lira OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: WJIHtrAHY 13, 1914. 3-B What Women Are Doing in the World Clnb Cnlcmlnr. SUNDAY Vesper service. Younu Wom en's Christian association. 4;30 p. m. i Clio Study club, Miss Pauline Rosen berg, leader; Research club, St. Bcrch man s academy, 3 p. m. MONDAY Prof. K. M. Fling, lecture on "Bismarck and the Unity of Ger many," Central High school, 4 p. m.; Omaha Woman's club, executive meet ing 1:15, directory 1:30 promptly, busi ness meeting 2:30 and open program by the art department 3:30 p. m.; Sunshine club, Custer Women's Relief corps. Mrs. C. G. liverson. hostess; Persian history class, public library. TUESDAY Musical department. Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnae. Mrs. 11. C. Woodland, hostess; homo economics department. South Omaha Woman's club, Mrs. J. Uaverty, hostess; IT. S. Grant Women's Relief corps; Memorial hall; Sermo club. Mrs. C. W. Hcrgcn. hostess; French history, public library. WEDNESDAY Woman's club Railway Mall Service, patriotic costume party, Mrs. R. L. Frantz. hostess; Hook Re tvlew club: literature department, Woman's club; Mothers' uuuure ciuo, Mrs. E. H. nenncr. hostess; Omaha Suf frage association tea, Mrs. R. C. King, hostess; Mr. Hamlin Garland, City Suf frage organization, council chamber, 4 n in. THURSDAY P. K. O. society. Prairie Park club; Omaha Story Tellers' league, public library; homo economics depart ment, Woman's club; decorative art class, public library: Emma Hoagland flower mission; the Benson Baptist Mis sionary circle, Mrs. A. Dean, hostess. FRIDAY Mother'H culture department. South Omaha Woman's club; Dorcas Sewing club; Presbyterian church luncheon for benefit of Visiting Nurso association; French department Wom an's club; Monmouth Park Mothers Welfare league: French history and civics classes, public library: suffrage tea for Miss Flora Dunlap, Mrs. K M. Fulrchlld. hostess. SATURDAY Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Mrs. Edgar Scott, hostess; Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm. hostess. WASHINGTON'S birthday will be observed by the Sons ana Daughters of the American Revolution at a banquet to bo held Monday evening, Feb- J-ruary 23. at a place to be designated later. The Omaha chapter and the Major Isaac Sadler chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion and the Sons of tho American Revo lution will bo represented. The especial guests for tho occasion will bo Mrs. A. K. Gault, vice president' goneral, and Mrs. Warren Perry of Folrbury, Neb., state regent, who will both speak at tho banquet. Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm and Mrs. R. E. McKclvey, representing tho Omaha chapters, and some of- the officers of the Sons of tho American Revolution will also bo on the program. The Woman's club of the Railway Moll Service will entertain at a unique patriotic party Wednesday afternoon ot tho homo of Mrs. R- It. Frantz. Each guest will arrive en costume and will bo cxpoote'd to do something to Illustrate her costume. A stately minuet will bo danced In cfl'jnial costumo by Mesdames D. C. Dodds, A. C. Rawson, J. K. lllt tlnger and J. B. Good. Mesdames W. P. East, AV J. Nash. O. F. Hubbcll, W. R. Marshall and Curtis Cook. In Indian costume will have a pow-wow. or Indian dance. They Will also be an Impromptu musical program. The hostess will be assisted by Misses Elizabeth Burnett, Dorothy and Marjory Frantz. The Omaha chapter Daughters of the American Revolution will entertain at a kenslngton nt tho home of Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm Saturday afternoon. ' The musical department of the Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnao meets Tuesday at tho homo of Mrs. Herbert C. Woodland. Franz Liszt will bo the sub ject for study, under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Frantz. A character sketch of Ivlszt will be given by Mrs. H, 1j. Mossman: his childhood. Miss Avllda. Moore: Liszt as a concert performer, Miss Elizabeth Fry; his later life. Mrs. Herbert Woodland; resume. Miss Mar garet Guthrie. Musical selections will be rendered by Miss Mabel Kelly, Miss Sybil Nelson and Mrs. Leroy Savell. Tho Association of Collegiate, Alumnae will meet Saturday at 2 o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Edgar II. Scott. Chan cellor Avery of the University of Ne hraska will address the meeting, follow ing which business -will be transacted. At a, meeting of tho Wycho Story Tellers' league held Thursday, Miss Abigail Manning was elected president and Miss Mary Krebs secretary-treaS' urer. The Miller Park Mothers' clrclo mot Wednesday afternoon In tho auditorium or the Miller i"arK school. Prof. C. 13. Reed of the Omaha High school read tho paper on "vocaltlonal Tralnlmr' that was read boforo the Woman's club last week. airs. J. W. Evans gave reading. A special meeting will bo called some time in the near future to formulate plans for purchasing a Vic trola for the school. Tho Research club will meet at St Berchman's academy today at 3 o'clock On account of the larire terrlf braced by tho Central and Monmouth I'arK Mothers' Welfare league, thl association will hereafter exist as twi separate branches. The Monmouth Park section, In which airs. W. A. Smith, former president lives, will meet February 20 at the Hn mouth school to complete an organiza tion. Tho Central Park section will meet Wednesday, February 25. at the Central park school to elect officers. The home economics department of the South Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jav Lav orty. MIbs NStu Turner of the domestic science department of the Omaha High school, will talk on "Milk and Eggs." Tho Book club will meet AVednesday morning, at the homo of Mrs. E. II. , Benner. Mrs. Ida Hanchett Is leader of the program. The Omaha Story Tellers' league will meet Thursday, at the public library. Miss Jeanette Newlean, leader of the progrsm, will tell the first story, the "Perfect Tribute." Mrs. Philip West will tell tho "Wonders of Saint Berach;" Mrs. Steven Davles, a selected, story, and, Miss - Sarah Sanborn, "Yvonne and Flnette." The Dundee Woman's club met Wednes day at the home of Mrs. J, W. Marshall. The subject for study was tho Finnish epic, :tha "Kalavala." Mrs. John Moor.e, leader, gave a sketch of Finland and the Finnish people; Mrs. J. F, Ferguson told the story; Mrs. John O. Yelsor's topic was the structure and style; Mrs. T. L Combs, beauty; Mrs. George Young, ideality, and Miss Elizabeth Hewitt, dom inant emotion and central thought. The Clio Study club meets today at the homo of tho leader, MUa Pauline Sisters Who Announce Engagements Omaha Delegates to the Mrs. J. W. Griffith was elected dele gate and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm. regent, go to tho Continental congress In Washing Rosenberg. "Land of Heart's Desire" by Yeats, Is tho drama to bo studied. A comparison of Yeats and Synge will be made by Miss Fannie Grodlnsky; tho story and criticism will be given by MlS3 Rosenberg, and Yeats, as representative of the symbolic movement, by Miss Murlo Gordon. Mu Sigma club will meet Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs. Frank Boyd. Miss Jesslo Towno of tho Omaha High school, will lecturo on "Tennyson as an Artist." Each member Is permitted to bring a guest. A regular meeting of U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps "No, 101 will bo held Tuesday at 2 o'clock, nt Memorial hall. All members are urged to , bo present, as a special meeting will follow immediately. Tho Sunshlno club of tho Gcorgo A. Custer Woman's Relief corps will meet Monday afternoon at the homo ot Mrs. Charles G. Everson. Chapter E of the P. E. O. society will entertain the husbands and friends of the members at tho Prairie Park club Thurs day evening. The following chairmen of committees were appointed at a meeting of the board of directors of the Young Women's Chris tian association Wednesday; Blblo study, Mrs. D. L. Johnson; devotional meetings, Mrs. F. M. Bristol; foreign work, Mrs. Emerson Benedict; educational. Miss Emma Wheatley; physical education, Mrs. D. C. Dodds; library, Mrs. C. B. Stone; extension, Miss Bculah Evans; tor young girls, Mrs. G. F. Gllmore; house, Mrs. G. W. Wlckersham; lunch room, Mrs. Frank Walters; membership, Mrs. A. L. Patrick; boarding, employment and travelers' aid, Mrs. F. B, Lowe; social, Miss Georgia Trimble; finance, Mrs. H. J. Klrschsteln; summer home, Mrs. J. P. Lord. The newly elected officers are Mrs. J. M. Aiken, president; Mrs, M. B. Cope land, Mrs. J. J. Lord and .Mrs Frank Walters, first, second and third vice pres idents; Mrs Edward Johnson, recording secretary; Mrs, Ellen Koch, correspond ing secretary, and Mrs. G. F. Gllmore, treasurer, Hull House, the most famous center of social work In the country, has been des ignated as a polling placo for the voters of that precinct of the Nineteenth ward of Chicago. Aldermen Powers and Bowler vigorously opposed the designation of Hull House, on tho grounds that It is the residence of Jane Addams, who Is one of the 026 women judges ot election al ready appointed. County Judge Owens, however, refused to change the location. More than half ot the ZJ.CO0 signatures needed to submit tho woman suffrage umcnumcnt n Missouri have been e 7ioos by KembrandtStuclio D. A, R. Convention ton as tho' representatives of tho Omahu chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution In April. cured, according to Mrs. Walter McNab Miller of Columbia, president of the Mis souri Woman's Suffrage association. Tho only person to recelVo two Nobel prizes Is a woman, Mme. Curie. The art department ot the Omaha Woman's club will present an open pro gram, following tho muslncss meeting, Monday. The new steicoptlcon will bo used to show the pictures of French artists studied during tho year. Mrs. Lena Ellswoith Dale will sing a group of songj from the French composers: "Wero I Gard'ncr." by Chamlnado "Invlcatlon," by D'Hnrdelot; "Tls Snowing," Bemberg. Tho literature department of tho Omaha Woman's club will meet Wednesday morning, Mrs. G. C. Bonner being leader of the program. Mrs. J, B. Adams will glvo a character study, bused on lb- Ben's "Master Builder," and Mrs. Albert Edholm will give a reading from Booth Tarklngton's "Monsieur Bcaucalre." The household economics department of tho Omaha Woman's club will meet Thursday. Tho program on "Service In tho Home" will be in charge of Mrs. J. L. Adams. The following ouestlons will be dealt with: Domestic service, foreign service, references, duty of mistress to servant, problems of the home that has no service and division of work between parent and children. The discussion will be on "Is It an Extravagance or an Economy to Hire tho Hard Work of tho Family?" The Mothers' Culture club will meet on Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs. C. J. Dutton. Mrs. W. J. Kcane being assist ing hostess. The program will bo on "Self-denial," Mrs. W. W. Fisher read ing a paper which has for its topic, "Wo make our children's lives too easy for tho development of sterling character." Mrs, T. I Combs will lead the discussion and Mrs. L M. Mnynor will glvo Items of current Interest. Roll call will be re sponded to with Illustrations from tho Lives of Lincoln and Lee. Tho Omahu Suffrage association will give a tea at the homo of Mrs. It, C. King, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Edwaid Simon, representative from (his district to tbe state legislature, will speak on the "Mothers' Pension." MUses Ethel Lyons and Georgia Steelo will give u piano duet and Mrs. Bernard Capen will read Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt's "Nw Spirit." At a meeting of the Omaha union of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union on AVednesday. the following resolution was adopted: "Resolved, That the Omaha Woman's christian Temperance union ex tend to Police Commissioner A. C, Kugel our appreciation of ma promise of a 'tlnrero effort for law enforcement, and I that we place oureelvts on record us not only being In sympathy with, but mor ally supporting every effort for clvlo righteousness. Tho Sermo club will met Tuosday nt tho homo of Mrs. C. W. Bergen. Following a 1 o'clock luncheon, tho regular program will bo given. Mrs. C. W. Bergen will give Items of current events and papers will bo read on tho general topic,' "Plant Life." Mrs. T. A. Themnnson's paper will deal with the Cultivation of mushrooms", Mrs. J. E. Goodrich, cereals, and Miss Lillian Gwlnn, fibers. Tho Benson Woman's club met Thurs day nt tho homo of MM. A. L. Uwlng, when n general discussion on civil sei vlco was led by Mrs. F. 11. Colo of Omaha. Tho women ot tho Benson Presbyterian church served the second of a series of "turkey dinners" on Thursday evening. This was followed by another one on Friday evening. ' Tho Benson Baptist Missionary clrclo will hold Its first hOTh'o missionary meet ing on Thursday afternoon, at tho home of Mrs. A. jJean. ' Tho first edition of "Every Child's Magazine," of which Miss Graco Sorcn son Is editor, will be Issued Friday ot this week. This Is tho only child's tnagazm. In this part of tho country. Iror. Law rence Bruner of tho University of Ne braska will contribute a scries of nature studies for this paper. Mr. Hamlin Garlund, writer and artist who comes hero under tho auspices of the progressive parly, will address the Omaha suffrage associations on Wednes day afternoon at 4 o'clock, In tho coun cil chamber of tho city hall. V. W. C. A. Note. Tho gymnasium Rlrls will havo charge of tho vesper service at the Young Women's Christian association nt 4:30 Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Brewster, the physical director of tho association, will dive tho tulk of the afternoon on "Half Dead." Miss Graco Barr will sing. -Tho gymnasium class glrlH will bo hostesses at tho social hour following the meeting, and everyone will bo very cordially wel comed. Tho new classes began very enthusias tically last week. Registration may be mado this week in practically all depart ments, excent name domestic clauses, which nro filled. Anyone Interested In millinery, rcwlng or cooking. In Gymna sium. In English of all kinds, French. German, chorus, dramatic clubs, etc., may obtain full particulars by 'phoning or Inquiring at the association office. rerslstent advertising Is the suro road to business success. Omaha Printers Will Give Reception and Ball Tuesday A reception, dance and curd party lias been arranged by Omaha Typographical union No. 190 for Tuesduy evening, Feb ruary 17, at Barlsht hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Invitations havo been mailed to all employing printers of Omaha and South Omaha and It Is ex pected that there will ho between 400 and WO people in attendance. Hon. C. D. Traphagen. manager of the State Journal company, Llncoliiyhas ac cepted an invitation to mako thf only ad dress at tho evening, and has chosen for his subject "Better Employers and Better Employes." Three connecting hulls havo been en gaged to accommodate those attending, and a flve-pieco orchestra will dispense tho music for the' evening. A special featuro for the occasion Is that the program provides for one old time quadrillo and one Virginia reel, to glvo the old "Missouri river pirates" un opportunity to demonstrate to th tango ists that "thoBO were tho good oU days." Following Is tho reception committee appointed for tho affair: Messrs. T, W. McCullough, R. G. Hlnman, George 1. Eddy, M. N. Griffith, Herman Slatthes, louls Kolb, P. J. Boyle, Mesdames Georgo B. Hddy. 1), G, Craighead, L J. Qulnby, H. G. Malthes, M JfllUOIl, Miss Bowers, The committee Moasrs. W. J. Scott J. II. Dietrich, Georgo Lawrence, C. F. Sllngorlund, F. A. Kennedy, W. HssgliorMhek. A. L. Samuelson, Mesdames Frank A. Kunnody, W. M. Rasghorahek, A. M. WlKKins, Fred Sul'lvan, James Kiukald, having charge of the WEDDINGS TO PRECEDE LENfcrV Miss Harding, February Bride-to-! Be, Much Entertained. MANY GRAND OPERA PARTIES :.ut Sh.' Wilt Set tnrt n Spc-clM MkIiI for Soclrtj Oiunlin Peo ple Seek Wnrmtr Climes for Winter. (Continued from Png Two nlng another dunce to bo given at Tur pln's dam-Inn uiwlomy later In ths month. The flames Rlvon ly both departments havo been highly successful this year. Dinner at Loyal. T.o tfutuidny llildgo Dinner club will entertain nt dinner at the Loyal hotil j Monday owning, followed by a Brundct I theater paity, tti eio the "Garden of I Allah." Tho memlmra ot tlio club are: I Mr and Mrs. C. F. Andrews ot Council r.iuffr. I Mr. mid Mrs. John H. Martin. I Mr. mid Mrs. J. H. WlnJhelm. I Mr. n nd Mis. J. F. Meyer. 1 Mi, anw Mrs. John btuuon, sr. . Dr, und Mis. II. A. Wain. 'Birthday Surprise. A . urpclso birthday pnity In honor or Mr, Stanley Smith wns given at his home Thursday evening. Those present were: Mhscs I. oho y.oclitnclstcr, ImIiiu Wuttr. UiinK- Smith, Nellie Keysor, Cm if) Hanson, Graco Key tor. Mlstcn Mlnnln Smith, lvuthur.iie Kevsor. Mniy y.fchmelstcr, Mary Kills. Agnes Kills. Kntherlne Kills, Storm, Larson. Messrs. Roy Smith. Clarence Nelson, Murphy, Black, Guthrie, Bowcn. John Morton; 1 yllii Anderson, BUncho Koysor, Caroline Atidirson, Messrs. Gofigo Hafcermttii, Alfred Watts, Dentils llynii. Geurga 'W ntt. Thomas HIrks. Claude Weiss, Jack Kings. Hllbort Kelson, Mr. und Mrs. D. M. Smith. Alumni Entertainment,' The alumni of tho High School of Commerce held Its second meeting Thurs day evening nt Jacobs Hall, which was dcooratol In the national colors and In tho class colors, old roBO and silver. School pennants wero also used In tho decorations and at ono end of tho hall wus a lnrge plcturo ot Abraham' Lincoln. Games, tho Initiation of now members, dancing and refreshments furnished tho entertainment ot tho evening. Prizes wero won by Elizabeth WatBon and1 Julius Arkln. Mr. Rusmlsol. principal ot tho High School of Commerce gave a brief talk In which ho spoko of tho purpose and perfection of nn alumni. Those present, wero; Misses Misses , Irono Mlchcal. Jcannetto .Shames, Mildred Peterson, Matilda Koskcy, Agnes Barrett, Elizabeth Watson, Jennie Isaacson, Bcsslo Frloden, Ruth Qulmby, Caryl Bitmap, Arlotta Do Buse, Florcnco Shames, Florenco Anderson, Mildred Carllff, Messrs. Mont Wenrs, Royal Warren, Lester Hagllnd, Albert Dowaal, Raynor Jocobson, John Isaacson, Max Fromkln, Albert Dowllng. Qscar Westlund, Bessie lionmau, Agnes Jacobson, OHvo Brown, Eugene Ogllbay, Ruth Clark. Gladys Osllbay, hole Collier. Helen Knccht, Allco Hoskln, Nelson. Mario Ring. Messrs. Durward Do Buse, Julius Arkln, Charles Hunter, Arthur Williams, John 7.1oh, Charles Edmondson, Carl Evans, Carl 1 Innings. L. C. Ruimlscl. Afternoon Bridee. Miss Kathryne McClanahan entertained at brldgo this afternoon at her homo In honor of Miss Heth Vnlll of Hancock, Mich., nuest of Mrs. Martha Heth. Flvo tables were .placed for tho game. Auction Bridge Party. Mrs. Charles S. Elgutter entertained nt nn auction brldgo party Friday after noon In honor of the visiting guests. Tho Valentino idea was carried out In tho decorations and confections. Four tables wero placed for tho gumo. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Van Husan lcavo today for Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Mognolln-llayncs will nrrlvo today .... . . . v to vibii tier siBier, juts. j. ai. uunswun, ut tho Bachelors hotel for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy and their daughter, Mrs. Daniel Korn, of New York, will leavo Sunday evening for French Lick Springs, Ind where Mr, Korn will Join them. Mr. Norrls Tym urrlved ioday from tho University of Nebraska to spend tho week-end with his parents. Ho will ro turn to Uncoln Monday evening, there being no Hcsslon Monday becauso of tho observance of Charter day. Personal Mention. A daughter was born to Captain and Mra. Walter Harvey at Fort Lawton, HON, C. D. TRAPHAGEN, Who Will Speak to tho Printers and Their Guests Tuesday Evening. arrangements are Messrs. Baumgurdner, Sperry, K!nku!d, McAnuly, Seymour and Copeiihurv January 30. Mrs. Harvey was Miss Josephine Young of this city. A daughter. Georgette French, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo W. John ston on Tuesday of Inst week. The bnby i Is n erandchlld of Mr. and Mrs. John t French. Pastor of North Side Christian Church Resigns Rev. H. J. Ktrtchstein, for ten years pastor of tho North side. Christian church, 1ms resigned from his charge and plans to sock recuperation Jrom tho strain and ttrrnuotisncrs of his pnfctornl expcrlenco by engaging In llfo Insurance work for a time. Ills congregation has voted unanimously not tcv accept hlx reslKnntlon and hnn of fered him a trip to Florida, a six months' vacation and n ralso In salary If ho will remain us their minister. Rev. Mr. KliKChsteln declares, however, that ho must persist In his plan, us he feels the Imperative need of a rest and change of "A occupation for a while, If ho Is to rctal his health. O'BRIEN SENDS OUT STOCK TO BUILD UP HIS RANCH T. .1. O'Brien will soon inako a trip to his MjPhrrson county ranch with n siupment of cattle, horses and mule Ho will also ship out ah auto for use ' the ranch. The outfit Is located nortl cast of Sutherland In tho nuuthermier part of the county. JOll'N A. SWANSON, President. c5fe3Icfjrc6fi Monday, an Exhibit of SPRING FASHIONS OUli onrly showing of fashionable stylos for spring 11)14 of Women's and Misses' COATS, SUITS and DRESSES demonstrates that the holght of perfection' has boon attained In tho 'fashioning of tailored garments. Thoso authoritative models show tho favorite fabrics and colors for tho approach ing, season and the wldo variety wo presont Rlvea every woman an opportunity to select becoming styles. Tho ruro Individu ality expressed In our selections comblnoB to mako our show ing of tho now fashions a notable achievement. Omaha's best dressed women endorse this store ap the leading house of fashion and we will Introduce many novoltlos In Omaha this season always something now can bo found In our women's suit de partment. x New Spring Coats, $4.75 to $75.00 Distinguished Stylos Matchless Values, New Spring Suits, $10.50 to $75.00 Prceontlng wldo latitude for ploaBlng choice. New Spring Dresses, $12.50 to $57.50 lixqulslto creations of loading designers. CORRECT APPAREL Laces and Trimming Dyed To Match Any Sample Wo dye- trlmmljiK to match your Roods und Kimranteo PER FECT MATCH and FAST COLOR. No Dry dyes or Fako colorn, that go out Uo flrbt time tho garment in cleaned, nro used by us. We use Pure Aniline Dyen only, nnd guarantee satisfaction; Price, $1.00 to $1.50. Time required, 2 to il days. WHY NOT HAVE THE REST? THE PANTORIUM "GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS." 1513-15-17 Jones St. Phono Douglas 003. in J. WICE Women who wero customers of L. Lleff will bo pleased to learn that In tho future they muy have their gowns and suits mado by the samo man 'who did their work In tho Lleff establishment. For throo years I was LIoff'B head tailor. I know his customers thoroughly, and now, In ray own shop, I will continue to glvo them tho same hlgh-closa work and materials as they wero accustomed to in tho pnst. Ab an introductory offer during the month of February I am making a very handsome BUlt for $35.00. Place your order early and I will give It my personal attention and guarantee you per fect satisfaction. Phone Tvler IJJC 2012 California 1220 O. VVASsE 'Joseph Meyers Keeps Marriage License Six Weeks Before Using For the last six weeks Joseph Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mnurlco Meyer, has been carrying around in his Inside vest pocket one perfectly good marrlago li cense, giving him full right to wed Miss Luclel Bonotf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A llonoff. But no thought was given to such n proceeding, ns Mr. Meyer Is known to be a romantic soul and beyond tho fact that he was enjoying tho su premo harplncss of a near benedict, no significance was placed on tho extra ordinary procedure. But Mr. Meyer manifested that he had a reason for carrying that license around for six weeks. He was going to use It, and Thursday he and Miss Bonoff did, Tho young couple slipped over to Coun cil Bluffs on the quiet and were mado man and wife. A telephone call told their parents of tho ceremony, after which tho pair started on a trip out In tho state. Upon their leturn from their honey moon they will mako their homo with tho bride's parents. HELEN REDMOND- NOTED ArvTPP!5' dips IN NEW YORK NEW YORK. Feb. H. Miss Helen Bed mond, tho actress, who, prior to her re tirement from tho stage In 1903, scored many notablo successes In musical com eindy productions, Is dead hero from pneumonia. WM. L HOIJSMAN. Trcnsurer. l'OR MEN AND WOMEN. Ladies ' Tailor Street