Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Such is Opinion of Ben Rosenthal
After Three Years' Absence,
the tnlon OntflKInc Company
I to He nrrn nnil lt
Untnlrtf Trade l to Hp
bound to bn prosperous, no matter what
conditions are In oilier c,llle.
"I think that business Is on a boom onre'
more, now that the tariff and currency
bills likVe been tended to and I expect
Omaha to lead In that business boom. I
nm so confident In prospects of thin city
that I Intend this firm shall -bo enlarged,
more deportments added and our trade
augmented. I will remain In Omaha now
permanently and nmume the active exec
utlTo head of tho firm."
M. and M. Bonus Prize Votes Will
Then Be Finally Added Up. .
Den tlosenlhal, president of tfic t.'hion
Outfitting company, has returned to j
Omaha after an absence of three yenra.
Sir. Uoscnthal will bocome the nctiVc !
head of the firm and announced that he ,
wilt Instantly start on n rcorsnnlmtlon I
which will lncltido n lHrge .cxtenB.'on of 1
the business nnd tho Installation at t;ack
Rgc to the very doors of the cstnb'.Uh
mcnl that should put the Union Outfit
tins company In n position to curry on ti
very extensive foreign trade.
Mrs. Sadie Walker
Applies to Court to
Get Out of Jail
Mrs. Snd'o AVnlkcr, cigar clerk at tho
I.fndoll hotel In Lincoln, who claims to
'have furnished the clue to the capture
of Tony Clarlotln, murderer of Henry
K. Xlckcll. instituted habena corpus pro
ceedings to secure her roleasc from tho
city Jul.
iceolvlng ttolcn' property after
Mr WnlLrr tvlm if., nr. b
..I. w.viii,iAi t'iJivpn:i iiiiiibcii Hi, chargo of
such buildings as the - Union t'aclfic
headquarters, the Woodmen of tho World,
the court houso .and others hare been
completed and the city looked very much
nuicii rurpntcu m ne growm in , rnm, , ,,, , ..(.. ,,. , .
During three year' absence ,co WM hrQ Mon Jd E Wi
Monday afternoon.. Sho alleges that she
knew Clarletta only as a bellboy om
ployed at the hotel and that ho told her
tho Jewelry on which she loaned Jilm SW
was given to ltlin by his mother. Hhe
asserts that when she nollcrd that the
description of the murderer was similar
to that of thi bellboy alio gave the tip
lo the Lincoln lollcc.
Urger than U did three short years ago.
"1 think," said Mr. Rosenthal, "that tho
future of the city of Omaha Is brighter
than most any other city In the country,
1 never was ro astonished as when 1 saw
the rapid growth of tho city by a mere
survey of It, let alone by nn Investigation
of commercial conditions. This city Is
You never tasted
daintier, lighter, fluffier
biscuits titan those
baked with Calumet.
They're attvayt
jtimk! A t
Tor Calumet In- I
surcs perfect
(Freight Robbers'
I Hearing Saturday
Ueorgo Craig, J. D. Ovavcnhurst, Hay
j R'llck and Sum Kocfrlt. arrested last
week on tho charge of breaking Into a
, Mtsrourl Pacific car and stealing a
iiuantity of corn, were arraigned before
i United States Commissioner Herbert H,
Daniel. The hoiirlng of tho casa was set
for Saturday mornlncr, and their bonds
were fixed at S2,PX each. Only 'Ovaven
hurst was Able to give bond at the ttino
they were arraigned, hut It Is believed
that tho other defendants wilt also bo
able to furnish bond today. Ovavcnhurst
Is foreman of the switching crew In the
yardB, where the theft occurred, while
GeoreCrnlg Is said to have been em
ployed us n switchman until four' days
before tho time the robbery occurred.
WorU'l Pur.
ImmMm, CMcase,
! EaMrtlon,
Frtt, Mirth,
Heavy Horses Are
! Finding Ready Sale
Traveling Freight Agent Mutter of the
1 Northwestern Is In from an oxtendod
trip out In the stair, and while out
noted that Nebraska Is be'ng overrun by
i men. buying homes for the eastern mar
;kct. They are paying prices ns high, If
not higher, than paid years ago.
This year, say Mr. Duller, the de
mand Is almost entirely for draft horses,
the heavier the belter. Animals that
come up to tho requirements readily
bring from J4W to tJOO per pair, with
extra, good horses selling considerably
hlfthor. There Is practically no demand
for light horses arid roadsters.
Says Stove is Shoved
at Him at Midnight
M. F. Martin. 2018 Webster sheet, who
i lias owned considerable property In tho
fittfl-tlm redllght district for a number of
years, appeared In police court nnd tcstl
j fled that. JX. U Day, colored, HS Dodge
i strret, was "no good.'' Day wus ar-
Jested for having a stove n his house
Which Martin declared belonged to hlnl.
"A hian come about midnight, open ma
.do' an' said, 'nigger, do you want a
I stove. "
I "Ah auUI ycisah, an' he Just popped It
i thru de do'." .Day was given thirty days
'bUspenOed sentence.
Many Yntm Rater llenilliiir Tlirlr
effort to Get Handy OntfU
Slnndlnit to lie Published
Scxt Sunday.
The voting for the last bonus prizes
of tho contest will close Thursday even
ing, February J9. Thore aro yet several
daya to vote to votes for these prizes.
Tho boys and girls are getting down to
work. The rivalry among them Is no
kern that not a label or n voting coupon
escapes their vigilance. Tho pony and
tart Is tho b'g Incentive. The O.miha
boys and girls ore quite conf.dent Mutt
some one of their number Is going to
bo the lU;ky one; In Council Itluffs aro
two boys who nxo already arranging a
stable for thj outfit; wlillo Ii Vtth
Omaha nnd the outside towns aro many
youngsters who have ulrcudy given tli
pony ii, name and are arranging to take
their friends out for a ilrlvo shortly
after March 28. The ronUst mau:icr
wants to assure the youthful contesMnu
that, so far, the prlre may be won by
nny one of them. No ono has such a
lead that It cannot be overcome by a
little application nnd hard work.
On February 22 will bo published tl.e
names and standing of tho contestants!
also tho names of the nominees who fire
leading for the various prizes.
The organization Is running a remark
ably oven race. Tho change of a very
few votes as last published completely
altered the order In which the names
There arc six more weeks of the big
contest Theso will bo weeks of golden
onnortunlty. The voting values have
been Increased for tho last tlmo. They
nro now very generous. By taking ad
vantage of the various merchandising
plans outlined by the contest manager
the contestant's can secure many more
votes than they could ordinarily. Those
plans were made for tho benefit of con
testants, who are quick to take advan
tage of every opportunity to ndd to
their standing. If you have not received
one of the thrce-pago circulars outlining
these plans ask for ne of them at the
contest department.
In every section of Omaha arc to be
found merchants, who give away voting
coupons In The nee Merchants' and
Manufacturers' voting contest. No mat
ter In what part of the city you reside,
somewhero near you is one of these
dialers'. When you fall to patronize these
retailers you deprive yourself of votes
that you cannot afford to lose.
Votes irltl Hverythlnaf,
Practically everything that one needs
rail be had of dealers who Issue M. nnd
M. voting coupons. Automobile supplies,
hurdware. lighting fixtures, sporting
goods, shoes and men's furnishings,
tallor-mad;o clothes, dry cleaning and
dyeing, bread milk, pianos and musical
Instruments. photographs, laundry.
Jewelry drugs, seven motion picture
theaters located In different districts of
the city; In addition lo theso dealers are
twenty-two grocers, who seek your pa
tronage and who 6ffer you competent
service and high class goods plus the
voting coupons, pn another page of this
Issue of The Dee Is printed a list ot nil
the Tetallers listed. In tho campaign. Read
this Hit carefully. Setter still, cut out
this announcement Hang It up In ybur
kitchen. Then, when you are making
Out your order .for tho month's supply
ot groceries, give these dealers your pat
lonage. Get the coupons. If you do not
want them, rememberl there are many
worthy organizations, who would thank
y6u for tho aislstanco thcae coupons
would afford.
The contest manager would bo gtad to
explain some of the combination offers
that mean so much to the contestants.
Come to the contest department) and get
all ot the details. The number Is 'M
Uet building. The phone, Douglas 311'J.
Make Your Kisses As J
"wwr 1 a -w -r mmA
w eicome as i oui
In tho prlzo c.ay contest, supplement
ing the study of Hygiene In the public
schools of Nebraska, last year, Miss Irene
Mason, a pupil In Pacific school, was
awarded a gold medal. This medal was
offered by the C. 13. Drown Jewelry com
pany of this city for the best essay sub
mitted by h pupil ot the eighth grade of
tho OmaliR public schools. In addition to
this her essay won the- state prize of J10.
which was presented her Monday by Mrs.
W. T. Graham, state supcrlntenant of
this branch of educational work.
President Combs of Optometrists
Would Have Business: Distinctive.
;Leisy Asks City Dads
; to Reconsider License
W. V. Malonry, local manager of the
l.rlsy Drewlng company, has asked the
city commission to reconsider tho rejec
tion ot tho lyclsy company's license, In
asmuch as tho Peoria concern has "In
vested $30,000 In real estate In Omaha,"
following the publicity bureau's adver
t'ted Invitation for Industries to locato
hero. City Cleik Thomas J. Flynn has
received the letter and will present It at
tho meeting of tho city commlrs!o'n
Patrick Ilnes. 2T0t North Twentieth
street, S3 .years ut age. Is dangerously ill
at hl home with pneUmou'a. Mr. llynos,
vtho was &f years old last Kasttr, and
who lost two daughters In tho tornado
whan his house was totally destroyed,
has been 111 most of tho year, suffering
with a broken hip, which he sustained
In the storm. '
H. Deecher Howell, general manager ut
the Metropolitan water uisinci oi
Omaha Is back from Denver where he
addressed an antl-munlclpal ownership
meeting and at which he advocated mu
nicipal ownership ot all public uunticf
Mr. Howell was Invited to speak at a
mass meeting In Denver and accepted the
Invitation, forwarding a lettor In which
ho said he presumed ho, was to speak In
favor ot municipal ownership, having
stood for public ownership for sixteen
When he arrived In Denver he found
he was supposed to combat municipal
ownership arguments, and so he sug
gested that ht date bo called off, but
the antl-munlclpal ownership managers
of tho mass meeting allowed him to pro-ceed.
SUIT your advertising to
your goods.; "Circus" meth
ods are fitting enough to ex
ploit a "tent show," but fatal to
an established business with
dignity to uphold nd tradi
tions to preserve.
.Member of the .State Society Hold
In IT Convention at Hotel Home
for JVcxt Two, DnyN Lcc
tnre nnd Dinner.
That the optomotrlsts's place of' busi
ness should liavo a distinct personality
was urged Monday by President B. B.
Combs In his opening address to tho Ne
braska Btatc Association of Optometrists
In convention at tho Hotel Home.
Ho told them of the Importance ot
clean windows, a clean room, clean
countors and a neat appearance of tho
house in general, as the points from
which the custorrier Instinctively judges
the place.
Tho president also suggested the rais
ing of tho annual dues to 13 and suggested
that tho association publish a year book
In which the Important matters taken up
at the annual conventions be recorded
from year to year.
IlncUIen'n Arnlcn Salve
should be In every home, ready to apply
to all burns, bruises, sores, cuts and
scalds. Heals quckly, 25c. All drug
gist. Advertisement.
A. rtullcj;. colored, residing at Sixth
and Nicholas streets, was fined S10 and
costs In polico court for 'tho theft ot
some old Iron valued at about 10 cents,
which ho stole from the Union Pacific
railroad, along the tracks.
Members of the grand Jury spent the
day Investigating conditions of local
hotels as required by law. Tho sixteen
Jurors were divided Into committees for
this purpose.
Purify your breath
instantly of tobacco,
vegetable or other
odors with
It relieves heartburn
flatulence. It
brightens your teeth,
aids your digestion,
sharpens your
m v-ntm 7 i or
w fHvyH This clean, pure, g
JfBy healthful gum is the
jt,iiHiPV 1,1 4ijf.most delicious and
Ifs the
ideal to have in the
house for family
friends. It stays 'fresh until
Look for the spear
Sior oo cents 01 most dealers
, Each box contains twenty 5 cent packages
Chew it after every meal 5
An employe ot a local manufacturing
firm has tsken a unique way of settling
Ills labor disputes. He has appealed to
Chief or Police Dunn, saying his em
ployer l Blvlng him the Worst of It ond
that other employes get all the little easy
jobs about the establishment.
The employe, In a tetter, tells the chief
of nollce that ever since last year his
employer has oppressed him In one way
01 another. I-at year, he says, he was
detailed to dig flshworms for tho em
ployer, but lie failed to find many worms.
or the right kind ot Worms, which angered
his employer.
Also, the dissatisfied employe adds, he
Is now entitled to pay for money he "lost
on leaves of absence." He said he was
"laid off" against his will and ho believe
he Is entitled to pay for the time he wa
unemployed because ot this laying off.
t C ,
v .
For a
l t A ski Ui rtT
Unuknche nuit tlbeumuttsni VauUU
Am ay,
Men and women having backache, rheu
matism, stiff and swollen Joints are hon
estly glad to know that t'oloy Kidney
Pills arc successful everywhere In Urlv
Ing aut these Ills. That Is because Foley
Kidney Pills kic a Hue medicine and
quickly cffectle In all dlseaiies that re.
suit from weak, Inactive kidneys and
Urinary rregularltlta. Itev.' c. M,
Knighton, llavanna, Fla.. writes: "I suf.
lered intense pain In kidneys and back,
but after taklnK Foley Kidney Pillar all
my pains disappeared, and though J am
U years old. I feel like a young man
again," For sale by all dealers every
hr - Adtertlsemtnc
Start the day with a warm meal that nqf nly gives stomach
comfort, but supplies the . greatest amount Of body-building mate
rial with the least tax upon the digestion.' Keep the body warm
and strong by ' eating ' '
Shredded Wheat
the food that fortifies you against sudden changes of temperature
and which contains more real bady-building nutriment than meat
or eggs and costs much less. After you have tried all the others
you will come back to Shredded Wheat always the same price
always clean always pure always the same.
I'lie Persistent and Juulcious Use ot
. Newspaper Advertising Is the Itoad to
I CuM .ers Success.
Always keat the Bucuit in oyen to retorq crispaeM.. Two Shredded
Wheat Bucuks with hot milk or cream will supply all the eacrgy
needed for a. half day's work. Delictously noumhmg when eaten m
combination wkh baked apple, stewed prunes, sliced bananas or canned
or preserved fruits. Try toasted Trkcuit, the Shredded Wheat wafer,
for luncheon wkh butter, cheese or marmalade.
Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y.