4 C TILE OMAHA SIWDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 15, 191r. I 1 ! UliAL USTATK. CITY 1'mU'BUTV 1'tllt 8AI.H. SOPTH 8ID15 COTTAGE. Just a dandy, all modern, new brick cottage, having 6 good room and Imtli, and guaranteed fiynace, and the owner wants to sell to some Rood party on easy terms. Think of It a new brlrk house like thin for JJ.JOoand only l4j blocks from the Vinton St. car. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Thone Douglas 1781. Ware Wock. HHAL ESTATE. r.HM A. HAM II LANDS I'tilt SALt! WEAK OMAHA HIOM HCHOOL. Are going went and want to well their cottage. Has 7 rooms and bath on one floor, on a beautiful lot, Mxl, paved street, also a large barn. Mighty good opportunity for h couple having children I as certain aa they are In the east and Nelirnnkn. PAHM 1IOME8. RANCHES, STOCKED RANCHES. In Dawes County, Nebraska, "The Land of Independence." To all those who urc desirous of making a uhango. To nil those who would wleh to better their conditions. To nil those who have become tired of the drudgery attendant uion working cither as owners or renters of the. high priced lands of the. east. To all those who would like to come to u GOOD COUNTRY, where crops are Just In hleh school. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Phone Douglas 17S1. Ware Work ' STONE BUNGALOW. liulH of Colorado red sandstone, con taining rec. hall, living room, dining l-oom finished In oak .two bedrooms, bath and kitchen, linen closet pantry, rear entry and stairway to floored attic; mod ern In every detail. Located at 3SI1 Marty St Price. J4,M. BEMLS-CARLBEKG CO. 110-312 Ilrandels Theater Illdg.' DKUa STOKK LOCATION. Pest In town, for sale. Also grocery and meat market. Address 11. 105, Care Hee. APAIlTfftMIOUSE 81TB. 100x117 ft., R. W. Cor. Md and Popple ton Cull II. 457 or 1). 2M0 M UARRIHON, Ul'lI.DER. Three new, strictly modern, oak fin ished bungalows, beautiful decorations, numerous built-in features. You can't duplicate for the price. Open 3 p, m, Knay terms. Phone Web. 8621.' 18T1L AND CASS STS. K-room home, good condition,, lot $c IK. Splendid for rooming house. J3.7W. Must be sold ut once, J70o cosh. Ualancc sain ca rent. JJARKY A. "WOLF, -'-34 UrandMs Itldg. Doug. K3, HHRH HNAI'-S-r, houso at 54th nnd Jeavcnworth. Iot 3x6C only J2.C00. Phone Douglas 3007. KA8Y TERMS, PRICE RIGHT. XU7 Ave. H, S-r.. mod. ox. heat, J2.000. 3;tnS Ave. A, 5-r., mod. ex. heat, J1.7M. 3321 Ave. A, B-r mod. ex. heat. $1,760. 3411 Ave. H, C rooms, city water, mis. electric lights, Jl.SfO. A. I". 8.MITH CO. (KAY 8MITH), 3 Pearl St., Council lltuffa. Phono 320. REAL ESTATE. FAIlSt A RAMJll LANDS roll SAI,B Arlsunn. CAN sell Von finest Irrlcntrd farm nmt J60-a; homefllend frco. Crop payment, no money neeueu, a lonune ior any mnn. Armstrong Inv. Co.. 1126 City Nat. bank. Colorado. Jl'ST POUND Thrco quarter section homesteads that wo cun .locate you on for 1100 each, filing fees Included: thnao nie good laying, farm lands, fi, H and 9 miles from towns; thickly settled neigh borhoods, and are worth $400 to. JM0 apiece, wind quick if you want them Ollllland & Woodslde. WHInrd, Colo. THE land of sunshine, the nliicn to re store health, and what hnvo you for a good farm, closo to Colorado Hpringn? "Now Is the. time." Wo have one that pronucea over J3.WM worth on less than 100 acres for $45 per acre. Pur full par ticulars writo Dox 440, Colorado Springs, Plorldn. PLOR1 DA Beautiful, progressive Do land; university center; Ideal winter re cort; surrounded by healthful pine lands and fragrant- orange groves. Dcscrlptlvo meraturo rrcc. "-aiuslncss League, Deland, FOR RENT OR HALE 6,000 or W.000 acres; Ideal, year around grazing lands for cuttlo and hogs; good grazing hnd pure water In ubundancei (ho safest. most healthful and biggest money. 'mak ing grazing proposition lit America. If Interested, stuto ncrcitgo, you could. Use, whether you would buy' the, ' land 'or rent, reference and t full -purtlciilur.-Ad-dress Land Commissioner. I.lvn flnL Perry & aulf Railroad Co., Live Oak, PI o rid a. WILL give favorable rotall selling con. tract, 1,120 acres, splendid colonization; Suwannee county, Pla.; also 3,000 acres, Columbia county; cheap. George Col burn. llox 70. I.ako city, Pla. Idalio, PREP, homesteads In Snake river val ley, near railroad and town. Kor Infor mation write C. Lewis Miller, Uox 412, Blucltfoot, Idaho. yet where land Is only from J10 to Jdl Ier acre. To all those who are l.EVEI. HEADED and ublo to form their own CON CLUSIONS and able to ACT UPON THEM 1 beg to sav inv now soring (1914) book In now ready, showing anu describing farms, ranches and stocked ranches In this county. This section that Is kuown from coast to coaal as "The Land of Independence. "The Garden Heyond the HanilhlllH." Now. 1 am not seeking the "smart alecks." neither am I seeking that man who Is such a big liar himself that he thinks everyono elso Is, too I am In search of thoso who wish to dial strict? on tho square. Those who will ask for my uook in good raltlt and will reai it without nrcludlca nnd will "we lull It un without Bkeptlclsin. EVERY ASSERTION l imve made in that nook is ahho LLTELY TRUE and If you cannot read my book with that confidence, DON'T HBNU KOR IT. If. on tho other hand. you nrn honest yourself and havu a llttlo confidence In your fellow men 1 WANT uu to have my hook. These books contain morn than 100 pictures besides tho reading matter describing my country, dcscillilng our social anil religious advantages; our rail road facilities, etc., etc. Hesldcs this, thero aro more than four scorn of differ ent places ranging from eighty acres up to thousands of acres, described and ranging In prlcn from H up to J00 per aero. NOW REM EM HER. MY IANDH ARE MORE THAN SIXTY MILES HE YOND THE SANDHILLS OF NE HRA8KA. They aro In a must fertile and rich farming section, whero GREAT CROPS of alfalfa, small grnln nnd potatoes aro harvested each year and where as high ns sixty bushels of corn Is raised to tho acre, yet wo do not claim so much for corn as for other crops. Now, If you aro In earnest and would like to INVESTIGATE for n now lo cation. If you would like to OUT HERE AHEAD OP THE INEVITABLE IIIOH PRICES THAT ARE SURE TO COME TO LANDS HERE tho same ns In other FORMERLY NEW countries that nro now HIGH-PRICED, wrlto me for my new book and I will gladly mall It to you AUSOLUTELY FREE. Wrlto today tear this out and put it In your pocket so you will not forget; so you can read It over again, for every word Is TRUE GOSPEL. Sincerely yours. AIIAII U HUNUERFORD, Crnwford, Dawes County, Nebraska. Tho Garden Heyond tho Sandhills. REAL ESTATE. FARM Ji IlM II I,.M1H POU .11 Ml. Washington. 11)1-: At. tK.nrrr home farm In mild, com fortable climate, adjoining live town with two railroads, only two hours Irom Spo kane; complete set of buildings, worth Jl.&fl; all cultivated and highly produc tive; no Irrigation needed; five acres bear ing orchard; standard commercial apples; money required to save other invest n ents; KVjO. no commission. Owner, Uox 21.1. Newport, Washington. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Market Being Looked Upon as a Two-Sided Affair. TBXAS LAND ON 40 YEARS' TIME I jti.dlnjl 1,t rnln ttf.lt whom I'mrm are surc,fi0 miles of Houston, two miles of town of 3,000. Rich vnlley lanu, no overflow, nractlcnllv no clearing. Cotno where farmers make six tons aifalfa, CO bushels corn und a halo of cotton to tho arre: To make nlilckcst showing possible wc aro offering first buyers land on 40 years time. Payments on land refunded any time within two years with Interest, If you becotm ls4tlsflcd. Write today for Illustrated literature. Luckcl & Hell, C3 Ilcatty Illdg.. Houston, Tex. CORN IS NOT BREAKING RIGHT Traders Poster! on Vrlloir CerenI Not Sntlsflen with the Disposi tion Thnt Cereal Is MnnU testing. Tennessee. GOOD farms for sale on I. C. R, R.. li milei. north Mnmrhls, Tcnn; best lo cation for diversified farming In south. Wrlto for list. J. R. Hall & Son, Coving ton. Tenn. Wltconili Possession Given 120 ACRES, upland farm, 1 mllo from good town closo In; small Improvements but moro than worth tho money; JS5 per acre. HO ACRES, upland; almost cntlro 80 lays Ideal and in good location; no Improve ments; bust of soil; 1100 per acre. W ACRES; an estate; small but good Improvements; best of soil; must sell; IM per acre. 120 ACRES, near good town; no Im provements, hut land lays good. and good noil: J110 per acre, but submit offer; 6,000 cash hy Murch 1, balunce, D years, C per cent. 40 ACRES, W ACRES AND 120 ACRES, upland farms, In good location In western Iowa; no Improvements; 34 miles from splendid town and 5 mllco from county seat; 183 and J85 per aero; or less cash, balance, long time. AI.SO OTHERS, somo cheaper, somo dourer. Possession given on all of tho above. All within less than 2.i miles ex cept Iowa farms. Como'prcpuicd tq buy. Uring wlfo with you. v ORIN S MERRILL COMPANY, N. E. Cor. 23d nnd M. Sts., South Omaha. , Acroao from tho Llbrnry. Mlnneautu. S0-ACRE PARM. 35 miles from Mln neapolls. 114 miles from a good ruilroud town; port under cultivation, balance meadow ond pasture land; good soil; pood olght-room house, worth U.OOO: barn, granary, corn cribs, cattle sheds machine sheds, etc.; 14 cows, 20 head of "t lienors, inreo Horses, hogs. JTarm Near Omaha $16,500 CO ncros on pavod rohd flvo ruilos from Omabu, hotter tlmn ordinary Improvcmonts; fruit onough to more than pay u hirod man $50 u month; 18 acroH In alfalfa. An Ideal coun try homo. Ownot will take pood Improvod Omaha real cstato up to $8,0Q0 In part payment. The Byron Reed Co. Phono Doug. 297. 212 So. 17th. chickens, complete set fnrm machinery! ,u"5,g,fa' ,wCn; sleds. 60 tons of hay 1,100 baskets corn, 160 bushels mixed Kraln. 17S bushels potatoes; In fact, overy- PJNE '"'Pfoved stock farm SO) acres! id.im,in? "'"iPPO Is. 1V4 miles to. ?Ii liUnK "t.n,lcAl. on rural mall routo and telephone line; good buildings; 100 acres h?rBr ,;uU,v'"10"' bnlco Pasture, tlm" con.i and nvad'w; two good teams, ten pod milk cows, new gang nlow porll ZitPYj Ac,liU,va,:, unU ""row? bSt ba'r" 'n JHnnesotu; at 3i per acre; ll.soo MMl'nn r'' t C,U tcJmi' Immediate pos ? S- .CHIi.V had- -1 red C,a-K, 130S Wost ......vj .., .,iiiiLKuiib, .Minn. i.u'Pr?"-0 improved farm. lumn, riuy SUDSOM, St. lnu 9 Ion Bs0tCk,.y,1,rd,, n,0: V-r.nlllloaU,,stH!? uon. s, ht. Paul railroad, 170 per aero fourth cash, balance 8V, per cent cLm'. erl. Pnlon lllock. St. pkul. Minn ADMlNlbTRATOlfS SALE. KVI ni'ri.M Itolltlurf f.niltiv nnlv XL ... 1 1 Vl k I I v. m Milll.-v 1 ......... ... cultivation, balance pasture and ulfalfa; 6-rooui house and other Improvetncnts. i-uune or wrue D. H. K1R8C1INER, Administrator. Pennington. Neb., or O'KEEPE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Doug. 2715. ,ii . . 1 i i w iu u per bcrv. in corn belt- nm rholce bargains; MinnVapoll. "roflS? llftrmers State Rank. St. t?loJd. Minn'8 try ,.TTT . . . ". " J.JH UUVJSU rarms southern MlSneT '""t price; best terms. Wrlto Morehart Atchison. Mnnkato nnn Ulaaourl. OJO-acro stock farm. ts.0u0. 440-acro bottom farm. J17.&00. JJ-ere homo farm. I1.W0. 6W ncres timber land. Jlo.CO0i Seref l!mbr ,n,,d- N-05- 10.003 Stock rilv 1. .on,Jr. exclusive: golni year v Bcw.na neat business; all Wrluht COUnty. Missouri, nn.l ,1V.. .".nfn afford in Ai, 7P"1 - V, " H ca" llartviii;' - "o aieele. k.AI,:18 for wle w down. monthly buys 40 acres good timber land, near iii5.n,jTeii"iCo-,?loi: ,,r!cc' Po"'t title. J. U. Jarrell. Mt. Vernon. IU. Slontnua. ARE YOU READ NOW TO HRK THIS TmMmi, Jll.,... Ifn.l.n. .i """'111 UAOn, hi?Ii ? U.'f Kreitest wheat producing il'.j!! 'he " a. where tllvelflod n7t .l".r",, .Pro'' Come to our ici u iiuw many uo an you an pay down for a fln ina.,,r n crop. Come In and keo our samples of S?U r-lm- "..,.,rown P..- 5 N. I-tSalla An-nY.""-".' VI'- or oon. Montana. - r . . IT .1. II U .NebrnaUH. iJ.-000, 'ALVBV lnd farm. 340 acres will consider H in Omaha property. bai anca to bo cash. N 44. Bee. A CHEAP RANCH. 1.800 acres, about 'Si mil en (mm n,.,irr.r, Neb,; 300 ncres under plow at leat 1.3W acres lies fine for farming, balance good buffalo and wheat gruss pasture, to acres auaira. auoirrlgated, creek bottom, 40 uiic inure same Hina 01 luna. two wells, one CO and one 120 feet deep can't ! pumped dry. Soli black louin and rlav subsoil. Cheap Improvements; 6 per cent mortgage for .O0O. Price $3 per acre; equity cash. This Is a bargain and only M'QEK REAL ESTATE CO., RE Parl Ht Council Uluffa, FOR SALK-1G0 acres, good IniDrovc- ments, rich soil, 40 acres extra level al jaua. ano sugar oeet tana, western Ne braska. $3,MW, no trade- Address Y 428, Upper Wisconsin Pen dairy and general crop state la tho union. Settlers wanted. Lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for booklet, 31 on Wisconsin Central Land flrnnt. statu acres wanted. Wrhd about our grazing landu If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on applo orchards In Wisconsin. Addret8 Land Dept., 800 Lino Ry.. Minneapolis. Minn. WE HAVE SOME (JREAT 1IARUAINS In 40 to lCO-acrn tracts, closo to largo markets, thirty-Inch rainfall, a wonder fully productive soil, trout streams throtmh many tracts, fine hunting, good roads, schools, telephones, rural delivery, whero you can raiso fruit tiou cars shlpcd from vicinity year 1913), root croim of tho finest duality, grains, al mini, grasses or all Kinds, a natural dnlry or stock country. Orchurd Valley, tiayrieiu county. Wisconsin, is tno place. along the shore of Lako fc'upcrlor. Over KiO sales made to date. Special induce merits to actual settlers. Prices low. terms easy. Writo for lllustruted book lut, testimonials, otc. Danaher Holton Company, 30S I'lymouth Hldg,, MlnncaP' oils. Minn. STOCK RAISERS. ATTENTION. Why take chances on droutha and short feed? Clover and blue grass pasturages can bo obtained In Wisconsin, closo to big stock markets, at low prices. Plenty ct rainfall, pure water, rich pastures, all seusnn; Ideal cllmato for stock raising und dairy farming. Already well- settled und developed, So, St. Paul stock yards only M) miles away. Wo own practically all lands wo oner and prices wlllfiiir prlso you. Have somo Improved farms. Maps und reliable information free. Raker, M 117, St. Croix Palls, Wis." OFFICIAL uubllcutluns concerning soil, cllmato and crops of Wisconsin mailed free to those addressing Wisconsin Bti.t Hoard or immigration, Capitol low. aiaai son. Wis. LAND SAKUjSI If you aro looking ror tho best and cheapest land In Wisconsin, you should worry, but wrlto for particu lars to 8. W. Gregory. Stono I-ake, Wis. 42 Acres Near Florence 400 ft. to paved load, 2 miles to cur. 3 acres fruit, 6 In alfalfa, 5 In pasture and timber, llulance cultivated, lco house, wind mill, flno lake, fed by naturul springs; C-r. house, horse, cow and hog Hums. ii,ow. ti.wj cun run . years at it-r cent. O'KEEPE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1010 Omaha Nut'l. Doug. 2715. North Liakuta. NORTH DAKOTA! 320 icnu mv prairie, excellent groin land, black loam. ciay buusoii. all tillable; Ii per acre, 12,000 cash, bulanco crop payment, eas terly. Union lllock. St. Paul. Minn. MlncollniirouB. LAND! LAND! Plfteen thoilsond acres of very fertile land cun ho bought In tracts of not moro thnn three hundred, and twenty acres for one dollar and a quarter per acre. Cun bo made worth 0110 hundred 1111 aero in tun years time. Por full particulars send money order mr dollar and a hair to u. w. coieman, District Judge, Ely, Novado.' (245) Cafe. Elgin. Antelooo Co.. Neb.. with S completely furnished rooms, all fixtures and stock on hand, for sale for Invoice. 11.400. phis KM for business. (IS4C) 8-room modern residence, with 1 Acra ground, located In Elgin. Antolope tu inou. iiouso now, goou Darn, goou bearing orchurd. Price. J7.000; cnc. M.UJO. (24) 80 acres, ',i mllo cast of Sana Caslco, Costilla Co., Colo. All broke, rents two-nrthH; jw por aero; encum branca J3.WX): JI.'JOO cash, balance terms. (252) W ucrcs, Platte Co., Neb. Hay land and hd ond d sou: no improvcmonts Price, 312,000, clear, hulf cash; balance 5 years, b per cont. (25S) 4S0 a. 3 'A ml. N. DIX. Jillllball CO.. Neb., unimproved, all good soil and can bo funned, gently rolling, good grass. Price. Jll.OW c car: 1K.CO0 cash, terms on butancc. (2fO) 160 n. 2!4 ml. Colomo. Tripp Co., S, I)., gently rolling, good soil, all fenced, Btnall houso and Improvemonts. Price, (C.2C0; cue. 1,000; J3.WX) down, bat, terms. (200) &w a. 3V4 ml. Wcsslngton. lleadlo Co., S. D., highly Improved, fenced ami cross fenced. 220 a. form land. Price, J19, 2C0; one. $2,500; J10.0CO down, bal.'S years, 0 per cont, uti) iuj a. m mi, npenccr, iioyu uo., Neb.; fencel nnd cross-fencod, good soil, level, 120 a. .cult., bal. hay und pasture; now Iniprovumonta. Price. $20,000 clear; tlO.COO down, bal. d years. 0 per cent. (262) 1G0 a. 3 ml. N. Atkinson, Holt Co., Nob., unimproved good farm land. Price, J10.S0J clear; half cash, bal, 5 years, 6 per cent. J. A. AIIHOTT & COMPANY. 43S state Rank Uldg. Omaha. Nob. OMAHA, Pcb. 14, 1014. Cash stiles of crriiln at Chicago yester day were 40,000 bushels of wheat, 80,XJ0 bushels of ciir;i wnd J10.0.0 bushels :t oats, 1 A d spos It on ex Utcd among who'. traders lust night to b;ik upsn tho mar ket as a two-3ldHl litlalr fir tin lime being. Rears wero llspottd to pi edict a decline of 1 to 2 cents na.tho best tiling to put tho market In good shpe ond tnny said there had been advance 3, 7s 2d, futures, steady; Murch, 7s 3d. May. 7s 2SJ; July. 7s Sd. . . CORN Sitot, quiet; American mixed, 6eSd; La Plata futures, steady; Pcbruary. 4s Sid; March, 4s WUd, CIUCAtiO fiUAIM AMD PROVISIONS NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Pen to re of the Trndlnc nnd Closing: Trices on Ilonrd of Trade. CHICAGO, Peb. 14.-Export sales wHleh were said to have reached u largo total brought about a rally today In wheat. Tho market, after having shown n declining tendency most of tho day. wound up stendy at tho same ns last night to a shade off. Com nnd oats closed also virtually unchanged. In prft vislons tho outcome was a setback oC 100 to 224c. Buying of wheat for European shipment toqk place chiefly here and at Duluth. Tho business was about evenly divided between tho two cities and did not re ceive any publicity until near tho end ot tho session. Previous to that tlmo the market had been depressed by continued snbwfalls In the winter crop region nnd by reports of rain throughout the central provinces of India. Moreover receipts for the week at Chicago were tho largest Speculation Runs Largely to the Specialties During Day. AMERICAN ICE AT A NEW MARK Tratllntt t nimunlly Dull nnd Attcnd- incr, Iloth In Commission Houses nnd on Floor Sntnllest In Month. enough. Hulls pointed to tho export iruftve years during this part of the sea sales and said they wore right and that 'uon. thp trade would realize It later. Tho I Estimates that country elevator stdeks thing that msde some nnerntnrs I'll (low LnrM,v..i i,.nn .innilt t. mi (yi t,,,h. on this buying side was tho sale cf 3o,0u0 ;ols since February 1 helped the" late re bushels of hard wheat hero to Co to store. Receipts for tho ween were al most l.OoO.OOO bushels, which Is nn unusu ally largo nin for this season, while shipments wero less than one-third r,f tho arrivals. Traders who have studied tho corn market closely of lato said 't d t3 not break right for the bears and It Is not expected to for some time. The move ment has not lncre.und as mu!h as ex pected, although tho run hero fur tho week Is 870,000 bushels mora than tho previous week, but Is rtiuoh snort ot lust years. The disposition to Kill shurr on ureaKS makes It easy for a few peal bulls to control tho market when the crowd all get too bearish. Slowness In the cash cemand makes ma.ny operators afraid of the bull aide, although they feel that corn Is selling moro nouny at Its actual vultio than of lute. Tho bears say they expect to sco bAer prtcia luur In tho season, American corn Is bolter for making sturch than the Argentine product. This Is shown by the action of tho Corn Products company In shipping nn averugo thrco cars from Chicago to Its starch plant at Oswego, N. Y ,?.n.8l'.leribl0 r"('on exists among wheat traderu over the report of export business and the donluls thereof. One of the leudlng Duluth exporters reported having sold 2.0U0.O0O bushels of wheat abroad within n week. Including 200.000 bushels of No. 1 Duluth northern nnd a lot of durum, but tho trado refused to accept these figures, claiming 1,000,000 bushels of it simply represented tho trans fer of ownership from ono exporter to another. This transaction, however, was t' CiIlcr,l,lsf wc.ek-. Tllcro Wf claims thnt bids for hard winter hero from the seaboard wero close to a working basis, nut no sales were reported, and a caro hJa.nVM,"i .f. ,tlln "'"board exporters e" 1 VJchlt.u' 1iH"- ''md to havo sold rttv W.he0t "J"".0."'3' M Kansas market, but thero wan no profit. An ?Iler ortc.r sa,d 'ofelKne" v.sro not h.?us lo,Pllr'haso on tho present basis, but would on ti decline of 23c. t ash wheat was unchanged to Uc lower, cash corn was c to 1c lower. .m" ontH WPr.0 Unglianged to U lower. v,i'mnlrh.r .of ,at and f'or were 2)9 000 hu.; corn. 18.000 bu.; oats. 2S.000 bu. AmT?1 wnen,t cl0,,c1 ' lower to d higher; cprn unchnnged to Ud higher n?l"&W ''at .receipts wero m,m bu. and shlpinants 352,000. bu against re- Primary corn receipts wero SOICOO bu. f,fdi 4V4merJ,' mT ? Balnet receipts bu lastear shipments of 1,156,000 PirlT!iry ??tMpll')U were 3.000 bu. n?'U'fe"0.r,B C4.,'C?J. ,,u- "BR'nst receipts of 820,000 bu. nnd shipments of 44S.OCO bu. CARLOT , RECEIPTS.- Wheat. Corn. Outs. SI covcry In tho price of wheat. There wcre also stuttmerlts thnt much of the wheat In Montana hnd been sold to go to the pacific toast.- Corn swung upward when wheat de veloped returning strength. At first, however, tho corn mnrket was heavy on account of overnight offers having failed to attract eastern buyers. Prlmo weuthor for shelling nnd hauling counted also against the bulls. In the oats crowd tho trading consisted chiefly of hedging against rural purchases. Hog nrlces ut a hlchrr level eavc a lift to provisions. Stock yards interests led the buying. Artlclel Open, 1 MIMi.i Low loae. ,Vos y. Wheat) 11)1 May. W 934I 03V4 93H 3H July. kS SS 8.5i fcS'il S8! Corn,. I I 1,1 I May. SI CSIil 65HI 65HI 6Ji July. 04',1 6IT(, 6li 6lil CI", Osts. I I.I I I May. I 39 304 394 39HI 394 July. 39U SUHl 39HL 33HI !b Perk. I I I I May. I 21 C7W 21 S7HI 21 67HI 21 S5 2l 6214 Lnrd. I I I ) May.l 10 05 I 11 02V4J 10 95 It 02141 10 P0 July. 11 1754 11 20 11 17H 11 20 11 10 Ribs. I I I I I May. It fi.1 I 1170 I 11 5 I 11 70 11 &74 July. I 11 77HI 11 S2HI H 77H 11 82V4I 11 70 NEW" YORK, Peb. ll.-Speculatlon ran largely to the specialties today and for n time ogod progress upward was mado In this soitlon of tho list. The Inertia of the market discouraged speculative efforts among tho favorite shares, which hardly varied throuch tho half-dav ses sion, but the low priced steel stocks, the railway equipment Issues and other spe cialties wero cosier to move. Varlouc issues 'were, nut tin a nolnt or more. American Ice securities reached a new nigh mark for the vear. Central Leather continued the advance begun yesterday anu uumeiy rose strongly on report that the note holders' committee was meet ing with Buccess In its campaign for extcnhlon of tho notes. The early advance was all but can celled by a subsequent reaction "and the day's changes, except In a" fow instances, were unimportant. lanaaian Pacific turned weak In tho lato trading, dropping about two points. Rock Island preferred again was under pressure, and touched a now low record nt 10ft. New York Central moved up toward tho close, when tho rest of tho "st was falling back. Recent heavy selling of this stock brought Into cir culation rumors concerning a possible cut In tho dividend. Denial today of these rumors strengthened tho stock. iruuing was unusually dull and tho at tendance both In cominlRKlnn l,r,i, .,,) '!"e. floor WBS 'he smallest ot months. j ne Dona marKet was narrow nnd un certain. Trading was begun today In the new'South-rn Pacific j.invertlKfr, K which brought 103i. Total sales of bonds pur value. J1.3S5.000; Panama 3s registered advanced 4 and tho 3s cou pon H on call on the week. n or salcs and leading quotations on stocks were: Salrs. tilth. Low. close. 101 03 28 KEALi ESTATE IXTAN8 J6.000, 5 YEARH, 5 per cent f.rst' mort gugo 011 dowr4own business corner. Worth 0.000; rental. 4.2O0. D. C. l"nt lerson, Patterson lllk. 1100 to 110,000 mado promptly. P. Wead. VVead Illdg.. 19th and Farnam. D. fie CITY LOANS. Remls-Carlberg Co.. u0 J10-S1I Ilrandels Theater Pulldlnf. WP City loans. I'etera Trust Ca GAJiVIN HROS ". and up. MONEY on hand at Ijwest rates tot loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property Id any amounts. II. W, U1NDER. City National Dank Dldc. CITY property. Large loans a specialty, W. II, Thomas. 22 Slate Hank lild WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Parnam Smith K Co.. 1320 Parnam St. UP-TO-DATE PARM IN RED RIVER VAI.LKV. Kelson count v. North Dakota, nmr tu n good tuwns, 4S0 acres, 375 under cultiva tion, uamncrt prairie, lilac K prarle loam. With Clay Stlbsnll: Sllbhtlv rnlllliE: S.mnni house, with hardwood floors, bum aoic.vi tutu iixao; uuiu in t'Jii. tz double box stalls, hog houso und chicken house; all in koou condition: raj acres wire renceii Now leaned, subject to solo: If bouirht l- fore July 15 purchuser will receive one- nan 1110 crop uy paying for seed and nil. Vol 1 f nf (t,.-uhlnw V' I n.,AB . ' T acre, with about one-third cash Wrlto us ubout A-130. James 1 Watcrbury , Company. Minneapolis, Minnesota. tlrrgan, ORECON. JOIN OUR EXCURSION ONTARIO. ORKQON. Pcb. rutes. Only 0 required at first pay ment on 40 acres Irrigated land here, Land all ready to put crop In. Como with us and Inspect our proposition. Por particulars write owny.s, ORKflON & WESTERN " COLONIZATION CO.. 636 Paxton lllock.. Omaha. Neb. PA tt. 1 und city loans mado promptly Wm. McCormlck 1201 Kb rna m, Re,1 ftnO, OMAHA homes. EastNebraka farms. O'KEEPE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 171 J CITY and farm loans. 6m47"c. J. Duniont A Co., 1C03 Parnam, Omaha, It. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat UEAfc ESTATK WANTEU. Chicago . ,9 Minneapolis 249 Duluth 28 Omaha , 42 Kansas City a St. Louia "J Wlnnlneir nt r.T,'.'.0.-Mlojvln!fiic'.h-8a)QB were "reported: Corn: No 3 while, 1 car, 630; 1 car, C3c 2 cars 02143; 5 ears 62c! 1 car, iio; i car. ClUc. No. 2 ve fn'. S m x. 3 yellow. -3 cars. C0yC; C cars', &)iic; 2 cars. C0tic:i2 caru. 00e: 1 phi- r.!isA c 69J4C No. 4 vcicw. 2 cars," 590 1 car Ktci 1 car..i$c; 7 ears, 5sc: 2 cars. 6Sc No. 2 mixed, 1 car, (Mic. No 3 mixed. " tulH; uvc- mixeu, -i car, 58Hc; 2 cars, D80; 1 car, 67V4o; 1 car, 56c; 1 car. D614c No grade. 1 car, 52c. Wheat: No. 3 , u . 1 PW: ip! 1 ear, 85c; 1 cur, S4Hc; 2 cat's.' MMc. No. 3 snrlnir. 1 car, Wc, No. 3 mixed, 1 car. 8Cc. Oats. standard, 1 car, 3SV40;, 1 car, 38c. No. 3 white, 1 ct(r, 7Vic: l-"car. 37',ic. No. 4 white. 3. cars, 37t Np. trade. 1 car. StfWc. Omaha Cash Prices Whont Vn t.oCIt S&gS6V4o; No, 3-' hardt S4S5ic; No. 3 spring, StoCTo: No. 4 spring, S4S8514C; No. 2 durum. 2Jj82S4c; No. 3 durum. SlfiSlWc Corn: No 2 white. ca?ilc; No, 3 white. 61W (D63Uc: No. i white, SHn-C0Uc: No. 2 vol! low, wUPIc: No. 3. yellow, 6flV4(lfC04ic. No. 4 yellow, 684iC9c; NO. 2 corn? tUfflio: No. 3 com.. 68!44i69c: Itfn 4 '?'BSiS. 5S4o: no grade. ttf62c. Oats: No 2 whltP S8Vi39c; standard. 3&HJ814C; No." 3 wh to 37V401 No.. 4 white, 37cl 3arl"y : Molting Cl(&72o: No. 1 feed. WCOc, Ryo: No C6457c; No. 3. 668C6HC ' " Liverpool drain Markrt. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 14.-AVHIi,T-Spot. Um:i S0, u western, winter, 7s 5d No. 1 Manitoba. 7s 4d; No. 2. 7s Sd; No! WANTED TO .llonitOW. JiW.OoO ON nqw brick apartment house. ;iuv urcvieu. ui a cost or 150.000: ItltArAAt ft n,I i.nl .n,nl.nn . ... ' A 408. Omaha Uee. WAflt tn hnrrnw ' l!t ftlil .... trm good land, worth 120, un acre, In western iH i. " uy mr ctni interest. NNrlte K-401. enre Omaha Ree. Omaha. : WANTED TO UUV. PARTY TO 17th. Special Pennsylvania. UNHEARD OP FARM VALUES. Qroat sacrifices: snlcndld holl and buildings: more for your money than any- nnere un curtn; i.iuo 10 ia,wu; all sues and kinds. Iluy while, thn cheap ones last and MAKE MONEY. Farmers Realty Co., Quakertuwn. Pa. Washington. WE GUARANTEE YOUR MONEY BACK With Interest at B Per cent If Seattle property sold by us is not as represented. Get book on Seattle free; a Wo pictures from 1MM913. Learn how city has grown to 300.000 and Its future Is. Our guarantee acres In and neur north end ot city splen did Investment- Prom 375 to tt.OuO, easy terms. Little as ISi down. Title Insurance free. In event of death beforit comnlet. lug payment heirs get free deed and blir cusn return a nixn grime investment und absolute protection for every dollar Write for literature. Agents wanted. CLARK ft HPNTINO 623 Crary UUU:.. Seattle, Warn kO J 5Ui0.CAfiH balance 30.00 per month, 6 to 8-room hohse. ltf acres, or more: would liko small house on place; preferred in south purt of town, but will buy elsewhere; $50 down, $10 per month. Wanted buyers for -property on easy payment plans. MYRTLE DEUEL. 'B.Ni ,d.8t- phone after 10 a. Webster 1052. in. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red DWJ96toc; No. 3 red, 93V4lJ94!4e; No. 2 hard', TO'a'j'.jc; xo. o nnru. 'Jiviiic; No, 2 norincrn, .'Lt'J-)4c; io. 3 northern, 90S) ftlKc; No. 2 spring, 31ft92c: No. 3 spring KW.iuc. uorn: o. a, WKj)WJ4c; No. 3 wiuin, wovue; io. j yeuow, wueihlc. Oats: No. 3 white, SSHc; standard 39Vc. Rye: No. 2. Clc. Barley. 49fi70c. Timothy. I3.7oii5.76. Clover. l2.onui;ij v. Pork. $21.85. Lard, $10.72'4. Ribs, $U.iaV4 BUTTER Irregular-, creameries i- EOGS-Higher; receipts, 7,823 cases; at mark, cases included, 26037c; - ordluury POTATOES Higher; receipts, 20 enrs: .1, n.iiihuii, iiunuvsuvu UI1U V ISCOnStll, Ted (J65c; Michigan, Minnesota and Wiscon sin, white. CiTOc. POULTRY-Allvc, higher; springs, 16c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 16c. sew youk (;i:.m;r.l marivET t"otntloiis of (In- Uny 011 Vnrluna Cmiiiiiodltlrs. NEW YORK. Peb. 14. t'LOUR Dull; .r.l',T. '.alc"ls. n wu4.wj; winter straights, J4.154.25; winter patents, $1.4Cx?t4.e;; spring clears, $1.0004.20; extra No. i .,,.,r' obaio; extra No. 3 winter, $-:353.r)0; Kansas straights, $4.050 4.13. vt iit.AT Market steady; No. 2 hard winter. !?ii c. I. r.. in i.rriv.- vn red, $1.02. elevator, domestic; No. 1 north ern Duluth, tl.03' and No. 1 northern Manitoba, II.IBV. f. o. b., afloat. 'Fu tures, steady, closing 4c net higher to 78 V.J." V.1 ri -"uy, Jj.oiifc; July, BGTic. tiup ateady; state, common to uiioicc, ji3, iihbc; 1312, 20ifl4c; l'aclflo HIDES-Steady; Bogota, 3233c; Con tral America, 32c. PETROLEUM Steady; refined New icirK DUlK, J4.Z5; barrels. $S.75; cases, $11.25. WOOL Steady; domestic fleeco, XXXX orim bpot, firm; new No. 3 yellow, w;?vl- lo uruvc. ..OATh-Spot. dull; standard white. 1P4045C; No. 3, 4l(SIH4o; fancy clipped white, 4dtf47i. HAY-Dtill; standard, OT'icail.OO; No. i, j.uiwi.ito; jso. r, 9oa3jo; no. 3, SOffSSc. . PRQVISIONS-Pork. steady: mess $23.503 24.00; famll. $24.(W?26.00; short ciear. jLv.ooii'.w. Ueer, steady, mess. 18.0018.K. family, $19 toaa-.W. cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 pounns, i2.&tiji4.w. pickled hams. $14v00. Iurd. steady: middle west. llo.75if?io nr.: n.. fined, firm; continent, $11.40: South Amer ica,' 112.00; compound, quiet, $S.37HGS.62W. 7)c; country, OgCic. BUTTER Firm; receipts, 5,900 tubs; creamery " extras. 29fj294c; firsts, 2Uv 2itc; held extras, 27V402i.c; firsts, 25U) inner iiru4juu cxtrus. iac: ractnrv current muko firsts, 2Og20Hc. ClIKfc-Sis Stcaay; recelnts. 3) ImviMi- stuto whole milk, fall and summer, whltn specials, 131. '4c; colored specials, 18tfl 18Vic; average fancy, 1717Vic: winter made specials, 17lBic; average fancy. 17Vic. EGOS Unsettled; receipts, 15,800 cases fresh gathered extras, 31c; extra firsts. 29!430e: firsts 29J4S)o; refrigerator firsts, 25U27c; fair to good, 2IHj'JSc; gath ered whites. 3(X&3Sc. TOULTRY Live, strong; ' western chickens, 16o; turkeys, 20c; fowls, J8c; dressed, quiet; fresh killed western chick ens, 1024c; fowls, 16lSKc; turkeys. 18 &20c. Knn-rtN City (Srnlii nnd I'rovlnlons. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. 14. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 85iii!sSc; No. 2 red, 89U0o. CORN No. 2 mixed, 61-364140; No. 3, 63c; No. 2 white. 6-H70c; No. 3, 650G6HC OATS No, 2 white, 40Hc; No. 2 mixed, 39Hc CloBlng prices of futures: WHEAT Slay, 7Kc:, July. 83c. -CORN May, 66H)C7c; July. 0mi36Vtc. BUTTER Unchanged, except pncklng, at 16H& EOOS Firsts, 25c; seconds, COc. POULTRY Unchangod. except hens, at 15c. Killing Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher for the Week. H0QS TEN OFF FOR THE WEEK I.nnibn Ten to Tvrrtit J -PI ve Dinner Tlinn Lnst W'erk'n Close nnd Pnt Sheep Ton to Fif teen llluher. SOt'TH OMAHA. Feb. 14, 1914. Rc-e!pts were: Official Monduy ... Official Tucfcdny ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Official Friday Estimate Saturday Cattle. Hogs, bneep. .. 2.SH S.O04 13,741 .. 4.S03 16,829 10.280 .. 3.959 12.29S 9,300 .. 3,0356,030 15,031 .. 787 9.104 7,476 .. 12 4,676 -O Six days this week... 15.475 65.941 M.920 Samo days last week.. 12.972 M.SJO 35,300 Same days 2 weeks ugo ll.OOO 60.421 E,116 Same days 3 weeks ago 20,424 67.50J 62,310 Same days 4 weeks ago 21,333 58.2S;. 58.89. Sume days last yeui.19,81D 67.800 50,8-3 The following tablo sho3 ttio receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep ut the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: 1911. 1913. Inc. Dec. Cattle .111.342 15.1.W7 10,56.1 Hogs 376,282 413,6:0 37.26S Sheep 310,553 303,967 12.5S6 The following table, shows the range of prices for hogs at tho South Omaha lly stock market for tho last few days, -with comparisons: . Date. I 1914. 1 1913. 11912. 19U. 1310. 1'J09. 1906. . Jl.1 Feb. I..) t eo. 8 2t) 7 32 6 021 7 23 5 96 I I 6 05 7 261 S 38 6 KJ 1' eO. 3.. b 7 oU 6 Ub Feb. 4.. I 8 17(41 7 42 leb Pcb. Feb. Peb. Feb. Feb. Fob. Feb. 5..I 8 26k. 7 4tii 6.. 1 b is-M 7 38 S.. I 7 75 '.'..I 8 4'JVil 10. f S 45-1 7 C9 1J.1 S 41 I 7 82 7 471 X 121 I 4 17 7 26 30 6 22 4 10 7 38 8 30 5 91 4 16 7 401 b 23 6 04) 4 I7 p 09 I 8 321 U 14 4 2b 6 06 7 4'4 6 13 4 2J 6 W 7 4 8 51 4 13 5 V) 7 30 8 47 6 07 4 20 6 0s) 7 83 ! 4( t, 10 -6 12 7 3S 8 4S 6 20 4 09 I 7 21 8 61 H al i itOO 1.D00 l.OrtO SCO 1,101 600 400 1.200 J.S00 BOO 9, 2) 1,300 500 300 300 Amtlcamated Copor ... Amfritm AgMcuiturnl . American Dfet Sugar.... AmrlcRti cn Anifrlct.11 Can pfd. ....... Amfrlctn C. & l' Amnion Cotton ail Am. Ice Becurltlrn American Llmetd Amerldm lsxiimlMrr... American B. & It Am. B. A It. hfd Amer. 8utr Ileflnlng... Amrlc.u T. 4t T Amprlcftn Tobtcco Anicontla Mining Co.... AtChliOt,! Atchlnon pfd Atlantic Coast Line nltlniof(! & Ohio nethleliem Steti nrookljrn Tttplit Tr Cintdlan, PacINc Central Leather Chetaptaka & Ohio Chlcato O. W Chlcato, M. & St. P.... Chicago & N. W Ooloradii Futl & Iron... CoruolliJited Oaa Corn Products Delawara Hudfon...., Denver A Rio Urande. .. DUtlllers' Securltlca .... Erie Krle Ut pfd Erie Id pfd Oeneral Klectrle Great Northern prd Ortat Northern Ore rtfa. Illinois Central Interborough Met Inter. Met.' pfd International Harvester.. Inter-Marine pfd Irf.ernatlonal Paper .... International Pump Kaneafe city Southern.:. Laclede Oaa .,. Leh!h Valfcy " Loulttllle Nashville... M Bt, A 8. 8te. JI. Miaeoprl. K. & T ,. Mln-ourl Pacific National Dlrreult National Lead N, It. .R. of M. 2d pfd.. New Yorlt Central N. Y O. & W Norfolk A Western ...... North American Northern Piclllo Pacific Mall Pennsylvania I'eople'a Oua r . c, a & m. l, ritUhurgh CoaU. Pressed S'eel Car Pullman Palaco Car Reading Hepubllo Steel 6. Iron... Republic I. & S, pfd.... I lock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd ot. 1 at a. i' Z(j pfd... Seaboard Air Line Seaboard A. U pfd I. Slose. Sheffield H. & I... Southern Pacific Southern Railway So. Halliray pfd Tennettee copper TeiHs & Pacific Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd United States Reslty.... 1'nlten statea Rubber... 700 t'nlled Btate Steel 31,300 700 77 H 7Ti 31. 'iiii MS 36'i" 6Vs iaH 24 S 800 09 93U S7Vi 217'i 33W 6oli 4() 1031, 3 138', SO0 33!4 500 12',, 1U 31 'iii, C8i 119'4 :i4 'tiki ni 214H 64 4 itii" 33U 19V 47H .100 118', 800 132 19li 3la m" n: V4 S0O 6P.4 61?, 800 1S1H 1W 30a iji.i. unvi vifta.i'i' aitH til... T. . a. . ninn-r nin itiu company have a number of prospective buyers for 5 and tv-room strictly modern up-to-date bun galows. Turms and prlcos mus"t be right L.et us know what you have to offer. HlAlT-FAIRFJELD CO., 230 Omaha Nat'l. Hank IHdg. Doug. JW. 3, TV, VOK SALE OB K3CHAXGE -R. "l'dlt 8ALJ5 Or' Exchange- for Minne sota land. neU section 18, township S, range 1, Yuma Co., Arlx.. 4H miles from Yuma, all ready for water, no .water Hens: Inc 2,000, 5 years, 5 per cent; price 65 per acre. Geo. Atchison, Mankato, Minn. WANT CI.BAH KOTS OH LAND, tor equity In large modern home, close-in. Mortguge e6,500. puyable monthly. Write or call for photo. O'KKKFK HEAL. KSTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat. "Doug. 271$. WANT to exchange tor Inside Incomt city property. Improved ranch of 4,000 acres In northwestern Nebraska. IWrlte 1618 Kmmet St., Omaha, Neb., or phone Webster TV). JOHN A. OUSON. real estate, ex chansea and fire Insurance. 319 City Nat'l Bllx. Omaha. Douglas 12S0. GOOD IjlAND for your business. Busi ness Exchange. 350 Om. Nat. Ilk. tilde, Douglas 1K9. I buy, hU or exchange laud for you. M. M KUINiC Omaha, Neb. ta California St QOVKUNMENT approved Investment lecurlUes or land tor auto, other prop ertv or Isnd Doug. 7042. A aOOD O-roont house modern except heart mortgage. 11.500. Will trade equity for good automobile. STAR LAND CO., KS Ilrandels Thea. WANTED TO ItEXT. YOUNG, man who Is In Omaha about one week during each month wants room and board In llanscom Pork district. Ad dress P 107. Omaha Dec. I.IVK STOCK MAKKET OP WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Sav mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stock Cuiumlssloti aierutiunis. MAHTIN imOS, & CO.. Exchange flldg. LKUAL NOTHJKS. NOTICE. The annual meeting ot the stockholders ot The Bee Publishing Company will be held at the office of said company in The Bee Building. Omaha, at 4 o'clock p. m. March 2, 1914. tor the election ot direct ors for the ensuing year and for the transaction ot such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order ot the president. ' N. P. FE1L. Secretary. "NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING Notice Is heroby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the stockholders ot the South Platte Land company wilt be held at the office of said company at Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. ru. on tho 4th day of March. A. D 1914. C. It. MOItnlLL. President. Minneapolis (Srnln Mnrket. ' MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 14. WH BAT No. 1 hard. 94u; No. 1 northern. 9193Ko- No. 2 northern. 894(3910; No. 3, SSHOSSttc; May, tKi(ij90'ic; July, 92V4c. FLOPK Unchanged. PAULEY 45UV7c. RYU-u650c. BHAN t'nehanged. COIIN Kb. 3 yellow. E7C7Uc. OATS-No. 3 white, 3ftffC4c. FLAX-Jl.52liffl.54W. Local srcurlllfM. Quotations furnished by Uurns. Drinker Co., 443 OnuUiu National bank building: um. Askea. American Ag. Cbem. Si. 11:1 0H American 1. & U U. 19:1 Auburn. Neb.. Sa. 1V3 99 V IHr & Co.. pfd 94 Pea Molnea Selvuol 4.a. 1SJJ 10JV, rtemont. Neb.. U. ft E. , Faltmont, Creamery 7 per cent pfd.. 100 Huntington It. L 1. Co. 6s. jDTf...... Si Uon Bonding ft Surety Co.. Omaha. 110 Mountain Statea T. t. T. stock t4 Mag. Petroleum p. c. notes, J91C,. 58 H Macon Co., Mo., Ret. U. 13!4 102t City ot Omaha 4Hs. 1MJ ltd City ot Omaha 14s, 1X1 100 Otturawa, la. School (ijs, 19M 100 Omaha & C. II. St Hy. U. im Omabu & C n. a.. Ity , pfd 8tj Omaha E. U ft P., pfd 824 raektri Nat. Ilank. South Omaha m Pacific T ft T. is. 1M7 Republlo II. i L Si. ltll 98 Republic ot Cuba U S Union Stock Yards stock SS Utah Power ft Lltht Co. is M Blseeton, H. P., Hef. ts. 19JI W Swift & Co. (a, 151 1 M Sslt Lake School tVts, i98t loo Spokane & In. Etnp. IU It. it. 19M.. i Sleux city Kef. aa, Io u. ...... 9i blato Ilauk, Omaha.. J7 W, 9U, 1001, 100 10m 191 133 v)U MW IN. 18 101H li 101 7 81 IX SlVi 18 J7 as .? IB A. H MINOR. Secretary, Lincoln, Neb., f eoi I St. Joseph. Live Stock Mnrket, ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts liO head; steady; steers, S,w lit 90: cows and heifers, S4.004jb.65; calves, K.OCVlt 10.00. HOGS-Recelpts, 1.600 had. Market steady, top, U.25; bulk of s-tles. tS.XHjti.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts. Market unchanged; lambs, 17.00j7CO. Oils and Iloaln. NEW YORK, Feb. H COTTONSEED niT Uissfl-it' ti-4ri n cmntnA-. -aoakllA. l7Afi ruary M 1914. leb-IOt. j718; March. H-W, May, 17.33, July, n.5t.i U. S. Steel pfd. i"ian uonper Va. -Csrollns Chemical .. Wabash Wabash pM Wwtern Maryland Western Union Westlnghoune Electric .. Wheeling & Lake Erie.. Chlno Copper N. v.. N. II. ft It Ray Con. Copper.. Total, sales for the day, lSJ.COO shares. New York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK, Feb. H.-MONEY Call. nominal; no loans. Time loans, steady; Sixty days, 2HB2& per cent; ninety days, 2iQ3 per cent; six months, 3WS3J4 per cent. MERCANTILE PAPER-S'iJW per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy: slxtv. day bills, 14.8365; for demand. S4.S540; commercial bills, t4.82. SILVER Ear, 5iHc; Mexican dollars. 45c. BONDS Government, Btcady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds today were ns follows: V. 8. ref. Is. reg. . . S8; K. 0. So. ref. Ss. do coupon 1i L,. 8. deb. ts, 1931 V. 8. 3s. reg 103 I,. & N. unl. 4a.. do coupon 10 M. K. ft T. 1st 4s U. B. 4s. rtt...;....1115i do xen. 4U do coupon 113 Mo. l'jclflc 4s 61 rsnama Is coupon. .103 do con v. u 74 Amer. Ag. Ss 10M, N. It. It. ot M. 4Hs 80 A. T. b T. ct. is. 95 N. Y. C. g. 3Hs... 84 Am. Tobacco 6a.... lit do deb. 4a 90 Armour ft Co. 4Hs.. MS N. Y N. II. ft II. Atchison ien. 4s.... 96i cv. 3'4s 74 99 N. ft W. IBt c. 4s... 94U 101(1 "do cv. 4s ...... 104 94h No. Pacific 4a. .V... 95Ti S5H do 3a .. 68 U 12.. 8 22WI 7 -J5l 6 4JI ' 18 71 6 13 4 22 i.vii 15 1 "oiii 7 v.i K-riii r. nn 16 lo 4 l.i Feb. 14, 'J 7 btti 0 ttii 6 W 8 77 1 I 4 02 CATTLE---lcccipts wcro so light to day as to be of no importance whatever, but the total ror tho week amounts to 15,475 head, being larger than lust week, but with thut exception tho smaller for many weeks and smaller than tor a year ugo by over 4,000 head. Under tho Influence of moderate re ceipts and a fair buying demand tho market on all kinds of killing cattle, that Is on cows nnd heifers as well as on beet steers, has gradually firmed up and at tho close of tho week prices are around 1015c higher than at the close of lust week. At eastern points the market has been weak owing to more liberal supplies and to tho further fact that tho consuming demand waa none loo brisk. Stockers and feeders sold stronger dur ing the early part ot the week and later on cased ofr a little, so that at tho closo thero Is very little difference In current prices than at the closo of last week. x tuotat.ons on cnttlci Good to choice beef steers. J8.;X)&S.75; fair to good beef steers, J7.85f8.20; common 10 fair beel stccr&, S7.lKJit.7.85; good to choice cornfed heifers, J7.0ugs.00; good to choice cows, 6.5O?j77.50; fair to good graCes, J3.7506.6O; common to fair gruiUs, Jt.'iVLi'o.M; good to choice stockera .nnd feeders, $7.60 S.15; fair to good tockers and feeders, J7.2og7.50; common to fair stockcrs and feeders, JG..7K37.25; stock cows and heif ers, J6.00it7.25; stock calves, J6.6058.00; veal calves, JS.0010.23; bulls, stags, etc., $5.50Jf7.23. HOGS Supplies were very moderate oven for a Saturduy, but the demand did not seem to bo overly good, and trade opened ruther dull. From tho outset, bide on good butcher nnd heavy stuff were steady, but during the early rounds tho lighter hoes Wpre morn rtr irS.q nrirliptnrt. i3H8ellers were of tho opinion that values 1.4 , flhntllrl lin ullirlitlv Vildin. n.1 .1,0 first hour they held their offerings on 11 nickel higher basis, but in tho end they wero forced to meet the prices proposed by the buyers, and when the bulk of the supply moved, the prices puld wero gen erally steady. Values wero more or less uneven, somo of tho decent butchers look ing to bo a llttlo stronger, while thi mixed and llcht kinds Wivr nn better soo 114; in, uvi than steady, and In somo cases were V" l ' .. 11.,.. . I . 1 05 'thine. hnwovfr thn mnrlrnt nnn li quoted as steady with Friday. Buyers' reluctanco to take hold of the light stuff mado trade more or less drnggy, but tho moderate run was pretty well, cleaned up by 10:30 o'clock. . Bulk of offerings moved at J8.2OS8.40, with a top of J8.45. For the week values show a net decline of ubout 10c. For tho first two days values looked up a little, but from that time on, heavy receipts at this point, and stumpy markets- else where forced tho trado steadily down ward, so that today is the first time since Tuesday that prices have even'held their own. Today's top of JS.45 Is a flat lOo lpwer than a week ago, and Is 15c below tho year's high mark ot JS.60, paid last Tuesday. Receipts amounted to seventy-nine cars, or 4,676 head, making tho week's total 65,941 head. This Is over 12.000 head larger than a week ago, but almost 2,000 head short of the same period last year. This week's run Is the heaviest of the year, to date, and Tuesday's heavy supply was the largest slnco Juno of last year, SHEEP As nearly always Is tho case on a Saturday, no sheep or lambs of any Consequence appeared at tho yardB this morning. Receipts for tho week have been 64,920 head, which is a llttlo more than last week, but about normal with tho corresponding week a year ago. The continued cold weather has had a stimulating effect on the eastern trado In dressed mutton, creating a bullish feeling U,M.7heep. and lamba on the K0of hero. ..J,0,Jrce on Innibs show an advance of 10Ii25c, and aged sheep about 10gl5c. as compared with the close of last week It seems to be the general opinion among killers continues extremely sensitive to tho f,u .L,he, r.cePts- 8 un indication of !5Ihtihpa?ke.rs..aKaln showed consid erable discrimination against anything only half hat and were, as a rule! "cry nnrtlrnln-. no ... ,....1 V. uit: ry ramh. n- ... ."r.y. weight 300 2l't ' S 26$, ..ft. (.700 M'i i,3oi ioiii "'sm ii6i 21s; 26 Vi ioiH iieii S00 12i US4 ' 800 4li s, 300 liCS, 133V4 17,303 1681,, WK " 1114 100 4.100 4.100 89a 10?, :oo 2m :oh : 4,300 1,300 300 400 27H 84 36; 91)1 26 ?i 84 36 H 8, MO lM'.-i 163 60 47 MO now 800 1,8 H r.9T4 110 700 coo i.'ioo 1,200 too BIS 70h "thii 73H 20H 4U 70V4 7 HI, 2014 17 ft I 244 3H4 52',, t:4 45'. 28S lO'.i 331, fs; 1011, 1061, 1) 247 3714 PSH, 101H 123 92Vi 37 U 92 Vj 215 33H 60 13; 102'. 136'i I Zi 134U 131i 15. 191. SOT, 47 31 148 1321, 371, 112 15'4 61Vi 'aa 914 8 26'4 100 1.W4 21i 2814 13&4 SO It's 90 29 10l 70 11CU 23. 43S ISSVi 167 T4 M4 8911 1014 7 1 64 4 331.4 I6H 2J 84 3CS 15K 183 84H MU. 63 S 66 11014 31U 84 31 644 70 6 4JH 7114 20'4 97 91 "h do cv. 4s. 10.. dO CT. OS A. C. L- 1st 4s... Uat. ft Oblo 4s.... da 3Hs Ilrook. Tr. cr. 4s. On. of Oa. Da. .. Cen. Leather Cs.. flliO. H. L. rfdg. 4a ..94 . 9 rena. cr. 3Hs, 1915. 99 .103 do con. 4a 1004 . S9i;!teJlnr sen. 4s. .. 96u Cbea, ft Ohio 4M-. S7V, s. I ft S. P. fg 4i 7H do conr. 4Ha hh 00 gen, ts w Chicago X. A. in:. t3V4St. L S. W con. 4s. 76ti C. B. A U. J. 4a.... 9fi.S. A. U adj. (a.... 78, do gen. 4 93-. So. I'.c. col. 4a.. .. 93U C M S V c 44e..lOSH do cr. 4s tt C. It. I, ft P. c. 4s (. do 1st ref. 4s M; do rfg. 4a 789. So. Rullway Ss ....losU r, ft rt. r ft e 44a S do gen 4 7H, D. ft II. cr. 4 i) Union t'arlflc 4s. . 974 D, & It. O. ref. is.. 714 iVi cr. 4s 92, DUtlllers (s 6714 dn l,t ft ref. 4s... 9 Krle p.yt. 4s 87 V. B. Itubber 6s... 10344 do gen. 4a 734 f. Steel 2d Ss . .102S4 do cr. 4s. ler. II.. v..i'. oen. ds V7 III. Ceo. 1st r. 4s.. Inter. Met. 44s.... Inter M. II. 44s. Japan 44s Bid. Offered. S3. Wahaab 1st & ei. 4a Slli 78V Western Md. 4a. . Weat. Kite. cr. Cs. 904 Wis. Central 4s.... Boston Mlntutf Stores. BOSTON, Peb. 14. Closing quotations nn ttnrks were: . siu aionawg . 7Neada Con. ... . 9) Nlplaslng Mines 5 3-16 North Ilutte .... . CS4 North Lake .... .43 nid IXmlnlon .. . 17H Osveola . . rvnnr llini. C. C. MSQulnor Kail Dutte C. M . 12 Shannon i.-nvii 44 Superior Granbr Con, ..... 84. i-uperlor. & D. Greene ttnanea ... Tamarack . Isle noraia topper. ,'' . Kerr lAVe dqpfd i"ian con . rtaa chopper Co.... Allouea Atnal. Copper .. A. Z. U S... Arltoua Com. .. Cal, ft Arliona.. Cal. ft Hecla.... Centennial M Lsice Copper 1 - Mail (nooer. l. a. IK CoDDer W Infill Or sheeD wern nnt in mi.iu !.tah8inm" ,b"y"lJeeenled 'to want some: "'N 1 ; "l.:!".'' ?uu.u a-"u 01 nanaywelcht. thi. Vi w 0I,tne red western Iambs at ,w?hks cl?so movetl around J7.lura' reaching J7.65. A wek ago most of the fed western lambs changed hands nt J6 80 n?'h ?fmhnytn tne general Qiiallty of the lambs offerings was a little better than tho close of the previous week , A very fait supply 0f ewes showed up of UeAL0the week ad range or 4.sy36.20 took the most of them an compared with JI.c5-36.OO a week ago Very fair quality was the rule most of the week, though few strictly choice grades were available. Best ewes a if Mo'mV :?na,Ul P0M,b Www Jo.30. Somo wethers yesterday were, irnn.t enough to bring J5.76. leruay were sood quotations on sht.'p und lambs I nmh. good to choice, i7.ak&7.60: lambs' fnh? t ewes, fair to good, tt OOijfi lj. ' 5-166S0i CHICAGO LIVE ST4ICK 3IAUKUT Cattle Steady 11,,,, Kn. pJve to Ten Advance. CHICAGO. Feb. 14. - CATTr F- n. I7ef6r-J,rad: m,irket yT bevneV J7.00u9.C0; Texas steer-s, J6.S0flb.W- wt era sters. Jt0fe7.c6; stockera and fed ers. J5.60S8.CO; cows and hVlfere rt& 8.50; calves. 7.S0ftl0.D0 neuem, J3.60S HOGS-IUcelpts. y.ceo head; markt east at 5c to 10c advance bulk ni - ffii. TO.W; light. S.3Jt5?ie6 mixed j&iSfi. 8.65; heavy. ,S.254J81b, rough. 82Ms in pigs. J7.50iS8.45. 8-Ba.40, SHEEP AND LAJIUS-Uecolpts 600 head; market slow; native iitml western. J4.753C0Q; yearlings IstsIiio-' lambs. native. SC.st.SO; festerti a!so 7Sti 934 i94 Miami Copper 4S14 lVi 64 34 24 44 83 67 74 314 24 40V 44 484 13. UU 44 474 Metnl SInrket. NEW YORK. Peb. 14. II ETA LS The markets were dull and practically nom inal. Iake copper, nominal; electrolytic. J14.87H; casting, JH.C2H4J 14.75. Iron un- ST. IX)L'IS. Peb, 14 METAL Lead, lower; J3.85. Spelter, lower, J5.I6. b ti liar 3Iurket. NEW YORK. Peb. 14--SPaAIt-IUw. oulet: muscovado. 2 SSe. centrifugal, 3,4Sc. molasses, r76c, refined, quiet. 8.S. bulk of bales, JS.25ftS.40 SHEEP ANU LAMIiS-RccelpU. head, no quotations. MONEY IN GRAIN jte. V rite for prticuUis. nnaiuV linkstsn Slotix City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Peb. 11, CATTLE Receipts. 2(Xi heid; no quotations HOGS-Recelpts. 4.0Cu head: market ?Uh,iHri5? Uevys rs$h'. ,nls. nxo 10) 1