Long Island, High
retains Its lead, with Erasmus Hall High
of Brooklyn and the Stbneham, Mass.,
High, tied for second. In Class C Cedar
naplds, la., High arid Placer County
High of Auburn, Cal remain tied for
first pi a co. Summary:
M9. vs. DeWItt Clinton High, New Torn.
tit; JoWa City, la,, High, K, vs. McKIn
ley Manual Training, J. C., 927; Bait Lake
v,uy iugn, vn, vs. opringrieia, uui..
Technical. MS: Morris lllarh. Naw YrtrU.
WS, vs. Baltlmoro Polytechnic, 829; Port
land. Me.. High, M9, vs. Btuyvesant High,
I urn, tUi.
Class B-fftoneham, Mass., High, Ml.
VS. Western Hlsh. District nf Cnliimhla.
mi Krasmua Hall High, Brooklyn, N. r
WO. ye. urookllne, Mass., High, M7: Man
ual Training High, Brooklyn, N. V,, 990,
Jamaica, Long Island, High, Ml, vs. Uusl
nesa High. Dlsotrlct of Columbia, KM;
Kaslern High. District of Columbia, W,
.uiiiiutiryiui nigni urooKiyn, oe
ted. Class C-Cdar Baplds, la.. High, S15,
?fcn ow. Neb.. High. 865, vs. Centra
H!?h' Ofand llaplds, Mich.. 82a : Tucson.
Aria., High, 85T, vs. St. Louis, Mo., Man
V?,t Training school, 787! Warren, P.,
Placer County High, Auburn, Cal..J3s.
nouatffn jjx., High, 730. a f ;
Frojn a Staff Correspondent.)
Ing to the relgster of bull moosers who
attended tho conference banquet held In
Lincoln last week, 130 third party adher
ent were present. Of this number aulte
few Were from TJnrntn mil rtm.l..
county sent a goodly haro. Amonr the
name of tho Omahana are: A. II. BUre-
low. a. B. Benny, W. T. Graham, Nela
u. Johnson, a. U K. Kllngbell, Joe Klein,
John Lewis, T. R. Lackey, H .L. Mtad.
It, W, Morrow, Nathan Mprrlam, II. D.
Pierian. II. D, .Nceley, Jame Richard
son, V. W. Ward and Qeorga It. Young.
Most of these signed a card showing
that they would donate a monthly
amount to the good ot the cause. Among
the familiar names outside of Omaha
and Lincoln were: Senator K. J. Sperk.
Wllber; alenn. Cramer.. Albion Wlllhun
Ernst, Tecumseh: L, B. Fuller, Lincoln:
V. G. Lyford, Fall City: T. E. Nordgren,
Phillips; Harry E. sackett, Beatrice.
Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. ie.-(SDeolal.)-County
treasurer Who failed to get In their an
nual settlement to tho state treasurer
have- bad their attention railed to the
IHW which KQVldJs that 'treasurer de
linquent assessed a 10 per cent
merest unui,runa have-een remitted.
.In catling their attention to the mat
ter. State Auditor Howard says:
"It is made mandatory upon this of-
iica io m&xe ims cnarge ana we are
specifically prohibited from remitting
same unless satisfactory evidence be pre
sented through, ypur county board, show
ing lawful excuse why same could not
be paid." i
It will be now un to the boards of the
delinquent countle to comV across with
an excusAsatlsfactory la the- state au
ditor or pay the 10 per cent. -
AURORA. Neb.. Feb. ie.-(Speclal.)
Tho local Congregational and Presby
terian churches closed Sunday night
three day' Sunday School Workers' In
stltut. These two denominations have
hot heretofore In Nebraska projected
almllnr work conjointly. The result have
been good. Last night' closing union
meeting at the Presbyterian church for
the young people' societies developed
much religious interest. In charge of tho
Institute were Rev. S. II. Buell of Grand
Island, superintendent ot Congregational
Sunday School work for the state, and
Rev. Ralph If. Houseman of Omaha,
educational superintendent for Nebraska
Succeaatul rvrywker.
People everywhere are talking ot the
quick and fine result Foley Kidney
PUI give in .backache, rheumatism, kid
ney and bladder troubles. You cannot
take them Into your aystem without good
result. That I because Foley Kidney
mi give to the kidney and bladder
just what nature-, calls for to heal these
weakened and Inactive organ. J. D,
Carroll, 8acramento, Cat, writes; "It Is
a pleasure to recommend Foley Kidney
Pills, as they Just worked wonder In
my case," For 1 by all dealer every
where, Advertisement.
-JJ? -BSS rasa
Stenographer Takes Reports
Woman's Remarks.
Wife of Former Policeman Baldwin
Tell of II I m with Mrs. Pant at
llelcilf'i and Also nt the
SfeVey nesort.
ODetall of a plan by attorneys for
Arthur Brandels as a result of which Mrs.
Nellie Paul who Is suing him for $250,000.
took the witness stand and made denials
under oath of her own statements and ac
tions In Ignorance bf the fact that thoy
were alter to be proven beyond Question,
wero Unfolded at yesterday's session of
District Judgo Day's court.
Tho most Important actor In comedies
staged at the Metcalf resort in Council
Bluffs, 377 West Broadway, and the
Hazel MoVey resort, 4 North Four
teenth street, Omaha, on December 3,
was a shorthand reporter, who, sitting In
a room adjoining that occupied by Mm.
Paul nnd the member ot her party, who,
has been Indicated, wero nearly all
'In on the deal," took the conversation
ot Mrs. Paul In shorthand.
Mrs. Paul, early In the trial, denied,
under oath, many of tho statements made
by her In the Bluffs resort and denied
that sho had gone to the MoVey place
that same night. Yesterday she was con
fronted by the stenographer who took
the conversation and by witnesses who
testified that she had gone to the latter
iplafe. It was shown that two or three
umea previouaiy uio BicnoBrHyncr iibui
gone to roadhouses to wait for Mr. Paul
at the direction ot Attorney Connell for
Mr. Brandels;- - - .....
Toast- Mr. Paul and
Wbtnari friend who" Is" described' by"tHe
names of "Kitty", and,, "RJ," -entered
prominently IntokyeeterMay' evidences.,
It wa Indicated that " the Joasts wet e
given at a merry .pirty at' Mr. eMtcait
resort in Council IJluffa on December 3
ot last year. wilri, Paul'' tbast, whloh
concerned a. common, .bar.nyard animal,
was top .naughty to bo repealed..
The the, party which lnvftdtd
Council Bluff was given to tho Jury
for the second time When Mrs. pan. Bald
win, widow ot a rormer wen Known po
liceman, , who had tieen hired to go to the
resort to obserye Mr. Paul's . conduct,
replied Jn' the affirmative to question
whether she heard statement made by
member of Mrs. Paul's, party and a. third
time when the stenographer tooic tna
Mrs. Baldwin also testified that she
had gone with Mrs. Paul and her. com
panions to Hasel MoVey" resort., in
Omaha after leaving Council Bluffs. the
evening ot December 3. Mrs. Paul had
denied this.
The short hand evidence Includes state
ments by Mrs. Paul uncomplimentary to
her son. Clarence Rlsley, on' whoso evi
dence she relics for her claim .ot dam
ages and an assertion by her that "It
the Judge and Jury do not allow mo dam
age against Arthur Brandels I will kill
The evidence shows that Mrs. Paul used
considerable profanity In referring, to Mr.
Brandels and to a lawyer who previously
was retained by her In the case, and
that the member of the party were
drinking beer, whisky arid wine and danc
ing In the dance hall.
Sheik Hah-Med nnd twenty Arab
tribesmen In native costume, direct from
the Sahara desert, playing In "The. Gar
den ot Allah," will hold a reception at
the Brandels store from 3 to 4:30 p- m.
The Brandels stores, through Ha con
nection with tho Brandels theater, se
cured tho consent of these picturesque
nomads to be on the third floor, where
they can be viewed at closo range by
hundreds ot people, who. being: unable to
ee the show, would otherwise not see
The band of Arabs will appear at this
reception In their full native costume.
Just aa they do dally In the performance
ot "The Garden of Allah."
New Note of Edgar.
EDGAR, Neb., Feb. l,-(Special.)-Mrs
Elisabeth Ashley, wife of Henry W. Ash
ley, died at her home in Edgar this morn
Ing. The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon. Mrs. Ashley was one of the
old settlers of Clay county, and would
have been M year old June 28.
Mr. Ellen Gel!, aged 71 years, died at
the home ot her aon-ln-law, William
Black, Sunday morning of heart failure.
resulting from nervous prostration and
old age. Funeral services will be held at
the home, Tuesday, at 11 o'clock a. m,
Ed Adams, engineer at the eltctrlo
light plant, wa found In what appeared
a dying condition at an early hour thl
morning. Early riser found that the
light were dim and telephoned to cen
tral to find out the cause. The commis
sioner, John Kamtnska, hurried to the
light plant to find Adams almost dead
the fre nearly out and tne engine just
barely running. Little hope Is held out
for his recovery.
Me WArCrfc MG T
Republican Valley
Editors Organize
ORLEANS, Neb.. Feb. 16.-(Bpeclal.)-The
editor ot southwestern Nebraska
met at Orleans Saturday and . organized
the Republican Valley Press association,
officered as follows! F. P. Shields ot
Orleans, president; Cecil Matheus ot
Rlverton, vice president: Karl Spence ot
Franklin, secretary and treasurer; com
mittee on constitution and bylaws, A. V.
Shaffer, Alma; J. W. Barton, Bartley.
and E. B. Lnrmon ot Oxford.
Tho board of directors comprises ono
editor from each ot the seven counties
represented In the association, as fol
lows! J. W. Barton, Red Willow; E. B.
Larmon, Furnas; A, V. Shaffer, Harlan;
J. A. Barker. Franklin; A, C. Hasmer,
Webster; Dan Llvlston, Nuckolls; Earl
Burnham, Gage county.
Resolutions were adopted prohibiting
tlie use of titles such as "doctor," "at
torney," etc., jn new Items referring to
professional- men who do not carry ad
vertising cards In the newspapers. A
resolution condemning the use of free
passes to tho state fair in exchange for
advertising wa unanimously passed.
Tho Omaha publicity bureau and E. V.
Pariah, It manager, were highly com
mended In a resolution for the great
work they are doing for the upbuilding ot
the state. The extension news service
of the state university was also men
tioned favorably,
Tho meeting closed with a banquet In
the opera house in tho evening given by
the Orleans Commercial club. One hun
dred and fifty people were seated at
tho tables. County Judgo Beobo was
toastmaster. The address of welcome
was by Mayor Gay. Short addresses were
mado by Cecil Mathews, Rlverton; A.
V. Shaffer, Alma; Frank C. Dean, state
unlvefsly Lincoln; E. V.JParish, Omaha;
Mrs-JJrasgv -xminty superintend" at- ,-of
school; C. V. Williams dt tho Nebraska
Agriculture school at Curtis; F. P,
Shields. Orleans; J. w. Barton. Bartley;
Cj C. Johns, secretary Stato Press as
sociation: Karl Spence, Franklin; L. B.
Dundatr, JCaponee, and Will Maupln, Lin
coln. .-''
The next meeting will be held at Frank
lin, date t6 be announced Mater.
Urges Get Vote by
Storming the 'Male
. Politipal Trust"
WASHINGTON. ;Fc'b. l6.-"Storm iho
male "political trust; "that- Is the way to
gain auffragft" y
ThU wa the adylce offered today by
Mrs. Deahai'Rreokehrfdge'ot ICeritucy to
several thousand sOffraitlsts cntheml un.
der tho' auspices of. the conirresslonal
committee of tho National American
Woman Suffrage association to com
memorate the birthday of Susan B. An
thony. The speaker was supported Jn her
uggestlon by Senator Moses E. Clapp
ot Minnesota and Senator John F.
Shafroth of Colorado.
Mrs. Antlonctte Funic a member of
the congressional committee, announced
that preparations wero now under way
for the congressional campaigns.
"The committee will go Into every dls
trlct," she asser)ed. "and show the rep
resentatives that their seats are unsafe
if they Ignore demands of tho people who
favor woman suffrage,"
Sla-n Contract.
Earl Blackburn, tho younc catcher who
was with the Reds last year, adorning
a sort seat on the bench, sent In his
signed contract to President Herrmann
last week, thus disposing of the story
that he was going to jump to the Feds.
Eat Less Meat
If Back Hurts
Take -glass of Salts to flash
kidneys if bladder
bothers you. t
Rating meat regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in some form or
ether, say a well-known authority, be-
causes the uric acid In meat excite the
kldnel's, they become overworked; get
sluggish; ctog up and cause all sorts ot
distress, particularly backache and mis
try In the kidney region: rheumaUo twin
tei, severe headaches, acid stomach, con
stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness,
bladder and urinary Irritation.
The moment your back hurt or kit
neya aren't acUng right, or it bladder
bother you, get about four ounces ot
J ad Salt from any good pharmacy; take
a tablespoonful in a glass ot water be
fore breakfast for a few day and your
kidney will then act fine. Thl famou
salt la cnade from the acid of gvape and
lemon Juice, combined with llthls, and
baa been used for generation to flush
clogged kidney and stimulate them to
normal activity; alio to neutralize the
acid In the urine so it no longer Irri
tates, thus ending bladder disorder.
J ad Salts cannot Injure anyone; make
a delightful etferverscent Uthla-water
drink which million of men and women
lake now and then to keep the kidney
nd. urinary organ lean, thu.,vpldlng
rliii vuin ilsc&j. JkdvcrtUeraeut.
Baxter Looks for Regional Bank An-
. swers Within a Week.
InreatlKntlntc Body Will Return to
WnBlilna-tori irlth Necessary In
formation Simmered Down
to the Gist.
' I look for a decision on tho locations
of tho several regional banks soon after
the"organlzatlon committee gets back to
Washington," satd W. F. Baxter on his
return from Washington, where he had
a number of conferences In regard to
the location of the regional reserve bank
for this section. "Tho committee is to
reach Washington on February 19. I am
of the, opinion that they havo the matter
so well In hand that they practically
know where they want to locate the
banks. So I do not look for any long
Mr. Baxter called on Secretary of State
Bryan with regard to the location of the
regional bank for this section. Mr.
Bryan said It was possible that ho would
not be consulted at all in the matter of
whero the bank for this locality should
be located.
"Mr. Bryan said he wa for Lincoln,"
satd Baxter. "I called his attention to
tho fact that thero might ultimately bo
a contest between Omaha and Kansas
City for tho bank to handlo territory,
and wo should like to havo, him In line
then. Mr. Bryan said ho had always
considered it poor Judgment to go Into
a convention and announce a second
UriteH Nobrasknim'tn Get Itusr.
Mr. Baxter had conferences with the
Nebraska delegation, of the house and
senate with regard to tho regional bank.
Magee's i Price Sale
Continues This Week
There are a few points worthy of your ser
ious consideration at this time:
1 Blues and blacks in suits are included Nothing
in winter suits and ovorcoats reserved.
2 Not a single garment was purchased for this sale.
The clothing is our regular merchandise, bearing
our own, Kensington nnd Kenmor labels.
3 We guarantee quality find fit, as we have always
done when we wero getting twice as much for our
i'We bolieve' it is to your decided advantage to investigate.
Formerly Magee & Deemer
413 South 16th Street
ML '- kM
Panama Canai
Newest Cruising Steamer
screw mm mm
16 Dsy-i
WhitiItar Link
... .v m Bt AV it
Drawn for The Bee by
hi and-
and urged them to get In touch with
their respective constituencies In Ne
braska to learn "their wish as a whole
on tho location ot the bank, so that they
might havo definite evidence ot senti
ment to present to the committee If they
get the opportunity before the locations
aro finally chosen.
Mr. Baxter also represented the Omaha
Commercial club at the meeting of the
National Chamber of Commerce at Wash
ington, where somo Important anti-trust
legislation matters were being dtecilsaed.
Mr. Baxter expected to confer with tho
War department with regard to the re
cent order which wa to take Forts
Riley, Leavenworth, Rock Island and
Des Moines out of the district supplied
by the army supply depot of Omaha.
Before he reached there, however, the
order had been reversed so far as Forts
Riley and Leavenworth wero concerned,
nnd the supply depot hero will continue
to supply these two posts. y
In'regard to the future 6f Forts Omahh
and Crook. hovevcr, Mr. Baxter had a
personal Interview with Secretary of
War Garrison. Secretary Garrison told
hm that nothing very definite could be
said about the matter as long as the
troops wero centered on the .Mexican
border. Ho pointed out that tho order
made long ago assigning three com
panies of Infantry to Fort Omaha still
stands, hut that there Is no telling when
the troops can be brought here Is vlow
of tho indefinite time they may be compelled-
to-patrol the Mexican border.
Alt -Ktclt on Clnoy.
Grover Hartley, the former New York
rntphpp. who was traded to Cincinnati
with Herzog, Is not satisfied with the
terms of the 1911 contract offered to him
by Hermann, and has refused to sign.
Tom Clarke, tho mainstay of tho Reds
behind tho bat, has nlso refUBed to sign.
The only other tJlncinnaii noia-oui is
Leon Ames, another ex-Giant.
- Kid for GlnntN.
William Herring, a "young pitcher .of
Freeportv Hlfeh school "of Long Island,
will be taken south by the Giants for a
Drs. Mach & Mach
The largest and best equipped dental
offlco In Omaha, Experts In charge of
nil work, moderate prices. Porcelain
fillings Just like the tooth. All Instru
ments sterilized after using.
3d rloor Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb.
out, America
b MM M MM l4tS
m mm tons
anet UP
r.Sv ftd Up
V. X. Corner) Madison and Z.a Salle Bta-
"Bud" Fisher
tf. .1 ess
Blood Eruptions WONT
Return When You Give Your
Blood a Good Bath
No case of poisoned blood fs ever;
cured until the last vestige of IrrltaM
tlon has been eliminated from tho
system. And tho only remedy that 1
safely assimilated In the tissues to
stimulate cellular activity and over
come harmful germs Is the famous
S. a S.
A few doses of this wonderful blood
purifier will start such pronounced
activities In the cellular tissues of the
body as to soon show decided changed
In the skin.
The skin Is bat a fine network of tlnr blood
Tetsels, and the action ot S. S. S. is declared
by eminent authorities to be a pronounced
stimulation of the actlrlty or these cell.
Certain It Is that in a surprisingly short time
een the wont skin eruption shows a moat
remarkable change; It begins to dry' op; the
skla peels ol In tiny flecks, and soon a layer
ot clear, healthy and firm tissue results.-
The reason for this Is In the peculiar stim
ulation of S. S. S. which enables the cell
in the skin to select from the blood tie nutri
ment It requires for regeneration.
Not- only this, but It from the presence of
some disturbing polioa there is a local or
general Interference of nutrition to Cause bolls,
carbuncles, abscesses end kindred troubles,
S. S. S. so directs the local cells thst this poison
Is rejected and eliminated from their presence.,
This fact lias been demonstrated In cases of
rerere skin eruption that had seemed to be
incurable. , '
You can obtain S. S. S. at any -well stocked
img store. If jou Insist upon It, but be sura
you are not talked Into something else claimed
to be "Just as good."
S. 8. 8. Is prepared b The Swift Speclne Co.,
308 Swift Bids., Atlanta, Gi.
I II 11 II I si
The Bee has the only ap
paratus of its kind in
Omaha. The panoramic
camera is particularly
adapted for large groups,
largo buildings, etc., as
well as panoramic views,
as it brings out tho ends
of the photo as clearly
as the middle. The re-
suits aro certainly won- 'r
derful. If you will call '
or telephone we will sub
mit samples. The cost is :
not vory great, taking:
the high character of
work into consideration.
The facilities of this de
partment are yours if
you need them.
Bee Photo Department.
Telephone Tyler 1000.
To tie MedkerraneaH
Adriatic4' cane
g. X. Corner Mafllson and X.a Balls
Its Chicago, or X.ocal Agont.
Loral Agent for All, Steamship
Lines find European Tour
311 S. 14th Street, Omaha, Neb.
Pbone Douglaa305.
Twer -