Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Public Speculators Badly Needed to
Liven Up the Pit.
Mktc Line of Whrnt In Their INm
ftrialon anil Outlook la tbnt Sta
tlatlcnl Xcvra "Will lie
Kni-orablc to Them.
OMAHA, Feb. 16. 1911.
The public Is badly needed In tile
wheat market at Chicago. IJuslness In
wheat Is now between professionals
and the markets of the country may bo
called Bcalplng affairs. Of course, there
are "hrdglnn" transactions and there
ra "spreads' made between Chicago and
the smaller markets, but these transact
tlons have very little to do with the
rango of values, as they continue nar
row and unattractive. There aro many
now waiting for a chance to Invest In
the wheat market, but they will not
come In as buyers until the prospects
sre for a quick turn. Sentiment cn
whtat In bearish, with tho trade either
Bhort or oven up.
.At this season of year there Is always
a coterlo of men who buy wheat and
stand on It for a profit. Thoso who
have mado money In years gono by have
been the ones to take tho grain on tho
weak spots. It will be remembered that
the bull crowd In Chicago, who lost
money for several years past on carry
ing a big line of wheat In anticipation
of crop losses In the Argentine, and who
suffered heavy losses, became weary of
making a play of that kind and now
that tho Argentine crop has been heavily
reduced they are not to be found In the
market because of tho bearish condi
tions surrounding wheat at Chicago arid
in almost the entire world.
The bulls in wheat were anything but
idlo during the latter part of last week
In reporting the' takings of cash wheat
in various vosltlons. Duluth has con
siderable wheat afloat and It was re
ported Saturday that a round lot of No.
1 northern had been sold for shipment to
Buffalo at the opening of navigation. A
rumor was current In local circles that
a, round lot of No. 2 northern had changed
hands at Chicago, but could not be con
firmed. ,T,ho.. stitlstlcs to appear late today
will Hlt bo moro bullish than bearish
and a further Increase In the vlslblo sup
ply Is expected. While tho world's ship
ments will be only moderate, a largo in
crease in the amount on passage Is ex
pected, and this will bvorbalanco a great
Thor business In both cash corn und
pats; continues exceptionally small and
in order to- place any strength in thoso
markots there must be a change. The
east is either not using any grat amount
at course grains or It lu securing them
elsewhere. Tho weather is excellent for
the .-finishing of corn' In cribs as well as
for shelling and moving It. The roads
also are good for hauling oatB and It is
expected that tho interior will offer these
grains more freely as; spring appears,
word was received at Chicago Saturday
t Iowa was offering Increased quan
tities of corn at both Chicago and Kart
City and that some sections were
asking for bids on oats.
The larger packers in the provision
trade continue in full control of that
market and- they are on the buying sldo
on 'all recessions. The east Is expected
to continue as a buyer of live hogs in
this market.
Cash wheat was 14c higher.
.Cash corn was Mo lower.
Cash oats were unchanged to Uc higher.
Clearances: Wheat and flour. 709,000
bUshels; corn, K.00O bushels; oats, 125,000
Liverpool close: Wheat, ?,d to Ud
higher; corn, d to id higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 1.002,000
bushels- and shipments 255.000 bushels,
against receipts of 1.6H.000 bushels and
Bhlpmehts of 426,000 bushels last year. .
-Primary corn receipts were 1,347,000
b. Mshelif and shipments 583,000 bushels,
against receipts of 2,102,000 bushels and
shipments of 922,000 bushels, last year.
Primary oats receipts were 610,000 bush
els and shipments 639,000 bushels, against
r1,tJi?sJf.1,053'000 tuhcl3 and shipments
of 627,000 bushels last year.
' r y ueav. orn. uais
iitufcu ,,,,,.,,t,,,,jt
Minneapolis .-.395-
Duluth 10
Omaha ...4,.. 61
Kansas City .,127
St. .Louis ; .',,..'6!)
Winnipeg 83 , ...
'jffiew following sales were reported:
;wheatrNo. 2 hard winter. 3 cars at 85c:
No; 3; hard "winter, 1 car at 85Hc, 5 cars
t 'Wi.No. 3 durum, 1 car at S3c, 1
tinr'at 8214c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car at 8l'ic
Corn: No. 2 white, 2 cars at 3V4c No. 3
white, 2 cars at 62Wc 1 car at 62Uc, 2
care at 62c, 1 car at Clc, 12 cars at 61c;
No. 4 white. 3 cars at 60a; No. 2 yellow.
P cars nt 60Wc; No. 3 yellow. 1 car at
004c, 6 cars at COc, G cars at 69V4c: 2 cars
at E9Uc. 47 ctrs at 59c, 1 car at 6S&c: No.
4 yellow, 1 cars at E8V4c. 2 cars at 6SWc. 2
Sf'Ji F' 1 cnr' 67c! No- 2 mixed. 1 car,
fiOci No. 3 mixed, 1 car at 60c, 1 car at E9Uc.
3 cars at E9c, 11 oars at G8Hc.l car at 5Sc;
No. I mixed, 1 car at 8$c, 1 car at 67ic 6
arjaJ;.D!,'4S No- srade. 1 car at 49c;
No. 4 flint, 1 car at 57c. Oats: Stand
ard, 1 car at 38&c; 2 cars at 33'ic; 2
cars at 3Sc; No. 3 white. 6 cars at 37Mc;
No. 4 white, 1 car at 37,lo; 1 car at 37c
oVkH?0' ' 1 Cr at 'tCt N0, 1 car
Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2
hard. $o86J,c; No. 3 hard. 84QS5V4c: No.
4 hard, m&US; No. 3 spring, S3S6!4c:
a,4"i5P-ri W83 N'o. durum, &&
8lc No. 3 durum, 8214J83c. Com: No
2-whlte 62G63HO; No. 3 white. C10S2w
wMte-Mteae: No. 2 yellow? GOtf
WAc; No. 3 yellow, ES?iC0'4c: No 4
yellow. 5705814c; No. 2. 69i(SC0ci No 3
corn. ESOCOci No. f, 57fittic. Oats: Stan
dard SSefSSKc; No. 3 while. 37UWS:
No. 4 white, 37037140. Barley: Maltimr
61(372c; No, 1 feed. 66gC0o. nie; ' No
S7i6Ses No. 3. B7gPTHc: ye' "
Features of tho Trading; uml CIoalnc
Prlcea on Ilnnrd of Trade,
CHICAGO, Fob. IB. -Wheat prices today
showed unvarying firmness, the result
chiefly of European markets gradually
w'UF.oT-i 2?slne. nuotatlons here
wtr steady at i points net advance.
Corn finished unchanged to a 1-16 up
and oats with a gain of a shade, but
provisions off 2WBCo to S"UU1' ouc
Hull, speculate ra in wheat pointed to
tho comparative smallness of world
shipments and called attention to un
timely rains throughout Important har
vest sections of Indiana. There were re
.ports, too, that Argentine was buying
Australian wheat, but tho Chicago trade
ini0t uPPlie1 to put much faith In
the Idea that such a carrying of coal
S,0" .had et""y come about
Suspicion that export business was In
Duluth operators did some heavy buying
J r ', V" secmea to
Imply cash sales to the east. Before
- , ' ... J iwncvcr, uuiuin
turned to tho selling side, and there was
..u.(. iu Luuuriii ary inierence that
foreigners had mado new Investments In
united State wheat.
Not much selling pressure could be
put on corn, higher cables and the firm
noss of wheat being too serious handi
caps for the bears. Moreover, there
were advices that slocks all over the
stale- were light, despite messages pur
porting to ask that shippers hold back
supplies on account of a lack of dis
tributive demand. Oats had fair support,
mainly from shorts, who were Impressed
by a falling off In tho visible supply.
fera. of provlelons. As a result, tho mar-
slant In tho pri- of hogs.
Article! Open.f Hlgh.l Lo w. I Cloie. Safy.
y.f 9Wi
K!i 93Ti
I, MTi I
I. 6t?i I
Corn. I
I Wi
I 1T4
I 39U
I 39i
May. I 65;
Juiy.1, IT4
Oats. I
May.l 39H
July. 394
I J9!i
I. 2H
39U I S
I, W I 3014
PfrK. I
MavJ 11 8JWI 21 S3 I II TiUI i Lti1 i .
May.fUOO 1100 I 10 95 111 60 I II 02'4
July.) 11 20 I 11 SO !1I02h!u15 1120
Ttiba. I 1 1 I
May.l 11 ns I 11 67m 11 61,1 n 05 I 11 70
Jub'U y U ?HLltJ5 I 11 SO I 1 SS!4
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2reiT
SWfl97c; No. 3 red. S4695c; No. I hard. w'.
tl93r. No. 3 hard. 9JVt . No 2 northern
3 yellow, 60ifiClc. Oats No. 2 white, 41W
lc; no. 3 wnue, wraraci sianuaru, sirt
iho. live: No. 2, 61Kic. Barley: 49470c.
Seeds: Timothy, .7MK'3S; clover, liaLOOfl"
H.60. Provisions: Pork, JS1.75; lard, J10 67H;
ribs. tlLOOtfll.M,
BUTT RH 'Higher; creameries, 22V4p39c.
KGGS-lllghor; recelpta, S.0S0 cases; at
mark, cases Included, KfjCJc; ordinary
firsts. SftHySc; firsts, 277Hc.
CHEUStV-Stoady; daisies, 17401tV4c;
twins. 17017UC
IH)TATOES Higher; receipts, SO cars;
Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin red,
60fl5c; white, 0Jff7Jc.
VOULTliY Alive, higher: springs, lDVic;
fowls, 16Hc; turkeys, dressed, 25Hc
Niiw Tonic (iKM'.n.M, maiiket
Qnotntlona ot tho Dny mi Various
NEW YORK.. Fob. 16. FLOUR Firmly
held; spring patents. tt.404.65; winter
straights, 4.1Hf4.M; winter patents, M 10
jf4.65; spring clears, Jl.0OtM.2O; extra, No.
1 winter, t.55tK.75; extra. No. 2 winter,
13.S503.GO; Kansas straights. JI.CKMJ4.15.
WHEAT-Spot, firm; No. 2 hard, winter.
$1.00, c. I. f. to arrive; No. 2 red. J1.02, ele
vator, uomestic; no, l northern, uuiutn,
1.01, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern,
Manitoba. J1.03H. f, o. b. afloat. Futures
were Inactive but firmer on the cables and
light offerings, closing '.tUHc net higher;
May, J1.01H! July, 97c.
HOPS Steady, state, common to choice.
1913. 40lc: 1912. 20B24e: Pacific coast 1913.
21ff25c 1912, 20l22c
HIDES Steadyf bogota. 3233c; Central
America, 32c.
PI7TIIOLEUM steady; refined. New
York, bulk, $3.25; barrels, $3.75; cases,
WOOL Stcadv : domestlo fleece. XX
Ohio, 2G27c.
CORN Spot, steady; New No. 3 yellow.
67?ic, c. I. f. to arrive.
OATS spot, firm; standard white. 45tte.
elevator; No. 3, 4ll4Cl3c: fancy clipped
white. 4.&SNSc.
HAY Quiet; standatd. 974cC?$l.O0: No.
1. Jt.OCHS'l.OS; No. 2, 90flD5c; No. 3, 80
LEATHER Firm; hemlock, firsts, 30c;
seconds. 2S29o. .
PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; mess. $23.50
C2i.0O; fumlly. J2t.0026.00;, short clears.
$20.0025.00 Ilcof. steady; mess, $18.00
18.50; family. $l9.0O4i20.o0. Cut meats,
steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 pounds,
12',45T14c; pickled hnms. He. Lard, easy;
mtddleswcst. $10.70410.PO; refined, barely
steady; continent, $11.35: South .Vmcrlca,
$12.00: compound. $8.375tf8.C2H. .
TALLOW Steady; city, fi?ic; country,
Cifltrlic: special, V.ic
BUTT1JR Firm; receipts, 3.700 tubs;
creamery extras, 32c; firsts, 2S931c; held
extras. 3031V4o: firsts, 2CV429!4c: proc
ess extras. 22Va923c.
CHEESE Irregular; receipts, 300 boxes;
state whole milk, fall nnd summer white,
specials, 18'lS',4c: colored. lSiglSUc: aver
age fancy. 17',417?ic; winter mado spe
cials, 17U17l4c. t
EGGS Unsettlad; receipts, 6.S00 casts:
fresh gathered extras, 32c: extra firsts,
31c; refrigerator finest, 26JJ2fiVjc; nearby
hennery whites, S93l40c.
POULTRY Dressed steady; fresh killed
western chickens, 152lc; fowls, 15fl8Hc;
turkeys, 1825c,
BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 25c! No.
1, CO-lb. tubs, 28c.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 30c; Ameri
can Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, 20c; twins,
20c; daisies, 20c; triplets, 2oc; Young
Americas, 21c; blue label brick, 19c; llm
borger, 2-lb., L0o; New York white, 21c.
FISH White. 15c; troilt, 17c; large crap
pies. 11c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; shad roe,
per pair, 40c; salmon, 10c; halibut, 11c;
burraio, 9c; buiincaut), iac; cnunnei cat
fish, 15c; pike, 15c; pickerel, 12c.
POULTRY Broilers, $4.uo. per dot.;
hens, 16c; cocks, 12c; ducks, 20c; geese,
18a; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per dor.., $1.20;
ducks, full feathered, 12',ic; geese, full
feathered, 11c; squabs. No. 1, $1.533.W;
No. 2, Wc.
Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective
today In Omaha are as follows:
BEEF CUT PIUCES-Wholesale prices
of beef cuts are as follows: Ribs; No.
1, 17',4o; No. 2, 16c: No. 3. J3c. Loins!
No. 1, 19c; No. 2, 17c: No. 3;5c, Chucks:
No. 1. 11c: No. 2, lOHc) No. 3, lOftc.
Rounds: No. 1, 14c; No. 2, I3',4c; No. 3,
13ic. Plates: Xo. 1, 9c; No. 2. Siict No.
3, 8c.
-ine louowing prices on iruits ana vege
tables are reported by tho Gillnaky Fruit
FRUITS Oranges: Thoso navels are ot
good color, sweet'and Juicy, quality bost
have been seen In years. Extra fancy
Sunkist navels, 90, 12ti, 150, 176, 200 and 230
sixes, $2.00; extra fancy Sunkist navels,
250 size, S2.G0; 2S8 size, $2.40; 324 lre, 2.40;
Florida Kumquats, per box, 25c. Apples:
Extra fancy Washington Jonathan, per.
box, $2.75; Whlto, per box. J2.25: Wine
saps, $2.50; extra fancy Idaho Northern
Spy, Greenings or Kings, per bos, $2.00;
extia fancy Idaho Rambcs, per box, $1.75;
Ben Davis, per bbl.. $5.00; auno, $3.00;
Wlncsap, $7,00; Mlssour Pippins, $0.60.
Lemons: Extra fancy L-Jnklst, 300s and
3G0s, per box, $0.00; extra choice Red Ball.
300s and 3b0s, per box( $3.00; choice, $4.00.
Grapesilmported Malaga, extra fancy.
$7.50; -fancy, $7.00. Grapefruit: Florida
Tangerines, per box, $2.50: extra fancy
Florida, 36. $1.50; 46 and M, $4.75; 54 , 64 and
SO, $5.00. Cranberries: Per box, $4.25.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Genuine
Red River Early Ohio, per bu., $1.00,
nurals or Burbanks. Per bu.. SSc: lrini,n
Rurals, per bu., 00c. Sweet potatoes:
Per hamper, $1.25; Illinois kiln dried, $1.30.
Cabbage: Holland seed, per lb., 2Mc;
rod. per lb., 4c; new California. 3c. Onions:
Ohio largo ea uiodo, per id., 3c; In
diana yellow, 3c; Spanish, per crate, $1.50.
Tome toes: Cuban, per C-basket crate.
MISCELLANEOUS California figs. :2
12-oz. pkgs., 85c; 60 0-or. pkgs., $2.00;
DiacK iigs, li. is-oz. pags., jlw; 7-crown
imported figs, per lb., 18c; 3-crown Im
ported figs, per lb., I3c. Dromedary
brand dates, pkg., $3.00; Anchor brand
dates, nkc. $2.25: Halowle dntns. n.r- n.
7Mc. Parsnips, per lb., 2c. Carrots, per
lb., 2c Beets, per lb., 2c. Turnips, per
ID., c. jiu'.HUHtsuui, per ID., 1,&C.
California Jumbo celery, per doz.,
SSc. Cider, per keg. $3.25; per half
bbl., $5.75. Shallots, per doz., 60c.
Parsley, per doz.. 40c. Radlihpa. no
doz., Me. Head lettuce, per doz., $1.00;
homa-grown leaf lettuce, per doz., 40c.
Green peppers, per basket, 0c. Wax or
green beans, per hamper, $5.00. Hot house
cucumDers, per uua., cauiuiower,
per crate, $2.23. Venetian garlic, per lb'
12Vic. Eggplant, per doz., $1.50. Horse
radish, 2 doz. bottles In case, per. case.
$2.00. Walnuts, o, 1 soft shell, per lb.
19c. Medium pecans, per lb., 12c; Jumbo
pecans, per lb., 15o. Filberts, per lb., 15c.
Drake almonds, pel1 lb., ISc, Brazils, per
lb.. ISc. Black walnuts, per lb., 2c. Raw
No. . reanuts, per lb., 7c; Jumbo peanuts,
por lb, 80; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8Vic
Kliellbark hickory nuts, per lb., 5c; large
hlcko. y nuts, per lb., 4c. White Rice
popcorn, per lb., 4c. Checkers, per 100
pkg. caso, $3.M; per 60-pkg. case, $1.75.
Cocoanuts, perv sack, $5.50; each, 6c.
Chestnuts, Imported Italian, per lb., 10c;
sack or bbl. lots, 9c. Honey, whlto clo
ver, 21-aectIon case, per caso $3.60.
Minneapolis Grain Market,
No. 1 hard, 9li4o: No. 1 northern, !3H
S3Hc: No. 2 northern. 901i9H4c; No. 1
oi-,nio-,t-, oiuy, utrtU "'41 July, iC,
BA IlLEY 45067c
B RA N Unch anged.
CORN NO. 3 yellow. 66li57c
OATS No. 3 white. XHUJIc.
SEED Flax,
X $1.52H1.544.
Kansas City Grnlu and Provisions,
2 hard. 85H&68C; No. 2 red. 89fiWc. ,
CORN No. 2 mixed. 61c; No. 3, 63c; No.
2 white, 65Hc; No. 3, C3Q66c.
Cloning prices of futures:
WHEAT May, 87HQ87?,c; July, 831.
CORN May, CfcTlr; July, CG!e&63Uc.
OATS No. 2 white, 40Ug404c; No. 2
mixed, S94c.
Liverpool Grain Market.
firm; No. 2 red western winter, 7s 6d;
N0..1 Manitoba, 7s 4Hd; No. 2, 7s
No. 2, 7s 2Hd; futures, firm: March, 7s
3d;.May. 7s 3Hd; July, 7s 3Hd.
CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,
6s Sd; La Plata, futures, firm; February,
4s 10Hd; March, 4s 10d.
FLOUR Winter patents, 28s Cd.
HOPS In London. Pacific coast. 4 10s
.St. I.oule Grnernl Market,
ST. LOUIS, Feb. I6.-WHBAT-N0. 2
red. 95iS6,c; No. 2 hard, H092c; May,
Jji4392,c; July. 86H88CVie.
CORN-No. 2. 65c; No. 2 white. 67c:
Alay. c. juiy, bewi?.
OATS-No. 2, 41V4c; No. !
May. 40Uc: July. 29i4c
white. 41Hc;
Moves Out of Narrow Groove and
Turns Down Decisively.
Shnrp Break Ascribed Primarily to
Pnrlher Suapcnalon lj- Commerce
Ilonril of note Inerenae liy
Knatrrn Honda.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16.-Aftr aeveral
W'eeks Of hesitation nnd Drnwtnp dllllnnaa.
during which the level of prices was al
most sianonary, 1110 siock market moved
out of Its narrow groove today and
turned down decisively. It was tho most
Positive movement of tho year, which
forced down many stocks from ono to two
points. Trading was more actlvo on tho
downward swing, and after tho force of
tho selling movement had spent Itself,
the market failed to exhibit recuperative,
power and no substantial rccovory was
Tho sharp break was ascribed primarily
to the further suspension by tho Inter
state Commerce commission until Sep
tember 12 of the 5 per cent Increase of
freight rates by the Eastern roads. This
action was Interpreted by traders as end
ing hopes of a speedy Increase In rates
and cause! selling of tho eastern railroad
shares for both accounts, Lack of sup
port for theso shares led to more general
bear selling. An unsettled lnfluenco was
tho softness ot steel, which had been
conspicuous for several days. This stock
was unloaded In large amounts, and as
It gave way, the Industrials as a whole
developed heaviness. Steel stocks were
depressed by reports of wago reductions
of steel mill workers.
Extenslvo European soiling accelerated
the decline. Arbitrage brokers estimated
that 50,000 shares were sold here for
European account. Professional traders
were on the bear side, a position which
most of them havo been maintaining for
somo tlmo. it has been a common say
ing In the street that a substantial re
action was due, and when tho market
showed signs of giving way today a vig
orous bear assault was inaugurated unf
Western was strong and actlvo on tho
report that American Telephone's hold
ings of the stock would bo turned over
to a syndicate Instead of being thrown
011 tho market. Coppor shares derived 110
benefit from the fortnightly report
showing a decrease In European visible
Bonds wore under pressure, although
somo low-priced Issues rallied. Total
sales, par value, $2,865,000. ,
United States bonds were unchanged
on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Sale. ltlh. Ixjw. C1o.
Amilftmttet Copper ... 19,400 76H "Mli 76i
American Agricultural 13 '
American Ilett Buer ..... Ml.
American Cap 3, TOO ll'i SOH 30V
American can pfd "mC
American C. A p 600 St tlM S1U
American Cotton Oil ,. H
An. Ica Securities 4,700 1ST Zli 2SU
American IJnteed jou
American Locomotive ... JOO S4I; .14V4 3S
American 8. & R........ HOD 8H SM, CSU
American S. A n. pfd.. 300 101i 101H IOIVi
Amer. suaar lletlnlng mil
American T. A T 3.100 12Hi 119)4 12H,
American lODacco ..... 41
Anaconaa Mining CO..,. 1,(00 57, :e;
Atchison 1,(00 BS'i 95
Atchlnon old
Atlantic CMaet Un...
400 l!Ui 121
3,0) W, 9IH
200 M 36
1.S00 Wli S3Vi
7,000 213i 2U
18.JW 33 33H
23, too KS
'ilsOO W2V4 1"
Baltimore ft oblo.
notlilehem Steel ....
Drooklj-n lUpId Tr. .
Canadian Paclric ...
Central leather ....
Chriipeake A Ohio..
cnicajo a, w
Chicago, M. & Mt. P....
Chicago ft N. W
Colorado Fuel & Iron....
Coneolldated Oas
Corn Producta
Delaaare ft Iludaon
Denver ft Klo arande,..,
Denver & It. a. pfd
Dtstllleri' Heeurltlee ....
'Erie lit pfd ,
Erie 2d pfd
General Electric .
areat Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore ctf.
Illlnota Central ,..
Interborough Met. ......
Inter. Mat. pfd
International Hinreater..
InterMarlne pfd
International 1'iprr
International Pump .....
400 32V. 11V.
500 llTi
too 137 i 1MH .165
300 2 ; :m
mo is'i it 't m,
11,800 J0H lj 29ta
SCO 47U 4SH tSt
boo iu',4 mil uvi
1,800 111 '4 131',i 131'i
ilKJ 111 111
(00 1H (OH
Kanaaa city Southern....
400 :M4
I.aclede Oaa 100
Ionian Valler
2,100 1501 HH 150K
COO 13K 13S4 1SST4
300 2H4 21H 2t',4
i,oo :u su :e
600 115V4 13S 131
H !
tl 89 '4 S 9U
200 21 2H
1,200 104',4 103$; 10i
Loultvllle ft Naehvllle..
it., St. P. ft 8. Ste. M.
Mltsourl, K, & T.
Mlarourl 1'aclflo
National Illacult
National Lead
N. It. n. of M. 2d pfd,.
New York Central. .......
N. Y.. O. ft W
Norfolk ft Weatern ,
North American
Northern raeltle l.ECO 1HU 115'4 11514
Pacltlo Mall 300 2i 2U :U
Vcnmylranln 4,100 112H 1HH DHi
Peovle'a Gai
r.. C. C. & fit. h
PltUburgh Col
Preued steel Car
Pullman Palace Car....
Republic Iron ft Steel.
Ittpubllo I. ft B, pfd.,.
nock Iiland Co
. , . . M
t(K 22 21 21
1,04 il 44Vi 44ft
(no 1S5U 1MH 1SI
38.300 1S7S IM'i 16l;
1,400 18 Zii ZAta
89 U
24 Vi
(Rock lvltnd r, pfd...,
Kt. I & S. F. 2d pfd..
Beaboard Air Line
H aboard A. I pfd
Rtou-Shctfleld 8. ft I..
Houthern laclfle .......
Southern Railway
So. Rallwar pfd
Tenneseee Copper
Texas ft Pacific...
I'nlon Taclflc
Union Pacific pfd
United State Ileilty...
United Stite 1 Rubber...
United Rtatea Kteel
U. K. Steel pfd
t'tab Copper
Va -Cnrollna Chemical .
Wabaah pfd
Wutern Maryland .....
Weitern Union
WetlnKhnuaa Ctectrle .
l.SO0 124 K1U Uli
40) S5 M4 4H
, 1,100
31 U
Wheallna A Iike Erie.. ..
Chlno Copper 3.100
W. Y. X. II. ft II 3.(00
Rty Con. Copper......... 1.400 2044 SH
Total talea for the day, :io,iw anarea.
Xew York Slonry Mnrkct,
VHW YORK. Feb. 16. MONEY Call.
ctp.Kiv. at 1;2 nr cent: rullnir rate.
pper cent; closlnir. 1HQ2 per cent. Time
loans, steady; sixty, days, 2W2U per
cent; ninety tiays, per ceni; six
mnntlia. MAffiZU, rter cent.
HTBTiLiNO EXCHANGE Strons;: sixty
days, S4.&375; demand, 4.soiu; commercial
bins. Ji.w.
SILVER Dar, B7Hc; Mexican dollars,
BONOS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
V. H. ret. 2. rg... Mi K. C 80. ref. (a.... 97
do coupon !'8i I., ti. deb. 4 1131., 2
V. H. 3a. reg 102 U ft N. unl. ... 1H
do coupon 101 M. K. ft T, lit 4i., (1
V. 3. 4a. rK 111U do 4.4s 4
do coupon 112 Mn. Pacltlo 4......(1
Panama 3s coupon.. 103 do conr. Cs 72
Amer. Ai. Ci 1011 N. It. It. of M. 4Us 63
A. T. & T. ev. 4s.. tl N. Y. C. . i.. l
Am. Tobacco (I....UI do deb. 4 mi
Armour ft co. V4S. . js."- v. n. 11. at 11.
Atchison ran. 4i V,Xi ev. 1U. 74
do cv. 4s, 1W0..., SI N. & W. lit c. 4s. U
do tr. ti loll; do ev. 4s 104
A. C U lit 4i (414 Nn. Taclflo 4s i(U
uai. & onio 4s. ,. . do ;s tm
do 3V4s (mo. e. U rfdg. 4s... (114
nrooV. Tr cv. 4s... (1H do cv. SV4s, U15.. 99
Uan. of Gs. Is 101 do con. 4s 100U
Ten. Leather Ss ft Reading aen. 4s.,,. (Hi
Ches. ft Ohio 4V4s. . . Vt B. I. ft 8. V. fg 4 1H4
do conr. 4Vis. .. . K da gen. Cs M
Ohlcsgo ft A. ,SHs.. Mt4Rt. L 8. W. e. 4s.. 7U
C. D. ft Q. . 4s...(!UH. A. U adi. U....'77I4
on ren. is.:. ... go rac. col. 41.
C IX & 8 P o 4i,s. l02ti n cv. 4s
C. It, I. ft P. e. 4s UK do 1st ref. 4s..
do rfg. 4s 71(4 80. Railway (a..
('. S. r ft 414s. (114 do aen. 4s
, K(4
. CV4
I), ft If. rv. 4i (i Union Paelflo it . . Mii
D. ft R. O. ref. (s.. "0'i do cv. 4s. I.. , 2
Distillers' 3 CU do 1st ft ref. 4s.. ti
Krle p. I 4s.. . (( I. B. Rubber es....!03t4
o gtn. 4s... JlUr. H. rUeel 2.1 Cs. .lot".
do cv. 4s, aer. n. 7( v.-c. Chera. Si (1(4
III. Cen 1st r. 4 (SUWstuth 1st & ft. 4s (V4
Inter. Met 4Ua . . . 714 Western Md. 4s 7114
Inter. M M. 4 Us. U(4 Weat. Klee. cv. I. VI
jsnsn ims voh wis. uemrai 41..
Did, Offered.
London Htock Mnrket.
IjONDON. Feb. 16. American securities
were quiet and featureless during the
early trading- today. At noon price
ranged from unchanged to U below par
ity- . .
Consols ror money, 76 ll-led; for ac
count, 76d; Union Pacific, 166V4d. Bar
silver steadv. 264d. Short bills, 2; three
months, 2jVs.
Metnl Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16,-MBTALS-Lead:
Easy at n.BMM.M: Ixindon. 4119 7a Cel.
. Knelter Ouipt ai Ki SZfli Z- Tiindm. rot v.
M. Copper Dull: standard, spot, ;i4.12Vi
" ijr. )iii:nt,j; electrolytic.
lake nominal, casting, I14.C2H0
14.7S. Tin: l:as: snot. f.S540.7i: Anrll.
40.10fl-40.3S. Antimony: Hull. Cook sons.
17 26, Iron; Steady; No. 1 northern. Jli.00
aio.60: No. 2 northern, l4.701!l.a. No. 1
southern. !H.7Milt.56: No. 1 southern, soft,
london copper: Easy; spot JC lis M;
futures, 66 Ss Pd. Tin: Easy; spot. JC1SJ;
futures. 1S4. 10s. Iron: Cleveland war
rants, Sis lUd.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 16.-METALS-I.ead:
Nominal. U90. Spelter: Dull at S5.3t4(r
nnatnn Mln
HIT Mock.
110STON. Feb. 16.
Closing quotations
on stocks were
.. 4lt,
.. 7S
.. 1V
.. Mi
.. i;u
Nsvada On. ...
Nlplsslng Mines
North llutte ....
North Lake ....
OM Dominion .
Osceola, ,
Oulncy .........
Superior .
. US
. MU
. JH
. nu
. i
. w
. 7
. sin
2 l-l
. V4
. IS
. Ml
. 4V
. 4(
Amsl. Copper .
A. Z. U ft S.
Arltona Com.
Cal. ft Arlions
Cat. ft Reels.
Opper Range c. C. S(S
Kan tlutte CM... II
KYsnklln 4(i
Superior ft
n. M. .
Oranby Con ItH
Greene lananea ... 3(U
lele norsle Cop... (3-14
tJi sails Copper.. . 54
Miami copper 23V
Mohawk . ,, 4(
Tamarack .
U B. B. R.
tin pfd
Utah Con. Co
Winona . .
Wolverine .
Ilnuk Clenrlniis.
OMAHA, Feb. 16. Rank clearings for
Omaha today were $2,9:1,113.51, whllo the
clearings for the corresponding day last
year were 13,272,903.01.
Coffee Mnrket,
NEW YORK, Feb. 16,-Smaller Uraxll
lan coffee receipts seemed to be attrib
uted partly to unfavorable weather and
failed to Inspire maVh buying In today's
market. Tho opening was dull at a de
cline of 4 to 6 points and active months
sold seven to nine points net lower dur
ing the early trading .in rcsponso to dis
appointing cables and reports ot lower
cost and freight offers. A rally to
within two or three points of Saturday's
closing figures followed on covering, but
the market weakened again under ro
nowed liquidation, closing steady, but
from five to nine points net lower. Bnles,
4S.M0; February. 9.14c; March, 9.18c; Mai',
P.tic; July, 9.58c; September, 9.76c; Octo
ber. 9.81c; December, i.90c
Snot, quiet; Rio No. 7. 9',Jc: Santos No.
4. 12 c. Mild coffee, dull; Cordova, 134?
16c, nomlnnl.
tills nnd Itnaln.
OIL, firm; prime summer yellow, J7.0Q;
March. 17.1S: May, 17.36; July, $766.
HOSIN Quirt, Htralucd, common to
good, $4,201(4.40.
TURPENTINE ICaay; machine bar
rels. 47Hc
TINE Firm. 45c: sales, CO barrels; re
ceipts, 21 barrels; shipments, 79 barrels;
stock. 18,668 barrels.
ROSIN Firm; sales, 1,117 barrels; re
ceipts, 1,612 barrels: shipments, 1.3SS bar
rels; stocks, 131,866 barrels, quote: A. R,
C, D. E, $4.15: V, O. II, $I.17H! I. $4.20!
K. $4.40: M, $5.2fi; N, $6.23; AV G, $6.40;
W W, $6.80.
(Imnlin liny 3lnrUet.
1. rhrtlrn to (inland. S10.50dfll.50: No. 2.
$9.00010.50: No. 3, $7.0OIf9.O0; No, 1. cholco
to midland, ncwwiiw; jno. z, .wtnv.w;
No. 3. $7.00179.00: No. 1, choice to lowland,
$8.0089.00; No. 2, $7.(KW(S.OO; No. S, $5.00
STRAW-Cholce oat or rye. $6,00S6.50;
choice wheat, $5.00flG.60. .
ALFALFA Choice. I13.00BH.OO; No. 1.
$i2.oo5fi3.oo; No. :, $10.00fl 12.00 ; No. 3, $7.00
Evnpnrnteil Apples nnd Dried Fruits
APPLE8-Qulct and flnn; fancy. 11
12Vac: choice. 9U09c; prime. SlifiSSe.
DRIED PnUIT Prunes, firm: Callfor
nlas, 3fl2c; Oregons, SlitJUc. Apri
cots firm; choice, lSHc extra choice,
149o; fancy. 13i16c. Teaches, steady;
choice, 65i04c: extra choice, 6V45J7c;
fancy, "fife. Raisins, qutct: loose mus
catels, CMQiTttc; choice to fancy seeded,
7ffliic: seedless, bhtVic; London layers,
Drr (oiIa Mnrkrt.
Cotton goods markets were quiet and
steady today. Jobbers were hampered In
trade geratly by stormB and delays In
shipments. Dress goods are offered at
very low prices, aw slllc was firm.
Cotton MnrUet.
Futures closed barely steady March,
12.23c: May. ll.SCc; July. 11.90c: August,
11.73c; October. 11.49c. Spot quiet; mid
dling, 12.90c; gulf, 13.15c.
Cnttlo Steady to .Simile Lower
IIoks Stonily.
CHICAGO. Feb. 16.-OATTLE Receipts.
25,000 head: market steady to a shado
lower; beoves.; Toxas steers,
$6.80(38.00: western steers. $0.60517.85; stock
era and feeders, $3.50B?.00; cows and heif
ers, $3.608.50; calves, $7,00410.50.
HOUS Receipts. 29.000 head: market
steady; bulk of sales, $8.5068.65; light.
$8.40tT8.65: mixed, $8.408.65j heavy, $S.25
8.65! rough, $S.25.40: pigs, $7.65ii8.60.
SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts, 3S.000
head; market steady to 15c lower; native,
$4.7036.93; western, $I.75T5.95; yearlings,
$5.C57.00: lambs, native, $S.767.6G; west
ern, 0.tHf7.lO.
lviiiians City Live fltnolc Mnrket.
ceipts, 12,000 head: market steady to 10c
lower; prime fed steers, $3,401(0.25; drossed
beef steers, $72061.35; western steers, $7.00
6&50: southern steers, $3.40 7.75; cows,
$4.2o7.&0: heifers, $6.76109.00; stockers and
feeders, $6.5007.70; bulls, $6.007.50; calves,
HOas Receipts. 8,000 head; market,
strong to 5c higher; bulk, JS.WjS.55;
heavy, $8.45Q8.57Vi; packers and butchers,
$8.358.55; light, $8.20f?8.50; pigs. $7.00'S.OX
head; market, 10015c lower; lambs, $700ii
7.65; yearlings, 16.0OQ6.G0; wethers, $5.255jf
6.65; ewes, $1.755.30.
Sioux City Live Stncic MnrUcl.
8IOUX CITY, la., Feb. 16. CATTLE
ecelpts, 3,000 head: market, 10315c lower;
nattvo steers. $7.OC8.J0: butchers, $5.30Jp
7.00; cows and heifers, $5.60iQ6.75; canners,
$3.75'S5.2G; stockers and feeders, $6.60
7 40; calves, $7.00010,00; bulls, stags, etc.,
HOGS Receipts, 35,000 head; market 5c
higher; heavy. $8.4008.50; mixed, $30(B.40;
J8..TWS.40; light, $8.25tj.30; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMllS-Recelpts, 500
head; market, steady: fed muttons. $5.50
04.50; westerns. $5.0005.75; ewes, $4 00Jj
5.15; lambs, $6.0007.60.
St. I.ouIm Live Stock (nrkft.
ceipts, 19,000 head; mnrket steady to loo
lower; beef steers, $7.5000.25; cows and
heifers, $4.2508.50; stockers and feeders,
$5.0007.50; southern steers, $5.7608.20; cows
and heifers, $4.OO0.OO; calves. $6.0Mtll.75.
HOGS Receipts, 11.200 mead maiket 6
10c higher; pigs and lights, $62508.76;
mixed and butchers, $8.CO03.S5; good
heavv. 1S.7O0.85.
hcaa; market steaay; muttons, $5.OO0I.O9;
lambs, $7.0007.85.
Ht. JuarpU Live Stock Mnrkrt.
ceipts. 1,400 head; market steady; steers,
$7.0009.00; rows and helfere, $1.0008.50;
calves, $5.00010.00.
HOaS-Rccclpts, 3,500 head; market
steady: top. $8.55; bulk. $8.3008.50.
HHEEV AND LAMHS-Recelpls. 8,000
head; market 10c lower; lambs, $6,7507.60.
Live Hlock In Slulil.
Receipts from the six principal west
ern marxeis.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
3.51.0 05.000 S.IM)
Sioux City
Kansas City ..
Ht. Louis
South Omaha .
St. Joseph ...
1Z,J0 Jl.OOO
19,000 11,200
7,200 3,800
1.400 3.50
... ..25.000 39,000
68,100 100,500 72,200
SIOUX FALLS, S. D. Feb, l.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.)-After being out about
twenty hours, a Jury In the state clr
cult court, returned a verdict of guilty
of bigamy In tho case of John W. ToIIe
of Kansas City and Chicago, traveling
salesman ot a hardware house. It was
charged he married a Sioux Falls girl,
while he had a wife in Illinois,
Persistent advertising Is the sure road
to business success.
Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Lower
Than Last Week.
Heat Crnilra of Mirep nnd I.nmlia Ave
Sternly nmt Otlirrn Weak to
it m Much nn Ten to l'lf
trpn liowrr.
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 16, 1914.
Re.-elpts wero- Cnttlo. T7ogs. Sheep.
Estlmnte Monday 7.200 3.S0O 1800
Same day Inst week.... 2.MS S.00I 13.741
Same day 2 weeks ago 3.W41 6,1 7,4
Snme day 3 weeks ago R.3SS 8.414 K.607
Hamn day 4 weeks ngo 6.310 5.693 16.411
Same day last year... 6.093 5.92S ll.io9
Tho following table thows recolpts
of cattle, hogs and sheep ul tho South
Omaha llvo stock market for the year to
data as compared with Inst year;
1914. 1913. Inc. Dec.
Cattlo 118,511 121,9.0 .. ... 3.3S9
Hogs ............ 381.1Cti 419.203 SS.037
Sheep 333.0A3 303,967 29.0S6
. The following table shows the range ot
prices for hogs at the South Omaha Uvu
stock market fur tho last few days, with
Date. 1911. H9l3.19l2.1911.1910.IP09.19i.
S 17Vi 7 421
7 401 8 291 ! 04 4 7
8 251,
S ss-j,
S 3&TW
6 09
6 06
6 00
S 32
C 14
7 3.S
7 62i
7 7J
7 39,
7 4'l
7 42
7 30
(' IS;
4 22
4 IS
4 24
4 09
8 51
8 47
6 99
6 07
I 8 40U'
6 06'
6 12
7 33
1 4
s ir
7 3? 8 4S 6 20j
11.18 41 i
7 sat
6 06
6 9S
7 .1
8 61
fi 301 4 17
13. 14.
8 32V,
7 '.IS
8 71 6 13
I 6 15
8 771
8 761 6 21
4 13
8 29U
7 96'
6 93
S 28
7 86
7 Dtil
6 90
4 o;
6 01
7 Oil
4 03
8 34
5 93
7 111
8 76' it is1
Ilocclpts and disposition' of live stock
at tho Union Stoolt yards. South Omaha.
Neb., for tho twenty-four hours ending
at 3 p. m. yesterday:
C. M & St. P. Ry. 16 I
Wabash R. R 3
Missouri Pacific Ry. 1 .. .. z
I'nlon Pacific Ry... 67 7 37 .1
C. &. N. W., enst... 27 .. 3 1
('. & N. W west... M 31
C St. P.. M. A O. 27 7 s i
C, . & Q.. east... R
C, 11. & Q., west...W 17 17 4
C.,R. 1. Ai P., oust. 10 1 6 2
C, It. I. ; P., west. 2 I.
Illinois Central Ry. l& l s i
Chicago G. W. Ry. 4 .. .. i
Total receipts ..290 57 ' 72 27
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Morris & Co 651 460 1.1M
Swift & Co ? 991
Cudahy Packing Co 1.129
Armour & co (t
J. W. Hurphy
Morroll 52
Lincoln Packing Co.... 18
S. O. Packing Co... v.... 2
W. 11. Vansant Co...... 55
Benton, vnnsant ci L.t 244
Hill & Sun 618
F. II. Lewis 238
Huston & Co 7u
J. 11. Root & Co 224
J. II. Hulla 34
L. F. Husz 100
Rosenstock Bros 65
McCreury & Kellogg.... 3ii
Werthelmer & Degun... 605
II. F. Hamilton...
, . 4
,. 72
f a. 1." s i
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... 122
Illgglns ......
Roth .
Meyers 2
Krebs 2-
uaker, Jones & sinllii.. m
Tanner Uros 8.1
John Harvey 19
Dennison ci i-Titncis,... m
Other buyers 615
Totals 6.999 5.470 13.4S2
CATTLE Receipts woro quite liberal
thla morning, 290 cars being reported In,
being moru than doublo tho receipts on
Monday ot last week, and larger than
any recent Monday. Tho recolpts, In fact,
wcro larger this morning than a year ago
by over 1,000 bond.
Advices from other maiket points wcro
nut vnrv rincouriiuinc and with tho lib-
orul receipts at this point buyers gen
erally Insisted on a reduction of about
10c on beef, as compared with last week's,
closing prices. Tho tone of tho market,
however, was fairly good, us It was ap
parent that buyots wanted tho cnttlu.
whereas last week incy wero juuio ur
less Indifferent On most days.
Tim hi'Bt niw, and heifers sold at about
steady prices early, but as buyers tilled
their moro urgent orders tho trado cased
off, closing around 10c lower on thu
medium and less deslrablo kinds.
Stockers ami feeders soiu an me way
from steady to 10c lower on the less at
tractive kinds.
quotations on cattle: Good to choicn
bt-ef steers, $8,2008.75; fair to good beef
steers, $7.b508.2O; commoii .o fair beof
stcert, $7.0007.85: good to choice cornfed
heifers, $7.0008.00; good to cholco cows,
$6.5007.50; fnir to good grades, $5.7306.50;
common to fair grades. $4.2305.50; good
to choice stockers und feeders, $7,600
8.15; fair to good stockers nnd feeders,
$7.2o07,5O; common to fair stockers and
feeders, $6.5007.25; stocjc cows and holf
ers, $6.0007.25; stock calves, $6.5008.00;
veal calves, $8.00010.25; bulls, stags, etc,
Representative sales:
No. Av. 1'r. No. Ar, Tr.
4.,..,, lot;: 7 40 ai mi s oo
1015 7 40 38 1U6 8 00
20 1U7 7 4i S 1011 I 00
& Ml 7 54 II 1!:7 I 03
16 SP1 7 ts si i:st S 10
II IIW 7 U 3 210 8 10
31 1179 7 70 II 1217 15
IT 1082 7 70 IS 1M0 8 U
1 11S0 7 75 3 m 8 30
( t? 7 7t 12 1113 I M
I ,...1011 7 It
27 UU 7 73
.A 1112 7tj
71 222 8 40
$3 1110 k 4(
8 603 7 70 11 1174 I OS
" ,WCOW8.
..IMS & 40 1...
....1310 8 80
840 .6 10
J..... 1113 8 40
4 1237 6 l(
6 1014 8 8
4 1140 8 6S
DiS S 70
t'. mi
18 1096 8 M
1....- 1240 J 2fi
1 1024 I 30
12 1002 8 30
7 130A 8 80
..1330 7 00
..14(0 7 CO
16. VIS D A
( M C U 4 IIS 6 70
t (74 8 SO 10 822 f IS
I..,, , 663 8 SO 1 880 7 00
1 140 8 a S 80S 7 00
1 710 8 (S 1 810 7 00
C....... 72J 8 70 ... 7 837 7 75
j 760 I 10 lv 1110 80
2 125 6 60 1.. l80 7 00
J2 288 'l 1 ISO 10 00
120 I 7S 130 10 2$
14 811 7 00
811 t an
II S 7 2$
li 110 7 (0
it m 8 oo
HOGS Supplies were light this morn
ing, even for u Monday, only about
flfty-flvo cars, or 3.M0 head being re
ceived. This Is loss than half ns large
as last week, and more than 2,000 short
of tho same day last year.
Ah is usual on the first day of the
week, packers weiq slow about taking
hold, and while other markets reported
ronvlderable strength, the first bids
made here were no moro than sternly.
The moBt of tho salesmen refused to cut
loose at tho prices offered and trado
was very dull for the first hour and a
half, hut offers finally strengthened up
and when the bulk of tho offerings
finally moved prices wero quoted as
mostly a nickel higher than Saturday's
average. Trade was slow all the way
inrougn, oui receipts worp so light that
a cuaranco was euccieil by a reason
able earlv hour.
Most of the sales were made at a
range of $8.2008.45, and tops reached
$8.50. a flat nickel better than Satur
day's high price. As a rule light and
light mixed were the first to sell
this morning, and salesmen were of the
opinion inai u anyiiinig tney showed
more advance than some of the heavlefc.
No. Ar. 8h. I'r No.
82 181 ... 7 1 71..
S 212 ... 3 34 71..
84 321 ,.. 130 41.
to Ill ... IN d.
VI 1(7 U IN ft.
41 ..,.208 . , 8 SO 81
41 117 40 8 SO 71.
II . 210 . . 3 36 24
) ...398 . . 8 18 71
H 148 . , 8 X TO
7 114 I 20 tO
41 204 130 I lit 71
88 21V . 8 2S -J.
A. bu. Vt.
I 31
. Ill
8 3
8 3t
242 80 3 36
184 120 I U
384 . I IS
J0t 80 8 38
!SO .. 8 35
210 3 im
318 8 3l,
- IU I U
I 40
8 4
8 10
I 44
3 46
8 4
8 41
8 U
8 41
8 H
; 48
8 41
" 4I
8 SO
8 (0
8 3JH
I 381,
1 Jft !.,
. 1H
4 7$ SJ 1H ... 7 40
17$ 103......1M 30 7 90
SHKKP-lllg runs h.r. at Chicago
and nt most other points had a bearish
lnfluenco on the general trado In both
sheep and lambs everywhere. Early
reports fiom other markets Indicated a
wtak nnd lower tendency to prices. lu
spite or the depressed feeling In tho
trade, howover, th local market was
fully steady on the best grades of sheep
and lambs whllo on the other hand any
thing not just stiltnblo to the packer
buyers had to sell anywhere from weak
io manse lower man tho close or last
week and the movement In such klnJa
was slow at that. Considering the heavy
receipts hero and the bearish reports
from outside points sellers rrearded the
trade as fairly satisfactory, but look for
no price Improvement unless receipts
aro kept down within moderate propor
tions. Most of the trnsactlnn In tlio la ml,
division were mado at a rango of $7,001
7.60. the latter flguro being top. having
been paid for two loads. Such ewes as
wero here sold largely at $4.9ilflM.15, and
some wethers weighing 12S pounds were
Rood enough to bring $3 55.
The receipts wero estimated at some
16,500 head, compared with 13.741 a week
ago. 14.607 two weeks ago nnd 11,759 a
year bku. Quality on tho whole was
fairly good ami trado lielnir falrlv Mlv..
a clearance wns mndo In fnlr season.
viiiuiHiions on sneep ami lamhsi Lambs
l-flll.4 . nl.ntx.; ewes, good to choice. $5.15Q5.20t
r ill KUUU. it.UUil Id.
.nit. H I . n . . v -
Representative sales:
239 CO! II. f r.l lamha ii
7 25
7 25
7 10
7 40
7 55
7 65
5 00
4 00
7 20
5 13
5 15
243 corn-fed lambs xr
-"t corn. fed lambs 78
w corn-red lambs ... .. 77
,2 corn-feil Av.a 1-
12S COItl. frl nvvna "10;
813 corn-fed lambs gfl
493 corn-fed lambs 84
(A7 Idaho owes ,m
15 Idaho owes , im
738 Idaho lnmbs si
411 corn-fed ewes 107
200 corn-fed owes 113
Eleven Persons Are
Saved from Sinking
Barges In the Sound
NEW YORK, Feb. 16,-Telephono mes
sages from Orient Point, at tho eastern
end of Long Island, told today of the
safety of eleven persons, Including four
women and two children, who wero on
the four barges which wore cut loose
from tho" tow fof tho tug Pllnyflsk on
that vessel's trip up Long Island 'sound
In tho storm of Friday night.
For hours they drifted nbout In the
wintry gale that swept tho sound. Thoso
on board tho ElUabeth and tho Frederick
Wlllonbrock took to a dory when theso
craft began to break up, and made their
way to tho other pair, the Katie Woods
and the Rose Mario Feeney. These also
soon began to glvo way under tho pound
ing of tho storm and tho wholo party
then took to tho dory.
It was 2 o'clock Saturday morning
when tho barges broke awny frryn the
tug near Bartlctt's reef. It was four
teen hours later wicn tho last of the
four boats began to sink.
At G o'clock yesterday afternoon resi
dents of Orient Point saw tho dory drift
ing Into tho surf. Thoy waded out Into
thn, waves and found tho , small boat's
passengers famished, exhausted nnd half, mnklng foeblo efforts to bn 1 1 out
tho water which came aboard each time
a comber swept over the sldosj
Tho rescued wero nt Orlont Point to
night, recovering from tholr experience.
Florence Woman
So Horribly Burned
That She May Die
Mrs, A. B. Adams of Florence, wife ot
Dr. Adams, of that suburb, was to horri
bly burned yesterday that It Is feared
sho will die, ns a result of using
gasoline. She waa brought to tho
Nicholas Senn hospital, and It Is said the
chances aro against her rccovory.
At her home In Florence, Mrs. Adams
hod been using gasoline In cleaning some
garment. Blip hung the garments on a
line outsldo tho house -and going In, .went
to tho furnace room to look after the
tire. Opening tho door of the furnace,
the vapor from tho gasoline that still
hung about tho clothing of the woman
Ignited and almost Instanly her outer
garments were a sheet of flame. She
ran up stairs and out Into tho yard,
throwing herself Into tho snow and roll
ing over. Her screams brought help and
tho flames wore extinguished, but not
until Mrs. Adams had been terribly burned
about the head and arms.
At the tlmo of tho accident, Dr. Adams
was attending a patient, and the three
small children were at Sunday school.
Mrs. Adams Is reported slightly Im
Young White Girls
Found with Negroes
By Police Officers
When Police Detoctivcs Dunn, Lahey
and Sullivan entered a house at 2814 Far
nam street Into last night, while Inves.
tlgatlng a complaint from neighbors.
uiey rnunu two young negro men,
stylishly dressed, and two pretty white
girls, both apparently under 18. and well
Creased also.
All four wero taken to the police stu
Hon, charged with disorderly conduct.
Tho negroes said they wcro porters and
gave as their names Tat Wright, 819
North Twenty-seventh, and Charles Ted
ford, 003 North Sixteenth street. Tho
girls gave as their names Marie Dona
hoo, dowry Court annex, Seventeenth
and Chicago streots, and Irene Benedict.
2201 Douglas street.
The negroes were sentenced to sixty
dnys In Jail this morning and tho girls,
who asert they aro under 18 years, are
held for tho Juvenllo authorities.
SIDNEY. Ia., Fob. 16.-(Speclal.)-Brt
Shlpman, eon of the Rev. W. II. Ship-
man, who was pastor of tho Sidney
Methodist Lpiscopal church from 1907
until 1910, has been appointed private
secretary to Edward D. White, chief
Justice of the supreme court of the
United States, at a salary ot $2,500 a
year The young mun was for a time
Judgo Smith McPherson's private secre
tary, but went east to attend college
and study law,
(7 IM 40
18 114 .
89 ft
12 ! . .
77. ... 311 fl
61 ... .2 10
9 . . 114
8: ::: 8
if.::::.:l :..
ti . .. ae
71 Ill ..
73.. . 30
' M ...
95 ...
8 I.'. 41 ,. ..Ill
I IS 3 . 311
IN 10 .t7
8 3 m
.3 ::::::
8 31 It W
I 77 148
good to choice. $7.2.'4i7.C0; lnmbs. fair to
good. $u.lKWf.a'; lnmbs, culls, $J.R0fl6.50;
yearlings, light. $6.SJit6.50: s-earllnes.
neavy. Jj.ijm',.?k- tir
Orphan Girl Hungers
For 'Real Folks' and
So She Runs Away
loin Kldrldge, a 10-year-old girl, who
ran away from a home In North Bend.
Neb., whoro she had been placed by Rev
E. P. Qulvey, superintendent of the Ne
braska Children's Home society, wns
Picked up by a pollro officer at one of
tho depots yesterday when he fdtlnd her
wandering about lot. Tho girl, who Is
an orphan, said that she received ex
cellent treatment from tho family thnt
adopted her. but she grew tired of not
having 'Tegular folks" llko other girls
have, so sho decided to run nwal-. She
wns going to Whitehall, 111., where she
has nn uncle, who has been sending her
spending money, which sho, saved to buy
her railroad ticket.
1'erslsttnt advertising Is the sure road
to business success.
Dr. Roswell Park,
Noted Surgeon, Dead
lU'FFALO, N. Y. Feb. 16.-Dr. Ros
well Park, one ot the best known sur
geons In America, dlol suddenly nt his
home today. The cause ot doath was
henri failure. Dr. Park had been In per
fect henlth up to within twenty minutes
of the end.
Dr. Park was born In Pomfcct, Conn.,
In 18S2. Ho studied medicine In North
western university and after graduation
spent several years as demonstrator In
anatomy and lecturer on surgery At the
Women's Medical college, the Chicago
McAicnl college and Rush Medical college
of Chicago. In 1SS3 the medical depart
ment of the University of Buffalo called
him to a professorship of surgery, which
chair he held for thirty-one years.
Dr. Park's opinions on cancer Rnd
tumors attracted world-wide attention.
Ho war the surgeon In charge when Pres
ident William McKlnley was shot here
In 1901
two Clean Papers
The Youth's Companion
The Evening Bee
Both for SSc a Month
Payable Monthly
Clilcnuo, Ilock lxlnnd A Pacific
12 AST.
I)prt. Arrlr.
Reeky Mountain I.lmltd....t 1:3 am all :01 pra
ChlciO local I'auenitr hl0:00 am til0:l! pm
Chicago Day Biprais a 8.80 am a 4:40 pm
Chicago Nltht Kipr ,.a 4:10 pm a 1:30 p-n
lira Molnra IrfwM ran...... .a 4:17 pm all 35 am
Chlcaio Ncb. Limited a ;0S pin a t:U am
Chl.-Nab, Ltd. to Lincoln. ...a 1:41 am a 1:17 pm
Colorado tc California Kt... .a 1 HQ pm a 4:no pm
Okl. Taiaa l!preaa a 4:00 pm allilo am
Ilocky Matintaln Limited. .. ,.sll:17 pm a $:57 am
Union Pnclflc
Orarland Limited a :00 am a 1. 41 pm
California Mai! a 4;J0 pm iMUm
Omaha Hiprti , a 6:M pm
Atlanta Kxprot a l:(0 am
Loa Aniclea Limited all:Mam 1 1:10 pm
Denrer gperlsl a 7:35 am a 3:j0 am
Colorado Uipreaa .., ...a 4:30 pm a 4:00 pm
Colorado Kpevlat alt:0t am a 7:00 am
Bin Franclaeo Limited, ......a0:10 am
Pacltlo Limited al3:S0 am a 7:3J pm
Orrgon-Waihlngton Limited. ,al0:l0 am a 1.15 im
North riatu Local a 1:15 am s 4:4S pm
Grind Uland Local, ........ .a t:I0 pm alOsSO am
Stromtburi Local bl!:l pm bl'.iOpn)
Mtauourl I'nolflc
IC. C. Bt. L. Rip..., a 1:00 am. a 7:11 am
IC, C. ft Ht. L. Kip, all:15 pm a 1:30 pm
K. C & St. Tan)..., all:30 am a :! pm
Clilcnuo tlrrnt Western
Twin City Limited a 1:30 pm a 1:10 am
Twin City Eipreia ,.a Hi Jo am a 1:00 pm
Chicago Eiprraa ... a 1:43 pm a 1:11 pm
ChlcnKo, Milwaukee fc St. Paul
Pacltlo Limited a 7:10 pm 11:11 am
Chicago ttpetlal a 1:10 pm 7:11 am
Ban PruncUco IJmlted a 1:50 am 1:23 pm
Chicago Daylight Special, ,. .a 7:10 am 11:45 pm
Manilla Loot ....a 1:00 pra 11:51 am
Illinois Central
Chicago Limited
Chicago Kipicu
.a 1:00 pm a 1:20 am
..a 1:30 am a 1:10 pra
Omaha-bt. Isula Uipreta....a (:10 pm a 1.11 am
Mall and Uiprwa 7:u2am all :U put
blankerry Local Irom C U..bS:0tfpm blO.U iu
Chlt'iiKo ,fc Nort iMVt-Klrru
Twin City Kirrcaa a 7:41 am aio.30 pm
Dakota haasangcr b 7:41 am a :(S am
bloua City lxnal a 1:31 pm a 3:11 pia
Mlnnaapoila Kipreea .a 1:41 pm all:10 am
Dakota Kipreta a 1:45 pm bl0:30 pm
Twin City Limited a V:oi pm a 7:11 am
Denver special .......a 1:43 am a 7:10 am
Carroll Local ...a 7:0(1 am a l;00 pm
Ilawkeye Kipraaa a 7:10 am ell:tS pra
Chicago Local ., ,......alt:30 pm a3;l$pm
Carroll Ial ,.a 4:W pm al0:0Oam
Chicago Bpcclal a ;00 pra a 7:10 pm
tun rranciaco Limited.. a 3:51 am al0:15 am
Overland L'imted a coo pm a 7.30 an
Oregon-WaeMi'ston Limited. .a :10 pm al0.ll am
La Angelea Limited a :65 pm all.40 am
Chadron Local a 1:10 am
I.lnooln-nallas a :to am a 1:10 pm
l.lncoln-Ixing I'lnt , ....a 1:11 pm al0:l( pm
llatllnga-Huptrlor ,b Sill pm b i-lo pm
Dead-Hot Hpr.ngt ..a 3:51 pm a (:10 pm
Caapar-lJnder a 3:31 pm alt:00 an
Alblon-Oaadalt b 1:10 pm b 7:31 pm
Denver Limited ......
Denver and California
I'uget b"cuud Eapreea
Nebraaka 1'oluU
Illack llllla
Lincoln Mall
Northwett Bxpreta ...
Nebraaka Kiproa ....
Uncoln Ical ...1....
Bshuyler-riattamouth .
I'tattamouth-lowa ....
a t:49 am
a 4:10 p'ni
......a 4.10 pm
.......a 1:10 em
.......a. 4.10 pm
b 1:10 pm
a!l:U pm
a ;1J am
a ":ti pm
b 3:01 pm
a 1:11 am
all:30 pm
a 7.13 am
all:33 pm
.a 1:41 pm
.a 1.30 cm
a 7:uii am
a :S0 am
a i j t.
a 3:30 pm
a 10 pm
a 3 10 piu
a 3 .to pm
a 7-W am
a t 10 pm
b 1:U am
NO VO am
a 1 ;50 am
a t:40 pm
all: SO pm
1 j 11 i"
a 1:00 am
bll:00 am
all:50 am
a 1:14 am
a 1:14 pm
a 7:1) pm
Chicago Hpeclal
Denver special
Chicago Expraea
Clilcago Kaat Eipreaa ,
Cretton Local ..... ....
81. Ia & K. 0. Special
K C. Bt. Joaeph...
K. C. St. Joaeph....
..b 3:33 pm
..a 4:30 pm
,.al0:41 pm
..a :11 am
a l:io pm
la) Dally, (b) Dally except Sunday.
terntli nnd Webatrr.
Mlaaonrl racHlc-
Depart. Arrive. bl:43 aia
..btJMOam b4 19aa
Falla City Taaaenger.
lineal Freight
CltlCMUO, St.
1'nul, AllnueopolU
Depart. Arrive,
b am a (.11 pm
..b $:11 pm bllili aia
.. a 1X4 am .. .
. .b .M pa b l aia
Twin City I'aaacnger
Sloax itty Kipreaa
b'loui city 1'aasenger..
Umenon Local