THE BEE: OMAHA, TPESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1914. The Store for Shirt Waists offers many excellent values Tues day in slightly soiled and mussed waists 69c, 95c, $1.95, $2.95, $3.75 All sizes every waist from regular stock. Women's Crepe and Nainsook Gowns Undermuslin Section 3d Floor. Crepe Gowns, Slipover, kimono sleeves, white and colors, $1.00 and $1.25. Fine Nainsook Gowns, kimono sleeves trimmed with lace or embroidery, $1, $1.25, $1.50 to $3.50. Women's Pajamas, crepe or fine nainsook, $1.75, $2.00 and $3.50. HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS TURKISH FAKIR MUST 60 Beggar Found to Be Asking for Funds for Crurch. K0 EVIDENCE SUPPORTING HIM Supposed to Bo One of Company Who Were Denounced fcy United Cbnrltle of Kerr York. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Ia., Fab. 16.-(Spcclal Telegram.) Deacon Joachim George, a TurkUh beggar. Is In Jail hero and llkoly to bo deported by federal official. He ana other alleged .missionaries appeared In Do Moines three -weeks ago to solicit funds for a church In Turkey, where it was sajd there hatj been many massacres. He applied to the mayor and tha As roclated Charities but they demanded evidence of the genuine of his work, and as lie produced no proof, ho was turned over to tlio federal authorities. Ofe Is declared to b6 one of a large band Which came to the United States some months ago to solicit funds and were de nounced by the United Charities society of New York as frauds. Sues tor Loss of Hrlde, Verne llutchlnv, a young man living on a farm near Dcs Moines, brought suit today against Iafe Carpenter, a neighbor at Bondurant, for t5,O90 becauso ofal lend loss ,ef reputation, and a prospective wife. He alleges that, Carpenter circu lated the story he could not pay a ft check at the bank and as a result of this story the young woman ho was to marry MRt bacir on hmu i, H . GORE SAYS ENEMIES ' " LAID TRAP FOR HIM (Continued from Pago One.) a hard race. At that moment the tele phone rang and she answered It. Then he came back and eat on the bed. "Wo Ulkcd only a few minutes. I arose and she took hold of my hnnd, then fell on the bed. "I asked, 'What does this meanr Just then Itobertson came Into the room and told her to stop that squalling," "Did you at any time touch Mrs, Bondf he was asked. "I did not," the senator replied. Senatbr dore said he told Itobertson Jje wanted to see Mrs. Uond again. I asked her It she had anything to say aeeut the Incident. ! wont to know what this means,' I said. She replied she did not want her husband to know aemit It. Robertson nlso said he had nothing to say about It." The senator denied that at any time hla clothing wan disarranged while In the room. He aald he saw Dr. J. If, Earp of Oklahoma City the nest day and ills, cussed the Incident "I told him," he said, "that If anyone aid I did anything improper Jt was 'an infamous lie" Senator Oore denied that he told Karp to try to get Mrs. Bond out of the city. The direct examination of tho senator was completed shortly before noon and lila cross-examination taken up at once. Mr. Gore Is expected to remain on the stand I'm greater part of the da). The direct examination of the senator was completed shortly before noon and his cross-examination taken up at once. Mr. Gore Is expected to remain on tho etand the greater part of the day. Senator Gore denied that tie knew Itobertson, Jacobs and Ktrby Kits patrlck were In the next room while he was talking with Mrs. Bond. fteplying to questions, the senator told of his acquaintance with Fitzpatrick. Jacobs and Robertson. He said ('Its Patrick: wanted to be appointed assistant attorney general for the Interior de partment, that Robertson was seeking the selection of H. I Rogers for the post of secretary of the. Interior, and that Jacobs wanted somebody appointed "THE QUEEN Abollinaris JL Bottled Only at the Spring, Neuenahr Germany, and Only with its Own Natural Gas. The Spring from which the Whole World Drinks. marshal for the eastern district of Oklahoma. In reply to a question as to what he first told anybody that .Mrs. Bond had pulled lil in over on the bed with her, Senator Gore said: "Probably the flrat time I talked about It." Wnntnd Office for Her Husband. The senator then detailed the efforts of the politicians in the alleged conspir acy against him to get appointments. He did not remember having talked with a man of the name of Gravos Lceper about the nppolnttnont of Julian Uond, Mrs. Rond's husband, but was certain he never gave anyono any encouragement. Ha snld ho might have told Dr. J, II. Earp he would recommend Uond for a clerkship. "When Mrs. Uond pulled you over on the bed, did you make any outcry?" he was asked, "No," the senator replied. "You knew It was a conspiracy?" "I did. At least I thought- then It was a conspiracy." "When did you first think it was a conspiracy!" "When Mrs. Bond grabbed my hands, fell back on tho bed anJ began to scream," said the senator. "DM you ever file 'complaint against any of those parties? Answer yes or no." "I cannot answer yes or no. I made complaint that It was blackmail," an swered the senator1. "pldn't you, when tho summons was acrved here, Bay you wanted to make a cash settlement?" "No." "Did anyone for you try to make such a settlement?" Sleet turn. Hand In Hotel. ."Not that J know ofA' aald Mr". Gore. 'RvcrUn'-tp'',th meeting iWltk'yMr. Dopd ha "Washington, denafor dtjre'ekr piuiuou uifV'lig went lO III9 HOiei - JO meet Mr. Bond after sho had telephoned stating 'that she was td leave Washing ton at s3 O'clock that" night and for him to stop to aeo her on his way home, Ho sold ha asked hpr to come to tils of fice, but she complained about having to wait so long there and said ahe was busy packing to leave for Oklahoma. Ho went to tho hotel, he said, with Howard Keyes, a guide, and when he en tered tho lobby Mrs. Bond camo up and took hold of him, saying "I'll tako caro of him." Ho said she explained that tho parlor was tilled with school clilltlrun and thoy would tro to another room. It was not until after Mrs. Bond had answered the telephono that she took hold of hla hands and sank down on tho bed, Senator Gore testified. "You did not know anybody else was around?" "Certainly not," replied the wltneaa. Tho senator aald he always told those who camo to seo him for a comsromlte that It was an Infamous lie and that he Would see them In h-1 boToro ho would compromise. Hn aald ho took no part la the investigation made by the Depart ment of Justice and denied that he had been called as a witness before the sen ato tor that ha had talked to the vice president about It. Court recessed shortly after noon. Only One "HROMO QUININE." To get the genuine, call for full name. IAXATIV12 BROMO, QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold In One Day, 25c. SENTENCES OF BARCLAY AND BRUMMETT COMMUTED WABHINCTC:;. Feb. lS.-Vrealdont Wilson has commuted, to expire Imme diately, the life sentences of George Bar clay and James Brummett, convicted In IPO I of tho murder of J. 1. Poole on the Osage reservation In tho Indian terri tory. Barclay and Brummett were sen tenced to 'be hanged, but commuted to life tmprlionment by President Roose velt. They had serve! about ten years In Leavenworth penitentiary. President Wilson believed the killing; of Poole was not premeditated. OP TABLE WATERS." BACON FUNERAL TUESDAY Tenth Annivemry of Services for Late Senator Hanna. MARSHALL NAMES COMMITTEE Ponrlrrn Menittnrs Will Accompany nmlr In Mncon, Cm., Where It Will lip Marled Many Mm agr of Condolence. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.-The desk of Ihe late Senator Bacon of Georgia was draped In .mourning today. Tho funeral of former Senator Hanna was held In tho senate chamber February 1". ten years ago. Senator Bacon's funeral will be held here tomorrow. Messages of condolence on the death of Senator Bacon of Georgia continued to pour In today to members of his family here. 'Among them were those from Sen ator Tillman of South Carolina, who is now at Atlanta, and Herbert Clay, eldeft son of the lato Senator Clay of- Georgia. Although Senator Bacon spent thirty three years In public life, It became known hcer today that he died prac tically a poor man. His principal possessions were his old home at Macon, Go., and his carefully selected library. A characteristic of the late senator was his well known fondness for children. Hla apartments were near the National Zoological park and nearly every morn ing ho would stroll through the grounds accompanied by children. Among the floral tributes sent to the apartments where his body rests were several from these children. One of Benator Bacon's last official acts was to send a note of thanks to Secretary and Mrs. Bryan for a potted lllao sent him while at the hospital. It has been placed at the head of the casket. -Committer Is Nnined, Vice President Marshall today named the following committee of senators to accompany the body of Senator Bacon to Oeorgla and attend the funeral In Macon: Smith of Georgia, Tillman. Chilton. Overman, Fletcher, Pomerenc. Thomas, u uorman. Vardaman, dalllnaer. Root. Nelson, Brandegee nnd Page. Accompanying -tho committee will be the secretary of .the senate, James M. Baker, and Sergeant at Arms C. P. Hlg- j gins. Tho senate adopted a resolution ex-1 tending Invitations to tho funeral to tho president and members of his cabinet, tho supreme court, the house of repre sentatives, members of the diplomatic corps, the admiral of the navy, tho chief of staff of the avmy anil tho regents and secretary of tho Smithsonian Institute. The public will bo admitted by card. Service Will lie Brief. The body of Senator Bacon will be brought to tho canltol at o'clock tomor row morning and Ho In tho marble room of the senate until 11:30, when it will bo moved to the 'senate chamber. During that time It may be viewed by those who ordinarily have tho senate floor prlvll- eges, but tho publlo will bo excluded, h'o senate will convene nt 12:15 o'clock and the funeral aervlcen will beitin at 1 o'clopk. They will consist of d prayer uy the senate chaplain, tho reading of tho EjJIscopat burial service by Bishop Alfred, Ilardhig-jMVaahlngton and bene diction by the chaplain, , Tlter6 will be.rtp eulogies. Vice Presl denrnhJlHy ay a "few word In cajUilF UiQynic fo ordor. Therof'flli bo h'd floKvers qn,'d"iria music. The body WIH be, tukpn at once to Georgia. . ' Secretary Houston Will Not Be Member of Reserve Board WASHINGTON, Feb. lSPrcsldent Wilson today set at rest reports that Secretary Houston wduld bo made a momber of tho federal reservo board, and though' he was not asked specifically about Secretary McAdoo and tho United States senatorial race In New York, tho emphasis which the president put on his desire to keep his cabinet intact u In. torpreted as an Indication that his Influ ence would bo against drawing Mr. Mc Adoo Into the Now York situation. Re cently the president asked Secretary Wil son to remain In the cabinet rather than to run for the United States senate In Pennsylvania. Wyoming Mbosers Meeting in Casper CASPER, Wyo., Feb. 16.-A score, or more of progressive party leaders from all parts of the state gathered herq today for a conference, at which the future of the party In Wyoming was considered, H. M. Gottlieb of Sheridan, chairman, presided. Several of the early arrivals expressed themselves Irrevocably op posed to any proposal of merging with the republican party. It was expected that today's meeting would be followed by a call for a state progressive conven tion. Governor Jmanti ra , , ' - --- - - i- j i i'u&raiv9 manor, is nosent in Europe, but was rep resented at today's conferenen hv hu son. Robert I. Carey. The conference was attended by Wll llam M. Cadmus, a national organizer for the progressive party. Men tilve Banquet to Women. NELSON, Neb.. Feb. lt-(Spedal.)-Salnt Valentine's day was elaborately celebrated herp by the people of the Presbyterian church. The men folk gave h magnificent banquet to the women of the congrcRatlon. All th , - - - - - ,.Mm,v ments and 'the feast" were In the handa of. the men. and on every hand there nr.o iiiwani surprises for the guest. Henry Fox. Jr.. waa toastmaster. The nddrcia of welcom waa t w r-t niul the response was by Mrs. Elisa beth Hawley. R, r. Sutherland spoke of "Tho Woman 'Thou Gavest me": Row e. v.. ivnaur on "Women in the Church and Home." and F. A. Scherslnger on "Why We Love pur Guests, or Who Is Your Valentine"' r.!.,.Ioo,u n'm No Materialise. STELLA. Nteb., Feb. I6.-Opedal.)-. Later developments have proved that the find of oil or gas In a well on the O'Grady farm between ntiu mr,A son t!ld not materialise. A well.wa b. 'ok nnnea on the O'Orady farm and at a considerable depth, when a sand stratum was cut Into a roarlnr sound came forth from the well for awhile. Just what waa the cause of this roar ing haa not been determined, but at first It was believed to Indicate the presence of gas or oil The Persistent and Judicious U of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. Pvn m a! n rf XKtii Dwellers In cities have not been the only ones to suffer from the cold wave that took In most of tho eastern portion of tho United States. Tho numerous fish ing fleets that put but from Boston every John Lynch Pays in m Toward the Fund for Taylors County Commissioner J. O. Lynch has Paid in i'J) toward tho fund for an other homo for Mrs. Edna Taylor and her large family. He will give another t.V when the second S100 of other dona tions Is raised for the purpose. Mrs. P. N. Oberg of Wakefield, Neb., and "Cash" also have made remittances of tl each toward tho fund, which now totals about J150 cash. Richard Burnell plans to make a canvass tht week to raise the balance by personally soliciting men whom he knows to bo generous contributors toward such worthy causes. He Is cdnftdont that the required $300 wljl be secured, in tlrrie' to keep the Taylors from being homeless, If all pub Ho spirited citizens make their remit tances at once. : m Freight Rates is Again Suspended WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. The proposed C per cent freight rate advances by east ern railroads, suspended by tho Inter state Commerco commission until March 18, pending Investigation, were again auspendod by tho commission today un til September 13. Protests against any Increase In rates on glass were mado by concerns In Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Virginia, New York, Ohio and Indiana. PATROLMAN MIKE KISSANE RETIRES ON $50 PENSION Patrolman Mike Klasane, aged CO years, has tondered his resignation as a pollco officer and will retire from active ser vice on a pension of JS0 per month. Kis sane was the first officer to be appointed by tlje" Metropolitan Fire and Police board and started In the service July 27, 1SS7. He was assigned to the "redllght" district and was one of the most re spected officers that ever patrolled that beat. In a gun fight with 'Nlgger" Mc Vey and 'Sober" Burns, both desperate yeggmen, a number of years ago, KIs sane was nearly shot to death before he captured the pair. In pursuing wanted persons and making their arrests ho was regarded as ono of the most intrepid men the police force ever boasted of. C. N. DIETZ BUYS FOUR PAINTINGS BY GILDER C. N. Dletx has purchased from the ar tist, R. F. Glider, a member of the Omaha Art guild, four landscapes, at the artists' price, which Is said to oe the highest paid for landscapes by any western artist. Three of the paintings are beautiful "snow" pictures, while tho fourth Is a sunrise in Platte canyon, Wyoming. WYMENEA'' ni.v.NWOOD. la.. Fob. 16. (Special.) C. W. Roberts of Tower Hill, ill., and Miss Helen Htxson of Glcnwood were married here Saturday afternoon. Mlsa Tllvann In tha vollncest dAUKhtor of W. W. Htxson. and has a wide circle of friends In this territory. Mr. Roberts Is telegrapher for the Burlington here. Mawlilnney-lllckerson. Ml Hn Hlckerson. daughter of R. P. Hlckerson of Fullerton. Neb.,, and Archie D. Mawhlnney of McClelland, la., were married by Rev. Charles w. savidge, They were accompanied by Harry A Andrews of Omaha. Robert lllxsou. B1.HWVOOD. la.. Fob. 16, (Special.) Glenwood men waa aereatea uy tea uik High at basket bail hero eaiuraay mgnt. store, sj to if. Free Vouch vrlth Piper, Men who chew tqbacco dislike to have to carry the plug loose In their pockets. The tobacco Is bound to pick up odd bits of cloth and dirt. This Is what makes the pouch so popular with plug users. The American Tobacco company, realising this demand, haa decided for a few 'days to give away tree with every 10-cent pur chase of .Piper Heldsleek a leather pouch made of handsome tan leather. The flap fastens tight with a patent snap clasp that keeps the pouch closed when you want It closed, yet opens Instantly nt your touch. f :t Tfifrvo 4-1-1 rn n-rt -f-Vi r "NTvnr morning encountered many hardships, al though their skippers and crews are rather accustomed to uch experiences. The photograph shows a fishing schooner on its arrival In Boston harbor from the J. W. Binkens Killed Instantly by Powder Blast Near Florence John W. Binkens, aged 21 years, was killed late Monday afternoon by tho premature explosion of a blast of gun powder which ho was using to split a log on the farm of C. O. Swanson, three miles north of Florence. Death was In stantaneous and the only ono around at the time of the accident was Harold Swanson, who was helping Binkens. Be sides the. parents of the deceased there Is a sister, Rose, 19 years of age; a brother, Fred, 16 years of age: two half brothers, James B. Shaw, Scott's Bluff, Jfcb,, and Mason Shaw, Goehner, Neb'.; one half-sister. Mrs. LHah Peterson, Buf falo Gap, S. D. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but will likely be held Wednesday afternoon with interment at Florence. Veteran Railroad Editor Is Dead RIDGEFUJLD, Conn., Feb. 16. William Henry Boardman, for many years presi dent of tho Railroad Gazette, now tile Railway Ago Gazette, and for eight years its editor, died ut his home here today, aged 67. Mr. Boardman was born In Dixon, 111., which was named for his maternal grandfather. He was a, lover of outdoor life, on which he wroto books and magazine articles, and as a pioneer of lawn tennis In America, designed the once famous "Franklin"' racquet. DEATH RECORD. GLENWOOD, la., Feb. 16.-(SpecIal.)-Mrs. Marlon Kemp, .aged TO, dlol at the resldeiico of her son, F. V. Kemp, -at Folsom, In Mills county, at 8 o'clock Sunday morning-. Mrs. Kemp had been & resident of Iowa for fifty years and was a greatly beloved woman. Feel Headachy, Dizzy, Bilious; Sick? Clean Your Torpid Liver-Dime a Box Sick headaches! Always tr&ce them to lory llvqr; delayed, fermenting food In the bowels or a sick stomach. Poisonous, constipated matter, gases and Wlo gener ated In the bowels, Instead of being car ried out of the' system. Is reabsorbed Into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissues It causes congestion and that dull, sickening headache. Caa- IO CENT BOXES ALSO 23 & BO HJNllLIMHJJJ.IIIlJHJi'J SAVES ELDERLY PEOPLE FROM KIDNEY AND BLADDER MISERIES Sleep Disturbing Bladder Weaknesses, Backache, Stiff Joints Rheumatic Fains Disappear After Few Doses are Taken While people along in years are natur ally more subject to weak kidney, they can avoid the tortures of backache, and rheumatism, and be saved the annoyance of getting up at night with disagreeable bladder disorders? for the new discovery, Croxone, autckly relieves the most se vere and obstinate cases, Croxone cures these conditions because It removes the cause. It Is the most wonderful remedy ever devlskfU for rid ding the system of urio acid. It ia en tirely different from all other remedies. It Is not like anything else ever used for the purpose. Croxone makes the kidneys filter tli4 blood and elft out all the pois onous acids and waste matter that cause these troubles. It soaks right In and cleans out tho stopped'Up, Inactive kidneys like water does a sponge, dissolves, and drives out every particle of uric arid and other fn rrl n t-i rl Hno of fishing banks. It was almost Impossible for the crew to handle the vessel because of tho great masses of ice that caked its rigging and clung to He deck, Trust Buster.After Allied Printing Trades Councils WASHINGTON. Feb. 16,-Rcsults of a federal grand Jury Inquiry Into the af fairs of the Allied Printing Trades coun ell of New York and other cities were today laid before G. C. Todd, assistant to Attorney General McReynolds In charge of trust prosecutions, by Harold Harper, assistant United States attorney at New York. Mr. Todd will determine whether thcro is sufficient evidence for a Sherman law case to sustain the coun cil. His decision probably will not be made for several days. Charles Gale Killed and Diamonds Stolen EL CENTRO. Cal.. Feb. 16.Charles Gale, a British subject and well known In tho gold camps of Alaska and Nevada, was found murdered today in his saloon at Maxlcalt. Lower California. Diamonds and cash amounting to $10,000 were stolen. Gale's head had been split with an axe as he lay in bed. Galo went to Maxlcalt, opposite Culexlco, before tho first Madero revolution. It was sold he was worth $500,000. But his fortune ws heavily drawn on by all factions In the Mexican revolu tion and had been conslerably depleted. Killed an Car Jumps Track. WATERIXX?, Ia.. Feb. 16.-(Speclal Tel egram.) James Blenls, yard Bwltchman for twelve years for tho Illinois Central In this city, was killed today when a coal car upon which he was riding jumped the track at a crossing and crashed into the coal sheds. He was 57 years of age and leaves a widow and aged mother. He was an active member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Maccabees and Loyal Order of Moose. carets will remove the caue by stimu lating the liver, making tho bile and con atlpatlan poison move on and out of the bowels. One taken tonight straightens you out by mo mine-a, 10-cent box will keep your head clear, atomuch sweet, liver and bowels regular, and mike you feel bright and cheerful for months. Children need Cascarets, too. -ANY DRUG STORE CENT BOXES poisonous Impurities that lodge In the Joints and muscles and cause rheumatism- It neutralizes the urine so It no longer Irritates the bladder, overcomes unnecessary breaking of, sleep and re stores the' kidneys and bladder to health and strength. It matters not how long you have suf fered, how old you are, or what else, you have used. The very principle of Crox one Is such that It Is practically Impos sible to take It Into the human system without results. There Is nothing else on earth like it. It starts to work the min ute you take It and relieves you the first time you use It, and all your misery and suffering soon disappear. You can se cure an original package of Croxone at trifling cdst from any first-class drug gist. All druggists are authorized to personally return the purchase price it It fails In a single case. - Advertisement. Meitf, Women's ?M CW Mush! SHOFS TROCH&VJ V Fnr riminfiss and hoarseness. Savo the voice in BDealdnr? or slneinc Extensively used for over 60 years. No opiates. 15c, 60c and $1.00. Sample Free. Jo ha I. Brown & Son, Boston. Mass. Hotel Rome Xs Serving a 50c NOON DAY LUNCH In All Dining Rooms Every Day Except Sunday, 11:30 A. M. to 3 tOO P. SC. $1.00 Table d'Hote Dinner, Every Sunday, BI30 to 8:00 7, K, CHILDREN TEETHING MRS. WINSL.OWS SOOTHING SYRUP USED BY MILLIONS OF MOTHERS FOR THREE GENERATIONS PANORAMIC CAMERA PICTURE Omaha High School and Cadets Size 10x30. This picture baa just been made and makes a beautiful subject framed.. Price $1.00. THE BTEB PUBLISHING CO., v Photo Dept. Omaha. Aycr's Pills Headaches BUIoutaew Constipation Indigestion Sold for 60 yean. Ask Yew Docta'. LS.ftft& John Says: "Man! Ma a I Thon danoer of Tango and pendsr of money. Why not spend a qnitt evening AT xoma wita tuy good rXAU and a half dessn cosy TRUST SUSTZB 6e OX OAKS." John's Cigar Store 16th and Harney St. AMUSEMENTS, raoxi Xat. Bvery Say, ailBt Every XTlght, BUS. This wk Tlor OrnrllU md Iuts Pltr- ana Pul MeCjrthr, Tbt Brad. Murltl and Kriacla. Dalij Ieon. TIM Abbott and BjmkUI KiturV Jlctura. Tb Calllns ot Jim Barton. Prieti Matta Gl!rT. le. baat t taxeH SaL and 8UB.J. Nlhtr. lc. Mc. KW and He BRANDEIS JgFVSi. First Time In Omaha of the Z.leblsr Go's. World Oraataat Dramatlo Spec tacle THE aAXSBX Or AX.1VAX. 8 Stupendous Besnss, Company of DOO Prices 60c, 75c, 81.00, Sl.60, a.oo Ere. at 8 Sharp Mat. at 3 Sharp Karen SO EX. ZDDT, spiritualist, search 83, 34, 36 The Common Iw. lKU COKTXBTUOOS. Miss Maude Fcaly in FROU FROU Prices 5c and 10c, No Higher tue. mm 9n.1t MJln