Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1914, PART ONE, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; Colder
VOL. XLlll-NO. 35.
Immediate Cause of Death of Demo
cratic Leader in Senate is Blood
Clot in the Heart.
In Senate Nearly Twenty Years and
Was Head of Foreign Affairs.
Senator from Missouri Is Ranking
Member of This Committee.
Unusual Tribute Will He Pnld In Ills
aleatory-If It Meets with Ai
provnl of Members of 111
1 'am II 5".
.WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Senator A. O.
Bacon of Georgia died in a hospital hero
Senator Bacon's death was announced
to tho senate while It was In executive
session and just before It adjourned for j
tho day. The end came unexpectedly.
ITho Georgia senator had been 111 from
an affection of the kidneys a little less
than a month. Tha end came nt 2 o'clock
this cftcrnoon. His i office was advised
that the immediate tause of death was
a blood clot on his heart.
Senator Bacon was in his seventy-fifth
year. lie was one of the democratic
leaders In tho senate, chairman of the
foreign relations committee and was in
tho. group of senators who stood fifth in
point of service. Ho was first elected
In 1S9. Ho was born In Georgia, became
a lawyer by profession and was an offi
cer in tho confederate army. During the
last congress ho served as president pro
tcm of (he senate and presided over tho
Impeachment trial of former Judge Arch
bold. He was the first senator to be
elected under tho new constitutional
amendment for the popular election of
I.onir Session Sns Strength.
Tho sena to Immediately passed a brief
resolution and adjourned.
Several senators said they believed tho
long cession of last summer had con
siderable' tp do with sapping. Senator Ba
con'a strength.
"Senator Bacon was ono of the most
lovabio and capable men in the senate,'
said Vice President Marshall. "I had
come to pay respect to his opinion. He
always had tho facts .to back up his Judg
ment" ,
If the Bacon family approves, the,
fUneral wll take place In the sonato chanT
ber. The death of Senator Bacon creates a
vacancy In the chairmanship of the sen
Ate commltco on foreign relations, at a
time whon foreign questions particularly
the arbitration treaties, Panama tolls and
Mexico are of special Importance. Mr.
Bacon had given the closest personal at
tention to these subjects, reflecting
largely the American views In congress.
Stone In Hanking; Member.
Senator Stono of Missouri Is now tho
Tanking mcmbcrof tho committee and
will probably become chairman, although
he, too, is Just recovering' from a sick
Members of the foreign relations com
mittee planned to meet torrforrow or Mon
day to take action.
A public funeral in the senate cham
ber Is -fin unusual tribute. In recent
years only a few such occasions have
marked tho passing of distinguished law
makers. Among these were the funerals
of Senators Isham G. Harris and "William
B, Bate, both of Tennessee, and Marcus
A, Hanna of Ohio.
NEW YOHIC. Feb. 14.-Mrs. John D.
Rockefeller is at her home, PocanUco
Hills, today, where she arrived from
Cleveland. She was so fecblo that she
was carried from tho train at Phlllpso
Manor, where she got off. Instead of at
Terrytown. Mr. Itockefeller met her
with a closed automobile. Mr. Rocke
' feller has brought all his secretaries
to Pdcantlco Hills and everything In
dicates that ho has settled .down for an
Indefinite ttay here.
NEWTON, Mass., Feb. 14. Itev. Threon
Brown, associate editor of the Youth'B
Companion since 1S70, died here today,
aged 82. He was a graduate of Yale.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Sunday:
For Omahu, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair, slightly colder, v
Temnrruturr nt Omnlm Yesterday.
- - - .
5 a. in..-.
6 a. m....
7 a. m....
8 a. in....
9 a. m....
10 a. m a 13
U a. in If
12 m 14
1 p. m 12
2 p. in 13
3 p. m ,13
4 p. m ..IS
5 p. m.. 17
6 p. m 15
7 p. m II
Comparative X.ucn 1 urcord.
1911. 1911 1?1J. 1911
Highest yesterday 17 60 33 .13
Lowest yesterday 12 SS 27 .32
Mean temperature 14 44 30 ,3s
Precipitation 00 M .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 13
Deficiency for the day 9
Total excess uln:e March 1..., 1.191
Normal precipitation 02 Inoh
Deficiency for the day ,. .02 Inch
Precipitation since March 1..S4.&6 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 4.57 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1S13. 4.72 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19U.13.til Inches
Mexican Newspaper
Continues Its Attack
Upon U, S. President
MEXICO CITY". Feb. U-An uncon
firmed report was current In banking
circles hero today that Provisional
President Hucrto had signed a coerce
authorizing an Issue of 400,000,000 pesos
of flat money of Irredemablo paper
money made legal tender by law. For
eign exchange today touched thrco for
one. the highest point yet reached.
In spite of the protest made by Nelson
O'Shaughncscy, American charge d'af
fairs, and of the Instructions of tho
Mexican foreign offleo to desist from
attacks on President Wilson, Bl Im
partial today bore a three-column first
page headline:
"Board of Wilson lacks honor as does
he himself."
Tho article which follows comments cn
the recognition, by tho United States of
the new Peruvian .government within
four days after the success of the icVolt:
"This was done," tho newspaper says,
"In the faco of the declaration from tho
White Houso on March 11, 1913, that the
purposo of tho United, States Is to dony
sympathy to all revolutionary govern
ments, Vankeo processes work
only along tho line of evil passions."
With similar prominence, El Imparclal
publishes an account of the alleged fall
uro of 150 banks In the southern United
States becauso of President Wilson's
"Iniquitous Mexican policy."
An effort Is made by the newspaper to
show that President Wilson's policy Is
disapproved by the great majority of
people In tho United Stntes- and by
practically all those In the southern
Mrs. Wood Jumps
from Deck of Ship
Into the Ocean
Chatles H. Wood, wife of tho late club
man and banker of this city, who died at
Agra, India, December 5, Jumped over
board from tho steamer Iyo Maru the
first night out of Singapore January S,
while enroutc to Hongkong with her hus
band's ashes.
This Information was received here yes
terday with ,the arrival of tho trans
pacific liner, Tcnyo Maru.
Prior to leaving Singapore, Mrs. Wood
had arranged with Mrs. Esther Richard
son, a friend at Hongkong, to obtain
passage for hor on the Tenyo Maru from
Hongkong', to San Francisco.
When the Iyo Maru put Into Hongkong
Mrs. Richardson learned of Mrs. Wood's
death, and received from the captain u
letter addressed to her which was -found
In Mrs. Wood's state room.
The letter said:
After all. I shall not reach Honckonc
and see you, for I m going to look for
my b4touM4'-ce.llRWlVe- .without him
May I trouble you to forward my things
to -Mr. Wood's sister, Mrs.- Charles
Aiusaus, oi &an -Francisco.
Mrs. Miisaus and her husband were at
the pier yesterday when the Tenyo Maru
arrived, expecting to meet Mrs. 'Wood.
Some hours later Mrs. MUsaus received
a letter that- had been written by airs.
Richardson, enclosing Mrs.-Wood's' letter'
to her and relating the circumstances of.
airs, wood's fate.
Scientist Says
Eugenic Scheme
is Impracticable
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14. Dr. A. W.
Manler, head of the department of anat
omy In tho Stanford Medical school of
Stanford university. Is on record today
as saying that eugenics .would hover
mako a perfect man or a perfect woman.
"Nature's laws In the mating of men
and women are Immutable," he said,
"and breeding methods cannot be ap
plied to the human race."
' Neither sex, he said In an address, Is
Inferior or superior to tho other. Each
occupies a distinct sphere, and tho speak
er pointed out by pictures the difference
in their anatomy.
"I am In sympathy with the eugenic
movement," ho said, "but It can never
bo brought to the point Its foremost ad
vocates would have us believe. The mere
selection of perfect types will not neces
sarlly breed perfect types, nor accomplish
any good for the human race."
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Fob. 14.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) Wllljam H. Brown has been ap
pointed rural letter carrier at Niobrara,
A postofflco has been established at
Rex, Cherry county, Nebraska, with Roy
R. Russell as postmaster.
Nebraska pensions granted: Sarah J.
McElroy, Wllber. 112; Margaret A. E.
Prlngle, C-rant, $12.
Tho following bunks have filed appli
cation to join the new banking system:
Iowa First National, Ume Springs;
First National, Thornton; City National,
Sioux City; Villlsca Nattonul, Nora
Springs; Commercial National, Essex.
Nebraska First National, Hebron;
First National, Hastings; First National.
Ord; First National, Ansley; Citizens
'National, Gothenburg: Pender National,
Pender; First National, Uanryford; First
j National, Lltchflold; Central National,
j Kearney.
South Dakota Home National, Dell
I WyomingFirst National, Rock Springs.
' On tho recommendation of Democratic
Committeeman Tubman,, Dr. J. C. Shlr
! ley has been uppolntcd pension surgeon
' at Huron, a. D.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Feb. 14.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Francis, S-year-old son of C.
F. Griggs, died this morning. He fell
on a radiator In school room In a seufflo
with a companion and fractured his skull.
Blood of a horse was Infused to thicken
tho boy's blood and stop hemmorhage,
but without avail. United States Weather
Forecaster McDowall was to have sub
mltted to Infusion of his blood Into the
boy's body this morning.
Counsel for Companies
Strike Probers
Shy at
Attorney for Men Objeots to Line of
Twenty Killed Eaoh Year in Colo-J
rado Fuel Properties.
Lawyer for Mine Workers Says lie Is
Too lirnornnt lo Have Charge
of Employment of Six
'i'liotinnml Men.
HANCOCK, Mich., Feb. 14. "Wo can
not rccognlzo tho Western Federation of
Miners, becauso It Is socialistic) In Its
alms and tendencies and becauso It Is
made up In this district largo I y of soc
ialists," declared A. F. Iteos, of counsel
for the mining companies, at tho con
gressional strlko Investigation this morn
ing. The statement was made in explana
tion of a question asked of a witness, to
which A. V. Kerr, of counsel for the
copper mine strikers, objected on tho
ground that it was part of an effort to
shoVj that tho strike was "fostered and
fathered by led socialism." It was the
same question asked of another wit
ness yesterday arousing slmllur objec
tion: "Aro you a member of tho Finnish
Socialist socloty?"
Needn't Answer.
Jahn Jauhlhanen, tho witness, was told
that ho need not answer tho question
unless he desired. The witness replied,
however, that he did ' not belong to tho
socloty. Ho thought Its namo was
Jousl. Ho did not know its membership.
Mr. Kerr objected vigorously to the
line of cross examination. "At tha In
ception of the 'strike," ho said, "tho min
ing companies mado no claim that It was
being conducted by 'red socialism.' They
set up that a few weeks ago when every
other resort had been exhausted."
'is thero anything degrading In a
man admitting that ho Is a socialist?"
asked Congressman Swltzcr.
"No," replied Mr. Kerr, "but these
questions ara being asked simply to con
fuso tho Issue."
Death Hate IUkIi.
DENVER, Feb. 14. Ono man was killed
In tho Colorado Fuel and Iron company's
mlnos last year for every 176,037 tons of
cpal produced,auxordlng to tho testimony,
of J. F. Welbprn. president of tho com
pany, before 'the house strike Investi
gating' committee today. The total num
ber kilted In the twenty operating mines
of the corporation was seventeen.
In 1912 twenty- were killed, or one for
every 175,769 tons; In 1911, twenty-tvo, or
one for every' 149,302 tons. In 1910, ex
cluding tho two great disasters at Prl
moro and Starkvllle, thirty-six men were
killed, one for everyf 113,f72 tons. Tho
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Vedrines Challenges
Qumton to right a
Duel With Pistols
PARIS, Feb. 14.-Julcs Vedrines, the
French aviator who recently flow from
Paris to Cairo, arrived from Egypt today
and telephoned two friends to act as sec
onds In his duel with Reno Qulnton,
president of tho French Aerial leaguo.
Vedrines will demand a fight with re
volvers. The quarrel arose out of the refusal
of Vedrines to give satisfaction to Henry
Roux, a rival French aviator, who had
also flown from Paris to Cairo, and who
challenged Vedrines after he had struck
him In tho face. .Qulnton ordered Vedrlnos
to fight Roux and Vedrines declared: "I
will not fight Roux, but will fight you as
soon as I return to Paris."
M. Vedrines intends to run as a candi
date for the Chamber of Deputies at the
approaching election. In the meantime,
after fighting M. Qulnton, he will return
to Cairo In order to tako part in tho
flight from that city through Africa to
the Cape.
Charles WrMorse
, Sails for Europe
NEW YORK. Feb. H.-Charlcs W,
Morse, the former banker, Is on the
steamship Kalserln Auguste Victoria, in
route for Germany today. He expects to
bo gone a month to take the baths, his
son, Harry Morse, explained.
Morso's plans have been topics of
speculation- in tho financial district for
weeks, particularly since it became known
that ho was still actlvo In trying to
force congress to investigate the clrcum
stances of the conviction following tho
falluro of the Bank of North America.
. The suit of MorBo'e sister against the
New York, New Haven & Hartford
railroad has been looked on as another
movement toward his vindication on the
charges on which lie was convictefi and
served part of his sentence at the At
lanta Federal penitentiary. His going
abroad at this time occasioned much sur
prise In Wall street.
QUEBEC, Feb. J4.-An earthquake
shock was felt over the city and district
of Quebec at 5:40 a. m. today. The shock
was violent enough to awaken hundreds
of citizens. Messages from Levis, Bal Ht.
Paul and l'lslet recorded the same dis
, NEW YORK. Feb. H.-The slesmograph
i at the American Museum of Natural
i History hero recorded a very faint earth
I quake tremor at about 5:40 o'clock h.i.
morning. These tremors have occurred
dally, it was said, Bince tho earthquake
of last Tuesday
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Business Partly Suspended at Points
North of Capital Rail Traffic
! . y .
Storm Warnings Displayed' from
Cane Matters to Enstpnrl
Transactions u Stork Ex
change Curtailed.
WASHINGTON, Feb. H.-The North
eastern part of tho. country today was In
the grip, of tho first big storm of tha
year, which reaolipd, blizzard proportions
In some places. Railroad traffic was de
layed and street railway service In sev
eral cities was much hampered. Off tho
southern New England coast a mlta-a-mlniite
gale was blowing, greatly en
dangering, shipping. Soveral vessels were
reported In distress along tho coast from
Cape -Henry, -Virginia, northward.
The Intense cold in New England and
the middle, Atlantic states moderated
somewhat with the coming of tho
snow, but to the southward where snow
had ceased falling lower temperatures
were predicted.
.Moves Northward.
The storm developed Friday afternoon
off tho Georgia coast and has moved
rapidly northward. It was control today
with much Intensity off tho New England
Snow has fallen In the Ohio vatloy, tho
lower lake regfon, the middle and south-
(Continued on Pago Two.)
New Haven Inquiry ,
Formally Ordered
WASHINGTON, ,Fcb. 14,-Formnl r
dors for Investigation of financial trans
actions of the New York, Now Haven St
Hartford .issued today by the Interstate
Commerce commission as a result of i
senate resolution named-' tho following
roads, In addition to the New Haven, as
Boston & Malno, Maine Central, Cen
tral New England and rjew York, On
tario & Western. Tho place and dato
of hearing have pot been set.
The particular Information called for
Is as to what became of funds Invested
In various enterprises and corporations
by the New Haven. The senato also
wants to know whether the person or
persons authorizing the Investments and
those receiving tho benefits are "liable
to punishment under existing laws," and
and "whether the funds can bo recovered
on behalf of the New Haven's stock
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 14,-Mason S.
Peters, a manufacturer, formerly popu
list representative In congross from tlis
Second Kansas district, died of pneu
monia at his home here today. He was
C9 years old.
Shortly after going to congress he ac
quired tho title of "The Jaok Rabbit
Statesman," and thereafter was so desig
nated by partisan and opponent.
According to his own story, he gained
the title in the following manner:
Sitting In congress, his full beard be
came the wonder of the page boys. One
day he heard two of the page boys specu
lating as to his politics. Ono page finally
"Let's catch him In the aisle. You stand
In front of him. I'll stand behind and
give him a push. You watoh, and If you
see a jaok rabbit Jump out of his whisk
ers, he's a pop."
Mr. Poters liked tho story and told It
so frequently that It gave him a nickname.
Leading Them On
The National Capital
Saturday, February 14, 1014.
The Senate,
Met at noon.
Continued discussion of a resolution lo
compel the I.gulsvlllo & Nashville. rail
road to furnish certain Information to
the. Interstate Commerce commission.
Adjourned at 2:44 p. in., at nows of tho
death of Senator Bucon, until noon Mon
day. The House.
juol at noon. . i - .
Debated .the .Indian appropriation bill.,.
Naval committee considered 'anooint-
moiit Of a-commission to Investigate the
Buujcji oi a government armor piani.
Adjourned at 3:55 p. in., In respect to
tho memory of tho late Senator Bacon,
until noon Monday.
German Socialists
Attack Olympic Item
in Imperial Budget
1IERUN, Feb. 14,-Tho Imperial Parlia
ment ugulu discussed today tho proposed
appropriation of tfO.OOO for tho Olympic
games to be held hero In 1910. The ap
propriation was rejected by tho budget
commlttco on January 16, but a number
of conservatives, liberals and radical)
Introduced a resolution to restore the
Item to tho budget.
Differences of opinion among the Ger
man turners uppcara to bo the obBtuclo
to tho passing of tho appropriation. Tho
turner organizations dlsapprova 'of the
alleged "American tendencies" within
tho Olympic committee and the'repUtecf
American Ideals of Mport and Its "pros
titution 'In tho chuso for records," wero
criticised by several speakers.
Tho socialists declared during tho de
bate that whllo they wero willing to ap
pioprlato money fur sound sport, they
would not grant a tlnglo penny for the
purposo while tho workmen's gymnastic
sdclctlcs in Gormany were excluded from
its representation on the German
Olympic commltteo and were persecuted
by the pollen.
Dr. Theodoro Lcwald, director of the
ministry of the Interior, strongly advo
cated tho appropriation.
"Germany 1m bound In honor," he tald,
"to return the hospitality Its Olympic
representatives have enjoyed six times,"
Thu final voto which is to be taken
or. February 17, depends largely on the
attitudo of tho clerical party, which was
silent today.
Nine Persons Die,
as BargesFounder
NKW LONDON, Conn., Fob. 14.-Nlne
persons, flvo men and four, women, are
believed to have lost their lives In to
day's blizzard through tho foundering
or a string of four coal barges In Ixing
Island sound off this city, Hope that
tho barges might have survived the
sixty-mile gale was dashed today when
the tug Salvation returned from a vain
eeBrch. Captain George Towno and wife
of the barge Frederick WlUenbrook aro
believed to bo among the lost.
Major Kllno of tho Salvation Army In
dustrial department reports a great fall
ing off In the attendance at tree meals
served at his headquarters. Ho says that
tho bread lino will not bo abolished now,
however, as he still has calls for help
from men who aro unable to work.
Nebraska Wesleyan Glco club will give
a program at the Young Men's Christian
association building Tuesday evening.
The organization Is a large one and con
tains many talented singers and enter
tainers. Tickets were placed on sale
Huerta, Unolc Joe and Boss Murphy
Appear in Cabaret
Colonel IlooseveltSlliBS n t 0,,KJS
titled VTUo Mff Hack" Wll
soil's Trust niul Mexican
Policies SnUrlied.
WASHINGTON, Vob. H. St. Valentino
was the patron' oi tho flrldlron club 'at
Its midwinter dinner tonight and (n wRty
verse, III delicate ntrnln unci In laughter
provoking caricatures sketched by fa
mous cartoonists wero the pet vanities
and foibles of the many distinguished
guests' disclosed for mutual edification.
Tho rahgo of entertainment provided" was
wide, and at ono time or another the
ijlncrs . tv-oro transported to- Santo 1 Do
mingo ahd Moxlco; mudo Interested spec
tators of plcturesqud Inauguration cere
monies and ndmlttal to tho socrets of
tho war on trusts. The favorite policies
of the new administration were exhibited
In such garb as to startlo at times the
authors who were present in person.
A cabaret show comprised n scene of
jollity and care-freo gayety, as presented
by tho "Hand of Hope," the most opti
mistic crowd of hopers ever gotten to
gether, and Introducing performers of
world-wide fame, Including HUerta, Un
cle Joe, The Colonel, Charles Murphy,
Miss Democracy, Mrs. Grundy, Dame
(Continued on Page Two.)
- i
Steamships Locked
mice Off Chicago for
Two Days Released
CHICAGO, Feb. 14.-After a hard strug
gle and 'with' the aid of a tug, the two
steamships that havo been icebound for
twp days within sight ok tho city, early
today .weto freed frcm the floes and
steamed to their docks In tht Chicago
During tho. night the wind shifted,
blowing the Ice packs Into the lake. Plana
had been made to force a passage today
with the aid of dynamite. If that had
failed, an attempt probably would havo
beon made to transfer the passengers
over tha Ico to shore.
The boats,, the Arizona of the Goodrich
Transit company, and tho Kansas of the
Northern Michigan Transportation com
pany, left Milwaukee Wednesday night
and were duo to arrive hero early Thurs
day morning. Kuch boat carried a crew
of about forty men and some passeogera.
No discomforts wero experienced by
th?se on board.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. Feb. 14,-FrIends
of Jerry Malonc, a railway employe, said
to have been sent out ot Springfield
locked In tl)o tool box ot a locomotive,
after a committee of ten fathers had
horsewhipped him for nllegcd Improper
conduct, still were searching for him to
day. The police said no action In the mat
ter would be taken until definite Infor
mation as to Malone's whereabouts could
be gathered.
Members of tho "vigilance committee"
told the police yesterday that Malone.
while out ot work, had been provided
with meals by the wife of a fellow em
ploye of the St. Louis & Han Francisco
shops. They said they put llm In a
locomotive toolbox Thursday night.
"Wo did not Injure him seriously anl
he probably will be heard from fcoon,"
sold a member of the committee today.
"While we were waiting for the loco
motive, we took him Into a store and
built a fire to keep him warm. The tool
At Last Moment it is Decided Not to
Put Senator, on Stand During
Tells of Lending Money to Man Ap
pearing for Plaintiff.
Mrs. Bond Sought to Get Preachers
Interested in Her Case.
Illlntl Defendant Ilelnn Sued for
nttr Thousand Dollars More
Cheerful Tlinny Any Time
Since Trial Started,
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., Feb. 14.-In-
strad of calling Senator Goro to the wit
ness stand when court opened for the
third day's session of tho trial of tho
K0.CO) damage suit brought against the
sonntor by Mrs. Minnie Bond, counsel for
tho defense decided nt tho last moment
to call other witnesses In tho effort to
Jay grounds for the Impeachment of sev
eral of those who testified for the plain
tiff. The first witness today was W F.
Fisher, an Oklahoma City lawyer. Fisher
testified that he had loaned T. E. Robert
son. . tho lawyer, who was present and
witnossed the alleged attack on Mrs. Bond,
9345, and whon Robertson came back from
Washington after the alleged Qoro in
cident, ho demanded that It bo repaid.
Objections by counsel for Mrs. Bond
caused Fisher to be excused nt this point
until Robertson could be recalled and
foundation laid on which to base his ex
amination. Deputy Sheriff Witness.
Deputy Sheriff Kzoll testified about a
conversation he had with Robertson, the
day before tho suit was filed against
Gore. Ho said Robertson told him:
"I have a paper I want you to serve to
morrow." Ezcll asked about It, and he said
Robertson replied:
"Never mind now. You'll know what
It Is when you seo tho headlines In tha
newspapers tomorrbw1. I want you to
sorvo tha papers on a. man who has done
me dirty, It will be sweet revenge for
The noxt day suit against Senator Gore
1b HoU. ' .
Rev. R. D. Llcklldcr, pasW'of Olivet
UaptHt churchy trsUflethFMs. Bond
and her husband and James R- Jacobs
tried to Induce the ministerial alliance ot
this city to make an effort to get thd
case of Senator- Goto before the' United
States senate.
- Member of-Ills' Church.
The witness said Mrs. Bond, accom
panied by 'her husband and Jacobs, at
tended a meeting of the. ministers shortly
after the eplatido In Washington, .and that
xr 1AM.l ,..1,1 , 1. - .1 it n IT r. . t. n .1
4,0. UUlm IUIU III 1 1 1 V uu.w.n ,llu
leged attack. Tho alliance, ho said, after
hearing the statements, voted to have
nothing 'to do with, the case.
Rev. Mr. Llckllder saldMrs. Bond was
a member of his church but that she
had not attended It during the last two
' Attornoy Robertson denied the alleged
conversation with Fisher, but admitted
ho hail gone with Mrs. Bond and James
R, Jacobs before the ministerial alliance.
Fisher was recalled and testified to
bearing Robertson say:
"Wo have a frameup against Gore, and
unless hocomoa across with 5,000 ho
will have to get out of tho race."
C. W. OoUld of Oklahoma City testified
Dr. Karp had told' him "that Gore Was
an old blind tool and woutd have to get
I out of the sonata."
Senator Gore appeared more cheerful
today than at any tlmo since the trial
Met Woman' In Hotel.
Dr. J. O. Newell, marshal for the west
ern district of Oklahoma, who was in
Washington at the trine of tho alleged
occurrence, testified he met Mrs. Bond
In the parlor of her hotel and In reply to
a question as to how she felt, said: "Not
very well, but I have somo strings to
pull on Gore yet."
Newell said he met Dr. Earp last sum
mer In Oklahoma City and Enrp showed
him an Indian paper containing what
purported to bo a long confession from
Senator Gore. Earp. Newell testified,
(Continued on Page Two.)
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