THE BEE: OMAHA, Tt'ESDAY, FIOHIU'AKY 17, 1014. Nebraska BARTEE IS DENIED CLEMENCY Douglas County Convict Not .Given Release, as Prayed For. HELD FOR STABBING A FRIEND former Conininiidrr , of Mntlonnl v Cunril nt Allilou AtiUn tnil Se cure Mel rune from Mine Cunril Diitj. (From n Staff CorrosponJcnt.) LINCOLN, Nob.. Feb. 16.-(Spccial.)-IVIIUam Rarteo, n convict soul up. from Douglas county for second Ucsrco mur der and servlns a fiftccn-ycar sehtenrc. will not recelvo executive ' clemency If the governor takes the .recommendation of the pilrdon board us final. Barteo was received nt tho pen April 33, 190S, and with good tlmo allowance off would bo entitled to freedom !, August, 1&16. He was sent up for killing Henry Brown In a resort run by Vie Duncan. It la alleged that tho two men, who wern frlenJs. went to the resort In an Intoxicated condition, and while there, quarrelled. Hartee told Brown' It he had a knife he would cut him up. Barteo took a knife from his pocket, and after sharpening It on his shoo, handed It to Barteo and told him to cut him up If lie wanted to, and the latter graSbei the lcnlfe- and Jumped .on Brown, slabbing him Until he died. Tho board considers that the prisoner Is not entitled to clemency, and recom mends that none bo shown him by tin? executive. Oeorgo . Osbbrn of Dodge county, who was convicted of second desree murder and given fifteen years, also asks clemency. He was' rcccclvcd at the pen itentiary December 30, 1910. Osborn killed a man named Hoctor In Fremont, but was so drunk at the time that he had lto remembrance of the prime. However,, there was siifflolent ovldencto convict him. He lived for years In Blair. The board recommends that no clemency be shown Osborn. i Dnvln Hack to Xclirnakn. Guarding mines during tho strike In Colorado did not appeal to Captain Leon j H. Davis, formerly commander - of a .company of tho National Guard at Al bion In this ttate, who wont to Colorado nnd enlisted In tho National Guard of that state and was sent to guard the mines as a sergeant of a Colorado com pany. Captain Davis wrote Adjutant General Hall of tho Nebraska guard that he M-anted, to come back to Nebraska and his family, and asked the adlutant gen-' eril to Intercede with General Chase of the Colorado guard fqr his discharge. This morning General Hall received a letter from General Chase that he had listened to the pleadings of the Nebraska official and Sergearit Davis had been dis charged and allowed to go back to his family In Nebraska. Nctt Dcnl on (Jiime I.nvrn. People who persist In fracturing the game laws of tho state will have an opportunity to explain why they did so to the federal government from now on. lender tho new law violations of the gamo law will be, handled by tho ,fcd oral officials when an appeal Is made by tho state gairie Warden and it Is not likely that violators of the law will find it very cosy sledding, when the govern ment officials get after them. Such is the Instruction received by Gamc'War drn Rutenbeclc this morning from W. V. "Bancroft of the government service. Controversy Over Uccil. A deed recently Issued to F, A. War ner under a. sale contract Vy the. com missioner of public lands of tho state will be the bono of contention In couit In a few days. When the tlmo came for which a deed could be. given air. Warner made ap plication for the deed and made tho usual showing as to payments, etc., and the deed was issued. Since tho deed was sent, out Williamson & Fisher, a Lincoln real estate firm, made application for a deed and for tho same property nnd made a showing that they had been pay ing the rental on thq land under the contract for several years. Tho land lies across tho road from the farm on which Mr. Warner resides, lr. Deuel county. Wllllamspn & Fisher have notified tho land commissioner that they, will begin court proceedings to have the deed Issued to Warner set aside and a new deed mado out to them. ', The; payment of lease, and . sale con tract money each year is made about the same way as taxes are paid. Tho amounts duo come Into ttlo offico and it Is no affair of the state who pays the amount, Just so long as tho proper re ceipts are received from the county treasurer In which tho land Is 'situated. Just how Warner happened to make the showing to get the deed will probably come out In the trial. Call far Hank Itnunrm. Secretary Royso of tho Stato Banking board has sent out notices to elate tanks for a report dating February A. Tho notices were sent to 730 banks. YV'nrrtint Cut Down. The amount of butstandlng wan ants Is the lowest today It has- been 'since September 1, 1913, when the amount was 1500,000. At one time the amount ran up as high as J933,(p. but today the books of the treasurer show that but ?3o3,OW In registered warrants arc unpaid. OXFORD CLASS ENTERTAINS STUDENTS PVtuM ORLEANS OXFORD, Neb., Feb, 1C (Special.) The gratualing class of the Orleans High school was entertained Saturday evening With a valentine paity given by tho grad uating class of the Oxford High school at the home of Mr. X. A. I'ettygrove. There were two automobile loads of the Orleans young people. In charge of their chaperon, Miss Rudolph of the Orleans High school. The evening was spent In various Interesting games, In which hearts were an,: Important feature. A delicious lunchcoiiCwas served by the girls of the Oxford class. Kansas Woman Running for Congress V. H5. Eva. Kovley Tlupphy Nebraska LIBEL CHARGEJOR CARSON Windsor Hotel Man nt Lincoln Brings Criminal Accusation. ANTI-SAL00NIST GIVES BOND Abraham ferine of llnathiRn Sen tenced to Ycnr In Fedcrn! rrUnn on White Slate L'linrur. 1 CltlL'AUO I.IVK STOCK MAUKKT Mrs. Kva Morlcy Murphy of Goodland, Kan., candidate for congress on the pro gressive ticket and the only woman who has ever been a candidate for that office. Mrs. Murphy says she choso the progres sive party for her party becauso It Is the only one that hps In Its platform pledged Itself to the task of making the United States a true democracy by allowing suf frage to women. Mrs. Murphy Is record ing, secretary of the Women's Christian Temperance union and Is a leader In the work of the Kansas Federation of Women's Clubs. Notes from Beatrice, and G-age County BBATR1CB, Neb., Feb. 16.-(.Spcclal.)- The Beatrice Building and Loan associa tion Saturday instituted suit to fore close a mortgage on the properly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Colby at Fifth and Market streets. The petition alleges that thirteen monthly payments are due and unpaid on stock In the as sociation amounting to SU5, with Interest from January, 1913. Tho paving taxes of J3I1.90 are unpaid. Articles of Incorporation of the Mercer B. Walker Dry Goods company were filed In tho county clerk's office Saturday. The capital stock Is $33,000, of which 15,100 Is p'roferrcd ana the balance com mon. The incorpora'tors are Mercer B. Walker, C. Y. "Walker and B. H. Begole, Herman Wolken, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wolken, who reside, northeast of Be atrice In Hanover township, died Satur day morning of chicken pox aged 17 years. Claude Willis Dlngman and Miss live lyn Plckerlll, both of Geneva, we're mar ried lr. this city Saturday by Rev. C. F. Stevens. The young couple will make their home at Geneva. Rolph Reed, a former Beatrice resident ani son of. C. I Reed, who was mayor of this city five years ago, was married Thursday last at Kansas City to Miss Emily Porter. Mr. Reed Is an all-round athlete, holding the Kansas state record for weight lifting and shot putting, and his bride Is also an athlete. Last sum mer she was the first woman to finish tho twelve-mllo swimming race of the Kansas City Athletic club In tho Mis souri. Only three men finished ahead of her. In 1912 she won .a race in which only women competed. At the annuul meeting of the Cortland Farmers' Elevator, Coal and Lumber company SaturJay the stockholders au thorlzcd the construatlon of an elevator to cost $10,000. Tho following ' officers were re-elected: President, J. T. Whalen: vice president, C. C. Wolfe; secretary, W. E. Robblns; treasurer, David Boeslger; directors, W. E. Robblns. C. C. Wolfe, David Boeslger, William Gibbons, W. C. Lucke and Fred Jackson. For the WenW mill A'crroua. Tired out, weak, nervo'n men and women need Electric Bitters; helps the nerves and tones up the system. GOo and Jl. All druggists. Advertisement. Woodmen Delegates Chosen by Lodges BLAIR, Neb., Feb. lC.-(Speclal.)-At the regular meeting ofAhe local camp of the Modern Woodmen of America tho follow ing delegates and alternates were elected; Delegates M. W, T.arsen, B. E. Kemp, C. R. Gates, I.. A. Farnberg, J. Mueller. William Klefcr, K. A. Peterson. E. E. linvll; alternates J. E. Lutz, H. A. Schmahllng S. W. Chambers, E. R. Stew art, B. J. Farr, A. E. David, W. K. Strode, J. 1- Pounds. Instructions weAi given the delegates to work for the repeal of the Chicago rates, to oppose the re election of the present head officers; to favor the reduction of salaries paid to head officers, Resolutions commending tho work of the Insurgent Woodmen In Nebraska and opposing the sending of deputies to the head camp as delegates were adopted. Tho county camp will meet at Kennard April 1. FONTANELLE, Neb., Feb. 16.-(Spe-clul.) Fontanello camp No. 4010, Modorn Woodpien of America, unanimously adopted resolutions endorsing the admin istration of Head Counsel A. R. Talbot and urging his re-election, nnd also, the platform nnd rate presented by the Ne braska Progressive association. Tho fol lowing were elected as delegates and al ternates to tho county convention; II. H. Meyer, Charles Richardson, I. E. Cahoon and Henry Lane. (From Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Feb. ll$.-(Spcclul Telegram.) II. C. Carson, superintendent of th Stato Anil-Saloon league, was arrested this afternoon charged with criminal libel In connection with tho charge filed by him against Chief of Police James Malone for laxity in enforcing tho laws against prostitution, cigarette selling and ! gambling. Tho lharge was made by J. S. Poll, landlord of the Windsor hotel, who closed the building November 27 last after It had been entirely rebuilt and renovated by tho owner, Prof. Au gust Hagcnow. Carson mado the charge that the hotel was used by women soliciting on the r.treets as headquarters, and that de tectives In tho employ of Carson had been Invited to tho hotel. R Is said, however, that these occurrences took place before Pool took charge of tho place. Carson was taken In charge by Sheitff Hyers and his deputies anil In county court was released on a 200 bond, which I he furnished himself. Several churches In Lincoln ut their services yesterday endorsed the action of Superintendent Carson of tho Anti Saloon league In getting after th,c police department of Lincoln. Yenr for White Slavery, Pleading guilty to the charge of white slavery Abraham Cease of Hustings was sentenced to 6ervo one year In tho Ad ams county Jail on recommendation of District Attorney Howell. Cease promised when ho got out to support his two children and do better. He was charged with having taken a dlvorcpd woman, Stella Bourller, to St. Joseph and then to Marshalltown. la., for Immoral purposes. Mrs. Bouiller has $2,000 received at the time of her di vorce, but when found It had all disap peared but J900. Cotton Mill for It ef ornm tor j-. The old Kearney cotton mill, built In boom dayt at u cost of $140,000, has been offered to tho stato for a reformatory for $15,000. It Is badly out of repair, but can be fixed up to fill tho bill. A sec tion of Innd Is offered on which the mill stands at $160 an acre. Frank Brown, editor of tho KeafHey Times, called on the Board of Contiol today and mjtdo tho offer. Two hundred acres of the tract offered Is In alfalfa and all but ten acres can be cultivated. LVER BILL OF INTEREST TO FARMERS OF NEBRASKA (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 16. (Speclal.)-As soon as tho house . and .senate .committees agree on tho Cstails Qf tho Lever bill the amounts to be received by Ncbrasku for county demonstration work will bo tabulated and announced by Carson Hll dreth of the Agricultural Development commission. Tho Levor bill has-been championed by tho bankers and tho""busl ness men of the state. The bill passed the scnato by a vote of 177 to !. After certain amendments were made the bill passed the senate by unan imous vote. The scnato doubled tho va rious amounts provided by tho house bill. As soon as tho measure emerges from the conference committee the sums available for Nebroska can bo computed. As to the scopo of tho bill tho measure provides tho following; That co-operative agricultural exten sion work shall consist of tho giving of Instruction and practical demonstration In agriculture and home economics to persons not attending or residents In said colleges In tho several communities, and Imparting to such persons Informa tion on said subjects through field dem onptratlons, publications and otherwise; and this work shall be carried on In such manner as may be mutually agreed by the secretary of agriculture and the state agricultural college or colleges re ceiving the benefits of the act. Ano Ai-ctleut nt Uelle I'ourcre. BELLE FOURCHU, D.. Feb. 16. (Special.) While driving along about twenty miles an hour the automobile of Joe Orem of this city skidded in a little mud puddle and turned turtle. The occu pants of the car, Joe Miller and wife and child of this city, were thrown from the car und sustained slight bruises, while Mr, Orom had his arm broken and elbow badly mashed. The accident oc curred' Just outside the city limits, and they were picked up and broujht to town by Mr. Ashcroft. Every Day ' v ' ' ' orinori finds out that coffee drinking is the unsuspected cause of vari ous aches and ills that Steady nerves and a clear brain are often impossible to the regular coffee drinker. Our work is to tell the facts about coffee then It's UP to You to decide from your own condition and feelings whether to stick to coffee, with such handicaps as biliousness, headache, nervous nessindigestion, heart trouble and sleeplessness or make A Fair Test Quit coffee- absolutely for 1 0 days, and use the pure food drink Postum. Then take count of yourself. If you find, as thousands of others have, that the coffee troubles are disappearing, you'll know "There's a Reason" for POSTUM sold by Grocers everywhere. BURGESS-NASH CO. BinHsMwnRiiaiJK "EVERYBODY'S STORE" Tuesday, Februniy 17, 101 1. STOItN XUWS KOIt Tl'KSUAY Sixteenth and Ilnrney Htf. Great Clearance Tuesday of Women's Coats, Silk and Cloth Dresses Formerly in- $ eluded in lines priced at $10.00, $15, $19.50 and $25.00, Choice. . Jl'iVP to sue HUor tlio conts or tlros3ea ineniii to buy, and from thin fact nlono wo have itlnnnod for n busy tiny In tills section Tuesday. The Coats at $6.95 Includu tbo seasonV very host niodolB tlmt wore formerly priced at $10.00, $12.50. $15.00 nnd uu to $19.50; nil splendidly tailored nnd Mulshed throughout; tho mutcrlnls nro mixtures, boitclos. diagonals nnd rough wonvo effects; nil sizes repre sented; choice, Tuosdny ,, glK.ttn The Dresses at $6.95 Aro mado In a wide selection of charming wajn, of hiicIi splendid and desirable materials as crepu meteor, crepo do cygno, opongc, etc.; drcssos sult nblo for most any occasion; formorly $12.50, $15.00, $10.50 and $25.00; -for quick cloarnnco Tuesday, choice 9(1.1)5 Hurff-Nih Co, Second Tloor. -Burgess-Nas'h Co. 16th and Harney. lips if Hi PI 4 A Book of Value And of Beauty; in Bkc and White and Gold SUCH IS THE ECONOMY ADMINISTRATION COOK BOOK which has been written by 450 of America's most notable women. Nearly all of these women come from the great middle clatt where economy and industry floarith and where good houia keeplng had it origin. The combined experience of thaie 450 good houwikeepera is set down in this wonderfully clever and attractive volume a work which will stand for all time a towering Monu ment to the kindly help of these generous women. THE ADMINISTRATION ECONOMY BOOK is dedicated to Mrs. Woodrow Wilsonthe First Lady of the Land who is a living exponent of the oft repeated claim that "higher education dots net unfit women for domestic lift." In tbs prepiratlon of this unique cultnsrjr text book, which, by the war, Crt saw the light of day at the White House, where It appeared among the moit highly prined gifts of the bride Mrs, Francis B. Sayre tha editors who assisted the ladles of the administration In preparing th book were Inspired by the example of Martha Jefferson Bandolph, who thought she could do the greatest good to the womsn of her time by glTtng them "Hints on Household Management," which she did In a little volume entitled "The Virginia Housewife," a copy of which has recently found It way into th omcial archirea at Washington. Th volume Is attractive as wsll as eminently practical and Is proof that good conking and high thinking co hand in band in long estabUshed households. SPEAKING OF THE BOOK, MRS. MARSHALL, wife of the Vice-President, uayu: "It is suc cessful In suggesting to the average housowifo, how, with a diminishing food supply, she can, not only keep the roses In th children's cbesks, but live within her husband's income," On of the most interesting features of the book is the recipe contributed In facsimile from the cook book of the President's mother, which Mrs. Joseph B. WUion, wife of th President's only brother, treasures and to whoa rsady dlicsrnmtnt of Us historic and culinary value the Administration Sooncmr Book is a llvlne tribute. , Mrs. Oscar W. Underwood, wif of the Dtmocratic leader of th bona of representatives, gives her onlnlon In a nutshell when she ssys, "It Is th mission of every wis woman to give such attention to the food reit and recreation of her husband as will insure his good health, and through It, his success la the world." ' MRS. BRYAN, WIFE OF THE PREMIER OF THE CABINET, contributes her redpes for the strawberry conserve and cucumber relish, for which she is noted among her friends. Both are favorlt dlsbss of Mr. Bryan. Mrs. Lindsley M. Oarriton, wife of the secretary of war, famoa for her sensible dishes and dinners, eon. tributes a valuable portion of her experience for the benefit of every family purse. ' Mrs. Burleson, wife of the postmaster gsueral, teUs the Whit Hous bride and others, toe how to make "the best cornbread in th world." Of course, she calls It Texas cornbread, in memory of th wavlne: corn, fields in hsr native stste, Mrs. Houston, wif of th secretary of sgrlcnltnre, noted for th good health of her immediate famllr elvem a valuable Wnt in th remark. "We ire never without baked apples lu our home," and contributes her reciD for preparing th dish "for bieskfait" and "for dinner." And so on down through the whose long list of notable women." Through the whole wonderful hook the thread of common sense, economy and right living runs, show ing that one can "live content with small means, seek elegance rather than luxury, refinement, rather than fashion, bo wealthy, not rich, study hard, think quietly, talk gently and act frankly." ECQ .,.. , .iin thla hnnb in ro Into every home, the Editors ol tha wort him commanded that the price he fixed at lc an amount that barely cover the coet at prtntlne and distribution. Cut out thla ECONOMY CKHTJKICATB, elgn your nam and aiv full addrees. Present It at Th Ue office. 10 Bee building, together with tie, which Is th fe fixed by th Editor. The return of to Certificate Is necessary. WHERE YOU CAN GET BOOKS 1 103 flee riulldlnjr. Omaha, Bee Office U North Main tit.. Council Bluffs. (2318 N St., tiouth Omaha. Add it cents If the book la to be sent you by express. Name ,,..- .,.(.i)ii..rMi Btreet ,t,,r-ttftbt City ,! 8t&te , , m , m R. V. O, ,,,,,Mt,,,M,,,M Address THE OIUKa BSD, Omaha, N. Jl Key to the Sttuatlon-Bee Advertising