Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1914, PART ONE, Page 12-A, Image 10

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Carnegie Foundation Makes Critical
Surrey of Educational System.
Report ncrnmmrnd tbnt SntiMillcs
tie W'ltluIrnTrn nml Money V.etl
In TenrhlnK Agriculture unit
' Vocntlonnl Simile,
NEW YORK. Feb. H.-Tho first critical
Investigation or alt the educational fa
cilities of any stato In tlio union has Just
been completed by the Carnegie- Founda
tion for the Advancement of Teaching.
The state selected was Vermont, and the
work was undertaken at the request or
a committee of the state legislature. )
Tvhlch desired (lo exnmlne and Improve
Its entire educational system.
A summary of the foundation's report
was marlo public today. Ono of the rec
ommendations Is the transfer to the pub
lic schools of the money that the state
now gives to colleges. The University of
Vermont. Mlddtebury collcgo and Nor
wich university, no one of which Is
owned or controlled by tho state, have
recently received Increasing state all, a
total of $20,000 a year In 1905. $30,000 In
1911 and $100,000 In 1911 The report recom
mends the withdrawal of theso subsidies
because Vermont cannot afford a regular
state university; becauso It Is unwise to
glvo public money and public prestige to
Private corporations; becauso the col
leges have not used their subsidies
wisely, and becauso they got along very
well before they were given state aid and
It Is evident that they will be cared ror
through prlvato benevolence.
The report says that the University or
Vermont neglected agriculture atvl used
lis appropriation for a medical school
that can never be successful with the
small amount of clinical material that Is
available In Burlington. Norwich uni
versity used Its appropriation for engi
neering In a location and with an mutt.
ment far Inferior to those of the Uni
versity of Vermont. Mlddlebury collcgo
also used Its appropriation for subjects
already provided by the other Institutions
and for a department for training of high
school teachers, of which tho slate has
already an oversupply. The effort to gain
these subsidies from the legislature,
moreover, according to the roport, in
vplvcd the Institutions In an unfortunate
educational and financial rivalry.
Pnbllc School ZVrcil Monpy.
The public schools, on the other hand,
need monoy. They provide the entire
education of more than nlne-tenths of
the children In the state. Half of the
teachers, however, havo had nb profes
sional training and are paid only $3 a
week or less. -The report recommends
that the Blalo spend on tho common
schools what It now gives tho colleges
and as much more as it can afford, giv
ing the teachers better training and bet
ter salaries; providing them with moro
aid and guidanco througH better super
vla!onaand a moro helpful stute admin
istration. It Is recommended that the
down training classes for teachers, that
wer established In tho high schools- In
1910 bo multiplied, so that every now
teacher In tho state shall be a high
school graduato with professional train
ing. Theso classes graduated more-than
100 sUcli .teachers- Inst year, and soon
.will be able to supply tho entire 400 that
'the stataftted annually- The twep'stute
nbrnial. schools, , tho abandonment of
whloh Is recommended, have provided
less than n dozen 'such teachers each
It Is further recommended that the
teachers, together with a now state
commissioner of education, sovcrol dep
uty commissioners and a number of su
pervisors, gradually work out a now pro
gram of studlea for the schools which,
without Interfering with ltn academic
character, wilt relate It moro closely to
the dolly life of the pupils. It Is rccom
mended that the hlRh schools Include- vo
cational courses: that there bo special
'agricultural schools, nnd that the work
of tho Stato Agricultural college be
made or greater valuo to the farmers.
Further school consolidation, With
transportation wherever necessary, Is
also recommended both for elementary
and high schools, so that every com
munity may, be within reach of first rate
schools Inste'ad of scattering Its money
nnd care among a largo number that
nre Inferior.
Kilnrntlnnnl Commlimlnn Named.
Referring further to the existing sys
tern in Vermont, the report says It Is very
good In many respects.
The governor recommended such a
tudy as has been made by tho foundation
to the legislature, and tho legislature, In
TCovember, 1912, constituted an educational
commission with Judge John If. Watson
of. tho supreme court as chairman, and
representative cltltena like Thoodore N.
Vail, president of the American Tele
graph and Telephone company, and Frank
H, Brooks, president of tho Fairbanks
Keale company, and representative educa
tors like Nicholas Murray Butler, presi
dent of Columbia university, New York,
as members. In February, 191$, this com
mission asked the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching to un
dertake the study. Under the direction
of Its president, Henry 8. Prltchett. a
dozen members of the staff of the founda
tion and specialists from Columbia, Har
vard and Wisconsin universities, and from
the United States Bureau of Standards
devoted six montlis to study In the field
and an equal time to the examination and
presentation of their records and sug-sestlons.
First Presbyterian
Women (rive Annual
Luncheon This Week
The women of the First p.i..-t.ri.,.
church will give their annual luncheon
rnaay ror the benefit of the Visiting
u.bc association- The affair has
been given for the last ten years, with
the exception of last year when It was
omitted beciuse of the tornado. Mrs. Q
I Bradley is In charge of the luncheon
Mrs. T. U DaVls and tho board members
of the Visiting Nurses association are
elling tickets, and Mrs. Herbert Ilogers.
Mrs. Luther KounUe, Mrs. W. p. Hos
ford, Mrs. Glenn Wharton and others ar
assisting in gathering- contributions. The
following will have charge of table and
will be assisted by the young ladles of
the church;
Mesdamea Joseph Sykes. Byron Smith,
falter I'rsston. Barton Millard, D. H
j-jrdwlch, John U Kennedy, B. F. Mar-
.hall. Jnhn nnMen .ni.r.' V.
, v. : iuariD, jm
jitrwunt. r, v. juuion, u. E, Smith
y altera, tvaiier xonsen, J. U
zzzm Wo Sell tho 50c Boxes of Lucilo Face Power for 15c!
$4 Table Cloths, $2.98
Ucnutiful silver bleached Gor
ninn damask pattorn cloths of un
usually fine quality. 2 yardB wldo
and 3 yards long. Oval designs,
now and up-to-date. Large lot
or tnoni, worth to
$4. Special Mon
day, on main floor,
Embroidery Special
45-lnch wldo French vollo.and
crepo skirtings nnd nllovers.
also' 27 and 45-inch batlsto and
Swiss allovors, new 27-inch baby
ruffles, flounclngs nnd hemmod
embroideries. Includ
ing qualities up to $1
a yard. Special Mon
day, main floor, at. . . .
antic Mill Purchase Sale of Rugs
An Event Without Precedent in Our History
We bought for spot cash the entire season's surplus of a big eastern mill.
1,700 room size rugs, thousands of small rugs, far below wholesale prices.
Our enormous outlet for nigs lias become known throughout the east, and it is to us that the rug makers look when
they have largo stocks for quick cash disposal. That is how wo acquired the surplus of one of the leadinc mills at iust cost
of making. But we had to take the entire stock over $38,000 worth something no other store in the west could do. And
now we'll force quick sale' by offering the lowest nig prices ever known in Omaha.
You will positively save a third, a half or more on the price of every rug you buy in this sale Come tomorrow prepared to buy.
Beautiful Brussels
Rugs Worth to $18 at
Silporlor quality room
size Brussels rugs. Very
heavy and serviceable, in
attractive, new patterns
and colorings. Mado to
sell regularly to $18,00,
Choice in this great sale.
Axminster and Wilton Velvet
Rugs Actually Worth $30 at
High Grade Axminster
Rugs Worth to $25 at
Big variety of 0x12 Axminster and
Wilton velvet rugs in numerous new,
artistic oriental and ifloral patterns
and desirable colorings. Seldom sell
for less than $30. Specially priced
in this ealo at
Large Axminster
rugs,, sizes up to 0x1
roet. splendid line
patterns and colorings.
A rug that will give
excellent service. Reg
ularly worth up to $25.
Choice In this Bale. . .
2 098
them without
i ssa av sl
$5 Saxony Rugs, Special at
- 36x72-lnch croBS joined
Saxony rugs travelers'
samples. Worth-up to -$5.
In this sale
Axminster Rugs
38x72-ln. Axminster rugs
in big assortment of de
signs and colorings. Worth
up 10 jo, ror
$3.50 Axminster Rugs at
Axminster rues In various
desirable patterns. Various
sizes. Regularly worth up
to $3.50. This sale at....
Axminster Rug Strips
Four yards long. Worth
up to $5; Specials, at
$2.50 and $2.98
Bath Rugs
Washable and revr''ble.
Some slightly impcrfeot.
Worth Up to $4.00, choice,
New Suits, New Dresses, New Waists, New Skirts
Every new thing is at,Brandois firsthand you may rest assured that when you see it at
Brandois, it is correct, authentic, approved by; Ij est! fashion authorities of the country.- That is
why ospecial interest is attached to the present displays of ne,w apparel Jiere.
i '.ry lftosl .development of. Parisian and Now. York styles in. suits, drosses, waistB and other garments
uvu milium interpretation in mo a
hundreds of now th tngs.wo show.
Several Dozen Models in Women's Suits Now Ready Here
The" now tullored suits aro particularly appealing, -with their many original and artistic Ideas in cut 'and
finish. Mnny have Jaunty Eton Jackets, others in semi-blazer, Btraight line arid vest effects. Skirts are draped
on strikingly pleasing lines all new. Tailored of silk or wool poplins, serge and other rich" spring fabrics,
including chocks nnd fancy mlxturos. You way. now. choose at $15, $17.00, $10, $22.50, $25, $20 and up to $75.
Fur Sets, Price
l.iirtro nlllow inutn nnd throw
scarfs: to match, of fine French
coney, .China wof. tin It
Formerly priced at XV 11
16.08 and 7.G0, ut.,.lL.f U
.Largo pillow muffH with
throw or animal scurfs to
match. French coney, China
won ur oppusuiTi
furn. Formerly 1D
and I12.S0, at
Ijiroft nlllow miifru with
thrpw or animal shuped scarfs
tomatoh, In natural opposum,
raccoon, rea iox ana gray molo
i-vnoy,. formerly iiu
to jss.&o, un sale
Mbnday at
Fur Coats, Price
160 Husslan Pony Coats,
169 Krlmmer Coat, at,.
08 Itusnlan Pony Coat.
S85 Near Real Coat....
SI 26 Near Seal Coats...
$100 Caracul Coat for..
MOO Near Heal Coat....
IH9 Molo Conoy Coat.,
1160 Natural Pony Com.
1125 Caracul Coat. at..
$86 While Coney Coat.,
:y, China
ffa with
jed scarfs
jray molo
(MS. 00
Dainty and Original Designs in Dresses
Afternoon, party and evening dresses 'for women and misses styles that
aro now in overy particular, and decided ly pleasing. Draped and ruffled over
skirt effects aro prominent, also many beautifully trimmed waists, though some
waists are quite simple. Thoy are of taffeta, messaline, crepes do chine,
cropoa meteor, chiffons, and silk poplins, in delicate spring shades. Priced
$111.75, $15, $17.50, $11), $22.50, $25, $85, and up to $75.
Many Pretty New Waists
Numorous new models in waists for
early spring wear. They aro of crepe
do chine, chiffon, crepo meteor, messa
line. voiles, crepes, fine lingerie cloths
and laces, and aro very reasonable at
$a.SO, $3.08, $5, $0.50 and up to $25.
Newest Styles in Skirts
Women's and misses' new spring
skirts, in flno serges, poplins and wor
sted materials, Including plaids, chocks
and fancy mixtures. Smart plain or
draped models. An unequalled va
riety at $5, $0.08, $7.50, $10 and up to
Waists worth to $6, $2.50
Women's fine chiffon, messaline, tub
silk and lace waists, in plain tailored, or
fancy lace trimmed and tucked effects.
High collars or low necks. Long or el
bow sleeves. Formerly priced at SC.
Very special Monday, $2.50.
Taffeta Dresses at $25
The cleverest and most fascinating
models are shown in the straight waist,
draped pannier flounces and draped
bustle effects. Made. of soft chiffon taf
fetas, in all the most wanted colors. An
attractive group, specially priced Mon
day, at $25.
Monday Sale of Dress Forms
This is the only
form t h a, t h a a
French contour.
Complote fiber
skirt, permitting
pinning while
draping mate
rial. The tole
Bcopic stand en-
auios me cnango sw
from full form to !T
-waist form, An'
exceptional Ct
valuo, at.,. PraOJ
$1.50 Bust Form
This Hnll-Uorchort bust
form Is covered with
black Jersey, wood bot
tom. Can bo used on high
standard if desired. All
sizes 32 to 42. Bold in
most places from J 1.50 to
?2. Monday, 08c.
$8 Form, $5.98
This complete ad
justable forin opens
in fqur parts, with
adjustments at neck,
bust, waist and hips.
All parts nickeled
metal and practically
Indestructible. Hold
everywhere at $8 to
39, Monday, at 95.98.
Form at $15
This Is ono of the
best dress forms ever
produced. Con be ad
' justed to any
uesireu tigure
with ease.
Any part can
can -c-
be udjustod rV
I n d o p e ixl-
ently of the others.
Specially adapted for
misses sixes or very
stout women, at 818.
$10.00 Dress
Form, at $7.98
The I.a Correct Is
an easily adjusted
dress form. Wide range
of adjustments. Made
of hlirheat Krade ma
terials. I n dependent
adjustments at waist.
. bust. IiIds. back and
oklrt. This, 1)0 form
at (7.98.
Some Wonderful Values in Notions
i - LT I .. . .....
cured Mr. IS, v. Goodloe. Datlas. Tex .
vi- uwuum una uiiiousness, utst regu.
lator of liver, stomach and bowels.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Hooka and eyes, lylth Invisible eyes.
All size. Ulack or white. Worth I n
to Sc. card I U
J. O. King's best :00yard IC.
spool thread, dozen spools I UU
Utxby's Shoe Polish. lilack or C.
tan. 10a size 00
600-yard spools best basting 9IAn
thread, at, spool.. 2U
l'hoenlx Sanitary pusters, I n
10c kind, at . 10
HarrettoJ. Jllg variety. Worth J
to !5c. at H
Steel lad scissors and shears. ftQ n
Worth to 75c. Monday U
Wire hair pins. Worth 3c a, Cn
pack. 8 packs for ... . OB
Uustleus IHist Cloths. The fin
J5c kind, for Ul
I Wash trimmings. Big new line of
pretty Klirlnirs. Worth to I
7 Ho yard. at. yard W 72 0
LAules' aanitary elastic belts.
26o kind, at.
Ladjes sanitary nprpns or
dreaa protectors... 40o gfa'do. at
Utaut pin cards,, 5c grods,
at ..:.,.,.' ,
300-yard spools high grade
sewing silk, at
Wood coat hankers, at I.
for .' -
Hat pins, r I Dust caps
5 for .. ulii i
Oil mops. Largo size, ltegular tQ.
11.50 values OSIU
I So
. 2c
card .
proof snap fasteners.
Factory Clearance Sale of 10,000 Pairs
Men's, Women'sj Children's Shoes
Begins Wednesday
This Is the '.most important shoe event of recent years It
will be to your advantago to wait for it, as the savings will be
phenomenal. See our advertisement in Tuesday evening papers.
INDIViniJAF. a Nr.
Coronet original at $10
flStS Hats tliat conform In every particu
lar to the latest dictates of fashlo'n,
yet which, In the details of-thelr shape and trlinmlng and
finish have an Individuality and newness that sets 'them
IUlte apart from the usual.
Among the several hundred' Coronet1' hats here for
spring you will flryl many exactly suited to your Individ
ual tastes and most becoming to-your type of feature, and
tne Price Is always 1,10.00. There are no duplicates.
A ifnrtiinnto miVnA f t . ...
aung siiK.
A ifortunatn
,.. , 1 -" ""1"J t, ui uo aiJuufi uuutuiK HUH.
v. "ficuum wuitiui. ixavy, inupe, canara
blue,, wistaria and black. Regular $3.76 quality. On
sale Monday at, yard '
Eew chJffo,n dress taffetas, in plain and changeable effects. Worth
1.50 a yard. 3G Inches wide. On bargain snuaro nt. van), nun.
Jupt Arrived The new 42-inch
printed Canton crepes. Floral,
jardiniere, Dresden and scroll de
signs, In tho latest 3 .and 4-color
combinations. Specially priced
Monday at, yard $1.00. '
IlROOAnRn TfAnntxr i.viitt. una
,3,r,,nch brocaded radium foulards, in navy,, ivory, Russian bluo
II.. 11isi50 BOft now 6pr,nS dress fabric with a beauti
ful lustre. .Worth Si. BO n varH. Mnnrlnv vn- no.
42-Inch wide all silk crepe de
chine. Specially adapted for fash-,
lonable .gowns. Good rango of
colorings. Regular $1.95 quality.
Very special for Monday at, yard,
WOOL DRrcss norma.
44 and 54-inch all wobl serges,
whipcords, novelty worsteds, etc.,
In all tho wanted Bhades. Worth
to ls25. Special for Monday at,
yard, 00c and 70c.
We' have Just received tho new 54
lnch French plaid skirting; now com.
Inff Into great popularity. It Is shown'
in the new orabre tint combinations,
n "cautlful colorings. Special, at, a
New WHITE GOODS1 Just Received
.Huveiiy Jtcatme
- . w . r h
Ramie Linen
Just one ca6e of light weight
ramie linen. Yarn dyed and every
thread pure linen. Comes in white
and all new shades. Fast colors.
Sells everywhere at 45c a yard.
36 Inches wide. On sale Monday
on main floor bargain square at,
yard, 20c.
Cotton Crepe
Embroidered cotton crepe. In
plain white or with coiored back
grqund. 32 inches wide, at, yd., $1.
Also the popular black and
white stripes and blue aniTwhite
stripes, in great demand for suits
and dresses for early spring wear.
40 and 45 inches wide, wash goods
dept., main floor, at, yard, 05c
and $1.35.
Irish Dimity
Best quality Irish dimities.
Rosebud, floral and Dresden de
signs. 27 inches wide, at, a
yara, soc.
a?.d ends of f,ne. wh,te 80ds- sl'ehtly soiled. Embroidered
batiste Cot Worth' r nVW,8S V,"e' aI,over bSS"S
naote'bfsemeSiryard Vi.T"' 3Qr
Mousseline Special
44-Inch wide white mousseline.
Soft, mercorlzed finish for under
musllns, slips, foundations, lin
ings, etc. Regblarly 25c yard, 12
yd. bolts, basement, )2.!lo.
15c Wash Goods. 6c
One big lot of plain and bro
caded cotton crepes and ripplette,
for undermusllns, house dresses,
etc. Requires no ironing. Worth
iu xuu yitfu, uasement, yard, flc.
$1 to $2.50
831 nlnttiro frnmA
the remnant mouldings in our own
shops to be closed out tomorrow at
an extremely low price.
h03en.5,0UId,nes aro 1 t Inches
WJ;e.'j"ine? range ,n 8,ze from
f.i ut0 ""SO inches. Gold, brown,
ulacK and natural woods.
We furnUh glass and fit your pict-
rtl8!.1. a nom'nal chartce. or you may
do it. yourself.
OlinlnA rt . V. . . . ...
sold for ti to 2.B0, Monday only....
Briar ,Tpur Pictures With Tou.
HAIR Goods
CJearaiice Sate of
Fttie Hair Switches
Second Moor and Pompelan Room
30 and StMnch Snitches, of real
nuraan nair. Fine quality. 3
separate stems. L,arge
3-ounce size. $7 and
J 8 -values. ' Special at.
U4 aad 20-lpch Three-Strand
flwltchea. Values up to
1 3. Special for Monday,
SO and 28-inch Three
Separate Strand Switches,
Monday, only
Shampooing, hair dressing and
massaging done by experts.
13Hc quality percales. All new
pr np patterns, in 111,1 and 7 1
"dark shades, at, yard I 720
t.TiVi" K,"K!an!s in pretty new pat
terns for spring wear, 16c qual- Q
ijy. Priced. Monday at. yard.. U
up to ISc yard, apeclal, at, ya..
- - - . . , j v. . .
TitiW t ,1 n . I . . . . .
n light and dark' styles. On JIA -big
bargain square, yard.. "ViO
A11 iir ou!lnB flannel arid swans-
?.??.f,,n,n1, ,lu ll ben selling
for llMc. lOo and ac. on the bar
gain squares, will ,go on t
sale Monday, at. yard .0720
ivl .V.ualuX J?tted flannelette,
north 8!,c a yard, special, at, .CM
yard rmm 5)0
Bed ticking that Is wortli "lOo a
yard, full bolts, on sale at. C
yard OC
Oreis glngjioms In lengths up to &
yards. The lOo quality, Mon- r
day, at. yard DC
Monday We Begin a Great
Sale of Wall Paper
100,000 ROLLS Bought at a Very Low Price
will be offered for quick disposal.
A great mill purchase of fine quality wall papers enables
us to offer some of the most extraordinary values ever known
in Omaha. If you will, need wall paper this spring, buy la this
sale aud tfave one-half to two-thirds the expense.
60 patterns new 191-4 bedroom papers, with narrow cut-out
border effects. Stripe and alloyer patterns, in various i
colors. Worth Up to 20c. Monday, rolI,.v IIP
Iieautrful, new
10,000 rolls odd celling pa
pers with borders to maicn.
Actually worth
to 8c rpl. Special
in this sale, roll.
15,000 rplls kitchen, bed
room and parlor papers. AH
colors. Many desirable
patterns 15c grade, at.
Cold nnnan
iur iiyidb room, H-
umfjr auu uuil, JtegU-
iar 2oc values. On I
sale at, roll.
New white blank papers, with
9 and 18-inch borders to
mmtu. worm up to
18c. In this sale.
roll UU roll
Two big special lots or imported oatmeal papers. Very larti. v.
J".?.' tL,l i,,ShA",5ri!! '?. c- Sonoworth6 sue
bPCCiaiiy Jivcu w v, "v -v a. ivii,
J to